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After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is connect the gadget to the network via a charger. At the same time, few people think that when charging for the first time it is necessary to follow certain rules. And then you will notice that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

A decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for first installation for charging. In our article, we will talk about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time. In this case, the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and websites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used now. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to use - they have to be charged only after they are completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have used two main types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged to at least 50 or 20% charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to use. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is that such batteries can withstand a greater number of charge cycles, and thanks to the polymer electrolyte they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing the so-called pumping or calibration of the battery:

  1. Completely discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by simultaneously launching several resource-intensive modules (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example, overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge your smartphone when it is turned off so that the battery does not waste power maintaining the operation of the main systems;
  4. Carry out a similar procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a build-up, you can charge the battery at any time, without waiting for complete discharge, and leave it connected to the network even when the battery indicator scale is 100 percent. This is another advantage of Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries: the battery is not overloaded from overcharging.

Follow these simple tips to ensure your phone battery lasts as long as possible:

  • Don't let your phone's battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • It is not necessary to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge from 70-80 to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Be careful not to leave your phone in hot or cold weather. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very capricious in relation to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use the phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, since an unused battery may soon, as techies say, “fade away.”

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best to choose?

A modern user's mobile gadget rarely sits idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS do not account for the largest share of active use. Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, playing games, watching videos and launching audio - all this puts a heavy load on even the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone that combines large battery capacity with hardware performance. A big plus in this case is the accessibility of the gadget. It is wrong to think that a smartphone with a powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. Thus, the British company Fly has been proving for 14 years with each new smartphone model that it is possible to produce a productive and long-lasting device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand’s model line is. The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of talk time;
  • up to 350 hours of standby;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of music listening.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone didn’t let us down in terms of technical features either. A powerful 1.3 GHz 4-core processor will ensure long-term and stable operation of applications, and high-quality video and photo display occurs on a bright and contrasting 5-inch IPS display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is accessible, we recommend paying attention to the new product for the spring-summer season 2017 -. Largely due to the use of a compact 2400 mAh Li-Pol battery, the smartphone in a metal case was made thin and light.

By combining various modes, for example, accessing the Network via Wi-Fi, watching videos, calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late evening.

Now you know how to charge your phone correctly for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, don’t forget about our recommendations - and you won’t have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.

A modern mobile device, in addition to its original purpose – a means of communication – performs many other functions. This includes access to the Internet, a photo and video camera, the ability to watch movies, listen to music and play games, and much more. Therefore, the batteries of such devices have to be charged frequently. How to do this correctly to extend the life of the battery and increase its resource?


Types of telephone batteries

Modern smartphones use lithium-ion (li-ion) and lithium polymer (li-pol) batteries. Lithium-ion replaced their predecessors - nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride - and surpassed them in many respects. However, during operation, their shortcomings were also revealed. Lithium electrodes turned out to be unstable. Therefore, this material was no longer used in its pure form, replaced by various compounds. The resulting batteries met all the requirements, and therefore firmly occupied their niche.

Modern smartphones also use lithium polymer batteries. It uses the principle of the transition of polymers to a semiconductor. Electrolyte ions are introduced into polymers, this improves conductivity.

Today the following types of batteries are produced:

  • polymer electrolytes with lithium salts embedded in them;
  • dry polymer-based electrolytes;
  • microporous matrices into which non-aqueous solutions of lithium salts are embedded.

Developments in this direction are ongoing to this day, so the technology continues to improve.

Older phones usually use nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery

Many people have heard that a new battery needs to be charged in a special way, otherwise it will fail faster. But if the battery is non-removable, then replacing it will not be easy at all.

  1. Completely discharge the battery to zero. There is no need to do this on purpose, torturing the smartphone in every way - let the discharge occur gradually, during normal use. The main thing is that it is complete.
  2. Then put the device on charge. You need to look in the manual for it to see how long a full charge and discharge cycle takes, and add a couple of hours to the battery recovery time.
  3. After fully charging, use the phone as usual, but again wait until it is completely discharged and repeat the procedure. And so - 3-4 times. This increases the battery life and allows it to last longer.

Important! Such a “buildup” is acceptable only for new smartphones; if the device has been in use for a long time, then the reception can, on the contrary, be harmful.

How to properly charge a new phone with a li-ion battery

There are some nuances here. Lithium-ion batteries do not handle full discharge and charge very well. Therefore, even at the very beginning of operation, you should not abuse the “swing”, limiting yourself to 2-3 times. In the future, the battery charge should be kept within 20-80%; you should not allow it to completely discharge, nor should you keep it plugged in all the time. It would be optimal to not allow the battery to charge completely, leaving the charge at 90-95%.

How to properly charge a new smartphone with a li-pol battery

Li-polymer batteries do not like deep discharge at all. Manufacturers recommend charging the battery completely the first few times, but in this case it is better not to let it drop to zero. At an indicator of 10-15 percent, it is worth connecting the device to the mains. In the future, it is recommended to recharge it at every convenient opportunity - in small portions.

There are different opinions on whether a new phone should be completely discharged and charged. On the one hand, li-ion and li-pol do not have a memory effect, so this makes no sense. On the other hand, during production, an inhibitor is added to the battery, which should extend the life of the battery, and it is during the first charging and discharging that it is destroyed, which allows for maximum life expectancy and capacity to be achieved.

How to extend your phone battery life

Different batteries require different approaches, but there are general rules that should be followed for all types of batteries to extend their service life:

  1. You should only use the “native” charger - when it reaches full charge, it stops supplying power to it, even if you do not disconnect it from the network. Therefore, recharging will not occur in any case. Using someone else's charger can damage the battery's performance. “Native” chargers also meet all the requirements for this particular model: voltage, output current, power.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature both during operation and during storage of the smartphone. This is room temperature. Both overheating and hypothermia, as well as sudden temperature changes, are equally harmful to the device.
  3. If no one will use the mobile device for a long time, then you should not fully charge it before doing so, nor should you discharge it to zero. This will damage the battery. It is optimal to turn off and put away the phone when the charge level is about 50%.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li-ion battery

Lithium-ion batteries do not like to be completely discharged (except for calibration) and recharged. It is optimal to maintain the charge level between 20 and 90%.

You can charge in different ways:

  1. Standard charger. Its characteristics are optimal, so it is advisable to use it. Only if this is not possible, resort to other methods.
  2. While working at the computer, you can also connect your mobile device to it and charge it. However, it will take much longer than charging through a wall outlet.
  3. Cigarette lighter in a car. Convenient for those who drive, but the process may also not be quick, depending on the device parameters.
  4. Universal memory. Such a device is popularly called a “frog”. Suitable for different types of batteries.

How to properly charge a phone with a li-pol battery

Lithium-polymer batteries do not like overdischarge and 100% charge. It is better to keep it in the range from 20 to 90%, and when this indicator is reached, disconnect from the network. If, while discharging, you still miss the moment and the device turns off, you do not need to keep it in this state, but should immediately put it on charge.

With lithium-polymer batteries, you should not be afraid of recharging too often - on the contrary, this should be done in small portions whenever possible. The main thing is not to keep it on charge for several hours and not reach 100% of the scale.

It is harmful for such a battery to be constantly connected to the electrical network. The controller built into the charger will disconnect it from charging at the right moment, but heat will continue to flow. This harms the lithium polymer battery.

All batteries have a built-in controller that controls the charging and discharging process. That is, when the battery is discharged to zero, there is still some amount of charge left, and when it reaches 100%, the controller stops sending current into the battery; as soon as the charge level drops to 99%, the voltage will flow again.

Do not charge your phone while lying on a fabric surface as this will cause the battery to heat up.

How to properly charge a phone with a ni-mh battery

Nickel-metal hydride (ni-MH) batteries are less durable than modern ion batteries. They also have a memory effect. That is, the battery “remembers” what state its charge reached before and begins to discharge faster.

To prevent this from happening, such batteries need to be “trained”: periodically completely discharged and then fully charged. This allows you to increase capacity by an average of 5%.

What is not allowed when charging a phone battery

All batteries, without exception, do not tolerate:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheating;
  • blows and other physical damage;
  • sudden change in temperature;
  • use of non-native memory;
  • permanent connection to the power grid.

Depending on the type, they also have some other “predilections”.

With li-ion battery

  • frequent complete discharge;
  • constant 100% charge;
  • storage in a discharged state;
  • too frequent charge calibration;
  • overheating and hypothermia.

It’s better to keep the battery charge up to 90%, and do a “training session” every few months, and everything will be fine.

With li-pol battery

The following should not be allowed with this type of battery:

  • full discharge;
  • training or calibration;
  • full charge;
  • permanent connection to the power grid;
  • overheating and hypothermia.

Just like with li-on, the optimal charge will be in the range from 20 to 90%.

With ni-mh battery

The following should not be allowed with this type of battery:

  • recharge;
  • frequent charge “little by little”;
  • storage fully charged or completely discharged;
  • overheat.

In order not to lose the capacity of such a phone, it is recommended to charge it completely and discharge it as much as possible. “Train” periodically.

Video: How to properly charge your phone battery


It's worth understanding that whether you have an Android, an iPhone, or an old black and white cell phone, none of these devices can live forever. Battery aging and failure is an inevitable process. However, with proper handling you can slow it down and extend the life of your mobile device.

Still have questions or have something to add? Then write to us about it in the comments, this will make the material more useful, complete and accurate.

Experts have resolved the eternal dispute between opposing sides: if you want your battery to last longer, you shouldn’t constantly keep the device on charge. Tech enthusiast Eric Leamer says running a full charge on phones is detrimental.

He believes that they need to be disconnected from the network before the battery level reaches 100%: “But on the other hand, if you constantly discharge the phone “all the way”, this will not save the situation, rather, on the contrary - too frequent experiments with cycles may damage the battery. Although if you do a complete discharge about once a month, it can be useful.”

Limer urges users to try to keep the charge level above 50 percent if possible. But he warns that if you leave the device in the outlet after it has been fully charged, the battery will wear out much faster.

In short, he says, the optimal charge level is from 40 to 80 percent. He also debunked the existing myth that a new phone needs to be charged for 72 hours before use. Supposedly, it then “remembers” what it feels like to be fully charged.

technician enthusiast It is a fact that batteries have memory. But this only applies to nickel batteries, not the lithium-ion batteries used in new phones. Your faithful companion is undoubtedly equipped with a lithium-ion battery, so you need to treat it a little differently

How exactly?

Firstly, charge your smartphone whenever possible. Secondly, it is better to keep it in a cool place. The recommended storage temperature for most batteries is 15 degrees Celsius. Temperature maximum is between 40 and 50 degrees.

Leamer noted that if a lithium-ion battery is stored at 25 degrees, it will lose about 20% of its maximum capacity over a year. At 40 degrees this figure rises to 35%.

Plus, it's best to avoid wireless chargers. During their operation, they generate heat, which literally “fries” your battery.

Also, don't make the screen too bright and constantly use GPS apps (such as maps). And if you are in an area where the signal is weak, turn on airplane mode; this will prevent your phone from running out of battery, constantly trying to find a connection. If you don't use your phone, lock it or turn it on silent mode.

Table showing how temperature affects battery capacity:

The optimal temperature for operation is from 0° to 35°C. So keep your smartphone at room temperature – for example, 22°C is ideal.

Look at the phone usage statistics: if you know how you usually use the device and how long the battery usually lasts, this will help you extend its life.

Pay attention to two things - active and sleep mode. Active mode is all the time when you talk on the phone, view email, listen to music, surf the Internet, send or receive text messages. Activated auto-check of incoming messages is also an active mode. Sleep mode is a time when the phone is unplugged from charging but not in use.

Always update your software!

Turn down the brightness! A very bright screen “eats” a huge amount of energy. And if such a function is available to you, then turn on automatic brightness adjustment - then the screen itself will select the optimal mode based on the illumination parameters.

Turn off notifications: maybe it’s better to synchronize accounts and check email manually, thereby saving precious battery power?

Use geographic services to a minimum: applications that constantly request data about your location and GPS maps drain your battery very quickly.

Use airplane mode in areas with weak or no signal! Your device in such places is constantly trying to find a network and spends a colossal amount of charge on this.

Lock your phone when you're not using it. You'll still be able to receive calls and messages, but nothing will happen if you don't constantly touch the screen.

Use your phone regularly: A lithium-ion battery requires electrons to be constantly in motion to function properly.

At least once a month, perform a full charge-discharge cycle. That is, first charge the phone to 100%, and then completely discharge it.

Unfortunately, many cell phone holders charge their devices incorrectly. This leads to the fact that the battery soon becomes unusable and the charge does not last for a long time. You will find out how long it takes to charge your phone from our article.

Types of mobile phone batteries

In order for your phone battery to last as long as possible, you need to find out what type it is. You can find this information on the battery case, in the documentation included with the phone, or on the manufacturer’s website.

Currently, cell phones are powered by lithium-based batteries. The most common batteries are Li-Ion (lithium-ion) and Li-Po (lithium-polymer) devices.

Such batteries have a number of advantages

  • lungs;
  • able to work at low temperatures;
  • charge quickly;
  • accurately show the charge level.

In older phones you can find a Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) battery.

Phone charging rules

  1. Whatever type of battery you have, overcharging will negatively affect the operation of the device.
  2. Start charging your mobile device when the battery charge is below 10 percent.
  3. An expensive modern phone comes with a charger. In most cases, the power stops flowing when the battery is fully charged, even if you have not disconnected the power supply. The exception is cheap chargers of Chinese origin.
  4. While using your phone, alternate full charging cycles with incomplete ones. This means you need to stop charging your phone at 80 percent.
  5. If your phone is not used for a long time, you need to remove the battery from the device. It must be stored in a cool, dark place.

How to save battery power

  • Turn down the brightness of your phone screen. If the automatic brightness adjustment function is available, use it. Based on the room illumination parameters, the phone will independently select the optimal screen brightness;
  • Use your cell phone regularly;
  • Lock your phone when you are not using it;
  • Use GPS services only as needed;
  • In places with weak or no communication signal, put your phone in airplane mode;
  • Turn off data networks when you are not using them (Wi-fi, Bluetooth, etc.);
  • If possible, do not unlock your phone unless necessary;
  • It is recommended to listen to music through headphones. Using speakers drains your battery;
  • Do not use animated images for your desktop;
  • Leave on the desktop of your mobile device only those applications that you use every day;
  • Once a month it is recommended to do a full cycle of charging and discharging the phone. You need to charge the device to 100 percent, and then use the phone until the battery runs out.

We talk about the features, nuances and importance of properly charging a new gadget for the first time.

Many people, when buying a smartphone, ask themselves the question: how to properly charge the battery of a new phone so that it holds a charge for a long time and fully fulfills its allotted life? Are there any nuances, secrets and features of charging new batteries? Let's try to understand this question and find an answer.

First, a little theory. All modern smartphones are equipped with . In devices with monolithic cases, the batteries are built into the back panel and cannot be removed without disassembling the gadget using a special tool. In collapsible models, they can be removed after removing the back cover, as on older phones - in this case, manufacturers often put the battery in a box separate from the device.

It is important that in both cases the batteries are charged at least 20-30 percent, which is why lithium-ion batteries do not tolerate complete discharge well. In this matter, we can only rely on the integrity of the manufacturing company, which probably knows about this rule.

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing you need to do is turn it on and find out what percentage of the battery is charged. If the device does not turn on - the battery is empty - you need to put the smartphone on charge and wait until it is fully (100 percent) charged. Many sites and “experts” recommend charging the phone while it is turned off, but this is not relevant for modern types of batteries. The only benefit from such conditions is a slightly increased charging speed.

If the new smartphone does not turn on, that is, the battery is completely discharged, you need to immediately put it on charge and again wait until it is fully charged to 100 percent. Since the battery was discharged, we recommend completely discharging it again and replenishing it with 100 percent energy. This kind of calibration will allow you to restore the battery.

There are no other secrets or unexpected nuances when charging a new phone. It is important to follow the general rules and use batteries carefully. Here are the top tips for charging smartphones.

  • It is important not to allow this to happen - this can have a negative impact on the battery. If your phone turns off due to power depletion, do not try to turn it on again until you find an outlet.
  • It is recommended to charge the gadget when it reaches 20-30 percent.
  • Ideally, you should remove the device from the outlet when it reaches a full charge of 100 percent.
  • It is not forbidden to leave your smartphone. Modern devices have power controllers that prevent harmful overcharging.
  • It is recommended to charge gadgets with original original chargers. If this is not possible, you need to do it correctly.

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