Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

The program cannot be removed from the computer through the Add or Remove Programs menu and by no means at all, deleted all folders related to the program, used all kinds of utilities that clean the registry from unnecessary keys, useless. The fact is that I want to install it again, it is licensed and purchased for money, but in Lately worked with errors. The installation program says: the application is already installed and that’s where it ends. The forum suggested that you need to look in the bushes (in the registry), is this a joke? Help.
The game is not removed from the computer Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I want to reinstall it, but I always get an error, I just deleted the game folder, but I couldn’t delete it from the Add or Remove Programs menu, maybe you know how to delete and reinstall, please tell me.

The program cannot be removed from the computer

And of course it cannot be installed again, utilities: Unlocker, CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller and the like may turn out to be useless, on one site I read how using one of these programs you can remove antivirus program, I laughed for a long time, in reality, of course, everything will not be so, sometimes the operating principles of these programs turn out to be ineffective. Let's think about what we will do if all the above-mentioned programs did not help us.

The information in our article applies to Windows 7 and Windows 8. 1.

  • Note: Friends, if this article does not help you, then try

Many in case of failure with removing a program from your computer they even reinstall the operating system when it comes to their favorite game. Believe me, in most cases this is not necessary. By the way, it’s also about the accumulation of garbage in Windows, because the remains of the program are somewhere and of course take up space on the hard drive, all this is quite unpleasant and of course I want to know where exactly the remaining program files are located.
This kind of trouble occurs because, for some reason, the connection between the program and its keys in the registry is broken. There are many reasons for these, ranging from incorrect user actions and errors in the program itself; we will not dwell on this. For solutions similar problems, we will need to manually make changes to the registry and our program will be completely removed. How to do it?

Is the program you want to remove no longer in use? If you know the process related to it, you also need to end it in the device manager.

The best thing to do is disable the program service in Computer Management.

Now delete all files related to the program from your computer, start with its personal folder located in Program Files, then reboot; if the program is not deleted and it cannot be installed again, you will have to delete its entries in the registry.

It is advisable to view the entire registry or branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (contains information about hardware and software) and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software, where all information about installed applications is located.

What else can you do if you have problems uninstalling programs?

  • Try to visit the website of the program manufacturer, there is a high probability that an uninstaller is available for download there, for example, on the website of the Nero program, which is not so easy to uninstall, there is such a utility.
  • If you uninstall a game or program without success, the uninstaller may be located on the installation disk, you should run it and you will see the Delete option, if you do not have the disk, read on.
  • In particularly difficult cases, you will have to log into your operating system in Safe Mode, only it will be possible to disable the service and delete all remaining files and registry keys.
  • Sometimes you will not be able to delete program files even in Safe Mode, but you will be able to rename them and delete them after a reboot.
  • It is worth trying to reinstall the program, and then it will be successfully removed.

For clarity, let's try to reinstall the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which my son’s comrade in arms cannot reinstall for several days in a row.

But we don’t think about how to completely remove a program from a computer without leaving traces, recordings or other garbage. IN given instructions you will learn,

how to delete unnecessary programs from a computer using Windows 7 tools and using special programs, which will help you remove any program from operating system windows xp, windows 7 and windows 8.

Not experienced users They use such actions that in pairs they even simply delete the shortcut on the computer. If you uninstall any application incorrectly, it will

that over time you will lose memory on your hard drives. Even if you destroy the application using the windows tool? All the same, traces that weigh a certain weight remain in the register, i.e. memory.

To avoid such consequences, take into account the following recommendations.

Ways to remove utilities

Now I will list the methods that can be used:

  • Uninstall tool
  • Your uninstaller
  • Revo uninstaller
  • Using Uninstall
  • Built-in windows function

The first three methods are the best that exist at the moment. I recommend choosing any one or all of them. And the other two methods are quick.

How to remove a program from your computer using the Uninstall tool

You can download this software by typing search bar the words Uninstall tool. And so we launch and this picture will appear in front of you

This window displays all the utilities that are installed on your computer. If, after installing the Uninstall tool, you subsequently install a new utility,

The Uninstall tool will highlight it in red. What we need. With such a function, there is no need to look for this or that utility.

Click “uninstall”

Then a warning will appear, agree and click “yes”

That's all, the work of the Uninstall tool is completely completed.

How to remove a program using your uninstaller

Very simple. This is also special software to completely erase any program.

If in the previous version you were unable to find the program you needed, it may be that your uninstaller will find it.

Open your uninstaller. This software also highlights recently installed applications in red.

Select the normal removal mode and click “next”

The process will begin and search for registry files. In the window that opens, click “next”

The removal process will begin. Once completed, click “done” and that’s it!

How to remove a program with Revo uninstaller

Revo uninstaller is popular among computer users. This software also, like the previous ones, paid and free.

It is easy to use and at the same time effectively removes unnecessary junk. And so let's get started.

Open the utility

Select the unnecessary software, click the mouse and click “delete”

The creation of a copy of the registry files will begin. Then a restore point is created. Next, the program will prompt you to select a registry scanning mode, select “moderate”

In cases where you were unable to find the necessary utility again, then this application has for these purposes special function"hunter mode"

In some cases this function may not be visible. In order to open the hunter mode, go to “view” and select “main panel”.

Then this mode will appear on the top panel.

If you don’t find the utility you need in the list, just open it and then go to Revo uninstaller. Click on the hunter mode icon and aim at the software that we opened.

Using Uninstall

Uninstall is a file located in the installation folder of almost all programs. It is designed to remove a specific program.

This file is unique for each utility. And it doesn't fit other applications.

To find Uninstall, click on the shortcut of the desired utility and select properties.

In the window that opens, click the “file location” button

And we find the place where this utility is installed

And we see our Uninstall file. Open it and the removal process will begin. Next, follow the instructions of the wizard.

Built-in windows function

The system comes with a tool for removing unnecessary programs. To open the Windows tool, go to Start. Open the control panel,

Select the required software from the list that opens. Click on the program with the mouse and click delete

That's all. I have listed all the most popular methods to date. Of course, there are still many different utilities on the Internet,

which remove unnecessary programs and at the same time perform several functions.

Newbies, especially when they need to eliminate a certain utility, highlight the shortcut and delete it. Afterwards, they continue their business with a smile on their face. Naturally, after these steps it will still work for you.

It happens, and so, they go to the folder in which they installed the program, select this folder and delete it. The utility will be deleted, but traces of it will remain in the registry, causing space on your disk to become clogged.

This concludes the articles. If you have questions or have an opinion, you know what to do. Uninstall programs correctly and a lot of free space will arrive with you!

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Hello, dear blog visitors. In this note, I decided to tell you how to remove a program. We will talk about an unusual way to remove programs. We will talk about removing programs manually.

This method may be useful to you if you are trying to uninstall a program standard method(using the "Uninstall a Program Wizard"), but the program is not removed. This happens, in these cases also, it can help this method. Let's start.

Before you start removing the program manually, I advise you to try to remove the program using the standard method. Have you tried it yet? Then, let's start removing it manually.

Preparing to uninstall the program

First, you need to find out where the program is installed on your disk. To do this, you need to find the program shortcut. The shortcut that launches the program. It can be: on the desktop, in the menu quick launch or in the All Programs panel in the Start menu. Basically, you need to find this shortcut.

Once you find the shortcut. You need to click on it right click mouse and select “properties”.

After the shortcut properties appear, select the “shortcut” tab. This bookmark is usually the first one to open (by default). Now, look at the “object:” item. This paragraph indicates the path to the installed program, this is what we need. Place the mouse cursor in the path column and left-click. Now, your cursor is in the path column. Press the key combination “ctrl+a” to select, and “ctrl+c” to copy the path.

An easier method would be to click the button: “File location”. That is, after you clicked “Properties”, click: “File location”. The only drawback is that the program folder does not always open; in the properties of some programs it opens a shared folder: "Program Files".

Now you have a path. Open any folder on your computer. At the very top you see the path line, shown in the screenshot.

Place an arrow in this line and click with the left mouse button. The path is blue, press the key combination “ctrl+v” in order to paste your copied path. Note! Usually, the path we copied ends with a file with the “exe” extension, so you need to remove this part from the path. The screenshot shows what to delete (Usually this is the name of the program and the extension “EXE”. Example: “Skype.exe”).

Also, make sure that there are no quotes at the beginning and at the end; if there are, they should also be removed. The screenshot shows the path as it should look. After you have corrected the path, press the Enter key.

Explorer forwarded you to the folder with the program you need. Now, you need to do the following:

In the path bar, you see the name different folders. Click on the one that comes before the folder with your program.

I know it sounds confusing, but it's actually simple. In the screenshot I showed what should happen. The point is that you need to see the folder with the desired program closed, that is, not to be in it, but to see it closed. The screenshot shows.

We delete the program.

We have all found the folder with our program, now we can delete it. In order to delete, you need to select it once and left-click on the folder with the program. After that, press the key combination “Shift+Delete”. This action deletes the folder with all the program files, that is, the program.

That's it, the program has been deleted. But keep in mind that you deleted the program, but it remained registered in the registry. You need to clean the registry. You will learn how to clean the registry in this post:

This is where I will end this note. If you don't understand something, you can watch the video below. There I showed the process of manually uninstalling a program.

Video: How to remove a program that won't uninstall. Manual removal

Good day. I recently received a question from a user. I will quote it verbatim:

"Greetings. Please tell me how to remove the program (one game). In general, I go to the control panel, find the installed programs, press the delete button - the program is not deleted (some kind of error appears and that’s it)! Is there any way to remove any program from a PC? I use Windows 8. Thank you in advance, Mikhail...”

In this article I want to answer this question in detail (especially since it is asked quite often). So…

Most users use the standard Windows utility to install and remove programs. To remove a particular program, you need to go to the panel Windows management and select " uninstalling programs"(see Fig. 1).

But relatively often, when deleting programs in this way, various types of errors arise. Most often such problems arise:

With games (apparently the developers don’t care much about the fact that their game will someday need to be removed from the computer);

With various toolbars and add-ons for browsers (this is generally a separate topic...). As a rule, many of these add-ons can be immediately classified as viral, and their benefits are questionable (unless you consider showing ads on half the screen a “benefit”).

If you can’t remove the program through “Add or Remove Programs” (sorry for the tautology), I recommend using the following utilities: Geek Uninstaller or Revo Uninstaller.

Geek Uninstaller

An excellent little utility for removing any programs! Works in all popular Windows OS: XP, 7, 8, 10.

Allows you to see all installed programs in Windows, perform a forced uninstall (which will be important for programs that cannot be uninstalled in the usual way), and in addition, Geek Uninstaller will be able to clean all the “tails” remaining after removing the software (for example, various kinds of registry entries).

By the way, the so-called “tails” are usually not removed by standard using Windows, which does not have a very good effect on Windows work(especially if too much of this “garbage” accumulates).

What makes Geek Uninstaller particularly attractive:

The ability to manually delete an entry in the registry (as well as find it out, see Fig. 3);

The ability to find out the program installation folder (thus also deleting it manually);

Find out the official website of any installed program.

Rice. 3. Features of the Geek Uninstaller program

Result: The program is in the style of minimalism, there is nothing superfluous. At the same time, good tool As part of its tasks, it allows you to remove all software installed in Windows. Convenient and fast!

Revo Uninstaller

One of best utilities to remove unwanted applications from Windows. The program has in its arsenal a good system scanning algorithm not only installed programs, but also those that were deleted a long time ago (remnants and “tails”, erroneous registry entries that can affect the speed of Windows).

By the way, many recommend installing such a utility as one of the first ones after installation new Windows. Thanks to the “hunter” mode, the utility is able to handle all the changes that occur to the system when installing and updating any programs! Thanks to this, you can remove the faulty application at any time and return your computer to its previous working state.

Result: in my humble opinion, Revo Uninstaller offers the same functionality as Geek Uninstaller (except that it is more convenient to use - there are convenient sorters: new programs, not used for a long time, etc.).


That's all. All the best to everyone :)

Good day, Dear friends, acquaintances, readers and other individuals. Today we'll talk how to remove programs completely and completely.

I think it’s no secret to many that deleting programs using standard Windows methods (namely: “Start” - “Settings” - “ Control Panel" - "Installation and removal of programms"), - this is certainly better than simply deleting the program folder, but still..

Still, even after such deletion, folders and files remain in the system or are hidden somewhere, which, having accumulated in the nth quantity, cause crashes and system slowdowns, that is, malicious garbage, as well as .

Today, I will tell you how to quickly remove any program (even one that is not in the list of installed programs), without leaving traces of it in the registry, on or anywhere else.

Download the program to remove programs

An excellent and completely free program Revo Uninstaller (although it also has a paid version) .

Actually, what it does is that it allows you to remove any software (along with all the registry entries, folders, settings and other garbage created and forgotten by the standard uninstaller).

I would like to take this opportunity to say hello to my mother and express my gratitude and respect to those who created it, because the program is truly “strong”.

The program supports the Russian language and is very easy to use, and also, with slightly more reduced functionality, is free. I won’t talk about the installation, i.e. everything is simple and I’ll get straight to the point, i.e. to that, in fact, how to use it.

Using, installing and configuring Revo Uninstaller

After installation, decisively and irrevocably, we launch the uninstaller program and see approximately the following window (i.e. the main window of the Revo Uninstaller program):

Here you can see a list of programs installed on you, their versions, dates, paths, sizes and other information. Everything is quite clear, simple and somewhat similar to a standard manager" Programs and components" on Windows.

Actually, now about how to completely remove something. In the list of installed programs, select any “victim” (which we want to delete) and click .. “Delete”.

Attention! Not " Delete entry ", and "Delete ".

  • The program will ask for confirmation of deletion, click "Yes" if you selected the program correctly:

  • Next, Revo Uninstaller itself will offer you several modes, namely from 3 to 4 (“Built-in”, “Safe”, “Moderate”, “Advanced”, depending on the version of the program (the more strict you choose, the better quality, but possibly problematic, there will be cleaning after removal):

  • Most likely, before this (or after this), the removal of the selected application will start, that is, first there will be a regular uninstaller built into the program itself. Below is an example with Opera browser:

    If this happens and it is necessary, then click “Next” or “Next”, or “Uninstall”, “Delete” or whatever they suggest. In general, we first remove the program using its built-in uninstaller, if there is one. If it’s not there, then it doesn’t matter, we’ll close it. possible error(if it appears) and go straight to the next point;
  • After the program is removed using its own means, a scanner will automatically launch for the remaining “traces” in the system. If it doesn’t start on its own, then click the “Next” button:

  • It (the scanner) may or may not find "something" left in the registry or on the hard drive. This is good in any case;
  • At each stage, after scanning, we select all the records found with a check mark (in in this case in the registry) and click "Delete" (this is important), and after deleting, click the "Next" button:
  • We do the same with everything else, that is, if forgotten folders and files are found in them, then Revo Uninstaller will show this:

    EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ! Before deleting anything, CAREFULLY look at the paths, names of registry entries, files, etc. - they must be associated directly with the program being deleted. That is, if you uninstall Opera, then the entries and files will be in the appropriate folders and with the appropriate names. This way you won't remove anything unnecessary. Or choose

  • If nothing is found, then the standard uninstaller has completed its task 100%... for which we thank him!
  • At the end of the procedure, click the “End” button. All! This completes the clean removal of programs.

After all the manipulations done, you can be sure that after uninstalling the program, there will be no “unnecessary” garbage left in the system or (as one of my friends said) “unexpected gifts” :)

Hunting mode: for difficult cases of uninstall programs

What to do if the application is not in the list of programs, but you want to delete it and, say, you see, or a window just pops up somewhere? Or what to do if you want to remove a program from, but don’t know how and it’s not visible using standard means? No problem.

For this purpose, Revo Uninstaller has the so-called “Hunter Mode” (sounds harsh and works the same). How to make friends with him and what he gives:

The procedure for further cleaning and removal itself does not differ from that written above.

Startup Manager, Windows Tools, File Cleaner

In addition to the “removal kit” itself, the program has additional functionality (which is called by clicking on the “Tools” icon) and these are:

  • Built-in Startup Manager", which displays what applications are loaded with Windows and allows you to disable/enable them;
  • “Toolkit”, which can quickly launch a particular service in the system;
  • "Cleaner unnecessary files ", which can delete temporary browser files, Microsoft Office and just some Windows traces of your work;
  • “Browser cleaner” (cleanses the cache of these same browsers);
  • Proee.

All tools are easy to use, in addition, there is a Russian-language description, so you won’t get lost:

As for the “Delete entry” item, it is needed if the program is not completely removed, but you no longer want to see it in the list of installed programs. Then you can use it and the program will be removed from the list.

Where to get a license for Revo Uninstaller

If you decide to purchase full version program, it is recommended to do this not in retail stores (which not only make a significant markup, but also add to the final price the cost of the box with the program, its delivery to the store, the cost of renting the store and other “logistics”), but in online stores, like, because:

  • Firstly, it is cheaper (not only for the reasons stated above, but also because the software is purchased/sold in wholesale quantities);
  • Secondly, it’s convenient, because you don’t have to go anywhere and you can pay with a credit card or an SMS from your phone;
  • Thirdly, it is quite safe, because the license can be immediately checked and activated (fast delivery of keys via email), which cannot be done in an offline store.

For my part, however, I would recommended to buy directly from the developer, for example, using this link (to get a discount and buy safely). In general, you can read all kinds of marketing on the Internet, but my job is to recommend it.

By the way, if suddenly, for some reason, you know a software store that is cheaper (and most importantly, better!), then contact us through , my team and I will consider your option... and maybe we will offer it to the readers in this text. Thank you!


Now you know how to properly remove programs, or rather, another way to keep your computer clean. That's all for today ;)

As always, if you have any thoughts, questions, additions, etc., please feel free to comment on this post.

PS: Surely, during the time before you used this program, a lot of garbage has accumulated on your computer. You can read about how to get rid of it and clean the system in the article “Cleaning the registry, temporary files and “traces” after removing programs”, and find the lost place using the article “”

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