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Hi all! In this short article we will discuss with you the new features of VKontakte. Namely, how to use the innovations in the articles.

If you have not yet understood the benefits of VK articles, then they now allow everyone who is engaged or wants to engage in a blog to reduce the cost of a website or, if you do not understand websites, to do without them!

You can write an article from the desktop version of VKontakte

After all, in order to create a full-fledged article, you just need to start writing a post on VKontakte!

The title will appear in the article description

Let's now add an image to our article, but before that, let's note that, as you can see in articles, VK itself makes indentations between paragraphs, which makes the text pleasing to the eye and reading! To insert an image, video or GIF, you need to click on the next line after the paragraph and click on the plus, after which a window will pop up where you select the picture or video you need.

To add a media file, click on the plus.

Now let's move on to adding links, because this important point will come when you already have a lot of articles and you will need to provide links to them so as not to repeat yourself. And here we will provide a link to an article I have already created about my story in life and business, about how I came to where I am now. And I will provide the link.

To do this, you will need to highlight the word here (in our example) and click on the icon in the pop-up window, as you see in the picture below. Next, paste your link and press “Enter.” This way you can add a link to any site, channel, as well as your VK page or articles. And now you can bind all your articles!

Highlight a word and click on the link icon. (Fourth in a row)

And in conclusion, we’ll look at some simple things that will be very useful for the visual perception of the reader of your blog and will make your articles professional and beautiful!

Let's learn how to make headlines!

And for this we will select the text “Let's learn how to make headlines!” and click on the letter “H” in the pop-up window. Now our text has become the title.

Press capital letter"N"

Let's learn how to make headlines!

Well, the last thing I wanted to show is how to make a beautiful quote.

We simply write a quote invented by us or taken from the Internet. Then select this text and click on the icon in the pop-up window, as shown in the picture, and our quote is ready!)

Select the text and click on the Quotes icon

We simply write a quote invented by us or taken from the Internet. Then select this text and click on the pop-up window icon, as shown in the picture, and our quote is ready!) This is what it looks like.

The article is ready!

Let's publish it now!

For this we will select preview. Be sure to select a preview without text, because... The text will already be superimposed on the picture by VK itself. This will be your table of contents, i.e. article title.

We delete the image. proposed by Contact

Attached to the post.

This is how our article will now look nice.

I hope that this article was very useful for you and now your VKontakte wall will look professional!!!

Hello! Today I want to tell you how to create a post on VKontakte using special codes. And show you the design of posts in various communities on vkontakte. You've probably seen that some posts are faceless, while others are highlighted with color and icons.

For example, check marks, punctuation marks or color pictures. This makes the posts immediately much more attractive. Anyone who wants to can do this. And you don't need to know any tricks here. You just need to have codes for special emoticons. And be able to use them.

And so I won’t describe the advantages for a long time. And it’s clear that a bright post immediately catches your eye and makes you want to click on the link. This is of great importance for sales text. The effect of decorated posts is obvious. Just look and everything is immediately clear.

And it’s very easy to make such a bright, eye-catching post. All you have to do is take the code and paste it in front of the text you want to highlight.Let's look at an example.

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✅ What is a Doodle (drawn) video?

✅ How to quickly and easily create Doodle videos❓

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Here are all the codes, I have highlighted them in brown. Next, I copy my text and paste it into my VKontakte page.

Smiley codes in vkontakte are transferred with all icons when writing a post. If you forget or miss something, nothing will work.

And one more warning. You can write in advance to Word document or an ordinary notepad, your ad, and then copy and paste the post on the wall.

Only then refresh the page by clicking on the round arrow at the top of the browser. Or the F5 key.

That's all. Decorate your posts. Earn money. Don't forget to leave comments if you found the article useful. Subscribe to blog news, so you will be the first to know about everything.

On VKontakte there is various bugs, although it is wrong to call them bugs - rather, they are Easter eggs from developers that can be used by users of the most popular social network in Russia. Today we will talk about one of these Easter eggs.

We will talk about the so-called codes of emptiness. What is this, the user may ask? This is code that allows you to send a literal empty space (not to be confused with a space - they are different things!). For example, you can use void codes to send messages to friends for the purpose of a prank or, say, to write a status in several lines.

Actually, here are the void codes themselves:

How to use them? Yes, very simple! Let's say you want to send a blank text to a friend. Copy any code in its entirety, including the semicolon, and paste it into a message, maybe even into several lines.

You send a message. When you do this, you will see numbers and symbols in the message. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be.

Just refresh the page and you will see a blank message. The recipient will see the same thing, which will probably surprise him a lot.

The codes can also be used to create, which we have already talked about, so we will not repeat it. Let us just remind you that in order to get a status in several lines, you need to add a large number of void codes and, depending on the length of the status, regulate their number.

We continue to reveal the secrets of VKontakte, and once again we publish for you a selection of interesting tricks and secrets for the site

VKontakte tricks and secrets

How to make a long status?

1. First of all, open the opera and go into contact from it.
2. Left-click on the status to be able to edit it.
3. Click right click mouse out of status in an empty space and select “Source code” in the drop-down menu
4. Press CTRL+F and enter maxlength there, press Enter
5. Opera will find maxlength and highlight it. Next, delete maxlength=”160″, click on the top left “Apply changes”
6. We return again to the tab where the contact is open and where we edited the status, and write a long text in the status.

That's it, the limitation on short statuses of 160 characters has been removed, now you can write long statuses (up to 250 characters).

How to make strikethrough text?

In order to make?z?a?h?e?r?k?n?u?t?y?y text
you need to put before each letter of the desired word: 822; (you need to remove the space between and 822
don't forget the semicolon.

How to make text underlined?

To underline the text, you need to put under the text: 175;
You need to remove the space between # and 1

How to make such?T?A?K?O?Y text?

To make such text, you need to put before each letter:

& # 1 1 6 1 ;
All spaces must be removed.
(don't forget about the semicolon after the code!!!)

How to write iwqнdєєdєu in letters?

We copy each letter of the word you need and paste it where you need it, thereby building the word.

Russian alphabet:
? | |o | є | q | ?q | q | m | m | ts | x | f | ? | ? | ? | d | about | n | w | v | ? | and | є | f | e | ? | 6 | L | ? | g | ?

English alphabet:
z | ? | x | ? | ? | n | ? | s | ? | d | o | u | l | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | q | ?

How to make a space?

ӌ 8;
(remove space between eights)
Using this, you can create spaces, for example, you can insert into a couple of these and then on your page there will be a first name and a last name below it.

pӌ 8;рӌ 8;иӌ 8;мӌ 8;еӌ 8;р
remove the spaces - it turns out:


How can I see who sent an anonymous opinion or confession?

1 way:
In response to an anonymous opinion, send a message containing a link
vkontakte. ru/matches.php?act=a_sent&to_id=YOUR_ID_ADDRESS&dec=1
(remove the space and enter your ID)
In order for the user to follow the link, write in the letter something like: “Did you see THIS????? I was shocked, to be honest..."
By following this link, a person automatically responds to your offer, and you can easily see it.

Method 2:
Add the desired opinion to the “black list”. See what other opinions have been added to it. This means they are all from one person. Next is a matter of logic and technology...
P.S. This method is only for those cases when there were several opinions from this user.

How to make an underline with a wavy stripe?

In order to make such a text
you need to put in front of each letter of the desired word: ͠ ; (you need to remove the space between 4 and;


How to make text underlined at the top?

In order to make a text
you need to put in front of each letter of the desired word: ̅ ; (you need to remove the space between 3 and;


How to get in touch with work, school, university, etc.?

This secret will be especially useful to you if you have been blocked at work or school " In contact with" As always, there is a way out. Even if you can still log into a social network, just not in the usual way, but through an anonymizer. Some anonymizers may also be blocked, but I think from the list below there will definitely be one worker.

How to make activity fields empty Hometown etc?

In order to have empty fields in the “Activities”, “Interests” and other other columns, you need to insert this code:

(remove the space between 8 and (;)

Surely you have learned something new about VKontakte, we hope some of it will be useful to you.

Some of you may have seen a status in several lines on the page of other VKontakte users. How is this possible, you ask? Probably this opportunity is provided by itself social network, since this is definitely not a bug. But not everyone knows how to add this status, but in reality everything is not so difficult.

You can find it online various ways adding such status, including by editing the site code and even browser add-ons. We will use a much simpler method that does not require additional knowledge from you or installation of third-party software.

In VK there are so-called void codes, which look like this:

Let’s say that you need to write something in three lines (three lines is the maximum for status; you won’t be able to use more lines). You take the words you want and add any of the given void codes after each one. The number of codes may vary depending on the length of your words, so you must adjust them yourself.

In practice it looks like this:

As you can guess, the number of codes is not enough, so click on the status and add the required number of codes:

And here is a two-line entry:

You can add a third line in exactly the same way, but no more.

And here is the finished code - just copy it to the status:

B                    A                    D                

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter