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The television program "Wait for me" is a program that is watched in almost every home. It owes its unprecedented popularity, first of all, to its great mission - the search for people who disappeared decades or months ago, and were unsuccessfully sought by their relatives, is certainly noble and necessary thing. The search for people in the program is carried out not only with the help of television; there is an extensive wait for me database, which contains thousands of requests to search for people by last name, photo, first name and various signs.
Finding a person by full name greatly simplifies the task: by going to the official website of Wait for Me and registering, anyone can leave a request to search for people by last name and photo. In addition, the program portal makes it possible to check whether they are looking for you by entering your personal data. The official website of Wait for Me is not only a database of missing people, but also news, communication and articles on the search topic. The most obvious demonstration of the effectiveness of the transfer is the lists of those found, which the official website publishes daily.
Happy faces and tears of joy of people who have found each other are what millions of our compatriots turn on to Wait for Me.
It comes out at a very convenient time for everyone. Starts at 19-00. Every Monday everyone rushes to their TV screens to watch the next episode of the program Wait for Me, Search for People, to see how many find each other. Moreover, it is completely free. Although it is broadcast once a week, a large database of names and surnames of those who have already been found has already been collected.
The program is shown on ORT channel 1. The program Wait for Me, Search for People, is released with the support of the TV company Vid. The official website of which. There you will find any information you need for the search. Or do it yourself, using a tool - a database of names and surnames in which you can search for yourself. It also has a very informative forum. To use it and learn anything about finding people in Wait for Me, you need to register. It's quite simple and even the most novice user can do it. There you will also learn how the database works on the program’s official website.
Who is leading it? And two are leading her famous person, theater and film actors. They are permanent, from the very beginning of the launch of the program they wait for me to find people, and evoke sympathy among the audience. Despite the fact that the database of names and surnames found is huge, they probably remember all of them.
How can I submit a search request? This can be done on the official website of the Wait for Me program, follow the instructions on it. And also leave a request to search for people, writing as many details as possible - first name, last name, city of residence in a tent, at the Kazansky railway station. And also, just watch the TV show, it also talks about this. We remind you that the Wait for Me program searches for people for free and does not require remuneration.
If you want to clarify something, visit the official website of the program, where you can familiarize yourself with a large database of surnames, as well as chat on a thematic forum. This program, The best decision to search for people. Program website

Good day everyone!

Still, our country has a difficult fate: revolutions, wars, devaluations with crises - all this leaves its mark... And very often in these not simpler times We lose contact with people close to us.

It would seem that this is the 21st century - the century computer technology, where the Internet is everywhere and everyone can create a page on social media. networks (so that he and he can be found). However, this does not completely solve the problem...

On my own behalf, I will add that there is probably not a single person who would not like to find and talk with: an old friend, acquaintance, relative, former neighbor, etc., contact with whom has long been lost. Social networks do not always help to do this. This is probably why the program “Wait for Me” is so popular.

In this article I will address the question of how to find out who is looking for you in the “Wait for Me” program and how to look for someone there yourself. So...

Note: all first and last names in the article below are random coincidences. The author of the article is not looking for these people.

Let's look at those who are looking for in "Wait for Me"

1) First, open the website of the “Wait for Me” program by clicking on the link above. You can also just copy the link into your browser's address bar and press Enter.

Note: you can enter at least in capital letters, even small ones (case is not important).

3) Next, you will see a list of found people (as a rule, the more popular the last name/first name, the more more people in the list). If there are too many people found (for example, 672, like mine), then it is advisable to first filter the list: to do this, you can indicate the person’s age and gender (for some reason the site cannot automatically determine gender, which is strange...).

Note: try not to set the age too precisely - take the bar ± 5 years. Because other people who entered the person into the search database may not have known his exact age and entered approximate numbers.

Important! If you did not find a query like “Ivanov Alexander” (i.e. in a query in Cyrillic), try writing your first and last name in Latin. For example, “Ivanov Alexandr”.

To start searching for a person on the "Wait for me" website , you first need to register. The "Registration" button is located in the top menu of the site, on the right.

Fill out the form with reliable information and in detail - the result of your search will depend on this (the fact is that on the site you can see who is looking for a person and contact him using the contacts they provide. That is, let’s say, in a year or two, with You may be unexpectedly contacted and pleased that your person has been found!).

To create a profile, click the "Search" button. In the search application, provide as much information as possible about the person you are looking for, and check that the questionnaire does not contain errors. One mistake in the year or name - your search could be slowed down by years (unfortunately)...

About TV shows

By the way, the site has a very convenient and good opportunity - to watch all the “Wait for Me” TV shows that aired on TV screens. True, this requires high-speed access to the Internet, which is not yet available everywhere (however, development in this direction in our country is proceeding by leaps and bounds, and now, even in many regional centers, the Internet is quite fast).

To watch the episode: click the button "Look" and select the desired gear. There is a convenient filter for searching: you can specify the release date (including the approximate one) of the program.

Note: if the video is not shown, errors are shown, etc. Most likely, the problem lies in Adobe Flash Player, try reinstalling/updating it - .

PS: the article is aimed at beginner users.

I hope, if it doesn’t help, it will at least tell you where and how to start searching for a person.

Our life path is long and unpredictable. We are born, we study, we work, we find our soul mates, we leave our homes to go far away to conquer new heights in life. Those people, without whom we previously could not imagine our lives, are lost somewhere behind, at the crossroads of life, the memory of them is erased, the periods spent together are forgotten, and only photographs yellowed by time remind us of those who previously formed the basis of our lives. And only years later, in moments of nostalgia, we remember them and strive to find familiar features among millions of faces alien to us. Invaluable assistance in such searches is provided by the social project “Wait for me,” known to viewers from the television program of the same name on the NTV channel. Below we will look at how to find out who is looking for me in Wait for me on the official website, and how to work with this resource.

Where can I find new episodes of “Wait for Me”?

The basis of the television program “Wait for Me,” known to readers, was the Soviet radio program “Looking for a Man,” which aired on Mayak radio from 1964 to 1973. Only in 1988, with the release of the program “Looking for You” on the RTR television channel, the project received a television format and began to develop rapidly. Since then, the program has changed the channel and name more than once, and now appears on the NTV channel under the name “Wait for me.”

Nowadays the television project “Wait for me” is airing on the NTV channel

Over the years of its existence, the project has helped find more than 200 thousand people. The program acquired volunteers, connections with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, acquired an international character, and even its own newspaper. Users also have access to the website of the “Wait for Me” program, which can help in finding the people we need. We will consider the features of working with it further.

How to find out who is looking for me in Wait for me on the official website

The television program “Wait for Me” receives letters every day from thousands of people searching for loved ones lost in the vicissitudes of life. The project database now includes more than 2.5 million requests for people search, constantly being updated with new requests. Here you can not only see if anyone is looking for you, but also leave a request to find the people you need (you will need to register on the resource).

How to find out who is looking for you on “Wait for me”? Go to the website, enter your first and last name in the search bar, then click on “Search”.

The system will give you all the applications available in the database for your search.

If the number of applications found is large (this may be due to the prevalence of the first and last names entered), then you can use the advanced search function, which will filter out requests that are not relevant to you. The advanced search function allows you to select age ranges, gender, and also search by the number of a previously submitted application to search for a person.

Advanced search on the “Wait for me” website

How to search for a person on “Wait for me”

If you yourself want to find a person on “Wait for me,” then you will need to register on the specified resource

In addition to creating a search request, you will be able to communicate with the editors of the TV show “Wait for Me” through your Personal Account. During this time, find out that they are looking for you, and also become a volunteer of the project yourself.

  1. After registration, go to your Personal Area, and click on the “Search” inscription.
  2. Fill in the information about the person you are looking for, and within a couple of minutes your application will appear on the website.

After 2 days, volunteers will begin work on the search, and if the result is successful, they will notify you via the website or by phone.

Search group in VK

In addition to the Wait for Me site, digital search options also include the Wait for Me group in social network"In contact with"

“Wait for Me” can be considered, without exaggeration, one of the best television programs of our time. Its name is inspired by a poem by Konstantin Simonov, in which he writes about faithful and devoted expectation. You probably remember him. This poem is about the most important thing: you should never lose hope, no matter what happens. You need to believe to the last and not give up under any circumstances. This great hymn to Hope, sung by a front-line soldier, still inspires us and gives us strength.

Program of the same name

How much soul is invested in these two words: “Wait for me”... Are they looking for me - this is the main question that many people ask.

Therefore, let's return to the program of the same name. What can you say about her? This TV show made many people cry while sitting in front of the screen. Each story touches to the depths of the soul, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. A real drama unfolds before the eyes of the audience, and not a fictional one, but a very real one. The realization that all this is actually happening has a strong impact on people.

Not entertainment, but useful work

"Wait for Me" stands out among the many empty and stupid shows, this program is truly useful. It was created not for entertainment, but for real help to people. Just think: over the entire history of the program, several thousand people have already been discovered. Yes, from such a large number of those found, one could create a separate city and call it “The Abode of Happy People.” Just imagine these joyful families who managed to reunite again. Fathers and sons, grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchildren, nephews, lovers - they are all grateful to the program for the happiness it has given them.

Success and popularity

The TV show was truly a huge success, and high ratings are far from the main indicator.

The best evidence of universal recognition is that a huge number of people turn to “Wait for me.” “Are they looking for me?” - they ask the program staff. How happy many are to know that people once dear to them are looking for them...

Impressive numbers

Over the entire history of the project, the editor has received over 250,000 letters asking for help in finding loved ones. And so a large number of the appeals are not surprising, because many citizens of our country were lost due to the collapse of the USSR, wars, exile and other historical events. Currently, there are also many reasons that contribute to the separation of people. But there are caring citizens who are ready to help in the search and provide support.

Computer database, newspaper and kiosk

Currently, the project is a unique electronic database created specifically for the resource, which has brought together people from Russia, as well as countries far and near: they are all ready to help.

The number is growing more and more, currently their number has already exceeded 500. There is also a newspaper “Wait for me”. “Are they looking for me?” - many people ask themselves and look into this publication to find out. In the newspaper you can see many notices about the search. Not everyone knows that at the Kazansky railway station in the capital there is a kiosk where you can go to submit a wanted notice or ask for help, which will be provided urgently.

The TV show can be considered a symbol of the restoration of broken ties. It is carried out through television, the Internet and print media. People first ask the question: “How do I know if they are looking for me?”, and then, completely by chance, they receive an answer from some source.

Prevalence in provinces

Thanks to the available electronic database the “Wait for Me” project has penetrated into many provincial cities and towns: local television programs, radio stations and newspapers there disseminate information about missing persons.

This fact cannot but rejoice, because in the outback people also often get lost.

How to use

From all of the above, we can conclude that the “Wait for Me” project is the most successful and useful program of all those available on our television. It helps even those who were lost twenty or even thirty years ago to be found. But the program, unfortunately, is quite short, and everyone will not fit in. To whom should I address the question “Are they looking for me?” The official website will give you the answer to it. Just go to - this is the simplest and effective method search.

Advanced Search

If no queries are found, please use the advanced search. He himself will open up to you if there is nothing in the ordinary.

The resource offers several versions of advanced search. For example, you can simply enter the application number in the window (but this is unlikely to be possible, since you don’t even know whether it has been created or not). The most optimal is the second version. You ask yourself: “Is anyone looking for me?” You can easily check this. You will need to enter your first and last name in separate windows (for some reason there is no line for the middle name), indicate your gender and date of birth, and then mark how you want to sort the received data - by last name or by the date when the application was submitted.

The third version is quite interesting - a person searches for stories that were broadcast on television. It is necessary to note in what period of time the program with a mention of your person was supposedly shown. You need to enter the date and time of the start and end of the TV show, and then select from the list the state where it was broadcast.

You no longer need to rack your brains and ask yourself the idle question: “Are they looking for me on the Internet?” Now you can easily check this. The list contains several countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China and Armenia.

How to apply?


Unfortunately, almost every person is familiar with one misfortune - the loss of contact with people close to him: good acquaintances, friends, relatives. Despite the fact that now is the century information technologies, finding the right person is not so easy...

This is probably why a national service for mutual search for people appeared in Russia - “Wait for me” (also on TV screens there are programs of the same name, in which, by the way, you can see people who are wanted).

It’s clear that showing everyone who is wanted on TV is simply impossible; there won’t be enough airtime! That is why there is a website where you can find information of interest, and that is what this article will be about.

The article is intended more for novice users...

Step-by-step instructions: how to see who is looking for you in “Wait for me”

Website address:

Let's consider all the actions in order.

1) First we dial in address bar browser address of the site “Wait for me” ( or follow the link of the same name (see just above in the article under the title).

2) Right in the center of the screen (location search string may vary slightly depending on the browser) - there will be a search form. In the form you need to fill in the last name and first name of the person you are looking for (in in this case your first and last name), then click the “find” button (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Wait for Me - National Mutual People Search Service

3) If people are found according to your request, you will see a list of all those who are wanted. Perhaps you will be among them... By the way, in addition to the last name and first name, the person’s date of birth and the text of the person who is looking for him are also displayed.

Some profiles may still be under moderation, so there will be no description for them.

4) If the last name and first name of the person you are looking for are very common (Petrov, Ivanov, Sidorov, etc.) - then it is possible that the search will simply return a huge database of wanted people. To clarify your search criteria, you can use the search form on the left in the site column (left sidebar):

Indicate the date of birth (at least estimated, range);

Gender of the person;

Select the sorting type (see Fig. 3).

5) By the way, I’ll give you one little piece of advice. You can write your last name and first name in both capital and small letters - search engine not case sensitive. But the choice of language is very important! Therefore, first look for the right person in Russian, and then, if you don’t find it, try entering his first and last name in Latin into the search (sometimes it helps).

I also want to add. If you are looking for a person, you can leave your application on the “Wait for Me” website. To do this, you need to register on the website and then submit an application: the more accurately and more information you provide about the person you are looking for, the greater the chances of success (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Leave a request

This concludes the article. It would be nice to never, ever, lose anyone or anything...

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