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Some say it's a hack, others just want to unlock their car. It happens that the user simply forgot his credentials. But this is not a problem: I forgot and forgot, there are many ways to restore it. The Windows 8 administrator password is often lost or forgotten. You can simply remove it or delete it permanently. To do this, consider detailed instructions for resetting your Windows 8 password.

During login

Operating system developers prudently place an identification request on the computer. You must enter a key each time to unlock the system. In order not to have to worry about entering the code once again, you can remove the prompt to enter the code altogether. To do this you should:

  • Press the Windows and R keys to open the Run window.
  • Enter the netplwiz command in the window and click OK.

Entering a command in the field

  • Uncheck the box Require input....

Accounts Window

  • Enter the password once.
  • Click the OK button again.

Delete completely

In Windows 8, there are two types of accounts. The first type is local in nature, and the second is referred to as Microsoft LiveID. Logins to the operating system can be made from one or the other.

If the user has forgotten his credentials, then he can reset his local account, which is most often his email address, using the following steps:

  • You must go to the password reset page at:
  • You will need to enter the email address that is registered in the system.

Enter the address registered in the system

  • Next, you need to select one of the proposed options. The first is if you need to receive a message by email. The second is if you need to link a password to a phone number. If you don’t like any of these options, you can select the highlighted item “I can’t use...” In this case, you will need to provide information that Microsoft employees can use to contact the owner of the software.

Select the desired option

  • As soon as the new password field appears, you will be required to enter it. It is important to enter a code of at least eight characters.

This was the final step, after which you can use the new password. In this case, you must have a connection to the global network, otherwise the new password will not be able to take effect.

To remove the password for a local account that you no longer want to use, you need to get it with the Windows 8 operating system. They are also suitable for this. Next we perform a series of actions:

  • We boot from one of the installation media.
  • If the system asks you to select a language, then we do it.
  • Click on System Restore.

Recovery point at the bottom

  • Select Diagnostics.

Special menu for recovery

  • Next, select Advanced options.
  • Let's launch.
  • We enter the command (copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\) and click Enter.
  • We write the command (copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe) and click Enter again.
  • We remove the installation media from the computer and click on reboot.
  • As soon as the computer boots, you will need to select Accessibility or press Win + U, which will launch the command prompt.
  • In the line you need to type the command (net user username new password) and click Enter. If the username is several words, you need to enclose it in quotation marks, for example, (net user “The Someone” newpassword).

Now you will need to re-enter the operating system using the new password.

Another interesting point is that even if there is no information about the user name, you can simply enter the net user command. Afterwards, the entire list of usernames relevant for this machine will be displayed. If error 8646 occurs, this indicates that there is a Microsoft account on the machine.

The password reset operation can always take place from a memory card if it is specially created in advance. To do this, Windows 8 has a special option Create a password reset disk. In this case, even if you have forgotten your passwords again, you can restore or change them in a short time. USB installation cards for Linux operating systems, which have the ability to edit boot programs, are also a great help. Unfortunately, computer hacking can be done in the same ways.

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A computer is a device that stores various data. Some of them are of particular value and are not available for public viewing. There are times when computers are hacked by hackers who steal information.

The article discusses a slightly different situation, when the user simply forgets the password and does not understand what to do about it. There are many such cases.

Moreover, not every user knows how to solve the problem. The article will discuss how to reset a password in the Windows 8 operating system. Here, users are encouraged to gain knowledge and recommendations that will help not only understand the entire process, but also avoid various troubles.

Why is a password needed?

First you need to figure out why you need to use a password at all. As mentioned above, valuable data may be stored on the computer, which should be kept away from prying eyes. Some information generally requires preservation and isolation from deletion. This problem is especially relevant when there are children in the house. After all, they will probably use the computer, which in some cases leads to its breakdown. To avoid this situation, you will need to use a password to protect your data. However, it is not always easy to remember.

In this case, the secret code will need to be restored to access the stored information. Thus, you need to know how to reset your password in the Windows 8 operating system. After this, you can avoid problems and no longer worry about whether the secret code is written down.

What to do if your password is forgotten?

If it is not possible to remember this combination required to enter your profile, you should prepare for a little training. Resetting a password is a procedure that allows you to bypass the security on your computer and be able to use your data. However, it is possible to consider the inappropriate use of this method.

However, this possibility should not be completely ruled out. As for the Windows 8 operating system, its advantage is its unique password recovery and storage method, which allows you to reset the password. Several methods can be used for this. Resetting your password is easy by manipulating your own profiles in Windows. You can also use a licensed installation disk or flash drive.

Types of account in Windows 8

Is there a special program designed to reset the password in the operating system version 8? Yes, it exists, but we will talk about it a little later. First you need to understand the standard methods of restoring access. It was already said a little earlier that there are several profiles in Windows 8, including local. It opens access to the system by activating local data verification. In other words, information that was created without an Internet profile is used.

The second option is a Microsoft account. In this case, we are talking about complete data registered through the creation of an Internet profile. It is worth noting that each of the profiles has individual characteristics during restoration. This must be taken into account, otherwise you will not be able to reset your Windows 8 password.

How can I reset my local account password? Having reviewed the information presented above, you can immediately understand that the local password is an account created without taking into account the Internet profile. Therefore, you should use a simple Windows installation disc to restore it. You need to do the following:

1. Insert the disc into the drive and restart the computer.
2. In the installation menu, you need to agree to the operation of the disk, and then select “System Restore” - “Diagnostics”.
3. When a new window appears on the screen, go to “Advanced options” and launch the command line.
4. You will need to enter several commands one after another: “copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\”; "copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe." Each of them must be confirmed by pressing Enter. (if a warning appears about the need to replace files, you should agree).

When all actions are completed, you should restart the computer and remove the disk from the drive. This is necessary so that in the future the computer will start without the use of third-party memory objects. When the loading screen appears, the user will notice the changes. In other words, new additional options will arise. You need to go to the “Special Features” menu and click the “Windows + U” button combination. These steps will allow you to use the command line, where you should enter the “net_user” command.

A list of accounts will open in which you need to select the required object. If error 8646 appears, this means that the Internet profile is being used. In this situation, you should reset your password using another method. It involves connecting to the Internet and using the data that was specified during the process of registering the copy with the operating system. If they are absent, you will have to seek help from service specialists.

Method for resetting your Internet profile password

When using the Microsoft website to set a password on Windows, as a rule, a disk or flash drive does not help, because you need to request a change in the secret combination on the official Microsoft website. To complete this procedure, you do not need to perform any complex actions. It is enough to request a password reset, after which the user will receive a letter allowing him to avoid an unpleasant situation. Thus, you should select the “forgot password” option and agree with the responsibility placed on the user.

A window will then open with possible options for obtaining the password. You should go to the “Email me a reset link” item, because this option makes it possible to receive an email with a link to the change or with a security question that was specified during the registration process. After this stage has been completed, the letter has been read, and the password has been changed, you can freely continue to use the computer.

Flash drive as a recovery tool

It should be noted that due to certain features of modern technologies, the disk designed to reset the Windows 8 password may be an outdated version and may not work correctly. To avoid such situations, you should always have a flash drive with you. It is worth noting that if you purchased Windows separately, the user must have such media. If you receive an assembled computer, most likely there is a disk with a licensed copy. In this situation, you can simply copy all the data from the media to a convenient flash drive that has the Boot option. As a rule, it is installed in the recording settings and allows you to launch smoothly in the loading screen.

Using a floppy disk

Sometimes situations arise in which a Windows 8 password reset floppy is the main way to get the desired result. It must be remembered that technological progress does not stand still. Nobody uses floppy disks these days. In addition, modern computers almost never identify a device of this type. A flash drive is much more convenient and safer to use. They make it easy to get rid of the password problem.

Password cracking utility

Thus, it is worth moving on to the most interesting point of the problem. The following is information that will allow you to familiarize yourself with a unique program designed to reset a password on any computer. It does not require additional data or devices. The essence of the action is Reset using a utility called Online NT Password & Registry Editor. First you need to download it, and after that you need to burn the flash drive. It should not be bootable. This can be done using the WinSetupFromUSB program.

When the flash drive is created, you should restart the computer and set the USB boot priority. This is done in Bios in the “Boot” menu. You need to set USB number 1 in the “Boot Device Propriety” option. Then you should restart the computer again. Windows will then display a window with options. You don’t need to pay attention to them, just click on the Enter button. When the second window with options opens, you should determine which media the operating system is installed on. A list of them can be found in the “Possible Windows” section. Just select the required number and wait a while.

Then comes the moment of active password cracking. To do this, you need to go to the “Password reset” menu and press Enter, which opens the entrance to a window in which you can edit the security data. All accounts used by the device are listed here. You should select the desired profile and click on the Enter button. The next window allows you to select the “Clear user password” option. After this, the password will be reset. You need to return to the initial window, where you press the Q key and restart the computer. It is worth paying attention to offline booting from the hard drive if there is no priority from a flash drive.

Recovery when using a Windows disk

There is a radical way to reset your password, which is suitable for those who do not want to go into details and consider the recommendations in detail. It consists of a simple reinstallation of Windows. However, it must be taken into account that the presented option is suitable if a local profile is used. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get rid of the password, because online registration requires entering certain data. In other situations, you can successfully reinstall the operating system without worrying about saving valuable information. If no formatting is applied, it will not be deleted. It is worth noting that this method involves reinstalling some programs, but is not a big problem.

Standard method

As for the Windows 8 operating system, resetting the user password is quite a serious problem. This happens because developers take into account the large number of users who are capable of forgetting passwords. As a result, they have to be restored. Therefore, today an interesting program has been developed called “Windows 8 Password Reset Wizard”. To be able to use the utility, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel”, select the “User Accounts” option.

Then you should visit the menu “Create a password reset disk” and write the resulting file to a flash drive. Next, you can boot the computer along with the flash drive. After this, it is easy to notice that an additional “Reset” option has appeared in the password entry menu. This makes it possible to restore access to the system. However, it should be noted that the presented method only works with a local account.

To avoid the problem described in the article, it is enough to familiarize yourself in detail with the materials presented in it. Finally, I would like to give one more valuable advice. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to write down the password on paper and put it in a safe place where you can look at it at any time if the need arises. You can also set a secret combination that is easy to remember. If you approach password creation responsibly, access to the system will never be closed and problems with working on the computer will not arise.

I recently published instructions. In this instruction I will tell you if you have lost or forgotten it. Reset your password in Windows 8 It's not difficult at all.

For the procedure password reset in Windows 8 You will need boot disk with operating system or flash drive. You can make a recovery disk on another computer with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 by entering the line in the start screen "Recovery Disk" and following further instructions.
Step 1 . We insert the boot disk into the drive and boot from it. (how to do this is described in detail in the section Installing Windows 8.)
After loading from the disk, you should see this window:

Step 3. Select an item Diagnostics. Then in the section Diagnostics you need to select a sub-item Return to original state:

Step 4. In the Additional parameters subsection, select the item Command line.
it will be revealed to you Windows 8 Command Prompt with Administrator Rights. Enter the following commands sequentially:
cd c:\windows\sуstem32
copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
Step 5. Reboot the computer.
Step 6. After restarting the computer in normal mode, you need to hover over the icon in the lower left corner - Accessibility Center. A command prompt will open. You need to enter the command there net user. A list of users will be displayed. After selecting the name you need, enter the command
net user<имя_пользователя> <пароль>
Attention! The cursor does not move while entering a new password, so be extremely careful when entering the password.
After entering the password, enter the command Exit and exit the command line.
Step 7. Login to Windows 8 with a new password.

In case you forgot (or didn't know at all 🙂) your Windows 8 local administrator password, don't worry, as this password can be reset. There are a lot of ways to reset the administrator password in Windows 8, but most of them require special software, which must be written to a bootable USB flash drive (how to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8) or a CD/DVD disc in advance. The problem is that such tools are not always at hand, and the problem of resetting the Windows 8 login password arises unexpectedly, and usually needs to be solved immediately. In this method of resetting the administrator password, we only need an installation disk with Windows 8 (on a DVD or flash drive), or a flash drive with the Windows PE environment, and knowledge of a small trick.

So, the situation is as follows: you have a computer with Windows 8 to which you have physical access, but you cannot log into it because you have forgotten the local administrator password. You need to reset your Windows 8 password so that system performance is not affected.

Preparatory stage

We insert the installation disk (or flash drive) with Windows 8 into the computer, specify in the BIOS to boot from this device and save the changes. After the computer restarts, the Windows 8 installer starts. When the download reaches the first dialog box (selecting the Win 8 installation language and keyboard layout), you must press the key combination Shift+F10, which should open a command prompt window.

The next step is to determine the letter of the system drive on which Windows 8 is installed. Most likely, it will be drive d:\ (the letter of the system drive in this case will differ from the letter assigned to the drive in the system). Using the dir d:\ command, you can make sure that we have found the desired disk (it will contain the Windows, Users, Program Files, etc. folders).

Let us briefly recall what the essence of the technique is. The system replaces the sethc.exe file with the cmd.exe file. Then, when Windows boots, pressing the Shift key five times should launch a subroutine that turns on sticky keys (the same utility sethc.exe). And since we replaced it with a command line launch file, the command line window launched with SYSTEM rights will open, which means that we can perform any operation in Windows without the need for authorization. In this case, we will simply change the Windows 8 administrator password.

So, let's create a backup copy of the file sethc.exe, saving it, for example, to the root of the drive:\ (in your case the drive letter may be different)

Copy d:\windows\System32\sethc.exe d:\

Then replace the sethc.exe file with the cmd.exe file by typing the following command and answer Y (Yes) to the file replacement request.

Copy d:\windows\System32\cmd.exe d:\windows\System32\sethc.exe

In principle, a similar procedure can be done using the Utilman.exe utility (the Ease of Access Center control panel applet). In this case, the file replacement commands will be as follows:

Copy d:\windows\System32\utilman.exe d:\copy d:\windows\System32\cmd.exe d:\windows\System32\utilman.exe

Launching the utility on the Windows 8 login screen in this case is carried out using the combination Win+U

Resetting the Windows 8 administrator password

After restarting the PC, Windows 8 starts loading normally. And a window appears to enter the Windows 8 user password, which we do not know. Press the Shift key five times quickly (if you used the method with utilman.exe, then the keys Win+U) and a command prompt window should open.

The Windows 8 username is visible on the login screen (in my case it is root). All that remains is to reset his password. Let's set a new password (NoviYPar00l) with the command:

Net user root NoviYPar00l

If the username contains a space, then his name in the command is placed in quotes, for example:

Net user “Dmitriy Adminov” NoviYPar00l

If you are afraid that the new password is displayed in clear text (someone is peeking over your shoulder), use the * option. In this case, the password is entered interactively, and not in clear text (with confirmation).

Net user root *

So, we have set a new password for the Windows 8 user account.

Getting administrator rights

If the account for which we reset the password does not have administrator rights, you can add them to it. To do this, run the command:

Net localgroup administrators root /add

Now you can safely log into Windows 8 with the new password you set.

After logging in, in order not to leave a security hole in Windows 8, you must perform the reverse procedure, returning the original file to its place sethc.exe. To do this, boot from the installation disk again and follow the same procedure, run the command:

Copy d:\sethc.exe d:\windows\system32\sethc.exe

So, we looked at the technique of resetting the password in Windows 8 without using third-party software and various LiveCDs, all we needed was the Windows 8 installation disk.

Although a password is indeed an effective way to increase the security of your data, it can sometimes cause unexpected problems.

After all, many people have probably had the same situation when you or someone close to you lost or forgot your Windows 8 password. But you shouldn’t be upset about such a situation, because today there are many ways that will allow you to recover it.

What to do if you forgot your Windows 8 password

If you have forgotten your password, do not get upset prematurely. There is also no special need to contact technical support centers, you just need to be patient and concentrate a little. After all, within a certain period of time it will be possible to completely regain control of your personal device. Of course, you can contact service centers, but it is worth considering that you will have to pay a certain amount of money for the work performed. Why pay extra money if you can recover your password yourself at home?

Ways to recover your password on Windows 8

Today, users of personal computers with the Windows operating system have the ability to create multiple accounts, so everyone can be completely confident that all the information on their computer will not be available to other users. If you have forgotten your password, do not be prematurely upset, as there are a huge number of ways to recover it.

One of the most popular methods is the use of various additional software. It is worth considering that almost all of this software is usually paid, but even after purchasing the full version of the program it is not always possible to fix the problem. That is why it is possible through additional software, but not always.

The next way to fix this problem is to replace it. But, as a rule, this can lead to data loss on the personal device.

How to recover a forgotten password on Windows 8, first stage

It is worth considering the fact that when you recover your password, all data that was encrypted using Windows 8 encryption tools will be erased. That is why it is worth constantly creating a backup copy of it.

If you want to reset your password, it's worth considering that this is a process that only requires a few keystrokes.

The first step is to create a disk on another computer that also has Windows 8 installed. This could be a work computer, a home computer, a laptop, a friends computer, and so on. The password recovery disk can be recorded either on a regular DVD or CD or on a flash drive, since many computers do not have a disk drive.

How to create a system repair disk

Initially, you need to insert a blank disk or flash drive into the drive or connector, respectively, and then go to the “Control Panel”, where you need to select the section “Recovering system files” - “Create operating system recovery disks”. Here you need to follow the simplest instructions for creating a disc. After the most basic steps, after a few minutes the disk will be completely ready for use.

Second stage of password recovery

If the user has forgotten the password on Windows 8, to recover it, you need to insert a disk or flash drive into the appropriate drive. When starting to boot your personal device, press the F2 key and go to the BIOS settings. Here in the Boot menu, put booting from a USB connector or drive in the first place - it all depends on what media the disc was recorded on.

After that, having saved the settings, exit the BIOS, and when booting the PC, select boot from the disk on which the operating system is recorded. Then a certain program window will appear in which you need to select the Troubleshoot item. In the next window, you also need to select Advanced Options and click on Command Prompt to open the command line.

Third step

After the console opens, if the user is Windows 8, you should enter the following words: diskpaht; list vfl - and press enter.

After these steps, a list of hard drive partitions will appear on which the operating system can be installed. As a rule, in most cases it is installed on drive C.

The fourth stage of resetting the password on the operating system

After completing the above steps, you must exit the Diskpart program by entering the exit command. After that, enter the following combinations in the console:

C: (where C is the name of the partition on the computer’s hard drive on which the operating system is installed);

These commands will prepare the computer and operating system for password reset. Don't be surprised if your PC starts to restart automatically. These commands are intended to start the process of rebooting the device. After the computer has been restarted, you need to click on the “Special Features” window, which is located in the lower left corner of the account selection interface. These actions will bring up the command line.

To display a list of all accounts, you must enter the command net user and press enter. The account name will be different in the following steps, so you should immediately replace it with your own. To do this, you need to specify the net user command (hereinafter referred to as the account name). After these steps, write down a new password. It is worth considering that the cursor does not move and the password will not be displayed on the command line, so you need to be especially careful when entering it. After these steps, pressing the Enter key, you need to repeat the password exactly. And then write the exit command in the console. After this, you will be able to log in to your account using your new password.

Changing the password: stage five

If the user has forgotten the computer password, then it is necessary to perform all the above steps in order to change it. But this is not the end, we also need to do the following.

When changing the password, some settings in the system are also automatically changed, to cancel which you must perform the following actions and commands: load the recovery disk that was used when the user forgot the password on Windows 8, call the console, and then replace C with the drive letter on which operating system by entering the following commands into the command line: C1:, cd Windows, cd systm32.

After this, the accessibility button when you select an account will work the same as it did when you made the changes.

What to do if you forgot your password and login on your tablet

Many may ask the question of what to do if the user has forgotten the password on a tablet that runs on the Windows operating system. The answer to this question is very simple, because in this case you need to create not a disk for sequential password recovery, but a flash drive. That is, if you forgot your login and password, then using a special adapter you can connect the flash drive to the tablet without any problems, and then perform all the same steps that were listed above. Thus, it will be possible to completely recover the password in the shortest possible time without unnecessary financial costs for service, without the intervention of high-level specialists and without loss of data on the device.

With the help of these instructions and if you have a password recovery disk, this process can be completed completely in just 20 minutes.

In order to prevent such problems when creating a password, it must be recorded on any other source or immediately created a recovery disk. Even in this case, if the password is lost, you can immediately install it on your personal computer and literally restore it completely in just a few clicks.

If you can’t recover from a regular disk that was written when creating the password, you need to do everything as listed above in this article. It is also worth noting that it is best to create a recovery disk on a computer that is most suitable in terms of capacity and has a similar version of the OS installed on your device. This will give you a better chance of recovery.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter