Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Basic information

Odnoklassniki (OK.RU) is a social network, the Russian analogue of the Classmates website. It is used to find classmates, fellow students, former graduates and communicate with them. In Odnoklassniki you can create your own page, add personal information and your photos there. And that’s not all: you can invite friends, send each other private messages, play games, join interest groups, give each other gifts-pictures and, of course, watch news from friends and in groups.

To quickly enter Odnoklassniki there is Login - an excellent start page:

By connecting Odnoklassniki to the Login (it takes five seconds) and making VHOD.RU the start page in your browser, you will always see this block with the latest information:

To enter Odnoklassniki, just click on any place in this rectangle. And if you click, for example, on the word “Guests,” then Odnoklassniki will immediately open on a page that lists all the guests who visited your page. Your home page will look something like this:

If you are not yet registered in Odnoklassniki, it is not difficult to do so. We have prepared special step-by-step instructions: “Registration in Odnoklassniki”. She will help you register and also tell you the fastest and most convenient way to log in.

How to log into

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a site that you have visited before, including For example, you always visited the site from your home computer, where it is set as the start (home) page, added to “Favorites”, in general, is in the usual place, then when you find yourself on another computer (at a party, on vacation), you can get confused.

And the easiest and fastest login is the “Login” start page.

Is it possible to log into Odnoklassniki without a login and/or password? We explain in this instruction: Odnoklassniki without a login and password - how?

Login to the Odnoklassniki website

To quickly access the Odnoklassniki website, its main page, a start page “Login (VHOD.RU)” has been created. From here you can log in not only to Odnoklassniki, but also to Contact, Facebook, Mail, Moy Mir, Small World, free dating - in general, to all popular sites. By setting VHOD.RU as your start page, you can access any site with one click. Try it - it's convenient and free.

What to do if you can’t log into Odnoklassniki?

We have collected basic tips and ways to solve problems with logging into Odnoklassniki in the article “Not logged into Odnoklassniki? Solution! " She will definitely help you.

If you want to find out if the Odnoklassniki website is working right now, use the check function: What happened to Odnoklassniki? Checking if the site is currently working. The check is performed very quickly, almost instantly.

How to log into Odnoklassniki without registration?

Odnoklassniki is designed in such a way that you cannot log into the site and use it without registration. After all, people sit there under their real names, and the site should somehow distinguish them from each other. Otherwise, it would just be a bunch of people without names - then how can you figure out where your friends are? Therefore, everyone registers on the site.

Most likely, you are already registered in Odnoklassniki, and just want to find an entrance to the site.

My Odnoklassniki page is a personal profile of each user, which contains information and photographs indicated about him. Available for viewing by certain lists and groups of persons created by the user in the settings.
You can go to Odnoklassniki to your page below.

How to open a personal page?

The importance of a profile page can hardly be overestimated, because in addition to its initial task, it allows the user to appear before virtual friends in all their glory, talk about their own interests, preferred music, interesting videos or photos. Do you want to have your own online blog? There is no simpler service, because with the help of an account on a social network, you can tell your friends or acquaintances about your personal experiences, emotions or interests.

  1. Each user has an individual page on which his personal data is displayed. They are available for viewing by all users, even those who have not registered on the network. We recommend posting only the data you want to show to strangers.
  2. The “Guests” section shows users who visited the page. Not all guests will be displayed in this list, those who use will not be displayed in it. Displaying guests is one of the features of this social network.
  3. The most popular sections: messages, alerts, ratings and guests. The top panel shows the person’s first and last name and other data (age, country, city and other information).

If your login information is not saved in the browser when you click “Remember Me,” you will need to enter it each time you log in. Usually, all passwords are saved, and to log in it will be enough to open a tab and log into Odnoklassniki on your page.

My page in Odnoklassniki - Login

To go to “My Page” in Odnoklassniki, you can use the link:

The Odnoklassniki website is not working, what should I do?

Odnoklassniki "My Page" login

Here you can see personal information that is open for viewing: first and last name, city and date of birth, marital status. When you first enter the page, you will see a simple menu in the top panel; it is considered the main menu and contains the main sections: messages, discussions, notifications, friends, guests, events, music. By clicking on an item from the additional menu, you can get acquainted with all the information of interest in more detail.

By clicking on any additional menu item, you can view all the information in detail:

  • The “Friends” tab will show your acquaintances, friends and relatives;
  • "Photos" contains personal albums;
  • On the left you will see your profile photo, which is called an avatar on the Internet, and a function button for adding personal photos;
  • The right side of the page is informational. Possible friends are shown here. A social network that helps you find new friends by providing tips;
  • On the right side of the page there is a list of friends who have recently logged in. You can always be familiar with the list of which friends are currently online;
  • On the right are all the upcoming events that will take place in your environment, as well as your communities.

How to log into your profile? This can be done if you are already registered on a social network. You can immediately set it as the start page in your browser. Use the widget to instantly log into “My Page” on the Odnoklassniki social network. Or “Bookmark” this page.

What is on your personal page on Odnoklassniki?

The face of your page is your avatar. Use a beautiful photo; you can change or edit it by hovering over your avatar with the mouse and selecting the desired function.

If you can’t imagine your life without social networks, and you are interested in the social network Odnoklassniki, my page: login without login and password, Login instantly and without problems Our recommendations will help you.

On Odnoklassniki today more than 300 million people are registered. This means that every 22 inhabitants of our planet are a user of this popular social network. With such active traffic, the likelihood of finding relatives and acquaintances through Odnoklassniki increases every day. Therefore, proper use of social networks allows you to maintain established connections and make new acquaintances.

However, it is not communication alone that makes the social network Odnoklassniki my page beautiful: Odnoklassniki my page, which can be entered without a login and password, has a wide range of services and media entertainment that can make your life more active, vibrant, interesting, and attractive. We are offering to you one of the easiest ways.

As you can see, the first authorization makes it possible to open my page next time without a login and password. However, this doesn't always work. For example, you pressed the button in Odnoklassniki Go out, or they did it for you.

You could also, for example, clear the browser cache, update the system, reinstall the browser or simply “catch” the virus. In this case, you will have to enter the data again. Also, problems with logging into the page occur when a computer or laptop has 2 users who use the same browser. And everyone wants to open their own Odnoklassniki page without a login and password. Two separate browsers will help to reconcile such users, in which each person’s personal pages will be authorized.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Users often come up with the following problems: “I can’t open Odnoklassniki”, “can’t access the page”, etc. If you're used to go to OK via browser, then you may not remember your password. Fortunately, the system will help you restore your login to my Odnoklassniki page.

  1. Enter the information you definitely remember: phone number, email address, login or link to profile.
  2. Next, follow the instructions: if you entered an address or phone number, you will receive message with code, which you need to enter.
  3. If you do not have access to contact information, please contact support.

When you receive all the data necessary for recovery, you can open your long-awaited page. To do this, you will have to come up with a new password and enter it, to be sure, twice, but your triumphant entry to odnoklassniki will be saved!

You can open ok without such Herculean efforts; the problem may be hidden in small details that are invisible at first glance. For example, user enters a password on the Russian keyboard or I forgot to turn off Caps Lock. It is important that the password is not too simple, otherwise some stranger may accidentally “remember” it.

On the other hand, if you choose a complex password, you run the risk of forgetting it yourself, so write it down in a notepad or use a password saver (for example, RoboForm program). This program will allow you to open my page without a password, since you can automatically fill in the login information for a particular account.

Login to Odnoklassniki using autofill

All modern browsers support the function of remembering data entered into the form, including login and password information. For safety reasons, it is recommended connect your profile to the browser, storing data in the cloud. The Chrome browser automatically includes a Smart Lock feature designed specifically for storing passwords.

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Go to Settings(top right corner).
  3. Select an option from the list Additional.
  4. Looking for a section Passwords and forms and click Configure.
  5. We enable a function that allows you to save passwords and credentials for logging into accounts.
  6. Enable the option Automatic login and log into sites and applications associated with your Google account.

Thanks to synchronization, you will always have access to your profile and will be able to log in to your Odnoklassniki page without a login and password. This can be done at any time and from any device on which the same browser is installed.

Odnoklassniki is the favorite social network for many. And today we will tell you how to get into your profile, and also look at the main sections of the menu. So, you can enter the page from the main page of the site (now, where you will need to enter your username and password. True, first you need to register there, if you haven’t done so before, of course.

In the login field you need to enter your email address, which you indicated during registration, your mobile phone number (can be used as a login after linking it to your profile) or the login that you should have also created during registration on the site. If for some reason you have forgotten your login or, for example, linked your number to another page, then you will have to restore your login by contacting the Odnoklassniki support service.

Your login and password must be entered into the appropriate fields, which you can find on the Odnoklassniki main page, but only if you have not been authorized. Here they are:

We also recommend paying attention to other interesting points. If you check the box next to “Remember me”, then next time you log in you will not need to enter your username and password. You should not check this box if you access your page from someone else’s computer - so that its owner will not be able to visit your page in your absence.

In addition, there is a “Forgot Password” link, which allows you to recover your password and even login if you have forgotten/lost them, as well as the letter G, short for Google Plus. Yes, you can now log in to Odnoklassniki using your Google account.

Why approximately? Because the menu sections may differ slightly, and each user has their own avatar (main photo). However, this does not change the essence.

In the upper right part of the window you can find the “Help” section, which contains answers to frequently asked questions, the “Exit” button, a button for selecting a language, a search bar and an additional menu that opens when you click on the user’s avatar.

A little to the left is a menu where additional sections are indicated. Here they are:

Messages. Here, as you might guess, are messages that you write and that come to you from other people. When you click on the corresponding section, a window with correspondence opens.

Discussions. Here you can see how your friends discussed this or that event (for example, the birthday of another friend of yours).

Alerts. This menu shows a variety of notifications, ranging from online games to adding to your friends list.

Friends. Opens the list of friends.

Guests. Here you can see all those social network users who have visited your page over the past 30 days. After this time, all profiles are automatically removed from the list. The exception is the invisible ones - they are no longer shown in the guests section.

Events. You can see all the ratings and classes that were given to you by one user or another.

Music. Service for listening to music. It is free, you cannot download songs, you can only listen to them while on the site. However, some of them can already be purchased. What the section looks like:

Video. As you might guess, in this section you can see a huge number of all kinds of videos. In addition, you can now watch live broadcasts on Odnoklassniki.

Ribbon. A news feed where you can learn a lot of new things from the lives of your friends, as well as news from groups, communities, etc.

Friends. This is a list of all your friends.

Photo. This is where your photos and photo albums are stored. You can delete them, edit them, or add new images at any time.

Groups. All communities where you are a member are shown. Including those that belong directly to you (or rather, those that were created by you. In addition, this section shows current communities.

Games. Online gaming service. There are a lot of games for every taste and age.

Notes. All statuses and notes that were present on your page are stored here. They are not deleted, but moved to this section, from where they can finally be deleted.

Present. The section shows the gifts you have received, as well as gifts that can be given to other Odnoklassniki users.

Additional menu items are hidden under the “More” button.

Payments. Money transfers to friends and family, payment for various functions on the site, etc.

Forum. A kind of conference where any of your friends can leave you a message. You can write on it yourself about anything.

Holidays. This section allows you to see your friends’ holidays and add your own.

Bookmarks. This section is intended for adding interesting people, groups, topics, etc. there.

About Me. In the “About Me” section, you can add something interesting about yourself, such as your favorite book or movie. In addition, here you can change some of the data, including city of residence, date of birth, email address, etc.

Black list. The section contains all user accounts that you have ever added to the emergency situation (blocked).

Auctions. Here you can exchange your earned points for paid services.

Settings. Section with all basic settings.

Design themes. In this section you can choose a theme to suit your taste. Below is a small fragment of an example.

Please note that in the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki application the menu is located differently:

So we have analyzed the main sections of your Odnoklassniki page. It is also worth noting that under the central menu you will find a feed where news from your friends, groups and communities is published, for example:

And of course, we can’t forget about the user’s main photo or so-called avatar - it can be changed at any time.

Social network Odnoklassniki is the most popular site for communication and dating on the Russian-speaking Internet. It is also briefly called OK, OD or ODD. You can access this social network through the address or

Social network Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki (OK) is a free entertainment site for finding friends and relatives. Here they are looking for classmates, fellow students, army buddies, work colleagues. They also correspond, exchange photos, and make video calls.

Immediately after registration, the user is assigned a personal page. Information about places of study is added there: school, college, university. Using this data, you can find people who studied in the same place and at the same time.

Example of a personal page on Odnoklassniki

How to open my page (login to OK)

Logging into Odnoklassniki on a computer (laptop) is done through an Internet program. This could be Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

In the top line of the program, in a new tab, type the address in English letters

Then press the Enter key on the keyboard. Immediately after this, either the main page of the site or your personal profile will open.

Note: many people access Odnoklassniki not through the official website, but from the Yandex or Google search engine. This is wrong because this way you can accidentally end up on a fraudulent site.

If the main page opens, then to access my page, you need to enter your login and password in the upper right square and click on the “Login” button.

Login and password are the data that were assigned during registration. The login usually matches the cell phone number to which the profile was opened. A password is a set of English letters and numbers. The user assigned it to himself during registration.

If this data is entered correctly, your personal page in Odnoklassniki will load. This is the entrance to the social network - now the website can be fully used.

If you can't log into your profile. Then the site will display an error that the login and/or password is entered incorrectly. The simplest solution: recover your password. To do this, click on the inscription “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.

You can log in to your page not only using your login and password, but also through Google mail, or a page on the social network Facebook. But this is only possible if you registered it with this account.

★ That is, if the page was registered through Google, then you need to enter it through Google. And if it was opened using a login/password, then you can only enter it using your login and password.

What to do if you have problems logging in. There are different problems: someone cannot get to their page, while for others, another person’s profile appears instead. And for others, the site does not open at all. Each of these problems has its own causes and solutions. To understand them, please read the instructions.

How to register a new profile

You need to register a new profile if you are not yet on Odnoklassniki. That is, you do not and never have had your own page on the site.

If you already have an account but just can't get into it, you don't need to register again. Otherwise, you will lose all downloaded photos, correspondence, achievements in games and other data. It’s better to try restoring your old profile via Customer Support.

1 . To register a new profile, open the website and in the window on the right side click on the word “Registration”.

2. Type your mobile phone number with the operator code and click “Next”.

3. An SMS message with an authorization code is sent to the specified phone number. We print this code on the website.

If the code is entered correctly, the site assigns a login. This is such a unique entry number. It matches the phone number.

4 . We assign ourselves a password to log in. It must consist of English letters and numbers. At least six characters.

It is advisable to write down both your login and password in a safe place. This is your data from the page and it may be useful in the future - if you suddenly have problems logging in.

Immediately after assigning a password, a new page opens, where after a second or two a window pops up. There you need to indicate your first name, last name, date of birth and gender.

How to use the site

Now I will show you how to fill out the page - add places of study, upload photos, find friends and relatives. But first, let’s briefly talk about what’s on the site.

Brief overview of the full version

The main menu is an orange stripe at the top of the site.

The most important sections have been added to the main menu of the computer version of the site:

  • Messages - all personal correspondence is saved here.
  • Discussions - public correspondence goes here. For example, if you commented on something on a friend’s page, then your message and replies to it will be stored here.
  • Notifications - notifications from the site go here. For example, if someone sent you a gift or invited you to a group.
  • Friends - a list of people you have added as friends.
  • Guests - a list of people who visited your page.
  • Events - likes and reposts of your posts are shown here, that is, positive ratings of your photos and notes.
  • Music - through this button you can listen to music.
  • Video - popular videos are published here.
  • Search is a special part for searching for people in Odnoklassniki.

When something new happens on your page, such as a message or friend request, the buttons are marked with a green circle.

You can always return to your page through the menu. To do this, just click on the inscription “Odnoklassniki”.

Extra menu- a small white stripe above the main menu.

On the left side of this menu there are sections of the website. main page, mail, My World, Dating and other Mail projects.

On the right side there is a change of language, help on the site and exit from your page.

Filling out your profile

A profile or personal page is your place on the Odnoklassniki website, your personal account. Here you provide information about yourself and upload photos. The profile stores all correspondence, games, gifts and everything else that is on the site.

Filling out your profile is an important and responsible matter. After all, based on the information you enter, people will look for you on the site. Now I will show you how to properly set up your profile.

1 . Click on your first and last name.

2. Click on "Edit personal information".

3. Click on “Edit personal information” again.

A window will appear containing basic information. Check that everything is entered correctly and correct if anything is wrong.

If you previously had a different last name, enter it in parentheses.

4 . Click on "Add a place of study".

A window will appear to indicate places of study and work. Through this window, add the information by which you want to search for friends or be found by them.

For example, I studied at two schools in different cities. I studied in one for a short time and I don’t want to communicate with anyone from it. So, I simply don’t indicate this school in the box.

Please note that when choosing a place of study, additional fields appear. You need to add years of study and year of graduation. This is the important part, try not to make a mistake.

Click “Join” and the window will change - the site will inform you that everything went well.

In the same way, add the remaining places where you studied, served or worked.

The exact same window appears if you click on “Add place of work” and “Add military unit”. It is no different - just different tabs are open.

It happens that the place of study appears on the list several times. You can add each of them in turn - then you are more likely to find friends.

After adding all places of study, work and service, click on your first and last name on the left side of the form.

This way you will exit the profile editing mode and return to your personal page.

Note: it is highly advisable to add your real photos. Without them, many people simply will not communicate with you on the site - they will think that you are a fraudster.

Adding photos

To add photos, click on the “Add Photo” block on your page on the left side.

Let me remind you that to go to your page, you can simply click on the “Odnoklassniki” inscription at the top left (on the orange stripe).

A window will open to select a photo. In it, click on the place on the computer where the photo is located.

For example, my photo is located on Local Disk D. This means that in the window I click on the “Computer” inscription on the left and in the center I double-click on Local Disk D.

Now I select a photo from the list. To make this easier, I change the presentation of the photos. To do this, click one or several times on a special button in the upper right part of the window.

And I double-click with the left mouse button on the photo that I want to add.

After uploading, the photo is added to your profile.

Usually this photo immediately becomes the title photo on the page. To change it, hover your cursor inside and open the “Change Photo” item.

To manage all photos on the page there is a special part - “Photos”.

Through it you can update photos: upload, delete, create photo albums.

Search people

Search by place of study, work or service. If you want to find people with whom you studied, worked or served together, it is easier to do this through your profile.

1 . Click on your first/last name.

2. At the top of the page there will be schools, universities and other places that you added when. Select the one you need.

3. A page will load with profiles of people who have the same data. All that remains is to find your friends and add them as friends.

Search by first and last name. In Odnoklassniki you can search by different criteria: first/last name, age, city/country, school, university and others. This means that you can find any person on the site, not just those with whom you studied together.

1 . On your page, under the title photo, click on the “Find Friends” inscription.

2. A form will open to search for people on the site. Type your first and last name at the top and select known information about the person on the right.

Note: it’s easier to find a person by last name if you know how old he is.

Adding as a friend

By adding a person as a friend, you will be aware of what is happening on his page. You will see new photos, notes, ratings. All this will be reflected in your feed - in the general list of news (magazine).

To add as a friend, you just need to click the “Add as Friend” button under the person’s title photo.

The user will be sent a friend request. It looks something like this:

If a person confirms the application, then you are added to his “Friends”. And it is also added to you - this happens automatically.

You can see your added friends in a special part of the profile:

Through this list you can send a person a message or call. To do this, simply hover over his photo.

By the way, here you can indicate who this person is to you: a friend, relative or colleague.


You can write a message to almost any user of the site. You cannot write only to those who have specifically limited this function.

To start a correspondence, click on the “Write a message” button under the main photo on the person’s page.

A window will open, at the very bottom of which there will be a bar for entering text. This is where you need to type a message, and to send it, press the orange arrow button.

The message will be published inside the window and the recipient will receive a notification. But this does not mean that he will immediately read the message and respond to it. After all, a person may not be on the Internet at the moment or it may simply be inconvenient for him to correspond right now.

Therefore, after sending the message, you can close the window. As soon as the person answers, you will immediately know about it. A special mark will appear on the top orange bar, next to the “Messages” button. In addition, the site will notify you with other signs.

All your correspondence can be opened at any time through the “Messages” button. You can continue them there.

mobile version

The Odnoklassniki website is accessible not only via computer, but also via telephone. For this, it has a separate mobile version at

Logging into it is very simple: open the program in which you usually view websites, type the address at the top and go to the site.

But this is the same page, it’s just simplified to make it easier to use on a small screen.

Phone app

Odnoklassniki also has an application for smartphones. This is a separate program that is built into the phone. After installing it, a special icon appears on the screen, which immediately opens the social network.

Not everyone likes this app. It doesn't have many functions, and it often freezes. But thanks to it, you will be online almost constantly. This means that you can quickly receive a new message and respond to it.

How to delete a page on Odnoklassniki

Your personal page can be deleted from the OK website forever. This is done as follows:

  1. Opening License agreement(regulations).
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the “Cancel services” link.
  3. We indicate the reason why you decided to delete the page.
  4. Type your password and click “Delete”.

After this, the main page of the OK site will appear. This means that your profile has already been deleted. But it will finally disappear from the system only after 90 days. You can read more about this.

Answers to frequently asked questions

If I visit another person's page, will they see that I visited them?

Yes, he will. The site has a “Guests” button, which shows all the people who visited the page.

Only the paid “Invisibility” function will help you avoid being included in this list.

Are Odnoklassniki definitely free? Will it happen that my money will be written off later?

Yes, Odnoklassniki is free. If you use the basic functions of the site, then money will not be written off anywhere.

But the site also has paid functions: gifts, stickers, 5+ ratings, vip status and others. In addition, you can make purchases in games - get resources or complete difficult levels for money. For this, the internal currency of the OKI website is used. These can only be bought with real money: 1 OK = 1 ruble.

How to download Odnoklassniki to your desktop?

The Odnoklassniki website can be installed as a shortcut on your desktop. Then an icon will appear on the screen, which will immediately open the social network.

  • Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop;
  • From the list, select Create - Shortcut;
  • In the window, type in English letters without spaces and click the “Next” button;
  • Enter any name for the shortcut and click Done.

After this, a new icon will appear on the screen for quickly logging into Odnoklassniki.

Can I open my page on someone else's computer?

Yes, sure. To do this, you also need to go to the website and log in to your page.

If, when you go to the site, another (foreign) page opens, then you need to exit it. To do this, click on the small photo in the upper right corner and select “Login to another profile.”

Then in the window, click on “Add profile” and enter your username/password.

How to remove your profile from your computer?

If you want to close a page on a specific computer, you need to log out of your profile. To do this, click on the small icon with your photo in the upper right corner of the site and click on “Log Out”.

After this, your profile will not automatically open on this computer, but it will remain on the social network.

I can’t get to my page - what should I do?

There are several reasons why Odnoklassniki does not open. For example, the site may not work because it is blocked on the computer. Or due to a virus. It also happens that a person accidentally left his page and cannot get back into it. You can find out why Odnoklassniki does not open for you and what to do in

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter