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Unsealed correspondence of Dmitry Medvedev

Fedya the canary will live for 10 years, and Medvedev is already preparing for the “finals”

The anonymous international, also known as Humpty Dumpty, has published a new portion of the opened correspondence, this time it belongs not to anyone, but (presumably) to Dmitry Medvedev himself. Along with the correspondence, photographs taken by Medvedev on an iPhone were also posted. Moreover, some photos could indeed have been taken only by Medvedev, so it will not be easy to refute the fact that Anonymous International had access to the prime minister’s phone.

According to Anonymous International, I used the account for work correspondence [email protected], for personal correspondence - [email protected], and for online purchases - [email protected]

There was nothing interesting in my work email. Selfies, photos from a ski holiday and sent to Medevedev for approval of a speech, where intonation stresses are highlighted in bold in each sentence (obviously, the prime minister himself cannot cope without these tips).

Ramazan Abdulatipov (left)
Dmitry Medvedev (middle)

The only unexpected thing is instructions on how to handle a canary named Fedya:

"Good afternoon! In general, it is not very difficult to care for it. The temperature in the room can be from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. The main thing is that there are no drafts. We chose an excellent place for her - not very light, but not very dark. You have to talk to her kindly, otherwise she gets scared. Do not pick it up again. Apparently, she will have to buy another very simple cage, where she will move while they wash the main one. Can live 10 years..."

Much more interesting is the box dedicated to online shopping. As Anonymous International told The Insider, they got the login and password for this mailbox from the depths of the prime minister’s phone, so there can be no doubt that Medvedev is related to it. Moreover, judging by the letters, purchases are made in the name of Vladimir Dyachenko, at his work address in the office on Krzhizhanovsky Street. Vladimir Dyachenko is a real character, the general director of several construction companies and a certain “Harmony” fund. The Insider managed to contact Dyachenko and he said that he indeed often makes purchases via the Internet, but has nothing to do with Medvedev and has never met him.

All this looks very strange, since there is no point in “Anonymous International” deceiving the public by declaring that the address and password of this particular account were in Medvedev’s phone. But it is no less strange that the prime minister makes some purchases through some mediocre businessman, instead of using his staff.

Dyachenko confirmed some of the purchases indicated in the mail, including, for example, a Sony boombox and blank audio cassettes (Dyachenko has some kind of musical hobby where they are used, the meaning of which remained unclear to The Insider). It’s quite difficult to imagine Medvedev ordering blank audio cassettes for himself. As well as the fact that he orders himself several pairs of jeans and a shirt, size UK-16, which would be very big for him. On the other hand, there are some purchases that are quite associated with Medvedev. For example, an inexpensive Casio G-Shock electronic watch, which, as you know, the prime minister actually wears.

But there are also some letters that, according to Dyachenko, he definitely did not write. For example the following content:

“What do you think - briefly or with details?

In short, let them go with their sanctions in... the direction that is known to everyone who knows Russian idiomatic constructions.

If with details. You know, I believe that, working in various positions, I have done a lot to develop our relations with the European Union and the United States. I considered and continue to consider strong ties between our countries useful for everyone. For our states and peoples. But if our former partners chose a different path, well...

Apparently, they yearn for the Cold War in the best traditions of Joseph Stalin and Leonid Brezhnev. We will look at each other only through the sights of tracking monitors and remember the past partnership, going through the control codes of strategic nuclear forces.”

There is no doubt that Dyachenko, the director of a construction company, did not write this text. But Medvedev could well, as a matter of reflection, send himself a draft to answer a potential question about sanctions. The tone, of course, does not fit well with the diplomatic level, but our government leaders are no strangers to this. It is also possible that this letter is simply someone’s “fake”. But it is completely unclear why anyone would need to invent it.

And here is another letter (spelling preserved), to which Dyachenko denies relation:

"Current Affairs - Service

1. Smart home, adjust air conditioning

2. Television: NTV+ full package everywhere, as well as apple TV everywhere

3. Wi-fi at all significant sites

4. Purchase a photo printer for the office, work out the issue of installing the remote control in the office

5. Replace mattresses in bedrooms

Current affairs - Andrey

1. The largest TVs in the dining room (preferably 100 inches) on the balcony and main bedroom with a set of new audio equipment

2. Replace old TVs in the bedrooms of the main house

3. A set of simulators in the sports and recreation center

4. Replacement of plumbing in certain places of the house as directed (main bedroom - replace taps in the bathroom, install a hygienic shower)

5. Equipment for a cinema in the house - work out the issue of creating a cinema hall based on the billiard room in the main house (a full hall, with a cinema booth)

6. Equipment for organizing a game of badminton on a tennis court

7. Jet ski for the beach (5 pieces), boat for fishing

Major reconstruction - Service

1. Reconstruction of the indoor pool (extension of the path to 25 meters)

2. Cinema room in the main house (?)"

This letter is present in the mail in several copies, and in each new copy new points appear - as if someone, thoughtfully, wrote a plan of some affairs and, so as not to forget, sent it to himself in the mail. And here you can already feel the prime minister’s handwriting: “equipment for organizing a game of badminton,” a fishing boat, one-hundred-inch TVs and jet ski. At the same time, judging by phrases like “Replace old TVs in the bedrooms of the main house,” such a scale is more consistent with the home of a prime minister than the director of a modest construction company.

Also in the correspondence there is a link to a video with the participation of the famous political scientist Sergei Kurginyan (which, undoubtedly, should flatter Sergei Evrandovich if these are indeed Medvedev’s letters). Dyachenko claims that he has never heard of Kurginyan or the video with him.

Unfortunately, the conversation with Dyachenko did not turn out to be long - he said that it is difficult for him to talk for a long time now, since he is on vacation in France with his wife and daughter. However, according to him, no one has ever stolen his iPhone. But some criminals wrote off money from his card. “Anonymous International”, in a conversation with The Insider, suggested that Mr. Dyachenko is in fact Medvedev’s secret assistant, through whom it is more convenient to make purchases on the Internet, since among the staff assistants there are many “informers” who will tell their senior comrades about everything, and they will make the prime minister laugh. According to Anonymous International, the mail may contain both orders from Medvedev and orders from Dyachenko himself. In any case, Shaltai-Boltai believes, the presence of the login and password for this mailbox in Medvedev’s iPhone cannot be an accident.

Finally, we will publish another photo from the prime minister’s mail and a sad poem from the same place, in which the lyrical hero admits his fatigue and foreshadows the imminent ending:

Dmitry Medvedev has settled down well

I want to rest,
I'm tired of being tired
Fall asleep on the bench
And forget yourself

Childhood sad signal
So far away now
But the finale is near
And my heart is easy

I'm grateful to everyone
For love, for fight
Your souls Bethlehem
I'll save it until the end

Quietly dreaming
Slowly fade away
Will remember you
The departing soul...

Announcing the published documents on their Twitter account, the authors of Shaltay Boltay write: “Medvedev’s correspondence part one.” The blog itself states that he gained access to several email accounts “allegedly belonging to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev,” as well as “content from three of his Apple devices.”

The blog authors claim that one of the accounts is used to purchase goods abroad. To confirm these words, they provide a copy of the mailbox user’s correspondence [email protected] with the administration of the online store Amazon, com. In it, a buyer is trying to purchase a Casio G-Shock watch, but there are problems with the delivery of the order.

Another account [email protected], according to the blog author, is used for personal correspondence. The blog provides several letters from this sweatbox with photographs of Medvedev and views of the Kremlin.

In addition, the message mentions a third account [email protected], which is supposedly used for “light” business correspondence. The blog provides several letters from this account. From the address line in the letters it follows that the interlocutors of the owner of this mailbox are “Arkady Dvorkovich” and “Natalya Timakova”.

The blog post ends with a paragraph suggesting that all of the above may be fiction. “All of the above (including the mail archive) is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. The “DAM” project will be prepared at the Faculty of Computer Modeling of Proto-Cyborgs at the Department of the Study of Ancient Civilizations of the University of Donetsk in 3014, but the posted materials were recently provided to the editors of Shaltay Dumpty by an acquaintance of a high-ranking reptilian who wished to remain anonymous,” says the Shaltay Boltay blog.

Arkady Dvorkovich's representative Aliya Samigullina refused to comment on this topic. The prime minister's press secretary, Natalya Timakova, told RBC that she was on vacation and did not comment on the “correspondence.”

Previously, an anonymous group of hackers, which runs the Shaltay Boltay blog blocked by Roskomnadzor, hinted at its involvement in hacking the microblog of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “The official position of the team is that Twitter was not [hacked] by us. Unofficial - well, maybe. Well, they'll probably think about us. Since we accidentally got into our hands several of his [Medvedev’s] mailboxes and the contents of three iPhones,” a representative of the blog, whose authors call themselves “Anonymous International,” told Gazeta.Ru.

The head of government's microblog was hacked on the morning of August 14. First, on behalf of Medvedev, a message appeared there: “I am resigning. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry". The government press service denied Medvedev's resignation.

Vladimir Anikeev, the alleged leader of Shaltai-Boltai. Photo from personal VKontakte page

How quickly everything changed! Until recently, the abbreviation “organized criminal group” terrified entire cities. Remember? Orekhovskaya, Solntsevskaya, Tambovskaya... Racketeering, extortion, bloody showdowns, then it was enough to turn on the TV in the morning to look at the victims of killers and the consequences of criminal showdowns.

Today it is difficult to imagine such pictures; all this remained in the 90s. But crime has not disappeared. Everything just moved from the streets to the offices of officials. And modern bandits prefer computers to firearms.

History books will later write that the history of organized crime groups of the 21st century began with the arrest of the Humpty Dumpty group! For several years they terrorized the country's leaders and top managers of large companies, extorting millions of dollars from them. And no one understood what to do with them, because anyone with a smartphone could become a victim of the new bandits. I’m sure that soon someone will make a movie about Humpty. In the meantime, I’ve put together a brief history, in case you don’t understand what I’m talking about...


In December, Sergei Mikhailov (deputy head of the FSB Information Security Center), Dmitry Dokuchaev (a former hacker and then an employee of the FSB Information Security Center) and Ruslan Stoyanov (head of the computer incident investigation department at Kaspersky Lab) were detained in the case of treason.


It turned out that Mikhailov oversaw the activities of the hacker group “Humpty Dumpty”, and Dokuchaev was the direct perpetrator of hacks and leaks! It is not yet very clear what Stoyanov is suspected of, but he is a minor person in this story.

WHAT IS Humpty Dumpty?

You've probably heard about Humpty Dumpty, even if you don't remember it. This is a hacker group that is actually called Anonymous International. And “Humpty Dumpty” is such a “press service”, on behalf of which all the leaks were published. Therefore, between these two names everyone puts an equal sign.

“Humpty Dumpty” was engaged in hacking the mobile devices of officials and businessmen, and then leaking archives of their correspondence onto the network. At first he did it for free, but then the group members decided not to miss the opportunity to earn money. They contacted the owner of the correspondence and offered him to buy it back. If he refused, then the correspondence was put up on an information exchange, where anyone could buy it for bitcoins. “Humpty Dumpty” earned more than two million dollars on the stock exchange alone.

Here is a brief summary of their loudest leaks:

December 2013 Leaking the text of Vladimir Putin's New Year's address. On New Year's Eve, Putin repeated it word for word.

August 2014 Hacking of Dmitry Medvedev's email and Twitter. “Humpty Dumpty” did it for fun: “they just decided to troll.” Then the famous posts “I am resigning” appeared on Twitter. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry" and "I've been wanting to say this for a long time. Wow! You're wrong!".

December 2014 Publication of a photograph of Kristina Potupchik (former press secretary of the Nashi movement) with a bag full of money. In addition to this, her correspondence was published. From the correspondence it was clear that Potupchik wrote reports to officials about which media too often scold the authorities.

December 2014 Leaked correspondence of Timur Prokopenko (Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy). From the correspondence it became clear that Prokopenko was responsible for posting ordered articles against Alexei Navalny. Anastasia Kashevarova (assistant to the general director of the News Media publishing house Aram Gabrelyanov) helped him in this.

April 2015 Hacking of the email of Alexander Zharov (head of Roskomnadzor). In particular, Zharov corresponded with Mikhail Demin (former general director of Echo of Moscow). Zharov coordinated materials and discussed the work of the radio station.

July 2015 Publication of screenshots of letters from Ksenia Bolshakova (former assistant to the head of the Department of Construction of the Ministry of Defense), in which she discussed the publication of jeans in Kommersant, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Vedomosti and other newspapers.

September 2015 Publication of official documents and correspondence of officials of the self-proclaimed DPR. They contain information about corruption schemes, torture, kidnappings, murders and raider takeovers.

April 2016 Dmitry Kiselev's correspondence leaked. From it it became known that Kiselev bought himself an apartment for 162 million rubles and a boat for 49 thousand dollars. Letters were also found in which Kiselev agreed on how various events should be covered in television programs.

August 2016 Hacking of Aram Gabrelyanov's mail and correspondence. Many details from his personal and working life became known. Gabrelyanov was offered to buy back his correspondence, but he refused. As a result, it was published in parts, to the delight of the media manager’s many haters. In general, the situation did not greatly damage the image of Aram Ashotych, since it could not get worse.

October 2016 Hacking of the mail of presidential aide Alexander Surkov. It contained the “Plan of priority measures to destabilize the situation in Ukraine “Shatun”” and a list of candidates for the government of the self-proclaimed DPR. (This leak was published on the website of the Ukrainian hacker group CyberJunta, but many still attribute it to Humpty)


It is known that there were a little more than ten people in “Humpty Dumpty”. The founder of Humpty Dumpty, nicknamed Lewis, stated this in an anonymous interview with Meduza. Rosbalt published information about six of them.

Lewis (Vladimir Anikeev)- former journalist and black PR specialist. For a long time, he was engaged in extracting incriminating evidence on businessmen and officials by order. After creating Humpty Dumpty, he acquired professional equipment and began hacking smartphones and tablets of officials from the Presidential Administration. He sent the information he obtained to other members of the group.

Dumpty- a major St. Petersburg PR specialist. He communicated with hacked officials, businessmen and security officials and offered them to buy back the correspondence before they were leaked online. Thus he decided what would be published and what would not. It was he who received money for posting or not posting other people's correspondence.

Humpty- an IT specialist from St. Petersburg who moved to live in Estonia. He sorted through the content Lewis sent and chose what he could get money for. At the direction of Dumpty and Lewis, he posted leaked correspondence and documents on the Internet.

The Hatter and the March Hare- ordinary participants of “Humpty Dumpty”, in life they are IT specialists. We performed technical work, kept accounting for the resource, and processed content. Both moved to live in Thailand.

Alice- a girl from Ukraine, Lewis's friend. She carried out various assignments and did field work, visiting the same cafes where employees of the Presidential Administration gathered.

And judging by information from anonymous sources, all these guys were supervised by an FSB officer, namely the deputy head of the FSB Information Security Center, Sergei Mikhailov.


Lewis (Vladimir Anikeev) was detained in November 2016 - a month before Mikhailov’s arrest. According to Rosbalt, he actively cooperated with the investigation and mentioned Mikhailov more than once in his testimony. It is also known that at the same time as Lewis, Alexander Filinov and Konstantin Teplyakov were detained in the same case. It is not yet clear who they were in Humpty Dumpty. The FSB has put several more members of Shaltai-Boltai on the wanted list.


Almost. A few days ago it became known that Mikhailov and Dokuchaev not only participated in the work of a hacker group, but also collaborated with the CIA! Interfax, citing its source, reported that “the topics of hacker attacks and betrayal seem to overlap each other in the case, but do not intersect.”


FSB employees Sergei Mikhailov and Dmitry Dokuchaev and Kaspersky Lab employee Ruslan Stoyanov were charged under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “High treason”.

Humpty Dumpty participants Vladimir Anikeev, Alexander Filinov and Konstantin Teplyakov were charged under Part 3 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal access to legally protected computer information.”

“Only “lyrics” and communication with colleagues”

An anonymous group finally admitted via the Internet that it hacked Medvedev’s Twitter. As evidence, she published part of the prime minister's alleged correspondence. And she explained why this was done. It turns out that the “Humpty People” are launching a “multi-part project” called DAM. What is puzzling, however, is the caption at the end of the “first episode” that everything stated is fiction and the fruit of computer modeling.

So, the motive was the recent adoption of a large number of laws regulating the Internet. "Dear friends! - says the first publication on “Humpty” on the Medvedev topic. - Over the past few weeks, the country's leadership has unpleasantly surprised us with stupid initiatives in the field of tightening regulation on the Internet. Naturally, I wanted to react to this somehow.”

The community reports that thanks to Twitter, it found several Apple devices and accounts that could belong to Medvedev and decided to find out what was there.

And it immediately disappoints: “There’s nothing particularly interesting there. For example, account [email protected] used for online purchases, including Amazon. Our gadget lover is an active buyer of new technology and things abroad. In this case, the left account and someone else’s credit card are used, apparently, Dmitry Anatolyevich does not want fame. But Amazon is experiencing certain problems with delivering orders to protected facilities.”

Another account [email protected], is used for personal correspondence and is tied to a number of services (DA, you should change all passwords for them).

Well, one more account [email protected]— used for “light” work correspondence. Nothing secret, just “lyrics” and communication with colleagues.”

The lyrics include a mention of correspondence with Dvorkovich regarding the budget, and then there is an intriguing phrase:

“Oh, by the way, Timakova’s (Dmitry Medvedev’s press secretary - MK) email appears on gmail and mail ru, the existence of which she so confidently denied. We lay out a piece of the array.”

The following is a link to the file that is proposed to be downloaded. However, only advertising and erotic videos are downloaded. However, let me remind you that the Shaltay Boltay resource is blocked in Russia; you can only access it from Russia through a “mirror”. Perhaps, when entering from territories where the resource is permitted, the effect is different.

“In general, everything is quite boring and calm,” the authors repeat once again. - It seems that Dmitry is only allowed to edit some of his speeches and photograph landmarks in the places where he appears.

Although it’s boring for us to parse these arrays, there will still be a continuation.”

Signed: "Anonymous International".

End of the first episode.

And then follows a mysterious caption: “All of the above (including the mail archive) is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. The “DAM” project will be prepared at the Faculty of Computer Modeling of Proto-Cyborgs at the Department of the Study of Ancient Civilizations of the University of Donetsk in 3014, but the posted materials were recently provided to the editors of Humpty Dumpty by an acquaintance of a high-ranking reptilian who wished to remain anonymous.”

In general, the whole story with Medvedev’s mail and his correspondence looks like an ironic falsification. But here’s the prime minister’s microblog, let us remind you:

A new portion of opened correspondence, this time it belongs not to anyone, but (presumably) to Dmitry Medvedev himself. Along with the correspondence, photographs taken by Medvedev on an iPhone were also posted. Moreover, some photos could indeed have been taken only by Medvedev, so it will not be easy to refute the fact that Anonymous International had access to the prime minister’s phone:

According to Anonymous International, for work correspondence Medvedev used the account , for personal correspondence - , and for online purchases -

There was nothing interesting in my work email. Selfies, photos from a ski holiday and sent to Medevedev for approval of a speech, where intonation stresses are highlighted in bold in each sentence (obviously, the prime minister himself cannot cope without these tips). The only unexpected thing is instructions on how to handle a canary named Fedya:

"Good afternoon! In general, it is not very difficult to care for it. The temperature in the room can be from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. The main thing is that there are no drafts. We chose an excellent place for her - not very light, but not very dark either. You have to talk to her kindly, otherwise she gets scared. Do not pick it up again. Apparently, she will have to buy another very simple cage, where she will move while they wash the main one. Can live 10 years..."

Much more interesting is the box dedicated to online shopping. As Anonymous International told The Insider, they got the login and password for this mailbox from the depths of the prime minister’s phone, so there can be no doubt that Medvedev is related to it. Moreover, judging by the letters, purchases are made in the name of Vladimir Dyachenko, at his work address in the office on Krzhizhanovsky Street. Vladimir Dyachenko is a real character, the general director of several construction companies and a certain “Harmony” foundation. The Insider managed to contact Dyachenko and he said that he indeed often makes purchases via the Internet, but has nothing to do with Medvedev and has never met him.

All this looks very strange, since there is no point in “Anonymous International” deceiving the public by declaring that the address and password of this particular account were in Medvedev’s phone. But it is no less strange that the prime minister makes some purchases through some mediocre businessman, instead of using his staff.

Dyachenko confirmed some of the purchases indicated in the mail, including, for example, a Sony boombox and blank audio cassettes (Dyachenko has some kind of musical hobby where they are used, the meaning of which remained unclear to The Insider). It’s quite difficult to imagine Medvedev ordering blank audio cassettes for himself. As well as the fact that he orders himself several pairs of jeans and a shirt, size UK-16, which would be very big for him. On the other hand, there are some purchases that are quite associated with Medvedev. For example, an inexpensive Casio G-Shock electronic watch, which, as you know, the prime minister actually wears.

But there are also some letters that, according to Dyachenko, he definitely did not write. For example the following content:

“What do you think - briefly or with details?
In short, let them go with their sanctions in... the direction that is known to everyone who knows Russian idiomatic constructions.
If with details. You know, I believe that, working in various positions, I have done a lot to develop our relations with the European Union and the United States. I considered and continue to consider strong ties between our countries useful for everyone. For our states and peoples. But if our former partners chose a different path, well...
Apparently, they yearn for the Cold War in the best traditions of Joseph Stalin and Leonid Brezhnev. We will look at each other only through the sights of tracking monitors and remember the past partnership, going through the control codes of strategic nuclear forces.”

There is no doubt that Dyachenko, the director of a construction company, did not write this text. But Medvedev could well, as a matter of reflection, send himself a draft to answer a potential question about sanctions. The tone, of course, does not fit well with the diplomatic level, but our government leaders are no strangers to this. It is also possible that this letter is simply someone’s “fake”. But it is completely unclear why anyone would need to invent it.

And here is another letter (spelling preserved), to which Dyachenko denies relation:

"Current Affairs - Service

1. Smart home, adjust air conditioning
2. Television: NTV+ full package everywhere, as well as apple TV everywhere
3. Wi-fi at all significant sites
4. Purchase a photo printer for the office, work out the issue of installing the remote control in the office
5. Replace mattresses in bedrooms

Current affairs - Andrey
1. The largest TVs in the dining room (preferably 100 inches) on the balcony and main bedroom with a set of new audio equipment
2. Replace old TVs in the bedrooms of the main house
3. A set of simulators in the sports and recreation center
4. Replacement of plumbing in certain places of the house as directed (main bedroom - replace taps in the bathroom, install a hygienic shower)
5. Equipment for a cinema in the house - work out the issue of creating a cinema hall based on the billiard room in the main house (a full hall, with a cinema booth)
6. Equipment for organizing a game of badminton on a tennis court
7. Jet ski for the beach (5 pieces), boat for fishing

Major reconstruction – Service

1. Reconstruction of the indoor pool (extension of the path to 25 meters)
2. Cinema room in the main house (?)"

This letter is present in the mail in several copies, and in each new copy new points appear - as if someone, thoughtfully, wrote a plan of some affairs and, so as not to forget, sent it to himself in the mail. And here you can already feel the prime minister’s handwriting: “equipment for organizing a game of badminton,” a fishing boat, one-hundred-inch TVs and jet ski. At the same time, judging by phrases like “Replace old TVs in the bedrooms of the main house,” such a scale is more consistent with the home of a prime minister than the director of a modest construction company.

Also in the correspondence there is a link to a video with the participation of the famous political scientist Sergei Kurginyan (which, undoubtedly, should flatter Sergei Evrandovich if these are indeed Medvedev’s letters). Dyachenko claims that he has never heard of Kurginyan or the video with him.

Unfortunately, the conversation with Dyachenko did not turn out to be long - he said that it is difficult for him to talk for a long time now, since he is on vacation in France with his wife and daughter. However, according to him, no one has ever stolen his iPhone. But some criminals wrote off money from his card. “Anonymous International”, in a conversation with The Insider, suggested that Mr. Dyachenko is in fact Medvedev’s secret assistant, through whom it is more convenient to make purchases on the Internet, since among the staff assistants there are many “informers” who will tell their senior comrades about everything, and they will make the prime minister laugh. According to Anonymous International, the mail may contain both orders from Medvedev and orders from Dyachenko himself. In any case, Shaltai-Boltai believes, the presence of the login and password for this mailbox in Medvedev’s iPhone cannot be an accident.

Finally, we will publish another photo from the prime minister’s mail and a sad poem from the same place, in which the lyrical hero admits his fatigue and foreshadows the imminent ending:

I want to rest,
I'm tired of being tired
Fall asleep on the bench
And forget yourself

Childhood sad signal
So far away now
But the finale is near
And my heart is easy

I'm grateful to everyone
For love, for fight
Your souls Bethlehem
I'll save it until the end

Quietly dreaming
Slowly fade away
Will remember you
A flying soul...

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