Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers


How to find out what RAM is in a computer or laptop?

How to find out what kind of RAM is in a computer or laptop? The need to find out what kind of RAM they use arises among users who work or play on an unfamiliar PC or simply were not interested in this parameter before, but for some reason...

4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB - how many do you need?

Reading time 5.5 minutes What amount of RAM is suitable for your tasks? There are still opinions on the Internet from “experts” that installing more than 8 GB into a device is stupid, and that this volume is enough for everything in the world. Is this true for

What to do if your computer freezes?

Have you probably had situations when your computer stopped responding to any of your actions or reacted extremely slowly? I’m sure it happened, just like everyone who sometimes spends their time at the computer. The most common causes of brakes:

What to do with the error reboot and select proper boot device and press a key?

If this error is displayed on the monitor screen when you turn on the computer, then do not panic. There are several possible reasons why it might appear. Accordingly, there are several options for eliminating it. What does this error mean?

Why is the computer system unit noisy and what should I do?

Noise from the system unit is always a bad sign of computer operation. We should get rid of it not only because it irritates our ears, but it can also affect the performance of the computer and also the wear of parts. Today from this article you will

DVD drive does not read discs - problem solution

DVD drive does not read discs - solution to the problem. If yours, don’t rush to run for a new one! For many reasons, disk drives can begin to “stand out.” Perhaps the problem is not in the drive at all. And if the disk drive is to blame, then there are ways to bring it back to life. In this

Causes and solutions

So, what should not be done when the computer freezes, freezes tightly in games, or some program does not close: do not use heavy objects to resuscitate it, do not restart the computer with the Reset button (this is only in the most extreme cases,

Why the keyboard does not work on the computer: possible causes and their solutions

Have you ever had a situation when, while working at your computer, you suddenly noticed that the keyboard refused to type? And it doesn’t matter whether you correspond on social networks or type the most important work in your life: thesis, master’s, or whatever