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Does it crash or not start at all?

Hello everyone, dear friends!

Today I will tell you the main ways to solve most problems with the game. Go!

Common problems and simple solutions

Every game has a number of problems and their solutions that are terribly banal, but in 90% of cases they become the main reason for bugs, crashes and crashes. A set of such defects include:

  • Black screen on startup.
  • Crash after the game's introductory screen.
  • No response when launching Skyrim from the launcher.
  • Friezes.
  • Various types of errors after launch.

Each of the listed problems could be encountered more than once by users not only in Bethesda games, but also in other projects. To troubleshoot you need to:

  • Check compliance. Yes, the game was released in 2011 and now only the most ancient calculators do not run, but do not forget that you may have mistakenly downloaded a fresh relaunch, which has hardware requirements no worse than modern games. So double-check your PC settings to ensure they match those recommended for launch.
  • Update drivers. Install more recent software from your hardware manufacturers. This can not only help launch the game, but also solve many other problems with your computer. Don’t forget about the individual programs that are installed with Skyrim; it’s best to download their latest versions.
  • Disable antivirus and check quarantine. If the game was downloaded as a pirate, most likely your antivirus program considered some files to be malware and simply deleted them. Go to the protection program and find the quarantine section. If there are similar files there (Skyrim.exe or steam_api), restore them or reinstall the game with computer protection turned off.

The actions listed above are universal and often they are what save the gamer from crashes and freezes, but if there is no effect, you can try something else.

Unique bug with Skyrim

For reasons unknown to me, the game may refuse to launch after pressing the corresponding button in the launcher, due to a sound problem. Fortunately for gamers, this problem can be solved with just a few clicks in one minute:

  • Find the speaker icon in the lower right corner and right-click on it.
  • In the list that appears, select “Playback devices”.
  • Right-click on the current device (speaker or headphones) and go to the properties section.
  • In the window that appears, select “Advanced” and set the format to 16 bits, 44100 Hz.

This problem is also common and can be resolved using the method described above.

Errors in configuration files

Have you tried all the previous methods, but nothing worked? Then I can suggest the last option - roll back all settings to standard. To do this, go to "My Documents/MyGames/Skyrim and find two configuration files SkyrimPrefs.ini And Skyrim.ini. Then there are two ways:

  1. Delete both files.
  2. Change the language in Skyrim.ini from ENGLISH to RUSSIAN.

If none of the above steps help, reinstall the game with antiviruses turned off, or, if you are using a pirated version, try downloading another repack.

That's all, dear readers. If you were unable to find the answer, describe your problem in the comments, and I, along with other users, will try to help you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and share information on social networks. See you soon.

> Skyrim won't start, what should I do?

Skyrim won't launch, what should I do?

Technical questions regarding The Elder Scrolls 5 arise about the same, many of them are related to the launch of this wonderful computer game. Often problems arise specifically with the first launch of TES 5, although there are also options that Skyrim launched earlier, but has now stopped. The solution partly depends on the variations of the problem, although everything can be reduced to one recipe.

I’ll say right away that solving technical issues with computer games is difficult without obtaining specific data. We can say that each case is individual, so your problem can be solved on the arbse forum. However, despite the variety of unique cases, the solution to the problem with launching Skyrim can be formulaic. So the answer to this question is presented in the form of a step-by-step solution, where the set of necessary tools depends on the current situation. In order not to further get confused in general words, let’s go straight to the first step. However, there is a recommendation to read this article in full before starting to follow it step by step, although there is no urgent need for this.

Have you launched Skyrim before?

It is important to find out why The Elder Scrolls 5 failed to launch. If you have just installed Skyrim, and the game does not work on the first launch, then you can immediately move on to the next chapter of this guide. If the game worked successfully, but now Skyrim refuses to launch, then try to remember what led to this. That is, after what actions with a computer game or operating system the specified failure occurred. Maybe you installed some plugin for Skyrim, after which the computer game stopped launching altogether or began to crash (that is, stop working with an error). In this case, it makes sense to cancel the changes if possible. However, before the next step, I recommend making a backup copy of your Skyrim saves.

Before making any changes to the game, you must make a backup copy of your saves, as the following measures will require you to reinstall the game, which may lead to the loss of your saves. If Skyrim did not start at all, which means there are basically no saves for earlier games, you can safely skip this point. The search for the save folder should start with the game folder, but in the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, Skyrim saves are located in the current user's folder. For example, in my case they are located at: C:\Users\ZIRUS\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\ (my username in the ZIRUS system). So before further steps to revive The Elder Scrolls 5, I recommend copying all saves to a safe place. So that later you won’t be upset about the lost time and won’t have to go through Skyrim again. So, the preparations are completed, you can begin the technical operation.

Is The Elder Scrolls 5 licensed?

A very relevant question, if you bought the official version of Skryim, that is, a license, then in principle there should be no problems with launching. Well, except that the crooked fashion ruined the idyll and peace of mind of the computer game. In this case, you need to roll back the changes, that is, return everything as it was. There could also be problems with drivers, for example, for a video card. If you haven’t made any changes, or you don’t want to deal with the drivers, or you’re afraid of ruining the operating system, then I can suggest reinstalling Skyrim. You must first uninstall Skyrim, then restart your computer. Then reinstall the game. At any stage, both before and after reinstalling The Elder Scrolls 5 (if it did not help), you can contact the developer for technical support. Since you purchased a licensed version of the game, they will definitely help you.

Pirate Skyrim won't launch

But if you didn’t buy the game, but downloaded The Elder Scrolls 5, then you shouldn’t count on the help of the developers. In this case, I recommend immediately reinstalling the game. And not from the same distribution that you installed for the first time... That is, first remove your non-working Skyrim, then download a new distribution, and then install the game again. You shouldn’t forget about restarting your computer after deleting an old, non-working version of Skyrim. To avoid possible mistakes, use the guide for installing a pirated version of Skyrim, which I published on the site earlier. Everything should work. If this doesn’t help, your case may be more complex and not directly related to problems with The Elder Scrolls 5 itself, but to the operating system, user rights, or installed drivers. In this case, more information about a particular case is required to make the right decision.

Problems with launching the game Skyrim Special Edition, what to do if a black screen appears, how to skip the intro from Bethesda and much more

Other problems

  • How to transfer old saves to PC
  • How to fix a bug with mods
  • Problems in Skyrim Special Edition: won't start, crashes, slows down
  • How to change resolution
  • How to get achievements when using mods
  • Problems related to mods

Skyrim Special Edition won't launch

To resolve this issue, follow the instructions below. In the folder with the installed game you can find two executable files (.exe) - skyrimSE.exe and skyrimSELauncher.exe.

  • Step 1. Right-click on one of them.
  • Step 2: Go to Properties.
  • Step 3: Choose to run in compatibility mode.
  • Step 4: Set to Windows 7 compatibility mode.
  • Step 5. Just below, select “Run as administrator.”

Black screen at the beginning of the game

This is one of the most annoying and common errors faced by gamers. However, it can be eliminated very easily! How the error manifests itself: after launching the game, when users click on the “Play” button in the launcher, they only see a black screen with background music. To resolve this issue, Nvidia players should go to Control Panel and switch or change the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) being used.

Bethesda Intro Skip

  • Step 1. Open notepad or any other text editor. Create and save an empty file named BGS_Logo.bik. Keep in mind that when using Notepad, you must change the file type to ALL FILES.
  • Step 2: Now open the folder where you installed the game Skyrim Special Edition, find the folder called Data. The default path should be something like this: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSkyrim Special EditionDataVideo.

This path may differ slightly for you if Steam is installed on a different drive than the Program Files folder.

  • Step 3: Rename the existing BSG_Logo file here and save it as a backup copy so that if something happens you can change the name back to it. Move the BGS_Logo.bik file created in the first step to this folder.

Fix for low frame rate (FPS)

Some players are reporting low framerate issues. It seems that this is how the game fights back against unscrupulous users who try to use the built-in one instead of a dedicated graphics processor (video card). To fix the low FPS issue, follow the instructions:

  • Step 1: Right-click on your computer desktop.
  • Step 2: Select NVIDIA Control Panel.
  • Step 3: Select "3D Control Settings" under "3D Settings" on the left side of the screen.
  • Step 4. In the main sector of the window, select “Program Settings”.
  • Step 5: Check out the list provided here. If Skyrim Special Edition is included, then proceed to step seven. Otherwise, see step "6".
  • Step 6. Click on the “Add” command and find Skyrim Special Edition.
  • Step 7. When Skyrim Special Edition is in the list, select it. You will see the settings. Change the "Use Global Settings/Integrated Graphics Engines" option in the drop-down menu to "NVIDIA High-Performance Processor".
  • Step 8. Click on the “Confirm” command to save all settings.
  • Step 9. Launch the game, the error should be resolved.

Frequent crashes in Skyrim Special Edition

To fix this problem, all you have to do is disable the Windows touch keyboard service. To do this, press the Windows + R key combination and write in the line services.msc. You will see a list with all the service tools. Find the one you need.

You can read about this procedure in any guide. Before complaining about any errors or crashes, update your video card drivers to the latest versions.

Keyboard or mouse does not work

There are several solutions to this problem, namely:

  • Fix 1. Disable or change your gamepad settings in options.
  • Fix 2. Disconnect all USB devices connected to the computer. Such as a microphone, storage devices (flash drives), web cameras, etc.

Few users know that it is the USB microphone that can become the main cause of problems with the keyboard or mouse.]

Windows 10 crashes every 15 minutes

You need to disable a service called Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service. How to do this is described above in the section “Frequent crashes in Skyrim Special Edition”.

If you still have problems with crashes in Skyrim Special Edition

There are several reasons why Skyrim Special Edition fails. All of them are listed below. Check them all out and take advantage of them. One of them will definitely help you!

  • Fix 1. You can install mods, but make sure that the one you use does not contain any scripts and does not depend on other mods that use scripts.
  • Fix 2. More often than not, one mod depends on another to ensure it works properly. Therefore, you must keep track of all the mods that certain modifications rely on. For example, some mods for Skyrim work with an unofficial patch. If you don't have it, the game will crash over and over again. It's best to try playing Skyrim Special Edition without any mods.
  • Fix 3. A small part of users solve problems by changing the language. Try this using the Skyrim.ini file. Perhaps you have an operating system installed in a different language, so your computer cannot understand which one is best for you. In general, try it, it works for some gamers.
  • Fix 4. If you are experiencing crashing issues with Skyrim Special Edition, try restarting your computer. Rebooting is always an easy and good option because some installed programs may only work after restarting the operating system. We are talking about the same Vredist, which must be installed in parallel with Skyrim Special Edition. Try restarting the game, or even the Steam client.

Error message during startup: Run Skyrim Special Edition on less than Ultra Setting

If you happen to be one of those who are “lucky enough” to see this message, then all you need to do is ignore this seemingly important bug. Try ultra graphics settings in Skyrim Special Edition and see how the game runs. If performance is poor, try lowering the settings.

Bugs with animation

To fix this error, you need to enable the VSync function and limit its value to 60 Hz. You can change this option in the AMD or NVIDIA Control Panel. If this doesn't help, try the option below:

  • Go to the folder UsersYourNameDocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special Edition and select the SkyrimPrefs.ini file. Find the iVsyncpresentinterval line and set it to 0 if you are using G-Sync compatibility mode.

You can also do this in the AMD or NVIDIA control panel specific to this game.

Error 0xc000007b/VC_redist

Some users receive a window with the following message: The program can"t start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-(1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer).

Steam has a solution to this problem.

The problem is that the KB2999226 (Universal SRT) package that is part of the Visual C++ Redistributable utility for Visual Studio 2015 or another Visual C package cannot be installed. This can even include packages from older versions, such as Visual Studio 2012 and earlier. The easiest and most reliable way to fix this is to uninstall Visual Studio and then restart your computer.

After all components have been removed, visit the following link Download the version for 64 and 32 bit. Next steps are very important! Install the package for 64 bit and then restart your computer. Only after this, install the package for 32 bit and, as you already guessed, restart the computer again. Once all this is done, the problem should go away on its own.

Error 0xc0000005

This is a registry or video card error. You need to reinstall or update your graphics card drivers by downloading them from the official website of your GPU manufacturer. Also use CCleaner or another program to clean the registry.

Other options for skipping the intro

Below is a workaround as you will have to use an additional mod. There is a mod available on Nexus that allows you to bypass Bethesda's intro. The mod has not yet been properly studied, so take your time. There may be problems in Helgen, especially with the quest “Return to Helgen”.

Also, when installing the mod, try to disable the unofficial patch if you have used it before. Keep it disabled until you get through this section with Helgen. Once this is done and you have completed the prologue, you can reactivate the unofficial patch.

Skyrim overwrites video card settings

To stop Skyrim Special Edition from overwriting your graphics card settings, you need to set the Skyrim.ini file to Read Only. To do this, go to the following section (it changes depending on where you installed the game): C:UsersYour username WindowsDocumentsMy GamesSkyrim Special Edition.

Now find the Skyrim.ini file, right-click on it and select Properties. Check the "Read Only" box. Do this for the SkyrimPrefs.ini file too!

Skyrim Special Edition appears in task manager but won't launch

The reason you are encountering this problem is because you have a mod installed that uses the .bsa from the mod for the regular version of Skyrim. That is, this mod was not converted to Skyrim Special Edition. To use this modification in Skyrim Special Edition, you will need to extract the contents of the old bsa file. Still, it is recommended not to use old bsa archives in Skyrim Special Edition.

Missing water problem

You should add the following lines to the Skyrim.ini file, the location of which has been mentioned several times above. This is an experimental solution that may or may not work in your case. These are the lines:

  • bUseCubeMapReflections=1
  • fCubeMapRefreshRate=0.0000

Slow motion of bandits

There are two solutions provided by Steam user CID. Try them:

  • Fix 1. Kill all the mobs and then wait until an hour has passed in the game (in-game time).
  • Fix 2. If an unofficial patch was installed, get rid of it.

Skyrim Special Edition

Troubleshooting FAQ

Update video drivers, DirectX and Windows:
NVIDIA Drivers:
AMD Drivers:
DirectX Updates:
Windows updates will download automatically if enabled.

From time to time, make backup copies of your Skyrim save files (they are located at "C:\Users\*UserName*\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves").

Skyrim Special Edition requires the following software:
- DirectX 11
- .NET Framework 4.6
- Visual Studio C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86 and x64 editions).

List of things to check to prevent/solve problems with the game:
- Disable antivirus
- Update your operating system
- Update the .NET Framework to version 4.6
- Update DirectX
- Update your video card drivers
- Update your sound card drivers
- Skyrim SE must be installed on the C:\ drive and cannot be located on an external drive or drive with a different drive letter
- If you already have problems, try running Skyrim SE without mods (if any)
- Make sure that both ini files are in the "\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\" folder and that they are not empty
- Launch the launcher (SkyrimSELauncher.exe)
- Set the screen refresh rate to 60 Hz (note that V-sync must be enabled and GSYNC disabled)
- Disconnect graphics tablets and any external drives (at least to check)
- Make sure Visual Studio C++ 2015 Redistributable x86 and x64 is installed correctly
- Install the Windows patches listed below
- If everything is bad with VC C++ 2015, try running a file scan from the command line with admin rights: "sfc /scannow"
- If Skyrim crashes, try disabling "Give priority to exclusive mode applications" in the default audio device settings and set the audio format to "16 bit 44100 Hz"
- If Skyrim crashes every 15 minutes or so, disable the touch keyboard and handwriting panel service
- If Skyrim starts but is slow or flickering/blinking, or the in-game physics are going crazy, check that the integrated graphics card is not selected (you can check in the graphics adapter control panel)
- Vertical sync must be enabled (60Hz) and G-Sync disabled - this is important.

The launcher sometimes incorrectly determines system performance and may set incorrect settings.

The game crashes/freezes without mods.
- Welcome to the world of games from Bethesda Game Studios!

The mouse or keyboard does not work.
- Disable the gamepad.
- Disconnect the USB microphone, webcam or whatever you connected to yourself, this may help.

Problems with animation or the cart at the beginning of the game takes on a life of its own.
- Vert. sync (60 Hz) must be enabled!
- Open \Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimPrefs.ini and set the iVsyncpresentinterval value to 0 if you are using a system with G-Sync. This can also be done in the Skyrim SE settings in the GPU control panel (nvdia and ati).

I stopped receiving achievements.
- When using mods or an old save that was made while playing with mods, achievements will be disabled.
- This can be fixed using a mod: Achievements Mods Enabler / .

Trees and other objects have some gray spots.
- Set the 3D image quality to high in the GPU control panel.

Double cursor when minimizing the game.
- Try to put a neof. patch for Skyrim SE - ENG / .

The save cannot be loaded because it is out of date.
- This can happen if the save is corrupted or conflicting mods are installed.

I'm trying to run SKSE on Skyrim SE, but it doesn't work.
- A new SKSE64 is being developed for Skyrim SE, release dates are unknown. The old one won't work.

Skyrim is terribly slow, fps is nowhere lower!
- You need to make sure that the game does NOT use the built-in video card. Usually this problem can occur with Nvidia. You can check the settings in the GPU control panel (it seems that we are talking about laptops).
- Disable G-Sync if it is enabled.

The game crashes on AMD RX-- series video cards.
- If updating the video driver does not help, lower the GPU frequency to 1115mhz.

Skyrim SE keeps crashing.
- If you play with mods, make sure they don't use scripts or depend on mods that use scripts.
- The order in which plugins are loaded is very important; incorrect loading order can cause crashes.
- Changing the language helps some players. You can change the language in Skyrim.ini. Also try changing your OS language to one of the languages ​​listed on the Skyrim SE Steam page.
- If Skyrim won't start or crashes on startup, try restarting your computer. It is also useful to restart your computer before installing VC++ 2015 Redist.
- Try activating triple buffering in the nvidia control panel.
- Try setting real-time priority for SkyrimSE.exe in Windows 10. This can be done through the task manager.

Skyrim SE keeps freezing shortly after loading!
- Disable your antivirus (especially Avast), this may help.

Skyrim SE won't start / black screen.
- If you don’t use mods and the game still won’t start, try setting the files “skyrimSE.exe” and “skyrimSELauncher.exe” in the properties in the “Compatibility” tab to run as administrator and compatibility mode with Windows 7.
- Change Skyrim's full-screen mode to frameless windowed mode. This helps some people.
- Change the preferred video adapter for Skyrim SE from integrated to high-performance in the GPU control panel.

The launcher crashes or freezes.
- Set the files "skyrimSE.exe" and "skyrimSELauncher.exe" in the properties in the "Compatibility" tab to run as administrator and compatibility mode with Windows 7.
- Delete both .exe files in the Skyrim folder and check the integrity of the game via Steam so that it downloads them again.

Doesn't go past the logo screen.
- Incorrect loading order of plugins. You need to change it to the correct one.
- Set the screen refresh rate to 60 Hz.
- Delete both ini files in "\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\".

I want to play Skyrim SE in ultrawide mode.
- Add the following lines to "\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini":


and then in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file change the settings to the following values:
bFull Screen=1
iSize H=1440
iSize W=3440

I can't reassign any keys!
- Perhaps disabling the gamepad in the options will help.

Error 0x000007b / VC_redist errors / "The program can"t start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-(1-1-0.dll is missing from you computer"
- These errors occur when something went wrong with the installation of Visual Studio C++ 2015. You need to remove both packages, x64 and x86, then install them again by downloading them from the site Microsoft. When installing these packages, you should disable your antivirus.
- Install all Windows updates and make sure that KB2919355 and/or KB2999226 are installed (you can find it on the Microsoft website).
- If the error is still present, try reinstalling VC++2015 from "\Skyrim Special Edition\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2015".

Error 0xc0000005.
- It looks like there is a registry error or a problem with the video driver. You can try reinstalling the video driver and cleaning/fixing the registry using appropriate programs.

Problems with the introductory quest in Helgen.
- As a temporary solution, install the mod: Alternate Start / .
- Try to turn off the neof. patch until the end of the introductory task.

Skyrim constantly overwrites graphics settings.
- You can try setting both ini files to the address "\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" in the properties as "read only".

Skyrim won't load, it just hangs in processes.
- This happens if a mod with a bsa archive for regular Skyrim was installed. Skyrim SE uses a new bsa packaging method, so older mods must be converted properly.

Clicking the "Play" button in the launcher restarts the launcher.
- There is no exact solution. Try deleting both .exe files in the Skyrim folder and checking the integrity of the game through Steam so that it downloads them again.

The water is gone!
- EXPERIMENTAL SOLUTION. Add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:

I was shot in slow motion during a battle.
- Kill all enemies nearby and wait 1 hour using the wait menu.
- You can try to turn off the neof. patch, if installed.

Problems with saving.
- Disable Bitdefender or antivirus software. Skyrim may be mistakenly identified as a virus. You can also add Skyrim to the antivirus exclusion list.

Textures in Russian are missing and there is a problem with the font in the console.
- A patch needs to be installed -

Slow game loading from Steam

In Steam settings, try changing the download region to any other.

The game does not start or crashes after startup with the error “Missing X3DAudio1_7.dll”.

Update DirectX.

The game does not recognize the Nvidia video card

  1. Open NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. Select 3D Settings\Manage 3D Settings
  3. On the “Global Settings” tab, in the “CUDA - GPUs” section, select your video card.

If the problem persists:

  1. Open the "Program Settings" tab
  2. Select “Valve Steam” from the list of programs
  3. In the “CUDA - GPUs” section, select your video card.

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - error on Steam - game temporarily unavailable"

Log out of Steam and log back in.

How to make English voice acting + Russian subtitles?

From the English version, copy the files Skyrim - Voices.bsa and Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, located in the Data folder in the game directory. Then change the language in the game properties to Russian and replace the localization files with those copied from the original.

English-language console in Russian version.

  1. Go to the Data\Interface folder
  2. Open the fontconfig.txt file with notepad
  3. Change the line map “$ConsoleFont” = “Arial” Normal to map “$ConsoleFont” = “FuturaTCYLigCon” Normal.

If after this there is no change, make English the default input language:

RMB on the language icon in the taskbar => Settings.

Where is the Skyrim.ini file located?

  • Windows XP: My Documents\My Games\Skyrim
  • Windows 7: Documents\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim
  • Windows 10: Documents\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim

The "Files" button is inactive in the launcher

Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, find the bEnableFileSelection=0 section and line and change it to bEnableFileSelection=1.

The game sound is too quiet

Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, find the line fAudioMasterVolume= and set it to 2.0000 to start with. Still quiet? Cancel the change and enable loudness compensation:

  • RMB on the sound icon in the tray => Playback devices => RMB on “Speakers” => Properties => Improvements.
  • Find the “Loudness” item in the list, mark it and apply the change.

When starting the game the computer starts beeping intermittently

Disable the Xbox 360 controller in the game settings or in the SkyrimPref.ini file, find the line bGamepadEnable=1. Change the value to 0.

How to disable vertical sync?

Open the Skyrim.ini file, find the section and add the line iPresentInterval=0 at the end of it.

Magic effects continue to appear on the hero even after their duration has expired

In the console (~) write sexchange, then repeat the command to change the character's gender to the original one. Or turn into a werewolf and then take on human form.

When loading the game, after the Skyrim logo appears, the game freezes for a while and then crashes

RMB on the sound icon in the tray => Playback devices => RMB on “Speakers” => Properties => Advanced => Select the value “16 bit, 48000 Hz”

In the Skyrim.ini file, change the line sLanguage=ENGLISH to sLanguage=RUSSIAN.

If after all the manipulations the game still does not start, delete the Skyrim.ini file.

How to rotate items in inventory?

Hold down the left mouse button and move the manipulator. If you need to zoom in on an item, move the cursor over it and roll the mouse wheel, or simply press the C key.

Where are the saves?

The saves will work, and you don’t even need to do anything for this - they are in the same folder as the licensed version. But achievements already received will not be counted.

You can find saves here:

  • Windows XP: My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves
  • Windows 7: Documents\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves
  • Windows 10: Documents\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves

Shadows have no anti-aliasing, although the quality settings are at maximum

In the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, find the line iBlurDeferredShadowMask= and set, for example, 7. The shadows will become blurrier and less detailed, but not a trace will remain of the “ladder”.

For owners of powerful systems, an option with increased shadow resolution is suitable. To do this, in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file, find the line iShadowMapResolution= and set the value to 8192. If after these manipulations crashes/brakes begin, reduce the value in increments of 512 until the game runs stable.

Two cursors are displayed on the screen - game and system

Do not minimize the game using Alt+Tab, close background programs, disable desktop composition (Win7).

The game unexpectedly crashes to the desktop (during transitions, loading)

Checking the loading order of mods:

  1. dawnguard.esm
  2. HearthFires.esm
  3. Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
  4. Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
  5. Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

The character displays various effects that have arisen due to game glitches (burning eyes, steam, smoke, mob auras)

  • in 3rd person mode, open the console and write player.addspell spell_ID, where spell_ID is the value of a certain “effect”
  • close the console
  • open again, write player.removespell spell_ID
  • close the console

For example, to get rid of draugr eyes on a character, instead of spell_ID, enter F71D1.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter