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Many users who once worked with Windows XP remember that in this version of the system, compared to earlier modifications, quite a lot of innovations were introduced. One of these was the ability to create a quick launch panel for selected user programs. A hibernation mode was also provided instead of sleep. Then some innovations disappeared. Next, we present for consideration questions related to what is quick start in Windows 10 in general, and how to turn it on or off (in several options). But let's start with understanding the processes themselves related to a quick start. There may be only two of them. And that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about.

Quick Start in Windows 10: what is it?

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Basically, today most users working with computer systems under tenth control Windows versions, by fast startup we mean exclusively exiting hibernation mode. Clearly misleading! The fact is that in the “top ten” the ability to activate the panel was also returned quick start programs that were missing in system versions between XP and 10.

But what is fast startup in Windows 10 specifically in relation to hibernation? Without going into technical terms, these processes can be characterized as follows. When the computer is immersed in this mode, program data and the system kernel are written to a special file hiberfil.sys. When exiting this mode, the contents this file immediately transferred to RAM, which allows the system to “come to its senses” much faster than when using sleep, and all applications (and the system itself) are in that state in working condition, in which they were at the time of activation of hibernation.

The quick launch of Windows 10 is one of its features that is so popular among users of old computers and netbooks. In this article, we will get acquainted with this technology, its intricacies and learn how to disable and activate it if necessary. Note that fast startup is only relevant when the computer is turned on after shutdown, and does not work if the system is rebooted.

In general, the specifics of quickly starting a computer are not much different from the technology known with Windows XP for putting a PC into hibernation mode: when a user or any program sends a shutdown command, the Windows 10 kernel, that is, the drivers and services necessary for its operation, is written to the hiberfil file .sys (hibernation file).

During control transfer from UEFI to bootloader operating system it reads the contents of hiberfil.sys and places it in RAM. after which user applications and drivers are loaded peripheral devices. In general, an analogue of hibernation, but without saving the working state of the system.

Disable fast system startup

There are often situations when a video card driver (or other peripheral device drivers) refuses to work correctly or does not load at all when Windows 10 fast startup is enabled. For these cases, you will need to disable this operating system startup mode, as described below.

1. Disabling the option occurs through the Control Panel, so we launch it.

2. Switch the way of visualizing its icons to “Icons” and call the “Power Options” applet.

4. In the next interface, click on the inscription “Change parameters that are not available.”

Performing this action requires administrator privileges.

5. Uncheck the box next to the “Enable fast startup” option.

All is ready. Next time, Windows 10 will start in classic mode, loading all the necessary files from their location. physical storage to the HDD, and not from the hiberfile.sys file.

Here you can also disable hibernation if the function is not needed or several GB of disk space is needed.

Through the registry editor, fast startup is deactivated by setting the value “0” to the “HiberbootEnabled” key, located at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power. When the value is “one,” the function is turned back on.

Enable fast system startup

One of the methods for reactivating the Windows 10 quick start option is described at the end of the last section. The second way is to use the Power Options applet (check the box next to the appropriate option), however in some cases the item may be inactive (grayed out).

This means that hibernation is disabled in the system, without which the launch will not work due to the absence of the hubernate.sys file. Hibernation is enabled via Power Options (see previous section) or by executing the command “powercfg -h on” running with administrator privileges command line. After activating hibernation, the “Enable fast startup” item will become active, so call up the Power Options applet, go to the section for specifying actions for the power buttons, and in the subsection not available in this moment parameters, check the “Enable fast startup” option and save the new settings.

The next time you start the PC, it will boot by placing the contents of the hibernation file into RAM.

Ability to switch to dark theme was one of the most anticipated Windows functions. After all, with a lack of light such color scheme Less eye fatigue. Previously, it was possible to set a black interface background to the tenth version of the OS. But the developers listened to users in the Windows 10 update Anniversary Update finally added a simple official method.

When you open Settings → Personalization → Colors, you will see an option at the bottom that says “Select a default app mode.” If you activate dark mode here, the background of the Windows interface will partially switch to black. The same applies to some standard and third party programs from the Windows Store.

Separately, you can enable a dark theme in Edge browser. To do this, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the program window, then click “Options” and under “Select a theme” select “Dark”.

By the way, if you prefer Google Chrome, you can download the dark theme from the Google store and even install it.

Sitting at the computer in the dark, you may have noticed how quickly your eyes get tired. This is because at night the display becomes too bright for a room without sunlight.

Microsoft has taken care of this problem in the Windows 10 update. Creators Update added a special monitor color mode "". It can be configured in Settings → System → Display.

When this mode is active, the system changes the temperature of the colors so that they do not tire the eyes in a dark room.

As using Windows residual files and other garbage accumulate in it, which clogs HDD and slows down the OS. There are many third party utilities that solve these problems. But standard solution did not exist until recently.

After updating to Windows 10 Creators Update, a message appears in the system, which clears the device memory. You can activate and configure it in the “Settings” → “System” → “Storage” section under the “Storage Control” item.

Windows 10 has a set standard applications, with which you can work with music, videos, web pages and other files without third-party software. For each file type, the system defaults to one of these preinstalled programs (or warns that it is not supported). That's why when you click on a downloaded music track, for example, Windows immediately plays it in the Groove player.

But if you want to replace the standard player, browser and other programs with third-party ones, this is most conveniently done in a special settings section. Go to Settings → Apps → Default apps and here select the programs you have installed that Windows should use by default for various tasks.

The password assigned to the account Windows entry, protects the user's personal data and settings. This function will be relevant for you if you have access to your computer physical access strangers. Of course, if you try hard, you can bypass such protection. But in most life situations it will be quite enough.

You can install it, remove it, or reset it if you suddenly forget, in the “Settings” → “Accounts” → “Login Options” section.

By default, when you launch Explorer in Windows 10, a window opens quick access to frequently visited folders and recently viewed files. Perhaps this option suits you completely. But in previous versions OS "Explorer" immediately opened the "This PC" section, and there are users who are used to this.

If you are one of them, or you just find it more convenient to immediately see your local drives in Explorer, you can return the old view. To do this, open File Explorer, click View → Options, and under Open File Explorer for, select This PC.

Windows has long allowed you to hide files and folders, making them invisible. This makes it convenient to hide directories with important content so that you don’t accidentally delete anything you need. You can make an object visible or hidden using context menu: just click right click by folder or file, click “Properties” and check or uncheck the box next to “Hidden”.

In addition, for convenience, at the end of the name of each file, the system can display its extension: .exe, .png, .docx or letter designation any other format.

By Windows default 10 does not show elements that have been hidden by developers or the user, nor does it show file extensions. But you may need to display them. For example, to get to hidden folder or see the photo format.

To enable display hidden objects or file extensions, open “Explorer”, click “View” and check the necessary items: “Hidden elements” or “File name extensions”.

Windows 10 displays notifications like a typical mobile OS. To ensure that you are not distracted by anything unnecessary, you can configure them in the “Settings” → “System” → “Notifications and actions” section. Here you can choose what type of messages will appear on the screen, and set notification settings separately for each application.

In this section, you can also select the buttons for quick actions that will appear on the notification panel. They allow, for example, instant activation night mode display, adjust its brightness, or add notes in OneNote.

Errors in the system or third-party software, as well as incorrect user actions may lead to a failure in Windows work.

Fortunately, there is a mechanism that returns the OS to its normal state. We are talking about a recovery service. It creates a copy of important system components every time you update Windows, update a driver, or install new program, and saves it to your hard drive. In most cases you will be able to recover normal work systems from such backup copies (restore points).

To go to the service settings, enter Windows search“Recovery”, click on the result and click in the “System recovery settings” window that opens.

Once on the “System Protection” tab, select your system drive (usually drive C), then click on the “Configure” button and turn on system protection. After this, specify the amount of disk space that will be allocated for storing backup copies. The more space, the more recovery points you will have at your disposal. When it ends, new points will replace the old ones. After everything click OK.

Now, if the need arises, you can by returning to the “System Protection” tab. To do this, there is a “Restore” button here.

But keep in mind that backups contain incomplete Windows image, but only important system files.

10. Screen calibration

Windows has a built-in display calibrator that can help you improve color quality. The program will display simple step by step instructions. Having done everything as she tells you, you will do it in the optimal way. No special knowledge is required for this.

To launch the calibrator, enter the word “calibration” in the system search and click on the found element. After this, follow the system prompts.

11. Action log settings

The Windows 10 April 2018 Update added the Activity Log feature to the system. With its help, you can see at any time what documents and web pages you interacted with in last days, and get back to working on them. Moreover, the log can display actions not only from the current computer, but also from all other devices connected to your account Microsoft.

To set up your activity history, go to Start → Settings → Privacy → Activity History. Check "Allow Windows to collect activities from this computer" if it was not enabled by default. Then check the box next to “Let Windows sync my activities from this PC to the cloud” if you want data about your current PC to appear on other devices connected to it.

When you're done, click on the icon near the Start icon on your taskbar. A timeline will appear where you can see previously opened documents.

12. System update options

Windows can be annoying with offers to update at the most inopportune times. And sometimes it reboots your computer when you least expect it. To insure yourself against such cases, set up the so-called “Activity Period”. This is the time of day during which you usually work on your computer. Windows will not update during these hours.

To configure the “Activity period”, open the “Start” section → “Settings” → “Center” Windows updates" and click "Change activity period". Specify your computer work schedule and save changes.

News from Build 2016 made it clear that improving Action Center is one of Microsoft's priorities as it develops the next major update for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile.

In the Anniversary Update, the “ten” will receive advanced synchronization of notifications between various devices and other useful features. Along with this, developers will increase the customizability of the so-called quick actions that are part of the Notification Center.

Currently, Action Center settings in Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile are limited to the ability to select Quick Actions, displayed in the first row, i.e. when the Action Center is minimized. However, in the future, the customization options will become noticeably wider: buttons can be grouped however you like by dragging them, and unused actions can be completely disabled by going to the new “Add or remove quick actions” menu.

In addition, the company plans to slightly update the portrait display of the Settings menu on smartphones with new simplified icons.

All these changes may become available to program participants preliminary assessment with the release of the next Insider Preview build. The rest will have to wait a few months, as the Anniversary Update will be released to the general public in the summer.

Have a great day!

Many system settings are present in the system, although users are not even aware of them in Windows 10. Enabling Fast Startup allows the system to start up much faster. Quick Start is designed exclusively for users who cannot break the habit of completely turning off their computer.

This article will tell you how to enable or disable Fast Startup in Windows 10. It helps make your computer start up faster after shutting down. Does not affect the reboot mode in any way. Quick startup is directly related to, since it also uses the hiberfil.sys file in its work. Actually, in which the system saves the kernel and loaded system drivers when shutting down.

Control Panel

The Quick Launch feature turns on or off literally after saving changes. Remember that fast startup uses the hiberfil.sys file, which takes up space on system disk. But compared to hibernation, the file size will be significantly smaller.

Registry Editor

Since fast startup is directly related to hibernation, you can disable fast startup settings by making changes to the registry. Directly in the Registry Editor, you can enable or disable the system's fast startup feature. Before making changes to the registry, we recommend.

After disabling fast startup and hibernation mode, the hiberfil.sys file will be deleted from local disk. This will actually increase the free memory on the system disk. Additionally we recommend.

Command line

Directly from the command line, you can instantly enable or disable the quick Windows startup 10. It is enough to run the command: powercfg /hibernate on to turn on or powercfg -h off to disable fast startup.

The commands are slightly different because they can be executed in full or shortened versions. In any case, they allow you to activate or deactivate the Quick Launch feature. After you restart your computer, you can check for changes during the startup process.

You can also use executable file, in which you need to write certain commands. This method includes everything automatic mode, the user only needs to run the file, which we ourselves will create.

  1. Create a text file into which we paste the following code: @echo off:: To enable hibernate
    powercfg -h on:: To turn on Fast Startup
    REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" /V HiberbootEnabled /T REG_dWORD /D 1 /F
  2. Changing the resolution text file With .txt on .bat. May be necessary because they are by default after clean install systems are not displayed.


Enabling or disabling Fast Startup is easy. Here the question is whether the user needs it or can it be done without it. As experience shows, quick startup does not always work perfectly and in rare cases causes problems in the operation of Windows 10. But still, the developers believe that quick startup deserves the attention of users.

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