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Active Internet users are painfully familiar with the situation when they need to download a couple more of their favorite ringtones to their phone, but the speed limit has already set in, and this will now take too much time. What can we say about watching videos? Unfortunately, even the largest unlimited package allows you to download no more than 70 GB per month. In this case, the excellent “Extend speed” option can help out. It is no coincidence that MegaFon made it available on almost all tariffs for individuals and legal entities.

How it works?

Regardless of which Internet option is connected to your phone or modem, you can add another 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 additional MB and continue online communication. And for this you do not need to re-activate the same option. But then how to extend the speed on MegaFon? You can use the “Extend speed” service specially designed for this: S, M and L, respectively.

As a result, you can stay connected, watch videos and listen to your favorite music online just like before. The service will be valid until the number of MB runs out or the already connected Internet option starts working. Everything is so easy and simple that every day hundreds of the company’s clients use such a lifesaver.

How to connect?

Of course, like any other option, “Extend speed” can be activated independently using SMS and USSD, in your Personal Account and by asking an employee for help. It is worth noting that you can connect for free only through the “Service Guide”. When sending an SMS or USSD request, 10 rubles will be debited from your account, and when connecting at a contact center or service office - 20 rubles.

So, if you don’t want to pay extra, but still need the “Extend Speed” service, MegaFon offers to connect it through the “Service Guide”. This can be done in the “Options, services and tariff” section. In the “Changing tariff options” subsection, all you have to do is select “Internet discounts” and “Internet from a computer”. In the submenu that appears, select the desired package from three. After rebooting, the smartphone, tablet or modem will work as before.

If you don’t have access to your “Personal Account,” you can get additional megabytes in another way. To enable the “Extend S speed” option, you can send an empty SMS to the number 000402 or dial USSD *370*1#. Option "Extend speed M" - SMS to number 000403 or USSD *370*2#, option "Extend speed L" - SMS to 000404 or USSD *370*3#. In just 1-2 minutes the service will begin to operate.

If it is still not clear how to extend the speed on MegaFon yourself, you can turn to a company specialist for help. When calling the contact center at 0500, you will need to provide the phone number and passport details of its owner. Only the person to whom this number is registered can contact the office for help, and always with a passport. It will take the employee very little time to connect, and the service will start working immediately.

What is the price?

Of course, like any other similar service, you will need to pay for the “Extend speed” option. It is written off once upon connection and does not depend on how long the additional megabytes are spent. In addition, money is not returned for unused traffic. Therefore, it is worth estimating how many megabytes will be required. So, the option “Extend speed S” will cost 150 rubles, “Extend speed M” - 250 rubles and “Extend speed L” - 350 rubles. Since you can extend the speed on MegaFon more than once, money will be debited every time you activate the service.

It is important to know!

All MegaFon customers who have previously connected one of the Internet options can use this service. Moreover, you don’t have to wait until the speed limit comes. You can activate the option in advance, and then the limit will automatically increase by 1GB, 5GB or 10GB, respectively, and the speed will decrease after using all the traffic. You can extend the speed until the end of the Internet tariff option and no more. The balance does not carry over to the next month.

If the “Extend speed” option is valid on a new tariff plan, then if it is changed, its effect will continue. The exception is TPO "All inclusive". Of course, it will not work after the Internet option is disabled. Also, its connection will not be available if the “Turbo Button”, “Mix” and “SuperMix” options were previously activated, since you can extend the speed on MegaFon when connecting the latter two using the first specified service.


It is important to understand that the “Extend speed” option is an emergency assistance. If almost every month you need to clarify how to extend the speed on a MegaFon modem, and more than once, you should think about connecting to another Internet option with a larger amount of traffic. So, the largest package is 70 GB per month (and there are no restrictions at all from one in the morning to nine in the morning). Its cost is only 990 rubles. For comparison, the smallest package is only 100 MB per day, although the payment for it is also much more modest (135 rubles per month).

If your speed of viewing websites or videos on the Internet has decreased, there may be several reasons. Let's try to solve the problem, to do this, first of all, let's check whether you have run out of Internet traffic, which Megafon allocates according to your tariff. When traffic runs out, the Internet operates at a speed of 64 kb/sec, which is enough to send a message on social networks or instant messengers. Although the traffic has ended, we still remain in touch.

To check the remaining Internet at your tariff, we will use the USSD command, which will display traffic details on the screen, or you will receive an SMS. Command to check remaining traffic *558#.

If, after viewing the remaining traffic, you see that it has been used up, then in order to use the Internet with the same good speed, the megaphone provides options that allow you to extend the Internet speed for a limited amount of traffic.

It is important that each region has its own limit for renewed Internet traffic and the price is accordingly different. The option is divided into 3 lines for connection.

Extend your internet speed XS

This option assumes a small amount of traffic daily

To activate the option to extend Internet traffic speed Internet XS, dial the combination on your phone - *372#

  • For Moscow and the region, 70 MB/day is allocated at a connection price of 19 rubles
  • For St. Petersburg 15 rubles
  • Ekaterinburg 100 MB and the cost is 25 rubles
  • For Ufa 115 MB and price 20 rubles

More details on XS Internet renewal options for different regions can be found on the operator’s official website.

Extend speed 1 GB

This option provides an exact limited limit of 1 gigabyte, no matter whether you spend it in a month, in a day or in an hour. Also, for different regions of Russia, the cost of connection is different, we will give a couple of cities with prices.

To activate the option to extend Internet traffic speed by 1 gigabyte, dial the combination on your phone - *370*1#

  • In Moscow, the price for renewal for 1 gig is 175 rubles
  • For St. Petersburg, renewal for 1000 MB - 119 rubles
  • Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region - 100 rubles
  • For residents of Ufa rep. Bashkortostan - 160 rubles
  • Nizhny Novgorod and region — 89 rub.
  • For Novosibirsk and the region - 170 rubles
  • For Kazan and the Republic Tatarstan — 160 rub.
  • Samara — 160 rub.

In general, in Russia at the time of publication of the article, the price for 1 GB of speed extension does not exceed 200 rubles. But to determine the exact cost, visit the official website of the Megafon operator.

Extend speed 5 GB

When you connect this option, you will be provided with another 5 gigabytes of high-speed Internet. The cost of purchasing Internet traffic for different regions differs; below are approximate prices.

To activate the option to extend Internet traffic speed by 5 gigabytes, dial the combination on your phone - *370*2#

  • In Moscow and the region you will have to pay 400 rubles for 5 GB
  • For St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 250 rubles
  • Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region. — 290 rub.
  • Ufa and Bashkortostan - 260 rubles
  • Nizhny Novgorod — 159 rub.
  • Samara and region — 260
  • Kazan and Tatarstan - 260
  • Krasnoyarsk — 230 rub.

Prices were taken from the official website of the mobile operator and are current at the time of writing; you can see the exact prices on the official Megafon website.

Now that you have run out of traffic and your speed has decreased, you know how to extend your speed for faster Internet. But not everyone can afford a speed extension. If you don’t want to pay for additional megabytes of Internet and speed, then you should wait until the start of a new accounting month, your speed will be restored and the monthly Internet limit will be calculated again.

Connection through your personal account

You can also connect your options for providing additional Internet by going to the official website in your personal account, where you can find the Internet section - extend the speed and select the required option and click connect. You can access the site either from a computer or from a phone; if this is your first time, then to receive a password you need to enter the command *105*00# on your phone.

For many years now, the mobile Internet has been rapidly developing and improving. Now this service is one of the main ones of cellular operators. Today, the Internet access option is of interest to many customers, and it has become no less important than calls and messaging. MegaFon provides clients with various options on favorable terms. And although all the company’s Internet services are advertised as unlimited, they still have a certain list of restrictions.

One of the main restrictions is the accrual of traffic, when exhausted, access to the global network is blocked and the data transfer speed drops to 64 Kbps. Of course, in such a situation, people wonder how they can restore the Internet and how much it will cost. Telecom operator MegaFon has thought through this factor. And to restore access speed, you should use the “ ” option.

The family of speed extension options includes three packages. This review provides information for the largest, which includes 5 a. It can be spent throughout the entire month from the moment the service is activated.

Description of service

By providing the “Extend 5 GB Speed” service, MegaFon allows customers who use the connection to return to their previous speed parameters, which means they can surf the Internet comfortably. Also, by connecting to the service, subscribers will receive 5 GB of traffic per month. The service can be used by those people who have activated a tariff plan from the “ ” family. The service can also be connected to a variety of Internet options.

It is worth noting that a certain amount is charged for connection, which clients should better check with the operator or on the website. For example, for the Moscow region and Moscow, you can activate the service for 400 rubles. This amount is debited from the phone account at the time of connection. Along with the debiting of funds, traffic is charged and the speed limit is restored.

This opportunity to renew access from MegaFon should be used by those customers who have used up all their main tariff traffic. This is due to the fact that the use of accrued megabytes for speed extension will be available only if there is no main traffic on the balance. Also, if additional volume has already been accrued, but the main traffic has been accrued at the current tariff, then the additional volume is frozen. Its use will resume only after the main one ends. If the entire volume is not used, after 30 days the megabytes will be written off, and the money for it will not be returned to the client’s account. You can extend your speed by 5 GB in places where there is a tariff plan or tariff option. Thus, if the tariff works throughout the entire territory, then the service will be available throughout Russia. If not, then only the home region can use the function.

Extend your Internet speed automatically with the service!

How to check the remaining traffic

To avoid getting into an unpleasant and unexpected situation, you should sometimes check the remaining traffic on your balance. This will allow you not to spend a lot of extra money, stay in touch and, of course, control your expenses. To check the remaining volume, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • A service code is always available, using which you can check your balance at any territorial point. This method does not require the Internet, and information is provided instantly. To view information, the subscriber needs to dial *558# and make a call by clicking on the appropriate button. In a second, information will appear on the screen with data on traffic, package services and the balance in general.
  • If you only need information on traffic volume, then it is better to use another service set. It looks like *105*693# . After entering it, the information is also displayed on the device immediately. The client’s connected tariff plan is also shown in addition to the traffic.
  • MegaFon also provides verification of megabyte volume by sending a text message. To do this, you should write the word “remaining” in SMS in Cyrillic or Latin letters and then send it to 000663. When the message is delivered and processed by the operator, the client will receive a counter SMS with the necessary information.
  • If you can’t use your phone, you can check your traffic through your personal account, also known as “Service Guide”. This method is quite simple, more extensive and more visual. An analogue of a personal account is a mobile application that can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. It is provided free of charge.

How to connect “Extend speed 5 GB”

It is recommended to activate this service using different methods, all of which involve self-activation. This is due to the fact that constantly going to company stores or calling the help desk to activate the “Extend 5 GB speed” option is time-consuming and not always convenient. But you can still use such methods. MegaFon employees will always meet you halfway and help or tell you what to do.

To make activation faster, you need to use one of the following connection methods:

  1. The fastest and easiest is to use the ussd command. You should dial the combination *370*2*1# on your device and press the call key. Next, the request will be delivered to the operator and after activation, all clients will be notified via SMS messages. When using this method, it is often recommended that you put it in your phone book.
  2. You can also send a text message to the MegaFon operator. After it is processed, the speed extension service will be activated, and the client will receive an incoming message with information about the successful activation of the function. To make such a connection, dial the number 1 in SMS and send a free SMS to the number 05009062.
  3. For a more visual connection method, it is better to use a personal account. You can find it on the website. Activation using it is very quick and easy. The work in the office is clear, and besides, there is always an online assistant who can give tips in chat mode.
  4. When using smartphones, it is recommended to record a phone application on them. It is very similar to a personal account, but is not used on a PC. To use it, you will need the Internet, but the data on the number and SIM card will always be at hand.

“Extend 5 GB speed” will start working only if there is a sufficient amount of money on your balance. Otherwise, activation will not be possible. As soon as activation occurs, any subscriber will be notified by message.

It's also worth noting that there are no methods to forcefully disable the option. It will work for 30 days from the moment it is turned on.

This review provides all the information (commands and costs) for Moscow and the Moscow region. Before using “Extend 5 GB speed” in other areas, it is recommended to find out the data from the operator, in the company store or on the MegaFon website. This is necessary for detail, because each territory may have its own price for services and its own service code for activation.

Most Beeline tariffs provide Internet in packages of several megabytes or gigabytes per month. After the allocated traffic ends, access to the network is blocked or the speed is limited until the start of a new billing period.

But, as a rule, the mobile Internet always ends at the wrong time, and it is not always possible to keep track of the remaining traffic and it may not be possible to extend the Internet speed on your own. To solve this problem, there is a special service “Auto-renewal of speed” from Beeline. It allows you not to worry about how much traffic is left and at the same time always remain connected to the Internet.

Description of the “Auto speed renewal” service

Thanks to the service, Beeline subscribers can use mobile Internet without restrictions, with the current Auto Renewal it will not end! Why? What kind of service is this? The principle of its operation is simple: every time the main or additional traffic on the tariff is used up and the speed is limited, the service automatically purchases a new high-speed Internet package.

For different tariff plans, there are different versions of the Beeline “Auto-Speed ​​Renewal” service, which differ in the cost of the packages and their volume:

Terms of service

Connecting to the service is free and there is no subscription fee for using auto-renewal of speed, since most of the time it only monitors the availability of traffic. Money is written off at the moment when the Internet ends and the next package is purchased. If, when the traffic is exhausted for its renewal, there is not the required amount on the balance, the additional package will not be connected, and the speed will drop to 64 Kbps.

The coverage area of ​​the additionally provided Internet package is the same as the main one - depending on the tariff plan, it is available either in your home region or throughout Russia. In the Republic of Crimea, as well as some northern regions of Russia, individual tariff conditions apply. This option is not available when roaming abroad.

Internet speed on the Beeline network depends on the coverage area and complies with the following standards: 2G networks with speeds up to 236 Kbps, 3G – up to 21.6 Mbps. and 4G/LTE – up to 73 Mbit/s.

Connecting the service

On most Beeline tariffs, connecting to the service is not necessary since it is active by default or turned on when a certain threshold for Internet traffic use is exceeded. The parameters of the connected option - its cost and volume of packages - are determined automatically based on the current tariff plan.

If necessary, Beeline subscribers can independently activate “Auto-speed renewal” in one of the following ways:

  • Dial and send the command *115*23# “call”
  • Call the short number 067471778

How to disable "Auto-renew speed"?

Since the option is most often connected initially and may not be needed by all subscribers, it is worth abandoning it to avoid unnecessary expenses. To disable auto-renewal of Internet speed on Beeline there are also special commands:

  • Dial USSD command *115*230# and press “call”
  • Call the number 0674717780 and wait for the answering machine notification

Find out whether the “Auto-renewal speed” option works on your tariff plan, disable it, or vice versa - you can activate it via Beeline personal account, application for mobile phones, using the voice menu 0611 or by calling

Almost everyone uses the mobile Internet today. This is quite convenient, as it allows you to always stay in touch, use social networks and search for all the necessary information on the Internet. The number has run out of traffic, leading to a decrease in speed? Does this prevent you from using the provided service comfortably? Take advantage of the speed extension service, which means purchasing additional megabytes. The best way out of this situation is the Beeline service to extend the speed of 1 GB: a command for connecting to which few know.

The largest Russian mobile operator Beeline offers its subscribers to use speed extension services for almost nothing. The cost of traffic in this case is much lower than with standard tariffication.

The Beeline speed extension option is available to all subscribers without exception. With this service you can maximize the quality of your connection. The upper speed threshold for 2G is 236 Kbps, for 3G – 14.4 Mbps and for 4G – up to 73 Mbps. The extension is provided not only for modems, but also for phones.

Please note that different conditions apply to different regions of the Russian Federation. For example, for Moscow, 1 GB costs 259 rubles. and connects using the combination *115*121# or by calling 0674-09-32-21; 2GB 500 rub. – upon request *115*122# or by calling 0674-09-32-22.

You can connect up to 10GB within the packages. You can get more information for other regions from the service center operator by calling the short number 0674.

After connecting to the service, the connection speed increases within a few minutes. Please note that purchased megabytes are canceled only at the end of the billing period.

Automatic renewal

Beeline is perhaps the most caring mobile operator that automatically activates the auto-detection service so that users do not face spending a large amount of money due to the end of traffic. This service is provided for the Highway tariff line. In automatic mode, you can connect a package of up to 75MB of traffic. The cost is 20 rubles for each.

Automatic speed detection from Beeline is valid as long as there is money left in the account. As soon as the balance becomes zero or less, the service is disabled and the subscriber loses access to the Internet.

How to disable the “Extend speed” service on Beeline

Despite the fact that this service is profitable and extremely convenient, many users prefer to disable all additional options. Service center specialists do not recommend doing this, since if you overspend the existing limit on your account, you can cost a pretty penny.

In order to disable speed extension services, you should contact the service center. Call the operator at 0674-71-77-80 or enter a Ussd command on your mobile phone such as *115*230#.

Don't miss the unique opportunity to save on your Internet connection. Before connecting to a particular service, carefully read the terms and conditions of its provision. If necessary, each subscriber has the right to receive detailed information from a company employee by calling the hotline.

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