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At the beginning of this Microsoft Week Windows 8.1 Update has officially released. In addition to improving performance, this update makes it easier to work with apps from Windows Store using the keyboard and mouse.

Those of you who have already installed this update will have noticed that there is now a button in the top right corner of the Start screen to control your computer's power, as well as search. Clicking the Search button will bring up a search bar, and clicking the Power Management button will reveal all the relevant options, including Sleep, Hibernate, Shut Down, and Reboot.

All users who started using Windows 8.1 long before installing this update are probably aware that the operating system offers other quick ways access power settings. For example, you can press the Windows logo button + X on your keyboard and select “Shut down or sign out” from the context menu that appears.

So, if you do not find the new button useful and are not going to use it to shutdown/restart your PC, you can easily hide it. This can be done in two ways: the first is more difficult and involves editing Windows registry, the second is much faster and easier, so it’s better to go straight to the second, since the first method is for those who are not looking for easy ways.

Method 1: Hiding the power button using the registry

Step 1: Open the Run dialog box. To do this, press the Win + R key combination.

Step 2: In the Run window, type Regedit and press Enter. If you see the User Account Control window, click Yes.

Step 3: In Registry Editor, go to the following section:


Step 4: In ImmersiveShell, create a new section called Launcher. If this section already exists, simply skip this step.

Step 5: Next, select the created section and in the right part of the registry window create new parameter DWORD (32 bits) named Launcher_ShowPowerButtonOnStartScreen. Set its value to 0. If you ever need to get the power button back, change the value to one.

Step 6: That's all! Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Method 2: Hiding the power button using a third-party application

Everything is very simple here. Just download the ModernUI Tuner tool from developer Sergey Tkachenko. Next, launch it, go to the Start Screen tab, disable the Show search button on the Start screen option and click the Apply & Restart Explorer button.

Have a great day!


IN Windows 8 the shutdown button is hidden from the user so well that for an inexperienced user, trying to turn off the computer turns into difficult task. Personally, I couldn’t cope with this task the first time and simply turned off the computer from the command line.

But even knowing the location of the button, the shutdown/reboot process is quite inconvenient and requires a lot of unnecessary movements, and logging out of the system (logoff) is completely absent in graphical form. To get rid of these inconveniences, we will do a little tuning of the system and return the shutdown, reboot and logout buttons to their usual place.

Click right key mouse on the desktop and select Create - Shortcut.

Responsible for shutdown, reboot, logout and other outrages utility program shutdown.exe, located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. We indicate its location in the shortcut properties and move on.

We name the shortcut in a clear way, for example Shutdown.

The shortcut is ready, but it won’t work in this form. Therefore, right-click on it and select Properties.

Program shutdown.exe Requires additional parameters to operate. Here are some of them:

/s— turning off the computer; — user logout from the system;
/h— transition to hibernation mode;
/i- a window with a choice of action options;
/t xxx— setting a delay of xxx seconds before turning off/rebooting the computer.

To turn it off you need to specify the command shutdown.exe/s /t 0, which starts the computer shutdown procedure with a delay of 0 seconds, i.e. immediately. In the shortcut properties, in the “Object” field, add the corresponding keys.

And one last thing. Click on the “Change Icon” button, select the most suitable one from the list and click OK. The shutdown button is ready.

By analogy, we create the remaining shortcuts. So, to reboot, in the shortcut properties in the “Object” field you need to specify shutdown.exe /r /t 0, to exit - shutdown.exe /l, for hibernation - shutdown.exe /h. Please note that hibernation mode is not enabled by default and must be enabled before use.

The created shortcuts can already be used, but it is more convenient to place them on the taskbar or in the Start menu. To do this, right-click on the shortcut and select the corresponding item in the context menu.

The result is a picture like this.

Or this one, whichever you prefer. Just one click on a button...

And the computer turns off.

So, let's consider two options for simplifying shutdown of the computer:

1) Shut down the computer through the context menu

Quite an elegant option, nothing superfluous, just right-click on the desktop and select the desired option from the list:

In order to make such a menu, you can simply download ready-made files for adding and removing a context menu by clicking one of the links below:
, . If you don’t know what these files are, then this article is at your service. Inside the archives there is a file for adding the necessary values ​​to the registry (file Add Power Menu), as well as their removal (file Remove Power Menu), in case you don't like it this type menu.

If you do not trust files from the Internet, then in this case can be created text file and assign the extension .reg to it, open this file notepad and copy the following into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "MUIVerb"="Shutdown" SubCommands"="lock;logoff;switch;sleep;hibernate;restart;safemode;shutdown;hybridshutdown" "Icon"="shell32.dll,215" "Position"=" bottom" @="Lock" @="Rundll32 User32.dll,LockWorkStation" @="Exit" @="Shutdown -l" @="Change user" @="tsdiscon.exe" @="Sleep" @=" rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep" @="Hibernate" @="Shutdown -h" @="Reboot" @="Shutdown -r -f -t 00" @="Reboot (call boot menu)" @ ="Shutdown -r -o -f -t 00" @="Shutdown" @="Shutdown -s -f -t 00" @="Hybrid shutdown" @="Shutdown -s -f -t 00 -hybrid"

2) Turn off the computer through desktop shortcuts

If you don’t like to click the mouse for a long time, and you don’t mind extra shortcuts on your desktop, then there’s something for you Alternative option, and it looks like this:

To create such shortcuts you need:

1) Right-click on an empty space on the screen and select “Create” → “Shortcut”:

2) Depending on what you need to enter in the “Object Location”, we write the following:

— Turning off the computer:

Shutdown -s -t 0

Where 0 is the time after which you need to turn off the computer, that is, right now, but if you wish, this is how you can set a timer to turn off the computer. Time is indicated in seconds.

— Restarting the computer:

Shutdown -r -t 0

— Sleep mode:

Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep

— “Hibernation” mode:

Rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

— Locking the computer.

Has changed dramatically user interface. Due to which many users do not know how to perform basic operations in this operating system. For example, many novice users do not know how to reboot Windows 8. In this material we will look at several simple ways restart your Windows 8 computer.

You can use the Start screen to do all the same things that you can do with the Start menu in older versions of Windows. Therefore, if you need to restart your computer, then click on Windows button and move your mouse to the lower right corner of the start screen. After you see the side menu, click on the “Options” button.

After this, you will see the Options menu. Here you need to click on the “Shutdown” button, this button is located at the bottom of the “Options” menu.

After clicking on this button, you will see a small pop-up menu in which you need to select the “Reboot” item.

Reboot Windows 8 from the desktop

If you don't like the starter Windows screen 8, then you can restart your computer directly from the desktop. In this case, you don't even have to open start screen Windows 8.

So, in order to reboot Windows 8 from the desktop you need to click right click mouse on (or just on the lower left corner of the screen, if you have old version Windows 8, which does not yet have a Start button).

In the window that opens, select “Shut down or log out – Reboot.”

How to reboot Windows 8 via CTRL-ALT-DELETE

You can also restart your Windows 8 computer by pressing the CTRL-ALT-DELETE key combination. After pressing this key combination, you will see a screen from which you can also lock the screen, exit account or change user.

At the bottom of this screen there is a button to turn off the computer. By clicking on this button, you will see a small pop-up menu from which you can restart your computer.

How to Reboot Windows 8 Using the Shutdown Command

In the operating room Windows system 8 To restart the computer, you can use the “Shutdown /r” command. You can do this command using the Run menu (Windows key combination + R) or using .

But, in everyday use this option is not very convenient. Therefore, you can create a shortcut to execute the command “Shutdown /r”. Open context menu on the desktop and select “Create – Shortcut”.

After this, you need to enter the name of the shortcut and click on the “Done” button.

That's it, after this a shortcut to restart Windows 8 will appear on the desktop.

You can turn off and restart your computer or laptop different ways. And if in Windows 7 and XP it is enough to click Start - Shutdown, then in Windows 8 this procedure takes longer. Here you need to move the mouse cursor to the right corner, wait 1 second, select Settings - Shutdown and only there will be “Shutdown”. Quite inconvenient, right?

The good thing is that in Windows you can make a PC shutdown button and place it on the desktop, pin it to the taskbar or place it on home screen. And then just one click - and the PC or laptop will immediately turn off.

A shutdown button on the Windows desktop can be created for various reasons: for parents, inexperienced users, or for yourself (it’s convenient). It will also help out if the PC does not turn off in a standard way(driver problem, etc.).

This is a common shortcut. You just need to create it, enter the appropriate command and save it. For clarity, below is an example of how to create a button to shut down, restart and hibernate a PC.

The instructions described are universal and suitable for Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP. Moreover, you can save these shortcuts to a flash drive and then use them at work, give them to friends, etc.

How to create a shortcut to turn off your computer?

That's all. The shortcut has been created successfully.

Since it doesn't look very good, you can change the icon. For this:

Now the PC shutdown shortcut looks nicer, right? For convenience, you can select it, right-click and pin it to the Start panel or taskbar. In Windows 8 and 10, you can also pin it to the Start screen.

How to make a reboot shortcut?

If you need to restart your PC or laptop frequently, you can make a restart button on your desktop, taskbar, or start screen. The principle of operation is the same, only the command is slightly different.

So, to make a reboot shortcut:

It will not be possible to register two commands at once. Therefore, if you need to make a shutdown and reboot button at the same time, you will have to create two shortcuts.

Hibernate button on desktop

If you need a hibernation shortcut, then:

Done – the hibernation shortcut has been created.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter