Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Increasing the size of drives does not always avoid the question of how to clear drive C of unnecessary files.

Checking occupied space

Another way to more accurately determine the space occupied by programs is using a special utility called WinDIRStat - free and available in several languages, including Russian.

Detailed analysis of data on drive C

By scanning drive C with this program, you can get detailed information about the space occupied by files and folders.

Perhaps with their help you will be able to find old and unused movies, disk images or games, erasing them and saving extra space.

Moreover, it’s unlikely that anyone will watch a film lasting an hour and a half and measuring 1 gigabyte, and the game programs are most likely long outdated.

Deleting temporary files

A fairly useful utility for Windows, Disk Cleanup, deletes only temporary files created by , without touching those that were created as a result of other programs.

However, some browsers on which the user works for a long time can create a cache of several gigabytes on the system disk.

You can solve the problem by installing and running a special utility CCleaner, downloaded from the website of the developer company. Its advantages:

  • Search for data that other cleaning programs do not see;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Possibility of free use.

CCleaner program

To clean temporary files that are not deleted by built-in Windows tools, you can also use applications like:

  • Disk Cleaner utilities;
  • TuneUp Utilities software package;
  • RevoUninstaller Applications.

Additional cleaning methods

In cases where all of the above options did not help add space on the system disk, you should use additional methods, including:

  • Increasing the volume of the system partition at the expense of the others (in this case, the combined local disk must be located on the same HDD).
    There are a number of programs for this, although when using them it is better to make a copy of important information from the partitions being connected;
  • Moving folders with music and movies from drive C (including the desktop). On the desktop you should leave only shortcuts to directories that will be located in other sections of the HDD;
  • Removing duplicate files, if there are any on your computer.
    This can be done manually or using a special program downloaded free of charge from the manufacturer’s website Duplicate Killer, which detects and deletes completely identical images, videos or folders;
  • Cleaning the “Downloads” folder, which may also contain programs that have not been used for a long time;
  • Reducing the amount of space allocated for information for restoring the operating system;
  • Disabling hibernation, a mode that saves data from RAM on the hard drive and takes up approximately the same amount of space as the RAM itself.
    The function is disabled in two ways: by entering Powercfg /Hibernate off on the command line or by setting the zero parameter in the additional power options (Start - Control Panel - Power Options).

Cleaning for Windows 10

All of the previously mentioned disk cleaning methods apply to any version of Windows. However, there are also those that can only be used in the latter.

In Windows 10, several additional utilities have appeared to gain additional space on the system disk by deleting unnecessary files and folders.


First of all, the user of this OS should try to clean up the C drive using the “Storage” settings available in the “All Settings” menu (called by clicking on the system notification icon or pressing the “Win” and “I” keys simultaneously) when selecting the “ System".

Windows 10 Storage Settings

This settings section allows you to view the amount of space occupied by programs, music, images, videos and documents.

Here you can install a disk on which the corresponding files will be automatically installed, which will help avoid filling up the system partition.

System disk memory usage

For example, from this list you can select temporary files that are no longer needed and should be deleted to free up space.

Among them is information from the system recycle bin and boot folders, which can be easily deleted directly from this menu.

Also, when viewing “Storage”, you can see the sizes of each of the system files, including the paging file, system restore and hibernation.

The last two can be deleted, although this may lead to data loss if there is a problem with the system.

The Applications and Games section contains information about the programs installed on the PC, including the amount of space they occupy. Some of them can only be deleted.

But those that were installed from the Windows 10 Store are also moved to other drives, freeing up space on the system drive.

Compress hibernation file and OS files

In the 10th version of the Windows operating system, a special Compact OS utility appeared, which compresses system files and reduces the space they occupy in the system partition.

According to the software manufacturer, running it on a fairly powerful computer does not affect its performance at all.

In this case, enable the compression function by launching the command line through “Start” and entering the command: compact /compactos:query Sometimes it allows you to free up to 2 GB.

The ability to compress the hibernation file has also been increased.

If in previous versions of Windows it was only turned off, freeing up space approximately equal to the PC's RAM, but also removing some of the functions for quick startup, now you can even reduce its size.

In this case, a quick start will be possible, but the hibernation file will take up less space.

Moving Applications

Windows 10 comes with several standard utilities and applications such as OneNote, mail, calendar and weather monitoring.

They are removed from the Start menu, but not always removed from the list of all applications.

And there is no delete option for them in the context menu. Yet programs are relatively easy to remove using PowerShell commands.

Launching PowerShell

Features of saving space

Another way to save space in the system partition is not to clutter it with unnecessary information, and especially with applications.

Moreover, other disks are usually intended for them - this is convenient not only for saving space, but also in case the need arises to reinstall the system.

In non-system partitions, files have a better chance of being saved if, for example, you have to install a new Windows.

By default, any program is installed on drive C, taking up space reserved for system applications.

Therefore, it is advisable to change its location at the very beginning of installation to a directory on another disk.

This is especially important for modern games, which sometimes take up as much space as all Windows system files.

How to clean drive C? Disk Cleanup in Windows 7

How to clean drive C from unnecessary files: Best ways

In the life of every user, sooner or later there comes a moment when running out of free space on drive C and a similar message pops up. At the same time, the computer begins to slow down terribly, many programs do not work correctly or do not work at all. It is advisable to avoid such a situation, but if it has befallen you, in this article I will tell you how to deal with it - Free up space on your system drive without damaging the system.

1. Windows temporary files

The first thing to do in such cases is to delete temporary Windows files. To do this, you need to delete all the contents of the folders:


for Windows XP:
\Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>\Local Settings\Temp
\Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
\Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>\Local Settings\History

for Windows 7, Vista:
\Users\<имя_пользователя>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

In all “beast builds” of Windows, the location of the temporary folder may differ. To find the temporary folder, follow these steps:

Start -> Run(for Windows XP)
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Run(for Windows 7, Vista)
In the Run window, in the Open field, enter the following text: %TEMP%
Click on the button "OK«.

It is best to delete files using a file manager such as Total Commander because: a) folder Local Settings usually hidden and the user may simply not find it; b) in a folder Temp There are several files that cannot be deleted because they are currently in use by the system. For Windows Explorer, this becomes an impossible task and it cannot completely clean the folder:

For Total Commander, both of these issues do not pose problems.

2. Windows update files

After operating system updates in the folder \WINDOWS\ There are still many folders whose names begin with “$...” You can also delete them all:

3. Browser cache

Internet browsers Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (especially version 6) sometimes leave behind a huge amount of garbage on the system disk, which is also useful to clean sometimes. This is done like this:

for Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Erase Recent History. Select item "All", press "OK":

for Opera: Settings -> Delete personal data. You can expand the list " Detailed setting", press " Delete«:

for Chrome: Chrome menu (toolbar) -> Tools -> Clear browsing data. Select the item " during all this time", press the button "Clear the history":

for Internet Explorer: Service -> Delete browsing history, or Service -> Internet Options -> Are common -> Browsing history -> "Delete" button...

In this way, you can clear drive C of several gigabytes of garbage, which consists mainly of many thousands of small (up to 10 kb) files, which can significantly slow down the operation of browsers and the computer as a whole.

4. Downloading browsers, torrent clients, DC, MediaGet, DownloadMaster, etc.

By default, all program data loads files onto the “C” drive, which very quickly leads to its clogging. To prevent this, it is necessary to configure the paths for saving files from the Internet “not on drive C” in each such program.

for Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Settings -> General -> Path to save files:

for Opera: Settings -> Advanced -> Downloads - > Save downloaded files to:

for Chrome: Chrome menu (toolbar) -> Settings -> Advanced settings:

for uTorrent: Settings -> Program settings -> Folders

For other programs that download anything from the Internet or local network, the setup principle is the same.

5. Mail program databases (TheBat, Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Office Outlook, etc.)

With intensive exchange of information using email programs, the size of their databases can grow to incredible sizes over time. It is advisable to take this point into account at the stage of installing and configuring these programs, but if you haven’t done this, it doesn’t matter, you can still fix it.

for TheBat: Mailbox -> Mailbox Properties -> Files and Directories:

for Microsoft Office Outlook: Tools -> Email Accounts -> View or change existing accounts-> Create Outlook data file:

You can check whether everything is correct and at the same time delete an unnecessary file from drive “C” here: Tools -> Options -> Mail settings-> Data files:

For other email programs, everything is configured according to the same principles.

7. Temporary program files

Programs that work with large amounts of data, such as disc burning programs (for example, Nero Burning ROM), video (for example, Pinnacle Studio), audio editors, image processing programs (for example, Adobe Photoshop) during their work create temporary files of large size (the so-called “cache”) and, if there is not enough free space to create them, they refuse to work normally, and various failures occur. To prevent this, you need to promptly transfer their temporary files to another disk:

Nero Burning ROM: File -> Presets -> Cache:

Pinnacle Studio: Settings -> Project Options:

Adobe Photoshop: Editing-> Settings -> Performance:

8. Games

From the very beginning of using a computer, you should make it a rule: “If possible, do not install games on drive “C”! Moreover, modern games take up several DVDs, and after installation they can take up several tens of gigabytes. After installing several of these games, you will run out of free space on any disk, no matter how large it is:

9. My Documents and Desktop

This problem dates back to the dinosaur days of the very first versions of Windows. 8 generations of the operating system have already changed, and user folders are still located on the system drive. Moreover, it has worsened: starting with Windows Vista, additional folders have been added to them, such as “Pictures”, “Videos”, “Music”, “Downloads”, “Games”, “Contacts”, “Searches”, “Links” ...

There is also no standard procedure for transferring all user folders to another local drive. There are only a few possibilities, for example, in Windows XP you can move the “My Documents” folder:

Quite experienced and novice PC users have a bad habit of saving the necessary and most needed files on the desktop. A dozen or two gigabytes of information on your desktop is, unfortunately, not at all uncommon! What can you recommend? There is only one thing - to completely refuse to use these “wonderful opportunities” and keep all important information NOT on drive C. Moreover, the probability of losing information stored on drive “C” is much higher than on any other logical drive.


Review the list of installed programs and remove those that you will no longer use, especially large ones:

11. Sleep mode

If all else fails, disabling the use of sleep mode will save from 1 to 5 additional gigabytes.

for Windows XP: Start-> Control Panel -> Appearance and Themes -> Screen -> Screensaver -> Power -> Sleep Mode. Uncheck " Allow use of sleep mode»

for Windows 7, Vista: Start -> Control Panel -> Power supply -> Setting up a power plan -> Put your computer into sleep mode -> « Never". You can also disable the sleep function. Select "Change advanced power settings" and in the window, find sleep mode and turn it off. After disabling Sleep Mode, you can delete the hidden hiberfil.sys file in the root directory of the system disk. It’s a little easier to do this with help: just enter the command “ powercfg -hibernate -off«.

12. Other

Large files can appear in any other place on the system disk, where you wouldn’t expect to see it:

  • log files of some programs can grow to many tens of gigabytes;
  • one of the users may safely hide and forget the “collection of videos”. Where is the best place to do this? Of course, somewhere in the wilds of system folders on drive “C”;
  • some program or plugin for Photoshop stores its database (10-100 GB in size) in a user folder;

In such cases, it is necessary to check the size of all folders (including hidden and system) and find the “culprit” by eliminating. Using the Total Commander program, this is again easier to do: just press the Ctrl+Alt+Enter key combination in an open folder and the size of all attached files and folders will appear in the palm of your hand:

Another case: the folder for temporary files of Avira antivirus has grown to an incredible 16 GB:

13. Basket

Emptying the Recycle Bin is a fairly obvious way to clean up disks of already deleted files, but sometimes quite a large number of files accumulate there, which also negatively affects computer performance.

13. Cleaner programs

There are a huge number of programs that promise, with the click of one or maximum two buttons, to solve all the user’s problems with computer performance and raise it to unprecedented heights. As practice and common sense show, these programs can only solve some (or rather only 1, 2 and 3, and some other little things) from the problems described above, which in this particular case may well not be the most important problem. Although automating this process saves time: it is much faster to automatically delete temporary files than to clean them out manually. Standard disk cleanup program ( Start -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup) is slightly worse than alternatives (eg CCleaner).

14. What else do they write about on the “Internet”

On “our Internets” there are also many fables, myths, unverified facts and outright misinformation. These, from my point of view, include:

  • deleting, resizing, moving the swap file;
  • deleting backup copies of system files, drivers;
  • removal or modification of operating system components;
  • removing duplicate operating system files;
  • formatting drive C.

It is not advisable to touch operating system components without a clear understanding of what exactly you are doing and why.

15. Summary

Long gone are the days when you could put Windows, a bunch of programs and a lot of data into a 1 GB hard drive and still manage to work and play games. The amount of memory on the average user's hard drives has already crossed the mark of several terabytes, but the problems remain the same. Well, artificial intelligence will not soon replace experience and common sense. Keep an eye on the free space - for comfortable operation of the operating system there should be at least no less than 1/3 of the disk capacity, or no less (or preferably more) several gigabytes. The final step of this work is to achieve an even better result.

Without free space on the hard drive, especially on the system partition (drive C), both the computer and the user have a hard time living. You cannot install a new game, a useful program, and Windows cannot function correctly without a reserve of 10-20GB on the hard drive.

There are a huge number of “memory sinks” - unnecessary files and folders, registry entries - on PCs and laptops. And many of them appear and increase in volume independently, without user intervention, during the operation of the Windows OS. Alas, this is its specificity.

But be that as it may, it is still possible to completely clear your hard drive of “digital junk”. And most importantly, it is necessary. Otherwise, comfortable use of a computer will remain only in the rosy dreams of its owner (that is, in yours).

Here is a selection of guides on how to clean up a disk using standard system options and special utilities.

"Cleaning" on drive C

1. Press both keys at the same time - “Win ​​+ R”.

2. In the “Open” line, on the “Run” panel, type the directive - cleanmgr (a system utility that allows you to clean the C drive and other hard drive partitions).

3. Click OK.

4. In the drop-down list (click on the arrow) select the disk that needs to be cleaned (start deleting files on C first!).

5. Wait while the system analyzes the directories of the selected partition.

6. In the cleaning settings window, in the “Delete the following files:” block, check the boxes next to the items that you want to clean. Click OK.

Attention! Enabling the “Windows Update Cleanup” component allows you to get rid of the Windows.old folder (the storage of files for previous OS updates).

Also on the “Advanced” tab, you can use other functions that delete files in directories. To do this, click the “Clear” button in one of the tab blocks (or both in turn).

“Programs and Features” - uninstalling unnecessary programs. Select an application in the list by clicking on it. And then click "Delete/Change". The software uninstaller will appear on the display. Follow his instructions.

“Restore…” - deletes all Windows restore points except the last one. These elements can take up a significant amount of space. Launch the function and in the additional window click “Delete”.

Cleaning the Temp folder

The “Temp” directory is a storage for temporary folders and files. If you clear it, you can not only add free space to your hard drive, but also, in some cases, get rid of the virus. Feel free to completely delete its contents.

1. Open the Run panel (press the Win and R keys simultaneously).

2. In the “Open” field, enter - %temp%. Press "Enter" or click "OK".

3. Go to the window that opens and press the “Alt” key.

4. In the menu that appears (see the top panel), click the “Service” section and select “Folder Options...”.

5. Click the “View” tab.

6. In the “Advanced options” block, scroll down the list. Click on the button next to the last option “Show hidden files...”.

7. Click "Apply" and "OK". Now in “Temp”, as in other folders and partitions of the hard drive, hidden objects will be displayed. This means that you can get rid of all the files stored in this directory.

8. Now that all objects are visible, select them: click on one of the files, and then press “Ctrl+A”. Right-click on the highlighted list. Select the “Delete” function from the menu.

9. After cleaning, do not forget to empty the “Trash”.

Removing “heavy” system files

Note. The objects in question perform certain functions in the system. Before deleting/disabling, make sure that you do not need them. In particular, software reserve for RAM and hibernation mode (a type of sleep mode).


(RAM swap file)

1. Click the “Windows” icon in the taskbar.

2. In the Start panel that opens, select Control Panel.

3. Go to the “System and Security” section, and then to the “System” subsection.

4. In the block on the right, click “Advanced system parameters”.

5. In the new window, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” block, click the “Options” button.

6. In the panel that opens, open the “Advanced” tab again.

7. In the “Virtual Memory” block, click “Change...”.

8. If necessary, uncheck the box next to the “Automatically select volume...” option.

9. Enable the “No paging file” option (click on the radio button). Click "Ok".

10. In the additional window, also click “OK”. The system will restart.


In this file, the system saves all data and settings of the PC before it goes into sleep mode in order to quickly restore it after activation. It can have a fairly substantial volume - 5-10 GB.

To remove it from the system partition, do the following:

1. Press “Win” and “R” at the same time (the “Run” window will open).

2. In the “Open” line, enter the command - powercfg -h off.

3. Click "OK".

Automatic cleaning

Special cleaning programs quickly and efficiently rid the system of accumulated software junk. They clean out the browser cache, the Temp folder, delete duplicate files and useless objects, and put things in order in the registry. But, unfortunately, they cannot be used to neutralize system heavyweights - windows.old, Pagefile.sys, Hiberfil.sys files; Winsxs folders. Be sure to take this into account.
Let's look at two of the most popular software tools.

Professional Windows cleaner from the Russian developer ChemTable. It is distributed free of charge (demo version is valid for 30 days). Cleans and optimizes the registry. Cleans disks and eliminates software problems.

The brainchild of English programmers from the company Piriform LTD. Has a large number of cleaning settings (clipboard, cache, cookies, recent documents, etc.). Before correcting errors and deleting unnecessary entries, it suggests making a backup copy of the registry. But at the same time, it performs “cleaning” delicately, without compromising the integrity and performance of the operating system.

Using uninstaller programs

Removing programs from the operating system using standard means does not always work perfectly. Keys remain in the registry, folders and files remain in directories. They lie on the hard drive as a useless burden and take away precious megabytes, and sometimes gigabytes, of disk space.

But third-party uninstaller programs do not have this drawback. Once standard uninstallation is complete, they will neutralize all remnants of the program. Let's take a closer look at the most popular solutions from this software category.

Utility from the developer ChemTable Software. Has Russian and English interface. Distributed shareware. Performs a complete removal of the application. Monitors processes and changes occurring in Windows during program installation.

1. Launch the utility.

2. Click on the required application.

3. Click the “Uninstall a program” button (located in the top panel).

4. Follow the instructions of the built-in uninstaller and Soft Organizer (disk analysis, removal of leftovers).

One of the most “skillful” uninstallers. Created by VS Revo Group. Distributed in two versions: Pro - paid; Free - free. Supports three modes of scanning program remains after removal. When the “Advanced” mode is enabled, a thorough analysis of all disk and registry directories is performed.

  1. Left-click on the icon of the application to be deleted in the utility window.
  2. Click the “Delete” button in the top panel.
  3. Follow Revo Uninstaller's prompts.

Let only useful data be always stored on your PC! Don’t forget to periodically “clean” your hard drive.

The problem with computer junk causes inconvenience to almost all users year after year. In this article I will tell you how to clean Local Disk C.

If your PC has become noticeably slower, it will be useful for you to clean up unnecessary files and thereby speed up your computer.

To find out how to do it yourself correctly, read the entire article or watch the video at the end of the article.


Many people wonder about the slow operation of their computer and spend hours searching for information on the Internet. One of the main reasons is the clutter of Local Disk C. The PC starts to work slower because it is on this disk that the operating system is located, which is responsible for all the actions performed.

As a result of the operating system files becoming clogged, we begin to notice errors in work processes and slow program responses. Imagine using a real-life example: you run in sneakers or sports shoes to improve your physical fitness. Now take a sack of potatoes over each shoulder and try to run, how’s that? I think the difference will be noticeable, the same is true on the local disk, while the empty one works quickly, a lot of garbage has accumulated and it begins to work slowly.

That is why you should at least sometimes clean up your PC and delete unnecessary files.

Clean desktop and its impact on Local Disk C

Dear friends, first I want to draw your attention to the desktop of your PC, because many do not understand how to use it correctly. And its correct condition lies in its purity.

All files and folders located on the desktop are recorded on the memory of local drive C, so think ten times before throwing music albums and new movies onto it, work correctly now, transfer all data from the desktop to Local drive D or other existing ones, this is significant will make the operation of the operating system easier and free up the memory of drive C. If you need quick access to some programs or files, make shortcuts for them, this will be the right way.

Manually clearing temporary, unnecessary files from your computer

Before moving on to this stage, you need to understand a little that when running any programs on a computer, the operating system creates temporary files, even when you are just surfing the Internet, some of the data is recorded as temporary files.

This is actually done to speed up the work, how? Let's say you opened the Odnoklassniki website, the system recorded several large pictures from the site in a folder with temporary files, and the next time you go to Odnoklassniki, the computer does not download information from the site server, but takes several large pictures from the temporary files previously recorded in the folder.

Yes, this is useful, the folder with temporary files “swells” to such an extent that it begins to slow down the PC and most of the memory of Local Disk C is clogged, which sometimes also leads to errors.

To delete these temporary files, you just need to go to the desired folder with these same temporary files and delete everything from there. By the way, don’t worry, there are no system files there and you won’t delete anything you need, feel free to go in and clean it.

To do this, go to the directory:

My computer/Local drive C/Windows/Temp

We went into this folder, circled all the files and deleted them, emptied the trash.

Analysis and removal of old, unnecessary programs, games and files

This section can be divided into two stages. The first is quite simple, it involves removing old, no longer needed games and programs. To do this, simply go to the program control panel and delete those applications that you once installed yourself; when you see familiar names, you definitely won’t get confused.

1. Go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Programs and Features and see the following window in front of you:

We find programs we don’t need in this window, select them and click on the delete/change button at the top, doing this one by one with each unnecessary application or game. This process will also clear the memory of the local drive C.

The point of the action is to identify the problematic folder or file, and for us these are objects that occupy a significant amount of memory. Not quite clear? I'll explain everything now.

We go to Local Disk C and see folders in front of us, the number may be different for everyone

Now we begin to analyze each folder in turn, first check the volume of the first folder

Our goal is to find out how much memory it takes up on the computer

We looked and saw that the folder takes up only 8.13 MB, we are not interested in this size, we are only looking for huge files that weigh from several GB.

What should I do if I don’t understand anything about file sizes?

If you have difficulty understanding the size of files or do not know how to distinguish between them, then I recommend using my online textbook: How to master a computer from scratch. In it you will find answers to all your questions.

We were a little distracted, but that’s okay, let’s continue, move on to the next folder and also check its weight until you find folders whose volume scares you. Most likely, there will be two folders: Windows and Program Files.

As soon as we have identified a folder that takes up a lot of space, we go to it and also analyze everything that is in it by determining the weight. Eventually you will find files or folders that take up a huge amount of memory on your Local Drive C, copy their name and look on the Internet what these files are and what program they are from, most likely you will be surprised how much junk you will find.

Attention, if you are a complete novice user, then do not use this method, just skip it, because in the process you can remove the necessary components or programs, which will lead to disastrous circumstances.

We use the built-in capabilities of cleaning Local disks

The creators of the operating system did not forget about users and initially added to Windows basic capabilities for simplified cleaning of Local disks. This is not always effective, but knowing this method will also be useful, and it will not take much of your time.

To do this, you need to go to my computer, select the local disk to clean and right-click on it and select the properties line.

Now we will see information about the disk in front of us, we need to click on the clean disk button

You will need to wait a while until the program starts, you will see something like this:

When the program starts, you will see a window in front of you in which you need to check the boxes next to the partitions that you want to clean, here I just check all the boxes and click OK.

Automatically clean the Cache and Registry using Ccleaner

Now we can relax a little, then the automatic cleaning program will work for us. It's called CCleaner, you can read how to download it correctly and from where in the article on how to clean your computer's registry. After you have installed it, launch it. Click on the cleaning section, first select the Windows section and only after that click the analysis button.

Now we will see in front of us all the files that the program can clean without causing harm to your PC, at the top where it will say analysis completed you can see approximately how much space the program will free up for you. Click the clear button

Reviving or speeding up your computer after cleaning up the mess

After you have done such a huge job, you just need to bring your computer back to life, for this you need to put all the files on their shelves. This will speed up your computer and save you from some errors. This process is called defragmentation. I recently devoted an entire article to this, which I recommend you read.

Now it’s time to consolidate your knowledge, watch the video in which I myself go through all the stages of cleaning Local Disk C in order. Good luck friends and don’t forget to subscribe to my site’s news, the subscription is a little lower, be literate in everything!

Every PC user has at least once encountered the problem of low disk space. When such a situation occurs, a person begins to frantically remember what information he will no longer need and what can be deleted in order to make the next update or install the necessary program. Famous tweakers and cleaners may be able to help you, but they often do not work very correctly.

In this article you will learn about Windows 7 (64-bit system).

Removing junk using Disk Cleanup

How to completely clear drive C (Windows 7) so as not to disrupt the operation of the disk" - this is one of the safest programs among all the tools that help get rid of computer junk. With its help you can clean your hard drive, but it is almost impossible to delete something important , as a warning signal will be received. Other utilities offer quick cleaning, but cannot offer any security guarantees.

To understand how to clear drive C (Windows 7) of unnecessary files using the Disk Cleanup function, you need to understand what this function is for. With its help, the number of files that have not been used for a long time, but are located on the hard drive, is reduced. Such measures lead to an increase in computer efficiency. All temporary and unused system files will be deleted and the Recycle Bin will be emptied.

You need to start working by launching the program. To do this, go to “Start”, select “All Programs”, go to “Accessories”, “System Tools”, and then click “Disk Cleanup”. In the "Disk Cleanup Options" window that opens, you should select what you want to do: clean up personal files or all files that are on the device. If you are prompted for a password, you must enter it.

In the window you need to go to “Select disk” and determine which disk will be cleaned. After that, click “OK” and check the boxes next to the selected files. This action must be taken responsibly so as not to delete important files. After this, you must confirm the cleaning.

The Advanced tab includes two more methods that allow you to free up space on your hard drive. But it is only available if the option to delete files for all device users is selected.

The next step leading to knowledge of how to clean up drive C (Windows 7) is opening the “Programs and Features” item, which is located in the Control Panel. In it you can delete everything that is not used. In the "Size" column you can see how much disk space each program takes up.

With System Restore, you can use restore points to go back to an earlier state to restore your system files. If your computer is functioning properly, you can delete previous revert points to save disk space.

Removing "garbage" manually

To know how to properly clear drive C (Windows 7) of unnecessary files manually, you need to have information about where the temporary folders are located. They can be found at the following addresses: "%windir%\Temp" or "%ProgramData%\TEMP". For everyone using the device, it is "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp".

Files located in these folders can be deleted without problems. If you try to uninstall an important and necessary program, Windows will not allow you to do so.

Windows Search Services and file reduction

Cleaning up drive C (Windows 7) can be done using the Windows Search Service; it caches all information about files on hard drives and transfers it to the database, which is located in the folder "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows" \" and is called "Windows.edb".

The thing is that if the amount of data on hard drives increases, then the database file also increases. It can be several GB. Those users who do not use hard drive search very often can free up space using the following method, which will not only reduce the file, but also be able to monitor its size.

You need to enable "services.msc" and set "Window Search" to disabled. Then you should run it again. In the "Indexing Options" you need to click "Change" and select the appropriate mode, and then confirm all actions.

Working with file size

How to clean up drive C (Windows 7) and free up space on it? This can be done by reducing the volume and relocating it to another disk. The optimal sizes depend on the features of your device.

Cleaning the installation

Most updates that are installed on a computer tend to leave installation programs in a separate folder. This leads to its size increasing significantly. You should not completely delete these files; such a measure may lead to incorrect operation of the device. But if free space is urgently needed, then removing them will be the way out. In the future, you should use software distribution kits or remove applications.

Antivirus software

It is better to explain clearly using the example of the popular antivirus "ESET NOD32". When it finds infected files, it sends them to the “Quarantine” folder. Its location may vary, so you need to look on a specific computer.

If there are a huge number of such files, the folder size will increase. You can solve this situation by clearing the "Quarantine" folder.

Disabling sleep mode

There is a file "hiberfil.sys" on the system disk, which always takes up space. Depending on the configuration of your computer, it can reach different sizes. If you don't need hibernation, you can always turn it off. But you need to do this in sleep mode.

To do this, you must log into your computer using administrator rights. On the control panel you need to select "Go to sleep mode". You must click to create a shortcut. In the field that opens, enter "powercfg -h off". Then confirm your actions. Next, you should run the shortcut as an administrator and agree to the actions in the “UAC” request.

Another useful tip is how to clean up the C drive (Windows 7) to free up space on the system partition. To get rid of possible problems in the future, it is necessary to control the availability of free space. This applies to user folders.

For this method to work, you need to have several hard drives or partitions on them that will be located on the same computer. It is more advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after reinstalling Windows. This is due to the fact that there should always be free space left, which is necessary for defragmentation. It can be carried out either automatically or if necessary. Defragmentation not only reduces wear and tear on the hard drive, but also improves the performance of the computer as a whole.

After installation (which requires drive C) of Windows 7, you need to create several system folders. They must be placed in the root directory. Some of them may not be displayed. But the necessary one, "Users", is always visible.

After entering this folder, you can see all the names. The number of users may vary depending on circumstances. You need to select the folder that is named after the user you need. This is where all the user data will be located.

Almost each of these folders will grow in size as you add photos and other files. If you pay attention to the picture, you can see which one is overflowing and requires cleaning.

It is better to remove the folder that fills up as a result of various downloads from the hard drive and move it to another location. To do this, you need to cut it out and move it to the next disk, which has more free space. On this disk you need to create a folder with the user name and paste all the data there.

If there are many users, this procedure must be done for each. This will allow you to control the system partition and also improve the performance of the entire system.

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