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It happens that after updating an application for iPhone or iPad, you need to rollback and the question arises of how to return to the previous version. User AndreyYu on solved the issue.

Previously, getting the ipa file of the application was a matter of 2 minutes, you just had to go to apptrackr and download, but it stopped working and no other similar resources were found that would allow you to honestly download the ipa file (but what if you know such ones?).

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The following methods remain to obtain the old version of the application:

  1. You have an old backup of applications from your phone in iTunes and then you can simply copy the application back (but I didn’t have this).
  2. Use a method quickly described by someone on the Internet using software called Charles. This method is described on resources like 4dpa and copied by many people without understanding what is written there, however, without additional >100 grams it is difficult to understand this writing.

Perhaps I will do this more fully, with pictures and in a simpler, understandable form. In general, to download the old version of software from the AppStore it will take about 5 minutes and in my case Mac OS X. The method will obviously work on Windows, because There is also a Charles app for this system.

All your torment will begin even before you download Charles. The fact is that if you update iTunes on a Mac, you will not be able to install applications starting from version 12.7. To get it back, you need to install version 12.6.4 back.

What to do next to roll back an application update on iOS

Short: download the application via the AppStore in iTunes, then enable the proxy, then download again, edit the request, send the request, get the old version, install.

Details: After launching Charles, you need to install application certificates on your Mac. This is done through the menu HelpSSL ProxyingInstall Charles Root Cetrificate. The certificate then needs to be switched to Always Trust status in Keychain Access. If you do not install it, there will be errors and the method will not work.

In iTunes, look for the Inoreader application (this is suitable for any application, but at that moment I was only interested in it), launch Charles and click Download in the application installation window:

In the Charles window you see a similar line with the word “buy” in the address, associated with the apple server:

For information, please note that the size of the downloaded file is 20.4 MB:

Then you need to turn on SSL Proxying to intercept and edit requests:

Since, most likely, you have fast Internet and the application has already been loaded into the application library, you need to remove it from there.

We check once again that SSL Proxying is enabled and proceed to re-download the application from the AppStore; in this case, you need to pause the download so that you have time for the next steps. After clicking on Download, another line will appear in the Charles window in the apple server, containing the word “buy”. Expanding this line you need to find buyProduct:

On the right side of the window, click on Contents and select below XML Text. Scroll down until we find softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers with a list of incomprehensible numbers.

These numbers act as application versions. Accordingly, the lower the number, the older the application version. How do I know which version of the application will be downloaded? For example, I randomly took the value 823964615 from the end of the list:

Now we need to check the application version. To do this, we go to “buyProduct” and select from the menu Compose and on the right side of the window is the Text view.

At the very top of the field there will be a familiar set of numbers after the parameter appExtVrsId. This set of numbers is the current version of the application.

Instead of these numbers we substitute the 823964615 copied above and it should turn out like this:

and we do Execute. The program will give you a window and select the display mode XML Text we can find the bundleShortVersionString parameter below and see that the value we selected corresponds to version 5.4.4, which in my case is what is needed, because This version is almost the latest before updating to 6.0

One step left. You need to download this whole thing. To do this, in our last edited request buyProduct with the received version 5.4.4, select in the menu Breakpoints.

Again, go to the AppStore to download the Inoreader application (if the application has already been downloaded to the library and you did not have time to stop it, then simply delete it so that you can download it again).

As soon as you click download in iTunes, the Charles window will pop up, where you will need to click on Edit Request and in the already familiar appExtVrsId parameter, correct the version to 823964615, click Execute, and then again at Execute.

As a result, the application will start loading and you will see that the application size has changed downward:

A program icon with an Update shortcut will appear in the iTunes application library. This will mean that you did everything right. You can do Get Info application and it will be written:

Upon completion of the work, you should do in Charles Disable SSL Proxying by clicking on the server

I must say that I managed to do this procedure 2 times.
I hope this will be as useful to someone as it was to me.

Apple technology is subject to fewer changes than devices running Android. On iOS, you cannot work with files downloaded from the network, greatly change the interface, or install software from third-party sources bypassing the App Store.

It’s even more difficult to configure the operating system - the developers do not allow you to roll back iOS at any time (for example, to the legendary firmware version 10.3.3). And yet the rollback function is available, albeit in a greatly reduced version and with a lot of nuances. Which ones? Find out more below!

Is it possible to rollback iOS?

The procedure for rolling back the iOS operating system is possible on any Apple device - Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Of course, you shouldn’t count on returning to iOS 7, 8 or 9 on smartphones - the rollback works under the conditions that are pre-set by the developers. So, for example, if it becomes possible to test a beta version of iOS, then the opportunity to rollback will certainly appear, but until the first stable version following the beta.

Possible problems

The range of possible technical errors is vast. There may be problems with activating the device after an incorrect (the instructions described in the next chapter exclude such problems) rollback, difficulties associated with using biometric scanners, launching the camera and saving photos, playing music and even activating the mobile network. There are situations that are much worse, when, due to the wrong algorithm of actions, neither smartphones, nor tablets, nor smart watches would turn on again without contacting the service center.

The only way to avoid encountering such irreparable errors is to not deviate from the instructions, use firmware files from trusted sources, do not improvise, and in no case interfere with devices connected to the PC via USB (if the wire comes loose, the recovery process will be disrupted, and serious consequences will follow).

Working methods

It is always worth starting the process of returning to the old version of the iOS operating system from the website, a kind of database where independent developers have created a real cult of admirers of Apple technology. Firstly, we have put together a whole collection of instructions and answers to frequently asked questions. So, for example, anyone can find out whether it is possible to install JailBreak on iOS 11.4, whether it is worth downloading 12 Beta, how to turn off all service notifications and change the wallpaper.

And secondly, we took care of saving the ten latest official updates to the iOS operating system, and marked those versions that can actually be rolled back to with special green checkmarks. And here it is important to understand that the set of versions available for rollback is strictly limited and depends on Apple’s actions.

For example, if iOS Beta 12 appears specifically for developers, then they will be allowed to roll back to 11. If beta 13 appears, then to stable 12 and so on. Of course, there is no way to install iOS 8, 9, 10 via IPSW.ME (or even third-party methods). Therefore, if you want to roll back from beta to something stable, there is a way:

  1. First of all, it is important to choose a device. You can choose from iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, Apple Watch. Additionally, the version of iTunes is restored, starting from 10.5.3 (if for some reason the tool stops working stably, does not process files as before or does not start at all, you can try changing the version. It may be relevant for both Windows and MacOS);
  2. The second important step is to specify the classification of the device. So, for example, iPhone is available starting from 2G, iPad 1 or Apple Watch of the first generation. If you remember what version of the smartphone, tablet or player you currently have in your hands, you should go to “Settings” and select “About device”. And then continue the search. This is important - any inaccuracies at the selection stage can lead to unintended consequences. In the best case – to the loss of personal data (which can be easily restored from a backup), in the worst case – to the transformation of your favorite device into a “brick”;
  3. Next, it is important to select the iOS version to which you will rollback. As a rule, the service offers several options with a difference of several months. You can read more about the specifications of each version on the Apple website in the update logs;
  4. The last step is to go to the operating system build page and click “Download”. Any save directory will do;
  5. The initial preparation is complete - the files necessary for the rollback have been downloaded, all that remains is to sort out the details.

Preparing the device

Before restoring, it is important to disable the “Find iPhone” mode on any device suitable for the rollback:

  1. Go to “Settings”. At the very top of the menu (on iOS 11), go to the current profile parameters;
  2. Find the “iCloud” menu item. First of all, go to the “Backup” option and be sure to click “Enable”. With any rollback, all data available on the internal storage (including contacts, browser data associated with passwords and autofill texts, as well as photos, applications and all settings) is automatically deleted and cannot be restored without an available backup copy. If it’s a shame to lose your data, then you should deal with preparing a backup right away;
  3. If there is no space left in iCloud, then an alternative option is to create a copy through iTunes by connecting the device to the computer via USB and checking the box next to “Save a copy on the computer”;
  4. The first option is preferable - iCloud accesses memory much more often and never misses important system updates;
  5. Has a copy been created? It's time to move on to the most important thing;
  6. Scroll the menu with the iCloud settings that open to the “Find iPhone” item and move the lever from active to inactive position. The system will immediately prompt you to enter several passwords and codes confirming your right to use the device. First of all, it is important to indicate the data from the Apple ID (if the data is forgotten, then the password and login are restored through the support service. When communicating with call center operators, you will have to provide the key questions specified during registration and the answers to them), and at the same time, if to one different devices are connected to the profile, go through two-factor authentication. In this way, iOS tries to protect itself from unauthorized access, and therefore such a sophisticated check should be treated as calmly as possible.

And one more thing - without the “Find iPhone (iPad, iPod, etc.)” function, any Apple equipment is at serious risk, and therefore you should not delay the recovery mode, it is better to get down to business right away. And, after returning to the desired version of iOS, immediately activate the function back.

Recovery Mode

If there are no problems with the save firmware, backup and settings, then it’s time to get to the point:

  1. Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod, set-top box or smart watch to your computer using a USB cable. It is important to understand that the device must work (any battery charge level is suitable, the main thing is not to disconnect from the USB socket and not interrupt the recovery process, which Apple developers do not consider serious and dangerous, but it is better not to take risks);
  2. Without pressing any buttons (the Internet has long suggested holding down the volume and lock keys to go to recovery mode, in fact, the process has long been simplified), go to the device’s page in iTunes (the button is marked in the screenshot and is located directly above the menu on the left side of the interface) ;
  3. On the page that opens, go to settings (on the left!) and select “Browse”. All the information necessary for recovery will appear on the right. The current version of the operating system and the “Restore iPhone” button (the rest of the name depends on the device connected to the system), which you need to click;
  4. The last step of the rollback is to select the downloaded firmware from the IPSW.ME website and initiate the rollback process. The process will take from 15 to 30 minutes. During this time, you shouldn’t even touch your favorite device; it’s better to wait patiently.

Rolling back iOS is possible - the main thing is to carefully understand the instructions described above and, most importantly, not to use firmware downloaded from unverified sources.

There are a lot of new things in iOS 11, for example, such functions as many other things, but just because everything has changed, it does not mean that they are better, as a result of this, you can roll back ios. So if you decide it's not for you, you'll be glad to know that you can still go back to iOS 10.3.2. But this window of opportunity for downgrade won't last forever.

When iOS 11 officially launches in September 2017, Apple will no longer sign older versions of the firmware. That is, you will not be able to rollback if you have not saved your SHSHS2 drops. Also in the new version of iOS a lot has appeared.

However, until that day comes, it's actually quite easy to revert to iOS 10.3.2. All you need is a Mac or Windows PC, and the process only takes a few minutes. Better yet, you should be able to save all your apps and data, so let's go ahead and get started, shall we? Download for iOS for free.
"Update" for iOS 10.3.2

This guide will outline two iOS rollback methods that aim to recover the IPSW firmware file using iTunes. For most people, the steps outlined in Method 1 should be all you need.

However, there is a small chance that data from iOS 11 may cause errors or crashes after you upgrade to iOS 10.3.2. Again, this is rare, but if it happens, you can use the steps outlined in method 2, to erase corrupted data and then restore an old iCloud backup of your data.

First of all, you need to download the iOS 10.3.2 IPSW file for your specific device. This is the firmware file that you will install using iTunes to roll back your operating system, and luckily we have a reliable source where you can get this file. So, go to the following link from your computer, then select your device and model.

Then select iOS 10.3.2 when prompted, then click the Download button. The file is quite large so it may take a while to download, but be sure to mark the location of the file once it's finished.

iOS Rollback:Step 2 Install old firmware from iTunes

Next, connect your device to your computer using a Lightning cable, then open iTunes if it doesn't open automatically. From there, click the phone icon near the top left corner of the window to go to the device menu.

From here, make sure the " Summary" is selected on the left side of the window. After this, if you are using a Mac, press and hold the button Option on keyboard. Otherwise, if you are using Windows, press and hold the button Shift. While holding down the keyboard button, click Check for Updates.

The File Browser menu will then appear - use this to locate and select the IPSW file you downloaded in Step 1. Once you have done this, click Open.

After a few seconds, you will see a pop-up informing you that iTunes will now install iOS 10.3.2 on your device. Click "Update" here, then sit back and wait because the process of installing the old firmware will take up to 30 minutes. Along the way, you may be asked to enter your PIN on your device, so be sure to do so if asked.

Once iTunes finishes installing the old firmware, your device will automatically reboot. When this happens, disconnect your phone from your computer, then follow the prompts on your phone to reenter your password and complete setup.

iOS Rollback: Step 3 Delete your beta profile (beta users only)

You'll now be back to iOS 10.3.2, but if you first used the beta to install iOS 11, you'll soon be prompted to reinstall iOS 11.

To avoid this, go to the menu " Are common" in Settings, then scroll down and tap Profile. From there, select your beta profile, then click "Delete Profile" at the bottom of the screen. After this, you won't be prompted to install iOS 11 again until the official launch in September.

At this point, you are all set and ready to go. The vast majority of users won't have to worry about the second method below, but if you encounter any errors or glitches, just go back and go through the next section.

Method 2 Restore from iCloud backup (only if you have errors)

This next method is only for people who are experiencing errors after upgrading to iOS 10.3.2. This is rare, but it can happen when there is leftover data from iOS 11 that is not fully compatible with iOS 10.3.2.

If so, the easiest workaround is to restore from the IPSW file again. But this time, don't save the existing data and instead restore it from an old iCloud backup. Alternatively, you can perform a factory reset to clear the corrupted data, but the method in the following steps is slightly faster.

iOS Rollback:Step 1 Find your iOS 10.3.2 backup

First of all, keep in mind that downgrading your firmware using this method will delete existing apps and their data. This means that you will need to save important things. However, iOS 11 backups cannot be restored to iOS 10.3.2, which poses a problem.

You will only be able to recover all your data if you have an archival backup of iOS 10.3.2 (or older). Which was done before downgrading using Method 1. You should have made this iTunes backup when you first installed iOS 11. You can try to perform a backup after using Method 1, but some of the problems may persist.

ICloud should have automatically backed up the last time I ran 10.3.2, so most people will be fine. But to check, connect your device to your computer, then click the phone icon in iTunes to view your backups.

The information provided here does not include iOS version numbers. Therefore, you will need to check the dates of the backups to ensure they were created the last time you ran iOS 10.3.2 (or older). If they were, you would be able to get your data back. Otherwise you will need to start over.

iOS Rollback:Step 2 Disable Find My iPhone

Then you need to disable Find My iPhone. To do this, go to Settings, then tap your name at the top of the list and select iCloud. From here, select Find My iPhone, then turn off the toggle switch on the next screen.

iOS Rollback:Step 3 Downgrade the firmware again

Then reload the IPSW file for your device, if you've lost it since using method 1, then the rest of the process will be pretty easy. This is basically the same as the first one, but with one minor exception, so you can use the above screenshots for visual reference. To get started, connect your iOS device to your computer, then follow these steps:

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. Enter the "Device" menu.
  3. Select the Summary tab.
  4. Hold down the key Option(Mac) or key Shift left(Windows).
  5. Click "Restore iPhone" (or "iPad" or "iPod").
  6. Open the IPSW file.
  7. Confirm your choice by clicking the "Restore" button.

Just like Method 1, iTunes will take care of the rest and your device will restart once it's finished.

iOS Rollback:Step 4 Recover Data from iCloud

Once the process is complete, perform the initial setup on your iPhone. Then choose Set Up as New if you want a fresh start, or Restore from iCloud Backup. If you want to get all your apps and data back. If you're going with the latter, simply sign in to your Apple ID and then select the latest iOS 10.3.2 backup and your apps and data will be restored. You can also choose "Restore from iTunes Backup" if you backed up iOS 10.3.2 before installing iOS 11.

Without corrupted iOS 11 data, you will no longer have problems with iOS 10.3.2. But if you have any problems with any of the above methods, please let us know in the comments section below and we will try to guide you in the right direction. Also, if you want, you can remove Autoplay for videos in the iOS 11 App Store.

Hello, today I will tell you about a method to roll back any iOS applications using iTunes and Charles without jailbreaking.

Previously, I wrote an article about the method of rolling back to iOS 8.4.1 from version 9.3.5, and most users, including me, had a problem that many applications require a system version starting from 9, and the developer does not allow downloading an earlier version of the program , supporting the old version of the OS. Of these, I will highlight Google with their applications - Chrome and YouTube.

This method is suitable for absolutely any device on any version of iOS!

What do you need:

  • iTunes version 12.4.2 - the latest versions will not work with this method! Therefore, if you have the latest version of “tuna” installed, remove it and install the one indicated in the article.
  • Charles latest version.
  • The method is suitable for Mac and Windows
Let's move on to the instructions:
  1. Let's launch Charles.
  • Launch iTunes - go to the “Programs” tab and enter the name of the program you need in the search, in my case it is "VKontakte for iPad".
  • Let's start downloading the program. Go to Charles, in the list " Structure" find the tab with the tag " buy" and right-click to enable the item “ enable ssl proxing".
  • Stop downloading in iTunes.
  • Again, find the application you need through the search, start downloading and cancel it.
  • Open Charles, expand the tab with the tag " buy" and find the file “ buyproduct”.
  • Click on the tab "Contents" and select the display type "XML Text".
  • In the code, find the following tag: softwareVersionExternalIdentifiers.
  • Next you will see approximately the following information - this is a list of keys for different versions, from the oldest to the latest. Copy the version key you require.
  • Go to Charles - click on " buyproduct" and select " Edit".
  • You are taking " text" and find the tag appExtVrsId, in which replace the value with the one you copied in step 9 and click “ Execute."
  • Right click on " buyproduct" and turn on " "breakpoints".
  • Find the app you want in iTunes again and download it.
  • Go to Charles.
  • In the pop-up window, go to the tab "Edit Request".
  • Find a tag appExtVrsId , enter the value you copied, click " Execute" (If the window appears again, just click Execute again).

  • The latest version of Apple's OS - iOS 12 - has a number of significant changes compared to the previous one - 11. However, many users encountered a number of problems with the new operating system, as a result of which it became impossible to use the gadget normally. Fortunately, you can return to the previous, stable firmware by downgrading from iOS 12 to iOS 11.

    Procedure for rolling back iPhone firmware from iOS 12 to iOS 11.

    You should know that there are some benefits to downgrading iOS. First of all, the procedure is safe for your device, and after its completion you will have a normally functioning gadget without any problems. On the other hand, glitchy iOS might get stuck in recovery mode, DFU mode, or the Apple logo, and you'll have to go through a lot of trouble to fix it. And above all, you will definitely lose all your data during the process. Therefore, it is recommended to backup your iPhone immediately. The most common iOS 12 problems are related to the update. Although the public update is compatible with all leading iOS devices, users are still facing OS issues. Here are some of the most common iOS 12 problems and how to fix them.

    OS is slow

    While iOS 12 should make your phone faster, there's a chance that the update could backfire. Some users have reported that their iOS 12 devices freeze for a few minutes, start working again after a while, but then become unresponsive again. There can be many reasons for this problem. If your iPhone or iPad freezes after updating to iOS 12, try one of the following solutions:

    • Delete unnecessary data - If iOS 12 is running on low memory, it will most likely automatically become slow. You can get rid of any application that is no longer used. Additionally, you can delete photos, videos, and other data files from your device that you no longer need.
    • Closing apps – Another reason for iOS 12 to slow down could be handling too many apps. For devices other than iPhone X/XS (Max)/XR, you can visit the application manager by double-clicking the Home button. Here you can scroll through the apps you want to close. If you have an iPhone X/XS(Max)/XR, go to the Home screen, swipe up and wait. Now swipe over the app you want to close.
    • Disable background app updates – Some apps may also update automatically in the background. To keep iOS 12 running, you need to disable this option. Go to your device's settings and turn off background app updates.
    • Disabling Services – Additionally, you can also disable other services on the device such as location, Bluetooth, AirDrop, Wi-Fi, etc.

    Restart iOS and check whether the speed has changed or not.

    Screen recording doesn't work

    With the release of iOS 11, Apple included a screen recording feature which was largely appreciated by users. This feature was also included in iOS 12, but some users are unable to get the most out of it. They suffer greatly when iOS 12 screen recording does not work at all, recorded videos cannot be saved or have no sounds, or recording files are corrupted. Here are some tricks to fix the screen recording problem:

    • Enable Screen Recording Again – Make sure you have enabled the Screen Recording feature on iOS 12. You can find it in your iPhone's Control Center. If you want, you can go to Control Center Settings and also add a shortcut to the feature on your desktop. You will receive a notification as soon as screen recording starts.
    • Turn on your microphone - Sometimes screen recording simply includes visuals without sound. This happens when the user has muted the microphone. While recording, click on the microphone icon and make sure it is not set to silent mode.
    • Reset your device – This issue may be caused by an incorrect iOS 12 setup. To fix this, go to Settings/General/Reset and Reset all settings.

    If you still can't solve this problem, just use a third-party screen recorder.

    Activation error

    Lately, many people have been complaining about the “iPhone or iPad Activation Error” problem after updating to iOS 12. The error messages that appear may be “Unable to activate iPhone”, “Activation Error” or “Unable to proceed with activation now”. This mainly happens when your device is unable to contact the Apple server. It may also be due to a software problem that prevents the device from being activated. Here are tips to solve the problem:

    • Avoid peak load times on Apple's server - just wait a few minutes. If Apple's servers are busy, you can wait and try to activate your phone again. If you're lucky, you won't get this error after a while.
    • Restart your iPhone – Restarting your phone is another option that may help. This will force your phone to contact Apple's servers again and resolve the activation error.
    • Reboot Wi-Fi Network – If there is a problem related to the network, you need to restart your Wi-Fi network. Make sure your SIM card is installed correctly. Take the SIM eject pin and remove the SIM card tray. Clean it and put it back.

    Check the functionality of the device.

    iOS 12 freezes while preparing for update

    Today, many are facing the same problems when updating their iPhone to iOS 12 when it gets stuck on Preparing Updatie... The reasons may vary, so try the following solutions:

    • Delete the OTA file and download it again.
    • Check your network connection.
    • Force restart your iPhone.
    • Force quit the Settings app.

    Check the gadget for functionality.

    iMessages are not sent

    In most cases, when you update your iOS to a new version, messages sent via iMessage are not delivered. If iMessage says undelivered, try these tips to fix iMessage not working in iOS 12.1/12:

    • Check if the message type is supported by the operator. For your message to be sent via iMessage, you need to check whether your message type is supported by your carrier or not. Messages are sent as iMessage or SMS/MMS. You need to confirm whether your carrier supports these messages or not. This can be done, for example, by calling a hotline.
    • Network connection. iMessage works over the Internet. Therefore, if you need the program to work, make sure you have a working internet connection. If not, you can turn airplane mode on/off.
    • Send iMessage as a text message. If you have problems sending iMessage, you can send it as a regular SMS or text message. It's very easy to do. All you need to do is go to Settings/Messages. Turn on the “Send as SMS” slider. This will send your iMessage as a regular text message.

    How to downgrade from iOS 12 to iOS 11 without losing data

    The latest version of iOS comes with several new apps and various new features. But you should keep in mind that iOS 12 is not for everyone. Many people complain about sudden crashes and stability issues. This is a certain type of problem that many people may face while using iOS 12. So, you will be very happy to know that you can go back to the previous version or downgrade your iOS version. Also, you must remember that the downgrade option is very limited, when iOS 12 becomes official, Apple will stop releasing firmware for the previous version, which means that you will not be able to go back to the previous version of iOS 11. You must take advantage of this opportunity in time.

    Downgrade iOS 12 without iTunes and IPSW file

    The procedure is standard and not particularly complicated. First you need to download and install the IPSW file or firmware. Instead of doing all this, you can simply use the ReiBoot iPhone system recovery program. Here's how to use the program:

    1. Download and install Tenorshare ReiBoot on your PC or Mac.
    2. After that, connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac using a USB cable.
    3. When the device is detected, a panel will open, click "Repair operating system".
    4. Click "Restore Now".
    5. After this, ReiBoot will automatically provide you with the latest official iOS firmware. You just need to click "Download".
    6. It will take some time to download or if you already have the firmware you can do it manually.
    7. Once the download process is complete, click “Start Recovery” and everything will be done automatically.

    Rollback from iOS 12 using iTunes

    iOS 12, the updated version of Apple OS, contains many promises, but it is impossible to create a product that meets all standards. Try rolling back iOS 12 to 11.4 yourself:

    Your iPhone will revert to iOS 11. Now you know how to uninstall iOS 12.

    How to roll back from iOS 12 to iOS 11 by recovery

    This procedure will take much longer. In this case, the rollback will be carried out not to the new firmware, but to the restored one.

    1. To downgrade from iOS 12, you first need to download the firmware from the official website.
    2. Connect your smartphone to your PC and launch iTunes.
    3. Put your smartphone into recovery mode (DFU). For models X, 8+, 8 – quickly click the volume up/down, then hold the power key. for 7 and 7+ – hold the volume down key together with the power button. for 6S, iPad and iPad Pro - hold down the Home key.
    4. When the request window appears, click OK.
    5. Hold Shift on your keyboard and select “Restore iPhone.”
    6. In the dialog box, find the downloaded firmware and select it.
    7. Next/Accept.
    8. After rebooting the smartphone, the system will be restored from the selected firmware.

    Ready! Now you know everything about how to return iOS 11 from version 12. If you have already had to downgrade your gadget, tell us in the comments which of the described methods you used and what problems you encountered with the new firmware.

    If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter