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Why create wiki pages

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! In this article, we will find out what wiki pages are for and step by step how to create them.

Perhaps the main reason why wiki pages are used is to increase the conversion of visitors to subscribers. Below I will give instructions, using which you can increase this indicator by at least 10–15%.

Steps to create a wiki page

First. Copy the following link into the address bar of the browser: XXXXXXX&p= HELLO

Second. Replace characters in the browser line XXXXXXXX to the “public” ID for which we are making a new page. If you don’t know the “public” ID, then in this article I wrote how you can determine it. Next we replace the word HELLO to the name of the page we want to create.

Third. Press ENTER. The browser window should prompt you to fill the new page with content.

Example of creating a wiki page

Let's say we want to create a wiki page for the “public” “Anatomy of a Business”.

2) Change two parameters:

  1. instead of XXXXXXXX set the ID of our “public”;
  2. instead of HELLO write a name for the new page.

3) Press ENTER and get the following result:

4) Make sure that the new page is named as we need it and click the link Fill with content.

5) We will go into editing mode. Here we fill the page with content.

You can place text, photographs, audio and video files on the page and add external and internal links to it.

6) After we have filled the page with the necessary content, click the button Save page.

7) IMPORTANT! Be sure to save links to the created pages on your computer, because they are not saved anywhere in the group.

Some interesting tricks when creating wiki pages

Chip #1
Use motivating words in the title of the wiki page: SUBSCRIBE, REGISTER, JOIN, etc.

Chip #2
At the end of the material posted on the wiki page, motivate people to subscribe to your project. For example: “Did you like the material? Do you want to stay up to date with the latest news? Subscribe to the Anatomy of Business project!” In this case, format the project name as an active link. You can do this using the hyperlink function.

Chip #3
Always use bright pictures in the material.

Chip #4
At the bottom of the page, leave links to the most interesting materials posted in the group.

Chip #5
To get more people to subscribe to your “public”, use these pictures:

This will add loyalty to your project. Just don’t forget to make this picture a hyperlink to your group.

Using all these features, you can significantly increase the conversion of your “public”, and therefore save your advertising budget.

If you have any questions about this topic, you can ask me in the section. For questions about promoting projects on social networks, you can write

If you need to create an article with different font formatting, add illustrations, make a navigation menu or even a mini-site, you can easily do this using wiki markup.

There are 4 instructions here:

  • Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link
  • Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section
  • Creating a wiki page using the service
  • Create a wiki page using the application
  • How to attach a wiki page to a post

Creating a Wiki Page Using a Link

1. In the link http://vk. com/pages?oid=-XXX &p= Page_name replace XXX- on the ID of your public page or group, and Page_name replace with the title of your page (spaces do not have to be replaced with underscores)

3. Edit the page and save the changes.

Creating a wiki page using the "Materials" section

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page in a group

1. We connect the “Materials” section in community management

2. After this, the “Latest News” section will appear on the first screen of the group

3. Go to the “Latest News” section - this is already a wiki page, but if a menu is planned for the group and a separate wiki page is needed, then proceed further:
In wiki markup mode, we write the name of the wiki page in double square brackets and save the result.

4. Go to viewing mode, click on the name of the page - and get to the created page. Fill out and save.
After this, the link on the “latest news” page can be deleted. But in this case, it is better to save the link to the created page.

Creating a wiki page using the service

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

On the page you will see this form:

How to use the form

1. In the first box you need to insert your community ID.

How to find out the community ID

2. Now write the name of your page in the second window and click on the “create page” button - voila, your page is ready! All you have to do is fill it out and save it ;)

Create a wiki page using the application

This method is suitable for creating a wiki page for groups and public pages.

Go to the application

Wiki articles on VKontakte- This groups or public on VKontakte. These are articles written in Wikipedia markup, which is embedded in the VKontakte website engine. This tool allows you to create full-fledged articles, and display them in search query results. Outwardly, these articles resemble the style of articles in the user-generated encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Differences between the wiki article system on VKontakte and creating an article system on your own website

In essence, enable the ability to create and edit Wikipedia articles in or on the page of any group in a few clicks. The main difference is that it is free and high speed with which you can experiment with the built-in wiki engine on the social network. Wiki articles on VKontakte allow you to quickly test how effective the program is Internet resources using articles, as well as assess the value of the promoted product on the Internet. The pros and cons of the wiki article system for promotion are described in more detail in the following sections.

There are also some reasons why it's worth using wiki article systems, and why you shouldn't limit yourself to just public pages and groups if you're experimenting with promotion. Since public pages (and group pages) on social networks are not designed for search, they very quickly jump to the top of the search, but just as quickly disappear from there, since they have no content, and wiki articles allow you to “catch” positions in the search engine issue and not “fly out” from there. This can work especially well for some very advanced areas, such as technical equipment or very specific products. Among sites that only have technical specifications, a more detailed article will easily reach the top. But this applies not only to wiki article systems, but also to all promotion in search.

Advantages of the wiki article system on VKontakte

The main advantages of using articles in Wikipedia markup on a social network can be considered simplicity, ease of use, “no-fuss” for the average user. If a person has not previously dealt with sites, engines and other quirks, then it can take a lot of time to figure out the site engine; articles on VKontakte allow you to save time on all this . Also, the social network immediately solves many problems for you: creating a mobile version of the site, improving the site engine, wiki articles are located at the link with , which is good for promotion, but not always easy to connect to the website engine, integration with a social network: the ability to quickly distribute content, attract not only, but also SMM ( social media marketing) to distribute your products or services on the Internet. Since VKontakte in this case solves many issues for a person, it becomes possible to focus on promotion. If you doubt that a wiki article system is enough for promotion and you don’t have to purchase , and you also don’t have to use the techniques , then you have the opportunity to check that this is not the case using the free wiki article engine. So, let's try to describe in one list the advantages of wiki pages on VKontakte:

  • Easy to connect
  • Social network integration
  • Mobile version of the site
  • The ability to focus on what matters most
  • High response speed of search engines
  • Cyrillic URLs

Disadvantages of the wiki article system on VKontakte

Despite all the advantages, this method also has disadvantages. The main disadvantages are that, like any other free solution, wiki markup is not completely flexible for promotion, from a technical point of view. In Wikipedia markup, some significant rules for promotion in search are simply impossible to follow. These include:

  • Poor indexing of wiki pages by Yandex search algorithms
  • You cannot use web analytics programs such as Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics
  • Can't design pages
  • Wikipedia markup cannot include headings such as H1, H2, etc.
  • You cannot use tools such as
  • You can re-link from all pages to everything, but this list cannot be made drop-down: all links will be visible to the user, and this is not always an aesthetically beautiful solution
  • Canonical links cannot be specified ( rel=canonical)
  • You cannot “force” Google to index a page immediately after creation. This is impossible because in order to add a page to the index in Google’s webmaster tools, you need to prove that you are the owner of the site, and VKontakte is a social network, and not your own site.
  • If you have not only your own public page with wiki pages, but also a website to which you link from wiki pages, then it is not a fact that a search engine will always be able to understand that the link through vk .com /away is a link to your website. In the case of attribution and a link to a profile on Google Plus, Google refused to detect the link on the page.

In principle, these disadvantages are not so significant as to not use the article system on VKontakte. Because in order to test your area and capabilities this is quite enough. Since Google indexes social networks quite quickly, the result of its work can be seen within a month.

Creating a wiki article on VKontakte

At the layman's level wiki–VKontakte markup is usually mentioned as a way to create a beautiful, visually convenient group menu that allows you to create sections and subsections, present a range of products and services, price lists, etc. This requires preliminary work in a graphic editor, where the appropriate visual design of the menu is created. However, it can also be presented in a simple text format.

Make full use of all wiki resources–markings on VKontakte are only possible in a group. The functionality of the public does not allow you to create the menu mentioned above. However,post a wiki– you can publish an article in the public. To do this you need:

  1. Create a link like . WhereXXX is the ID of your public page, and “Page_Name” is any word that will be used to name the page.
  2. After following the link, simply click “Fill with content” and fill out the article.
  3. Don't forget to set "Group leaders only" in the page editing access settings. Otherwise, subscribers will have access to it.

To get started with wiki markup in Group, in the “Community Management” item you must enable “Materials” by checking the appropriate box. After this, the “Latest News” section appears on the main page of the group. This is where you work with wiki markup, create menus and articles.

The process for creating an article is as follows:

  1. When you click the “Edit” button in the “Latest News” section, an editor window appears. In the upper right corner there is a button to enable wiki markup mode.
  2. To create an article, you need to enter its title and enclose it in double square brackets. For example: [[First article]]. Click the Save button. When you return to the menu, you need to refresh the page and then we will see your article.
  3. Click on it and click “Fill with content”.

Thus, you can create many articles, group them into sections and link them. As for directly working with articles, the VKontakte graphic editor allows you to perform the simplest actions (select text, add headings, add photos, videos and hyperlinks) using buttons. More complex manipulations, both inside the article and in the menu (creating tables and sections, various actions with text) are performed using tags. It makes no sense to consider them in detail in this article, since their number is quite large. There are many instructions on the Internet, you can use the group

When administering a community or group on VKontakte, page managers most often suffice with the usual post format, which involves continuous text, video or photo in the form of a gallery with an attached link leading to a third-party site, etc. But sometimes there comes a time when you need to create more formalized material on social media. network, using headings, lists and other design features that are usually inherent in standard pages on information sites. It is also worth considering that many VK users will be happy to read material on social media. network, but will be reluctant to move to another site, in addition, wiki pages can be indexed by search engines, which will attract visitors to the community who can subscribe.

In order to create a VKontakte wiki page, you need to copy the following URL into the address bar:

change “XXX” to the id of your public or group, change “Example_title” to the title of your future article and press Enter. Now the page has been created, and you can start filling it out by clicking on the “Fill with content” button.

Once the page is ready, you can publish it in a community or group post, indicating the address of the material without the ending “?act=edit”. When the page is pinned to the post, erase the URL, the link will still be active and will not disappear. If you attach a wiki page and a photo to a post at the same time, then when you click on the photo, your material will open.


1) Access to the page

In the lower right corner of the page you created there is a “Page Access” button, where you can specify who will have access to the page for viewing and editing. By default, editing is available only to administrators, which is not recommended to change, since your guests will most likely not miss the opportunity to make their own, sometimes not entirely useful, contribution to the material.

2) Save the address of the wiki page you created

After creating a wiki page, do not forget to copy the address of the material; this information is not saved anywhere in the community. If you create materials in a group, you can see them when editing the “Latest News” section by highlighting the title and clicking “Add link.”

3) After creating a page, the title of the material can no longer be changed

When creating a wiki page, specify the correct title of the material in the URL “Title_example”, it will be the title of your page, which cannot be changed.

Thousands of new public pages are created every day on the social network VKontakte. Imagine how many of them are created per month or per year. Imagine how many public pages are already being administered at the present time. To successfully promote each of them, a beautiful avatar and a large number of posts on the wall are not enough. To interest people and “make” them stay on the pages of your community, you need something specific.

Absolutely every community can be made more interesting by filling it with useful and interesting information to read. But what to do with it? Just throw it on the wall and hope it goes away? The answer is not correct. The best way to help with this is wiki pages.

Wiki pages are truly something special. After all, thanks to them, you can not only upload interesting materials to the community, but also design them in such a way that the user himself wants to jump from page to page. Not many people know that thanks to wiki pages, and also due to which they are so named - wiki markup, you can build a full-fledged website from a public VKontakte page, since the user has all the tools to create new pages, links between them and even graphic design.

But even fewer people know how to create wiki pages on public VKontakte pages. We are already in the process of creating internal pages in VKontakte groups and everything connected with them. The situation with public pages is similar, but the process of creating new pages is somewhat different from the method of creating them in groups. Therefore, the case with publics needs to be considered separately, and this is what this manual is dedicated to.

Creating wiki pages in public:
When creating pages in public pages, you do not need to use wiki markup, as is done in groups. We just need to manually generate a special link that will take us to the section for creating a new page. And in order to generate the necessary link, you just need to know the identifier (ID) of your community:

After that you need to follow a link like this:

Where is the line xxxxxxxxxxx is the community ID, and pagename– the name of the page where it will be accessible. The name may include Latin letters, numbers and even some symbols, for example, the dash sign "_".

Let's assume our community ID is 84747051 , and we decided to name the page testpage. Then the link will look like this:

Fill the page with the necessary information:

After creation, the page will look like this:

So, we created a new page in the public. Be sure to set permissions to edit the page so that unauthorized users cannot make any changes. To view and change editing rights, visit the "Page Access" section on the content editing page of the created wiki page:

Ready. The page has been created and permissions have been set. The most important thing left is to create a link to the page so that it opens in a window (that’s why they are wiki pages). To do this, create the following link:

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter