Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

As in previous versions OS, Windows 10 has a hidden built-in Administrator account, hidden and inactive by default. However, in some situations it may be useful, for example, if it is impossible to do anything with the computer and create a new user, to reset a password, and more. Sometimes, on the contrary, you need to disable this account.

This instruction details how to activate the hidden Windows 10 Administrator account in various situations. We will also look at how to disable the built-in administrator account.

In general, to disable the built-in administrator account, it is enough to use the same method as described in the first part of the guide, start the command line, and then enter the same command, but with the key /active:no(those. ).

However, often found in Lately the situation is when such an account is the only one on the computer (perhaps this is a feature of some unlicensed versions of Windows 10), and the reason why the user wants to disable it is partially not working functions and messages like “ Microsoft Edge cannot be opened using the built-in administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again."

Note: Before following the steps below, if you have been working under the built-in administrator for a long time and you have important data on your desktop and system folders documents (images, videos), transfer this data to separate folders on the disk (this will make it easier to place them later in the “regular” folders rather than the built-in administrator).

In this situation, the correct way to solve the problem is to disable the built-in account Windows administrator 10 will be the following:

  1. Create a new account using one of the methods described in the article (will open in a new tab) and grant the new user administrator rights (described in the same instructions).
  2. Log out of the current built-in Administrator account and log into the newly created one - the user one, not the built-in one.
  3. Once logged in, launch Command Prompt as Administrator (use the right-click start menu) and enter the command net user Administrator /active:no and press Enter.

In this case, the built-in administrator account will be disabled, and you will be able to use a regular account, also with necessary rights and without limitation of functions.

How to enable the built-in administrator account when Windows 10 can't sign in

And last possible variant- logging into Windows 10 is impossible for one reason or another and you need to activate the Administrator account in order to take action to correct the situation.

In this context, there are two most common scenarios, the first of which is that you remember your account password, but for some reason logging into Windows 10 does not happen (for example, after entering the password, the computer freezes).

IN in this case possible way The solution to the problem will be like this:

  1. At the login screen, click the power button shown below on the right, then hold Shift and click Restart.
  2. The environment will load Windows recovery Go to "Troubleshooting" - "Advanced Options" - "Command Line".
  3. You will be required to enter your account password to launch Command Prompt. This time the login should work (if the password you remember is correct).
  4. After that, use the first method in this article to enable the hidden account.
  5. Close Command Prompt and restart your computer (or click Continue. Exit and using Windows 10").

And the second scenario is when the password to log into Windows 10 is unknown, or, according to the system, is incorrect, and login is impossible for this reason. Here you can use the instructions - the first part of the instructions describes how to open the command line in this situation and perform necessary manipulations to reset the password, but in the same command line you can also activate the built-in Administrator (although this is not necessary to reset the password).

It seems that this is all that can be useful on this topic. If any of the problem options were not taken into account by me, or the instructions cannot be used, describe what exactly is happening in the comments, I will try to answer.

Windows 7 takes security seriously, so the Administrator account is disabled by default. To enable it, you will have to make a few extra steps, and as a result you will receive full-fledged administrative Windows system 7.

You can enable the administrator account in several ways - through GUI or command line.

Attention: methods do not work in Windows 7 Home Premium. You will need Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate.

The first option is the simplest - through the interface.

Enabling an account through the interface

Press the key combination , enter the command in the field that opens lusrmgr.msc and click on the button OK. The snap-in will open .

Click on the folder in the left pane Users. Now find the account Administrator in the central panel and click on it right click mice. Select a team Properties.

In the window Properties: Administrator go to the tab Are common(or it will open immediately) and uncheck .

As you can see, enabling the administrator account in Windows 7 is not difficult at all. However, using the command line it is even easier to do this.

Enabling an account via the command line

Click the button Start, enter the command in the search bar cmd. An icon for cmd.exe will appear at the top of the search window. Right click on it and select command Run as administrator.

Now enter the following command in the command line (for Windows 7 in Russian):

Net user Administrator /active:yes

Well, for English Windows versions 7 you will need to use the following command:

Net user Administrator /active:yes

Now you can go to the administrator account. Click the button Start, then on the arrow next to the button Shutdown and select a team .

Then, in the registration window, all you have to do is select the newly created Administrator and you’re done.

As you know, when Windows installation 10, the system asks to create a user account and grants this account rights local administrator. However, during the installation process another one is created hidden admin account, which is disabled for security reasons. In this article we will talk about the built-in administrator account in Windows 10, what it is for, how to enable it and block it.

Back in Windows XP, the administrator account was hidden from the login screen, and starting with Windows Vista and up to Windows 10 inclusive, it is also blocked. The built-in administrator account has full, unlimited rights on the computer; this account is not subject to UAC (User Account Control), and all programs are executed without a UAC prompt (this is its main difference from user accounts with administrator rights).

Important. You should only enable the Administrator account if absolutely necessary to perform specific task or troubleshooting. It is not recommended to keep this account active all the time, much less constantly work from under it.

We'll look at several ways to enable the built-in administrator account in Windows 10.

Advice. By default, the Administrator password is not specified (empty).

Command line

The fastest and easiest way to enable the administrator account is from an elevated command prompt.

To do this, run the command:

net user administrator /active:yes

Advice. If the command returns that the name was not found, your administrator account has likely been renamed. You can display a list of all accounts with the command:

In our case (Russian version of Windows 10), the account is called “Administrator”. We activate it with the command:

By default, there is no password specified for this account (empty password), so we strongly recommend changing it to something quite complex. The password is set by the command (the password will need to be specified twice).

net user Administrator *

Note. The considered method of activating the built-in administrator from the command line will work in all versions of Windows 10. While the methods discussed below are not applicable to home editions of Win 10, which do not have the Computer Management and Local Security Policy snap-ins

Local Users and Group snap-in

Open the Local Users and Groups MMC snap-in by typing in the search bar or command line lusrmgr.msc. In the console window, expand the section Users. Find and double-click on the account named Administrator and uncheck the checkbox Account is Disabled(Account is disabled). Save your changes.

The administrator account is now enabled. In the same console, you can change its password by selecting context menu Set Password.

Local Policy Editor

Open (or local security policy editor - secpol.msc). Go to section Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options. Find and edit the policy Accounts: Administrator account status(Accounts. State of the 'Administrator' account), changing it to the state Enable.

After enabling the administrator account using any of the above methods, it will be available on the login screen.

The administrator is disabled in reverse order. The easiest way to do this is from the command line:

net user administrator /active:no

In this article, we will describe 3 ways to enable the Administrator account in Windows 7.


So let's get started.

Method 1

1) Click Start and choose Control Panel

If you don't have Start then move the mouse cursor to the lower right corner and wait for the appearance Menu and choose Options, then similar will open Menu, in which we select Control Panel and follow the instructions below.

4) In the window that appears, at the end of the list, find and select Computer management

5) In the window Computer management open Local users

6) We see the account Administrator, open it

7) A window will appear Properties: Administrator, in this window uncheck the box opposite the inscription Disable account, in field Full name you can enter the account name Administrator.

8) Click OK and close all previous windows.

9) Reboot the computer. Ready! Administrator rights obtained!

Method 2

To enable an account Administrator, you need to run command line higher level, let's go along the way Start - All programs - Windows Utilities- Command line. Click on Command line right-click and select from the context menu Run as Administrator.

A window will appear Command line, in it we type the following command:

For English Windows:

Net user administrator /active:yes

and press the key ENTER.

For Russian-language Windows:

Net user administrator /active:yes

and press the key ENTER.

After entering, we see that the command was completed successfully. Reboot the PC. Ready! Administrator rights have been obtained.

Command to disable permissions Administrator command:

For English Windows:

Net user administrator /active:no

and press the key ENTER.

For Russian-language Windows:

Net user administrator /active:no

and press the key ENTER.

We also see a message about a successfully completed command. Administrator permissions are disabled!

You can also set a password for the Administrator with the command:

For English Windows:

Net user administrator password

and press the key ENTER.

For Russian-language Windows:

Net user administrator password

and press the key ENTER.

Instead of password - your password.

Method 3

1) Alternative method to enable and disable an account Administrator. Let's use the option " Local politics security» (Click Start - Execute(you can also call it with a keyboard shortcut win+R) - and enter the parameter secpol.msc- press Enter).

2) In the window that appears, find Local politics Click on it 2 times with the left mouse button, in the drop-down list we find Security Settings and also press the left mouse button 2 times. In the list of parameters that appears in the center of the window we find Accounts: Account status Administrator and open it by double-clicking the left mouse button.

3) We will see this window:

4) Change the parameter to Included and press OK. Close all previous windows and restart the computer.

5) Done! Administrator rights have been obtained!

Attention: work from the main administrator account occurs with a low level of protection, since all programs (and therefore viruses) will be launched on behalf of the Administrator.

Windows 7 takes security seriously, so the Administrator account is disabled by default. To enable it, you will have to make a few extra steps, and as a result you will receive full administrative rights in Windows 7.

You can enable the administrator account in several ways - through the graphical interface or the command line.

The first option is the simplest - through the interface.

Enabling an account through the interface

Press the key combination , enter the command in the field that opens lusrmgr.msc and click on the button OK. The snap-in will open .

Click on the folder in the left pane Users. Now find the account Administrator in the central panel and right-click on it. Select a team Properties.

In the window Properties: Administrator go to the tab Are common(or it will open immediately) and uncheck .

As you can see, enabling the administrator account in Windows 7 is not difficult at all. However, using the command line it is even easier to do this.

Enabling an account via the command line

Click the button Start, enter the command in the search bar cmd. An icon for cmd.exe will appear at the top of the search window. Right click on it and select command Run as administrator.

Now enter the following command in the command line (for Windows 7 in Russian):

Net user Administrator /active:yes

Well, for the English version of Windows 7 you will need to use the following command:

Net user Administrator /active:yes

Now you can go to the administrator account. Click the button Start, then on the arrow next to the button Shutdown and select a team Change user.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter