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Through a router, but don't know where to start? We will help you with this. Only a small part of all those who have connected a Wi-Fi router at home themselves do this installation without errors - they carry out the setup, organize a wireless network and integrate various devices into this network. Ignorance of the basics of planning local networks can lead to problems in their use in the future.

What is important to know at the beginning of the process

It is important to understand the nuances: in order to create a functional local network, you must purchase a Wi-Fi router. Do not confuse it with a wired router without Wi-Fi, which uses wires to route the signal - it usually does not have an antenna. Or with a similar device - an access point that performs other tasks.

To connect to the Internet through a router and organize a home Wi-Fi network, you can use various routers, because the main differences in the settings and connection of Wi-Fi routers to the Internet consist only in the graphic design of the admin panel. Thus, if you understand the connection principle using one router as an example, you can easily connect and configure any other. For example, today we will configure the ASUS WL-520GC, the whole process with screenshots.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via a router

Before purchasing a Wi-Fi router, your PC itself received an IP address from the Internet provider, and now, using your new purchase, you can connect other computers and devices. Now it is the router that will “communicate” with the provider and on your local network it will assign an internal IP address to any of the connected gadgets.

So, let's go.

  • We connect the router to the power supply and configure it to communicate with the PC. To achieve this goal, we insert the Internet wire into the WAN connector on the router, and connect the other wire, which has two plugs (RJ45), to the PC’s network card (where the Internet cable was previously connected) and to any of the router’s LAN1-LAN4 connectors.
  • We recommend that you always use an uninterruptible power supply to protect your system from possible power surges and resulting hardware problems.
  • Let's start setting up your PC for work. Remember that not all networks are set up the same way. Some people need static IPs, others need dynamic ones. Still others use a PPPoE connection (regular login and password entry). The fourth ones do not require any settings at all: just connect the router to the provider’s cable, open any website and a menu will appear asking you to enter your login and password.

By the way, many people are interested in how to connect the Internet to XP via a router. Nothing complicated - we take the following steps according to the scheme.

For Windows 7, the path looks like this: “Start> Control Panel> Network and Internet> Network and Sharing Center> Change adapter settings. Then in the list of existing connections we must find and double-click the “Local Area Connection” tab, then select “Properties”, highlight the “Internet Protocol version TCP/IP v4” item and click the “Properties” button (in the diagram I’m in the wireless settings connection, but since you don’t have one yet, but have connected the PC and the router via an Internet cable, you select the “Local Area Connection” menu item).

If you have any data here, be sure to write it down for yourself. This is important for those users who cannot find an agreement with an Internet provider for the provision of services and, accordingly, do not remember important data from the agreement for setting up a network. This data may come in handy when you move on to the task of setting up the Internet via a Wi-Fi router (WAN), which will be discussed later.

Then in the same window we go to “Network connection settings on a PC”, set the IP, gateway and DNS values ​​as automatic - we will enter them separately in our router ourselves.

We enter the address or into the browser search engine (if the first one did not work), here in most cases the settings of almost any router are located. If this address does not work, look in the router manual to see which address we can use to enter the settings menu of our device. You can also turn your router over. The sticker on the bottom contains the information you need.

Even if you did not find this path using the above methods, go to the “Control Panel”, right-click on “Local Area Connection”, in the new window click on “Details”, then find IPv4 Default Gateway - this is the IP address our router.

  • In the settings menu of our router, we must find DHCP Server (usually in the LAN or “Local Network” submenu), then we set a number of values ​​for the IP addresses of various gadgets that will connect to our home network.

I used the following Start IP values ​​– and End IP, you can vary them depending on the number of connected devices.

Enable DHCP Server and set it to “Enabled”. “Domain Name” (possibly also “Host Name”) – the name of the local network being created.

Keep in mind that I took screenshots from my routers that have an English interface and it is problematic for a beginner to understand what and how without screenshots - so these screenshots should help. And taking into account the fact that almost all new routers come with Russian-language software, it will be even easier for you. For the device in question it will look like this.

  • Global connection of the router occurs in the WAN menu. In Online, for example, the IP is set automatically, there is no need to configure it, you just need to insert the cable, set the network settings - and you are on the Internet.

In “WAN connection type” we set Automatic IP.

In Starnet and similar networks – PPPoE type. When setting up PPPoE, we must enter: username, server name (or Service Name), password, primary and secondary DNS. You will find all of the above in your agreement with your Internet service provider.

Wireless networks are a very convenient tool for solving everyday problems related to accessing the Internet. Today it is quite difficult to find a person who does not have a router at home. Installing a Wi-Fi router yourself is not a difficult task, and now we will look in detail at how to do it.

Device selection

Before moving on to the question of how to install a router, you should select it. Nowadays you can find a great variety of different models of Wi-Fi routers in stores. However, not all of them will suit your requirements. There are several parameters to consider in this matter:

  1. the presence of a powerful external antenna - the description should indicate the power, for example, 5;
  2. convenient and intuitive interface - this will allow you to easily and quickly understand the settings. Today, routers from the company have the simplest and most intuitive interface;
  3. supported standards – there are several standards that are most common:
    • 802.11 is an old standard operating at 2.4 GHz;
    • 802.11 – is also considered obsolete and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz;
    • 802.11 is a new standard that operates at 5 GHz and is characterized by higher data transfer rates over wireless networks (up to 300 Mbps). It is worth noting that routers that support the 802.11 type can work with all types of devices, even with outdated models operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. In this matter, it is best to give preference to routers that support operation on all these standards (make sure that the box bears the designation “N” - 300 Mbits);
  4. the presence of the required ports for connecting an Internet cable, modems, computers, and so on. Here you should proceed from your preferences and requirements.

When choosing equipment, we advise you to avoid cheap Chinese devices. Such gadgets work with constant glitches. Now let's move on to the main question - how to install a router at home. It's probably best to start by determining where the access point will be located.

Determining the location

It is preferable to place the router in the central part of the room (or as close to the center as possible) somewhere under the ceiling or on a cabinet.

The higher the access point is, the fewer obstacles there are in the signal path and the larger the coverage area.

When deciding how to install a Wi-Fi router at home, you should avoid mirrors, as they reflect the signal and radio waves simply will not pass through; household appliances, especially those with strong radiation of electromagnetic waves, such as microwave ovens (microwave ovens), refrigerators, radios, home phones, and so on.

If the room is quite large and one router is not able to cover the entire territory, then you can significantly increase the coverage area. It is worth noting that each router has wall mounts. So, now you know where and how to install the router yourself. Now you can proceed to configuration.

Equipment setup

Typically, when you turn on the router for the first time, Wi-Fi is already working. All you have to do is change the network name and assign a password for security.

First, we need to go to the access point parameters. To do this, you need to find out the IP address of the router. It is indicated on the factory sticker that is on each router (carefully inspect the gadget from all sides).

You can also find it out on the command line. Just connect to the network, open the command line, enter the ipconfig command and press . Next, we need to find the line “Main gateway” - the address we need will be there.

Now you need to enter this IP address into the address bar of any browser and click. Typically, the IP address looks like this: or There may be other meanings - this has already been clarified by the methods described above.

So, installing a Wi-Fi router at home involves two setup steps:

  • setting up local network and Wi-Fi;
  • setting up an Internet connection.

Let's take a closer look at both points.

Setting up a local network

When asking how to install a new router, the first thing you should look at is setting up the local network and Wi-Fi connection. We will look at further steps using the example of setting up a TP-Link router. If you have a different model, then don’t worry: all routers are configured according to the standard scheme. Differences may only be in the names of some sections and in the appearance of the interface.

So, follow these steps:

This completes the local network setup. But installing a router doesn't end there. Now we need to configure Internet access.

WAN setup

In order to set up an Internet connection (WAN), you need to know what type of connection your ISP uses. There are several options:

  • PPPoE – in this case you need to enter the login and password that your provider gave you;
  • binding by MAC address - in this case, as a rule, there is no need to manually enter network parameters;
  • static IP - this means that you are assigned a specific IP address and other parameters that must be entered manually.

In any case, you will have to call your provider and find out exactly how the router is configured (what type of connection is used).

There are options when you don’t need to configure anything at all. That is, you connect the router to the provider’s cable, connect your computer to your network and load any website. The first time you try, the system will display a window in which you will need to enter the username and password assigned by your provider. After entering the data, the router will automatically bind to the system and the network will be configured.

In the realities of the modern world, every Internet user should know how to connect a router. Routers are fairly simple network equipment. Anyone can set them up, but only if they follow certain instructions. We will tell you everything from “A” to “Z” about connecting, activating and setting up a home modem.

Selecting a location

Once you've purchased your new router and unpacked it, don't rush to connect it. The router needs to choose the right location, because the quality of the signal and its distribution throughout the apartment depend on this. The choice of location is based on several parameters:

  • available network cable length;
  • availability of a nearby outlet;
  • dimensions of the house or apartment.

Most even budget models have powerful transmitters to ensure signal distribution in three-room apartments. It is recommended to place the device on a hill (on the highest shelf, on top of a table, or attach it to the wall) for better signal propagation. Make sure that the LAN cable and power cord are loose and not under tension.

Do not install the modem near electrical appliances (TVs, microwave ovens or on the system unit). Remember that metal barriers weaken Wi-Fi the most. If you have cabinets or cabinets made of metal, of course, we recommend moving them to the outer walls. If in a private house the coverage area does not cover all rooms, then it is worth strengthening the signal or purchasing a repeater.

Connecting the router to a laptop or PC

Having chosen a place, it is worth inspecting the purchase package to begin connecting. As a rule, the kit also includes a LAN cable, instructions and a disk with electronic documentation or support software. At a minimum, you need to connect the router to an Internet cable, and you can configure it either from a PC or laptop via Wi-Fi.

Via cable

If you are using an ADSL or Ethernet connection, then you need to connect a wire with the Internet to the router (usually a classic “twisted pair”). Take the end of the cable and then plug it into a port called WAN. It is usually highlighted in color separately from others. Next, connect the output of the network card to the LAN port of the router. There are usually 4 of them in the device. They are marked in yellow/orange.

Next, take the power supply and plug it into a power outlet, and insert the end of the wire into the connector on the modem (it can be designated as 5V-2.5A or Power). Use only factory power supplies, as products from third-party manufacturers may produce a different voltage, which in extreme cases will lead to burnout of the microcircuits.

Connecting the router is very simple, and then you can configure the device via the web interface directly from your computer.

Via Wi-Fi

A Wi-Fi router has one important advantage - it can be configured remotely, without resorting to a physical connection through a wire between the device and the computer. As a rule, most models immediately distribute Wi-fi after switching on. A password is not set, but if there is an icon with a lock on the network, then you should look at the factory code for the network on the label of the router.

  1. Find the wireless networks icon in the tray and click on it;
  2. Select your wireless access point from the list and click “Connect”.

We recommend sitting as close to the device as possible, since the data transfer speed directly depends on the distance. If Wi-Fi does not activate automatically, you will have to do it manually. Then you can connect to the router only in one way - wired.

Setting up the router

Some providers do not require the user to set up a modem, since after the steps described above the Internet is already available on the computer, however, these are rare situations. More often than not, you have to manually establish the connection. Setting up Wi-Fi is mandatory if you want to put your password on the network.

Login to the web interface

First, you need to learn how to enter the main menu of the router. Please note that the device does not need to be connected to the Internet at all to do this. You will need any browser (Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox or similar). Next you need to know:

  • IP address where you can access the modem menu;
  • username and access code (password).

This information is located on a special label attached to the case. The login is usually the English word admin, the password is either similar or presented as a combination of numbers (1234 or 0000). It depends on the manufacturer.

Once all the information received has been found, follow these simple steps:

You will be taken to the main menu when you provide the correct information. Now you can change the device settings. You can log in not only from a personal computer, but even from a phone by repeating this procedure in a mobile browser.

Reset all settings

Before performing any actions, you need to figure out how to return everything to its place if incorrect parameters are set. Modems have a special feature called Factory Reset. It will override any changes made by the user. You can reset the device in several ways:

  • Separate RESET button. Hold it for more than 10 seconds until all the indicator lights come on and go off.
  • Combined WPS/RESET button. It is also necessary to hold it for more than ten seconds.
  • Soft reset via the corresponding item in the system menu.

After the reset, the login information and Wi-Fi password (if there was one) will be reset to the factory settings. This is the only way to regain “control” over the device if it has been hacked by attackers.

Internet setup, connection types

Let's move on to the most interesting part - setting up an Internet connection. Typically, the procedure comes down to determining the type of connection and setting the specified parameters, which are provided by the provider. Let's look at connection types using the example of the common Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR840N. Menu options may vary slightly on other devices.

The connection is configured in the “Network” section, WAN subsection. The following types are available for you to choose from:

This router model has a “Detect” button. Once it has been pressed, the system will automatically select the connection type to be used.

Wi-Fi setup

If you are using a Wi-Fi modem, then the menu will have a special item for setting up the device as an access point. More advanced models can work as a client or repeater. To start setting up, you need:

At the end, all you have to do is click the “Save” button. Some models will also require a reboot for the changes to take effect. Do not use simple passwords such as combinations of numbers from 1 to 8 or the famous “qwerty”. They are easily selected not only by specialized software, but also by ordinary users. These are all the steps needed to activate Wi-fi.

Other settings

Depending on the manufacturer, of course, routers have a number of additional settings. We recommend reading in detail about each of them in the technical manual. The most common and useful ones will be presented here:

  • MAC address filtering. The function allows you to restrict access to Wi-Fi for individual devices. For example, you can prevent your neighbor’s phone from connecting, but you will first have to find out the MAC address of his device.
  • Creating an additional guest network. The device creates a separate network with its own password. You can limit the number of users, connection speed, and more. Useful when using the modem in public places.
  • Virtual servers. Allows you to redirect incoming packets to the required address.
  • Parental control. Restricts access to specific resources (either completely or at certain times). A useful feature if there are children in the family.
  • Backup copy. With its help, you can create a file with settings, and if there are problems with the device, restore them in just a couple of clicks.

Do not set parameters on the router that you have no idea about. They may disrupt or block Internet access.

Changing the password to log into the web interface

As you noticed, the standard passwords in the web interface are identical on almost all models. To prevent attackers from playing around with your router, we recommend changing your password. This is done through one of the sections of the standard menu:

This simple step will significantly improve the security of your network. The knowledge gained will be useful many times in life. You shouldn’t pay an adjuster for basic steps that you can do yourself in 5-10 minutes. If difficulties arise, do not be lazy to open the instructions.

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Today we will talk about how you can connect Wi-Fi to a computer via a network cable. After you have installed an Internet cable and connected a Wi-Fi router to it, you can start creating your own small local network. Surely you have not only a desktop computer (or maybe more than one), but also a tablet, a laptop, a smartphone, and a plasma TV. And all this can be combined into one network with each device connected to the Internet.

This way, your entire family can enjoy the Internet at their own discretion without disturbing each other. Someone will play online games on the computer, someone will watch their favorite films or videos from YouTube on TV, someone will work or communicate via the Internet on a laptop, and someone at this time can communicate via WhatsApp or Viber via mobile phone or smartphone. And all these pleasures can be configured with one access point via a Wi-Fi router.

And in order to create (deploy) such a grid, you must use one of two connection options:

  1. Lay a network cable from the router to a desktop computer and TV.
  2. Connect a desktop computer via an external or internal Wi-Fi adapter. Moreover, laptops, tablets and smartphones already have this adapter built-in.

In this article we will look at the first connection option.

ConnectionWiFito a computer via a network cable

Previously, the Internet could only be connected through a telephone line. Now this can be done using a network cable (twisted pair). For this:

  • Connect the provider's wire to the wi-fi router into the socket labeled WAN(or Internet);

  • Insert the twisted pair network cable into one of the connectors LAN. Which one doesn’t matter;
  • Connect the second end of the cord to the computer (or laptop) into the connector RJ 45. If the computer is turned on, the light next to the connector should blink.

The network cable can be connected both when the router is turned on and when the computer is turned on. It is safe.

If the Internet does not connect

Typically, a computer with the Windows 7/8/10 operating system automatically receives an IP address and immediately connects to the Internet. But you may have to make some adjustments yourself.

If connecting to the Internet did not occur automatically, then perform the following manipulations:

  1. Check if your Wi-Fi router is turned on;
  2. Check whether the network cable is well connected to the connectors of the router and computer;
  3. Check the visibility of the network card in Device Manager. If there is no entry in Device Manager " Network adapters", this means you need to install or reinstall the network card driver.
  1. Turn off the router for 30-40 seconds and turn it on again. This usually helps.

Configuring your computer's network card to connect viaWiFirouter

If, after the above manipulations, the Internet still does not connect, then you need to manually register the IP address for your network card.

For this:

  • Right-click on the network connection icon on the taskbar. It is located near the clock), and select " Network Sharing Center».

  • If this icon is not on the taskbar, then open Control Panel.

IN Windows 7 The control panel is located in the menu " Start».

Select in view " Small icons", and click on the item " Network and Sharing Center».

Right-click on the network card icon and select “ Properties».

Highlight " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click the " Properties».

Set the switch to " Use the following address" and below write the following:

IP address (last digit can be anything from 1 to 255)

Subnet mask

Default gateway

Preferred DNS server

An alternative DNS server is not needed

Check the box next to " Confirm settings on exit».

If a small window pops up with some kind of warning, press the “ Yes».

Now it would be good to restart your computer.

The Internet today is available in almost every home. There are many techniques you can use to create a connection, but one of the most popular is setting up using routers. In theory, when concluding a contract, the preliminary installation of all parameters is carried out by a specialist from the provider company, but you can create and configure such a connection yourself. The material presented below suggests considering several basic connection options and determining for yourself how to set up the Internet through an Internet router.

Options for setting up an Internet connection via a router

Based on practical considerations of establishing an Internet connection using a router, you should immediately decide how exactly the network connection of computer equipment will be made. There are only two options here: either directly via cable or using a wireless connection. The settings and parameters themselves, if they differ, are very slight. But what type of connection should you choose? It is unspoken that it is better to use a wired connection for desktop computers, and Wi-Fi (wireless) for laptops. In the first case, you will have to register some parameters yourself, and in the second option, automatic settings are usually set. But this only applies to computer technology. You will have to set the options for the router yourself. This matter is absolutely simple.

Preliminary actions

Before trying to set up the Internet through a Wi-Fi router, you must directly connect the router and computer to the network cables.

On the router, depending on the model used), there may be several LAN connectors (usually yellow), into which computer devices are connected via network cards, and (blue or gray) for connecting the provider’s network cable. Connect the cables according to the diagram described, then turn on the router and boot up the computer device. If everything is done correctly, the green indicator on the router, indicated by the Internet icon, will light up. This means that a signal is transmitted through the provider's cable.

Note: we initially assume that the equipment is in working condition and all necessary drivers are correctly installed in the system.

Checking network connection settings

Now, speaking about how to set up the Internet through a router, on your computer you first need to make sure that the network connection is recognized by the system. To do this, go to the “Network Sharing Center” and use the section for changing network adapter properties. You can do it much easier by entering the abbreviation ncpa.cpl into the “Run” console.

After this, through RMB on the Ethernet connection (if a direct cable connection is used), through the properties, you should go to the IPv4 protocol settings and make sure that the parameters for automatically obtaining all addresses are still set there.

If you plan to use a wireless connection, you must first create a new connection in the Network Center, indicating the Internet connection and its type (high-speed or Wi-Fi). Once the setup is complete, the corresponding icon will appear in the system tray.

How to set up the Internet via a cable from a router: using the “Wizard”

At the next stage, you need to set some options for the router itself, since using the factory settings will have no effect. How to set up the Internet through an Internet router? First of all, you need to log into the device’s web interface using any of the browsers available in the system by entering the address indicated on the label on the bottom of the router. Your login and password will also be there.

In most modern and popular models, the combination (or ending in 1.1) is usually used as the address, and the login and password are admin (entered in both fields).

After entering the interface, to simplify the actions performed, you can use the quick setup section, where at one stage you will need to specify the type of connection to be established, which should first be clarified with the provider, and then specify the settings provided, taking into account the type of IP address used (static or dynamic ). Upon completion of all actions, the selected options should be saved and the device should be completely rebooted.

Manually configuring router parameters

In principle, when talking about how to set up the Internet via a WiFi router, it is completely optional to use quick settings, but set all the necessary values ​​manually. But it will take a little more time, and to install the necessary options without special knowledge you will have to navigate through several menus. In general, manual configuration may be required only if the connection does not work, a VPN server is created based on the existing connection, for which a special port needs to be allocated, etc.

How to set up the Internet through a TP-Link router for a wireless connection?

Now a few words about activating a wireless connection. By and large, all options provided by the provider remain unchanged.

However, to enable the distribution of a wireless signal, you need to go to the section of the corresponding mode (Wireless) and activate the items for enabling the router’s wireless broadcasting and SSID broadband broadcasting, save the changes and reboot the device.

Note: you don’t have to change anything in the parameters for automatic channel selection and its width, but it is better to set the type to mixed (11b/g/n), if it is not set by default.

The nuances of setting up a network connection on a computer

Now is the time to dwell a little on the IPv4 protocol settings directly on the computer. In the case of a wireless connection, a prerequisite is to set the automatic acquisition of addresses, which equally applies to situations where a dynamic IP address is used. But if you understand how to set up the Internet through an Internet router, when a specific computer device is assigned a static IP, you will need to enter the addresses, subnet mask, gateway and DNS addresses yourself. Again, you can get such settings from your provider, although manual configuration is quite simple.

The computer address must differ from the gateway, which corresponds to the router address, by one or more (increasingly). That is, if the router is assigned a combination with the combination 0.1 at the end, the computer is set to 0.2, 0.3, etc. The subnet mask is standard ( DNS addresses are set either manually, or their acquisition is set to automatic mode.

What to do if there are no provider settings?

How to set up an Internet connection through a router is a little clear. But let's look at the situation when the user does not have the provider settings, or has lost them. Of course, you can contact support and request the necessary parameters, but you can configure it yourself by using the same quick settings section in the router interface and specifying automatic detection of parameters. Most router models cope with this task without problems, and the only exception may be cases when using modems from mobile operators.

What to pay attention to when using an ADSL modem?

But just when using a modem, you should be especially careful when setting the necessary parameters. First of all, to use a wireless connection, the device must be switched to router mode, and to activate signal distribution, as in the case of normal settings, the necessary items must be activated. Without these two conditions, there can be no talk of creating a workable connection.

How to fix most common connection failures?

So, we figured out how to connect the Internet through an Internet router. We believe that the connection has been created and, in theory, is working. Now is the time to check your Internet access. First, pay attention to the active connection icon in the system tray (there should be no crosses, question marks, or exclamation marks on it). Also, if the icon is not displayed, you can simply go to some page on the Internet. If there is no connection, check with your provider to see if your router is pinging.

If everything is fine with it, in the simplest case, check the activity of the connection and enable it (if it is disabled) or change the DNS server addresses in the IPv4 protocol settings or directly on the router, using public values ​​from Google, having first made sure in the services section that the DNS client is running and has an automatic start type.

If you have several network adapters, disable the currently unused one through Device Manager, and at the same time check the current status of the drivers for the active network card. Update them if necessary. If all else fails, delete the existing connection and create it again. Just in case, temporarily disable your antivirus and Windows firewall, and then check your ability to access the Internet. If access resumes, change your standard antivirus. As a last resort, use a full computer scan for virus threats with portable scanners.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter