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A PC screenshot is taken with the Print Screen button (a keyboard shortcut involving Print Screen) or special programs. The question arises where the screenshot of the screen is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10. It all depends on the way you photograph the contents of the display. Let's look at these situations in more detail. I recommend checking out where you can find more information.

Saving a screenshot using standard means

1. When you press the Print Screen (photo of the entire screen), Alt + Print Screen (photo of the active window) buttons, the resulting image is saved to the OS clipboard. The clipboard is a designated area of ​​RAM that stores temporary copied data. Often, users use the clipboard to do . The screenshot is also saved in the clipboard until it is overwritten by other information.

To save a screenshot on your computer, you need to paste it into a graphics editor or other program. For example, use the built-in Windows Paint application. In the search, write the word Paint, then launch the application. Pressing the combination Ctrl + V will paste the screenshot into the application window.

After working with the image, click on the floppy disk icon or Ctrl+ S. Specify the name, file type and folder where screenshots of the Windows 7, 8, 10 screen will be saved and click “save”. Look for the resulting image files in Explorer in the specified folder.

2. The snipping tool allows you to work with display snapshots in Windows. Enter the name “scissors” into the search area, then launch the application. When you click the “create” button, the image is placed in the application editor window. Saving a screenshot is carried out as in the Paint program.

3. In Windows 8, 10, a function was introduced with the ability to save a screenshot directly as a file to your hard drive. The image is created by pressing + Print Screen in Png format. To find the screenshot, open Windows Explorer. In the left navigation, select “images,” then navigate to the “screenshots” directory where screenshots are saved.

Saving a screenshot by programs

Programs that create screenshots and perform tasks usually use the same Print Screen key, or their own combination of buttons. In this case, the storage location of the files is specified in advance in the settings, or you yourself specify each time where to save the pictures.

As an example, let's look at the process of saving a screenshot in the Magic Screenshot program. Download the archive, unpack it, then install and run the program. In the tray, click on the butterfly icon to exit to the main menu.

Click “settings”, set the parameters for yourself and click “save”. Select “screen” or “fragment” and select the screenshot area with the mouse. Here you can draw on the image, apply text, and undo changes. Click the “save” button, set a name and indicate the location where to save the screenshot.

Now you understand where the screenshot is saved in Windows 7, 8, 10, depending on the selected method. In most cases, you specify the storage location for the image file yourself.

While watching a video on your PC, you need to take a photo of the screen. You can take a screenshot using the operating system and keyboard. The question is where to look for the screenshot?

How to save a screenshot made using standard means

The easiest way to take a screenshot in Windows is to use the keyboard. Just press the key combination " Fn» + « Print Screen/Sys Rq" to capture the entire screen.

To take a screenshot of only the active part of the screen, you need to press the key combination “ Alt+Print Screen" or " Fn+Alt+Print Screen" The active window is the one located at the very top in which the user is currently working. By pressing the key, the image goes to “ clipboard" Nothing will change on the screen for the user.

Where is Print Screen saved in Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 operating systems

In all Windows operating systems, screenshots are saved to the clipboard. This is PC RAM. Information also gets here every time the user copies text or an image. data.

Once the screenshot is in the buffer, it becomes available to the user. It can be inserted into the program and adjusted. To do this, the editor should be open, for example, Paint, and press the combination Ctrl+V or in the command line select “ Insert" Where are screenshots of the active window saved? Also to the clipboard.

In Windows 8 and 10, the standard Print Screen key also works. Where are screenshots saved in the OS? To the clipboard, after which they become available to any user.

In the latest OS versions the combination is available Windows+Print Screen. Where are screenshots created with this combination saved? The photo automatically goes to the Image Library. The finished file is saved in a folder on the local device. the user does not need to launch the editor to save the snapshot.

Where to find screenshots taken using utilities

Programs that capture images or videos from the screen usually use the key Print Screen. The user sets the file storage location independently. In some applications you need to specify folder to save screenshots every time you use the program. This is how the Magic Screenshot application works, for example. After taking a screenshot, the user needs to specify a storage folder.

How to save a screenshot to your computer desktop

It is very convenient to work with images when screenshots are saved on the PC desktop. Let's look at how to do this using built-in programs.

To take a screenshot, press the key combination “ Fn" + "PrtScn" The photo will go to the clipboard. Now you need to save it as an image on your PC desktop. To do this, open the graphic editor Paint: “ Start» - « Programs» - « Standard» - « Paint" In the new window, click the tab “ Insert" The created screenshot appears on the screen. You can edit the image, for example by cropping it.

To get the image of only the active part of the window onto the clipboard, press a key combination. To take a screenshot, press the key combination “ Fn» + « PrtScn» + « Alt».

Such screenshots are saved in the same way through the menu File - Save as. The user needs to specify the name, extension and storage location of the file.

Often a user needs to save a specific picture from a computer monitor or display. To solve this problem, the OS provides a special command. How to take a picture and where screenshots are stored on Windows 10 are questions that require detailed consideration.

Where are screenshots saved in Windows 10

So, the screenshot is taken (you can see it here). Now we need to find his location. It is worth understanding that the location of saving depends on the method of performing the procedure. There are two of them: simultaneous pressing of the Win+PrintScreen keys or single PrintScreen.

The Alt+PrintScreen combination complements the second method; it allows you to save only the active window (without the background).

Where is the screenshot saved on Windows 10 when you press the first combination? To get to the “save location” you need:

  1. Open Explorer (via Start or from the taskbar if the folder is pinned).

  1. From the list on the left (Quick Access), select “Images”.

  1. In the new window, click on the “ScreenShots” file.

All pictures taken in this way are saved here. They can be copied, cut, torn and edited.

The second method of taking a picture does not provide for direct saving (the picture “hangs” in the clipboard). To use it, you need to use graphical applications that support this function.

Programs for screenshots in Windows 10:

  • Paint;
  • Word document;
  • Photoshop;
  • Joxi;
  • PicPick;
  • LightShot.

Read more about it in a separate article.

To open an image you need to do the following:

  1. We save the image using keystrokes.
  2. Open one of the applications that supports graphic inserts.
  3. We execute the “Paste” command by simultaneously pressing the Ctri + V keys.

It is best to use Paint for this method. Here you can quickly process the image and save it in the desired format for further use.

Many of the not very advanced users of personal computers often wondered about the purpose of the “Print screen” key, which is present in almost any keyboard. Those who are at least a little familiar with the English language can most likely guess why it takes up free space on the keyboard. It is needed primarily to create a picture or, as it is usually called, a screenshot of the screen. But while no one will have any problems pressing this button, not everyone knows what to do next and how to get the finished image. At least for now. To change this, I offer short instructions in which I will tell you where does Print Screen save.

So, press this very key (it is located in the top row, just to the right of the f12 key). Next we need any graphic editor through which we will get the coveted picture. In principle, any will do, but I will use the Paint built into the system. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint.

An editor familiar to everyone from school computer science lessons opens. Next, from the top menu, click the “Insert” button. Or press the key combination CTRL + V, whichever is more convenient for you.

For example, I'll take a screenshot of an image.

Well, we placed our screenshot in the editor, but how can we get a finished picture from it? In the upper left corner, press the context menu key and select “Save As”.

By the way, for the especially lazy, there is the F12 key, which does the same thing. Here you can choose in which format to save our image. Typically, the most common format is JPEG, so we'll choose that.

We give our image a name, select its future location and click the “Save” button.

Congratulations! If you did everything correctly, this image will appear in the folder you specified when saving. Then you can use it as you wish - send it to friends, print it, in a word, do everything that can be done with ordinary pictures.

By the way, if you hold down the Alt+PrintScreen key combination, you can get a screenshot of the active window, that is, the one in which you were working at the moment. Well, then, the algorithm of actions is already known to you. This method is suitable for almost any graphics editor, be it Photoshop, or CorelDraw. The principle of operation is approximately the same in all.

By the way, another interesting utility is built into Windows 7 - “Scissors”. It can also be used to cut out part of the screen.

PrtSC or in other words – Print Screen, – a key that performs the function of taking a screenshot. That is, everything you see on the screen at the moment can be “photographed” and then saved as a graphic image. Many users have heard about this key, but do not know where it saves its files.

The PrtSC key does not save a screenshot to a graphic file. It hangs there until its next replacement.

To get an image, we will need to additionally open Paint, Word, Photoshop or any similar graphics program. Let's go, for example, to Paint. Press ctrl+v, and our image appears in front of us in all its glory. Click “Save” or “Save As” and that’s it – the screenshot is ours.

We wrote more in the article. It’s not only about Paint, but also about creating screenshots using the standard “Scissors” program in Windows 7 and the convenient Lightshot screenshot.

This approach was made specifically so as not to fill the space with pictures and not clog up the computer. For example, It's very convenient when working in Word: took a photo, inserted it into a file and saved it. There are no unnecessary graphics on the computer.

If you need screenshots to be saved immediately, you will need to install a third-party program, such as FC Capture. In it you can immediately set the settings for how to save the file, where, and in what format. In addition to the regular PrtSc key, you can install other keys for your convenience.

Such programs simply start automatically when the computer starts and hang in the tray. They require minimal resources, so they can be safely installed on the weakest computers.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter