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Good day to you, dear Habro readers.

I would like to bring to your attention material that will, I hope, be of interest to handy enthusiasts. And it might even be useful to someone.

Some time after I became the owner mobile device with capacitive touch screen, I had an obsessive thought that some actions are more convenient to perform with the help of a wonderful magic wand.

First of all, my research led me to a store where you can traditionally find such things. But to my disappointment, the blunt-ended samples that were available there aroused skepticism.

The shape and accuracy of the hit did not go far from the fingers, but the screen response was worse. The sensor picked up the touch only after slight pressure. The usefulness left doubts. I had to refuse the purchase.

According to my ideas, ideally the shape should have been pointed. Just like a drawing pencil, which can be used to make precise movements. But as far as I was able to find out, this shape is not suitable for a capacitive screen. Apparently it is oriented towards contact with a larger contact area, comparable to the touch of a finger.

We managed to find a couple of interesting articles and videos on this topic - use the negative terminal of the battery and roll the antistatic film into a tube. Unfortunately, both options did not suit me. The battery is as thick as a finger. And twisting a tube every time may be convenient for some, but it’s clearly not for me.

Doubts arose about the feasibility of the idea. Due to the wide spot, it will not be possible to accurately direct the touch. And conductive material, usually metal, will scratch the surface of the screen.

As a result, a solution was found.

It turns out that the ring-shaped shape is quite perceived by the sensor and the center is also visible. Thanks to this you can see where you are pointing and hit.

The secret of the miracle wand is simple: a steel washer (any other conductive material will do), an aluminum rod (this should also be a conductor) and a skein of thread.

Thanks to a cryptographic analyzer, which, by the way, this time was used for peaceful purposes. Thanks to improvised tools from home tools, we get something similar to a dentist’s tool.

The handle needs to be soldered at an angle that will be as compatible as possible with the natural position of the hand and ensure that the plane of the ring is completely adjacent to the surface of the screen.

Of course, we could stop there, but such a design will scratch the screen and has no chance of getting a high rating from Habra readers :)

This problem was successfully solved with the help of... thread.

The ring-shaped edge is good not only because it allows you to aim more accurately through the center, but also because it makes it possible to wrap yourself with thread. Some doubters will think that additional layer threads will degrade the sensitivity of the screen. But that's not true. As you know, the sensor does not need absolute contact to detect a touch. It is enough to bring your finger very close. In this case, there may not be a touch.

In conclusion, I will say that I was pleased with the result.
- The reaction is the same as to a finger. There is no need to press.
- Does not leave marks, does not scratch and even wipes the screen.
- Accurate aim.

Working with the Android shell

There are also disadvantages
- Because the operating principle is based on the passage of current through a metal stylus to the human body. That is, it will not work in parquets.
- On my communicator model the lower touch buttons(“back”, “menu”, “house”, “search”) do not work as well as we would like.

Typing text

P.S. Believe it or not, after all this was written and all the accompanying pictures/videos were prepared, I learned that one Canadian manufacturer is already producing styluses of a similar design. I found out about this when I uploaded the first video to YouTube and it showed similar videos. The idea turned out to be not new and I began to doubt whether it was worth sending this article to the public, as I might be subject to attacks related to accusations of plagiarism. Then I decided that since such a solution was put into mass production, it means the design was successful and all this was not invented in vain. Despite the fact that there was a coincidence of a good idea, it is still worth talking about :)

P.S. v 2. Some readers were interested in the suitability of the design in the winter conditions of our harsh regions. It turned out that in this case this device can be useful, although the sensitivity of course worsens. I tried it with the thickest gloves I had. If you squeeze the handle harder, the response gets a little better.

And another example of handwriting notes:

Now capacitive touch screens are increasingly replacing resistive screens. This type has obvious advantages: sensor of this type is more durable and durable due to the fact that the flexible resistive membrane in it is replaced by a grid of electrodes. The capacitive screen supports more touches than its counterpart, it is more transparent, and only it now supports multi-touch technology, which is popular today.

The need for a stylus

The difficulty is that using your fingers to operate the interface is not always convenient, and in this case there are no other options. This is quite noticeable when drawing or entering handwritten text on the tablet screen, as well as in winter, when you don’t want to take off your gloves outside, but you need to perform certain manipulations. At such moments, many would benefit from a stylus for a capacitive screen. Many may remember the ease of use of such a manipulator if they once owned smartphones with resistive screens. It allows for more precise manipulations. But the capacitive screen does not respond to the touch of a conventional stylus, since working with it requires a certain capacitance that receives and conducts low-voltage electric current. Manufacturers mobile phones We are also ready to offer a stylus for a capacitive screen. It can be different in appearance, but it is made from special conductive materials. The stylus for the capacitive screen has enough simple device, which allows you to make it yourself.


The mobile gadget market offers four types of stylus models:

In the form of a brush;

On a sponge;



Available options

Stylus model SPMP 1019, designed for iPhone screens, iPad, HTC and Samsung fall into the second category. This model considered inexpensive and high quality is ensured through the use of a metal housing. The presence of a hook similar to that on a ballpoint pen allows you to conveniently attach it. Its disadvantage can be considered fragility. This gadget will not lose its tactile properties at low temperatures. On this moment The most convenient stylus for a capacitive screen is made of conductive rubber. He has such design features, which give a seamless feeling of touching the screen with your fingers. The tactile feedback of such devices is considered the highest. The degree of pressure is easily adjustable.

From what was written earlier it should be clear to you that the market is ready to provide a huge variety of options of this device. However, the question of how to make a stylus for a capacitive screen may bother many people. Here we can recommend the following set of tools: a relief pin, a nail file, a metal pen, tin, a soldering iron, glue, copper wire, self-adhesive, battery. The wire must be soldered to the button, after which the workpiece should be inserted into the handle body and glued at the end. Apply self-adhesive tape to the button and cut off the rest. The second end of the wire should be attached to the battery, and the pen body should be closed. The stylus for the capacitive screen is ready!

When creating the stylus, a conductive silicone composition is used, which can be used with iPods\iPhones\iPads and other smartphones with capacitive screens. Because the contact portion of the stylus is transparent, you can see the lines you're drawing and draw them more accurately. Read on to find out what to make a stylus for a smartphone from.

The instructions tell you how to make a stylus for your tablet with your own hands:

  • Upgrade any pencil or pen and turn it into a standard type stylus for pressing buttons, drawing sketches, while you can use the pen/pencil for its usual purpose - for writing on paper
  • Use conductive rubber to create a round tip stylus for drawing and pressing buttons
  • Use conductive rubber to create a flat brush for painting and use in graphic editors. This brush will fit in your wallet (this brush is shown in the title picture)

Step 1: Materials

The attached picture shows different types styluses that you can create. The following picture shows what materials are used in the instructions.


  • Paraffin or candle Sunday
  • Naphtha solvent from a hardware store
  • Silicone sealant
  • Corn starch
  • Graphite powder: link
  • VeilSheild conductive fabric (also known as nickel plated fabric)
  • Mixing cup
  • Popsicle stick
  • Brass or metal tube or rod of small diameter: link

Step 2: How it works

Conductive rubber

You can create your own conductive rubber using silicone caulk, cornstarch and graphite powder. Together they will create a silicone mixture that can be very thin for painting and thick enough to cast in molds. While this material is not as conductive as wire or conductive thread, it is more than conductive enough to create a variety of capacitive styluses.

Capacitive stylus

A standard capacitive screen stylus uses conductive rubber or conductive foam, so it replaces your finger on the screen. Every person's body has a small capacity. When you touch a capacitive screen, you change the capacitance where you touch it. These screens are designed to detect changes in capacitance and locate them on the screen. When you hold the stylus and touch the screen with it, your capacitance is transferred to the screen and detected by its sensors.

Transparent stylus tip

The two styluses in this tutorial use conductive VeilSheild as the tip. Because this fabric is 70% transparent, it allows you to see exactly where you touch the screen. The conductive fabric is glued to the conductive metal handle, which transfers the capacitance of the body to the screen.

Step 3: Create Conductive Rubber

Conductive rubber is created on the basis of homemade analogs of Surgu and Oogoo, instructions for preparing which can be found on the Internet. In our case, we will add graphite to the mixture to make the mixture conductive and naphtha so that we can mix everything together.

Add three parts graphite powder (by volume) with 1/4 part cornstarch to one part silicone caulk. Typically the first mixture will be 3/4 teaspoon graphite, 1/16 teaspoon cornstarch and 1/4 teaspoon silicone caulk.

First, mix graphite and cornstarch together with enough naphtha to form a thick paste of powders. Then add silicone caulk and mix very well with a popsicle stick or stir stick. You should have a mixture with the consistency of soft peanut butter.

WARNING. Naphtha is an extremely sweet-smelling solvent that can dissolve your brain cells if you inhale it too much. Make the mixture outside the house, in a well-ventilated area or in an apartment kitchen under an exhaust hood. Wear safety glasses and nitrile gloves as naphtha may be absorbed into the skin.

I tried at least a dozen different solvents. Although other solvents can be used instead of naphtha, it has the advantage that it evaporates very quickly and most of the odor disappears after a few hours. Other solvents may take a day or two for the smell to go away and longer to set.

Make the mixture in small batches and use it quickly before it starts to set. It usually hardens within two to three hours, but it's best to leave it overnight.

Other Mixes

A mixture of about two parts graphite to one part silicone caulk becomes fairly conductive. Adding more than 3 parts of graphite will reduce the flexibility of the final rubber.

Step 4: Make a stylus from a pencil or pen

Any pen or pencil can be turned into a stylus and still perform its basic functions.

Make a shape for the tip of the stylus

A quick mold can be made by drilling a 10mm hole in a paraffin block or wax candle. Drill a hole between 12mm and 15mm deep. Mix with Oogoo analogue

  1. Adjust the clamp to hold the pencil or pen 3-5mm from the bottom of the hole, and then remove the structure from the hole.
  2. Fill the hole flush with the Oogoo analogue.
  3. Insert a pen or pencil and center it on the hole (see pictures). Use a toothpick to smooth out the mixture that sticks out on the body of the writing instrument.
  4. After two or three hours, remove it from the mold.
  5. The diameter of the molded rubber tip will be larger than most pens and pencils. Mix another batch and smooth it around the tip to narrow it down and flush with the body of the pencil or pen. This will give you a conductive area that you can touch. You can cover the area with conductive rubber up to the area you will be touching when using the stylus.
  6. Allow the mixture to dry overnight before using the device. A standard drill will make a shape in the paraffin for a pointed tip. Sand it lightly to make the tip more rounded.

In the attached photos you can see the finished styluses from a pen and pencil.

Step 5: Create a Stylus with a Clear Tip

This type of stylus allows you to see exactly where you draw a line or press a button with greater precision.

  1. To create a stylus pen, cut a metal tube or rod 3mm in diameter and about 10cm long.
  2. Cut a round piece of VeilSheild conductive fabric with a diameter of 10-12mm.
  3. Position the clamp to hold the handle approximately 3mm away from the conductive fabric at a slight angle.
  4. Mix up some conductive rubber and apply enough of it to the end of the pen to stick it to the center of the fabric, holding the stylus pen in the clip. See fig.
  5. Allow the mixture to set for three to four hours and the stylus will be ready for use. The last photo shows the finished stylus.

Step 6: Make a stylus with a clear tip

This stylus is flat and thin enough to fit into your wallet. Working with it is very similar to working with a brush. It stretches in the same way as a brush.

  1. Cut a piece of double-sided millimeter copper plate for the handle. Its length should be 7-10 cm and its width about 1 cm.
  2. Cut a piece of conductive VeilSheild approximately 22mm long and 15mm wide. Cut it to the shape shown in the photos.
  3. Mix very well a large number of solution and use it to glue the conductive fabric to the end of the handle. Use the stylus with the glued side down, so that the bump of the conductive rubber protects the screen from scratches.

The third picture shows the glue seam, the fourth picture shows the back side of the stylus.

Step 7: Other Uses

This step shows how the mixture can be made into thicker objects, or rolled into thin sheets.

Other types of stylus

There are many other types and shapes that can be converted into a capacitive stylus. It is also possible to cut other shapes of conductive tissue, which can produce interesting results.


This type of conductive rubber sticks well to anything. It also shrinks as it dries. So if you use it to cover wires or housings, it will compress the object. Insert the bare wire that goes to ground and it can be used as electrical shielding.

Conductive glue

The mixture acts as a conductive glue. A mixture of 4 or 5 parts graphite and 1 part silicone has fairly low resistance and can be used to bond wires, conductive fabric, conductive thread and electronic components in the chain.

A large number of users of modern high-tech devices decide to abandon the keyboard and mouse. These trends gave rise to touch displays, which are able to respond to finger touches, or a special convenient accessory called a stylus. A stylus for a tablet is a kind of thin pen that allows you to control a device equipped with a touch interface. This includes tablets and tablet computers. The stylus can be seen in the hand of a PDA or smartphone user.

Why “stylus”?

In general, where did this word “stylus” come from? It has Greek roots and originally meant a small stick that had a pointed end. It is these small “sticks” that today help users of high-tech devices in control. In addition, with their help it is very convenient to make drawings on a graphics tablet.

It’s curious, but some time ago experts predicted the end of the era of styluses. However, one can observe a picture where in the work the latest devices You still need a stylus. This is especially true for Samsung's high-tech creations: styluses for Samsung tablets are in demand.

We've sorted out the history. Let's continue. It was noticed that a large number of users complain about the fragility: they say that the stylus for the tablet quickly becomes unusable. It is also noted that they are simply easy to lose. They came to the rescue special programs: Some of them notify the owner when the stylus is at a remote distance from the device, such as a tablet.

How to choose a stylus for a tablet?

Are you a happy owner of a tablet and want to choose a convenient stylus? This is a laudable desire, because a properly selected device can greatly facilitate working with the device. So how do you make a choice?

There are some facts you should know about how this little accessory works. For example, styluses can vary in pressure pressure. Or rather, by sensitivity to this very force. In addition, styluses vary in weight, which can also play a significant role in its handling. You should choose one that is comfortable for you to hold in your hand! It is worth paying attention to the tip: size and shape can affect the work. If the owner of the device does not want to use virtual keyboard, then you should choose a stylus for your tablet that can work as quickly as possible and whose accuracy is very high.

For graphics

To make graphic drawings good choice could become a Bamboo stylus. This stylus is for graphics tablet allows you to make light sketches and has proven itself well in handling. Yes, it is not without its drawbacks: for example, its tip is made of rubber. This means you have to press harder on the screen, and the tip itself tends to slip across the surface at times.

If there are no budget restrictions, then you can choose the Pogo Connect model, which has as many as 4 tips in its arsenal. It was noticed, however, that with the new Apple devices doesn't work very correctly.

DIY stylus for tablet

Among the users of high-tech devices, there are probably those who like to make things with their own hands. The next part of the article is dedicated to these people - how to make a stylus for a tablet with your own hands.

Some users have noticed that the blunt-tipped styluses that can be seen in some stores are not accurate enough. i.e. the work of such a device was not much better job finger. The user concluded that for a good response of the stylus, its shape should be pointed, for example, like a drawing pencil. This shape allows for very precise movements.

However, this shape is not best suited for a capacitive screen. Users concluded that such a screen is oriented toward contact with an object that has a larger contact area than a pencil lead. How could this problem be solved?

A solution was found: the ring-shaped shape is well perceived by the sensor. In addition, you can easily view the center and see where you point the stylus.

Summarizing all the findings, you can make such a stylus: take an aluminum rod (conductor), a steel washer and a skein of thread.

The handle needs to be soldered to the washer at an angle convenient for the future stylus to work. You ask: “Why did you need a skein of thread?” To avoid scratching the screen. As noted, the ring-shaped edge allows for aiming through the center. And winding threads around it is not a problem.

Someone may object that threads worsen the level of sensitivity. In practice, everything works out quite well, because the sensor does not need absolute contact with the object to detect a touch. It was noticed that even when pressing with a finger, it was possible not to touch the screen closely.

Good day to you, dear Habro readers.

I would like to bring to your attention material that will, I hope, be of interest to handy enthusiasts. And it might even be useful to someone.

Some time after I became the owner of a mobile device with a capacitive touch screen, I had an obsessive thought that it was more convenient to perform some actions using a wonderful magic wand.

First of all, my research led me to a store where you can traditionally find such things. But to my disappointment, the blunt-ended samples that were available there aroused skepticism.

The shape and accuracy of the hit did not go far from the fingers, but the screen response was worse. The sensor picked up the touch only after slight pressure. The usefulness left doubts. I had to refuse the purchase.

According to my ideas, ideally the shape should have been pointed. Just like a drawing pencil, which can be used to make precise movements. But as far as I was able to find out, this shape is not suitable for a capacitive screen. Apparently it is oriented towards contact with a larger contact area, comparable to the touch of a finger.

We managed to find a couple of interesting articles and videos on this topic - use the negative terminal of the battery and roll the antistatic film into a tube. Unfortunately, both options did not suit me. The battery is as thick as a finger. And twisting a tube every time may be convenient for some, but it’s clearly not for me.

Doubts arose about the feasibility of the idea. Due to the wide spot, it will not be possible to accurately direct the touch. And conductive material, usually metal, will scratch the surface of the screen.

As a result, a solution was found.

It turns out that the ring-shaped shape is quite perceived by the sensor and the center is also visible. Thanks to this you can see where you are pointing and hit.

The secret of the miracle wand is simple: a steel washer (any other conductive material will do), an aluminum rod (this should also be a conductor) and a skein of thread.

Thanks to a cryptographic analyzer, which, by the way, this time was used for peaceful purposes. Thanks to improvised tools from home tools, we get something similar to a dentist’s tool.

The handle needs to be soldered at an angle that will be as compatible as possible with the natural position of the hand and ensure that the plane of the ring is completely adjacent to the surface of the screen.

Of course, we could stop there, but such a design will scratch the screen and has no chance of getting a high rating from Habra readers :)

This problem was successfully solved with the help of... thread.

The ring-shaped edge is good not only because it allows you to aim more accurately through the center, but also because it makes it possible to wrap yourself with thread. Some doubters will think that an additional layer of thread will worsen the sensitivity of the screen. But that's not true. As you know, the sensor does not need absolute contact to detect a touch. It is enough to bring your finger very close. In this case, there may not be a touch.

In conclusion, I will say that I was pleased with the result.
- The reaction is the same as to a finger. There is no need to press.
- Does not leave marks, does not scratch and even wipes the screen.
- Accurate aim.

Working with the Android shell

There are also disadvantages
- Because the operating principle is based on the passage of current through a metal stylus to the human body. That is, it will not work in parquets.
- On my communicator model, the lower touch buttons (“back”, “menu”, “home”, “search”) do not work as well as we would like.

Typing text

P.S. Believe it or not, after all this was written and all the accompanying pictures/videos were prepared, I learned that one Canadian manufacturer is already producing styluses of a similar design. I found out about this when I uploaded the first video to YouTube and it showed similar videos. The idea turned out to be not new and I began to doubt whether it was worth sending this article to the public, as I might be subject to attacks related to accusations of plagiarism. Then I decided that since such a solution was put into mass production, it means the design was successful and all this was not invented in vain. Despite the fact that there was a coincidence of a good idea, it is still worth talking about :)

P.S. v 2. Some readers were interested in the suitability of the design in the winter conditions of our harsh regions. It turned out that in this case this device can be useful, although the sensitivity of course worsens. I tried it with the thickest gloves I had. If you squeeze the handle harder, the response gets a little better.

And another example of handwriting notes:

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter