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If this error is displayed on the monitor screen when you turn on the computer, then do not panic. There are several possible reasons why it might be displayed. Accordingly, there are several options for its elimination.

What does this error mean?

First, let's figure out what the reboot and select proper boot device and press a key error means. Everything is simple here. your computer or laptop. Simply put, he does not know where to load the operating system from. The most common boot device is the hard drive. A little further we will understand why the PC may stop seeing the boot device and what are the options for solving this problem.

Causes and solution:

  • Banal non-contact cables on the hard drive.

This situation can occur because one of the two cables going to the hard drive is disconnected or damaged. You should open the cover of the computer case and visually inspect the condition of these cables. It is advisable to disconnect and reattach them, and do this both from the side of the hard drive and from the side of the motherboard. If you notice that the cables are damaged or broken in some place, they must be replaced.

Solving the problem with the error reboot and select proper boot device and press a key

In a laptop, this situation is impossible, since there are no cables. The laptop connector is located directly on the motherboard.

  • The boot priority setting has gone wrong in the BIOS.

Another fairly common cause of an error is the situation when the boot priority order is lost in the BIOS settings. Or the priority of hard drives when there are several of them installed in the computer.

In this case, you need to check this setting.

To do this, enter the BIOS by pressing F2, Delete, F10 or F12 and set your hard disk drive (HDD) to the first place.

This is what it looks like on AMI:

This is for the BIOS Award:

And this is for modern motherboards with UEFI BIOS:

  • If you have several hard drives installed and one of them contains an operating system. then pay attention to the fact that it is the system disk that comes first in the priorities of hard disks.

  • If, after all the steps taken, the name of the hard drive in the BIOS is displayed (something similar to the previous photo), then something has happened to one or more files responsible for loading the operating system.

And you will have to either restore it or reinstall it. I also recommend checking the hard drive for bad sectors.

  • In the worst case, when the hard drive is not displayed in the BIOS, the latter is most likely out of order and needs to be replaced.

In this article, the most common situations in which an error may appear have been voiced. reboot and select proper boot device and press a key when loading the computer, as well as all sorts of options for solving it.

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