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You can also plot the route manually, armed with a map, pencil and ruler. But if you find yourself on the route planner page, then another, often more convenient option is possible - planning a route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

There are two types of route planning: manual and automatic.

  • When laying manually, you put a number of points on the map that form an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic compilation, you need to specify the starting and ending points, and our service itself will plot the optimal route, calculating the shortest path taking into account traffic rules and the current traffic situation.

On the compiled route you will see all the roads and nearby intersections, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. A map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan your route and prevent you from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

To create a route on a map of the city of Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form presented below and the ending point in the third field. Then indicate how you will travel to your final destination by clicking on the appropriate button - “Car”, “On Foot” or Public Transport.” After that, click on the “Show route” button.

Yandex.Transport is a service for tracking public transport in your city on an interactive map via the Internet. Allows you to quickly view the required route and schedule on Android.

The main purpose of the program

The basis is a map of the area from Yandex. It marks all the stops and the full route from the starting station to the final station. Using the application, the user can see the approximate waiting time for the desired bus. You can also choose an alternative option so as not to wait a long time for the usual minibus.

Service functionality

The Android application has the following functions:

  • real-time tracking;
  • search by flight number;
  • search for a suitable route by location;
  • viewing the remaining time until your stop;
  • notifying the user when approaching the desired point;
  • setting up display of only necessary tags.

How to use?

After installation, you must log in using your account. On the main screen there is a map with marked flights. You can sort them by type and add the ones you need to your favorites list. At the top there is a search bar through which you can quickly find the desired street or area. The markers are moved in real time. You can select any of them and view the names of stops, time intervals and other information. If you board an unfamiliar flight, set a special alarm so you don't miss your stop.

In the “Routes” tab, you can find the required transport using the starting and ending points. Select your location and then set your destination. The Android application will soon scan suitable options and show them to you on the screen.

The last tab is “Personal Account”. In it, the user configures the service parameters and uses promotional codes. If you find any inaccuracies or problems with your work, you can write to the developers through a special button in the application.

One of the interesting features is the reward system. Badges are unlocked by completing various achievements. For example, for using the service after midnight or early in the morning.

Main advantages of the service

  • Ease of use.
  • Access to all city routes.
  • The ability to create your own route with transfers and save it.

Data transmission from the satellite is carried out not directly to the user, but via the Internet. If the connection is poor, the icon will continue to move on the map according to the specified schedule.

Yandex.Transport is a simple assistant for everyone who regularly uses public transport. You don't have to remember schedules or arrive at the stop in advance. The application saves time and also reduces the risk of missing the bus you need.

Details Category: Android Applications Published 10/14/2014 19:03 Views: 1359

Dear friends, Android users!

Today I will introduce you to an application that will relieve you of the uncertainty of waiting for city public transport at a stop. You've probably often had to stand at a bus stop, waiting for the right transport and cursing the discrepancy between the posted schedule and reality. In the now common traffic jams in big cities, it is difficult to count on the accuracy of arrival on schedule.

There is an exit. If you are the owner of a smartphone with Internet access, then with the help of a good free In the Yandex.Transport program, you can at any time see on the map at your current location (however, if necessary, also in any other location) the real traffic situation on the approaches to your stop.

Application when opened determines your location and when you click on the arrow in the lower left corner, it centers the map on it.

On the map in real time appear moving marks buses, trolleybuses, trams indicating the route number and direction of travel. Using these marks, you can roughly determine whether the required transport is on the way, how long you still have to wait for it, and decide whether it is worth finding alternative options. There is a filter with which you can leave only the route you need on the map.

At pressing the stop icon you get a list of all the routes that stop on it. When you press to the transport label you get to its final stops.

In my experience, the accuracy of displaying the actual position is not perfect, but still very decent. The time error is no more than 1-2 minutes. You just need to take into account that, naturally, only vehicles equipped with a navigation system are displayed, and there are more and more of them.

You can also overlay on the map traffic information from the Yandex.Traffic service by clicking on the traffic light in the upper left.

In short, a very convenient application that has helped me out more than once. Naturally, it requires an Internet connection to work.

Each week, Look At Me takes a look at one notable app that's changing the way we think about mobile experiences, and digs into the ideas, the technology, the developers behind the App Store icon. In the new issue - a conversation with the creators of the ETransport application, which allows you to track the movement of urban public transport.

The ETranport application finds the stops closest to the user and displays the direction of travel there.

Just select the desired stop, and the application will calculate how many minutes later this or that public transport will arrive. ETranport provides users with the opportunity to create their own list of favorite stops and routes,

so that they don’t have to re-search for the ones they use most often. The tab with the list of favorite stops and routes can be made the starting one

The ETranport application also stores in memory the last few stops and routes viewed by the user.

The movement of public transport in the application can be tracked using an interactive map, and according to the list with information about arrival time and distance.

The free ETransport application collects information about the location of urban transport equipped with GLONASS sensors and calculates the arrival time of buses, trolleybuses and trams at a specific stop. The application automatically determines the user's location and prompts him to select one of the nearest stops on the interactive map. Next, the screen displays a list of routes and the time after which this or that public transport will arrive at the stop. Thanks to this, you can save time and plan your route wisely. Also in the ETranport application there is a function for saving favorite stops and the ability to view the history of your movements.

“When we were students and just starting our small business- a mobile application development company - we were missing an interesting project for our portfolio. I wanted to come to a potential client and say: “Do you know ETranport? We did this! That is, initially it was a kind of side project, but in the end it was it that attracted new clients.

The principle of operation of the application itself is quite simple - ETransport determines the user’s location and offers to select the nearest transport stops on an interactive map, and then shows the approaching transport and the time after which it will arrive at the stop. The biggest problem associated with the launch of ETranport is that it is necessary to negotiate with the city authorities on the right of access to data on a specific location of all public transport units. In my opinion, this is strange - after all, the convenient service that we create for citizens benefits any government. Moreover, this is simply wrong - such data cannot be hidden, it must be in the public domain. In this regard, St. Petersburg is at the forefront: the authorities there have not only opened this data to everyone, but also encourage developers of such projects (but ETranport is currently considered the best in terms of functionality). In about 40 other cities, no one hides transport location data, but in Moscow they are practically classified.

In the next month we will launch ETranport in 11 more cities in Russia, but for now I cannot disclose information about which cities are included in this list. I think their residents will definitely not miss this event. In Moscow, for example, in the first four days we attracted more than 40 thousand users. Unfortunately, not everyone noticed that Moscow (as, by the way, St. Petersburg) is still in the beta testing stage, and the application does not yet have many stops and routes, and the information about the location of transport may differ from the real situation.

Promo video ETranport

In the future, we will definitely add to the application the function of constructing a point-to-point route, as well as the ability to calculate travel time and even warn your friends about how many minutes you will arrive. We will also remind users in advance that it is time to leave the house so as not to miss their tram, otherwise the next one will not arrive soon. We will pay more attention to ensuring that users can communicate with each other, choose the “King of the Roads” or the “Mayor of the Stop.” We want people to share valuable information with each other (for example, what the line is under control) and discuss various things like rude drivers and singing conductors.

There are five people in our team. I studied at the Gorky USU, where I met Maxim Rovkin, our Android developer. He brought an incredible server-man Pasha Dick to our team - on the eve of the most difficult test of the entire study period, he worked all night to ensure that our application launched in Moscow on time and without problems. It’s funny, but we first met our iOS developer Egor Eremeev in person after the release of the first version of ETransport. Egor and Max met when they took the Unified State Exam in different cities (Egor in Naberezhnye Chelny, and Maxim in Yekaterinburg), but they solved tests for the Far East with equal diligence. Designer Pasha Osipkin found us himself - in January 2013, we received a letter from him in the mail, saying that your application is excellent, but the design is crap. So Pasha became part of our team, which we are still incredibly happy about.”

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