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Apple is a very popular, but at the same time quite expensive brand of smartphones, which leads to constant attempts on the part of users to save money somewhere, find cheaper ones, and so on. It's getting to the point where people are buying Chinese copies of the iPhone. They look very similar, sometimes it’s even impossible to tell them apart, but the whole difference lies not in the body, but in the details and operating system. Obviously, Chinese copies perform much worse than original iPhones. Problems in the system and various types of malfunctions occur much more often. Reinstalling the operating system helps improve the situation. In this article we will figure out how to flash or reflash a Chinese copy of an iPhone. Let's get started. Go!

How to update software on a replica Apple smartphone - in our new article

The first step is to download the firmware for the specific version of the iPhone copy. 5, 5S, 6, 6S - each model has its own firmware version. Pay attention to this. It should also be noted that copies are produced not on iOS, but on Android with a shell that is similar in interface design to iOS.

After you have downloaded the firmware, you need to download a special utility for flashing smartphones, . Then unpack the archives with the firmware and installer files into a convenient folder on your disk.

Now go to the folder with Flash Tool and run the utility as an administrator. After the program opens, click on the “Scatter loading” button and specify the path to the sketch file, which is located in the folder with the firmware. Essentially, it is a text file with a “.txt” extension. Once you select it, click the “Open” button. Next, you need to click “Download” and connect the phone to your computer or laptop using a cable, while holding down the “Home” button on the device itself. In the Flash Tool window, you will see a red line at the bottom, this means that the “Home” button can be released. Immediately after this, a purple line will appear, followed by a yellow one. Yellow indicates that the firmware is loading. Once the installation is complete, a window will appear on the screen indicating that the firmware has been successfully installed.

Then unplug the cable from your phone, close the Flash Tool, and turn on your copy of the iPhone. Turning on the device for the first time after flashing may take quite a long time, so don’t be alarmed right away. After the phone boots up, you need to install the Russian language, since after the first turn on all the signatures in the smartphone are in Chinese. Open the Settings menu and go to a section similar to the General section on the original iPhone. To find the “Language” item, look at the pictures on the Internet where this item is approximately located. Finally, once you get where you need to be, select Russian from the list. To confirm your choice, click the button located in the upper right corner of the screen. After this, you may need to install a third-party keyboard, since the built-in one may not work. You can use GO Keyboard or any other one. You can download it from the app store or download it and copy it to your memory card. All. Now you can use the device comfortably.

Now, to get rid of the Android lock screen and make it the same as on iOS, you need to open the Phone app and go to dial. Next, enter a very simple code *#8000#. After this, the phone will begin to reboot. Wait a while. If after turning on nothing has changed, repeat the same thing again. During boot, you will see a screen with the Apple logo, not the Chinese manufacturer, and the lockscreen will be as similar as possible to the original iOS lockscreen. Ready. Now the Chinese copy has become as similar as possible to the original iPhone.

This is how you can independently reflash Chinese copies of iPhones 5/5s, 6/6s on Android. Write in the comments if this article was useful to you, and tell other users how you coped with flashing your phone.

How to set up a copy of iPhone 6s/7 You purchased an exact Taiwanese copy of IPHONE7 (Chinese phone) or IPHONE 6s, what secrets and surprises await you when setting up a Chinese iPhone and how to live with them
How to set up a copy of iPhone 6s

How to set up a copy of iPhone 6s/7

You have purchased an exact Taiwanese copy of IPHONE7 (Chinese phone) or IPHONE 6s, what secrets and surprises await you when setting up a Chinese iPhone and how to live with them further... Are there instructions?….

Insert the SIM card and turn on the phone. After loading the phone, you can use all the external attributes of the iPhone, for example, immediately after loading, a beautiful “Goldfish” will appear on the screen (on the 7th iPhone, the fish is not on the screensaver by default, you need to select it in the settings) with a long press on any point on the screen, it will start turn and play with the tail, as in the original devices. This screen property is designed for taking and viewing 3D photos from corresponding applications. The touch-sensitive home button will delight you with the ability to recognize your fingerprint, and if the security of your phone's contents is important to you, set it up.

Next, go to personal settings (in the Android system)…. All Chinese phones are correctly Russified and, if you have bought a new phone at least once, you will not have any problems with the PERSONAL settings section. The screensaver, ringtone, notification methods, etc. are quite standard and intuitive. Minor difficulties begin to arise when you try to download your favorite applications and services that are not initially on the phone. The AppStors icon is displayed on the main screen, but in fact this is a fake through which you will be taken to a specific place where hieroglyphography will dominate, and you will have nothing to profit from there if you are not Chinese. In the settings menu, find the APPS section, open and view them all. Perhaps what you need is already there. If not, then find the traditional Google Play Market icon and activate the application. Follow the prompts, enter your Google account information and everything will work as usual. Perhaps this is the only inconvenience of the settings that you will have to face.

As for the Internet settings, immediately after turning on the phone with an active SIM card for the first time, the cellular operator will send Internet and access point settings, which will be installed automatically in the system and will work correctly. For WI-FI settings, enter the password carefully and correctly.

Copy iPhone 7 won't turn on

Chinese iPhone 6 on Droid: reviews, description, properties

The release of such a popular and noticeable device as the next phone from Apple never goes unnoticed. In all the media of the world, in various reviews and an unlimited amount of other media content, information appears about this accessory, information on how to purchase the device and other details. It is logical that the demand for the phone reaches indescribable heights - devices are sold in the millions.

But, besides the marketing campaign and brand awareness, the “apple giant” still has several advantages. The most prominent of them are the nice design of the case, also measured work. And if for the company’s rivals (which includes almost all other phone manufacturers) the functionality of iPhone phones remains somewhat closed and difficult to access, then the very appearance of the device can be easily copied and transferred to other accessories. Contrary to the prohibition of the law, which states that it is inadmissible to use the product of someone else’s mental labor, manufacturers “blatantly” copy the design, releasing their own, in most cases Chinese, iPhone 6. The cost of such a device is not so high, given the low quality of materials and the lack of advertising costs (which borne by a California company). This, in turn, generates demand for economical copies of flagships, which is how such manufacturers make money.

Who is doing?

Obviously, companies that put counterfeit products on the market will face punishment in any civilized country in the world. That’s why Chinese developers took on the role of plagiarists. In the Chinese market, using someone else’s design has long been considered common: starting with the first Apple and Samsung models, the Chinese have been selling their devices with a “slick” appearance.

If we talk not about belonging to a country, but about a specific brand, then we need to mention Lenovo, Meizu, Elephone and others, not counting the so-called nameless developers who even hide information about who produces their Chinese copy of iPhone 6.

How do they do it?

In addition to listing brands that do not disdain counterfeits, it would also be good to clarify the quality of such products. There is no hope that it will remain the same as in the case of a real “apple”. In most cases Chinese iPhone 6 on Droid (reviews confirm this) is 10 times worse than the original. This can be judged at least by the cheap materials, poor assembly, and slow hardware. Another fundamental point that we have already mentioned in passing is the Android operating system. Due to the fact that the real iOS is inaccessible to anyone except Apple itself, plagiarists use the publicly available platform used on most other devices. Taking into account everything described, it would be very naive to expect to receive a Chinese iPhone 6 with the same features and properties as the South American one.

Review of one of the copies

In order to show how significant the difference is between the copy and the original, we will conduct a small review. Obviously, there is more than one development company whose model range includes the Chinese iPhone 6 on Droid. Customer reviews show very little about the top 10 manufacturers producing copies. It will not be possible to trace the differences between all of them due to the huge amount of information that would need to be collected.

Therefore, we will take one of the more recognizable fakes - Lenovo S90. Of course, the company does not show what we have in front of us - a Chinese copy of iPhone 6. But you don’t have to be an expert not to see a very high level of similarity between the phones in the general features of the phone, its body and size, color design.

Moreover, a device from Lenovo will most likely have a more or less usable build quality. After all, in comparison with some noname models (and they turn on every other time), this product has official support provided by Lenovo specialists.

An exact copy of the iPhone 6s. Chinese iPhone 6s in a metal case on Android

Order on AliExpress (iwo2 SMART WATCH with leather strap) - Order on AliExpress (SMART.

Chinese iPhone 6 full review! Real characteristics

Honest comparison Chinese iPhone 6 (android) with original iPhone 6 Dear friends, the purpose of my video was.

Housing materials

So, let's first consider the metal from which our duplicate is made, and compare it with what the real iPhone will demonstrate. Manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom claim that aluminum alloy is also used here (which is identical in characteristics to the material on the iPhone 6). However, the Chinese iPhone 6 on Android (reviews will confirm this) did not pass practical tests. Scratching an Apple product is not that easy; whereas in the case of Lenovo the situation is different - the top layer of paint on the case comes off very easily, resulting in the exposed metal texture. This is impractical, especially if you carry your smartphone without a case or bumper.

The dimensions of the S90 are slightly larger than the original, but this is not so easy to notice without an Apple smartphone at hand.


The displays of the models mentioned in the review also have a lot of differences. If the one installed on the original has not only the ability to convey a wide range of colors at maximum brightness, but also a high level of protection, then the same cannot be said about Lenovo. The latter looks good, however, but in practice the screen is easily scratched. And this was shown not only by our review describing the Chinese iPhone 6 on Android. Reviews from people who used the smartphone for a certain period of time confirmed this. The strength of iPhone glass and its fakes simply cannot be compared. It is impossible to say for sure what the reason for this is - the high technology of the Apple display coating or, on the contrary, the oversight of Chinese manufacturers. But the fact remains the same.


Devices manufactured by Apple are known for their speed and virtually perfect response. Despite the fact that the iPhone 6 smartphone does not have the most powerful processor available in the technological world today, together with a properly optimized operating system, it can show impressive results while maintaining a normal level of charge consumption and without overheating.

A slightly different picture can be observed in the case of Lenovo S90 (despite the fact that this is actually the best Chinese iPhone 6). The device does not slow down or freeze - for this, its Qualcomm 410 processor with 4 cores clocked at up to 1.3 GHz is too powerful. No, we are talking about how the smartphone performs as a whole: during operation it can heat up significantly, which is why the battery level quickly drops. According to some reviews, updating the Chinese iPhone 6 to a more recent version of Android in some cases can save the situation - but you shouldn’t count on it too much.


Another key indicator of the quality of a smartphone is, of course, the pictures taken with its camera. In the case of the original iPhone, there can be no complaints - the device is known for its excellent photos and videos, which can be taken even in poor lighting conditions.

The camera on the Lenovo S90 cannot be called bad - it is a worthy example when it comes to Android smartphones. But alas, Chinese iPhone 6 on Android (reviews of which we will publish later) should have had better hardware capable of more. However, we did not notice this. In excellent conditions, the photos turn out to be high-quality, but in a dimly lit room everything changes. To be honest, even a flash can't help.

SIM cards of most mobile operators are sold with a connected mobile Internet: the user just needs to install the card in his iPhone, and access to the network will be immediately available to him. However, know how to set up the Internet on an iPhone manually, is still necessary, otherwise in the event of a system failure and deletion of network settings, the user will be left without access to a significant number of functions - neither checking email nor downloading applications from the AppStore will be available to him.

First of all, you need to clarify whether data transfer is activated in the iPhone settings. To do this, go to the section " cellular" on the menu " Settings».

Then check the two sliders " Cellular data" And " Enable 3G" Both must be in the active position.

If the toggle switch " Cellular data"is not turned on, the iPhone will be able to access the Internet only if it is present in the Wi-Fi distribution area. It is also strongly recommended to enable 3G - otherwise the smartphone will use the standard EDGE. The maximum download speed that can be achieved when connected to EDGE 474 Kbps, but you should expect 50 Kbps. Needless to say, the internet is too slow?

Even if you switched the “Enable 3G” slider to the active position, this is not a guarantee that the gadget will work via 3G. It all depends on the coverage area: if in the area where the iPhone is located, the connection is poor, most likely you will have to deal with EDGE.

It is very easy to find out which standard the data is being transferred through - just look at the top of the screen. Next to the operator name there may be one of two icons: 3G or E.

The second indicates the transfer of data through EDGE. Therefore, the letter E terrifies all lovers of fast Internet surfing.

If there is neither 3G nor E next to the name of the provider, then mobile Internet is not available. There are two possible reasons for the lack of network: either the “Cellular Data” slider in the settings is turned off, or the coverage is very weak.

After you check the toggle switches, you need to check whether the mobile connection settings have been entered correctly. This is done like this:

Step 1. In the same section " cellular"scroll down, find the subsection " " and go into it.

Step 2. Pay attention to the block " Cellular data" Here 3 fields must be filled in: APN, Username, password.

The following parameter values ​​are correct for leading operators:

All parameters are written in small Latin letters.

Mobile Internet settings can be ordered by calling the mobile provider’s contact center. In this case, you will not have to enter anything manually - you will only need to save the settings from the SMS message.

After entering the parameters, you need to restart the phone - when the gadget turns on, the Internet will be available. In the same section " Cellular data connection"You can set up MMS - how this is done is described.

How to set up Wi-Fi on iPhone?

An alternative to mobile Internet is Wi-Fi. In large cities, distribution points are located everywhere - you can enjoy Internet surfing in bars, universities, on city alleys, without having a single ruble on your mobile phone account. However, Wi-Fi also has its disadvantages. Firstly, As soon as the user moves away from the coverage area, the Internet immediately disappears. Secondly, in public places the speed is very low, because many users are using the network at the same time.

You need to connect Wi-Fi like this:

Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " WiFi" and go into it.

Step 2. Switch the toggle switch " WiFi» to active position.

Step 3. In the block " Select network» Find the source you need and click on it. In our case it is AndroidAP.

Step 4. Enter your Wi-Fi password and click " Connect.».

When the connection is made, the source will be marked with a blue checkmark, and a characteristic Wi-Fi icon will appear next to the operator’s name.

There is usually no need to adjust Wi-Fi connection settings, but it is still worth checking them. To do this, click on the field with the name of the connected access point. You will see the following options:

Make sure that:

After the initial Wi-Fi connection setup, you will be able to connect to the access point via " Control Center" All you have to do is swipe up and down and click on the icon with the Wi-Fi symbol, known to everyone.

When connected to Wi-Fi, battery power is consumed faster than when using mobile Internet. Therefore, before connecting to the distribution, make sure that the iPhone battery has enough charge.

Why doesn't the Internet work on iPhone?

If you entered the Internet settings correctly, but data transfer still does not work, there may be several reasons for this:

The number is not connected to the service responsible for access to the network

Such a service is a component of the basic package of options of any tariff; for example, at MTS it is called “ Mobile Internet" Its absence can only be explained by the fact that the user himself got into the “Personal Account” and unknowingly deleted it. You can activate such a service by calling the operator’s contact center or by visiting a service salon in person with a passport.

There is not enough money on the SIM card to access the Internet

If the balance is negative, Internet access is blocked, even if the validity period of the prepaid unlimited Internet option has not yet expired. Moreover, the icon 3G(or E) will still be visible next to the operator’s name - the pages will simply not be able to load in the browser. The solution to this problem is obvious - you need to top up your balance.

All mobile traffic has been used up

If previously, when the traffic quota was used up, the user retained the ability to access the Internet (only at a very low speed), but now he is simply not allowed onto the Internet. A window appears on the mobile screen offering to connect additional services to increase traffic - of course, on a paid basis. There are several solutions to this problem, and using additional options for money not included in them:

  • You can contact your operator and ask him to reconnect your prepaid mobile Internet service from the current date. This can only be done if there is enough money in the SIM card account to write off the monthly payment.
  • You should buy a package of megabytes with bonus points. MTS has the most developed bonus system. For example, to purchase 100 MB in addition to the main package from this operator, it is enough to spend 150 bonuses, 100 of which can be obtained by simply completing a survey on the official MTS website.

Finally, you can find a free Wi-Fi distribution and, using it, “endure” until the date for updating the traffic quota.

Many users mistakenly believe that the Internet on the iPhone is not working due to a jailbreak installed or a recent OS update. In fact, neither one nor the other has any effect on data transmission.

The last resort way to solve the problem with mobile Internet on iPhone is reset network settings. You should follow the path " Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset" and select the item " Reset network settings».

User information - music, notes, messages - will not go anywhere from the device with such a reset. At the end of the procedure, you need to re-enter the mobile Internet settings and try to access the Internet again. If the reset does not help, you should contact a service center for help.

How to solve problems with Wi-Fi?

If you cannot turn on the Internet via Wi-Fi, you should carry out a number of manipulations with the router. Need to:

  • Disable the router.
  • Wait 20 seconds.
  • Start the device and activate the Wi-Fi function on the iPhone.

All hidden processes that cause the failure will be stopped with this reboot method - therefore, the problem will be eliminated.


Setting up mobile Internet is not at all as difficult as they say - this work can be done not only by an experienced system administrator, but also by a user not privy to the secrets of programming. The main thing is to fill out the three cellular data parameters correctly and don’t forget to restart the device after that.

Adjusting your Wi-Fi connection is even easier. The user's task, in general, comes down to entering the correct password. Wi-Fi network parameters are set automatically - as a rule, there is no need to go into the connection settings and change anything there.

If not, then without a shadow of a doubt, go straight to clause 8.

2. Make sure you have a backup from your old device

Owners of previous iPhones - 5s, 5c, 4s, 4 - can easily and conveniently transfer all their favorite applications, valuable data and familiar settings to their new Apple smartphone. This will require backup copy. This can be done either through iTunes or through the Apple iCloud cloud service.

3. How to make a backup of iPhone using iTunes

Make sure you have the most current version of iTunes. To do this, open the application, in the menu bar, click iTunes, then - Updates...To make a backup of data on old smartphone, connect it to your computer via USB. Select the device in the section Automatic creation of copies please indicate This computer, then - Create a copy now. As a result, a full backup will be saved on your computer. copy data from old iPhone.

4. How to backup iPhone using iCloud

Only important data is stored in Apple's cloud service. On the other hand, there's a good chance you already have a copy of iCloud: devices running iOS 7 back up data once a day if they're locked, connected to a charger, and connected to Wi-Fi—provided, of course, you have free space in iCloud. The following data is saved: photos, accounts, documents, Health data, HomeKit configurations, and system settings. If this is not enough, use the option from step 3.

To check when the last copy was made, take your smartphone and go to Settings —> iCloud —> Backup. Make sure the switch is active (labeled On, green slider); if necessary, enter the password for your iCloud account. Then click Create a backup.

5. How to set up your new iPhone 6/6 Plus (initial setup)

Insert a nano-SIM card into your smartphone and turn it on with the power button on the right side.

The message will appear on the screen Hello(or Halo) - touch the screen and swipe right on the inscription Set up.

You'll then be able to choose from three options - restoring data from iCloud, iTunes, or setting up as a new iPhone (we'll talk about this option below). Select the appropriate option.

6. How to restore settings on a new iPhone from iTunes

Connect your new iPhone via USB to the computer where you have backed up your data. There are two ways:

A) File -> Devices -> Restore from backup, or
b) Click on the gadget icon in the top menu bar, in the section BackupsRestore from copy.

Once the data recovery process is complete, your iPhone will restart. After this, copying of media files (music, etc.) will begin, so do not disconnect your smartphone from the computer until the procedure is completed.

7. How to restore settings on a new iPhone from iCloud

If your old iPhone is backed up to iCloud (see 4 ), select recovery from iCloud, press Further and enter your and password, then specify the copy to be restored. The process may take longer if you have a lot of data. After the restoration is complete, the smartphone will reboot.

If you want to synchronize data that is not in the backup (music, video, etc.), you will have to connect to iTunes and do additional synchronization.

The exception is for iTunes Match subscribers, who can download music and apps directly from iCloud.

By the way, for this method it is not necessary to connect your iPhone to your computer - just connect it to an outlet and then access the Internet via a Wi-Fi network.

8. For users who have this first iPhone

If your previous smartphone was a device on Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Bada, Symbian, a regular dialer, etc., then at this stage you don’t need to do anything special. Simply set up your iPhone as a new device and transfer your data. Read more about this below.

9. How to activate iPhone 6/6 Plus (for beginners)

Unbox your iPhone, insert the nano SIM card into it and turn it on by long pressing the power button (on the right side panel). When you see the inscription Hello(or Halo), swipe your finger across the screen from left to right. Next, the system will ask you what language you would like to use and what country in the world you live in. Location services (GPS) - a setting for Apple applications and third-party programs that use your geolocation in their work.

Your device will then try to find a Wi-Fi network to activate. If there is no one nearby, or you want to activate your smartphone via the mobile Internet, just click Next.

From now on, you can set up your iPhone as new device.

10. Create an Apple ID.

The next - and very important - step: creating Apple ID. This ID will be required to download games, programs, music and movies from the App / iTunes Store, communicate through and, synchronize and store personal documents. Strictly speaking, without an Apple ID, your iPhone is just a “dialer” and a device for accessing the Internet through a browser.

You can do it in two ways. You can find detailed instructions on creating an Apple ID account. Pay special attention to security questions— it’s best to write them down in your notebook and keep it in a safe place! (you can find out why this is so important).

11. How to transfer emails, contacts and calendars to your iPhone 6 (for beginners)

If you use Gmail or any other POP or IMAP email, its data is already synchronized with the main server. To access mail from your iPhone, open the Mail app and enter your account information. iOS will automatically adjust settings for Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, Yahoo, Aol and Hotmail. If you have a different email address, you can enter the data manually. It is best to obtain the relevant data from the website of the “mail service” itself (Yandex.Mail, Rambler,

Transfer contacts possible in several ways. The simplest one is to reset all contacts from your old phone to a SIM card, insert it into the iPhone, go to Settings, then to the section Mail, addresses, calendars and choose Import contacts with SIM. Another option is to save all contacts from your old device on your PC in .vcf (vCard) format using Apple ID log into your account on, select Contacts and then Import vCard. The selected contacts will appear on iPhone after syncing with iCloud.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter