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Every spring, the demand for search magnets in our store grows. This is natural: more and more people are joining the ranks of treasure hunters and meteorite hunters, and buying their own tools.

What is a search magnet?

A standard single-sided search magnet is a neodymium alloy ring in a steel housing. The body has a threaded hole for an eye bolt. It allows you to easily detach even a very powerful magnet from the metal. A rope is tied to the eye of the eye bolt.

Single-sided search magnet F200

The basis of the device - a neodymium magnet - is made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron (NdFeb). All neodymium magnets are stable and durable: after 10 years they demagnetize by 1% and operate at temperatures from -60 to +80C. They have only one drawback: they quickly rust from moisture. Therefore, they are coated with a protective zinc or nickel coating.

Structurally, the search magnet is a steel glass into which a neodymium ring is glued. The gap between the magnet and the walls of the housing is filled with epoxy resin. If a neodymium magnet is open on one side and has one eyebolt hole, it is a single-sided search magnet. It is usually thrown from top to bottom.

For a single-sided search magnet, the neodymium ring is glued into a steel cup, for a double-sided one - on both sides of the steel body

The double-sided search magnet has two neodymium rings glued into the ends of the steel cylinder. Therefore, its working surface is twice as large as that of a single-sided one. The main eye bolt is located in the center of the magnet axis and serves to separate the device from the recovered metal. The second, auxiliary eye bolt is located on the side wall. With its help, you can throw a magnet and drag it along the bottom of a pond or swamp.

Both types of search magnets are used to search for metal in dry soil and in water.

What can you catch with a search magnet?

Selecting search magnets for the experiment

We sell two types of search magnets: Redmag, Kaluga-assembled, and Forceberg, Chinese-assembled. The Redmag search magnet is approximately 20% more expensive than the Forceberg magnet. One of the most common questions from buyers is: why are there such different prices for magnets of the same power? And the next frequent question: which magnets are more powerful? Let's figure it out.

We took two single-sided F200 search magnets with a stated power of 200 kg, one made by Redmag, the other by Forceberg, and tested them in laboratory conditions. The entire process was filmed. See for yourself: video review of f200 search magnets produced by Redmag and Forceberg.

Options and packaging

Let's start with the packaging. The box with the Kaluga magnet is a simple cardboard one, it only contains the brand name and the type of magnet. The box contains a search magnet, a long eye bolt and instructions.

The box with the Forceberg magnet is bright, colorful, contains safety precautions and the warning “Extremely strong magnets! 14+!” Instructions for the magnet are on the box. A lot of text in small font. The box contains a search magnet and an eye bolt.

F200 search magnets are ready for testing. Left - Redmag, right - Forceberg

We examine the magnets. The Redmag magnet has a red epoxy resin filling the gap. The magnet is protected from rust and scratches by a zinc coating. There is an engraving on the top of the magnet: name, manufacturer, place of production, declared pull-out force.

We examine the magnets. The Redmag magnet has a red epoxy resin filling the gap. This is a distinctive feature of Redmag magnets. The magnet is protected from rust and scratches by a zinc coating. There is an engraving on the top of the magnet: name, manufacturer, place of production, declared pull-out force.

The Forceberg search magnet has a black casting between the magnet and the metal body. The magnet is nickel plated to resist scratches and rust. The surface is smooth, shiny, without engraving.

When cast, any search magnet will be scratched and rust in the scratch areas. So keep in mind: the average lifespan of a device with active use is about 5 years.

Dimensions of housing and neodymium magnets

The power of a magnet depends on the size and material from which the magnet is made. Neodymium alloys come in different grades. The higher the grade, the more powerful the magnet. Let's measure both search magnets.

Measuring the outer diameter of the F200 search magnet

Both devices are the same size: each has a diameter of 75 mm. The height of the devices is slightly different from each other: the height of the Forsberg search magnet is slightly more than 16mm, and the Redmag search magnet is 14mm. Now let's measure the main part - the neodymium magnet itself.

The naked eye can see that the size of the Redmag neodymium ring is smaller than that of the Forceberg magnet. We do not know the thickness of the magnets, so we will compare the working surfaces of both search magnets.

Let's measure both neodymium rings. The outer diameter of the magnetic insert of the Kaluga-assembled device is 55 mm, the inner diameter is 17 mm. The outer diameter of the Forceberg neodymium ring is 62 mm, the inner diameter is 23 mm.

Measuring the dimensions of a neodymium ring

Using the formula S=3.14x (R²−r²), we calculate the working surface area of ​​neodymium rings:
  • Redmag - 2062.12,
  • Forceberg - 2602.75 sq. mm.
The working surface area of ​​the Forceberg magnet is 26% larger than that of the Redmag.

The larger the magnet, the more it will catch. Provided that both magnets are made of the same grade of alloy. Neither Redmag nor Forceberg specify the alloy grade. We cannot unambiguously determine by calculations which magnet is more powerful. That's why we continue testing.

The eyebolt should extend beyond the edge of the magnet. Otherwise, the magnet cannot be removed.

Eye bolts

Let's see how well the eye bolts work. Search magnets are very powerful; you won’t be able to tear the magnet off the metal with your bare hands. Screw in the eye bolt so that it extends beyond the edge of the magnet. The bolt rests on the surface, an air gap appears between the magnet and the metal, and with a little effort the magnet can be torn off. A magnet made by Redmag with a long eyebolt comes off the metal sheet quite easily.

The length of the eyebolt does not affect the ease of tearing off the magnet

Now let's check the Forceberg magnet. And without measurements, it is clear that the eye bolt of this magnet is much shorter than that of Redmag. The eye bolt screws easily into the magnet. The bolt is long enough to tear the magnet off the metal sheet. Test passed.

Maximum pullout force. Who is more powerful?

We will carry out the next test on the stand. Let's determine the maximum pull-off force under ideal conditions, that is, the moment the magnet pulls away from a clean, flat steel plate 20 mm thick at an angle of 90 degrees.

On this machine we check the maximum pull-out force for all neodymium magnets

We magnetize the Redmag search magnet to the steel plate and carefully lift the magnet up using a jack. On the dynamometer we will see the maximum breakout force. Using a jack, we tear the magnet off the plate. At the moment the magnet comes off, the dynamometer shows 210 kN. Convert to kilograms: 210 kN x 1.01 = 214 kg per pull. So, the adhesion force of the Redmag F200 search magnet is 214 kg.

Maximum pull-off force of the F200 Redmag search magnet

We unscrew the Redmag magnet from the eye bolt and screw on the Forceberg magnet. We repeat the experiment.

Maximum pull-out force of the F200 Forceberg search magnet

In a bench test, a Forceberg search magnet came off the plate with a force of 252 kN. Convert to kilograms: 252 kN x 1.01 = 256 kg per pull. Thus, the adhesion force of the Forceberg F200 search magnet is 256 kg.

Price comparison

The Forceberg one-sided search magnet turned out to be more powerful than a similar magnet produced by Redmag. However, in our store and on average in the market, Kaluga search magnets are more expensive than Chinese ones. At the time of writing, the one-sided search magnet F200 Redmag in our store is sold for 1800 rubles, and the search magnet F200 Forceberg costs much less - 1390 rubles.

Redmag assembles search magnets in Kaluga, Forceberg assembles them in China. Perhaps this explains the difference in price

The neodymium magnets themselves from both manufacturers are made in China. It is there that 95% of the world's neodymium is produced. The Redmag research and production enterprise has been working on permanent magnets for almost 20 years; their magnets are stable and have long been known on the market. They assemble search magnets at their production facility in Kaluga.

Forceberg is a young brand, their magnets appeared on the market only 2 years ago. Search magnets of this brand are assembled at a factory in China. Most likely, this explains the difference in price between manufacturers.

Let's sum it up

When tested under ideal conditions, the F200 Forceberg single-sided search magnet turned out to be 16% more powerful and almost 20% cheaper than the Redmag F200 single-sided search magnet. In real conditions, both magnets will show less results because the surface of the finds is rarely ideal. Lovers of stability and tradition will choose Redmag, technocrats and economists will choose Forceberg.
Whatever search magnet you choose, we wish you good finds!

Search magnet 2*F200

It is a turned steel cup with a powerful permanent magnet glued into it - NdFeB alloy grade N45.

The body is coated with nickel, the magnet itself is galvanized , which protects the product from external factors.

Allsearch magnets are equipped with an eye bolt, double-sided search magnets are equipped with two eye bolts.

Magnets are supplied in original packaging and have a technical passport with the manufacturer’s quality control department mark NPP "Redmag"
For shipment by mail or transport company, Search and other Neodymium magnets are additionally packaged.

It is worth considering that : The tearing force is a value that depends on a number of parameters. Such as: metal thickness, contact area with a magnetic surface, metal structure, uneven surface of objects, surface with corrosion and coating, etc. All of these parameters can change the pullout force data.

Statedby the manufacturer, the pull-out force was checked using an electronic dynamometer from a steel plate 25 mm thick.

Application of search magnet:

Application of a search magnet very diverse, you can use it to:
- search and lifting of metal objects in natural reservoirs, wells, containers;
- cleaning the excavated soil from iron in order to further search for more valuable specimens (for example, small coins);
- cleaning the area from iron debris in dry, loose soil (for example, in the attic or under the floor);
- research of reservoirs for the presence of large iron objects (sunk ships, cars);
- determination of possible magnetization of stones and identification of so-called iron meteorites;
- search and lifting of scrap iron for the purpose of its further sale and others.

Before you buy a search magnet, you need to understand what it is. So, the search magnet itself consists of three main parts: the body, the magnet itself and the eye bolt. In order to protect against corrosion, the metal case is subject to mandatory galvanization, and the neodymium magnet is protected with a three-layer metal coating of nickel and copper. This is what allows you to constantly use the magnet in water without fear of corrosion and rust.
Today, there is a huge assortment of search magnets with different diameters, thicknesses and holding forces for objects (tearing force). The holding force is the amount with which a magnet attracts ferromagnetic products to itself. The most famous and popular are search magnets from 80 to 600 kg. Depending on the pull-out force, measured in kilograms, the following marking system was adopted: for example, a search magnet with a pull-out force of 200 kg is called magnet F200. However, it is worth considering that the maximum (stated in the characteristics) holding force of objects is achieved only in the process of interaction with metal with a thickness of at least 25 mm, with 100% adherence to the working surface of the magnet, with a clean and smooth surface without corrosion, dirt, scale and chips.
Depending on the purpose of the search, all magnets are divided into:

- single-sided search magnets F200... F600, designed primarily for vertical search;
- double-sided magnets 2F200 ... F600x2, designed for casting from the shore. Thanks to the additional side hole for the eyebolt, it doesn't matter which way it falls to the bottom.
- trawl magnets designed for trawling (searching for objects over large areas).

Materials for making search magnets can be very diverse. Most often these are neodymium-iron-boron, iron-chromium-cobalt, samarium-cobalt, alnico, ferrites and materials consisting of a mixture of magnetic powder and a binding organic component. Most often, rubber, plastic or epoxy resin-based substances act as such a binding material.
When choosing a magnet, you should pay attention to two things - cost and temperature stability. Of course, you can buy a search magnet cheaply, but in this case no one gives guarantees regarding the quality of the product and its service life. The price is influenced by the type of material, size, shape, direction of magnetization and other equally important indicators. Recently, many sites have appeared offering search magnets of dubious manufacture. Remember that real magnets have passed the quality control department and must have all the necessary certificates from the manufacturer.

Maximum breakout force – 200 kg. Search magnets have through holes for removal with an eye bolt (using mechanical tearing).
The eyebolt comes complete with a magnet.

  • Magnets lose magnetic properties no more than 1% in 10 years.
  • Search magnets 200 kg are firmly fixed, preventing the magnet from falling out of the case
  • Operating ambient temperature: -50 +50
  • Attention: When heated above 80 degrees, demagnetization occurs

Magnet dimensions:

  • Height: 14 mm
  • Diameter: 75mm
  • Bolt thread: M10

Made in Russia. Kaluga.

Buy search magnet 200 you can in our online store.


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Updated: 06/27/2024