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Creating a new user- this is one of the most common tasks for a 1C administrator, because during the work of the company, users who work with 1C Enterprise are added, deleted and changed.

Let's look at how you can create a new user in 1C Enterprise 8.1 and 8.2.

To create a new user we need to go to Configurator 1C Enterprise. To do this, in the 1C Enterprise launch window, you need to select the information base in which we will create a new user and press the button Configurator.

A list of existing users will open in front of us.

To add a new user, click the button add (Ins), or select a menu item Action - Add.

After this, a window appears in which you must specify user parameters, name, and password.

Let's look at the checkboxes.

1. The user is prohibited from changing the password. By setting this flag (checkbox), we prohibit the user from independently changing his password in the 1C Enterprise system.

2. Show in selection list. If you do not check this box, the user will not be displayed in the list of users; his name can be entered manually. This option can be used to hide the user from prying eyes.

After filling out, go to the Other tab, where we need to specify available roles for the new user, main interface And language.

Must be set available roles in accordance with the rights of the new user, specify the main interface also in accordance with the user's responsibilities.

Watch the video on how to create a new user in 1C Enterprise 8.1 - 8.2

Creating a user. Setting up user roles

Let's fill in the list of users of the information base. To do this, go to the menu item “Tools - User and access management - User list”. Add a new user using the “Add” button.

Let's fill in the short name. Let's select an employee from the list. Let’s go to the “Settings” tab, fill in the “Primary organization” field and check off certain settings if necessary. Next, we need to click on the “Edit user settings” button at the top of the window.

The program will prompt us to write down the element, we will answer in the affirmative. Next, the program will offer to automatically create a database user, we agree. A window for editing user settings will open in front of us.

You can set a password by filling out the fields in the “1C: Enterprise Authentication” block. Below we can select the main database user interface. On the right we need to set the user roles. To fine-tune the rights of a specific user, we can check the boxes for the roles that will be available to him. If fine-tuning is not needed, you can check “Full rights”. Let’s save our user by clicking the “OK” button. Now, when you log in, the program will ask you to select a user.

The process of adding a user to 1C: Enterprise Accounting for Ukraine (for example) begins with launching the program in configurator mode. Having launched the program and logged in, we perform simple steps. On the control panel at the top of the 1C interface, select the “Users” button.

In the “Users” window that opens, there is a list of 1C users and here the means for editing them become available. Click the “New Element” button or the Insert key on the keyboard.

The dialog for adding a new user opens. Assign to user

— Full name: in this field it is advisable to indicate the Last name, first name and patronymic of the user being added to avoid confusion in the future.;

— Working directory: the directory in which the user’s service and, possibly, personal files will be stored. We recommend placing such a directory in the directory with the main information base, but this is not critical.;

— Rights: select rights to read and edit data in 1C. Rights must be organized in advance in the configuration window on the “Rights” tab;

— Interface: Select the interface for the new user. In the interface, you can impose restrictions on panels and menus in the 1C visual shell available to the user. Interfaces must be organized in advance in the configuration window on the “Interfaces” tab;

Press the “OK” key.

By default, the user is configured as empty. To change the password, you need to right-click on the user and select “ Change". Enter and confirm again the set of characters for the password.

We confirm saving the list of users upon exit.

This completes the creation of a new user in 1C:Enterprise 7.7.

Let's turn to creating a new user in 1C:Enterprise 8.2

Since the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and 1C:Enterprise 8.2 programs are similar in functionality and were released by the same organization, it is easy to assume that the process of creating a new user in 8.2 will be similar to that in 7.7.

We launch the 1C:Enterprise configurator 8.2. After opening the main interface, select the “Administration” button in the main menu and the “Users” menu item

Press the “+” button or the Insert key. In the window that opens, fill in the necessary parameters for the new user

Fill in the data on the first tab:

— Name: a custom name that will be displayed in the 1C:Enterprise authorization window;

— Full name: in this field we indicate the Last name, first name and patronymic of the user being added;

— Password and password confirmation: coded set of characters, the purpose is obvious;

— The user is prohibited from changing the password: you can specify if you do not give the user the right to change the password;

The second tab is “Other”. It is mandatory or highly advisable to fill out “Available roles” (you can select several roles if necessary), “Main interface” and “Language”;

The remaining parameters on both tabs, if you have no idea what we are talking about, then you should not fill them out.

After clicking the “OK” button, a new user will be created with the specified powers and parameters.

This completes the creation of a new user in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and/or 1C:Enterprise 8.2 programs.

How to create a user with “Administrator” rights in 1C Accounting 8.3

When you launch a newly created clean, empty 1C Accounting 3.0 information base, the initial window looks like this. The 1C Accounting program very clearly suggests that we begin work by filling out the details of our organization.

We will begin the process of working with our 1C Accounting program by creating the first user.

To do this, we go to the “Administration” - “User and Rights Settings” section, follow the “Users” hyperlink and click the “Create” button.

Let's indicate the name of our user (GlavAccount). We will not make any other changes. If necessary, you can change the password for this user, but for now we will do without it. Click the “Record” button.

The 1C Accounting 8.3 program says that the first user will be automatically added to the “Administrators” group. We agree with this.

Our user has been created. If we click on the “Access Rights” button, we will see that the user is assigned the “Administrator” profile.

These steps must be performed in order for this user with administrator rights to appear in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program.

In principle, you can work without creating a user. But some regulatory procedures in our 1C Accounting 8.3 program are performed on behalf of a user with full rights. When such a user is not in the program, an ambiguous situation is possible when the system cannot perform such routine procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to start working with the 1C Accounting 8.3 program with a user account with “Administrator” access rights.

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