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Registry Editor is an extremely effective Windows utility that allows you to easily change many OS settings, remove programs from startup, get rid of the consequences of a virus attack, and much more. Unfortunately, sometimes the Registry Editor refuses to launch and you see an error message: “Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator”. In this article, we will learn how to unblock the Windows Registry Editor if its launch has been blocked by the administrator or the Registry Editor does not start due to the actions of malware. These methods are suitable for all modern operating systems (Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10).

Unlock the restra editor using the local group policy editor

So, in order to unlock editor registry in Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10, using the Local Group Policy Editor do the following:

1.Press the buttons Win+R(Win is a button on the keyboard with the user logo) and enter the command gpedit.msc

2.Go to the path User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System

3. On the right, select the item: “Deny access to registry editing tools”, right-click and select the item: “Change”

4.Select “Disabled” and save changes.

Most often, you will then gain access to the Windows registry (you may need to restart your computer)

Unfortunately, the Group Policy Editor is not available on “Home” editions of Windows.

Unlock the registry editor using UnHookExec.inf from Symantec.

One of the flagships in the production of antivirus software, Symantec, offers us an easy way to access the Windows Registry Editor. Quite often, viruses, Trojans and other malware change system settings, which can also affect the launch of the Registry Editor. The file below resets these settings, returning them to the original ones. So, download the UnHookExec.inf file to your computer. Right-click on it and select install. The installation will occur without any windows or messages appearing.

Enable the registry editor using the command line or bat file

First, we need to run the command prompt as an administrator. For this:

  • Click “Start – Programs – Accessories – Command Prompt”, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”
  • In Windows 8, press Win+X and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”

At the command line, enter the command:

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /t Reg_dword /v DisableRegistryTools /f /d 0

After executing the command, the registry should be unlocked. If the command line is not available to you, you can try to unlock the registry editor using a bat file. For this:

  • Paste the code above into notepad.
  • Save the file with the extension .bat
  • Right-click on the file and run as “Administrator”. In Windows XP you simply run the file.
  • The Command Prompt window will appear and disappear for a split second. This means the command completed successfully.

Or download and run the ready-made bat file Unblock_regedit.bat

We hope the article helped you open the registry editor - whether opening it is prohibited by an administrator, a virus, or for some other reason.

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“Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator,” you will see this message when you try to open the registry editor if entry into it is prohibited.
This can happen due to a virus or at the request of your network administrator.

If entering the registry editor was blocked by a virus, then before you open access to it, you first need to remove the virus and clean the system.
And if the entrance to the editor has been closed by the network or computer administrator, for example, so that inexperienced users do not spoil the system, then first think about whether you should open access to it.

In this article, I will tell you how to block access to the editor if you need to restrict access to it for other users and how to unblock the registry editor if villains have blocked access to it.

In principle, you can disable and unlock the Registry Editor in one program, so there is no point in writing about this in different articles.

You can prohibit and allow editing the registry in several ways, here are just a few of them.

How to disable editing the registry.

To deny access to the Registry Editor, run the regedit program.
To do this, press the combination Win + R

And enter the command: regedit

The DisableRegistryTools parameter, which is located at the path:


If it has a value of 1, then entry into the Registry Editor will be prohibited.
If it has a value of 0 or there is no such parameter at all, then the entrance to the editor will be open.

If you already have such a parameter, then set it to 1 and close the registry. You won't open it again until you allow access to it.

If you do not have the DisableRegistryTools parameter in the System section, then create it.

In general, if you have never denied access to either the registry editor or the task manager, then you may not even have a System section. So, if there is no System section in the Policies section, then feel free to create it.

Then create a Dword parameter called DisableRegistryTools.

Give it a value of 1

That's it, you have disabled editing the registry.

You can also prohibit editing the registry using the “Local Group Policy Editor” utility. Using this editor you can also allow editing of the registry. The disadvantage of this method is the absence of this editor in initial versions of Windows.

To launch the Local Group Policy Editor, press Win+R and enter the command: gpedit.msc

Then follow the path:

User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Deny access to registry editing tools

If you want to deny access to the Registry Editor, check the “Enable” checkbox.
If your registry editor is already blocked, then in order to unlock it, check the “Not specified” or “Disable” option.

How to unlock the registry editor.

In order to unlock access to the Windows registry, you can use many programs. Alternatively, you can boot from a bootable LiveCD and remove all restrictions by going to the remote registry editor.

I suggest using the AVZ program; you can download it either from the author’s website or from my website. All links. This program must be in the arsenal of every computer user.

Launch the program and go to the path: “File - System Restore”.

Then check the box for item No. 17 – “Unlock Registry Editor”.
After this, access to the registry will be open.

The next way to open access to the registry editor is to edit the registry via the command line.
Press Win+R and enter the command: cmd

In the window that opens, type the command:

REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools

In Windows 7, I couldn’t unlock the registry with this command, even though I ran the command line as an administrator, or not. But it's worth a try, maybe you'll have better luck.

But in Windows XP everything went just fine and access to the registry was open.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to prohibit and allow editing of the registry, so one will definitely help you.
To keep your system in combat readiness, sometimes you need to clean the registry; you will learn how to do this by reading this.
Good luck!

1. Brief Introduction

In this article we will look at what to do if the following message appears when you launch Registry Editor: “”. You will also learn why this message appears, how to eliminate it and prevent it from appearing in the future.

2. Why “Editing the registry is prohibited”

The reason for blocking the Registry Editor in most cases is the operation of viruses on your computer. Often they block the registry editor, which leads to the appearance of the message: “ Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator" The purpose of blocking the Registry Editor is to prevent the virus from being removed by editing the Registry.

You can learn more about the Windows Registry from the article: What is the Windows Registry?

3. Allow editing the registry (for Windows XP)

So, to allow editing of the registry you will need to perform some simple steps. First let's go: startexecute:

The window opened "Running the program". In it, in the line "Open:" enter gpedit.msc and click « OK» . Let's look at the screenshot:

Will open « Group Policy» :

Then click on the folder « Administrative Templates» , in the list that appears, open the folder « System» . Screenshots:

Now we need to find the point and right-click on it and select « Properties» . Let's look at the screenshots:

The window opened "Disable registry editing tools", in it in the tab "Parameter" put the switch in the item "Not specified" or "Disabled" and press « OK» . Screenshot:

The changes must take effect. For this purpose on Desktop right-click and select « Update» or reboot the computer.

Now the registry editor has become available. Message: " Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator"will no longer bother you if you get rid of computer viruses.

Cleaning Windows from viruses

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the reason for the message: “ Editing the registry is prohibited by the administrator"is the work of viruses on your computer. Of course they should be removed. But how to do that? Free antivirus utilities serve this purpose. The best of them is the utility Dr.Web CureIt. You can download it at the end of this article. After you have downloaded Dr.Web CureIt you need to check your computer for viruses. To do this, unzip the downloaded archive and double-click to launch the file cureit. A window will appear:

Click "OK"

Also "OK"

Click "Start". A scan of your computer will begin. After the scan is completed, Dr.Web will provide a report and offer to remove the detected threats.

note: when scanning with the utility Dr.Web CureIt disconnect your computer from the Internet!

If when you try to start Registry Editor(in any way: Start > Execute... > >OK, or \WINDOWS\regedit.exe, or by running reg-files) a window appears "Registry Editor" with a message "Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator", what does this mean?

Typically unable to start Registry Editor talking about possible infection of the system with viruses. The fact is that viruses are “registered” in Windows Registry(in this case, a parameter is created in the section REG_DWORD DisableRegistryTools with meaning 1 ). And so that they (viruses) cannot be uprooted from the system, they make it impossible to launch Windows Registry Editor.


How to make launch available Registry Editor

Even after removing the virus that prevented the launch Registry Editor, it cannot be started. To make it available again, click Start > Execute> in the field Open: enter gpedit.msc >OK > Group Policy > Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > right in the window System double-click the left mouse button on the line (Default state Not specified) call window Properties: Disable registry editing tools > switch installed Included > put Disabled(or Not specified) > Apply >OK.

Close the window Group Policy. For changes to take effect without rebooting PC minimize all open windows (by clicking Collapse all windows on the panel Quick start, or by pressing the keyboard shortcut keys with logo Windows + D), press the key F5(or right click mice on an icon-free surface Desktop, in the context menu that opens, click Update).


1. Group Policy Disable registry editing tools disables use Registry Editor(). If this policy is enabled and the user tries to run Registry Editor, a message will be displayed indicating that the current policy prohibits this action.

2. You can make launch available Windows Registry Editor by running an alternative Registry Editor(for example, by booting from a rescue disk like ERD Commander), In chapter need to find a parameter REG_DWORD DisableRegistryTools and set its value 0 (or remove this parameter completely).

Attention! When working with Windows Registry Editor You should be careful, otherwise you may edit something so bad that you will have to reinstall the operating system!..

3. When the user is working PC shutdown on corporate LAN Registry Editor often done by the system administrator to protect against destructive actions of the user with playful hands! That's why he's a system administrator!..

4. To utility Registry Editor could be launched in Register In chapter regedit.exe "%1"

To information from reg-files could be added to Registry, In chapter The default value of the string parameter should be - regedit.exe "%1"

Viruses sometimes distort these parameters.

How to allow launch Registry Editor by using Command interpreter?.

Even if the launch Windows Registry Editor And reg-files are prohibited, you can make changes to Registry by usingWindows command interpreter .

For example, in order to disable the editing ban Registry:

– click Start -> Run... -> Run program -> cmd -> OK;

– switch (if necessary) the keyboard layout to EN;

– after the system invitation C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>


– click ;

– to the system request that appears Delete the registry value DisableRegistryTools (Y/N)? enter y(which means yes), click ;

– a message will appear Operation completed successfully;

– at the system invitation C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> enter exit (or just close the command shell window).

For Windows XP it will look something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

(C) Microsoft Corporation, 1985-2001.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools

Delete the registry value DisableRegistryTools (Y/N)? y

Operation completed successfully

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>exit


1. To complete this procedure, you must be logged in with an account Administrator or group member Administrators.

2. To delete a parameter DisableRegistryTools forcefully, without additional warning, use the key /f

REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /f

In this case, the request to delete the parameter will not appear; the message will immediately appear Operation completed successfully.

3. For changes to take effect without rebooting PC recommended:

– minimize all windows (by clicking on the button of the same name on Quick Launch Toolbars or by pressing the logo key Windows + D);

– click on a surface free of icons Desktop, select from the context menu that opens Update or just press a key F5.

4 . If a message appears when you try to delete a setting Error: The system could not find the specified registry key or value, then this partition does not exist (you may be trying to delete it again).

5 . If a message appears when you try to delete a setting The system cannot find the specified path, check that the command is entered correctly.

6. Keys Programs for editing the system registry from the command line:

REG<Операция>[List of parameters]


Return code: (except REG COMPARE)

0 – Successful

1 – With an error

To get help for a specific operation, enter: REG /?













REG DELETE<раздел>

<раздел> – Partition name in the format: [\\Computer\]Path

<компьютер> – The name of the remote computer, if omitted, is considered equal to the name of the local computer by default. Only HKLM and HKU are available for remote computers.

<путь> – Full path to the registry key in the form: ROOT\Subkey

<КОРЕНЬ> – Root partition. Values: [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC]

<подраздел> – The full path to the registry key in the selected root partition.

<параметр> – The name of the parameter to be deleted in the specified section. If omitted, all subsections and parameters will be removed from the specified section.

/ve– Delete unnamed parameters.

/va– Request all parameters of this section.

/f– Delete forcibly, without additional warning.

Registry Editor is a useful utility that allows you to change advanced Windows settings, but sometimes when you try, 8, we see the error "". It is caused by virus attacks or prohibited by the system administrator.

Before following this tutorial, scan your PC for viruses. Log in as an administrator to follow the guidelines below.

Enabling the registry through the Group Policy Editor

Note: Computers running Windows 7 Home and Starter Editions 8 do not have access to Group Policy (gpedit.msc). If you are using OS data, skip this method and move on to the next one.

To enable Registry Editor on Windows 7, 8, do the following combination of steps:

1. Create a new text document (.txt), give it a name, and open it.

2. Copy the lines below into it and save:

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /t REG_DWORD /V DisableRegistryTools /F /D 0

3. to the extension (.bat).

4. Right-click on the batch file and run it as administrator. The CMD will blink for a second and then disappear. This indicates successful completion.

5. Log out and log in again.

That's all, one of the ways to make the message disappear " editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator"and will restore the full functioning of Windows. If your OS allows you to use Group Policy, use it first. Otherwise, try one of the other methods to enable Regedit.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter