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A theater begins with a coat rack, and an apartment renovation begins with an elevator.

Let's look at some secrets of using a freight elevator. Why secrets? Yes, because the most popular elevators in Moscow and the Moscow region - the Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant - do not have instructions for using the elevator. Only the maximum load capacity is indicated, and the rest is a secret.

Through numerous trials and errors, it was created next instruction which I present to your attention:
Secret 1st:
The freight elevator has a small fixed door that is movable! It can be opened manually! To do this, you need to lift the lever located between the outer and inner small doors at a height of approximately 1 m from the floor. Then, holding the lever in the raised position, press the sash and slide it all the way.

Ready! Now the maximum length of long items transported has increased to 295cm.

But 3-meter galvanized profiles do not pass. Apparently this was done deliberately so that the profiles would not scratch the cabin.

Sheet material, although no longer than 220cm. But it’s still better than 200. Also, you can easily load a standard size metal door and much more.

If you cannot lift the lever, it means that the management company has blocked it. This is usually done in houses where renovations have already been completed.

In this case, you can contact us in advance management company so that they unlock the door on the day of loading.

Secret 2:
The permanently closing elevator door can be locked in the open position using a button OTM. Sometimes they don’t sign it at all. Simply pressing it returns the door to the open position for a few seconds. But we need it to stand open for a few minutes.

To do this, hold this button pressed for 8 seconds.. (On some models this time is 15 seconds). The indicator blinked - great! We achieved our goal. If the indicator does not respond - and this happens - just wait a few seconds. If the door does not close, everything is in order, the task is completed. If it closes, we try to do this with some other similar button. Personally, I have always succeeded.

But keep in mind that as soon as you exit the elevator, the door lock will immediately reset and the door will safely close. It has been experimentally established that in order to hold the lock, there must be a load in the elevator of at least 40 kg. The figure may change in each specific case, but the essence is clear.

There is another barbaric way to block a door - place a board on the threshold of the elevator so that the closing door rests against it and returns back. One elevator operator said that this eventually leads to the elevator shutting down. Somehow I didn’t want to check.

With overload, everything is clear - the light comes on, the elevator will not move.

Attention! Next came the text with the recommendation: “In case you don’t have time to press the door open button,” he inserted his boot into the opening, “the door will press and release. I don’t recommend inserting a knee or shin, much less a hand—sometimes the pressure is quite noticeable.” Thanks to Roman’s remark, stated in the commentary dated 10.25.13, I am amending:

Before you try to stop the elevator with your hand or foot, it would be a good idea to check the functionality of the interference sensor in the doorway. It is advisable to do this with any elevator that you have to deal with.

Why? — The fact is that not only you use the elevator, but also other people, including children. And such a breakdown of the sensor can have tragic consequences.

So, the sooner a breakdown is detected, the better for everyone.

This check is very simple to do - just place some non-valuable object between the closing doors that will prevent the doors from closing by at least a couple of centimeters.

If the doors do not open, you should immediately call the dispatch service and report the breakdown, and until the repair team arrives, do not allow children to use the elevator without adult supervision.

IN latest models In elevators, there are optical sensors that block the closing of doors if there is interference in the opening. They are located in the middle and at the bottom of the door. Or along the entire height of the door.

In this case, it is enough to cover the beam from the sensor with your hand and the door will stop.

And even while moving, if you close this sensor, the elevator will stop at the nearest floor, open the door and wait until you get out. Only after you have left can you go back and press the button for the desired floor to continue moving.

The 5th secret is also related to optical sensors.

Secret 3rd:

There is another problem that you may encounter: it may be impossible for one person to call a freight elevator. A passenger one arrives instead, you ride it to the first floor, there you see on the indicator which floor the freight one is on, you go there, get out of the elevator, press the call button - the passenger one opens again. You send him to the first floor - he doesn’t want to go empty. As they say, “we’ve arrived.”

Here I suggest 2 ways out of the situation:

1st - Always have a bag of broken concrete weighing 40 kg in stock. You put him in the passenger elevator and send him to another floor, calling the freight elevator after his departure. (Don’t forget to pick up this bag later). If a passenger arrives again, send him “farther away,” otherwise these “smart” elevators, where they are not needed, calculate which one will get there faster, and that one will arrive.

2nd - Drive to a floor higher or lower, and then return on foot and call the elevator. The nearest one should open.

In some elevator models, another 3rd method works:

Go inside the passenger cabin, press the OTM button and hold it for 8 seconds. The elevator must go into loading mode, as indicated by the indicator, or the door will simply stop closing.

Next, you need to manage to reach the elevator call button without leaving the cabin. If at the same time the freight elevator has called, which will be indicated by the indication or you will simply hear that it has left, then you need to wait for it without leaving the passenger elevator cabin. If you didn’t go, then this method is not suitable here.

Secret 4th:

To speed up door closing, many elevators have a button >|<. Там, где её нет, можно попробовать повторно нажать кнопку нужного Вам этажа. В некоторых лифтах это действие приводило к нужному результату.

Secret 5th:

Recently, elevators have increasingly been equipped with optical sensors for the door zone. If, at the moment of closing the door, you or your building material gets into the sensor’s coverage area (next to the plane of the door), then the door will not close. Sometimes you don’t immediately understand what’s going on, and the trigger indication is not informative.

Another way to keep the elevator door open is to block the sensor with any object. For example, seal it with masking tape. After loading, remove the tape and you are ready to go.

In some elite-class buildings, elevators operate according to the following scheme: three passenger elevators - one freight elevator.

In this case, the freight elevator is configured to automatically open the door after arriving at the desired floor. That is, the elevator arrived, opened the door and will not close it again on its own.

This is very convenient for loading and unloading. The only negative is that the elevator will remain on your floor after unloading unless you send it to the first floor by pressing the appropriate button. Unlike other elevators, even if it’s not loaded, it will still go.

And there, on the first floor, he is always with the door open.

This must be done, at least out of courtesy to other residents - they will no longer be able to call the freight elevator. They will have to go first to the first floor, see which floor the freight elevator is on, go to your floor, transfer to the freight elevator and go to their floor. Which, you see, is a little upsetting.

In conclusion, I will add that the load must be placed in the middle of the elevator so that the load is uniform. I don’t even remind you to keep things clean and tidy.

I will help you save SVDN (effort, time, money and nerves)! Stanislav Plitochkin was with you.


    But you can’t put anything into a closing elevator - if the sensor is faulty, it can first bite, and then leave. And this happens.

    Hello! Thank you for your "Secrets". I have a question: what to do if the freight elevator does not lift a person weighing 42 kg, do you always have to wait for the passenger one? I will be grateful for your answer.

  1. A very useful article. Having worked as a loader at one time, I knew a trick with a lever in a small door, and the guys looked at me as if I were GOD.
    And IMHO, it’s complete assholery to make one call button for passenger and freight elevators (I’ve seen separate ones a few times), because of this, you have to do the dances with a tambourine described here.

    One more note about holding the elevator by locking doors without optical sensors.
    During my brother's move, the elevator with our things closed after 5 or more (I don't remember) hand blocking. Well, we just didn’t have time to lend a hand once again.
    The elevator operator who arrived explained that a relay had worked there, which was set to a certain number of “stuck” doors. He told me not to do that again, but to use the CANCEL button in the elevator or the button to open the doors.

    hello, thanks for the advice, I’m not a sighted person, I have an Otis passenger elevator in my house, please tell me is it possible to adjust the closing of the door so that there is more in the belt for landing, thank you, please reply to my email [email protected] and why doesn’t it open immediately after the elevator arrives? Thanks letter from St. Petersburg

    • Hello, Sergey! I have to admit, I'm not an elevator expert. This instruction was created by me based on empirical experience in using various elevators. I would assume that all modern elevators are equipped with an adjustable door closing timer, much less Otis. In any case, it is better for you to contact the service company - they will explain everything and do what you need. I duplicated the answer to gmail.

  2. If the elevator arrives, but continue to press the call button, a second one will arrive.

    I discovered it by accident (a cargo truck broke down on my floor, I pressed for a minute out of anger (a child in a stroller), a second one arrived.
    Then I checked - the cargo one also volunteered when the passenger one was standing.

    A freight elevator must arrive by pressing the call button twice - this is built into almost all modern elevators. If this is not the case, it is likely that the elevator numbers in the group need to be changed and everything will work. Also, if the cargo one does not arrive, you need to go higher on the passenger one than the cargo one - and the cargo one will go down to the first one - it is called a self-release. If the passenger does not want to drive empty when ordered, it means he has a 15 kg sensor connected. - you can negotiate with the mechanic, and he will turn off this sensor - and the elevator will accept orders.

    And the boards in the door definitely don’t need to survive - after the eighth reversal of the doors - most likely the elevator will stop with an error. The error is called eight reverses...

    • To disable the loading mode, it is enough to release the elevator and return the retractable small door to its original position. After this, the elevator should turn on itself and the large door will close. If this does not happen, you need to try pressing the first floor button. The elevator must close and leave. If after this the doors do not close, then most likely the elevator was turned off due to a multiple reverse error. In this case, you need to call a specialist from the service company.

      • Yeah, I checked it today. If the elevator is released, the mode will turn off. But we lined the elevator with plywood, so now there is always cargo in the cabin. Therefore, it helps to send the elevator to the next floor.
        Thank you.

  3. Good afternoon, I have a question, I have a KONE 1t elevator installed in my house. for 16 people, the question is how to switch it to loading mode, I really need it, thank you very much!

    • Good day, Sergey! Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about this elevator model. I had no experience working with them. If the above methods do not work, try contacting the service company; they may give you an answer by phone.
      I would be grateful if you share the solution you found!

    We recently installed ShchLZ elevators, new ones, but there is no “OTM” button; when you make the wrong floor button, you have to go to the wrong floor. Can you tell me how I can cancel the selected floors, thanks in advance!

    • To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard about this...
      Offhand I can suggest the following method:
      While the elevator is moving, press the button for the floor closest to you. The elevator will stop there and open the door. At this point, exit the elevator and enter again. The incorrectly selected floor should be reset. Press yours and keep moving.

    Thanks for the advice! In general, there is a problem with calling a freight elevator, and the developers, since microprocessors are used, could, for example, program the call button to be pressed for a long time so that the freight elevator will come. But all this is mediocre. My wife and I often ride bikes and every time we run around the floors like - not very much. Maybe this was done to save money?

    “If the elevator arrives, but continue to press the call button, a second one will arrive.
    I discovered it by accident (a cargo truck broke down on my floor, I pressed for a minute out of anger (a child in a stroller), a second one arrived.
    Then I checked - the cargo one also volunteered when the passenger one was standing.”
    In our case it doesn't work.

    “Go inside the passenger cabin, press the OTM button and hold it for 8 seconds. The elevator must go into loading mode, as indicated by the indicator, or the door will simply stop closing.

    Next, you need to manage to reach the elevator call button without leaving the cabin. If at the same time the freight elevator calls, which will be indicated by the indication or you will simply hear that it has left, then you need to wait for it without leaving the passenger elevator cabin.”
    And this is what happened, thank you very much!

    I live in a new building, the house is 3 years old. There is one freight elevator at the entrance, it always works properly. Today I walked into the entrance, the board shows the 9th floor, neighbors from the 9th floor just got up in front of me, with whom I have an unfriendly relationship. I press the call button, but it doesn’t respond and doesn’t light up. Question: Is it possible to block the call button by pressing some buttons in the cabin, or is it possible to turn off the power supply outside the machine room?

    The elevator operators said that when they press the “Cancel” button in the elevator, the call buttons on other floors stop responding to pressing. I haven't checked it myself yet.

  4. The freight elevator starts moving after opening and closing the doors 3-5 times. WHAT TO DO. And the button to call the dispatcher does not work. WHAT TO DO?

    • This happens with Shcherbinsky elevators. Of course, you cannot use such an elevator. You need to urgently call a mechanic and try not to let anyone, (especially children) into the elevator until the mechanic arrives. If the dispatcher call button does not work, you need to try to find the telephone number of the dispatcher. It can be written on the wall of the elevator, or on an information board in the entrance. If you have a smartphone, you can look it up on the Internet by entering the address. Another option is to call the Management Company or the chairman of the HOA - they can also help you contact the dispatcher. In general, if you live or often visit a building with an elevator, it is useful to save these contacts in your phone.

  5. Good day. The topic is old but relevant at all times. I have the following problem in my house related to waiting for the elevator. The picture is as follows: approaching the elevator on the first floor, I press the call button, look up at the indicators, I see a passenger elevator standing on the 2nd or 3rd floor, a freight elevator with passengers is already traveling from the 16th down to the first, passenger he doesn’t try to come, because... another elevator goes to the first one. And as luck would have it, he stops on the intermediate floors so that more passengers can enter. How to get a small elevator to arrive, despite the freight one???

    • Greetings, Dmitry! I agree, the problem is urgent. I don't have a ready-made solution. In the long term, I’m sure they’ll come up with something. Today, I can suggest reprogramming the elevators to the program described at the end of the article, where the freight elevator must be sent down forcibly. If the residents in the entrance are adequate, then it will always be on the first floor with the door open. I need to go urgently, please go, but just don’t forget to send him to the first floor later. True, in this case, when leaving the upper floor, you may have to wait, because if the passenger elevator is busy, then the freight elevator will no longer arrive when called.

      • No, we just have 2 elevators. One is standard, the other is cargo. When you call from any floor, the nearest one goes, but if in some elevator the button for the first floor is already pressed, then the other one will not go there. An example from experience, tested with a neighbor: “Petya” on the 16th floor presses the elevator to the first floor, then he goes down the elevator and picks up everyone along the way, then he also called the elevator on his floor, in the morning, when all the neighbors go to work, and I’m just returning from walking the dog, for example, I have to wait until one elevator descends from 16, stopping at floors 15,10,7,4,3, when the second elevator stupidly stands on the 2nd.

    How to damage or disable a freight elevator? The fact is that our apartment is adjacent to a freight elevator, and it is very noisy. Passenger and freight elevators have separate call buttons. Passengers always press both at once. Both elevators are called each time (just in case!). Trying to talk with them, with the commandant, or posting a request notice did not yield any results. There are small children in the house who wake up at night from the noise of the elevator. I want to quietly turn it off or break it. How can this be done???

    • Interesting question. I never thought about it. Maybe, for starters, try attaching signs above the freight elevator call buttons with a polite request not to call the elevator at night?

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Standard information

1 PREPARED BY JSC Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant (JSC ShchLZ) based on an authentic translation of the standard specified in paragraph 4

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 209 “Elevators, escalators, passenger conveyors and lifting platforms for the disabled”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated September 14, 2009 No. 326-st

4 This standard is modified from the international standard ISO 4190-5:2006 “Elevator installation. Part 5. Control devices, alarms and additional equipment" ( ISO 4190-5:2006 "Lift (Elevator) installation - Part 5: Control devices, signals and additional fittings").

At the same time, additional provisions and requirements included in the text of the standard to take into account the needs of the national economy of the Russian Federation are highlighted in italics in the text of the standard.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified international standard to bring it into compliance with GOST R 1.5-2004 (clause 3.5)


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet


Control devices, alarms and additional equipment

Lifts. Control devices, signals and additional fittings

Date of introduction - 2010-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for control devices, buttons and signaling devices of elevators, taking into account the type of control systems and conditions of use.

The requirements of the standard apply to control devices, alarms and handrails that are equipped with new elevators.

The standard can be used as a basis for the modernization of existing elevators.

The standard does not establish requirements for:

Elevators with internal, external, simple mixed control;

Special control and signaling devices for hospital elevators, fire department elevators, voice control devices and touch control screens;

Any devices to increase the carrying capacity of elevators with automatic doors (regulation of time delays, door closing buttons, optical means of monitoring the doorway, etc.);

Additional devices that the manufacturer may introduce to improve the passenger experience of group elevator installations (for example, signals such as “next car”, “do not stand in the doorway”).

This standard may be used as guidance in the development and implementation of additional signals.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative reference to:

4.1 Types of control systems

4.1.1 One-way mixed collective control when moving down

A call on floor platforms is registered by pressing the call buttons located on each floor. If the cabin is free (stands on any floor and does not have registered orders in the cabin or calls from floors) or moving down, it will be aimed at the highest challenge or the nearest call in the direction of travel and then to the received floor calls as the cabin moves to the main boarding floor. Orders given in the cockpit are recorded and carried out in a logical sequence in the direction of travel.

This control system is used when there is little passenger traffic between upper floors - passengers use the elevator to move from the main boarding floor to the desired floor and from a certain floor to the main boarding floor (there is no more than one floor below the main boarding floor).

The system provides for the installation of one call button on each floor and can be used for single or group installation of elevators.

When there is more than one floor below the main landing floor, a combination of one-way downward collective control and one-way upward collective control is used to serve the floors below the landing.

4.1.2 Bilateral mixed collection control

This control system provides for the installation of two call buttons on each intermediate floor: one button for calling the cabin for the passenger's downward trip, and the other for the upward trip. One call button is installed on the outermost floors.

Calls from floors and orders from the cabin are recorded and executed in a logical sequence in the direction of cabin movement. The direction of movement does not change until the last order (call) is completed, which does not require a change in direction of movement. This control system is used when there is interfloor passenger flow up and down, served by a single elevator or a group elevator installation.

4.1.3 Control to destination floor

A description of the control for the destination floor is given in the Appendix.

4.1.4 Group elevator control system

A group elevator control system consists of elevators that have a common system for executing calls from floors.

The group elevator control system can be equipped with one-way collective control for downward movement, two-way collective control or control for the destination floor.

Control for the destination floor, which uses dial-up control devices, is described in the Appendix.

4.1.5 Scanning system for recording orders in the cockpit

The scanning system for recording orders in the cockpit is used in cases where, due to some special requirements, it is impossible to use conventional control systems.

The selection of the destination floor is carried out by short or long pressing one or two special buttons (scanning buttons up and down):

The up scanning button is used to select the destination floor above the floor on which the cabin is located;

The down scanning button is used to select the destination floor below the floor on which the cabin is located.

When the operation of the up or down scanning button is stopped for more than 2 s, the last selected destination floor is registered as an order.

Up and down scanning buttons are located in close proximity to or directly above the personnel call buttons.

4.2 Control devices

4.2.1 Floor controls One-way mixed collective control when moving down

The control station on each floor is equipped with one call button (no marking required).

If the elevator serves floors located above and more than one below the main landing floor, the control station on the main landing floor is equipped with two call buttons, marked with the symbols ▲ and ▼ (see table, paragraph, appendix). Bilateral mixed collection management

On each intermediate floor, the control station is equipped with two call buttons, one of which is marked with the symbol ▲, and the other with the symbol ▼ (see table, paragraph, appendix).

On the extreme upper and lower floors, the control room is equipped with one call button, which is marked with the symbol ▼ on the upper floor, and with the symbol ▲ on the lower floor. Control devices for group lift installations

Each floor is equipped with a control station with one or two buttons. The minimum number of control posts is accepted:

One for each of the elevators located opposite each other on a common floor area;

One per group of four elevators located in a row (no more). Buttons (the requirements do not apply to dialing control devices in accordance with the application).

The following requirements apply to control station buttons on floor platforms:

a) to register a call, the force on the button should be no more than 5 N, and the recommended operating range of the force on the button is from 2.5 to 5.0 N;

b) dimensions of the working surface of the buttons:

When placing two buttons at the control station, the vertical distance between their working surfaces must be at least 10 mm. The buttons must be located one above the other: the button marked ▲ must be at the top;

c) call registration must be confirmed by a visual signal. Confirmation of call registration by visual and audio signals, adjustable within 35 - 80 dBA, is allowed.

It is allowed to use a mechanical method to confirm call registration (“sticky button”);

e) the working part of the buttons must be visually different from the outer surface of the control station;

f ) the external surface of the control station must contrast with the surface of its installation site;

g ) if there is a marking, the size of any symbol must be at least 15 mm.

Symbols are placed:

To the left of the working surface of the buttons at a distance of 10 to 15 mm or

Symmetrical relative to the vertical axis of the post.

4.2.2 Cabin controls Control station (the requirement does not apply to type-setting control devices according to the application)

Control stations are equipped with the following buttons:

One button for each serviced floor (labeled -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, etc.);

One yellow staff call button with a bell-shaped symbol or one button with a yellow bell-shaped symbol (see table, paragraph, appendix) or a call button with a handset-shaped symbol (see table, clause, appendix);

One button for opening automatic doors with the ◄│ symbol (see table, paragraph, appendix);

One “stop” button (if necessary for safety requirements) red with the inscription “stop” (see table, paragraph, appendix) or with a red halo with the inscription “stop”;

One button for closing automatic doors (if provided by the design) with the symbol │◄ (see table, paragraph, appendix).

Control stations may be equipped with the following buttons:

One button to cancel orders labeled “cancel”;

A switch (for example, a toggle switch) or a fan button (if available). Buttons (requirements do not apply to application control dialers)

The following requirements apply to the control station buttons in the cockpit:

a) the requirements set out in items a), b), c) and e);

b) the distance from the cabin floor level to the center of the working surface of the personnel call and door opening buttons must be at least 900 mm;

c) the bottom order button for the destination floor should be located above the buttons for calling personnel and opening doors. The vertical distance from the buttons for calling personnel and opening doors to the order buttons should be not less than 20 mm;

d ) the size of any symbol must be at least 15 mm.

Symbols are placed:

On the working surface of the buttons or

To the left of the working surface of the buttons at a distance of 10 to 15 mm when the buttons are arranged in more than two vertical rows and one horizontal row;

To the left and right of the working surface of the buttons at a distance of 10 to 15 mm when the buttons are arranged in two vertical rows;

Symmetrically relative to the central axes of the working surface of the buttons at a distance of 10 to 15 mm when the buttons are arranged in one row;

e) the main boarding floor order button must be identified as follows:

Have a relief image of a star on the working surface of the button or next to the button at a distance of 10 to 15 mm from it (see table, paragraph, appendix) or

Be green, above all other order buttons by (5± 10) mm and have the marking of the main landing floor;

f ) the order of the order buttons should be:

From left to right for a single horizontal row;

From bottom to top for a single vertical row;

From left to right and from bottom to top for multi-row placement of buttons. Placement of the control station in the cockpit Passenger elevator with a rated capacity of less than 450 kg

The control station is located:

b) on the side wall of the cabin on the door closing side when the cabin is equipped with a side opening door. Passenger elevators with a rated load capacity of at least 450 kg

The control station is located:

a) on the side wall of the cabin when the cabin is equipped with a central opening door;

b) on the side wall of the cabin on the side of the door closing direction when the cabin is equipped with a side opening door;

c) on the front wall of the cabin. Lifts with a car having two doors (for example, walk-through cabin)

The requirements set out in and apply to both doors. Additional control station in the cab

An additional control station can be installed in the cabin, meeting the requirements listed a), b), e) and f).

4.3 Signaling devices

4.3.1 Signaling devices on landings Control to destination floor

Requirements for signaling devices on floor platforms for control systems on the destination floor are given in the Appendix. Types of signaling devices

Two illuminated arrows for elevators with two-way collective control and one illuminated arrow for elevators with one-way collective control, providing information about the direction of movement of the cabin arriving at the floor, are placed above or near the doors.

On the extreme floors, one arrow is provided for the direction of movement of the cabin.

If there are non-automatic shaft doors, visual information must be provided to passengers waiting on the floor that the cabin has arrived on the floor or is approaching the floor.

It is allowed to supplement visual information with an audio signal. Requirements for signaling devices Sound signals

The sound level of audio signals should be within 35-80 dBA and with sound level adjustment taking into account environmental conditions. Adjustments must be inaccessible to users. Sound signals about the direction of movement of the cabin up or down for a two-way collective control system must be different:

For the upward direction, the signal sounds once;

For the downward direction, the signal sounds twice. When using signal arrows indicating the direction of movement of the cabin on landings, they should be placed at a height of 1.80 to 2.5 m from the floor level of the landing with a recommended viewing angle of 140° ± 10°.

Minimum height of arrows – 20 mm.

4.3.2 Signaling devices in the cab Types of signaling devices

The cabin may be provided with visual (illuminated) or visual and audible signals about the location of the cabin. Requirements for signaling devices A visual signal about the location of the cabin is located above the control station in the cabin or above the cabin door. The distance from the center of the signaling device located above the control station to the cabin floor must be within 1,6 -2,0 m.

The height of the floor numbers on the cabin location indicator must be at least 13 mm, the recommended height is from 30 to 60 mm.

The color of the visual signal should contrast with the surrounding elements. When stopping the cabin, the voice informant (if available) must indicate the floor number. The sound level of the voice informant should be adjustable within 35-80 dBA The elevator cabin is equipped with one personnel calling device (two-way public address system).

4.3.3 Additional signaling devices

On floor landings, an “elevator is not working” signal with a minimum diameter of 25 mm may be provided (see table, paragraph 5, appendix).

A glowing signal “elevator overloaded” may be provided in the cabin (see table, paragraph, appendix).

5 Handrail

It is recommended that the cab be equipped with at least one handrail mounted horizontally, preferably on the same side as the control station. The size of the part of the handrail intended for the user's hands;

Must have a perimeter from 100 to 160 mm;

Must have a minimum size of 25 mm;

Must have a maximum size of 55 mm and

Should not have sharp edges.

The handrail is installed at a height of 800 to 950 mm from the cabin floor level.

The distance between the cabin wall and the part of the handrail intended for the user's hands must be at least 35 mm.

Appendix A

Special systems management

A.1 General provisions

When installing an elevator in buildings where users can be trained in the use of special systems (for example, in office buildings), special systems can be used:

a) dial control devices;

b) control systems for the destination floor.

This annex provides requirements only for the above systems, which replace or supplement the requirements given in , , and .

A.2 Set control devices

Formation of a command to direct the cabin to a floor with a two-digit number can be performed using various algorithms. In this case, the user should receive information that the order has been registered.

A.2.1 General requirements

The following are the requirements that supersede the requirements:

a) the placement of buttons with numbers should be the same as on telephone sets (see Figure A.1);

1 - point; 2 - green button with relief marking in the form of a star (button of the main landing floor); 3 - raised minus symbol: used when sending a control command to floors located below the main landing floor
Figure A.1 - Dial control apparatus

b) to register an order, the force on the button must be no more than 5 N, and the recommended operating range of the force on the button is from 2.5 to 5.0 N;

c) dimensions of the working surface of the buttons:

The vertical and horizontal distance between the working surfaces of the buttons must be at least 10 mm.

For dialers with an inclined front panel, the distance between the buttons can be at least 5.0 mm;

d ) The user should receive a beep every time the button is pressed.

Confirmation of team registration must be provided visually and audibly;

f ) the working part of the button should be easily identified visually;

g ) the top panel of the typesetting apparatus should contrast with neighboring elements;

Numbers/symbols should contrast with the working surface of the buttons;

i ) on the working surface of the button with the number 5 there should be a point with a diameter of 3 +0.5 mm, protruding above the working surface of the button by 0.6-0.9 mm;

j) any additional symbols should be in relief with a relief height of at least 0.8 mm and should contrast with adjacent elements;

k) numbers and symbols should be applied to the working surface of the buttons;

l) the main landing floor button, located on the left in the bottom row of buttons, must be green, be higher than the other buttons by (5 ± 1) mm and marked with a relief star (see table, paragraph, appendix).

A.2.2 Control station components in the cockpit

The requirements of this section supersede the requirements.

A.2.2.1 When using a dial control system in the cockpit, the control station must be equipped with:

Dialing control apparatus;

One yellow staff call button marked with a bell, or one staff call button marked with a yellow bell (see table, clause, appendix), or a call button marked with a handset (see table, clause, appendix) ;

One button for opening automatic doors marked with the symbol ◄│ (see table, paragraph, appendix);

One “Stop” button (in cases where there is a safety requirement) red in color and marked with the word “Stop”;

One button to close automatic doors (in cases where required) marked with the symbol │◄ (see table, paragraph, appendix).

Control stations may be equipped with the following buttons:

One button to cancel orders labeled “cancel”;

A switch (for example, a toggle switch) or a button to turn on the cabin fan (if equipped).

A.2.2.2 The control panel in the cockpit must meet the following requirements:

a) , listings a), b), c), d), e), f), g), i), j), k), l) and m);

b) the center of the working surface of the personnel call button and the door opening button must be at a distance of at least 900 mm from the cabin floor level. This requirement also applies to the door closing button;

c) the green main landing button must be (5 ± 1) mm higher than other buttons marked with a raised star symbol (see table, paragraph, appendix).

A.2.2.3 The control dial, personnel call button and door opening button, as a rule, should be located on the side wall of the cabin.

A.3 Control system for the destination floor

A.3.1 General characteristics

The control system for the destination floor is characterized by the following:

On the floor area, the user, using the control device, gives a command - the number of the destination floor;

Signaling devices on the floor and in the car indicate which floor the car will stop on.

A.3.2 Control device on the landing

The control device for registering the destination floor must comply with the requirements and , items g) and h)

When using a dial control system, it must comply with.

The placement of the device for registering the destination floor should provide easy access to it by users.

The minimum number of devices for registering the destination floor must be:

One - for each of the elevators located opposite each other on a common floor area;

One and per group, located in a row of four elevators (no more) with the control apparatus located in the middle of the row.

A.3.3 Signaling devices on the landing

A.3.3.1 Signaling devices near the command registration apparatus for the destination floor

The user's selection of the destination floor number must be confirmed by a visual or audible signal.

This signaling device must be located near the control device to register the destination floor. The height of the identified floor number should be between 30-60 mm, the color of the number should contrast with the surrounding elements.

The sound signal may indicate the cabin that will execute the registered command and the direction of motion of the cabin.

The sound level, depending on environmental conditions, is set within 35-80 dBA. The sound level must be adjustable.

A.3.3.2 At each landing, visual or audible information shall be provided on each elevator included in the group installation, indicating the number of the assigned elevator and the direction of its movement:

Visual information should be placed at a height of 1.8 to 2.5 m from the floor level of the landing with a recommended viewing angle of 140° ± 10°. The height of the information must be at least 40 mm;

Sound signals should be within the range of 35-80 dBA. The sound level should be adjustable taking into account environmental conditions. Adjustments must be inaccessible to users.

The sound signal must have the same characteristics as on the dial control device or in the order buttons (if any).

Additional visual information on control devices identifying the assigned elevator and floor number is placed on the vertical framing members of the shaft doors on both sides of the doorway.

This information should be located at a height of 1500 mm from the floor level of the landing to the center of the symbols.

The upper part of the signaling device must contain information about the floor number with a star symbol for the main boarding floor, the lower part of the device must contain information identifying the elevator number (designation).

The above figures (symbols) shall be 50 mm high with raised raised markings (6 ± 1) mm high and (1 ± 0.5) mm wide and contrast with the surrounding elements (see Figure A.2).

Note - Visual floor identification can be applied to elevators also in accordance with .

Figure A.2 - Dimensions of symbols

A.3.4 Signaling and control devices in the cabin

The cabin must have the following:

a) cabin position signaling device (audible and visual):

An illuminated visual signal must be located above the cab control station. The distance from the center of the visual signal to the cabin floor should be within 1.6-1.8 m;

The height of the floor number must be at least 13 mm, the recommended height is in the range of 30-60 mm. The color of the indicator number should contrast with the surrounding elements;

When the cabin stops, the voice informant must announce the number of the stop floor. The sound level should be within 35-80 dBA with adjustments taking into account environmental conditions;

b) one yellow staff call button with a symbol in the form of a bell or one button with a symbol in the form of a yellow bell (see table, paragraph, appendix), or a call button marked with a symbol in the form of a telephone handset (see table, clause, appendix );

c) one button for opening automatic doors, marked with the symbol ◄│ (see table, paragraph, appendix);

d) the cabin must have an indication of the destination floor numbers for this cabin. When the cabin arrives at a floor, the number of that floor is deleted.

The five-pointed star symbol (see table, paragraph, appendix) can be used to identify the main landing floor.

If necessary, a special device can be used to include speech information.

Appendix B

Special Requirements

B.1 Scope

These requirements apply to meet special requirements.

B.2 Special requirements on floor platforms:

a) the pressing force on the working surface of the call button should be no more than 5.0 N;

b) the minimum size of the working surface of the call button must be at least 50 ´ 50 mm or with a diameter of at least 50 mm;

c) call registration must be confirmed by visual and audible signals, the sound level of which must be adjustable within the range of 35-65 dBA. A beep should sound every time you press the call button, even if a call has already been registered. The nature of this sound signal should be different from other sound signals (for example, a signal about the arrival of an elevator car on the floor), and the sound source should be located near the call button;

d) the distance of any call button from the floor of the landing must be no less than (900 ± 5) mm and no more than (1000 ± 5) mm;

e) the working surface of the call button must be visually different from the front surface of the push-button device;

f) the front surface of the push-button device must contrast with the surrounding elements.

If there is marking, the size of the symbol must be at least 15 mm, the symbol must be in relief with a relief height of at least 0.8 mm and contrast with the surrounding elements.

The symbol must be placed:

On the working surface of the button or

To the left of the working surface of the button at a distance of 10 to 15 mm, measured from the edge of the working surface of the button to the edge of the symbol relief.

B.3 Special requirements in the cabin:

a) the requirements of B.2, items a), b), c), e) and f) must be met;

b) the axis of the bottom row of buttons should be at a distance of 900 mm from the cabin floor;

c) the size of any symbol must be at least 15 mm, the relief of the symbol must be at least 0.8 mm high, and the relief itself must be located on the working surface of the button;

d) the distance between the edges of the working surfaces of adjacent buttons must be at least (10 ± 1) mm;

e) the order of the order buttons (see pictures , , ) should be as follows:

With a single-row horizontal arrangement of order buttons for destination floors, they should be placed in ascending numbers from left to right. The door opening button and the personnel call button should be located on the left of the cab control station. In this case, the staff call button should be placed above the door opening button at a distance of (10 ± 1) mm between the working surfaces of the buttons;

With a two-row horizontal arrangement of order buttons for destination floors, they should be placed above and below the central horizontal axis of the control station, as shown in the figure. Buttons for calling personnel and opening doors should be located on the left of the cab control station on its horizontal axis. In this case, the staff call button should be located to the left of the door opening button at a distance of (10 ± 1) mm between the working surfaces of the buttons;

f) for other versions of control positions in the cockpit, the requirements must be met.

Figure B.1 - Special placement of the horizontal control station in the cockpit (side view)

Figure B.2 - Control station in the cockpit with a single-row horizontal arrangement of order buttons

1 - square or round buttons

Table D.1


ISO 7000:2004

Graphic symbols applied to equipment. List and summary table

(ISO 7000:2000)

(Graphical symbols for use on eguipment. Index and synopsis)

ISO 80416-2:2001

Basic principles for developing graphic symbols used on equipment. Part 2. Form and use of arrows.

(ISO 80416-2:2001)

Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on eguipment. Part 2. Form and use of arrows

Keywords: elevators, control devices, buttons and signaling devices

The average person studies elevator buttons only when he is stuck. Of course, there are more meticulous individuals who carefully study the world around them. If you ask them, they will tell us a lot... For example, they will answer the question what buttons are in the elevator :)

The article contains:

Types of buttons

Based on their purpose, the buttons can be divided into two categories: those that send to the selected floor and those that are functional. The first group is the required minimum, available in almost any elevator. The only exceptions will be old, museum exhibits and, on the contrary, the most modern models found in large IT companies.

Functional buttons are keys for opening and closing doors, canceling the last command, calling the dispatcher and a number of others. They are not available in every elevator, although they greatly facilitate the use of the device.

Functional buttons and their secret designation

Instead of a cumbersome signature, a simple icon is applied to the function buttons. Simple arrows pointing towards each other mean the doors are closing. Directed in opposite directions - their opening. The dispatcher call button is most often marked with a small bell. Cancel the last command with a red “STOP” sign or the word “CANCEL”.

This marking is simple and clear, but many people neglect it. So, if the elevator has only two function buttons, most likely the red one means “STOP”, and the other means calling the dispatcher.

Button material

Plastic was previously used to make buttons, but modern anti-vandal designs involve the use of metal. In addition to protection from intentional damage, such elevator spare parts are also more wear-resistant. Calculate for yourself how often buttons are pressed in an apartment building. The count goes into hundreds and even thousands of clicks. To withstand this and not wear away over time, durable stainless steel is used.

The panel into which the buttons are attached is also made of steel, with an easy-to-clean paint coating applied on top. Behind the durable plate lies a complex electrical circuit that controls the movement of the device

Duplicating buttons in the elevator

In some designs, the function buttons are duplicated and placed in two rows, one below the other. The bottom row in this case is needed for operation in emergency mode: by turning a special key, the ability to transport firefighters is activated. While the key is inserted and turned, the doors are opened and closed only manually, by pressing a key.

Buttons in smart elevators

For some reason, large IT companies do not like standard elevators. In the offices of Google, Mail.Ru and a number of other Russian and international giants, there are no buttons inside the elevator, with the exception of calling the dispatcher. The desired floor is selected on a tablet mounted in front of the elevator entrance. The opening and closing of doors is controlled by a presence sensor. Sometimes there is also a voice control function.

Such innovations are, of course, still difficult. However, it is possible to make an elevator “smart” in an easier way: for example, by making life easier for visually impaired people by applying additional symbols in Braille.

  • SGEC

    Shanghai Gaipu Elevator Co.,Ltd

  • SGEC

    Passenger elevator

  • SGEC

    Passenger elevator

Passenger elevator functions

  • Standard features.Page 1
  • Standard features.Page 2
  • Additional functions
  • Variable voltage and frequency drive The motor rotation speed can be finely adjusted to achieve a smooth speed curve when starting, running and stopping the elevator, and achieve comfort.
    AC Voltage and Door Frequency Control The motor rotation speed can be finely adjusted to achieve more precise and sensitive door opening/closing.
    Independent work The elevator does not answer an external call, but only responds to commands from the cabin via a switch
    Automatic movement without stopping When the cabin is full of passengers or the load is equal to the set value, the cabin will automatically transmit a disembarkation signal to maintain maximum driving efficiency
    Automatic adjustment of door opening time The door opening time can be automatically adjusted depending on the difference between a call from the platform or a call from the booth.
    Re-opening doors from the site While the doors are closing, press the call button to reopen the door
    Express door closing When the elevator stops and opens the doors, pressing the door close button will close the door immediately
    Stopping the cab and opening the doors The elevator slows down and levels out, the door opens only after the elevator has completely stopped
    Cancel command button If you press the wrong floor button in the cabin, pressing the same button twice continuously can cancel the command
    Direct stop It is fully consistent with the principle of distance without slowing down during leveling. This feature significantly improves driving efficiency
    Photocells protection When opening and closing a door, infrared light, which covers the entire height of the door, is used to determine the safety of both the passenger and other objects.
    Assigned stop If the elevator doors do not open on the desired floor for some reason, then the elevator travels to the next floor
    Overload stop When the car is overloaded, a signal is given and the elevator stops on the same floor.
    Anti-stop protection Elevator stops due to sliding traction rope
    Start control protection If the elevator does not move for a certain time after starting, the elevator operation stops
    Test mode When the elevator is in test mode, the car moves in jog mode
    Self-diagnosis of faults The controller can record the last 62 faults so that mechanics can remove the fault as quickly as possible and restore the elevator's operation
    Limits of rise and release The device effectively prevents the elevator from suddenly rising and releasing when it is out of control. This results in safer and more reliable elevator movement
  • Repeated door closing If the elevator door does not close due to any obstacles, the doors will open and close until the obstacles are cleared
    Downward overspeed protection When the elevator moves down faster than 1.2 times the rated speed, this device automatically turns off the network, stops the motor running
    When speeding If the elevator continues to move downward at 1.4 times the rated speed, the safety tongs are activated to stop.
    Upward speed protection devices When the elevator moves up 1.2 times faster than the rated speed, the device will automatically slow down or stop the elevator movement
    Innovative micro-touch button The innovative micro-touch button is used as a call button on the operating panel in the cockpit and as a call button from the landing pad
    Floor and direction indicators on the site The floor and the current direction of movement are shown on the floor area
    Cabin emergency lighting In the event of a power failure, the emergency cabin lighting turns on automatically
    Jog mode In emergency situations, the cabin moves at low speed in jog mode
    Five-way operational communication Communication between the elevator car, the top of the car, the machine room, the shaft and the dispatcher occurs through a portable transceiver
    Call bell In emergency situations, by continuously pressing the bell button above the operating panel of the cab, an electronic alarm bell is triggered at the top of the cab
    Floor and direction indicators in the cabin The cabin shows the floor and the current direction of movement
    Return in case of fire When the switch is activated on the main landing pad or on the monitor screen, all calls are canceled. The elevator immediately goes to the emergency landing site and automatically opens the door.
    Automatic shutdown of cabin lighting If there is no call or command signal within a certain period of time, the fan and cabin lights are automatically turned off to save energy
    Centralization of management The elevator can be called to the main landing area (after the end of the movement) using a push-button switch and automatically carries out the command
  • Additional batteries In the event of a power failure, rechargeable batteries provide power to the elevator. The elevator moves to the nearest landing area
    Failure Prevention When the elevator load is light, if more than three commands occur, all commands are canceled to avoid unnecessary stops
    Opening doors in advance When the elevator slows down and enters the door opening area, the doors will automatically open to improve transportation efficiency.
    Control of a group of elevators When three or more elevators of the same model are monitored during operation, the elevator most suitable to respond is automatically selected. This avoids repeated elevator stops, reduces waiting time and increases movement efficiency.
    Two-level control Two elevators of the same model simultaneously respond to the call signal through computerized dispatch control.

    Which elevator button should I press?

    This thus reduces waiting times to a minimum and increases driving efficiency

    Elevator operation at peak times Within the established working hours, upward movement from the landing area is very frequent. For ease of operation during peak times, the elevator is constantly sent to the landing site through a computerized dispatch control.
    Elevator inactivity time Within a given off-peak time, elevators are constantly sent to the top floor for convenience during off-peak hours
    Increased door opening time When you press a special button in the cabin, the elevator doors remain open for a certain period of time
    Voice signals in the cockpit When a passenger arrives at his seat, a voice signal at the top of the cabin announces his arrival
    Voice informant When the elevator arrives, a voice informant informs passengers of relevant information
    Auxiliary control panel It is used in freight elevators and high-occupancy elevators, so that more passengers can use the cabin
    Control panel for people with physical disabilities This is convenient for passengers in wheelchairs and passengers with vision problems
    Intelligent calling service Cabin call commands can be blocked or enabled via a special programmable code
    Smart card control function All sites can receive command signals only through smart cards after authorization
    Remote monitoring Remote monitoring and control of the elevator is performed via a modem or telephone. It is convenient for factories and service departments to know the running conditions of each elevator in a timely manner and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.
    Remote control The movement of the elevator can be carried out independently according to specific requirements through the control panel
    Video surveillance in the cockpit An installed camera in the cabin allows you to monitor the behavior of passengers in the elevator cabin

Elevator panel

In modern buildings it is almost impossible to do without an elevator.

What button is not found on the remote control of a modern elevator?

This is one of the main elements of comfort and practicality in a residential or commercial space. When organizing an elevator, it is necessary to select many modules and technical elements, among which the elevator panel occupies an important place. A push-button or touch mechanism is used to enter the necessary data to control the movement of the elevator car.

Features and varieties of modern elevator panels

This element of the elevator control system allows the user to select the required floor and control additional functions of the elevator. Mandatory elements of the panel are buttons indicating floors, calling a dispatcher, and emergency elevator stop. There may also be buttons for controlling the ascent speed, the operation of the climate system and other modern functions.

The basic requirements for the elevator panel are as follows:

    ease of data entry for using the elevator;

    trouble-free operation of all main panel functions;

    anti-vandal design, preserving the appearance and functionality of the panel;

    protection against unauthorized dismantling of the device;

    ensuring communication with the dispatcher or calling emergency services;

    normal operation of all functioning elevator control buttons.

Most lift panels perform standard functions, but there may also be lifts with special capabilities. These are elevators for the disabled or lifts in hospitals, businesses and other commercial or public buildings. The functionality of the panel, as well as the location and type of its installation, depend on the operating characteristics of the elevator in each specific case.

Installation and maintenance of elevator panels

The elevator control panel is the element with which every passenger interacts. Therefore, wear and tear is an inevitable process during active use of the elevator system. It is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the panel, cleaning the buttons from various contaminants that affect the operation of the contacts.

The installation of the elevator control panel should be carried out professionally, following the following steps:

    selection of panels in accordance with the created elevator system project;

    connecting each elevator function to a specific control button;

    testing the operation of the elevator with the created system;

    physical installation of the panel in the elevator body with a quality guarantee;

    Last week in Nizhny Tagil, a boy almost suffocated in a jammed elevator due to smoke. The dispatcher did not believe his calls for help, deciding that he was being a hooligan. It’s good that the garbage smoldering in the elevator shaft alerted the residents of the entrance, and they themselves called the elevator operator. Fortunately, they managed to rescue the boy, and he was almost unharmed. However, the emergency made us think about how the dispatch communication system in the region’s elevators should work.

    Demand - from the management company

    There is a call button in every elevator. If the button is working properly, then by pressing it you can almost immediately hear the dispatcher’s response. I myself had to press it once - in my entrance. The dispatcher answered, called the elevator operator, and while he was driving, she tried to calm us down, supported us morally, and even cheered us up a little. So we did not lose heart during the entire 40 minutes of forced confinement in the elevator.

    The control room on the Siberian Tract serves about 2,000 elevators in Yekaterinburg. Everything in it is automated: the signal from the “call” button arrives instantly. Then the dispatcher decides how to help citizens... Photo: Alexey Kunilov.

    However, the case in Tagil was actively discussed on the Internet, and many Sverdlovsk residents wrote that the “call” button in their elevators did not work. Someone had it burned down by vandals, but the management company didn’t bother to repair it. For others, the button just gets stuck, and no one cares about that either...

    “In small companies that manage a small number of buildings, the elevators are in order,” says Olga Zhbanova, director of the Yekaterinburg HOA “Stachek, 70.” “In this case, the demand from management is closer, and the management company is able to keep a small number of elevators under control. For example, over five years of work, we have updated all 13 old elevators in our buildings. Difficulties arise when there are hundreds of buildings and a thousand, or even more, elevators under management. Here the residents themselves should not yawn - contact their management company more often. The operation of the call button in the elevator is the safety of citizens.

    How to replace an old elevator with a new one?

    For 14 years now, citizens have been paying money for major housing repairs. These funds are accumulated in the personal accounts of the houses. You can get them to be sent to replace the elevator in the entrance. How?

    • Hold a general meeting of the entrance residents and vote on replacing the elevator. Every resident must sign this decision.
    • Find out from the management company how much money has accumulated in the accounts of the residents of your building and whether it is enough to replace the old elevator.
    • If the accumulated funds collected under the heading “major housing repairs” are sufficient (must be at least 1.7 million rubles), it is worth getting the elevator replaced. In the event that a meeting of residents of the entrance voted for this, the elevator in the entrance must be changed. The management company does not respond to letters and statements from residents - you need to contact the prosecutor's office for help. The prosecutor's office will force the management company to act according to the law.

    Management companies are responsible for the operation of elevators and their serviceability. Firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not check them. Rostekhnadzor checks for compliance with Russian technical regulations. But it does this according to a schedule that it announces in advance on its website. Of course, management companies have time to prepare for such inspections and ideally adjust the elevators selected for inspection.

    In addition, all elevators are checked by expert organizations once a year. They make a decision on the safety and suitability for use of these technical equipment. And if, for example, the call button breaks immediately after checking, then it will have to stand broken for a long time...

    The “Specialized Enterprise Tagilift” told “OG” that companies servicing elevators, as a rule, work efficiently. For example, almost all elevators in Nizhny Tagil are serviced by this company, and residents rarely complain about elevator malfunctions, up to 10 times a year. But the “pocket” companies for servicing elevators created by the management company - their own structural divisions that they independently create and license - do not have either specialists or the necessary equipment. The elevators look like they're abandoned. The same thing happens in Yekaterinburg and other cities. So the only way to keep the elevator in working order is to control the operation of your management company.

    Dispatcher as psychologist

    According to the rules for using an elevator, it cannot work with a broken call button. The company servicing the elevator must immediately turn off the power to the shaft and urgently send a repair team to the site.

    “We find out instantly about a broken button,” explains Sergei Yarkov, director of the Yekaterinburg company Otis-Lift. This enterprise services more than 2,000 elevators, mainly in Yekaterinburg, as well as in Berezovsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Nizhny Tagil. — An emergency signal is sent to the control room, and repairmen go to the scene of the accident.

    As it turned out, dispatchers of elevator service organizations can actually call an ambulance or the police for those who asked for help through the “call” button.

    “Sometimes dispatchers do just that - they call the police,” says Sergei Yarkov. “They don’t disconnect when they receive a call.” There have been cases when the police detained burglars in a stuck elevator. And by pressing “call” in the elevator, citizens can ask for help. There are live people in touch in the control room and, according to the instructions, they must help the residents. So the “call” button really works as an emergency button, it’s just that few people know about this function.

    By the way, the stop button in the elevators has disappeared. This happened several years ago - just for safety reasons, so that no one could attack a person by stopping the cabin between floors.

    According to the instructions, the dispatcher supports citizens stuck in the elevator with advice and conversation. Be sure to ask about your well-being. If there are problems, call the doctors. And you can also escape in the elevator from malicious citizens - bandits or rapists by pressing “call”. True, ordinary people sit in the control room, without special education, and there are no special requirements for hiring here. Of course, some people may ignore a request for help. As happened last week in Nizhny Tagil. But this was a gross violation of the instructions.


    16,500 elevators have been installed in the Sverdlovsk region. 25 years is the service life of elevators established by regulations. After this period, an expert organization must conduct technical diagnostics of the device.

    Once a year, expert organizations conduct an inspection of each operating elevator. If after this it continues to be used, it means that the elevator is technically usable and safe.

    If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter