Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Windows 10 is a complex system of services, processes, and algorithms. Periodically, this system experiences failures, which causes various types of errors to arise and, as a result, problems arise related to the disruption of the smooth operation of the computer. Any such error has its own individual system code, thanks to which you can identify its cause and determine a way to solve the problem.

The most common Windows 10 errors

Despite the fact that the Windows system is able to “endow” each error with a personal code, identifying its cause is quite difficult. After all, no one gives the user a decoding of such an “error code”. For him it is always just a set of numbers and letters. Consequently, deciding on a way to solve a problem that has arisen is always problematic. Therefore, in our article we will provide a short table with the most common “error codes”, the reasons for their occurrence and solutions.

Table: basic Windows 10 error codes (reasons and solutions)

Error code Cause of occurrence Solution
  1. Windows Firewall malfunction.
  2. One of the following system services has failed:
  • Remote Procedure Call;
  • automatic Windows OS update;
  • system cryptography (Windows Security Configuration Service);
  • "BITS" (data transfer service);
  • block data storage system.
  1. In the Windows Firewall settings, set all available values ​​to “on”, and then restart the PC.
  2. In the settings of the “Services” parameter (WIN + R, then enter services.msc) we find all the listed services and in the properties of each of them we change the “startup type” to automatic.
0xc004f074Windows 10 activation status error (usually occurs after a system update).Using the command line (key combination WIN+R), enter the parameters “slui 3” and “slui 4” one by one. In the window that opens, enter the Windows license key (it can be found either on the installation disk or in the “Options” / “About system” settings).
0xc00007bMismatch between the “bit” of the Windows system and the application being launched.Reinstalling the application with the required bit depth (it can be “x64” or “x86”). The system capacity can be found in the Settings/About system settings.
0x80070091Windows 10 file system malfunction (error appears when trying to delete a folder).Restoring a damaged file system (hard disk properties, “Service” tab, “Check” option).
0x80004005Adobe Flash Player (a necessary system application for Internet browsers that plays videos) is malfunctioning.Run a scan for Windows security updates (Settings/Update and Security). Then wait for the update and restart your computer.
0x800f081fErrors in the operation of the NetFramework language, download and install the latest version of the “NetFramework” package.
0xc000012fIncorrect operation of video card drivers.Download and install the latest version of drivers from the website of the developer of your video card. You can find out the brand and model of your card in the Windows Device Manager (by right-clicking on the Start icon).
0x1900101–0x40017There is an error in the Windows startup file “Second Boot Device”.Launching a Windows system update through the Settings/Update and Security settings.
0x80080008Windows Update malfunctions.Go to the official Microsoft website, download, install and run the “WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab” utility.
0x80070002Missing Windows update files in the system directory.Go to the official Microsoft website, download, install and run the “Troubleshooter” utility.
0x80070005The Windows Store app crashes.Update the Windows Store app to the latest version.
0x8007025dHard drive failure.Complete replacement of equipment (hard drive).
0x80070035Problem finding a network path (no Internet access).Launch the Windows registry (open the command line with the combination WIN + R, enter “Regedit”). Go to Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NETBT\Parameters. Find and delete files named "NodeTYPE" and "DhcpNodeType".
0x80070643Critical Windows system data failure.Go to the official Microsoft website, download, install and run the “Microsoft Fix It” utility (after verification, the program will restore damaged data).
0x80246007Windows 10 update failed.Delete the “Download” folder, which is located on the disk with the installed system: C:/Windows/SoftwareDistributionC/Download. Then empty the trash and restart the PC.
0x80240017The Microsoft Visual C++ system application crashed.Go to the official Microsoft website, download and install the latest version of “Microsoft Visual C++”.
0x80073712Critical failure in updating the Windows version.Restore the system to the latest Windows restore point.
0x800C0005Damage to DLL files.Restoring dynamic libraries via the Windows command line (win+r/cmd). Enter the commands one by one: regsvr32 Softpub.dll, regsvr32 Wintrust.dll, regsvr32 Initpki.dll. To restart a computer.
0x800f081fMicrosoft Update network overload (failure) (occurs when trying to update the system).Stop the Windows update process in Update Center for a few minutes.
CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED (blue screen of death error).Critical failure in Windows 10 system files.Launch a program to scan and automatically recover damaged files via the Windows command line (win+r/cmd). Enter the command scf /scannow.

While using different versions of Windows, the author of this article has repeatedly encountered various errors (which had not only basic error codes), each of which needed its own solution. However, the author can give one useful piece of advice: first of all, if any of the listed errors occur, you should run a system scan of your computer with auto-recovery of damaged files (“DISM”). In 70–80% of cases, this step can completely correct the error.

In order to run such a scan you need to:

  1. Using the WIN+R combination, launch the command line, where you need to enter “cmd”. In the window that appears, enter the command “Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth”.

    Even if the scan showed that there are no damaged components, it is still worth carrying out the recovery process

  2. As soon as the scan is completed, enter the command to automatically restore damaged components “Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth”.

    The recovery process usually takes only a couple of minutes

  3. When the recovery process is complete, close the window and restart your computer.

Windows 10 Error Log (what is it and how to use it)

The Windows 10 error log (or event log) is a system file that records all Windows errors that have occurred (both explicit ones with notifications to the user, and hidden ones). Using such a log, you can not only find out down to the second when an error occurred, but also its code, as well as the source of its occurrence. To use the event log:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Administrative Tools section.
  2. In the folder that opens, launch the “Event Viewer” file.

    For a more convenient and faster launch of the event log, the “Event Viewer” shortcut can be moved to the desktop of your PC

  3. In the system application window that launches, on the left side, all available event logs are located.

    All events can be sorted by one of the required parameters

  4. Scrolling through the list, you need to find the error that has occurred, highlight it, and in the “Details” tab (expanding the “System” / “Keywords” parameter) find the error code. Once you know the code, you can determine the cause and how to solve it.

    In addition to the error code, you can find out the full name of the damaged file (application) by expanding the “Provider” parameter

Video: Windows Event Log

To make it easier and faster to navigate the Windows event log (especially when you need to find an error), the author of this article recommends clearing it at least once a month. To do this, just right-click on the “System” category and click “Clear Log”. In addition, it is worth remembering that not all events marked “Error” are critical, since even a minor harmless technical failure in the system is recorded in this log.

The Windows operating system is a complex “digital machine” that periodically experiences failures. No user can be immune from system errors. However, a timely response to their occurrence, studying and preventing the consequences can help your OS avoid critical malfunctions. Therefore, the ability to identify “error codes” and be able to decipher them is a paramount task on the path to stable Windows operation.

Errors when loading Windows are quite common. It may indicate a malfunction of the hard drive, RAM, processor or operating system.

Let's figure out what errors mean and how to get rid of them.

System boot

Read also: TOP 12 Programs for computer diagnostics: description of proven software tools

Let's look at the OS boot process. When the computer is turned on and successfully boots, the processor executes a series of instructions that the BIOS provides it.

These instructions are stored in volatile CMOS memory. After startup, the processor accesses the addressable cell of the chip. It depends on the underlying properties. It contains the BIOS code.

The initial set of instructions executed by the processor is called the POST (Power-On Self Test) procedure.

With its help, the following actions are carried out:

  • An initial check of the hardware is performed, including the state of the processor and the size of RAM. At the same time, the operability of the OP is checked.
  • Retrieving system configuration settings from CMOS memory.
  • The bus frequency is set in accordance with the configured settings from CMOS.
  • The presence of the device from which the OS will be loaded (hard drive, floppy drive, etc.) is checked.
  • A sound signal indicates the end of the test.
  • Other devices are being initialized.
  • At the end of the POST procedure, other adapters, such as a video card, sound card, and hard disk controllers, begin their internal checks. When checking, all information is displayed on the monitor screen.

The BIOS stops booting when it finds the master boot record on the hard drive (or OS record location) and transfers control of further booting to it.

Now the programs recorded on the media are loaded.

We list the main loading problems:

It is necessary to find out the cause of the failure and eliminate it. And so that problems do not arise again, do not repeat these mistakes.

This is very important for the continued correct operation of the system, otherwise you will have to reinstall the software and operating system again and again, which will lead to wear and tear on the hard drive.

The fact is that the error when loading Windows varies depending on the OS version.

So, different versions will have different most common errors. That is why you need to look for a solution to the problem for your operating system.

Read also: 3 ways to install Windows XP from a USB flash drive

At the present time, this version of Windows has practically ceased to exist.

However, some computers (often these are older models) still run on this OS.

And although people who have known XP for a long time are accustomed to its mistakes, it is worth understanding the most common of them.

Lost bootloader

This is the most common problem when loading Windows XP. It usually occurs when trying to reinstall the OS.

When this error appears, the system displays one of two messages:

1 Violation when loading the OS.

2 Damage to partition tables.

Elimination of these errors is possible by following these points:

  • start the recovery process from the disk on which the OS is recorded;
  • run the installation program;
  • After the greeting, press the “R” button;
  • the recovery console will appear, you must specify the installed OS version in it;
  • enter “fixmbr” and press Enter.

After this, the system will restart and the error will be resolved.

Although there are other reasons for the loss of the system bootloader, the above happens most often.

NTLDR is missing

This problem is also quite common. When it appears, users often simply format the disk, which leads not only to eliminating the error, but also to the loss of all memory.

However, this problem can be solved without such radical methods; it is enough to understand the reason for its origin. And eliminating and at the same time saving data is not so difficult.

This error is a black screen with the message NTLDR is missing.

Sometimes, to fix a problem, it’s enough to press the popular key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete (this is written in the error screen).

This combination should restart the system, but this does not always help.

The error means that the files responsible for loading the system are not available. There may be several reasons for this:

1 Hardware failure. This is the most unpleasant problem, since it means that the fault lies in the hardware and is not a consequence of any failure in the system. Correcting this error will involve replacing/repairing the faulty component.

2 Connecting an additional hard drive. This is also the cause of the error. The problem is resolved using the BIOS after performing a series of simple steps.

3 Conflict between two installed operating systems. Some computers have two operating systems installed at once, which can lead to their reluctance to work with each other. The problem is resolved using the Windows installation disk.


With this problem, when loading the OS, the user sees a message similar to “Cannot start HAL.dll” or “File not found or damaged.”

When it appears, the first solution that comes to mind is to reinstall Windows. However, you can cope without such drastic measures.

The fact is that this file is responsible for the interaction of the hardware (the computer itself) and its software components.

The problem arises because XP, as the oldest version, is most prone to various errors.

As such, there can be many reasons for an error to occur. However, it can still be eliminated using a series of actions in the BIOS without reinstalling the operating system.

Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that sometimes only a radical method will help you cope.

Read also: TOP 6 Ways to clean Windows 7-10 from unnecessary junk, simply clear the memory cache, remove updates and clean the registry

Despite new versions of Windows, Windows 7 still remains the most popular. It's more a matter of habit.

Many consider this version the most convenient and average between XP and the same eight (in principle, it is so)

It is precisely because the version is the most popular that the Windows 7 loading error is a common problem.

Most often, when loading Windows 7, various error codes appear that indicate a particular problem. It is worth understanding the most common problems that arise.

System bootloader

Like Windows XP, the 7 has problems with the bootloader. The cause of the problem is the same as in the previous version.

However, you can restore the seven bootloader either automatically or manually.

The first method is the most convenient and even the most inexperienced user can handle it, but it cannot always help get rid of the problem.


This error occurs when installing the OS. This happens due to the inexperience of many users who, when reinstalling, forget to format one of the hard drive partitions.

This error usually indicates that there is not enough space to install the system.

To ensure that the error does not occur, you need to check the memory on your hard drive and, if necessary, format it.

A well-known error that occurs when the system starts. Usually occurs after installing the OS. Large red letters are displayed on a white background.

To solve the problem, you need to restart the computer with the installation disk inside and run the disk when you turn it on.

Go to the “System Restore” item, and then check the box next to “Use recovery tools...”, however, it is worth considering that you will have to select the system.

In the command line you need to enter “bootrec /fixboot”. After this, the problem will be fixed.

Startup Repair Offline

Literally, this problem means “offline startup recovery”, sometimes it is eliminated after a reboot.

However, often the system tries to restore itself without connecting to the network and fails. Therefore, we will have to help her.

This is usually solved in several ways:

  • Resetting BIOS settings.
  • Connecting loops.
  • Startup recovery.
  • Using the Command Line.

All these methods require certain knowledge and it is better for an inexperienced person to call a person who is well versed in this.


The most frightening error for users is the “blue screen of death.” Often this means that the system has “gone down” and only drastic measures will help it.

However, sometimes it happens that after restarting the computer the error disappears and does not appear again, but it is worth understanding that in this way the computer signaled a serious problem that needs to be fixed.

There may be several main causes of the problem:

  • Hardware incompatibility.
  • Driver problems.
  • Antivirus problems.
  • Problems in the registry.

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the error in order to find out the cause of the problem, and then begin to eliminate it, depending on the identified causes.

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

The Windows 7 working environment is not ideal; sometimes various kinds of errors can occur in Windows 7, both hardware and system-related - the computer stops responding to requests, applications do not open, and in especially severe cases, it stops loading altogether. And instead of the usual screen saver, various kinds of messages are displayed, Windows 7 error codes. It is the classification, that is, the error codes that will help you recognize the problem that has arisen and find the correct solution.

How can you solve the problem?

Let's list several methods.

To quickly find the error code and its meaning, press Ctrl+F on this page and enter the error code in the field

Checking your hard drive for errors

If, while working on the computer, the power is suddenly turned off and your battery fails, then the work ends abnormally - the computer simply will not be able to work without a power source. What happened?

Windows did not complete its work in the standard way and did not save the necessary information in the device’s RAM for further startup of the computer.

After the light appears, you try to turn on the computer, but at this moment the system may run a check of the integrity of its files, look for Windows 7 errors, and you will see a blue test screen.

There is no need to be afraid of this, the entire file system and registry are scanned normally, the OS checks the computer’s hard drive for errors with a specially built-in utility.

But sometimes the user needs to check his local disk himself; if glitches or freezes are noticed, this can be done like this:

Open the “Run” field from the Start menu;

Type the command "cmd" and press Enter.

A window will open, set the value to “repair bad sectors”, that is, check the boxes, this option of the utility utility will help fix system errors due to a sudden failure.

You can also run this operation from the command line, but be sure to run it as a computer administrator:

In the Start menu, find the “Command Prompt” item;

From the context menu (right mouse button) select “run as administrator”;

In the window that opens, write “Chkdsk C” (without quotes) and press Enter.

The same utility utility will start checking the hard disk.

But there may be another situation when the system cannot start checking its files due to the fact that it is already running; this can be immediately seen on the screen from the message. To activate the check, click on the “Y” position, the computer will reboot and error correction will begin immediately after the computer starts.

What will happen in the end?

This utility, built into the Windows 7 installation package, will check the integrity of system files that are necessary for the correct operation of the operating system. If broken or damaged clusters are found, she will try to fix and restore them; it is not recommended to rush in this case, you just need to wait for the process to complete.

Solving the problem check screen

If you notice that the verification screen begins to appear after each computer startup, you can try to fix the error by reinstalling Win 7 from the disk, the problem should disappear by itself. Don't forget to copy important information to removable media so that you can use it after reinstallation.

But it can be a shame when most of the work is done, and suddenly it is lost due to a serious failure, so take care of its safety yourself - dump important information onto removable media and press F12 more often, this functional button will save your work in the right place.

Other errors display the message “Stop...”

If the system utility itself cannot do anything, then the message “Stop...” is displayed, below are the codes of all system errors that caused problems with the computer.

But if it still works, carefully study the digital codes that are visible on the screen, they can mean a variety of problems:

Incorrect installation of win7, code 0x80300024

Sometimes inexperienced users do not pay attention to system messages during OS installation, forget to format the hard drive partition in which they will install win 7, and then try to boot the system into it. This causes typical errors:

  • Incorrect local disk layout;
  • There is not enough hard disk space to install the OS;
  • Installing the OS on a logical partition instead of the main partition.

Fixing the problem

Before installation, check if there is space on your hard drive - for win7 32-bit you need about 15 GB, and for 64 - 20. And if you install professional or corporate versions, then there should be 2 times more space.

It would be a good idea to check the type of disk; it should be listed as “primary”. This can be done with the Diskpart program; it will be able to change the partition type or create another one without interrupting the win7 installation process.

You can launch it from the command line using the combination F10+Sift, entering the value Diskpart + Enter.

Increased CPU or video card temperature
The system displays error codes, but the most common identifier you can see is 0x00000124, indicating overheating.
There are two ways to check the temperature– either through BIOS settings or third-party software.

Checking using BIOS
If the computer is running, reboot, and at startup press F2 or the Del button;
The basic settings page will open, go to the Health Status or System tab;
There will be a visual graph of the current temperature, which is marked in red - dangerous for the computer and win7, the system may not work correctly.

Checking through third-party software
The Everest program has long been used to diagnose Windows and its computer software. A convenient control panel will allow you to test any system partition or program, indicating its size and impact on performance.

Speccy distributed absolutely free of charge, this is a powerful diagnostic tool:
Management is simple; in the main window you can track a variety of parameters of the entire computer or system files.

Buy a special stand with a fan - during operation the case where the processor is located will be cooled, according to the laws of physics, this will cause it to overheat less;
Take it to a repair shop and apply a special cooling paste to it - overheating will be significantly reduced.

Equipment conflict

If win7 cannot start your equipment, for example, a printer, removable media, etc., then you can see a variety of error information, here are examples of the most common ones:

Code 3– the driver installation file has not been downloaded completely or there is not enough space on your hard drive for it.
Solution – deactivate unnecessary software and reinstall the device driver;
Code 8– the old version of the software has not been removed, installation of a new version is impossible.
Code 10 means that the system cannot start this device.
Solution– download and install the new version of the software on the device manufacturer’s website. You can update from the device manager: start - system - manager.
Pay attention to the yellow question mark - this means that the driver conflicts with system files, it is out of date and does not meet the stated requirements.

From the Properties menu, click on the “Update...” option;
Code 14 means that a reboot is required for the system to function correctly;

Windows error codes and meanings. (List of Windows OS errors)

The file cannot be created because it already exists.

The directory name is incorrect.

The system cannot find the specified file.
The system cannot find the specified path.
The system cannot open the file.

The additional attributes file is corrupt.
The additional attributes file is full.
No access.

The volume for an open file has been modified externally so that the file cannot be operated.

Invalid window handle.
The control memory blocks are damaged.
There is not enough memory to process the command.
Invalid memory block address.
Windows error in the environment.
An attempt was made to load a program that is not in the correct format.
The access code is incorrect.
Data error.
There is not enough memory to complete the operation.
The system cannot find the specified drive.
Cannot delete directory.
The system is unable to move the file.
The media is write protected.
The system cannot find the device.

The system cannot open the specified device or file.
The file name specified is too long.

Cannot remove lock from file area.


The volume label length exceeds the file system limit.
The device is not ready.
The command length is too long.
The specified area on the disk cannot be found.
No access to the disk or floppy disk.
The specified sector on the disk cannot be found.
The system is unable to write to the specified device.
The system is unable to read from the device.
The connected device is not working.

The device name specified is incorrect.

An attempt was made to write device information that has already been recorded.
The process cannot access the file because the file is occupied by another process.

The required operation cannot be completed due to disk data failure or a fatal media error.

A mismatch was detected between the floppy disk sector ID field and the controller track address.

The floppy disk controller returned incorrect register values.
The check operation failed multiple times when accessing the hard drive.

Multiple operation failures were recorded when accessing the hard drive.
When accessing the hard drive, it was necessary to reset the controller, but even this could not be done.

Error returned by the floppy controller is not recognized by the driver

The process cannot access the file because the file is locked by another process.

The wrong disc is inserted into the device. Insert %2 (volume serial number: %3) into device %1.

Too many files are being shared.
End of file reached.
The disk is full.
The file or directory cannot be created.
INT 24 interrupt failed.
There is not enough memory to process the request.
The local device name is already in use.
The parameter is set incorrectly.

The media eject mechanism cannot be locked.
The media cannot be ejected.
The media in the device may have been replaced.
[ 1111 0x0457] The I/O bus has been reinitialized.
There is no media in the device.
No ID address label was found on the floppy disk.
The system is currently unable to start another process.

Insert the disk into device %1. ( Standard errorWindows)

The program was stopped because the required disc was not inserted.
The disk is busy or locked by another process.

There is not enough disk space.
Exhausted internal file IDs.
The data area passed by the system call is too small.
There is a syntax error in the file name, directory name, or volume label.
Invalid system call level.
The disk does not have a volume label.
The specified module was not found.
The specified procedure was not found.
There are no child processes to wait for to terminate.
Application %1 cannot be started in Win32 mode.
An attempt was made to use a file descriptor to open a disk partition and perform an operation other than lower-level I/O.

An attempt was made to place a file pointer before the start of the file.
The file pointer could not be set to the specified device or file.

The JOIN and SUBST commands cannot be used on drives that contain drives that have already been joined.

An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a disk that is already included in a merged disk set.

An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been mapped.

An attempt was made to remove the join flag from a disk for which the JOIN command was not executed.

An attempt was made to unmap a disk for which the SUBST command was not executed.

An attempt was made to merge a disk with a directory on the merged disk.
An attempt was made to map a disk to a directory located on the mapped disk.
An attempt was made to merge a drive with a directory on the mapped drive.
An attempt was made to map a disk to a directory located on a merged disk.
It is not possible to execute a JOIN or SUBST command at this time.
The system cannot merge or map a drive to a directory (with a directory) from the same drive.

This directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory.
The directory is not empty.

The specified path is used for the mapped drive.
There are insufficient resources to process the command.
The specified path cannot be used at this time.
An attempt was made to merge or map a drive whose directory is already being mapped.


The specified system semaphore name was not found.

Too many attempts to register an event for the semaphore.
Cannot create another system semaphore.
The exclusive access semaphore is occupied by another process.
The semaphore is set and cannot be closed.
The semaphore cannot be reset.
Requests to semaphores for exclusive access while interrupts are running are not allowed.

The semaphore timeout period has expired.
This semaphore is no longer owned by the process that used it.
The application's IOCTL call was incorrect.
The data record check parameter has an incorrect value.
The system cannot process the received command.
This function is only valid in Win32 mode.
The number of semaphores for DosMuxSemWait is set incorrectly.
The call to DosMuxSemWait failed. Too many semaphores installed.
Incorrect call to DosMuxSemWait.


The specified operation cannot be performed in full screen mode.
An attempt was made to reference a non-existent element.
The registry database is corrupted.
The registry value is incorrect.
The registry value cannot be opened.
The registry value cannot be read.
The registry value could not be written.
One of the files in the registry database had to be restored using a log or backup. The restoration was successful.
The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files containing registry data is damaged. The file image in memory may be damaged, or the file could not be restored due to the lack of a backup copy/protocol.
An I/O operation initiated by the registry resulted in an unrecoverable failure. Failed to read, write, or close one of the files containing the system registry image.

When trying to download or restore a registry file, it turns out that the file is not in the correct format.
An attempt was made to perform an illegal operation on a registry value that was marked for deletion.
The required space in the registry protocol could not be allocated.
You cannot create a symbolic link for a registry setting that already contains subsettings or values.
You cannot create a static subparameter for a temporary parent parameter.


A stop command was sent to a service that other services depend on.

The command is inappropriate for this service
The service did not respond to the request in a timely manner.
Failed to create command flow for service.
The service database is locked.
One copy of the service is already running.
The account name is incorrect or does not exist.
The specified service is disabled or cannot be started.
An attempt was made to establish a circular dependency between services.
The specified service is not installed.
The service cannot currently accept commands.
The service is not running.
The service process cannot communicate with the service controller.
A service error occurred while processing the command.
The specified database does not exist.
The service returned an error code.
The process ended unexpectedly.
The child service failed to start.
The service did not start due to a login failure.
The service is already registered.
The specified service does not exist.

“Immediately after starting, the service froze.”
The database lock for the specified service is not properly locked.
The specified service has been marked for deletion.
The specified service already exists.
The system is currently running using the latest correct configuration.

There have been no attempts to start the service since the last boot.

The child service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
The current configuration was already used as the source of the last valid set of parameters.

The name is already used as a service name.


File mark reached.
The beginning of a tape section has been detected.
The end of the file set has been reached.
There is no more data on the tape.
Cannot create partitions on the tape.
The block size is incorrect when accessing a new tape on a multi-volume partition.
No partition information was found when loading the tape.
The multibyte code page is missing a character for one of the Unicode codes.

The physical end of the tape has been reached.


The dynamic link library (DLL) initialization program failed.
The request failed due to an I/O error on the device.
None of the serial devices were successfully initialized. The serial device driver will be unloaded.

A device that shares an interrupt request (IRQ) with other devices cannot be opened. At least one device using the same IRQ has already been opened.
A serial I/O operation has completed as a result of the following write operation to the serial port. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER value has reached 0.)
The sequential I/O operation completed after the timeout period expired. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER did not reach 0.)

A possible deadlock has been detected.
The base address or offset is not aligned correctly.
An attempt to change the power mode was blocked by another application or driver.
There was an error sending the command to the application.
One of the library files required to run this application was not found.
The device is not currently connected, but information about it is present in the configuration.
The requested operation was not completed because the user is not registered.
You want to continue the ongoing operation.
An attempt was made to perform an initialization operation that has already been completed.
No more local devices found.


There was no mapping between usernames and security IDs.

The user account has expired.

There are no system quotas set for this account.
The encryption key is not available.
The NT password is too complex and cannot be converted to a LAN Manager password. An empty string was returned instead of the LAN Manager password.
The version of the changes is unknown.
The two levels of change are incompatible.
This security code cannot match the owner of the object.
This security code cannot match the object's primary group.
An attempt was made to use the impersonation element by a command flow that is not currently impersonating a process.

The client does not have the specified access right.
The name provided is not a valid username.
A user with the specified name already exists.
A user with the specified name does not exist.
The specified group already exists.
The specified group does not exist.
The specified user is already a member of the specified group, or the group cannot be deleted because it contains at least one user.

The specified user is not a member of the specified group.
The last account in the Administrators group cannot be disabled or deleted.
Cannot update password. The current password was set incorrectly.
Cannot update password. The new password contains invalid characters.
Cannot update password. One of the update rules was violated.
Part of the data protection code is incorrect.
The access control list (ACL) is not structured correctly.
The data protection code is not structured correctly.
The data security descriptor has an invalid structure.
Cannot build an access control list (ACL) or an access control list element (ACE).
The value specified is incorrect.
There is not enough memory to update the data protection information.
The specified attributes are incorrect or inconsistent with the attributes of the group as a whole.
The required level of impersonation is not provided, or the provided level is incorrect.
Unable to open data protection element of unknown level.
An invalid class of information was requested for verification.
The element type does not match the required operation.
A data protection-related operation cannot be performed on an unprotected object.
The security system database contains internal contradictions.
Generic access types are contained in an access mask, which should already be associated with non-standard types.

The security descriptor is not in the correct format.
The requested action can only be used during a network logon process. The process that called it is not registered as part of the logon process.
Starting a new session with code that is already in use is impossible.
The authentication package is not recognized.
The operation does not match the current state of the network logon process.
The session code is already in use.
The input mode is set incorrectly.
A view through a named pipeline cannot be provided until data has been read from that pipeline.
The operation is inconsistent with the transaction state for the registry branch.
The security database is corrupted.
The operation is not intended for built-in accounts.
The operation is not intended for a built-in special group.
The operation is not intended for the built-in special user.
You cannot remove a user from a group, since it is the main one for him.

The element is already used as the main element.
The limit on the amount of protected data/resources for one system has been reached.
The length of the protected data exceeds the maximum possible length.
The local security database contains internal inconsistencies.
Too many security codes were used during the online login process.
Network logon failed: the selected login mode for this user is not supported on this computer.

A new user cannot be added to the local group because the user does not exist.
A new user cannot be added to a group because the user has the wrong account type.
Too many security codes have been set.
To change the password, an encrypted password is required.
Access control list (ACL) does not contain inheritable components
The file or directory is damaged. Reading is impossible.
The disk structure is damaged. Reading is impossible.
The number of connections to the service is limited. Additional connections are currently not possible.

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Troubleshooting (video)

New operating systems are not immune to problems in their operation. The more nodes and components there are in the system, the more possible types of hardware errors people or programs can cause. Windows has several thousand error variants in its range. Each of them has its own code, which can be used to determine the cause of the problem and, as a result, eliminate its source.

Errors in Windows 10, reasons for their occurrence and ways to fix them

Errors have their causes and effects, but not all of them can be easily eliminated. For example, some problems can only be fixed by reinstalling the OS. There is also a small proportion of errors, the cause of which is a malfunction of the hardware of the computer or laptop devices. In this case, you cannot do without the service center technicians.

If any error occurs in Windows 10, you need to check your hard drives for virus-infected files. To do this, you need to use more than one antivirus program and conduct a thorough system scan.

If we are talking about non-critical system errors, then first of all you need to understand the principle of treating the problem. The Windows Event Log can help you decipher the error code, providing information about the service that is experiencing the problem, as well as information about the problem that occurred.

Table: popular error codes, causes of their occurrence and solutions

Error codeCause of occurrenceRemedy
0x80070422It can occur in several different situations: a firewall or Windows update fails. But the reason is always that the requested service is not running. This situation may arise as a result of the service being disabled by programs or by the user himself. It is also possible that files can be damaged by viruses.Enable the desired service.
0xc004f074Indicates problems with activating the system or Microsoft products, such as Office. This happens during a virus attack, unsuccessful updates, or incorrect shutdown of applications or the OS. There may also be a licensing problem when your computer lives on the “wrong” time.Set time zone.
0xc00007bIt may appear when trying to launch heavy graphic applications and indicates that the system does not have some library files that are responsible for graphic effects; they may be damaged or missing. There may be video driver errors.Update video card drivers.
Install DirectX.
Install Net.Framework.
Install Microsoft Visual C++.
0x80070091Indicates that you are encountering an unsolvable problem when attempting to interact with a folder that contains a file that cannot be moved or cannot be deleted.Check the disk for errors.
0x80004005It can appear in a variety of areas, but most often it can be found when trying to update Windows 10. It means problems with files, their shortage or excess.Scan system files for viruses.
0x800f081fAfter the release of Windows 10, a new NET Framework platform appeared, but not all applications managed to adapt to it and therefore require an earlier version. That is, error 0x800f081f states that NET Framework version 3.5 does not want to be installed on your operating system.Enter the commands into the Command Prompt.
0xc000012fThis indicates that the application you are trying to launch is incompatible with Windows 10. This often happens when the “ten” is installed by updating another system, which is why some kind of “system conflict” arises.Run the Compatibility Fixer.
0xC1900101A group of errors whose codes begin with 0xC1900101 indicate problems with the system. It could be:
  • incorrect operation of drivers;
  • installation of drivers and applications of incorrect bit depth;
  • lack of disk space.
Find out the system bit depth and install the correct programs and drivers.
0x80000ffffOccurs when you try to update an application in Windows 10. It appears when you try to update an application that is not suitable for the “top ten”. Also, the reasons for its occurrence include setting the incorrect date and time on the computer or losing the connection during an update attempt.Check time settings.
Run the application in compatibility mode.
Check network settings and Internet access.

Troubleshooting errors in Windows 10

Of course, the table from the previous paragraph does not show all the errors associated with Windows 10, but the codes presented are more common than others when this OS is running. By checking the code of any error, looking at the description of the event in the log, you can independently understand how to solve the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Error code 0x80070422

To resolve this error, do the following:

After completing all manipulations, do not forget to restart your computer.

Error code 0xc004f074

The first thing to do after checking for viruses is to set the time zone.

If the problem persists, repeat the Windows activation procedure.

Video: how to change date and time in Windows 10

Error code 0xc00007b

The first step is to update the drivers of all video cards:

The second probable cause of the error is damage or absence of DirectX.

The final cause of the error is faulty or missing Net.Framework or Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable components.

Video: how to update video card drivers in Windows 10

Error code 0x80070091

Make sure you are not trying to delete an important system folder from the drive where the OS is installed. “Cleaning up order” on this partition of the disk yourself is highly not recommended.

Error 0x80070091 means the folder cannot be deleted

If you are trying to delete the most ordinary folder and get this kind of problem, there is a high probability that there is a file in the folder that has an error. You should try to disinfect the entire file system:

Video: How to check your disk for errors in Windows 10

Error code 0x80004005

After scanning your computer for viruses, run a system scan:

If the error does not disappear, most likely the cause of the problem is a problem in the update cache. To fix it, you need to clear the folder with temporary data.

Video: How to run System File Checker in Windows 10

Error code 0x800f081f

The treatment is very simple.

Error code 0xc000012f

The first thing to do is run the Compatibility Fixer.

  1. Right-click the shortcut or executable file and select “Fix compatibility issues.”
  2. Using the wizard's prompts, start the correction work. After completing the procedure, try launching the application.

If the error persists, run sfc /scannow in Command Prompt. How to do this is described in the paragraph dedicated to error code 0x80004005. Wait until the service finishes.
If this method does not help, try reinstalling the application, look on the Internet for a more recent version, as well as analogues.

Video: How to run an application in compatibility mode in Windows 10

Error code 0xC1900101

To get rid of error 0xC1900101, you need to double-check the system bitness and compare it with the products that you install on your device.

If a 64-bit system is installed on your computer, you can install 32-bit applications, but you cannot install non-64-bit drivers. If you have a 32-bit one, then only 32-bit applications and the same drivers are suitable for you. If you try to install an incorrect driver, you will receive an error.

Also, if there is not enough memory on your hard drive, remove unnecessary applications and user files or move them to another disk partition.

Video: how to find out the system bit depth in Windows 10

Error code 0x80000ffff

The solutions to this problem are as follows:

  • Check the time settings and switch the toggle switch in the “Set time automatically” item to the “Off” position. How to do this was described in the paragraph dedicated to error code 0xc004f074;
  • try running the application in compatibility mode, as described in the paragraph on error 0xc000012f;
  • Check your network settings and Internet access. Also make sure that your antivirus software does not block access to the program servers.

Where to find Event Log in Windows 10 and how to use it

“Event log” is a service that marks all events that are recorded while the OS is running. Literally everything - from the operating system startup and shutdown times to unsuccessful attempts to install updates and the occurrence of critical errors during operation - is recorded in the log. It is very simple to use: you just need to open it and view information about the event.

Video: How to view information about errors in the Event Log and fix them in Windows 10

Windows errors are not as scary as they might seem at first glance. There are not many truly critical problems that fatally affect the operation of a system or computer. Most errors can be easily resolved if you use the right instructions.

The seventh version of the Windows operating system from Microsoft, although considered one of the most stable, is nevertheless not immune to critical failures. One of the most unpleasant phenomena is the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. Not every user knows what to do when it appears. Some people believe that the problem will disappear on its own after a reboot (and for good reason). Others believe that a complete reinstallation of Windows 7 will be required. But before you decide to fix the problem, you need to know what it is.

BSoD Death Screen: What is it?

So, let's assume that the user experiences a Blue Screen of Death. What to do? Windows 7, as well as any other system in this family, can offer several options for solving the problem, depending on what was the root cause.

But in some cases, in order to get rid of this scourge in the future, you cannot do without special utilities. We will dwell on them a little later, but for now let’s see what it is from the point of view of the system itself.

Roughly speaking, BSoD is a kind of protective reaction of Windows to a critical failure in the system when a memory dump occurs. In other words, the system cannot neutralize an error in operation using its own means and because of this it reports that such and such has happened. In each specific case, deciphering the Windows 7 “blue screens of death” can tell a lot. Typically, the message on the monitor begins with the word “STOP” followed by an error code. What does this mean? Yes, only that at the moment some important process was stopped, vital for the functioning of the system as a whole. We’ll look at how to remove the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7 a little later, but for now let’s look at the reasons for its appearance.

Reasons for failures

When examining possible problems, you need to clearly divide them into two large categories: software failures (including the system itself) and physical problems with the equipment (for example, when replacing a hard drive, video card, RAM, etc.).

In addition, in Windows 7, solving problems with such problems may also involve the fact that there is simply not enough space on the hard drive, which is especially noticeable when automatic system updates are turned on.

Classification of groups

Today, there are two main groups of failures. Group “A” includes problems with updating or replacing hardware, updating drivers or the system itself, and damage to system components. Group “B” includes incompatible versions of the primary BIOS input/output system, driver mismatch for a specific device, driver conflicts, lack of space on the hard drive, breakdowns of hardware components of the computer system, overheating of the processor or power supply, power outages, malfunctions of the boards RAM, problems with video cards, overlocking (overclocking) results, etc.

Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death Codes

As you can see, there can be many reasons for errors and failures. In any case, when such a screen appears, you should first pay attention to the description that is present at the bottom of the message. Separately, we can highlight the most common codes that occur most often:

  • 0x0000006B;
  • 0x00000000 (0022);
  • 0x0000007E;
  • 0xC0000005;
  • 0x80000003;
  • 0x80000002;
  • 0x804E518E;
  • 0xFC938104;
  • 0xFC937E04 and others.

Of course, the list is not limited to just these codes (you never know what situation may arise). However, the most common one that appears is the Blue Screen of Death (0x0000007E), in which case Windows 7 displays a description indicating that some exception was not handled.

But this is just a brief information. To view a full description of the error or failure, it is better to use a small utility called Blue Screen View. It is this program that can give the key to understanding how to treat the “blue screen of death” of Windows 7. This can be done using the system’s own tools, which will be discussed further.

Blue Screen of Death: what to do (Windows 7)? The first and simplest solution

In the case where the failure is short-term, for example, due to a sudden power outage and a switch to an uninterruptible power supply, you can use a regular reboot with a forced shutdown by long pressing the power button.

But if the “blue screen of death” appears again when loading Windows 7, this will already indicate serious damage. To begin with, you can try to simply disable the recording of dumps and mini-dumps. This is done through the properties section, called up from the right-click menu on the computer icon, where you need to go through the additional settings tab to the boot and recovery item. In the settings window, you need to disable automatic reboot and recording of small dumps, and then perform a complete restart of the system.

If even after this the problem is not resolved, it is very likely that this is not a software failure, but physical damage to the hardware (most often the problem is the hard drive and RAM).


One of the reasons for failures may be viruses and malicious codes that deliberately affect the system. They cause a lot of trouble by overwriting system components and replacing them with their own files, and can also cause a “blue screen of death.” What to do? Windows 7 has no tools in this case, apart from its own primitive tools in the form of a defender and a firewall.

In the simplest case, you should check the system with a standard anti-virus scanner, but most likely you will have to use more powerful programs. The best option would be the free disk utility Kaspersky Rescue Disk, which can boot itself before the system starts and detect viruses that have embedded themselves deep into the RAM.

System component failures

If it is the system that is damaged, recovery may not work. In this case, it is best to boot into Safe Made mode using the F8 key at startup, and then, if you have constant access to the Internet, perform an online recovery using the command shown in the image below in the command line running as administrator.

The process will take 5-10 minutes, after which you should enter the sfc /scannow command and wait for the scan verdict. If the integrity of Windows 7 is compromised, system files will be restored automatically.

Lack of space on the hard drive

Lack of space in the system partition can also lead to the “blue screen of death” in Windows 7. How to fix the situation? To do this, the system has its own disk cleaning tool. It is advisable to use it, and not modules of optimization programs, since the latter do not interfere with the system part.

In Explorer, right-clicking on the disk or partition being checked brings up the properties menu, where you can see a cleanup button on the general settings tab. After clicking it, in the window you should select all components to be deleted and confirm your actions.

Incorrect installation of updates

Quite often, the cause of BSoD is incorrectly installed or underloaded updates. It makes no difference whether automatic updating is enabled or whether the search for updates was done manually.

How to remove the Windows 7 Blue Screen of Death in this case? You need to go to the appropriate section of the “Control Panel” and view the latest installed updates. They will have to be removed one by one, rebooting the system each time after uninstallation. Perhaps they are the reason. As a last resort, if you don’t want to do such things manually, you can try to roll back the system to its previous state. But it’s worth considering that if automatic installation is enabled, the updates will be integrated into the system again.

But in the first case, having found out which update failed, it can be excluded from the list when searching again manually.

Hard drive errors and damage

The most problematic situation is when the cause of the failure is the hard drive. In the simplest case, you will have to check it for errors.

To do this, use the checker from the properties menu, but in the settings the lines for automatic error correction and correction of failed clusters are activated. The same procedure can be performed from the command console, where you need to enter the line chkdsk /x /f /r.

If the damage to the hard drive is physical, nothing can be done, although some experts recommend using a special hard drive magnetization reversal program called HDD Regenerator. True, there are legitimate doubts about the fact that it is possible to restore a disk this way (in the sense of using software). Nevertheless…

BIOS incompatibility

Another problem is outdated or incompatible BIOS firmware. The screen will appear directly at startup. In this situation, there is nothing left but to contact the manufacturer’s resource on the Internet. As is already clear, you need to download the firmware and install it.

Information about the BIOS version can be obtained in the system information section, which is called by the msinfo32 command from the Run console (Win + R).

Incorrectly installed drivers

But most often, the appearance of the deadly screen is influenced by drivers or conflicts between them (the most common problems arise with video cards). At the same time, if you access the “Device Manager” (command devmgmt.msc in the “Run” console or the section of the same name in the “Control Panel”), it is not recommended to update drivers.

It is best to remove the problematic driver and then install it from scratch. In some cases, this may not give a positive result. Therefore, you will have to completely remove the device. When restarting the system, it is advisable not to use the installation of the most suitable driver from its own database, but to install it, for example, from the Driver Pack Solution catalog or pre-download the required driver from the equipment manufacturer’s website.

But to search for the driver itself, first in the same “Device Manager” for the problematic component you need to find the VEN and DEV identifiers in the properties and go to the details tab, where you select the hardware ID display from the drop-down list. To be safe, it is best to use the longest line in the description.

Damaged RAM

But let's assume that the Blue Screen of Death appears again. What to do? Windows 7 seems to have exhausted its capabilities. Apparently the problem is in the RAM.

The cause of the failure can be determined by using the appropriate testing program. The most powerful utility is Memtest86+. But there is also the other side of the coin. On desktop PCs, you can simply remove the memory sticks from the slots on the motherboard one by one, reboot the system and look at its behavior. You can’t do this with laptops, so you’ll have to contact a service center.

Problems with the remote control program

Finally, although not often, there is a problem with remote access programs. Specifically, this is an error in the Win32k.sys file. The way out of this situation may be to simply remove the faulty application. Only it is better to uninstall not using system tools, but use programs like iObit Uninstaller for this, which can not only delete the main program files, but also completely clean the system of residual files, folders and even system registry entries.

Instead of an afterword

As can be seen from all of the above, there can be quite a lot of reasons for failures in the form of BSoD. And it is not always appropriate to reinstall Windows 7. Finally, it remains to give advice to the majority of users who believe that such a screen means the system has crashed. There is nothing too critical about this. In most cases, a simple reboot or reinstallation of drivers helps, of course, provided that there is no physical damage to the hardware.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter