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SEO analysis of website text is a unique service that has no analogues. The ability to highlight “water”, spam and keys in the text allows you to make text analysis interactive and easy to understand.

SEO text analysis includes:

Character counter, counting the number of characters and words in text online

Using this online service, you can determine the number of words in the text, as well as the number of characters with and without spaces.

Determination of keys and semantic core of text

The ability to find search keys in a text and determine their number is useful both for writing new text and for optimizing an existing one. Arranging keywords by group and frequency will make navigation through the keys convenient and fast. The service will also find morphological variants of keys, which will be highlighted in the text when you click on the desired keyword.

Determining the percentage of water content of a text

This parameter displays the percentage of presence in the text of stop words, phraseological units, as well as verbal expressions, phrases, connecting words that are not significant and do not carry a semantic load. A small amount of “water” in the text is a natural indicator, while:

  • up to 15%- natural content of “water” in the text;
  • from 15% to 30%- excess “water” content in the text;
  • from 30%- high content of “water” in the text.

Determining the percentage of text spam

The percentage of spammed text reflects the number of search keywords in the text. The more keywords in the text, the higher the spam level:

  • up to 30%- absence or natural content of keywords in the text;
  • from 30% to 60%- SEO-optimized text. In most cases search engines consider the given text to be relevant to the keywords specified in the text.
  • from 60%- highly optimized or spammed keywords text.

Find mixed words or words on different keyboard layouts

This parameter shows the number of words consisting of letters different alphabets. Often these are Russian letters and in English, for example, the word “table”, where “o” is a letter of the English alphabet. Some copywriters replace some letters in Russian words with English ones in order to fraudulently increase the uniqueness of the text.

Very often when working in Excel you need to count the number of cells on a worksheet. These may be empty or filled cells containing only numeric values, and in some cases, their contents must meet certain criteria. In this lesson we will examine in detail two main Excel functions for counting data – CHECK And COUNTIF, and also get acquainted with the less popular ones - SCORE, COUNT VOIDS And COUNTIFS.


Statistical function CHECK Counts the number of cells in the argument list that contain only numeric values. For example, in the figure below, we counted the number of cells in a range that consists entirely of numbers:

The following example contains text in two cells in a range. As you can see, the function CHECK ignores them.

But cells containing date and time values ​​are taken into account:

Function CHECK can count the number of cells in several non-adjacent ranges at once:

If you need to count the number of non-empty cells in a range, you can use the statistical function SCORE. Cells containing text, numeric values, date, time, and boolean values TRUE or FALSE.


Statistical function COUNTIF allows you to count worker cells Excel sheet using various types conditions. For example, the following formula returns the number of cells containing negative values:

The following formula returns the number of cells whose value is greater than the contents of cell A4.

COUNTIF allows you to count cells containing text values. For example, the following formula returns the number of cells with the word “text”, and case does not matter.

Logical function condition COUNTIF may contain wildcards: * (asterisk) and ? (question mark). An asterisk represents any number of arbitrary characters, and a question mark represents one arbitrary character.

Function COUNTIF allows you to use even formulas as conditions. For example, to count the number of cells whose values ​​are greater than the average value, you can use the following formula:

If one condition is not enough for you, you can always use the statistical function COUNTIFS. This function allows you to count cells in Excel that satisfy two or more conditions at once.

For example, the following formula counts cells whose values ​​are greater than zero but less than 50:

Function COUNTIFS allows you to count cells using a condition AND. If you need to calculate the quantity with the condition OR, you need to use several functions COUNTIF. For example, the following formula counts cells whose values ​​begin with the letter A or with a letter TO:

Excel's counting functions are very useful and can be useful in almost any situation. I hope that this lesson has revealed all the secrets of functions for you. CHECK And COUNTIF, as well as their closest associates - SCORE, COUNT VOIDS And COUNTIFS. Come back to us often. All the best to you and success in learning Excel.

In world wide web There are many different programs to count the number of characters in a given text. These can be either small programs specially developed for this purpose or various text editors.

The most popular way to determine the number of characters in a text for many users has been and remains the time-tested text method. Microsoft editor Word.

Determining the number of characters for whole text

You need to place the cursor at the beginning of the text, more precisely, before the first character of the text. Then you should find and use the “Statistics” tool in the Word editor, which is ideally suited for such calculations.

Looking for Statistics inWord 2007

1) Place the text in Word editor 2007.

2) Place the cursor at the beginning of the text.

3) Find the bottom line in the Word editor, which is called the status bar (number 2 in Fig. 1):

4) Click on the “Number of words” option (number 1 in Fig. 1), after which the “Statistics” window appears. Here we see that the number of characters (without spaces) is 2.304, and with spaces – 2.651.

By the way, if someone tells you that you need, for example, 2000 characters, without specifying whether with or without spaces, then this means “with spaces.”

All this is good. But what if there is a status bar in Word 2007, but there is no “Number of words” option in it?

In this case, click on an empty space in the status bar with RMB ( right click mouse), for example, in the place where the number 2 appears in Fig. 1. The “Status Bar Settings” window will appear (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Check for a checkmark next to the “Number of words” option in the Word status bar.

Here you should check the box next to the “Number of words” option (number 2 in Fig. 2). After which it will automatically appear in the status bar of Word.

Statistics in Word 2010

Everything here coincides exactly with what is written above about Word 2007.

Looking for Statistics in Word 2003

With the left mouse button, you need to single-click on the “Service” function located in the top panel of Word (Fig. 3).

In the window that opens, select the “statistics” sub-item, after single clicking on it in the center text editor In Word, a small “Statistics” window appears with all the necessary statistical information about the text. The number of pages, words, characters (without spaces and with spaces), paragraphs and lines is determined:

Counting characters in a piece of text

Often there is a need to calculate the number of characters for a specific part of the text. This is not difficult to do in Word:

1) you just need to select the required part of the text to count the number of characters and

2) find the “Statistics” window (that is, perform the same manipulations as described above for the whole text).

What is a sign reader?

There are so-called “character counters” on the Internet – services designed to count the number of characters in online text. Online services are convenient because you do not need to install any programs on your computer.

Online services operate on the principle of “here and now”, “take and use”, as they say, “without leaving the cash register”, more precisely, without leaving the Internet. While on the Internet, it is enough to open such an online service and use its services.

To find such services, just enter the query “sign readers” in a search engine (Yandex, Google, etc.) and click on one of the first links that will be offered by the search engine.

In Fig. 4 shows an example of a sign reader.

Rice. 4 Count the number of characters in the text online using the Sign Counter.

2) Copy this text to the clipboard, for example, using Ctrl+C.

3) Open the Sign Reader.

4) Paste the text from the clipboard, for example, using the hot keys Ctrl+V.

6) A window will appear with the results of counting the number of characters (number 2 in Fig. 4).

Accurate counting of characters is necessary, for example, for freelancers whose copywriters are paid precisely for “volume”, that is, for a certain number of characters with or without spaces in the written text. It may also be useful for those users who need to place a certain number of characters in any service, no more than a certain number, for example, no more than 140 or 255 characters.

Good afternoon everyone, today I am opening the “Functions” section and will start with the COUNTIF function. To be honest, I didn’t really want to, because you can read about the functions simply in the Excel help. But then I remembered my beginnings in Excel and realized what was needed. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  1. There are many functions and the user often simply does not know what he is looking for, because... doesn't know the name of the function.
  2. Functions are the first step to making life easier in Excel.

Before, before I knew the COUNTIF function, I added a new column, set up the IF function, and then summed up this column.

Therefore, today I would like to talk about how to find the number of cells that meet a certain criterion without unnecessary movements. So, the function format itself is simple:


If with the first argument it is more or less clear, you can substitute a range like A1:A5 or just the name of the range, then with the second it is not so much, because the possibilities for specifying the criterion are quite extensive and are often unfamiliar to those who do not encounter logical expressions.

The most simple formats"Criteria":

  • A cell strictly with a specific value, you can put the values ​​("apple"), (B4), (36). Case is not sensitive, but even odd space will already include the cell in the count.
  • More or less than a certain number. Here the equal sign, or rather inequalities, is already used, namely (">5");("<>10");("<=103").

But sometimes we need more specific conditions:

  • Is there text? Although someone may say that the function already only counts non-empty cells, if you set a condition ("*"), then only text will be searched; numbers and spaces will not be taken into account.
  • Greater (less than) the average value of the range: (">"&AVERAGE(A1:A100))
  • Contains a certain number of characters, for example 5 characters:("?????")
  • Certain text that contained in cell: ("*sun*")
  • Text that begins with a specific word: ("But*")
  • Errors: ("#DIV/0!")
  • Boolean values ​​("TRUE")

If you have several ranges, each with its own criterion, then you need to use the COUNTIFS function. If there is one range, but there are several conditions, the easiest way is to sum: There is a more complex, although more elegant option - to use an array formula:

“The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing”

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COUNTIF function: counting the number of cells by a specific criterion in Excel: 58 comments

  1. blot

    Tell me, how can I find duplicate values ​​without being case sensitive?

  2. admin Post author

    In theory, COUNTIF is just looking for matches, regardless of case.

  3. blot

    The fact of the matter is that it doesn’t find it - it doesn’t distinguish between upper and lowercase letters when searching, but combines them into the total number of matches...
    Tell me, maybe I need to put some symbol when searching? (apostrophes and quotes don't help)

  4. Igor

    How to set a condition in Excel so that it counts a certain range of cells in rows with a certain value in the first column?

  5. admin Post author

    Igor, actually, COUNTS, does just that. It's probably better for you to specify the task.

  6. Anna

    I liked the article, but alas, something doesn’t work out, I need to sum up repeating numbers from different numbers, for example 123,234,345,456 I need to count how many “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. in these numbers, that is, so that the formula recognizes the same numbers and counts them, if this is possible, write what to do? I will be waiting very much, Sincerely, Anna Irikovna

  7. admin Post author

    Hm. it would be nice to see an example
    But without it, I can give you a hint - create a column next to it, where you will select numbers by groups using a text formula. For example, rightsim(A1;1). And then work COUNTIF on this column.

  8. Alex

    How can I spread a formula across a column so that the range in the formula remains the same, but the criterion changes?

  9. admin Post author


  10. Anna

    An example is this, 12/23/1972, that is, this is the date of birth, I need the number of twos to be summed up, that is, not 2+2+two, but that there are only three twos, that is, the final cell should contain 3, ones 2, 3 7 9 one at a time, is this possible? I just broke my head, I’m self-taught, but such formulas are a little complicated for me, if it’s not very difficult for you, please give me a sample of the formula in full, at least for one number, with respect, Anna Irikovna

  11. admin Post author

    Let's imagine that your date is in cell A1.

    Then we count how many twos: = dstr(A1)-dstr(SUBSTITUTE(A1;"2″;""))

    If it’s for several numbers, then it’s better to post an example of how you want it at the end, otherwise there are many options.

  12. Anna

    thank you, I’ll try the formula now... I’ll try it myself, if it doesn’t work out at all, then with a big bow I’ll ask for more advice)) Sincerely, Anna Irikovna

  13. Anna

    doesn’t work... can I send you what I need for email address? It’s just a table.. it’s hard for me to describe it... Anna I.

  14. Anna
  15. Max

    Good article) But I still couldn’t figure out my task. I have 3 columns, one is Students, the second is Teachers, the third is Grades. Tell me how to count the number of students studying with Ivanova who received positive grades? It looks like there are 2 ranges and 2 criteria, and I can’t understand)

  16. admin Post author


  17. Maykot

    Good afternoon.
    Help me figure out the range.
    I have cell A2 in which there is a text value - for example, “sun”.
    Cell A3 contains the value "sea". Etc.
    How to correctly enter into the Formula =SUMIF(C:C;"*sun*";D:D) instead of a specific range (“*sun*”) the contents of cell A2, i.e. not =SUMIF(C:C;"*sun*";D:D), but instead of "*sun*" there was a cell reference?

  18. admin Post author


  19. Dmitriy
  20. Alexander

    Hello! Please tell me how to present the formula in Excel:
    Adjusted cost =
    = Cost * (K1 + K2 + ... + KN – (N – 1);
    K1, K2, KN - coefficients different from 1
    N – number of coefficients different from 1.

  21. Alexander

    Hello! Please tell me how to use the formula:
    set a range of coefficient values ​​other than 1 (less than 1, more than 1, but less than 2).

  22. Michael

    Good evening!
    Please tell me how to count the number of cells in which a date is indicated? That is, in a column there are cells with dates (different) and there are cells with text (different), I need to count the number of cells with dates.
    Thank you!

  23. admin Post author

    Will it work?

  24. Julia

    Good evening! Please tell me a formula that counts numbers only that are greater than 8 (rework in the time sheet). Here is the wrong option: =SUMIF(C42:V42;">8″)+SUMIF(C42:V42)

  25. admin Post author

    SUMIF(C42:V42,">8″) =SUMMIF(C1:C2,">8″)

    Don't forget that the English version uses commas between arguments.

  26. D.N.

    Good afternoon Thanks for the array formula for a range with multiple criteria!
    I probably have a stupid question, but how can I replace the text (1;2;3) with references to cells with text values.
    that is, if I enter ("X"; "Y";"Z") everything is correct
    but when entering (A1;A2;A3) there is an error,
    is it the curly braces?)

  27. Vitaly

    Thank you. The article was very helpful.

  28. Denis

    Good afternoon. I encountered such a problem in the COUNTIFS function. When you enter 2 ranges, everything counts fine, but when you add a 3rd one, it gives an error. Could there be a catch in the number of cells?
    I have =COUNTIFS('full-time education'!R11C13:R250C13;"yes"; 'full-time education'!R11C7:R250C7;"budget"; 'full-time education'!R16C9:R30C9;"yes")
    Without the 3rd range and conditions everything is fine.
    Thanks in advance.

  29. admin Post author

    Denis, align the ranges, they should all be the same and you can set up to 127 sets of conditions.

  30. A.K.

    Hello, please help me figure this out.
    There are two columns: one is the date, the second is the time (format 00:00:00).
    You must select dates that correspond to a specific time period.
    At the same time, there should be 4 such intervals, i.e. every 6 hours.
    Is it possible to set this in one formula and if so, which one?

  31. admin Post author

    Good afternoon.
    Of course you can. True, I don’t understand, do you need it by dates or by hours? Two different formulas. And how do you want to break it down? So that the intervals are marked with numbers? Like the first 6 hours of the day are 1, the second -2, etc.?

  32. Andrey

    Thanks in advance, but the question is:
    many lines, one column
    green indicates completed packages of documents, white indicates unfinished ones
    contents of cells: different names of employees.
    task: how to use a formula to make a table: how many ready-made packages does each employee have?

  33. admin Post author

    Unfortunately, the color is not determined by the formula. It is defined more precisely, but there you need to write a custom formula
    I would do this - filter by green color and put “finished” in the next column, then also put “unfinished” - white cells.
    Then after COUNTIF I found everything I needed.

  34. Cross

    Hello! The question is this. There are 4 columns, which respectively indicate students (column A), school number (column B), chemistry scores (column C), physics scores (column D). You need to find the number of students from a certain school (for example, 5) who scored more points in physics than in chemistry. There are 1000 students in total. Is it possible to use one formula to answer the question? I'm trying to use COUNTIFS, but it doesn't work.

  35. admin Post author

    No, before using Countifs, you will have to add another column, where through IF you can determine those who have more points in physics than in physics and then use COUNTIFS.

  36. Cross

    Okay thank you

  37. Alexander

    Good afternoon The task in general is this. The table indicates line by line name, sport, category. How can I make a table on another tab that automatically counts how many dischargers are in each sport and which specific discharges?

  38. Alyona

    Hello! Help is needed.
    There is a column with dates of birth in the format 19740815, but it needs to be converted to the format 08/15/1974
    Thanks in advance.

  39. admin Post author

    Good afternoon.

    Well, the simplest thing is Text in columns - fixed width (4-2-2) - then add a column with the DATE function.

  40. admin Post author


  41. Hope

    Please tell me how to find the amount in cells according to the condition:
    There is a table in which the first column indicates the product code, and the second column contains the amount for it. There can be several lines with the same code. We need to find the total (total) amount for each product.
    Thank you in advance.

  42. admin Post author

    Try SUMIF.

  43. Dim Tell me what needs to be fixed?

    COUNTIFS('Raw Data'!B2:B150;"Bucharest";'Raw Data'!E1:E150;"06.11.2014″)

  44. Faith

    Good afternoon. Tell me what criterion should be put in the SUMIF formula if you need to count the number of cells containing numbers from a range that contains both numbers and letters.
    Thank you.

  45. admin Post author

    Hello. It just won't work that way. Either use an array formula or make another range where numbers will be searched through text functions. And then after COUNTIF you will find your result.

  46. Novel

    Good evening.
    There is a column into which data is constantly being added, you need to insert a number into the adjacent column, how many times similar data has been encountered before this line

  47. Anastasia

    Good day to all!
    There is an actual schedule for employees to leave, all working hours are written in the format “09*21″ - day full shift and “21*09″ - night full shift.
    There are also days with incomplete shifts, which are counted towards the salary at the hourly rate, for example “18*23″, etc.
    The format of all cells is text.

    It is necessary that the formula calculates for each line (for each employee, respectively) the number of full shifts per month, ideally if it takes into account the criteria “09*21″+”21*09″, but it is also possible for one criterion, then I’ll just use these columns I’ll hide them and combine them into a sum.

    Through =count, if I tried it, in the formula window it calculates the value correctly, but in the cell itself it displays a stupidly written formula, no matter what format I set - it doesn’t help.
    I tried to replace 09*21 with 09:00 - 21:00 in the cells and formula, respectively, but it didn’t work either.
    I put both “09*21*” and “*09*21*” in the formula - to no avail.

    If you can do such a thing, provided that “09:00 - 21:00” is written down - generally great, it will be easier for me to shovel one month, but then everything will be smooth)
    and right away the question is - is there a formula by which it will be possible to calculate the total number of hours in a range with all any values ​​(“18:00 - 23:00″, “12:45 - 13:45″, etc.), except for the above “09:00 — 21:00″ and “21:00 — 09:00″ or count all cells where the number of hours is 12 and separately all cells where the number of hours is less than 12.

    Thank you very much in advance, I’ve been racking my brain for a week now!(((

  48. admin Post author

    Try COUNTIF($A$1:A10;A10) - inserted into cell B10.

  49. Natalia

    The question has already been asked, but you answered via email, could you repeat the answer here?
    “An example is this, 12/23/1972, that is, this is the date of birth, I need the number of twos to be summed up, that is, not 2+2+two, but that there are only three twos, that is, the final cell should contain 3, ones 2, 3 7 9 by one, is this possible? I just broke my head, I’m self-taught, but such formulas are a little complicated for me, if it’s not too difficult for you, please give me a sample of the formula in full, at least for one number, with respect, Anna Irikovna”

  50. Faith

    Good afternoon I have a range of 30 cells in Excel, but it is necessary to calculate the sum of only the first 20 cells. Help me please!

  51. admin Post author

    Hello. Isn’t it an option to simply specify the range of the first 20 cells? Without the file, I don’t understand what the difficulty is.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter