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With this short article I want to open a new section on the blog. Here I will write about third-party services that allow you to solve problems for which Joomla either does not have ready-made extensions at all, or they exist, but do not completely solve the problem.

It is also worth highlighting separately the case when there are extensions, but it is quite possible to do without them by working with the service API directly. About this and we'll talk In this article.

Inserting a card with a store address on a website is a task that almost all online store owners solve. There are several ready-made extensions for Joomla ( , , ). Everything is fine, everything works, but each module adds its own copyright and has additional functionality that is not actually used.

In my opinion, it is much easier to use the original source, namely the map designer from Yandex itself.

Create new map very simple. After pressing the button Create a new map A window will open in which you can add store addresses to the map.

To display the name next to the label, select the type With signature.

Save the result and set the size settings in the next step. To adjust the width of the map to the size of the device screen, activate the option Stretch to width.

Press the button Get card code and copy the embed code onto the site.

This code can be inserted into the material, module, or simply into the source code of the template.

A little more about inserting code into the material. For example, you might want to add a map to a store's contact information page.

If the site uses the JCE test editor, then with default settings it does not allow inserting javascript code into the material. The option will help correct the situation Allow Javascrip V Components > JCE Editor > Editor Profiles > Default > Editor Options > Advanced.

After that, on the material editing page, click the button to view source code and insert our script.

To display a map in a module, we simply create a module with the type HTML code and similarly insert the card code.

Everything is very simple and there is no need to install third-party extensions.

Hi all! I think each of you uses services from time to time Google Maps and Yandex Map for viewing traffic jams, driving directions or finding a specific address. The services are very convenient and popular, so they definitely deserve our attention. In this article I will talk about the Yandex Map module for Joomla. At the same time, let’s consider an analogue from Google.

For commercial organizations, a good solution would be to not only indicate contact information, but also add a map with your location marked. This is very convenient for clients - it allows them to quickly navigate and understand how to get to you.

This can also be useful for owners of non-profit Internet resources: show a meeting place, favorite cinema or cycling route.

Embed Google Map plugin for Joomla

Extensions for integration into Joomla google maps enough. There are components with simply enormous functionality - for example, the Googlemaps Plugin extension with an average rating of 4.85 out of 5. This plugin is good for everyone, but only completely English language. Considering that there are very, very, very many settings, not everyone can understand them. Therefore, I suggest using another plugin - Embed Google Map. Its functionality, although not so impressive, is often more than enough.

You can download the Embed Google Map plugin from There is no need to unpack the resulting archive. Like all extensions, the Embed Google Map plugin is installed via .

After installation, go to the Plugin Manager and find “Content - Embed Google Map”. We activate the plugin by changing its state to “enabled” and go to the settings.

Let's look at the Basic parameters.

  • Zoom level — set the scale.
  • Language — select the language (Russian).
  • Add link - add a link to a larger version. Link label — the text of this link.
  • Height and Width - the height and width of the window.
  • Border—thickness of the border in pixels.

To display on site pages, use the following code:

( google_map) address( / google_map)

Instead of address, enter the required address. The Embed Google Map plugin understands the Russian language surprisingly well. For example, it understands the following address: Krasnodar, Krasnaya street, building 68.

This code can be inserted either into the text of the material or into the standard “HTML code” module. Accordingly, in the first case the map will appear in the content area, and in the second in the module area. Just use it HTML editor CodeMirror. The TineMCE visual editor is not friendly with this kind of code.

The output code can be supplemented with attributes.

1. Set the scale to 7.

3. Set the window size and border thickness.

Attributes replace the values ​​​​set in the plugin settings.

Component Zh YandexMap

To create a Yandex Map in Joomla 2.5 there is only one free extension— Zh YandexMap component. But very high quality - with large functionality and entirely in Russian.

You can also download Zh YandexMap from Installed as standard - through the Extension Manager. Since Zh YandexMap is a component and not a plugin, it creates an item of the same name for itself in the “Components” section of the main Joomla admin menu.

For the component to work, you need to obtain a Key for the Yandex.Maps API. Go to the Form for obtaining an API key from Yandex.

  • Enter the site address.
  • We put a tick under the user agreement (which for some reason did not appear for me).
  • Click “Get API key”.

Already on the next page we receive the treasured key. It should be copied and pasted into the settings of the Zh YandexMap component, which can be accessed using the corresponding button in the toolbar.

What is the principle of working with Zh YandexMap:

  • We create a map through the appropriate section. For convenience, they are grouped into categories.
  • We put markers, routes and paths on the created map. In turn, the marks are combined into groups of marks.

Let's look at how to create simple Yandex a map on which additional marks, routes and paths can later be added.

Go to the “Maps” section and click the “Create” button in the toolbar in the upper right corner.

All required items are marked with asterisks. The main ones are the following:

From the author: Greetings, dear readers. Agree that it is very convenient, along with the address of the company office, on a certain page of the site, to display a map of the Yandex service for a more accurate visual representation of the area. But such a seemingly simple thing as a Yandex map for Joomla 3, as a rule, raises many questions among novice webmasters. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to add the above element to a page on your website.

I would immediately like to note that in CMS Joomla Yandex maps are added quite simply, since the map is essentially generated special service Yandex systems. This means that all you need to do is add special code to the page of your website of interest, which you will receive when creating and setting up a map. Of course, to get started you definitely need Account Yandex, so if you don’t have it, register on this page.

To create maps, the Yandex service provides a simple and convenient constructor, which you will find at the following link.

At the same time, by creating a map we mean defining a rectangular area on the global map, which will initially be displayed on the page of your website.

On home page map designer, in the pop-up block, you need to click on the “Create a new map” button.

Next, we will search for the address of interest using the special field above the map block. For example, for Ukraine, let's find Universitetskaya Street in the city of Kharkov. Accordingly, if an address is found, it will be displayed on the map. At the same time, using the scale slider on the left, you can increase or decrease the required area of ​​the map.

After selecting the address of interest, you must indicate the name and short description future map, as well as add a label that will show the exact location of a certain object on the map (in our case, a company office) and a brief description.

When creating a label, you can choose its color, appearance and content, in the form of an image displayed directly in it. To complete the creation of the map, you must click on the “Save and Continue” button.

After this, the Yandex Maps service offers to select the size of the future map, which you can determine either using the text fields on the left, or using the mouse, simply by dragging and dropping, to manually determine the area of ​​the map displayed to users of your site. Also in the left block, you can select the type of card:

Dynamic – this map can be controlled by the user, that is, at his own discretion, he can move around the map, change the scale, and objects will respond to his actions.

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Static - a map in a simple image format that is used only to view a specific area.

Printed – map in image format high resolution, which can be used for printing.

Having completed all the necessary settings, click on the “Get card code” button and copy the generated code.

Now let's talk about how to add a Yandex map to a Joomla website. So, we can add the resulting code directly to the place of interest in the template, or to one of the Joomla materials, or to the page for displaying the contact information of a specific user. As an example, I'll use the last option.

As you can see, the copied code is essentially a script JavaScript language, which means when adding it to a text field in which it is used visual editor, script tags and all their contents will be blocked. Therefore, for the time being, let’s disable the visual editor in the global Joomla settings.

Next, go to the contact manager and open the contact in whose information you need to display a map. Then, on the “Additional Information” tab, add the copied court of the future map to the text area.

We save the changes and go to the user part to check the results of our work.

As you can see, the map is successfully displayed, which means that the question of how to insert a Yandex map on the joomla site is over for you.

I would like to note that if you need to add a map to a specific place in the template, then you can add the copied code directly to one of the template files, but of course you need to know their structure. If you don't know what elements they consist of Joomla templates You will find our mini-course useful.
You can also display a map on site pages using the Yandex maps module for joomla, for example Yandex Maps Creator. But in my opinion, manually adding code, best solution for this task.

All the best to you and happy coding!!!

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The Xmap 1.2.14 and 3.2.4 RUS component for Joomla is designed to create a full-fledged map for your site running the Joomla cms. Xmap is able to generate (create) a site map in both HTML and XML format, which can significantly improve the indexing of your site by search engines.

As you know, a map of any site is an important component not only because it helps search engines quickly and efficiently index the site, but also helps users better navigate the site.

Let's start with a sitemap in XML format- which any modern website should have, unless of course you are interested in its promotion, since a sitemap in xml format is intended for search engines and helps them find out Url addresses each of them.

The site map itself is in xml format- this is a regular file with the .xml extension containing URL links (enclosed in XML tags) to the pages of your site and allows search engine robots to get Additional information about the pages of your site.

The xml map indicates the frequency of changes to each page and when it was done last change(time and date), you can also specify the priority for each page. It is not necessary to specify all these parameters, all this is in order to search engines could quickly and correctly index your site.

HTML site map - this is a regular web page that contains links to all pages of your site and is intended for visitors to your site. Such a map allows visitors to navigate the site and easily go to any page of your site in one click, even if the page is a few clicks away from the main page.

As I already said, it can easily create two types of maps, in html and xml format. Also this Xmap component can customize its css style, which can be accessed directly from the admin panel. The component has a Russian interface, which makes it easy for even a beginner to understand it.

Download files:

Xmap v2.3.4 Stable Rus for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

Many bugs have been fixed since the previous version.
Xmap 2.3 comes with 7 pre-installed extensions: com_content, com_kunena, com_sobipro, com_mtree, plg_com_k2, etc.

If you do not need these extensions, then unzip the downloaded archive and install only the component -

The Russian language for XMaP is installed automatically.

Component and Plugins

GNU/GPL V2 11/28/2013 Russian Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 204.89 KB 31254
Xmap Rus component for Joomla 1.5 Version: v1.2.14

Added support for new versions of Kunena.
- Updated glossary extension to work with Glossary 2.7 and higher
- Added new plugin for ZOO - com_zoo
- Bug fixed: do not show "special" menu items if the user does not have the required privileges.

GNU/GPL V2 02/23/2012 Russian Joomla 1.5 261.4 KB 6455

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