Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Software (software) is a set of programs that provide processing or transmission of data intended for repeated use and application by different users.

Software is a set of information processing system programs and program documents necessary for their operation.

Software is understood as a set of programs executed by a computer system.

A program is an ordered sequence of commands.

The ultimate goal of any computer program is to control hardware. Even if at first glance the program does not interact with the hardware in any way, does not require any data input from input devices and outputs data to an output device, its work is still based on controlling the computer’s hardware devices.

The software and hardware in a computer work inextricably linked and in continuous interaction.

The composition of the computer system software is called software configuration.

There is a relationship between programs, as well as between physical nodes and blocks - many programs work relying on other lower-level programs, i.e. we can talk about a software interface. The possibility of the existence of such an interface is also based on the existence of technical conditions and interaction protocols, and in practice it ensures the distribution of software into several interacting levels.

Software levels are a pyramidal structure. Each subsequent level is based on the software of the previous levels. This division is convenient for all stages of working with a computer system, from installing programs to practical operation and maintenance. Each higher level increases the functionality of the entire system. For example, a computer system with basic level software is not capable of performing most functions, but allows you to install system software.

Base Level - The lowest level of software represents the base software. It is responsible for interacting with the underlying hardware. As a rule, basic software is directly included in the basic hardware and is stored in special chips called read only memory (ROM). Programs and data are written (“flashed”) in ROM chips at the manufacturing stage and cannot be changed during operation.

In cases where changing the basic software during operation is technically feasible, reprogrammable ROMs (Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory, EPROM) are used instead of ROM chips. In this case, changing the contents of the ROM can be performed both directly as part of the computing system (this technology is called flash technology) and outside it, on special devices called programmers.

The system level is transitional. Programs operating at this level ensure the interaction of other computer system programs with basic level programs and directly with the hardware, that is, they perform “intermediary” functions.

System programs are general-use programs that run together with application programs and serve to manage computer resources: central processor, memory, input-output.

System programs are programs designed to:

To maintain the functionality of the information processing system;

To improve the efficiency of its use.

There are programs:

System managers;

System maintenance.

System programs are general-use programs that are intended for all computer users. System software is designed to enable a computer to run application programs efficiently.

Among tens of thousands of system programs, a special place is occupied by operating systems, which provide management of computer resources in order to use them efficiently.

Important classes of system programs are also auxiliary programs - utilities (lat. utilitas - benefit). They either expand and complement the corresponding capabilities of the operating system, or solve independent important tasks. Some types of utilities:

Monitoring, testing and diagnostic programs that are used to check the correct functioning of computer devices and to detect malfunctions during operation; indicate the cause and location of the malfunction;

Driver programs that expand the capabilities of the operating system to manage input/output devices, RAM, etc.; Using drivers, you can connect new devices to your computer or use existing ones in a non-standard way;

Packer programs (archivers), which allow you to record information on disks more densely, as well as combine copies of several files into one archive file;

Anti-virus programs designed to prevent infection by computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of virus infection;

Disk space optimization and quality control programs;

Information recovery, formatting, data protection programs;

Communication programs that organize the exchange of information between computers;

Memory management programs that provide more flexible use of RAM;

Programs for burning CD-ROM, CD-R and many others.

Some utilities are part of the operating system, and the other part functions independently of it, i.e. offline.

The performance indicators of the entire computer system as a whole largely depend on software at this level. So, for example, when connecting new equipment to a computer system, a program must be installed at the system level to ensure that other programs communicate with this equipment. Specific programs that are responsible for interacting with specific devices are called device drivers - they are part of system-level software.

Another class of system-level programs is responsible for user interaction. It is thanks to them that he gets the opportunity to enter data into a computer system, manage its operation and receive the result in a form convenient for himself. These software tools are called user interface tools. The ease of working with a computer and productivity in the workplace directly depend on them.

The collection of system-level software forms the core of a computer's operating system. If a computer is equipped with system-level software, then it is already prepared for the installation of higher-level programs, for the interaction of software with hardware and, most importantly, for interaction with the user. That is, the presence of an operating system kernel is an indispensable condition for a person to be able to practically work with a computer system.

Service level. Software at this level interacts with both base-level and system-level programs. The main purpose of utility programs (they are also called utilities) is to automate the work of checking, setting up and configuring a computer system. In many cases, they are used to expand or improve the functionality of system programs. Some utilities (usually maintenance programs) are included initially with the operating system, but most utilities are external to the operating system and serve to enhance its functionality.

There are two alternative directions in the development and operation of utility programs: integration with the operating system and autonomous operation. In the first case, utility programs can change the consumer properties of system programs, making them more convenient for practical work. In the second case, they are loosely coupled to the system software, but provide the user with more options to personalize their interaction with the hardware and software.

Application layer. Application level software is a set of application programs with the help of which specific tasks are performed at a given workplace. The range of these tasks is unusually wide - from production to creative and entertainment-educational. The huge functional range of possible applications of computer technology is due to the availability of application programs for different types of activities.

Since there is a direct relationship between application software and system software (the first relies on the second), it can be argued that the versatility of a computing system, the availability of application software and the breadth of computer functionality directly depend on the type of operating system used, on what system tools it contains the core, how it ensures the interaction of the triune complex man - program - equipment.

Programs with the help of which the user directly solves his information problems without resorting to programming are called application programs.

It is obvious that not everyone needs programming systems, while system and application software is irreplaceable and necessary for any user.

Application programs are divided into general and special purpose programs

General purpose programs: text and graphic editors; database management systems; table processors; communication (network) programs; computer games.

Special purpose programs: accounting packages; computer-aided design systems; expert systems; programs for performing complex mathematical calculations; programs for professional activities, etc.

Software also includes the entire area of ​​activity in software design and development: program design technology (for example, top-down design, structural and object-oriented design, etc.); program testing methods; methods for proving the correctness of programs; analysis of the quality of program performance; documenting programs; development and use of software tools that facilitate the software design process, and much more.

Software is an integral part of a computer system. It is a logical continuation of technical means. The scope of application of a particular computer is determined by the software created for it. The computer itself does not have knowledge of any application. All this knowledge is concentrated in programs executed on computers.

A modern computer is a unity of hardware (hardware) and software (software). Computer program is called encoded information about the actions that the computer is instructed to perform, an algorithm for execution by the computer, described either in a machine code language or in a special programming language. In order to solve problems on a computer, you need software, the structure of which, in accordance with the classification of programs, is reflected in the following diagram.

Rice. PC software structure

Software (BY) is a set of data processing programs and documents necessary for their operation. Software is a very broad concept; it includes system software that is responsible for the performance of computers; application software designed to solve problems of any subject area in the form of application program packages (APP); and programming technology tools.

Systemic software designed for the functioning of the computer itself as a single whole. This is, first of all, an operating system, as well as service programs for various purposes - drivers, utilities, etc. This also includes programs for diagnosing and preventing computer hardware. The system software includes a network interface that allows access to data on the server.

OS - the main part of the system software. This is a set of programs that control all hardware components of the computer, ensuring their integral functioning, and also providing the user with access to the computer’s hardware capabilities. The OS includes a large number of utilities— auxiliary programs. Operating systems will be discussed in more detail in paragraph “Operating systems”.

An important class of system programs are drivers. They expand the capabilities of the OS, for example, allowing it to work with one or another external device, teaching it a new data exchange protocol, etc. Thus, the first versions of the DOS, Windows and OS/2 operating systems that came to our country were English and not supported entering Russian letters from the keyboard. To eliminate this drawback, special keyboard drivers were created.

Drivers are usually included with the OS. During the installation process of the operating system, those drivers are activated that are needed to support devices and OS functions specified by the user.

A very popular class of system programs are shell programs. They provide a more convenient and visual way to communicate with a computer than standard OS tools.

Monitoring and diagnostic tools provide automatic testing of the functioning of individual computer nodes and search for errors in their operation.

The programming system allows you to develop programs using programming languages. Programming languages ​​are formal languages ​​for communication between a person and a computer, designed to describe data (information) and algorithms (programs) for their processing on a computer. The internal (machine) language of any computer is digital, words in it are written in binary codes, as a sequence of zeros and ones. Translators And interpreters - a set of programs that provide automatic translation from algorithmic languages ​​into machine codes.

Application software designed to directly solve user problems. Application programs are mainly represented by application program packages (APP) - a set of interconnected programs for solving problems of a certain class in a specific subject area.

Hundreds of thousands of application programs have been developed and used for various applications. They are conventionally divided into four groups:

Word processing software packages;

Table processors;

Graphics software packages;

Database management systems.

This classification is not exhaustive, since one group may include programs that perform very different tasks. For example, text processing packages include both text editors and publishing systems; to graphics programs - graphic editors and presentation creation tools, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used packages.

Table processors display an intermediate table, the cells of which may contain numbers, explanatory texts and formulas for calculations based on the available data. All common table processors allow you to recalculate the values ​​of table elements using given formulas, build various graphs, and create your own input and output forms. In addition, there are many decorative options - including sound effects, creating slide shows, etc.

Publishing systems are intended for preparing advertising booklets, designing newspapers, magazines, etc. Their main function is layout, i.e. placing text on the pages of a document, inserting pictures, etc. Typically, the texts of prepared documents are typed in editor such as MS Word, and then read by the publishing system, where their final design is performed.

Presentation preparation programs are used to design slides in which drawings, inscriptions, diagrams, etc. are placed. These programs organize the display of presentations using a computer (on a large monitor or a special display panel).

Graphic editor allow you to create and edit drawings. In the simplest editors, it is possible to draw lines, curves, cut out areas of the screen, create inscriptions, etc. In editors focused on processing photographic images, you can process large-sized images and have tools for adjusting the brightness and contrast of the image or individual parts . Object graphics editors that work with images from various objects - letters, lines, etc. are also very popular.

Animation programs allow you to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of a moving model of objects and, by controlling and combining them, obtain simple animated films.

Programs for creating computer video If you have the appropriate equipment, they allow you to edit videos on your computer, apply titles, video effects, etc.

Accounting programs are intended for accounting, preparation of financial statements, financial analysis of enterprises.

Personal information managers allow you to assign one-time and recurring events, remind you of things that need to be done regularly, etc.

Planning programs allow you to draw up work plans that require the coordination of many people and resources.

Character recognition programs allow you to enter printed texts using a scanner, making tedious and time-consuming entering texts from the keyboard unnecessary.

Translation programs allow you to translate tests from Russian into English, German, French and vice versa.

Dictionary programs - These are electronic versions of regular dictionaries with some additional features.

Computer-aided design systems(CAD) allow you to draw and design various objects and mechanisms using a computer.

A separate part of the application software are libraries of standard programs. They consist of commonly used programs for calculating functions, solving equations, and common data processing operations (sorting, finding the maximum and minimum values ​​in data arrays, etc.).

Unique software is a set of programs designed to execute specialized user programs that solve unique user problems. In addition, the tasks of creating and processing a database for a specific enterprise can be considered unique.

Plastic bag Microsoft Office applications

Application programs are often packaged according to the user's activity. The most popular package designed to solve office automation problems is Microsoft Office. It is a family of application software products that combines various applications into a universal environment for working with information. The following programs included in it are most widespread in our country.

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processor that allows you to quickly and easily create professionally designed documents containing pictures, diagrams, formulas, tables, diagrams, and also has built-in support for Internet technologies.

Microsoft Excel is a universal program for working with spreadsheets. It has a variety of tools for formatting, displaying, converting and analyzing data, performing mathematical, financial, statistical and other calculations, exchanging data and information, including via the Internet.

Microsoft PowerPoint- an editor designed for creating all kinds of presentations, which are a collection of structured slides that use various illustrative, animation and sound effects.

Microsoft Outlook is a messaging and collaboration system that makes it easy to organize and share information on your desktop, as well as communicate with other users. It allows you to set a meeting place, store contact information, addresses, phone numbers, receive and send messages by email or fax, etc.

Microsoft Access— a convenient tool for creating and operating fairly powerful databases. This database management system is able to bring together information from a variety of sources and helps to quickly find the necessary data and present it in a form convenient for analysis using reports, graphs and tables.

Microsoft Office also includes several small programs with a fairly narrow specialization. These include:

Photo Editor— picture editor;

Microsoft Graph— a program for constructing simple diagrams;

Microsoft WordArt— a program for converting words and phrases into graphic images; these images can be used, for example, to create emblems and headers on organization letterhead;

Microsoft Clip Art— a program for inserting pre-prepared and colorfully designed graphics into a document;

Microsoft Organization Chart will help clarify who is who (and who is responsible for whom) in any company;

Equation Editor— a program for inserting the most complex mathematical equations.

Microsoft Office is very convenient - it does not create problems when learning and working with new applications. You can get information on how best to perform a particular action, or find the right tool in various applications by clicking | to obtain help from the menu or from an assistant.

The advantages of Microsoft Office also include the integration of Excel, Word, Access programs with each other and with other programs and support for the latest Web technologies. Data created in the various applications included in this package can be easily imported and exported from one application to another.

In Microsoft Office applications, you can create Web pages without learning HTML format, save documents in HTML format, view ready-made HTML documents, and create hypertext links. Such a link can be placed inside a document and will point either to a Web page or to another document, wherever that document is located.

The most popular applications among most users are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, so our tutorial will discuss in more detail the basic techniques for working in these programs. Different versions of Microsoft Office may have some distinctive features, so in cases where specific operating techniques depend on the version of the program used, we will rely on the version of Microsoft Office 2000, although we will mainly talk about such general concepts and methods for which the differences between specific versions of programs are secondary.


An operating system is a set of software tools that enable a computer or computing system to run other programs, allocate resources, schedule, input/output, and manage data.

The main function of the operating system is to manage application processes, memory and external devices, user interface, data security, and so on.

To solve each of the listed management tasks, the operating system has special blocks:

- monitor, which manages the execution of tasks;

- bootloader, providing the application process with the necessary programs;

- supervisor, manager of process, memory and equipment operation;

- planner, determining the order of tasks and resource allocation;

- utility, which performs service operations.

The operating system occupies a large volume, so the RAM contains only those parts of it that the processor is currently working with (they are called resident). The remaining programs are located in external memory and are copied into operational memory as needed.

Operating systems are divided into single- and multi-tasking. A modern operating system is a complex set of software tools that provide the user not only with standardized input/output and program management, but also simplify working with the computer. The software interface of operating systems allows you to reduce the size of a specific program and simplify its work with all components of the computer system.

Operating systems, developing along with computers, have come a long way from the simplest programs in machine code, several kilobytes long, to monsters written in high-level languages, the size of which amounts to tens of megabytes. Such a significant increase in the size of operating systems is mainly due to the desire of developers to “beautify” the operating system, expand its capabilities, add features that were initially unusual for operating systems, and also make the user interface intuitive. All these attempts yielded results, both positive and negative (increasing complexity of settings and software interface while simplifying the user interface).

Today, several families of operating systems coexist in the software market for IBM PC-compatible computers.

UNIX OS is one of the oldest and simplest operating systems, which nevertheless has a large set of tools. Allows you to work with each application program in a separate window (split-screen technology). From the user's point of view, the most important qualities of the system are the portability of application programs from one computer to another and a rich network service that allows distributed data processing. UC UNIX is widely used in supercomputers, network workstations and professional PCs. Now there are many different options for this mobile operating system on the software market: XENIX, UNIXWARE, SUN-OS, LINUX, BSD.

The OS/2 operating system, being a full-fledged multitasking operating system, with its original graphical user and program interfaces, remains compatible with the single-tasking operating systems MS-DOS and PC-DOS. It provides wide possibilities for processing not only texts, but also images. Mainly intended for working on servers. The system is highly reliable, but only qualified users can operate it.

Microsoft Windows OS is designed to work in single-user mode (that is, it is a PC system), but it also has extensive network capabilities. This is a multitasking operating system. It is characterized by a convenient graphical interface and uses split-screen technology. Allows you to exchange data between different applications. The development of the Microsoft Windows OS became Windows NT, which is oriented towards working in heterogeneous networks.

An example of a widespread single-tasking operating system is MS-DOS, proposed by Microsoft.

Lecture 6

A computer is a device that cannot think for itself. In order for a computer to work with information, it must be taught to perform the necessary actions. To teach means to build a computer according to instructions. Such an instruction must contain a strict sequence of commands in a language understandable to the computer. It's called a program. A computer without programs is a useless decoration, a pile of plastic and metal. Only programs make him our assistant.

A program is a sequence of commands that a computer executes in the process of processing information.

Computer software is the totality of all programs used on a computer., as well as the entire field of activity for their creation and application .

Software is an integral part of a computer system. It is a logical continuation of technical means. The scope of application of a particular computer is determined by the software created for it.

The computer itself does not have knowledge of any application. All this knowledge is concentrated in programs running on a computer. Modern computer software includes millions of programs - from gaming to scientific.

All programs running on a computer can be divided into the following three main categories: system, application, and programming tools.

Figure 12

System software is the main software, an integral part of the computer, as it ensures the interaction of a person, all devices and computer programs.

This set of programs manages the operation of all elements of the computer system, both at the hardware and software levels. The most important system program is the operating system, which is usually stored on the hard drive. When you turn on the computer, its main part is copied from the hard drive into the internal RAM and remains there throughout the entire session of the computer. In addition to the operating system, system software includes various sets of programs that are designed to perform special functions, for example, various utilities, disk check programs, archivers, anti-virus programs, etc.

System software includes:

· operating systems - OS (MS-DOS, UNIX, Novell NetWare, MS Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP, Linux, etc.) - the main PC programs that ensure the distribution of its computing resources between other programs, and also give them access to PC components and peripherals;

· Operating or system shells (Norton Commander, Volkov Commander, DOS Navigator, Disk Commander, FAR, Windows Commander, etc.) – auxiliary programs that make it easier to work with the OS file system if the user for some reason is not satisfied with similar standard capabilities , built into the OS;

· drivers – auxiliary programs that ensure the functionality of the internal components of the PC and peripheral devices;

· reference and information and testing programs (Norton Utilities, First Aid, Nuts & Bolts, Nokia Monitor Test, Sandra 2000, etc.) - auxiliary programs that analyze the composition of PC components and peripherals, and also check their performance;

· antivirus packages (various versions of DrWeb, AVP, Norton AntiVirus, McAfee VirusScan, etc.) – auxiliary programs that perform “sanitary” and “therapeutic” functions in relation to computer software;

· optimizer programs (Norton Utilities, WinBoost, RAM Idle, Tweak UI, Registry Cleaner, etc.) – auxiliary programs that often speed up the operation of PC components, and also maintain the system registry and OS file system in the best condition;

· archiver programs (Arj, PkZip, Rar, WinZIP, WinRAR, etc.) – auxiliary programs that compress information stored on PC hard drives in order to reduce memory footprint, as well as to facilitate the procedure for transferring this information to other PCs using removable media.

The ability to work in a system environment is very important, as it allows you to sit down at any computer and start working with a specific program.

Application software constitute all application programs available on the computer, designed to perform specific user tasks.

The following groups of application software are the most popular:

Word processors - for creating text documents;

Spreadsheet processors (spreadsheets) - for calculations and analysis of information presented in tabular form;
databases - for organizing and managing data;

Graphic packages - for presenting information in the form of pictures and graphs;

Communication programs - for exchanging information between computers;

Integrated packages, including several application programs for different purposes;

Training programs, electronic textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, design and design systems.

Software tools- these are programs that are used during the development, adjustment or development of other application or system programs.

In their purpose they are similar to programming systems. Tool programs, for example, include:

· editors;

· program composition tools;

· debugging programs, i.e. programs that help find and fix errors in the program;

· auxiliary programs that implement frequently used system actions;

· graphic software packages, etc.

Software tools can provide assistance at all stages of software development.

Programming Tools– these are tools intended for creating system and application software. It consists of a variety of languages ​​and programming environments, such as BASIC, Pascal, C++, Delphy, etc. Instrumental software systems - serve to facilitate the process of creating new system and application software for a computer. Includes: interpreters, compilers, linkers, subroutine libraries, debuggers, etc.

The relationship between various classes of software and hardware can be represented by the following diagram:

Figure 13

In the center of the circle is the computer hardware. The closer the circle with programs is to the hardware, the more important the role of programs in organizing the operation of devices and the more difficult it is for the user to work in such an environment. The system environment directly ensures the operation of devices. The application environment is more user-friendly, which has less influence on the operation of the hardware, and is mainly focused on converting information and producing results.

Software classification can be systematized according to another parameter, namely the duration of its presence in RAM. These are resident and non-resident programs.

Resident programs- These are programs that are located in its RAM throughout the entire operation of the computer. Their constant presence in RAM is due to the fact that these programs monitor its state throughout the entire period the computer is turned on. This is the operating system, antivirus programs.

Non-resident programs- these are programs that, upon completion of their work, are unloaded completely or partially from RAM. These are, for example, application programs.

Software (software) is a set of special programs that allow you to organize information processing using a PC.

Since without software the operation of a PC is impossible inin principle, it is an integral partany PC and comes with its hardware(hardware).

Program– a complete and accurate description of the sequence of actions (instructions) of a computer for processing information, written in a language understandable to the computer.

Software – a set of special programs that facilitate the process of preparing tasks for execution on a computer and organizing their passage through the machine, as well as procedures, descriptions, instructions and rules, together with all documentation associated with these components, used in the operation of the computer system.

Process information and control computer operation programs, not devices.

New software innovations have long dominated new hardware developments. The cost of a software package exceeds (sometimes several times) the cost of a computer of an adequate class.

To use a computer effectively, there must be a correspondence between the level of development of computer technology and software. On the one hand, software determines the functionality of the computer. On the other hand, the installation of specific software may be limited by the design features of the computer.

Purpose of the software:

  • ensuring computer functionality;
  • facilitating user interaction with the computer;
  • shortening the cycle from setting a task to obtaining a result;
  • increasing the efficiency of using computer resources.

The software allows you to:

  • improve the organization of the computer system in order to maximize the use of its capabilities;
  • increase user productivity and quality of work;
  • adapt user programs to the resources of a specific computer system;
  • expand the computer system software.

Maximum use of the capabilities of the computing system is achieved by Firstly, by allocating to each user or task the minimum necessary resources for a timely and high-quality solution to his problems, Secondly, due to connecting a large number of users (including remote ones) to the resources of the computer system, Thirdly, by redistributing resources among different users and tasks depending on system state and processing requests.

Increased productivity and quality of work of users occurs due to the automation of calculation and design procedures, implemented using a variety of programming tools (algorithmic language, application software packages) and convenient input-output devices.

The adaptability of user programs to the resources of a specific computer system is ensured by the fact that the operating system contains a means of servicing a wide range of machine configurations. In addition, the operating system allows you to create and easily configure existing programs on various input/output devices.

Extension of existing software requires the following capabilities:

  • creation by the user of his own programs and packages that implement both specific calculation tasks and control processes for individual devices and the entire computing system as a whole;
  • supplementing existing software with programs that allow you to expand the capabilities of the operating system, work with new types of external devices, new computing systems (computers), in new areas of application.

The software is focused on the use of computing systems in various fields of activity and must provide a timely and adequate solution to the assigned tasks. This makes it necessary to comply with a number of requirements for developing software components , the main ones being:

  • modularity;
  • scalability and development;
  • reliability;
  • predictability;
  • convenience and ergonomics;
  • flexibility;
  • efficiency;
  • compatibility.

Basic principles of modern software development:

  • parametric versatility;
  • functional redundancy;
  • functional selectivity.

Programs can be installed on a computer in two ways:

  • Installation from the distribution kit
  • Simple copying

First (lowest) level hierarchy is occupied by the internal software of the PC, stored in its permanent memory. With its help, the PC performs basic functions determined by the hardware structure. Internal software programs work directly with computer hardware modules. As a result, they are functionally connected with them, and when replacing a certain hardware module, it is necessary to replace the internal software program designed to work with it.

Programs that service hardware modules are called driver programs or drivers. They allow you, when replacing or connecting a new hardware module, not to make changes in other PC programs, but only to change the driver of the corresponding hardware module.

Internal software is a software interface that ensures the interconnection of the computer with all other programs. Access to internal software programs is made only through the software interrupt system.

The internal software performs the following main functions:

  • manages a wide range of peripheral devices;
  • carries out a quick check of the PC's operability when it is turned on;
  • installs individual hardware modules to their original state;
  • loads OS programs.

The main elements of internal software are I/O drivers, self-test program and boot program. The internal software interacts, on the one hand, with the functional modules of the PC, and on the other hand, implements the software interface of the operating system.

Self-test program designed to test PC functional modules, i.e. setting the computer circuits to their initial state by loading program registers with the necessary information. When checking individual functional modules of the PC, faults may be detected in them. The self-test program notifies the user of detected faults using on-screen messages and/or an audible signal.

If an error is detected, you can continue checking your computer using diagnostic programs loaded from a floppy disk. If the error does not disrupt the functionality of the PC, then it can be ignored at the user’s discretion. If a new functional module is included in the PC, then the self-test program for this module is added to the general self-test program.

Upon successful completion of the self-test, the PC is ready for operation. Control is transferred to the boot program via a software interrupt. This program is designed to read other components of the operating system into RAM. If this operation is successful, control is transferred to the program just read.

I/O Drivers are used to service PC peripheral devices. These programs work directly with the corresponding controllers, which allows the user not to know the physical organization of a particular device and work only with driver commands that implement its maintenance.

The drivers have the following features:

  • open structure, which allows you to add new drivers to the system;
  • flexibility in organizing access to drivers through software interrupts, which allows you not to fix them in strictly defined areas of memory, and quickly and easily replace them;
  • a customizable structure that targets driver programs to a specific class of peripheral devices, the parameters of which are located in special tables. Drivers are configured for specific peripheral devices by changing the values ​​in these tables;
  • resident placement in RAM, allowing the driver to be used at any time from any program.

The main driver programs include: hard disk driver, video adapter driver, keyboard driver, printing device driver, system drivers (setting a timer, checking the computer configuration, determining RAM capacity), additional drivers (communication driver, etc.).

Operating system occupies second (middle) level software hierarchy. It manages computer system resources, which include RAM and external memory, input/output devices, and user programs. The OS interacts with the computer through the internal software interface. This makes it possible for PCs that have different hardware to work with the same operating system.

The OS is a set of PC control programs.

The composition of the software is determined by the range of tasks that the user expects to solve using a computer.

By purpose, i.e. Depending on the class of problems being solved, software is usually divided into two main groups: General (basic) and applied.

Classification of software by functionality

General software classification scheme

– a set of programs that ensure the functionality of the computer; a set of programs that organize the computing process and manage computer resources.

– a set of software tools that allow you to develop programs.

– a set of programs designed to solve problems from various spheres of human activity.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter