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When starting our conversation about virtual reality, we cannot help but mention such cult films as “Johnny Mnemonic” and “The Lawnmower Man”. The technical achievements shown in them were truly fantastic in their time. And even now, despite the technological breakthrough, virtual world still far from normal " working environment» Mnemonics.

Nevertheless, there is progress, and quite noticeable. As an example, we can recall the famous Oculus Rift device. Perhaps many of you have seen it in action in conjunction with additional controllers that allow you to run around the world of Fallout 4. Unfortunately, such a solution is not yet available to everyone: the cost is too high full set, which should also include a powerful computer. And the “run” itself only plays the role of demonstration.

A more accessible example is virtual reality glasses. The content provider in them is a smartphone, which allows you to not take into account the cost of a computer when purchasing a set. True, comparing the results of two devices is the same as comparing built-in and discrete video cards. However, a general idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this way.

So, in this review we will talk about the in a simple way get into the painted world. A smartphone will help us with this. Android control in conjunction with a helmet, or more precisely, with virtual reality glasses VR HeadSet RIEM 2. We will also pay attention to the software part, since there are applications in the store Play Market more than enough.

Virtual reality technologies

To begin with, let's divide computer realities into augmented and virtual. Augmented reality is a kind of hybrid: additional elements are superimposed on the real picture obtained using cameras. So, every smartphone owner can install special application for the camera and see “live” dinosaurs walking on the table on the phone screen. Another example, already familiar, is the colored lines that are used when showing sports programs to indicate leading athletes.

Augmented reality is not the subject of this article, although we will definitely return to this conversation. For now, I would like to note that the technology has a very bright future with a wide variety of applications. By the way, Microsoft is working on one of them – the product is currently known as HoloLens.

Now to our main topic - virtual reality. To put it in the dry language of a well-known encyclopedia, 3D virtual reality is an artificial reality that, with the help of technical means influences a person's feelings. You don't have to look far for an example. The simplest amusement park attraction in the form of a screen with speakers, a steering wheel, a moving chair and a racing car simulator program can already be called a virtual reality system. Let it be primitive, rough, but still workable.

The basis of the modern virtual reality technology that we will talk about is the long-studied effect of stereoscopy. To put it very simply, the video sequence is formed by two separate images for the right and left eyes, as a result of which our brain perceives a flat picture as three-dimensional. The same effect is used in stereo cinematography, but special glasses are required to achieve it.

As a result, the recipe for “how to watch virtual reality” is relatively simple. Firstly, this is one, or better yet, two screens, the image from which should cover the entire field of view and be quite clear. Secondly - sound. But the most important thing is the reaction of virtual reality to your influence, in other words, the ability to “look around” around you by turning your head. This is achieved by a set of sensors located both on the device itself and in the room.

Virtual reality glasses

The most known device, providing access to virtual reality, is the Oculus Rift. The first models were equipped with only one screen ranging in size from 5.6 to 7 inches.

However, since the screen must simultaneously show two images at once for the right and left eyes, respectively, each eye accounted for, at best, half the resolution of the entire screen. Therefore, the next step is to develop glasses with two 4K screens.

The first Oculus Rift Consumer Version (CV1) is currently available for pre-order. The glasses are equipped with an OLED screen with a resolution of 2K, that is, 2160×1200 pixels or, relatively speaking, 1K for each eye. The cost of the kit is about $600 at the time of review, and the queue to receive the device stretched until the summer of 2016.

HTC Vive glasses, introduced at the beginning of 2016, became a competitor to the Oculus Rift. This is a joint project between HTC and Valve, the famous developer of the games Half-Life and Counter-Strike, as well as the Steam service. Like the Oculus Rift, the glasses are equipped with a display with 2160x1200 pixels and a refresh rate of 90 Hz. HTC claims that in the first 10 minutes after the pre-order opened, more than 15 thousand paid applications were received.

However, it should be remembered that such virtual reality glasses are just a screen with a set of sensors. The image provider is a computer, and due to the gaming nature of the device, the requirements for it are high. So, to fully use the Oculus Rift you will need a “machine” with the equivalent of an Intel Core i5-4590, NVIDIA video card GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 and 8 GB random access memory. Similar requirements apply to the Vive, and this is only the minimum required set.

The second option for making virtual reality is glasses with the ability to install a smartphone or tablet. In fact, glasses are just an outer shell, a body with a pair of lenses without any filling, while the smartphone is responsible for everything else. In principle, comparing such glasses and even the first Oculus Rift models looks like comparing a motorized car from the movie “Operation Y and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and a business class car. However, some idea of ​​virtual reality can be obtained in this inexpensive way.

The arsenal of such devices is quite large; Chinese stores are literally replete with various offers, both simple and sophisticated. However, the essence of such glasses is still the same: a convenient case-partition for a smartphone. Moreover, for these purposes, a sheet of ordinary cardboard, folded in a special way and supplemented with lenses, is quite suitable - that’s all, you can immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality without unnecessary difficulties.

This has been proven by the developers Google, who in 2014 presented their project Google Cardboard - a helmet assembled from cardboard, lenses and Velcro for mounting on the head. And if you want to save even more, you can buy a set of lenses and mounts in one of the Chinese stores, and cut out the frame of the glasses and assemble them from cardboard according to the diagrams that are full of them on the Internet.

There are also more serious options, for example, Samsung Gear VR These glasses are equipped with good optics with a wide range of adjustments, including lens correction for different vision. The downside is that these glasses support a fairly modest set of smartphones. Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 edge, Galaxy Note 5 and edge+. The limitation is clear - these smartphones are equipped with screens with high resolution, which allows you to get a higher-quality three-dimensional picture.

Review of the virtual reality helmet VR HeadSet RIEM 2

Now let's start reviewing the hero of today - the VR HeadSet RIEM 2 helmet-glasses. It is with their help that you can create cheap virtual reality for a smartphone. Judging by the information from the instructions, the glasses support phones with screens from 3.5 to 6.0 inches.

In our case, a phone with a 5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels was used as a prototype. Looking ahead, we can note that even this resolution, providing a pixel density of 441 ppi, was not enough to obtain a clear picture.

So, what are virtual reality glasses that cost about $15? First, let's look at the kit:

  • glasses;
  • belt for fastening;
  • magnet;
  • instructions.

The glasses themselves are quite large, massive and look heavy, although in fact they are not. We should pay tribute to the good mounting system on the head. Together with the smartphone, the entire structure takes on noticeable weight, but this does not cause any inconvenience.

The smartphone is mounted on a hinged lid equipped with a set of suction cups.

On the one hand, this approach makes it easy to install a phone of any size. In addition, if you need access to your smartphone to select another application, you just need to open the cover without removing the device itself.

The lid itself has holes for connecting headphones and a charger.

The downside is that the suction cups hold the phone too tightly - you will have to use considerable force to remove it. In addition, there are no guidelines for determining the correct horizontal position; everything has to be done “by eye”.

The RIEM 2 adjustment set consists of two sliders that allow you to change the distance between the lenses. In addition, there is a magnet on the left side to influence the magnetic field of the phone's magnetometer.

In general, we did not have any serious complaints about the glasses themselves and their operation.

The only thing I would like to recommend is to add a joystick or gamepad to the kit. Without additional devices, controlling what is happening on the screen becomes at least inconvenient. The phone should also be equipped with a gyroscope for more accurate orientation in space. This condition is not mandatory, but desirable.

And so we suggest watching a video review of this helmet at our channel :

Virtual reality on Android

There are a lot of applications for getting acquainted with “pocket” virtual reality in the Play Market. First of all, of course, these are games - attractions like the famous Roller Coaster, zombie shooters, space flights and dozens of other genres.

The following set of virtual reality programs can be described as demonstration ones. These include walks through various cities and beautiful places, simulators, exploration of the underwater world, and so on. Typically, most of these apps work by viewing photos taken using 360-degree cameras.

Finally, a big part of virtual reality is video. The main content provider is YouTube - here you can find hundreds of videos for viewing in Side-by-side mode, that is, divided into two images for each eye, or turn your head in a panoramic 360-degree video. We believe virtual reality films will appear soon

However, before you start looking for a particular application, we recommend that you get acquainted with Google’s service – Google Cardboard. It is quite possible that studying its capabilities will take you more than one hour.

Games for virtual reality glasses

Since in our case there was no joystick included in the set of glasses, and the phone itself was not equipped with a gyroscope, control in most games became a serious problem. Therefore, I would like to once again draw your attention to this point: you should enter virtual reality prepared.

Owners of Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR will not be bored: in addition to the Play Market, the Oculus application store offers its services. Everyone else will have to be content with only the Google store.

Although there is something to see here too. First of all, these are applications from the company FIBRUM, which is a developer of not only software for virtual reality, but also the creator of glasses of the same name. The game Roller Coaster VR, to which many Android travelers begin their virtual journey, is the creation of FIBRUM.

Another game of the company is the virtual swing VR Swing. On a phone screen, a double image looks nothing more than funny, but with glasses, flying over the city looks completely different. Unfortunately, neither images nor videos convey such sensations.

Most games like zombie shooters require additional controls. Without them, your hero will simply stand in one place.

Some games automatically detect the absence of a gyroscope on your phone and then block Side-by-side viewing mode. You can play, but not with glasses.

Various races - regular, space, water - are a very popular genre of games for virtual reality glasses. At the same time, racing does not have to resemble the graphics of Need for Speedsimplest picture If you have glasses it gives you a lot of fun.


A significant share of the total number of applications for virtual reality glasses is occupied by applications of a demonstration or training nature. These are all kinds of walks and excursions - Tokyo at night, the Buran shuttle, underwater or prehistoric worlds with all sorts of their inhabitants, and so on.

Some applications consist of a collection of high-quality photos. You can look at the area around you, turning your head, as if you were really standing in the center of this city. As an example, we can highlight the Sites in VR applications from the developer Ercan Gigi - and VR Cities from Smart2VR - they attract with a large number of high-quality photographs.

In many other applications beautiful views created artificially, but viewing does not become less interesting. In some cases, on the contrary, the imagination of developers allows them to achieve interesting results. For example, walking in space.

Some apps make it easier to search YouTube by showing you the entire list of relevant videos at once. The applications of some developers, for example Qwellcode, cheat a little: after selecting the video you like, the YouTube application is launched.

Finally, there are a number of applications in the Play Market with " own video", which cannot be found on YouTube. Videos with the effect of presence are especially popular - as a rule, these are either horror films or videos with beautiful girls of eastern origin.

Virtual reality and iOS

Last May 2015, Google came to the rescue and created the Google Cardboard application for iOS. In particular, models starting from iPhone 5 and higher are supported. .

Google Features Cardboard are the same as for Android. The application includes several functions: Exhibit - visiting museums and exhibitions, Explorer - exploring various locations, and Urban Hike - virtual tours of cities. Of course, to fully use the application, it is recommended to acquire Google Cardboard virtual reality glasses or an equivalent.

In general, the set of virtual reality-related applications for iOS is the same as for Android, although the latter is slightly smaller in size. Find game listings with detailed descriptions, images and reviews in in social networks won't be difficult.


We consider virtual reality glasses, in which the smartphone plays the main role, to be inexpensive, interesting, but short-lived entertainment. Of course, such glasses don’t have a chance against the Oculus Rift, but the difference in price is such that it’s not even funny: about 3 thousand rubles for a set (glasses + manipulator) versus at least 43 thousand.

When purchasing glasses, you should make sure that the pointing device is included in the package. If not, it must be purchased separately. It is also desirable that the smartphone itself be equipped with a screen of at least 5 inches in size with a resolution of at least Full HD; a gyroscope is required. Only in this case will immersion in virtual reality be pleasant.

Virtual reality glasses for a smartphone are an opportunity to enjoy games in three-dimensional space and watch exciting 360° videos where you are now! You don't need special rooms with 3D technologies, because VR glasses and a smartphone are always with us!

3D world in your smartphone

3D glasses for a smartphone are a virtual helmet that allows you to watch games with movies in three-dimensional space and feel the effect of presence! When you are watching a blockbuster or playing online game, admit it, you would like to be in the place of the main character! Now this has become possible with the help of the latest technologies, making virtual reality accessible to everyone.

The online store site offers all known types of helmets for simulating virtual reality, from cardboard to plastic models, from standard VR glasses to premium virtual devices:

Google Cardboard; VR BOX; Mirror Baofeng 2; Fibrum; Mirror Storm; Homido; Samsung Gear VR.

You can buy virtual reality glasses for your smartphone, as well as the latest new products and headsets in our store at the manufacturer's price. Gorgeous futuristic design, lightweight body, special lens design, perfect image, comfortable head mount and other innovative specifications allow even people with vision problems to go on a virtual trip on the road, at home or on vacation.

Best prices for virtual reality

the site offers to buy vr glasses for a smartphone at prices from the manufacturer with consistently the highest quality. In our store you can become the owner the latest models inexpensive virtual reality glasses that are great for entertainment, including games on attractions. We accept payment in any way convenient for you, after which you will receive the goods in person or via courier delivery!

Until recently, immersion in the world of virtual reality was akin to a rare and expensive attraction. But technology does not stand still, and today virtual reality is gradually becoming accessible to the masses.

The most in an accessible way is the use of virtual reality glasses for smartphones. However, calling these glasses actual glasses is not entirely correct. So, let’s figure out what kind of device this is and how virtual reality glasses for a smartphone work.

First, let's figure out what such a device is. has been known for a long time. This is a complex device, which consists of a plastic case secured with straps. The device itself is placed on the user's head and connected to a computer or laptop.

Inside the case there are lenses, behind which there is a screen divided into two parts. Sometimes it can be two screens. The images on the screens are basically the same, but due to the fact that each eye sees its own image, a three-dimensional effect is created. This is a consequence of the binocular vision characteristic of humans.

In order to be able to navigate and somehow look around in the virtual world, it is necessary for our device to respond to the movements of the user’s head. To solve this problem, it is common to use gyroscopes. Actually, they are installed in helmets. Interestingly, the same gyroscopes are found in most phones. This important point and we will return to it later.

In addition, sometimes there are also additional sensors, which track the position of the head in space. The information received from the sensors is transferred to a PC via a USB or HDMI cable. Actually, this is the entire device of the helmet. The only problem is this. that all the necessary elements combined in one device result in a high cost of the gadget, which is unaffordable for many users.

With the device of a classic virtual reality helmet, everything seems to be clear. But what is the working principle virtual glasses for a smartphone, and what is their feature. This device is the first commercial model intended for the general public. The pioneer in this field was a company that launched on the market made of cardboard.

As we have already discussed above, to obtain a virtual reality helmet we need to combine in one device:

  • lenses;
  • display;
  • gyroscope;
  • frame.

The nuance here is that many are already owners various models mobile devices. As you know, every smartphone is necessarily equipped with a display and a gyroscope. It is these elements that are the most expensive in a virtual reality helmet, and it is they that are already available in our mobile device.

All that remains is to add a body with lenses. This can be done relatively inexpensively and simply, which is implemented in VR glasses. Thus, the cost of the gadget is significantly lower than the price of a classic PC helmet. Now it becomes clear. what are virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, and what is their purpose.

All you need is to purchase VR glasses and install a smartphone in the case. Adjust the lenses to suit your vision and launch the corresponding application on your smartphone. As a result, we have a full-fledged virtual reality helmet, the cost of which is significantly lower than its PC counterparts.

The only thing you should pay attention to is the compatibility of the device and specific model smartphone that the user has. Many models of glasses are universal, but there are others. Which are designed for one or two models of mobile devices, and are not suitable for others.

Features of virtual reality glasses for smartphones:

  • designed only to work in combination with a smartphone;
  • The quality of the picture directly depends on the capabilities of the smartphone display;
  • The riftcat vridge application allows you to use games designed for PC glasses with high-quality graphics;
  • there is no need for a powerful computer;
  • It is possible to connect a smartphone to a computer via usb cable and use in regular games with high-quality 3D images;
  • It becomes possible to watch 3D movies almost anywhere.
  • Compatible with any VR applications.

Some of the downside is that the gaming industry in this area is somewhat behind the gaming industry of virtual reality games for PC. Therefore, there are practically no really high-quality and interesting games for phones. But this is only a matter of time, and the issue will probably be resolved soon.

Popular models

Since the advent of Cardboard from Google, glasses of this type have rapidly developed and spread. Today they are equipped with high-quality lenses, a well-designed and comfortable body, reliable fastening to the head, and the ability to adjust the lenses to suit the user’s vision.

Many companies have taken up their production, and there is a huge selection of different models of these simple and interesting devices on sale. A logical question arises: what can virtual glasses for a smartphone do, and what are the main differences between different models?

As in any other market segment, its leaders have appeared here. Some manufacturers focus on producing inexpensive budget versions, while others have concentrated their efforts on producing expensive options with many additional options.

Thus, the FiiT VR models are firmly among the top products, as well as, the cost of which can fluctuate between 1000 - 2000 rubles. They are distinguished by an excellent combination of quality and price, comfort and versatility. Among the more expensive models, we can highlight the Ling VR or Baofeng 4. Here you will have to pay about 4,000 rubles.

Given the wide variety of different models of virtual reality glasses for smartphones, when choosing a specific model, you should be guided by certain criteria:

  • compatibility with your smartphone model, screen size and smartphone itself, acceptable image resolution (some Chinese models can only work with one smartphone model);
  • peculiarities of the user's vision, it is desirable to have lens adjustment, and if the vision in different eyes is different, then separate adjustment is necessary;
  • why do we need virtual reality glasses for a smartphone, the intended use of the glasses: watching movies, playing games for VR or for a specific game on a PC;
  • financial capabilities of the buyer, budget model or dear.

The final option is determined by each buyer based on their needs, preferences, and, of course, financial capabilities and understanding how 3D glasses for a smartphone work.

In general, to summarize, we can say that the advent of VR glasses for smartphones has made it possible to make a real breakthrough in the virtual reality gaming industry, making it accessible to the masses. Today, almost every smartphone owner can afford to purchase this device and immerse himself in VR games or watch 3D movies in almost any place convenient for him.

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Review of VR devices available on the market

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The virtual and augmented reality market is represented by many devices. Co-founder of the entertainment and gaming virtual reality club Virtuality Club Maxim Chizhov prepared a website for full list the most popular virtual reality glasses and divided them into several price categories: the lowest - up to $20, the average - from $20 to $140, the highest - from $140.

Lowest price category (up to $20)

Among the virtual reality glasses of the lowest price category I would like to highlight the great popularity of Google Cardboard 2.0. A budget but high-quality device for the first experience of immersion in virtual reality is in demand among buyers as a holiday gift or birthday souvenir.

Large companies order custom Cardboard branding for marketing and PR activities.


You won't find anything surprising here. As a rule, devices in the lower price category are made of plastic or cardboard. They use simple lenses, and the screen is a smartphone display. Cheap and cheerful. A classic example of such a device is Google Cardboard.

By the way, Google launched sales of its virtual reality device before all its main competitors. Today Cardboard is a reference device in its price category. Many software manufacturers for iOS and Android follow Google's development.

Cardboard attracts users with its affordable price and minimal set of functions for a virtual reality device. However, in ergonomics the device is clearly inferior to more expensive competitors.


This is where it gets more interesting. The starting price for the starter kit is only $5. Moreover, some large companies or stores can give Cardboard to their customers completely free. Affordable price allows you to use the device in public events or advertising campaigns.

Additional expenses

To fully operate Cardboard, you only need a smartphone. Not the rarest item for 2016. The operating system does not matter; Cardboard is compatible with Android and iOS devices.

However, due to some reasons, Google releases updates to its Cardboard services for iOS with a slight delay.


Thanks to its clever design, Google Cardboard folds into a small box that is slightly larger than the size of a glasses case. When it comes to portability, Cardboard is head and shoulders above all of its competitors. But does everyone need this mobility? After all, we spend most of our gaming time sitting in a comfortable chair at home.


The mobility of the device has a negative impact here. The user can adjust the direction of movement in the game by turning or tilting the head. For all other controls, only one small button is allocated. This is sorely lacking for full immersion into the game world.

Availability on the market

The cheapness of the device determines its availability on the market. In addition to Google Cardboard, users will be able to purchase its numerous analogues. Even though such devices are short-lived, you can always purchase a replacement for a broken or lost device.

These devices are available to users at a very interesting price - up to $20. They are compatible with Android and iOS smartphones and work with all Google services Cardboard, including viewing videos in virtual reality format.

Google Cardboard V1

The first version of virtual reality glasses from Google. This device is more difficult to assemble and does not support smartphones with large diagonal display. Not all smartphones support Google Cardboard V1 controls (it uses a special magnetic button).

The main advantage of the device is its price - approximately $5. The first version of Cardboard is quite suitable for use in less interactive applications (virtual tours and watching videos).

The device weighs slightly less than its more modern counterpart. But the lenses in Cardboard V1 are noticeably worse - 25 mm, viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Google Cardboard 2.0

IN latest version Google experts have improved the ergonomics of their device. Google Cardboard 2.0 supports custom-sized phones and has a built-in button on the top of the device.

In addition, engineers have simplified the process of assembling virtual reality glasses. However, the material of the device itself is still not processed in any way. Thick cardboard absorbs sweat well. This can be a serious cause of discomfort during prolonged use of the device. The average cost of Google Cardboard 2.0 is $15. This makes the device an ideal option for those who want to try out a virtual reality device for the first time.

Some companies have already started selling Cardboard 2.0 under their own brands. The weight of Cardboard directly depends on the smartphone you are using (the cardboard device itself is almost not felt on your head). The standard kit includes lenses (34mm) that expand viewing angles to 100 degrees.

Color Cross

Another affordable purchase option. Does not have the most pleasant appearance. However, in terms of ergonomics it is noticeably ahead of most competitors in its price category. Supports smartphones with a diagonal from 4 to 5.7 inches. The user will be able to customize Color Cross lenses to suit themselves.

average price- $15, device weight ~ 200 grams.

Ritech 3D Glasses

The device is made of hard plastic. The use of mobile devices with display diagonals from 3.5 to 5.6 inches is supported. Average price - $12. The device does not have external controls, which is not critical for watching videos.

However, for games or other interactive applications, the user will need to buy a separate joystick. Ritech 3D Glasses supports lens distance adjustment.

The weight of the device without a smartphone is 250 grams.

VR Polarized 3D Glasses II

The device supports phones with large display diagonals. However, it is not clear from the description on the seller's website whether the VR Polarized 3D Glasses II supports lens customization.

Average price - $12. Weight - 400 grams.

Sali EVA 3D Glasses

Has the cutest design. The design is a complete copy of Google Cardboard V1. However, the construction of Sail EVA 3D Glasses uses stronger and lighter materials. Average price - $12. The device does not support customization of the lens or design elements.

Purple EVA 3D Glasses

The device is very similar to the Sali EVA 3D. It differs in some design elements and their colors. Average price - $12.

Hasbro My3D Viewer

The Hasbro My3D Viewer device has an interesting design, unlike its main competitors. The device works exclusively with iPhone and iPod (up to version 4G).

There are not as many applications available to work with Hasbro as we would like. Average price - $10. Prices for the device have dropped noticeably after the manufacturer's official website was closed.

PU Leather and Microfiber 3D Glasses

An ideal device for device lovers unusual design and material of construction.

The body of the device is made of artificial leather and microfiber that is pleasant to the touch. In all other respects, it is a complete copy of Google CardBoard V1. Average price - $10.

Woody 3D Glasses

Another representative of devices made from materials unusual for such devices. Wooden analogue of Google CardBoard V1. Average price - $12.

VR Fold

Very lightweight foldable device. The user can customize the VR Fold's lenses, and when folded, the device fits in the palm of your hand. The device is sold in red and purple color options. Average price - $10. The weight of VR Fold is only 76 grams.

Baofeng Small Mojing

Another very light virtual reality glasses from China. This time from Baofeng Moging. The device folds. The glasses come with a carrying case.

Average price - $15. Devices are available in blue, purple, orange and black colors. The weight of the device is 40 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Homido Mini

The most compact device on the virtual reality glasses market from the French company Homido.

Average price - $15. These points add up. There is no carrying case included. Device weight ~ 15 grams.

Karas 3D

The colored body of the device has a minimalistic design. Average price - $15. The glasses support smartphones with screen sizes from 4 to 5.8 inches. The weight of the device is 225 grams.

Archgon VRock

Foldable analogue of Google Cardboard. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.2 to 5.2 inches. Not suitable for use with iPhone 6.

The design of the glasses provides quick access to the smartphone screen. Average price - $20. The device is also available in black color. The weight of the device is 96 grams.

C1-Glass from Google Tech

Convenient and easy to use device. To control the glasses, a joystick is not necessary (you can press the smartphone screen). Average price - $18.

The glasses are available in green, white and red. The weight of the glasses is 28 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Average price category (from $20 to $140)

Unlike Google Cardboard and its many analogues, mid-priced devices have a lot of additional functions. They no longer look like a funny smartphone case (no offense, Google Cardboard).

Devices of this class can be equipped with their own display, additional controls and sensors. The most typical representative of mid-priced virtual reality devices is Gear VR from the South Korean company Samsung.

The functionality of devices in this price category may vary significantly.


For such devices, the user will have to pay from $20 to $140. Believe me, you will not spend this money in vain. Manufacturers of these devices carefully monitor their products. Gear VR gets constant updates, which improve the performance of the device.

The increased price allows for the use of advanced lens technology (devices from Zeiss) and the introduction of new controls (devices from Homido). Some Samsung smartphone bundles may come with free Gear VR.

Additional expenses

The use of these virtual reality devices implies the presence of flagship smartphones. It’s quite logical, because the functionality and graphics of Gear VR are noticeably different from the available Google Cardboard.


At first glance, devices in the mid-price category are the golden mean. They are quite portable, and at the same time offer the user wide functionality of use.

However, the realism of the virtual image or the rapid change of frames can cause dizziness. In addition, to fully transfer the user to virtual reality, it is necessary to use external cameras that will track the movement of the object in space.

Perhaps in the future this need will disappear, and only a smartphone camera will be enough to fully transfer the user.


Control methods vary depending on the specific device model. In some devices it is simply missing. Others are limited to a simple two-button system. In our opinion, the most successful control system is equipped with Gear VR. The Samsung device uses a special trackpad.

Users can try connecting their smartphone to a virtual reality device and using it as a joystick. However, this control system is still unstable.

Availability on the market

The most affordable option in the mid-price category is the Gear VR. After a period of intense hype that saw devices being purchased in a matter of hours, the Gear VR is fairly easy to acquire. Similar devices from LG and Google should appear on sale soon.

There are already many games, applications and short videos available for Gear VR that demonstrate the capabilities of the system. Prices for software for Gear VR are slightly higher than the cost of similar products for Android or iOS ($5-$10).

These devices offer the user advanced functionality and convenience at a very affordable price. They work with Android and iOS devices and are compatible with apps that use Google Cardboard technologies.

BoboVR Z3

Available device from China. Average price - $21. Supports smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. BoboVR Z3 has the function of being used as augmented reality glasses.

The device has built-in lens adjustment and cooling functions. Comes with glasses wireless joystick. Weight - 280 grams. Viewing angle - 95 degrees.

JHB 3D Glasses

The body of the glasses is made in black and green colors. The device supports smartphones with screen sizes from 4 to 5.6 inches.

Average price - $25. The main feature of the device is a set of adjustable wide (40 mm) lenses. The weight of the device is 225 grams.


Manufacturer of this device is an American company Gmyle. Average price - $25. The design of the device provides for lens adjustment.

Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 3.5 to 5.6 inches. The product does not include a wireless control. It must be purchased separately. The weight of the device is 400 grams. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.

GYD VR Headset

Average price - $23. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 5.7 inches. The device is equipped with functions for adjusting lenses, a reliable mount for a smartphone and a soft layer between the user’s face and glasses.

The product does not include a wireless control. It must be purchased separately. The weight of the glasses is 340 grams.


The device has an unusual design for virtual reality glasses. Average price - $30. The device is compatible with Google apps Cardboard.

Powis has some pretty cool built-in features - lens adjustment and cooling. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals up to 6.5 inches. The weight of the device is 140 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Ritech Riem II

The Ritech Riem II device is made of durable plastic. Soft fabric is used as lining. Average price - $20. The user can adjust the lenses of virtual reality glasses.

The device comes with a wireless control panel. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 3.5 to 6 inches. Weight - 190 grams. Viewing angle - 68 degrees.

Ritech Riem III

An updated version of the previous device. Average price - $20. The user can adjust the adjustment of the Ritech Riem III lenses. A control button appeared on the device body.

The set of virtual reality glasses includes a wireless joystick. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 3.5 to 6 inches.


Mattel has managed to release a colorful device that is fully compatible with all Google Cardboard services (including watching interactive videos on Youtube).

In addition, the device is capable of working with Mattel’s own developments (the package required for operation will cost users an additional $15). Average price - $30. The user cannot adjust the lenses of the device. Viewing angle - 98 degrees.


Google Cardboard compatible device with touch control button and silicone end caps for smartphone. Supplied complete with a carrying case. Dscvr users are unable to customize the device lenses.

The plastic case of Dscvr virtual reality glasses is not afraid of dirt. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. The device is available in several color options - blue, red, orange, green and black. Average price - $35. Weight - 260 grams. Viewing angle - 96 degrees.

Iwown VR G1

This device supports smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. Average price - $35. Iwown VR G1 virtual reality glasses are equipped with high-quality lenses.

The device does not have a cooling system (lens fogging may occur). There are no controls on the body of the Iwown VR G1. However, the virtual reality glasses come with a remote control. wireless control. The weight of the device is 400 grams. The viewing angle is impressive - 110 degrees.

Unicorn VR

The device body is made of durable plastic. Unicorn VR users have access to the function of customizing the device's lenses. Average price - $38. Weight - 380 grams.


A device from a Chinese manufacturer with an advanced lens adjustment function. Shinecon virtual reality glasses are available in black and white.

Average price - $30. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. The weight of the device is 380 grams.


In the design of its virtual reality glasses, the Swedish company Evomade used an unusual material - synthetic rubber. Initially, the project began by raising money on Kickstarter.

Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 3.5 to 6.7 inches. Viewbox users have access to the function of customizing the device's lenses. Average price - $40. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

VR Box 3D

Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches. The lens can be adjusted to fit the screen size. Weight - 350 grams. Average price - $30.

VR Box 2

Updated version of VR Box 3D. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches. The lens can be adjusted to fit the screen size. Weight - 350 grams. Viewing angle - 100 degrees. Average price - $40.


Virtual reality glasses with modern design. The kit does not include a joystick. Davyci users have access to the function of customizing the lenses of the device. Average price - $40. Weight - 414 grams.


Virtual reality glasses from the Australian company Phenomec. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 5.7 inches.

The device uses an advanced lens system that can be adjusted (37mm wide). Average price - $45. The device body is made of lightweight plastic. Viewing angle - 110 degrees.


Open type virtual reality glasses from a Chinese manufacturer. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.5 to 6 inches. Average price - $40.

The open design of the device provides quick access to your smartphone. Weight 160 grams. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.

Yay 3D Viewer

Another model with an open design. A special feature of this model is its compatibility with tablets.

Average price - $50. Device manufacturers claim wide viewing angles and support for smartphones and tablets with HD displays. Weight - 84 grams.

VR Kix

Virtual reality glasses with adjustable lenses and soft lining. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 3 to 6 inches.

Average price - $55. The device does not include a remote control. It must be purchased separately.

Lakento MVR

Virtual reality glasses with the function of adjusting the lenses of the device. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. Average price - $55.


Virtual reality glasses from a Korean manufacturer. The dimensions of the device allow you to work with large smartphones, for example, with iPhone 6s Plus. The device uses a lens system that can be adjusted.

Average price - $85. The design of VRoid virtual reality glasses provides for the use of two trays for smartphones of different sizes (both are included in the kit). Weight - 307 grams. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.


Virtual reality glasses with the function of adjusting the lenses of the device. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.5 to 6 inches. Average price - $65. Weight 220 grams.

Mirror Storm

Virtual reality glasses with the function of adjusting the lenses of the device. Lens distance is adjustable up to 53-72 cm. Works with smartphones from 4 to 6 inches. Average price - $40. Weight - 356 grams.

Baofeng Mojing 2

Virtual reality glasses from a Chinese manufacturer.
Improved version of Mirror Storm. Lens distance is adjustable up to 58-70 cm.

Spongy material covered with soft leatherette. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches. Average price - $50.

Baofeng Mojing 3

Virtual reality glasses from a Chinese manufacturer. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches.

Average price - $60. In addition to the main functionality, the device can work as augmented reality glasses. The device uses an adjustable lens system. The glasses are compatible with Google CardBoard. Weight - 420 grams. Viewing angle - 98 degrees.

Baofeng Mojing 4

Updated version previous model. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches. A remote control is included with the virtual reality glasses.

The function of adjusting the distance between the eyepieces of the device is available. The plastic mount raises some doubts. Many may find it inconvenient. Average price - $80. Weight - 420 grams. Viewing angle - 98 degrees.

Ling VR

Given Chinese device It immediately stands out among all competitors with its unusual design. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 5 to 5.5 inches.

A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. The virtual reality glasses come with a wireless joystick. Average price - $55. Weight - 355 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Ling VR 1S

In this version, the developers have corrected the shortcomings of the previous version. For example, a fragile smartphone mount and fogging of lenses during prolonged use. Average price - $60. Weight - 355 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Durovis Dive

Durovis Dive 5 is one of the first devices of its type on the virtual reality glasses market. The price on the company's website is $57. On Amazon - $80. The device is fully compatible with Google CardBoard.

Durovis Dive 7 will allow the user to use devices with a screen diagonal of up to 7 inches as a display. The cost of the updated version of the device is $102.

Weight - 320 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Snail VR

New from a Chinese manufacturer. In a short time, the Snail VR device received rave reviews from many users. In addition to the main functionality, the device can be used as augmented reality glasses.

An advanced lens adjustment system is available to the Snail VR user. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches. A joystick is included with virtual reality glasses. Average price - $75. Weight - 275 grams. Viewing angle - 96 degrees.


An interesting device from Polish developers. Using unique technology, the manufacturing company's engineers have expanded the viewing angle to 105 degrees.

The device is compatible with Google CardBoard and its own developments. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.5 to 5.7 inches. Average price - $70. Weight - 270 grams. Viewing angle - 105 degrees.


A fairly popular device among virtual reality enthusiasts. A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. Control elements must be purchased separately.

The device is compatible with Google Cardboard and its own developments. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 5.7 inches. Average price - $80. Weight - 250 grams. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.

Freefly VR

Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6.1 inches. A special lens system increases the viewing angle.

Average price - $85. A joystick is included in the package. Weight ~ 340 grams. Viewing angle - 120 degrees.


The device is from Chinese developers. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. Average price - $70. Weight - 200 grams.

Merge VR

Virtual reality glasses from the American company Merge Labs. The device body is made of soft material and has two control buttons.

Average price - $110. The Bluetooth joystick is not included with the glasses. A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. Weight - 400 grams. Viewing angle - 90 degrees.

Glaxxes M2

The device is from Chinese developers. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 6 inches.

Average price - $90. Weight - 280 grams. Viewing angle - 98 degrees.

Noon VR

Quite a new device on the market. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 5.5 inches. A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available.

Control is carried out using touch buttons. Average price - $95. The device involves working with its own services (watching live video broadcasts).

Pinc VR

A promising device from Canadian developers. Coming soon to the market.

Average price - $80. To control the device, a system of touch keys is used. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.


An interesting device from Polish manufacturers. The Cmoar body has a set of buttons for controlling virtual reality glasses. In addition to the main functionality, the device can be used as augmented reality glasses.

Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 5.7 inches. The advanced lens system (48 mm) provides a wide viewing angle of 105 degrees. Average price - $110.


New version of the device from Google Tech. Average price - $115. A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4 to 6 inches. Viewing angle - 70 degrees.

Samsung Gear VR

A device that set the standards for the production of virtual reality glasses. Only compatible with flagship smartphones from Samsung.

On the body of the device there are buttons necessary for control. A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. The average price is $100. Weight - 340 grams. Viewing angle - 96 degrees.


Interesting model. Each of its five components can be 3D printed. Average price - $140.


High-tech development of Chinese engineers. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.5 to 6 inches.

A function for adjusting the lenses of the device is available. The average price is $100. Weight - 360 grams. Viewing angle - 68 degrees.

Zeiss VR One

The device is from the famous manufacturer of lenses and optics - Zeiss. Supports work with smartphones with display diagonals from 4.7 to 5.2 inches. In addition to the main functionality, the device can be used as augmented reality glasses. A separate joystick is required for operation.

With different sized trays, the device can work with a wide range of smartphones. Average price - $130. Viewing angle - 100 degrees.

When choosing the best VR glasses and headsets, it is worth recognizing that this device itself will not work like a children's kaleidoscope. It is always worth remembering that this is an additional device, and its operation requires either a good gaming smartphone, or a powerful gaming computer, or a game console. All premium VR gadgets are designed for a powerful video card, processor and RAM personal computer, and budget and mid-priced devices most often use a smartphone, and often with certain technical parameters and sizes.

Let's add to this some limited content and software for VR headsets. For example, such a giant as Apple is still reluctant to meet the developers of VR applications. But, in any case, even a simple cardboard Google Cardboard will allow you to get completely new impressions and experience the virtual world not in words, but through your own feelings and sensations. And owners of premium VR devices can already now be classified as “virtual reality monsters.” And it’s not for nothing that Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg bought the Oculus VR company back in 2014 for $2 billion. So we are waiting for new powerful innovative solutions in virtual reality.

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