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The on-screen keyboard is a tool for writing text, adding numbers and other characters that are found on a similar physical input device. Typically, users are interested in a virtual instrument when they have reinstalled Windows and something went wrong or when a regular separate keyboard does not work.

It is also believed that entering text in this way helps to protect your data - there are so-called spy programs that read the information you type. To protect passwords or access codes from unauthorized persons, it is recommended to write them using just such a system component.

And, of course, such a tool will be useful for those who use touch screens on laptops, computers or tablets. We will look at how to enable the virtual keyboard on different versions operating system from Microsoft.

This is what it looks like screen keyboard in Windows 7

Enable the virtual keyboard on Windows 7

There are several ways to launch it, so choose the one that is most convenient for you. So, we recommend doing the following:

  • Go to Start.
  • Select the folder with programs, then “Standard” – “ Special abilities

Start-Standard command


  • In the list you will see the “On-Screen Keyboard” item - open it, after which the component will launch on the display.

  • You can also simply enter the word “on-screen” in the search bar in the start menu, and the corresponding program will be displayed for you.

If you do not find it in the “Standard” folder, correct this situation using the following steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click on “Programs and Features”, after “List of installed components” in the left menu.
  3. A window will appear in front of you where you can activate or deactivate individual tools. In our case, check the box next to the “Tablet PC Components” folder.
  4. The input tool should then appear in the menu.

If you use such a keyboard very often, you can set a key combination for calling so that you don’t have to turn it on through Start every time. This is done like this:

  • Find the line of this component in the list of applications, right-click on it.
  • In the context window, open Properties.
  • Select the Shortcut tab.
  • Click on the "Shortcut" field and enter the combination with which you want to call the keyboard in the future. For example, it could be Ctrl+Alt+T.

Attention! Before installing a combination, check it on your computer by first minimizing all windows - if another command does not start, then this key combination is free.

We use the input tool on Windows 8, 8.1

Now let's find out how to call the virtual keyboard in this version of the software. Note that it should be present by default; if it is not, you have a stripped-down platform. It is better to install a full-fledged shell so that in the future there will be no other problems with the lack of necessary utilities.

  1. Go to Start, scroll through all applications.
  2. In the list, find the “Accessibility” section - that’s where the on-screen keyboard is located.
  3. As with the previous software, you can simply enter the word "display" in the Start search bar if that's more convenient.

This is what the keyboard looks like in Windows 8

In the case where you want such an input tool to always appear when you log in, you can enable this function like this:

  • Go to Control Panel, Accessibility section.
  • Open the menu for using your computer without a mouse or physical input.
  • Check the box next to “Use on-screen keyboard.”
  • In the left menu, open the “Change login settings” section and specify the use of it when logging into your account.

Activation on Windows 10

In the latest version of Microsoft software, you can run the same input tool as in previous releases of the system, or use its new version, improved in appearance.

To enable the regular version, follow these steps:

  • In Start, start typing the text “display…” in the search bar, after the component is found, launch it.
  • Or use the Win+R combination, enter “osk” in the line field, execute the command.

To enable another, more new version, do the following:

  1. Click on the corresponding icon in the notification area. If it is not there, right-click on the taskbar and select “Show touch keyboard button” in the context window.
  2. Or go to your computer settings and open the accessibility menu. In the "Keyboard" section, enable the display version.
  3. You can also always enable such an input tool through the “Accessibility” icon that you see when you log in.

If you don't like it standard program, which comes with the software, you can always find other applications for writing texts from the display - just download any of them you like via the Internet.

That's all - now you know how to enable the virtual keyboard on a laptop, computer, tablet, regardless of what version of Windows you use. The procedure itself is quite simple and does not require special knowledge.

Virtual keyboard appears as keys located on top of all windows and the desktop. To call it in the Windows 7 operating system, you must perform a certain sequence of actions. About them and we'll talk in this article.

Why is on-screen keyboard support needed?

Many users do not understand at all why Windows has the function of displaying the on-screen keyboard. To understand why this function is used, let's look at the reference material. The virtual keyboard is primarily designed for people who have missing or immobile fingers. It can also be used if a regular keyboard refuses to work.

In recent years, they have gained great popularity tablet computers. You can connect to them peripherals using wi-fi or bluetooth. However, if there is no USB connector and wireless connection working with these devices would be terribly inconvenient if not for the on-screen keyboard. The virtual keyboard also helps protect your computer from keyloggers. These are malicious programs that read passwords entered from a regular keyboard and send them directly to attackers.

How to enable the on-screen keyboard?

There are several methods you can use to enable the virtual keyboard.

1. Using search

IN latest versions operating room Windows systems The search function is very conveniently implemented. To use it, just click on the “Start” button and enter the phrase “on-screen keyboard”. After that, click on the top link. The window you need will appear on the screen.

2. Using a keyboard shortcut

The second method of calling the on-screen keyboard is more efficient. All you need to do is press the key combination “Win” + “R”. As a result, the Run window will appear. You must enter “osk.exe” or simply “osk” into it. Then click on “Enter” or “Ok”. If the window you need does not open after pressing a key combination, you will have to do a little work. To begin, hover your cursor over the Start menu bar, then click on it right click mouse and select "Properties". On the right side of the window that opens, select “Settings” and click on it. After clicking, a window will appear in which you need to check the box next to “Run”.

How to enable the on-screen keyboard if the regular one does not work?

You can open the on-screen keyboard using only the mouse pointing device. To do this, click on the “Start” menu, then select “Control Panel” and find the “Ease of Access” line. This will open a window called Ease of Access Center. Here, select “Enable virtual keyboard.” As a result, keys should appear on top of all windows.

Sometimes due to the activity of viruses and malware I can't enable the virtual keyboard from the control panel. Then you will have to open it manually executable file. To do this, go to the path “C:\\Windows\System32\” and run the file “osk.exe”.

Additional features and settings

To enable the virtual keyboard in the settings window, just follow these steps: Click on “Options” and select a hover response.

Disabling the on-screen keyboard

Perhaps after some time the need for an on-screen keyboard will no longer be necessary. This function will become unnecessary. To disable it, you just need to click on the OS familiar to all users Windows icons, located in the upper right corner of the virtual keyboard window. To close the window completely, select the cross, and to minimize the window, select the underscore symbol.

We will not go into details why yours stopped working and why you needed a virtual/on-screen keyboard. I already know this, everyone eats and drinks in front of the computer, and the rest are psychopaths and beat her). If your keyboard is out of order, it’s not a big deal and you can temporarily replace it. Let's see how to do this.

How to enable the virtual keyboard

You know, when I needed it myself, I found it right away, but then, out of curiosity, I looked at what answers there were on the Internet before writing this post. I was surprised by the answers on YouTube and other sites... It’s terrible, the authors write how to call up the keyboard using hot keys... But, if I’m looking for how to find it, it means my keyboard doesn’t work and I can’t press these keys).

Below I wrote how to enable the virtual keyboard with the mouse only:

WindowsXP – 7: Open the Start menu, then All Programs, then Accessories, Accessibility and select On-Screen Keyboard.

Windows 8- Open Control Panel, then "Accessibility" After "Enable on-screen keyboard"

Windows 10– In the notification panel, click on the keyboard icon and select “Show button touchpad" Or “Control Panel”, “Accessibility”, “Keyboard”, turn on the “Turn on the on-screen keyboard” lever.

Linux - Unfortunately, this is not provided and must be installed. Everything would be fine, but to install you need to write on the command line. Therefore, I recommend moving on to the next point.

MacOS- "Programs", " System Settings", "Language and text", "Input sources" check the box next to "Keyboard and symbols" and next to the languages ​​you need. Now to open it, click on the flag (at the top, where you can change the language) and click “Show panel”.

On-screen keyboard online

If for some reason the standard program does not suit you, you can use it online. Quite a convenient solution, but the standard one is better.

I used the Yandex keyboard, and it is quite comfortable. To open it, go to the “ ” result and click “Keyboard” at the bottom.

It is more convenient because the input field is higher and you can enter a fairly large text, which you cannot do in Yandex, but in any case this is a temporary perversion and no one will write large texts this way.

Download virtual keyboard

I know that there are individuals who are not suitable simple solutions problems and they like to complicate their lives, so I want to recommend the Hot Virtual Keyboard virtual keyboard programs.

Unlike all previous options, this program allows you to change the design, make flexible settings, and many more interesting things, but in my opinion unnecessary.

The onscreen keyboard is very useful tool. It will retain the ability to use a computer or laptop in the event of a failure of the push-button keyboard or its individual keys. In this article you will learn how to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, 8, 10.

How to enable on-screen keyboard on Windows 7?

In Windows 7, the on-screen keyboard is enabled as follows. Open the Start menu. In the bottom search bar, enter “Screen” without quotes.

Enabling the on-screen keyboard via search

After this, the treasured on-screen keyboard will appear in the list of results; clicking on it will launch it.

On-screen keyboard in Windows 7

Alternatively, you can open Start and follow the path “All Programs -> Accessories -> Accessibility -> On-Screen Keyboard”.

On-screen keyboard in the Accessibility folder

How to enable on-screen keyboard on Windows 10?

In Windows 10, enabling the on-screen keyboard is done in a similar way.

Open the Start menu. Depending on the version of Windows 10, you will immediately see a list of applications, or you will need to click on “All applications”.

Expanding the list of all programs in the menu Windows start 10

In the list of all applications that opens, sorted alphabetically, we find the “Special” folder. opportunities” and open it. This is where you will find the on-screen keyboard.

On-screen keyboard in Windows 10 in the Start menu

You can also use the search. Type the word “Screen” and launch the keyboard.

Enabling the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 through search

If you wish, you can pin it to the taskbar so you don’t have to look for it in Start every time. To do this, click on the on-screen keyboard icon with the left mouse button and select “Pin to taskbar.”

Create an on-screen keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 on the taskbar

Instead of using a regular keyboard, you can use the on-screen keyboard to type and enter data. In this tutorial we will learn how to enable the virtual (on-screen) keyboard in Windows 7.

On-screen keyboard is displayed on the computer screen with everything standard set keys The only thing missing is an additional number pad. To enable the virtual keyboard, follow these steps.

Step 1. “Standard” group

Press the button Start. In the menu that appears, expand the list All programs. In this list we find the group Standard and expand it:

Step 2: Accessibility

In Group Standard need to find the folder Special abilities and open it:

Step 3: On-Screen Keyboard

Now in the folder Special abilities find the component Screen keyboard and run it:

Screen keyboard

This is what the on-screen keyboard looks like in Windows 7.

Step 4: Numpad

By default, the on-screen keyboard does not have a number pad (numeric keypad). To turn it on, you need to press the button on the keyboard itself Options. In the settings window that appears, you need to check the box next to the item Enable numeric keypad:

After this, a number pad (numeric keypad) will appear on our keyboard:

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter