Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Like any personal computer user, I want to have the latest versions of programs installed, not only paid ones, but also free ones. And I decided that if I bypassed the topic of how to update the browser in: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, it would not be correct.

When I first started working on the Internet, I used the Opera browser, after a while I got hooked on Mozilla Firefox, and now I use Google Chrome. Although I work in all three browsers. Each user, for some reason, chooses a browser for himself and does not want to change it. Although any number of browsers can be installed on a computer, even all of them are available today. I personally have Google Chrome as my worker and Mozilla Firefox just in case, as well as Opera.

By the way, there was such a problem recently. I use an email client, but for some reason, when I clicked on any link in an email, it would not open in the default browser. I surfed the Internet, but I still couldn’t find a solution, I just deleted the Opera browser and everything worked right away. I tried editing the registry, setting the default browser, but only deleting it solved this problem.

Note: The buttons may vary slightly as developers like to change them. Therefore, if this happens, then look for a browser update in the paragraph indicated in the article.

It is possible that you decided to update your browser because it is not working. If this is so, then check out the article: "".


First, I'll show you how to update the Opera browser. If you have it installed, just open “Help” in the menu and select “Check for updates.”

You can also update the Opera browser by setting up automatic updates.

Mozilla Firefox

Like any other browser, it is updated absolutely free. Open "Help" then "About Firefox".

Then click “Check for updates”; when the browser is updated, you need to restart it.

Google Chrome

Now I’ll show you how to update the Google Chrome browser, which is installed on many computers. If it is already installed on your computer, then all updates occur automatically, but you can take the browser update into your own hands. If there are available updates, there will be a green arrow pointing up on the side. You need to click on this button and select “Update Google Chrome”. After which you need to restart the browser.

If this arrow is not there, click “About Google Chrome Browser”.

A new tab will open in your browser where you can see which version you are using. A checkmark means that you have the latest version of the browser installed. If the version is old, then as I remember, the browser will be updated immediately.

Internet Explorer

If you need to install a different version of the browser, then I already wrote about this.

I don't know who uses this browser, but I personally don't trust it. When I first started learning to computer, naturally the first browser I saw was Internet Explorer. But it seemed to me like some kind of flaw, or the developers don’t have enough time to make a normal standard browser for Windows, or they simply don’t have the desire. If the developers actually created a normal browser, then the problems many novice users have when learning to use the Internet would decrease.

If you use Internet Explorer, I advise you to try another one, for example: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. All browsers are almost the same and you won’t notice any major changes.

To update the browser, you need to go to the official Windows website, because the browser is included in the Windows update package. To quickly find the page where you can download this browser, enter “Download Internet Explorer” in Google or Yandex; the first link in the results should lead to the offline. Windows website.

Follow the link, uncheck “Install Internet Explorer with Yandex services” and click on the “Download Internet Explorer” button. After downloading the file, launch and update Internet Explorer. If the browser is not compatible with your OS, then in the search engine enter “Download Internet Explorer (version, for example, 9)”

In addition, you should know that you can update your browser, or rather find the latest version for free download, in any search engine, including Yandex, just by typing the name of the browser. Using these methods we downloaded Internet Explorer. If you do not disable automatic updating of your browser in the settings, then when some update appears for your browser, it will definitely notify you about it.

Currently, there are many different browsers, but I told you about those that are used by many Internet users. If you don’t know, for example, how to update the Mozilla Firefox browser, then go to the official website and download the installation file.

Guys, I also want to ask you, what browser do you use? Leave your comment in this article. That's all for now.

Internet Explorer is perhaps the most famous web browser, and to this day remains one of the most popular among users around the world, although in Russia, according to statistics, its position is far from being so strong: being fairly displaced by programs such as Google Chrome , Opera Browser, Yandex Browser, Firefox, as well as the increasingly popular Orbitum, most users perceive it only as a mandatory appendage to the operating system.

However, among many consumers and content creators alike, this browser is still relevant for one reason or another.

Updates to the latest version

As you know, many software developers release updates for their products at different intervals. Most often this is done in connection with the addition of certain program functions, adaptation to new equipment, as well as correction of certain errors. But sometimes situations arise in which the release of a new update is due to the cessation of support from developers of older versions of programs. This is also true for the Internet Explorer browser, support for older versions of which has been completely completed by Microsoft. In addition, users who do not update their browser are deprived of critical security and compatibility updates for current versions of operating systems.

The latest and most current version of Internet Explorer is v. 11, available to users of the operating systems Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 (owners of Windows XP have the opportunity to upgrade to a maximum of the eighth version, while those working in the Windows Vista environment will have to be content with the ninth).

In some cases, the browser receives the latest updates along with updates to Windows itself. This happens when the Automatic Updates option is enabled in Windows Update. In this situation, no action is required from the user, since the latest version of the browser is always ready to work. But in situations in which automatic downloading of updates is disabled or there is no constant connection to the Internet, you have to update the program manually (often the browser will automatically remind you to download the next update).

Different versions of Windows have different approaches to updating Internet Explorer.

For Windows XP

It is recommended to download any official update exclusively from the software manufacturer's websites. Firstly, for security reasons, and secondly, for convenience, since on the developers’ web pages the process is laid out step by step and is quite concise. However, in the case of Windows XP, for which official support from Microsoft has been discontinued for several years, this option will not work. It will not be possible to organize an update using the operating system itself. Therefore, Windows XP users have only two options: search on third-party resources and perform the necessary actions at your own peril and risk, or use a rather cunning method of editing the registry and replacing operating system signatures in order to try to update through the Update Center.

Windows Vista

For this operating system, update scripts via Microsoft servers are no longer available to users, but browser version 9 can still be downloaded from the official website.

For 32-bit systems:

For 64-bit systems:

After downloading, you need to run the file and follow the installer's instructions.

Windows 7, 8.1, 10

For Win 7, there are two ways to update Internet Explorer.

Via Update Center

If automatic updating is configured, then you do not need to do anything; in other cases, in the “Search for updates for your computer” section, you must click the “Check for updates” button, after which the OS will display a list of available updates, and the user will have the opportunity to select the required ones. In this case, updates that are critical for the security and functionality of the operating system will be marked as “Important”, but in the end the decision is still made by the user himself.

Via the Microsoft download page

You need to go to a special section of the Microsoft website, located at, then select the version of Windows, and then the installation file corresponding to the bitness of the operating system ( The bit depth can be found in the system properties). With this update method, forced removal of the previous version of the program is not required: the installer will perform all the necessary actions itself.

It should be borne in mind that installing version 11 of Internet Explorer will only be possible for those whose version of WIndows 7 has already been updated to Service Pack 1. If for one reason or another this update is not installed on the system, but the latest version of the browser is needed, the Update Center will help , through which the required files can be downloaded to your computer.

The latest version of the browser is not supported in Win 8. First, you need to upgrade the system to 8.1, and only after that start installing IE 11. Most likely, most users will not have to do anything, since few people were ready to work in the rather controversial Windows 8, and at the first opportunity they upgraded to 8.1. Those who have not done this will still have to update the system to take advantage of all the benefits of the eleventh version of the Microsoft browser (without this, the browser installation simply will not start).

All this is done in several stages.

  • You need to launch the Update Center and install all current operating system updates marked “Important”. During the installation process, the computer may be restarted several times.
  • Once all important updates have been installed, you can begin installing Windows 8.1. This operation is available from the Windows Store.
  • Having completed the installation of the Win 8.1 update, the user also receives a fully functional version of the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
  • Using Windows Update, you can download and install all available updates, both automatically and manually, for both the operating system itself and the browser.

In Windows 10, the developers initially planned to completely replace the outdated IE, but some compatibility issues forced them, to the delight of many users, not to remove Internet Explorer from the operating system. Therefore, at the moment, Windows 10 users can use two pre-installed browsers from Microsoft.

Microsoft Edge is the latest browser, designed to finally replace the outdated Internet Explorer in the future, but is an integral part of the operating system now.

Internet Explorer itself is in its final eleventh version. All current updates can be obtained using the Windows Update service. Moreover, by default in Windows 10, auto-update is always turned on, and it cannot be disabled using the methods familiar to most users.

You always want the latest versions of the programs you use to be activated on your personal computer. These primarily include browser programs. Let's look at how to update your browser for free for those that are popular in our country.

Why update your browser?

Browser updates should be carried out regularly, because through them viruses enter the computer, new versions of which appear daily. Programmers and browser developers analyze these attacks and implement new anti-virus protection systems in each new release of their products. Therefore, the latest versions of browsers allow you to protect your computer from viruses. The old ones are more vulnerable. Many browsers update automatically, but sometimes the Windows operating system can block them. So you will have to do this process manually. There are no difficulties in this, you only need to click the mouse a few times.

There are also cases of browsers slowing down or crashing. This can be caused, in particular, by virus attacks. Often in such cases, only removing and reinstalling the browser on the computer helps. To do this, by the way, it is better to have not one, but several browsers installed on your PC.

How to update Mozilla Firefox browser

Usually it is updated absolutely free. Go to the menu “Help” - “About Firefox” - “Check for updates” and activate it, if there is one. Then, after the update is completed, which will be indicated in the update service window, the browser should be restarted.

How to update Yandex.Browser

New versions of Yandex.Browser have introduced synchronization of user settings and colorful backgrounds. The smart line has become even smarter, and the security system has become stronger. Synchronization facilitates the process of transferring your settings (bookmarks, extensions and passwords) to another computer with Yandex Browser installed. Even if there is only one computer you are using, synchronization is still needed. It will help restore settings if the equipment suddenly fails, since Yandex.Disk servers are used to store synchronization settings, a cloud storage where the data is securely encrypted.

The smart line suggests addresses down to certain pages; this is more convenient and faster than searching for the desired object starting from the main page of the site.

To automatically update the browser, click on the “Yandex.Browser” setting button (looks like a gear or three short horizontal lines in the upper right part of the screen). We activate the automatic browser update process. In the context menu that opens, use the mouse to select the “Advanced” item, or an additional window will immediately open in which we select the “About Yandex Browser” item. In the new page that opens, a search will be performed, and then the updated version will be installed. After installation of the new version is completed, you will be prompted to restart the browser. Click the appropriate button - the update is completed.

Manual update of Yandex.Browser

To manually update the Yandex browser, click on its settings button, in the context menu that opens, select the “Advanced” item, and in the window select the “About Yandex browser” item. If the page that opens contains a message about the availability of an update for manual installation, then click on the “Update” button and the browser will begin to update. After this you need to restart it. A message will appear indicating that the latest version of the browser is installed. Simultaneously with this update, fresh versions of some plugins are installed, which improves the reading of PDF and other types of files, eliminates possible difficulties with animation, and others.

Updating the Google Chrome browser

In this case, the question of how to update the browser is easily resolved. In an installed browser, usually all updates occur automatically. This can be done manually as follows.

If there are available updates, a green arrow pointing up will appear on the side of the settings icon. You should click this button and then select Update Google Chrome. After execution, restart the browser.

If this arrow is not there, click “About Google Chrome Browser”. In the tab that opens, you can see which version is used on the computer. The check mark indicates that the latest version of the browser is installed. If the version is old, the update will occur immediately. This is how easy it is to update your Google Chrome browser. Just a couple of clicks.

How to update the Opera browser

This browser is capable of updating in three automatic ways:

  1. Without asking for user permission when a new version appears on the site. The update starts when the browser starts (it is not recommended to cancel the update to avoid software errors when the browser is running).
  2. Notifying the user about the possibility of installing found updates.
  3. Without searching for updates (checking for updates - manually - menu "Help" - "Check for updates").

The update itself is carried out by the browser without user intervention. You can change the method like this: in the main settings “Tools” - “General settings”, select the “Advanced / Advanced” tab and the “Security” position. In the tab that opens, in the “Opera Update” position, select the desired option. Before performing an automatic update, you should save a backup copy of your settings and other data in a separate directory.

There are also two ways to manually update:

  1. Installing a new version over the existing one. This method can bring a lot of undesirable effects, such as loss of user settings and errors in operation.
  2. Removing the browser and then installing a new version. Before deleting, it is recommended to save the directory with user settings in another location.

How to update Internet Explorer

If you use Internet Explorer, then to update it you need to go to the official Windows website, uncheck the “Install Internet Explorer with Yandex services” checkbox and click on “Download Internet Explorer”. Then you launch it and update Internet Explorer.


Thus, the article answers the question of how to update your browser. Or rather, those of them that are most popular for computers with Windows operating systems in our country.

Yandex browser, after its release, over time gained great popularity and love of many Internet users. If initially it was very similar to Google Chrome, then over time it acquired its own functions and services. That made it individual and helped to acquire some zest. Therefore, the browser's extensive capabilities are attracting more and more new users. Since developers are introducing new functions, the user is faced with the question of how to update the Yandex browser to the latest version for free. By default, the automatic update function is enabled, but there are times when the browser cannot update automatically due to various reasons.

Advice! Try to always keep your browser up to date, as developers, with each new version, make browsing the Internet more stable, secure and functional.

Instructions on how to update Yandex browser to the latest version for free, manually.

Let's figure out how to manually update the Yandex browser to the latest version for free in any version of Windows. In this instruction I will carry out all the steps in Windows 10, but there will be no differences for other versions.

This way you can update the Yandex browser to the latest version for free. After the browser downloads and installs the updated files, you will be able to use the new version. This will make your work on the Internet more comfortable.

There are times when browser updates cannot be installed manually. An error appears like the one below. In this case, I had to uninstall and download the latest version of the browser from the official website. Let's look at how to do this.

Install the current version of Yandex browser from the official website.

Before installing the latest version, I recommend uninstalling the old version so that there are no problems with updating and operating the browser in the future.

We carry out all the steps:

Note! If, after deleting the old version of the Yandex browser, you do not receive an offer to download the current version, then you need to go to the official website.

To do this, follow the link - "Update Yandex browser". When you click on the link, a window will open, as I described above, all you have to do is download the browser and install it on your computer.

We enable “Silent” installation of Yandex Browser updates.

In order to update the Yandex browser to the latest version for free, let's enable the update mode even when the browser is not turned on. To enable this function, take the following steps:

That's it, now your Yandex Browser will update automatically. I recommend that you occasionally monitor which version you have installed and, if necessary, manually install updates.

Let's summarize.

Today we have discussed in detail how to update the Yandex browser to the latest version for free. As you can see, the entire update procedure is quite simple and does not take much time. We also figured out what to do if browser updates are not installed either automatically or manually. Always keep your browser up to date, so you can try out new features that developers add, and you will also be sure that your work on the Internet is safe and your information is protected.

A browser is what allows you to easily surf the Internet; websites, necessary tabs, etc. open here. In fact, a browser is a convenient Internet browser, software that allows you to browse sites on the Internet. The browser also processes requests for Internet addresses, displays them in front of you and allows you to move from page to page. There are a sufficient number of browsers today, and each person can choose the browser that seems most convenient and interesting to him. The main thing is to find out how to update your browser in order to always be up to date and take advantage of software innovations from the manufacturer.

It’s convenient that updates, like the browser itself, can be received by every Internet user completely free of charge. Here are the most famous and popular browsers:

  1. Google Chrome,
  2. Opera and Opera Mini,
  3. Internet Explorer,
  4. Mozilla Firefox.

It is also worth noting browsers such as Safari and Netscape Navigator.

If you want to be modern and openly look forward to the future, then regularly check for updates to your browsers. There may be just one, most suitable browser on your computer, or several at once. There will be no problems with this; you can use them alternately or open several browsers at once.

We update the Opera browser.

Opera is a very popular browser, although there are those who have absolutely nothing in common with this browser. Most often this concerns people working at the Opera, and not just looking at pictures on websites. In addition, recently there have been problems among those who work with Opera and protect their computer with Kaspersky antivirus. The browser constantly freezes, takes a long time to return to the reverse state, has difficulty working in all tabs at once, etc. However, if you just go to check the news on social networks, then Opera can be very convenient for you; here you can save and keep tabs open not at the top, but on the side, which is much more convenient.

Let's now figure out how to update the Opera browser in the easiest way. To do this, open Opera. In the top panel you will see “File-Edit-View-Bookmarks-Tools-Help”. You need to go to “Help – Check for updates”:

If you are using the latest version of Opera, it will be displayed on your screen and then no updates are required, but if an update is found, it must be installed. Everything will happen automatically, in a couple of minutes. If the old version of Opera often produced errors, it is worth deleting it permanently, rather than updating it and instead installing the new latest version of the browser on your computer, tablet or phone.

We update the Mozilla Firefox browser.

The “fire fox” browser Mozilla Firefox (in common parlance – Mazila or Firefox) is also popular. Let's learn how to update the Mozilla Firefox browser.

  1. Launch the Firefox browser. There will be a bar at the top of the browser. Here you need to find the Help tab. It is clear that you need to work with updates through this tab. So next you need to select the “About Firefox” category,
  2. In the new dialog box that opens, click on the “Apply update” line. You will see a window with information about the new available update,
  3. Click on “Update Firefox”, then click on “OK” to continue the update,
  4. Configure all the add-ons you need by checking the box next to the desired tool or plugin and proceed further by clicking on “Next”
  5. Click on “Finish” and wait for a new window to appear - this will start downloading the updated version of the browser,
  6. Once the download is complete, click on “Restart Firefox”.

In this simple way, we can easily update the version of the Mozilla Firefox browser if you have not updated it for a long time or want to check the capabilities of the browser with updates. And what’s the point of using older versions if the new one is always more functional, and also free.

We update the Internet Explorer browser.

If you purchase the Windows operating system, then the Internet Explorer browser is included in your package. Not bad, of course, but over time the popularity of this browser waned, although if you don’t bother about a specific browser, then Internet Explorer is absolutely fine. So, let’s assume that you are the happy owner of a licensed Windows 7 or 8, you get the Internet Explorer browser included with it, you use it for some time, but the updates are not installed by themselves.

So, how to update Internet Explorer browser:

  1. Download the Internet Explorer browser. To do this, go to the official website ( and wait for it to load. You will find a useful Download link here. The newest version of the browser will be automatically downloaded, and the language will also be selected automatically. However, if you want to choose the version and language yourself, you need to click not on “Download”, but on “Other versions” - located directly under the download link,
  2. Install a browser. To do this, click "Save" in the new dialog box and select a save location, such as your desktop. You can find an archive of the browser program on your desktop or in your download folder. Check the program archive with an antivirus and proceed with installation. To do this, click “Run”, allow changes to be made on your computer by clicking on “Yes” and wait until the installation is completed,
  3. Restart your computer. This is necessary to ensure that all the necessary changes are made. So close the running applications and perform a Reboot Now reboot on your computer system. If you did not close open applications in advance, click “Restart later”, close unnecessary applications and restart your computer through “Start”
  4. Run updates. After rebooting, the computer will turn on automatically. Next, you need to click on the Internet Explorer browser icon on the desktop or in the taskbar, and in the settings window that appears, select the recommended settings and click “OK”.

We update the Google Chrome browser.

Google Chrome, or Google Chrome in Russian, also needs to be updated. This browser is known for its efficiency; it is very convenient and fast to work with, which is why people who often work with the Internet and value speed prefer to use this browser. If it is not difficult to work and use, and there are no fundamental features in management from other browsers, it is worth learning how to update the Google Chrome browser. The convenience is that there is nothing easier than updating this browser; everything happens almost automatically.

So, first you need to check for updates. To do this, log into the Google Chrome browser and look at the top panel. If you see a small arrow on a green background from the menu, then you need to update Google Chrome, because... new version available. In our case, as you can see, there are no updates:

In the event that your Google Chrome browser requires an update, you need to open the menu and select the “Update Google Chrome” line from the menu. A new dialog box should appear where you need to click “Restart”. If you have a Windows 8 operating system, then click “Not now”, then close all applications, tabs and repeat the procedure, but as a result agree to restart. The browser will automatically update, close and restart, but with new updates. Saved tabs will not go anywhere.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter