Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

For several months now, a device for saving electricity has been gaining popularity on the Internet. Based on the description to it, the operation of the device is based on the effect of phase lag of the flowing current from voltage in the presence of an inductive load, since loads in industrial and household electrical networks are usually active-inductive in nature. This energy is not associated with fulfillment useful work, but is spent on creating magnetic fields and creates an additional load on the power supply lines. The share of consumed reactive power in the network can be up to 50% of the total load current, which is proposed to be saved.

This function is performed by so-called static converters.

According to the description on one website selling the above devices for allegedly saving energy, static converters are intelligent electronic energy-saving devices that allow the consumer to save up to 30% of electricity. They contain the following components:

A control module with a programmable controller or multi-stage transformer distributes the load evenly, captures reactive energy and partially converts it into active energy.

The surge protection module provides complete protection of electrical appliances from lightning and power surges in the network.

The active filtering module eliminates higher harmonic currents in wires and smoothes out nonlinear distortions. Prevents premature failure of electronic equipment and systems, extends service life.

Power factor correction module. Increases the power factor of electrical appliances by redistributing reactive power. Promotes savings in energy consumption, reduces electrical losses due to heating of wiring.

The phase compensation module distributes the load across each phase and helps save energy consumption.

In general, the proposed device is a device that will give you minus a quarter to a third of the cost of electricity. And all this for a simply symbolic price of up to $30. Depending on the maximum current and load power. The device circuit itself is simple - a non-polar capacitor connected in parallel to the socket and LEDs powered by a transformerless power supply.

Having actually analyzed this device to save energy, we can assume the following. In the electrical network, electrical appliances with nonlinear loads are indeed often encountered. Thanks to them, it is possible to isolate another component of power - reactive distortion caused by higher harmonics. And this device is a kind of filter for higher harmonics, which create additional losses in electrical networks and partially through voltage increase the consumption of linear loads. Therefore, such a saver can reduce active electricity consumption, although only by a few percent. In general, whether to buy it or not - decide for yourself. Savings, if there are any, are less than the advertised level. But it is not expensive and you can take it for an experiment to see for yourself its (in)effectiveness.


It is generally accepted that electricity is inexpensive in Russia. And that's why for a long time Neither businesses nor individuals paid special attention to saving energy. Objectively speaking, there were reasons for this - our country has perhaps the best energy supply system in the world, there is a large number of power plants, a developed network of control over energy distribution. All this allows us to generate electricity cheaper than in many developed countries.

But inflation is not standing still - and now the tariffs are quite high. Theses on the need to increase energy efficiency are being discussed at the government level. Both citizens and businesses need to save electricity. The question is how best to do this, what device to install at home or in a factory to save energy.

First, let's talk about what options there are to save electricity in residential buildings and apartments. And then we'll move on to energy efficiency in the corporate sector.

So, for an apartment owner who has a priority task - saving electricity, the scheme is as follows.

Changing light bulbs

One of the most effective and available ways saving electricity at home - replacing incandescent light bulbs with more modern ones (LED, fluorescent or halogen). On average, savings reach 5-6 times. Some types of modern lamps have more long term service compared to traditional products (up to 10 times).

We look at the energy efficiency class

When buying new household appliances (especially those types that are characterized by very high energy consumption - washing machines, for example), you need to look at what specific model energy efficiency indicators (class). If we take the same “washing machines”, then A++ class devices are about 20 percent more energy efficient than those belonging to A-class.

Using the refrigerator wisely

In many apartments the most electricity consuming type is household appliances- fridge. One of the most expensive procedures in terms of energy consumption is the process of freezing and defrosting. If the No Frost option is installed in the refrigerator, then there is no need for this, and therefore such a device will by default be more energy efficient than a regular one. The No Frost refrigerator is in itself an excellent device for saving energy.

The refrigerator should be located away from devices that produce heat (in particular, from heating radiators). It is undesirable to furnish the refrigerator with kitchen cabinets and create a narrow space where air circulates with difficulty. It is not recommended to put hot food in it.

The cover saves kilowatts

Interesting fact. When water is boiled on an electric stove without a lid, a lot of heat is lost, which is why the appliance has to make up for this leakage using electricity. Hence, another effective option for saving electricity is to boil water on the stove, covering the pan with a lid.

Overload or underload - losses

Now about washing machines. The highest level of energy efficiency in these devices is achieved with optimal load of laundry (according to technical documentation). If the machine holds 5 kg, then that’s what you need to load with each wash. If the laundry objectively does not require soaking, do not use it. If the clothes are not dirty, you can get by with low temperature conditions (30-35 degrees).

Lighting the room effectively

If possible, locally directed lamps should be used in rooms and other living spaces - sconces, floor lamps. It is best to provide each corner of the room with a separate lamp - for evening reading, for ironing. It makes sense to turn on the chandelier only when guests come or you need to do cleaning. But almost always general lighting can be replaced with economical ones LED strips, located around the perimeter of the walls or ceiling. They will also make the room more stylish.

Kettle - for a cup

The most economical mode of operation with an electric kettle is to boil water only in the required volume. It is advisable to fill the containers of the device completely and boil it if the whole family is sitting at the table or guests have arrived. It’s also worth noting that an electric kettle boils water with greater energy efficiency than a stove.

Economical iron

The ironing process is best divided into three stages. The first step (immediately after turning on the iron) is to iron things that do not require high temperature (for example, handkerchiefs, wool items). On the second (as soon as the iron heats up - usually then the light on it goes out) - exclusively those that can be ironed well with a hot iron (shirts, trousers). At the third stage, you should unplug the iron and iron those items that have similar characteristics to socks and wool.

Energy time management

In many Russian cities there are so-called night electricity tariffs (they are usually 30-40% cheaper than daytime tariffs). It makes sense to use this and turn on, for example, a washing machine, a multicooker (and, if possible, other appliances) to save electricity only during those hours when these tariffs are active. Some types of devices are perfectly suited for this. For example, almost all modern machines and stoves are equipped with a delayed start mode - the exact time to start washing or cooking can be programmed.

Savings - just like on the screen

TVs and computers operating in partial display backlight mode consume much less energy than when the brightness is fully active. Savings are at least 5%. Therefore, if possible, you need to use this mode. Regarding computers: “sleep” and “standby” modes were not invented in vain. During them, the device’s electricity consumption is reduced to a minimum.

Miniature spendthrift

Surprisingly, one of the most energy-consuming devices in modern Russian apartments is a charger for a phone (smartphone, tablet). And this despite the low power (about 5-10 watts). The thing is that owners consistently forget these devices in sockets. So these modest 5-10 W completely imperceptibly at the end of the month “increase” the amount of energy comparable to that consumed by chandeliers. It is necessary to turn off the charger to save electricity.

We clean with a vacuum cleaner - we also clean the vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner with a clean, sealed dust container is about 40% more energy efficient than one whose reservoir is heavily clogged or cracked. 40% of 1500-2000 Watts (this is how much vacuum cleaners consume on average) - this is comparable to how much all the lamps installed in the apartment “wind up”.

The size of the pan matters

If you place dishes on an electric stove, the diameter of the bottom of which strictly matches the size of the burners, this will increase the energy efficiency of the cooking process by 5-10% compared to the mode when the arrangement of pots and pans is done “at random”. It is also important that the bottom of the cookware is flat. Another tip: as soon as the water boils, you should immediately switch to an energy-saving mode with a lower temperature (heating cannot go above 100 degrees - the water will only evaporate and energy will be wasted).

advanced technologies

Owners of modern Russian apartments can use various devices that save electricity. In particular, dimmers (also called dimmers) are very popular.

These devices are installed instead of switches. With their help, you can smoothly adjust the brightness level of the light (the devices have regulators for the voltage supplied to the lamps from the mains). If, say, there are 100-watt lamps installed in a room, then the dimmer allows you to “turn” them into 30-watt lamps depending on the situation. Or, say, 80-watt. A dimmer is a device for saving energy, reviews of which characterize this invention as very technologically advanced.

The whole truth about LEDs

An LED is an electrical element that allows you to generate streams of light using much less current energy than a conventional incandescent lamp. An LED lamp is a device for saving energy, reviews of which, as is correct, are extremely positive.

The main question that interests the Russian consumer is whether there are real savings when installing lighting devices based on LEDs? How noticeable is it? Experts, in order not to be unfounded, most often justify the advantages of LEDs this way.

The flux of light radiation is measured in special units - lumens. A typical incandescent light bulb produces approximately 14 lumens per watt of electrical energy it consumes. Fluorescent energy-saving lamp - approximately 61 lumens. LED - about 100. So purely technologically, this device outperforms its traditional “competitors”.

Let's try to work with numbers. Let’s take an average market one in which 5 energy-saving lamps are installed. It consumes about 330 kilowatts per year (if turned on for 12 hours daily). Let's say a kilowatt costs 5 rubles (it is difficult to say exactly how much electricity costs in Russia on average, there is a very large regionalization of tariffs). Then the apartment owner will pay 1,650 rubles. Now let's do the calculations for LED lamps. With an efficiency equal to the ratio of lumens per kilowatt (61 to 100), the savings will be almost 1000 rubles. And this is only for one lamp, of which there may be several in an apartment.

This is what the LED circuit looks like.

The energy efficiency of LEDs is explained by technology: while conventional incandescent lamps convert a significant percentage of electricity into heat (which is why the bulbs are hot), LEDs almost completely convert electricity into light.

If we use LED bulbs, saving energy is not the only advantage of these devices. Other advantages of LEDs include a long service life (about 50 times longer than incandescent lamps). These types of lighting devices contain virtually no harmful substances (while many energy-saving lamps contain mercury). LEDs are perfectly adjustable (using the same dimmers). Many types fluorescent lamps cannot operate in the mode of smoothly changing the current supply level. LEDs practically do not flicker, do not blink and do not fail during operation. All these effects are characteristic of fluorescent lamps. LEDs reach full light output almost instantly. Fluorescent lamps usually take a few seconds to do this. And if the room temperature is low, sometimes even minutes.

LEDs emit light closer to the solar spectrum than fluorescent lamps. This is noticeable even to the naked eye. Just look at how things look in the room when lit different types devices. LEDs have a much higher so-called luminous rendering index (or CRI).

For many apartment owners, it is important what “color” the space of the room is painted when an artificial light source is turned on - warm, neutral or cold. In the case of fluorescent lamps, you can choose a device that can glow in the first or second mode. Lamps with warm (yellow) tones have a color temperature of 2700 kelvin. With neutral (white color) - 5000, with cold (blue tint) - 6500. LEDs provide exactly the same opportunity. In this regard, they are a complete replacement energy saving lamps. Moreover, these devices themselves can generate a variety of colors.

LEDs do not burn out, unlike other types of lamps. Over the years, they can only lose some consumer properties, but very smoothly and almost imperceptibly for the apartment owner.

The main counterargument of opponents of using LEDs is the high price of such devices. To some extent this is true. LEDs are more expensive than incandescent lamps and their energy-efficient counterparts. But the difference now is not the same as it was several years ago, when LEDs just entered the market - since then they have become significantly cheaper. Let's look at a simple example that we can then show to skeptics.

A regular incandescent lamp (60-watt) costs about 30 rubles.

Energy-saving fluorescent (producing the same, consuming about 12 watts) - 150 rubles.

LED (generating the same, consuming 5 watts) - 500 rubles.

How much does electricity cost in our example? Let's take the case when the price of a kilowatt is 3 rubles (about the same in Moscow). Lighting fixtures in Russian houses(chandeliers, floor lamps) are used about 8-10 hours a day. In a year, therefore, the lamps will burn 2920-3650 hours.

If the lighting fixtures contain incandescent lamps, they will consume (we multiply the annual number of hours by the wattage) 175-219 kilowatts. Fluorescent - 35-44 kW. LED - 14-19 kilowatts.

Multiply by rubles.

The bill for light when using an incandescent lamp is 525-657 rubles.

Using a fluorescent lamp, the owner will pay 105-132 rubles.

With LED - 44-57 rub.

Compared to an incandescent lamp, an LED pays for itself in the first year. Skeptics will say: “What about the luminescent product?” The savings are nothing at all. On the one hand, this is true - with a difference of 60 rubles, the LED will pay for itself in 8 years. But we look at the shelf life: a fluorescent lamp has an average lifespan of 10 thousand hours (about 3 years of operation), while an LED lamp has an average lifespan of 50 thousand (about 15 years). It turns out that after 10 years of operation, the owner will invest the same amount in the purchase of new fluorescent lamps as in an LED. But this does not take into account the net savings in electricity, labor costs for replacing lamps and aesthetic advantages - we indicated above that LED light is closer to solar light.

Saving electricity in a factory

Having considered options for saving energy in apartments, let’s move on to the business area. Energy-saving technologies are the most important criterion for the competitiveness of an enterprise and the stability of its business model. Every ruble counts here. Which ones for Russian companies Are there any electricity saving options?

The first thing to do is to install modern meters that are as accurate as possible - energy-saving technologies begin at the level of calculations and budgeting for electricity costs.

Among the priority stages of work to improve energy efficiency is the purchase of frequency converters. These devices allow you to tailor your corporate power supply to specific types of equipment, which can improve their performance and energy efficiency. A frequency converter is a device for saving energy, reviews of which reflect great interest in the operation of such inventions on the part of Russian companies.

Personnel, as you know, decide everything. It is necessary that some responsible person (or group of employees) deal with the issues of increasing the efficiency of electricity consumption at the enterprise. Sometimes the title of such a position sounds like “Responsible for energy management.” The main responsibilities of such a specialist are to supply the enterprise with advanced technological solutions in the field of energy conservation, maintenance of purchased devices, control over repair and maintenance work, and timely diagnostics of equipment. Also, the functions of this specialist may include developing action plans to train company employees in the basics of energy saving. An accountant can be sent to assist the specialist, who can organize calculations for the enterprise’s electricity consumption and maintain statistics.

The employee responsible for the energy sector can also develop special regulations, according to which it will not be acceptable to exceed the total power consumed by the company for a certain period (for example, a month). It can also conduct corporate events to save energy - employee training, meetings. If, say, there is an excess of capacity (without the coordination and approval of management or other competent employees), then, as an option, the costs will be compensated by the bonus part of the salary of the company’s personnel. What wording may be in this regulation? For example, it is inadmissible to turn on lighting devices of such and such power if there are no objective reasons for this.

By analogy with increasing the energy efficiency of apartments and residential buildings, you can install (where possible) fluorescent or LED energy-saving lamps.

What kind of energy saving device can an organization supply? A useful option is to install an RCD (residual current device) as part of the company's power supply system. It cannot be said that this is a full-fledged device for saving energy. But it allows you to reduce possible electrical leaks in the wiring. It is also useful to install soft starters (soft starters). As an option - simultaneously with the RCD. In turn, we can consider that the soft starter is a specialized device for saving energy. It allows you to start industrial equipment, reducing the likelihood of overheating of the motors installed in it, and establish an optimal mode of operation from the point of view of energy consumption.

Before you think about buying another expensive device to save energy in your enterprise, you need to make sure whether resources are involved that are not directly related to high technology. Quite the contrary, sometimes the opportunity to save on electricity, as they say, lies on the surface. It doesn’t matter at all how much the equipment costs, what the device circuit is for saving energy, what the nuances of installation and operation are. A simple example: painting the walls, ceilings and floors of offices and industrial premises in light colors can significantly improve energy efficiency. This will reduce to a minimum the frequency of turning on the lamps if there is at least evening or early morning sunlight outside and virtually eliminate such a need if the light is daylight. In this regard, it is necessary to keep the windows of offices and industrial premises clean. Experts put the figure at 5-10% - this is savings due to transparent glass. As you can see, there is no investment in expensive devices, but there is an effect.

It is possible to implement systems that automatic mode control lighting devices (presence sensors, relays, etc.).

There is no need to save on investing in new types of electrical engineering and production equipment. You need to understand that a significant part of the world's leading brands are developing for markets in countries with very expensive electricity. In Russia, as is known, electricity, due to the total capacity of the stations and their diversification (there are nuclear, hydro, and thermal power plants), is cheaper than in most Western countries. It is necessary to monitor the market for modern developments in the field of energy saving.

Regulations should be drawn up according to which office staff should use computer equipment. It may contain, for example, the following instructions:

If you need to move away from your workplace, put the computer into “sleep” mode and turn off the monitor;
- always turn off the copier, printer and scanner if they are not used (since even in standby mode, these types of office equipment consume energy);
- do not turn on air conditioners and heaters unless absolutely necessary.

Saving light is the path to profit

Having considered the main points related to how energy savings should be carried out in an enterprise, we will consider in detail the aspect of electricity consumption lighting fixtures. According to statistics, about 10% (and in some industries - more than 30% of the costs of Russian factories and factories associated with electricity consumption fall on payment of electricity bills.

What are some energy saving methods for lighting? Experts name several key ones.

Firstly, lighting installations in factories and factories must be used rationally. It is impossible to allow any part of the factory to be illuminated with more powerful lamps than other areas.

Secondly, the electrical voltage level must not be allowed to corporate networks was above the nominal (or below it). In the first case, there will be excessive consumption of electricity, in the second, the luminous flux will decrease, which can negatively affect performance.

Thirdly, it is undesirable for any units in the enterprise to run idle. It is necessary to install switches that will manually or automatically turn off and turn on individual groups of lighting devices. Automation and simplification of the decision-making process when working to improve energy efficiency is very important, since, in addition to saving electricity, there are also specialized production tasks.

In connection with the rapidly growing cost of electrical energy, the issue of saving it comes to the fore. Cunning entrepreneurs did not fail to take advantage of this. Not very long ago, devices came onto the market that allegedly allow you to save almost 50% of electricity at home.

You just need to plug them into a power outlet. These devices have different names - SmartBox, Powersave, Energy Saver, Economic, etc. Using the example of one of them (more specifically Smart-Boy), we will figure out whether it meets the declared qualities and whether it is possible to assemble such a device with your own hands.

The advertised capabilities of devices to save electricity

The manufacturers of the Smart-Boy device claim that it is a unique device that:

  • allows you to compensate for reactive power in the electrical network;
  • filters interference;
  • protects the electrical network from phase imbalance, as well as from lightning strikes.

The simplest version of this device is designed for a load power of 15 kW for single-phase network. But there is also a version of the device for three-phase networks with a load power of up to 48 kW.

The most shocking declared property of the device is its ability to convert the reactive component of power into an active one, which is counted by the meter in houses. This capability would be indispensable for large industrial plants.

The cost of this device ranges from 20 to 80 dollars, which is incomparably lower than the cost of bulky devices such as capacitor units, stabilizers for equalizing phase voltages, harmonic filters, etc.

However, before praising the manufacturers, let’s check what the Smart-Boy device actually consists of and whether it allows for all the declared functions.

Internal diagram of the Smart-Boy device

Not a single commercial about energy-saving appliances contains photographs of their interior. However, this is not surprising, because the composition of the Smart-Boy device is rather poor. The most luxurious part of it is the body with two LEDs on the front. Inside are:

  • fixed strong electronic board;
  • diode bridge;
  • film capacitor;
  • power supply for LEDs.

The cost of components for this device is unlikely to exceed $4. Its design is so primitive that you can assemble it yourself. But everything would be fine if this scheme worked as the manufacturer claims.

Internal diagram of the device

How does Smart-Boy work?

Before we analyze the operation of the electricity saving device, let’s dive a little into the theory. So, the total power consumed by consumers consists of active as well as reactive components.

Active power is useful, it is what the meter in our houses and apartments counts, and we pay money for it. Reactive power is useless (it is not taken into account by the meter), it creates interference and reduces the efficiency of the entire energy system. We don't pay for it.

And large industries (plants, factories) pay for it, since it is they, having a lot of equipment with a huge inductive component, who create it, additionally loading the electrical network. A special meter installed at enterprises reads the reactive component of power.

To reduce the production of reactive power, complex and bulky devices called reactive power compensators (RPC) are used. These KRM are initially designed for a certain load, which on an industrial scale is relatively constant.

Reactive power compensators

Electricity savers, if they are able to save something, do so at an initially determined constant load. But in reality, it is not possible to calculate this load.
Nowadays, many devices (for example, computer power supplies) are initially equipped with reactive power compensators, which can actually save up to 10% of electricity.

But in these cases, the ratings of the inductor, capacitance and other hardware are carefully calculated in advance. This leads to successful savings.
In Smart-Boy, the film capacitor has too little power to compensate for the current consumed by large electrical appliances (boilers, refrigerators, washing machines etc.).

Internals of the device

The given capacitance of a film capacitor is suitable only for lamps, charger phone and other small things. In addition, the process of charging the film capacitor occurs using high-frequency pulses. A regular meter and an electronic meter have low sensitivity to current passing through high frequencies.

The energy consumption through pulses will still be taken into account by the home meter, even if it has a large negative error. It follows from this that using Smart-Boy it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve energy savings, rather the opposite.

Converting reactive power into active power in Smart-Boy

In electrical engineering, the very possibility of converting reactive power into active power is rather elusive.

There is no theoretical or practical data for such a transformation.

Dealers selling electricity-saving devices do not have technical description this opportunity. Therefore, whether to accept this statement on faith or not is up to consumers.

How to make such a device with your own hands

From all that has been said, we can conclude that advertised electricity savers do not save anything, but experiments have shown that with the help of such products it is possible to reduce interference in home electrical wiring and effectively protect it from thunderstorms.

However, purchasing such a product at such an inflated price is not justified.

It’s safer and better to do it yourself.
To do this you will need the following components:

  1. a small microcircuit as the main element;
  2. film capacitor;
  3. power rectifier;
  4. plastic case;
  5. screw;
  6. 2 LEDs;
  7. button;
  8. a power mechanism that plugs into a socket.

It is worth noting that when assembling any electrical diagram you need to be extremely careful with your hands. You cannot use a metal case even for such a small product.

How can you still save energy?

Whether or not to purchase the products described above is your choice. However, to really save electricity with your own hands, you just need to use less household electrical appliances. Nobody is talking about completely abandoning them.

But make sure that the lights are turned off where they are not needed. this moment, unplugging devices plugged in unnecessarily and electronics when we are not using them are very real things.

And you will immediately notice that if such simple rules the electricity meter will show a smaller increase in values ​​than before.

Today on the market you can buy both proven devices for saving electricity (more precisely, equipment with high energy saving rates) and dubious devices for saving electricity. What is their difference, given that often household appliances in the factory configuration are already equipped with what various energy-saving devices unreasonably promise?

Review of energy saving devices

All so-called “innovative” devices for, regardless of price, are simply plugged into an outlet and, according to sellers, begin to reduce electricity consumption by 30-50%. The amount of promised benefit depends on the type of household appliance in use. For example, the maximum effect should be achieved when operating a washing machine and refrigerator, and the minimum effect should be achieved when operating a toaster or electric kettle.

The appearance of the device resembles a very large computer mouse or radio. Size - about 12 cm long, 7 cm wide and 4 cm thick (sometimes a little more). These include smartBox, Pover Saver, Energy Saver, Powersave, berBox, Saving-box, Ekonomych and others.

For example, the Electricity Saving Box device (while similar characteristics are present in the description of almost every device). It is stated that the saver:

  • does not “increase” the meter, but works completely legally, using electricity more efficiently,
  • extends the “lifetime” of household electrical appliances,
  • pays for itself in 1-2 months of service,
  • effectiveness is confirmed by research,
  • designed for a standard residential electrical network with a permissible load of 5 kW - 19 kW.

There is a ban on installation in rooms where humidity exceeds 85%. When purchasing, there is no image of the contents of the case, so for testing I had to open the purchased sample. Inside the device, when “opened,” there was a power supply for indicator LEDs placed outside, a diode bridge and a capacitor.

Devices for saving energy: myth or reality

The physical component of the process is described as a way to protect the network from reactive energy (or, as it is also called “side”, “unnecessary”). It is assumed that this energy not only creates an additional load on the network, but also creates an electromagnetic field that negatively affects human health. Some devices (for example, Smart Boy) promise an effect achieved by converting reactive side energy into the desired active energy. In addition, devices must:

  • filter interference,
  • do not allow phase “distortion”,
  • protect from lightning strikes.

Such a miracle device for saving electricity should be a salvation, but judging by the reviews of experts, the promise of savings is a scam, and the physical essence of the process has no theoretical justification.

In practice, the reactive component cannot be converted into useful types of energy, although it is needed for the process of converting the active component into energy of other types. In this case, the reactive component can indeed exceed (and significantly) the active one (idling operation of transformers, electric motors, connection of spot welding units, etc.) Therefore, in enterprises where equipment and mechanisms with a high inductive component produce reactive energy, to “unload » power grids use reactive power compensators (abbreviation KRM).

But existing KRM compensators are devices much more complex than the presented savers, often bulky and, most importantly, they are immediately calculated for a strictly defined load, taking into account a lot of parameters. Compensators are also included in the basic configuration of common home appliances.

Saving devices with proven savings effect

An example of a built-in PFC is Passive PFC, a device that is included in the power supplies of almost all computers, reducing power consumption by 5-10% of the volume consumed by a computer without this element. PFC:

  • consists of a smoothing capacitor and a diode bridge,
  • is built between the capacitor and the rectifier,
  • designed to reduce “impulseness” by limiting the current consumption in amplitude and “stretching” it over time.

When installing it, it is important to observe the exact load factor, which is calculated at the factory, taking into account, for example, capacity ratings and other values.

Other means of home energy conservation with clearly proven beneficial effects include the use of:

  • energy saving lamps and LEDs,
  • household appliances with a high energy efficiency class (there are different markings, but everywhere the closer the marking letter is to the beginning of the alphabet and the more “+”, the less energy-consuming the device is - max. A+++).

Pros and cons of using questionable saving devices

For those who strive to reduce financial costs for electricity, the most significant argument is that reactive energy is not considered by household meters, and consumers do not pay for it. This is usually enough for such consumers to refuse to purchase the device.

But supporters of such devices try to find advantages and often refer to the presence of official certification of the product, which should confirm effectiveness. However, one must understand that such certification only determines the safety of the device, and consumer functionality and efficiency are not considered, so the presence of certification is a weak argument.

Experts note that on the Internet there are a number of schemes for various devices that are presented as saving money. They cannot reduce energy consumption, but some help reduce interference in electrical wiring. However, at the same time, the risk of choosing an erroneous one instead of an effective one is high, which will lead to short circuit, microcircuit burnout.

During repairs, remodeling, or even just drilling a hole in the wall if necessary, it is advisable to make sure that there is no wiring, fittings or pipes in this place. All this can be done by a device for detecting hidden wiring. This is a small and relatively inexpensive device that weighs no more than 200 grams, but it can help quite significantly: getting into a water pipe or wiring during repairs is, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

Finding hidden pipes or wires behind plaster or tiles is a task that a hidden lead detector can perform.

Types of devices for detecting hidden wiring

There are several types of devices for detecting hidden wiring. They operate based on different phenomena and serve different purposes.

Let's start our conversation about types of devices with what this equipment is called. The official name is a device for detecting hidden wiring. They can be called: detector, indicator, signaling device, finder, determiner, tester. In general, there are a lot of names, but the essence is the same. These devices (some of them) can find hidden wiring in the wall, frame (metal or wood), metal or plastic pipes.

Detection of metals in the wall

There are detectors for wiring, fittings, and metal frames, which are miniature metal detectors. They create a magnetic field around themselves, to which metals hidden in the wall react. They detect any metal, be it a screw, a water pipe or wiring.

These devices are usually inexpensive, and many can pinpoint locations in walls and some under floors quite accurately (if the detection range is sufficient). Disadvantage: with an abundance of metals, it is difficult to determine where everything is. For example, in a reinforced concrete wall, determine where the reinforcement is and where the wiring is. To be precise, having a device to detect wiring of this type is simply impossible.

A metal detector is a simple device, but can sometimes come in handy

Some models of metal detector devices can detect not only metal, but also wood or plastic hidden in the wall. They work on a different principle - they determine the density of materials based on the speed at which pulses pass. These are already quite complex devices, more expensive, most often they have a liquid crystal display, which displays information about what exactly was found in the wall.

Wiring detectors

There is another type of equipment for searching wiring - detectors (also called testers or indicators). These devices respond to an electromagnetic field that creates a current passing through a conductor. That is, this type of device is good at detecting the presence of wiring under load or voltage. If a conductor is broken or a pipe or metal frame needs to be found, wire detectors will be useless.

These devices have one more drawback - they are useless on wet walls, as they give signals almost constantly. Wet walls “respond” to the electromagnetic field of the device, causing it to constantly ring.

Universal devices

Since work often requires both types of equipment, a universal wiring detection device was created. Such equipment usually has several operating modes - for detecting metals in general and separately for searching wiring. These modes come with varying degrees of sensitivity - to determine the exact location of the communications found on the wall.

Typically, such a device for detecting hidden wiring belongs to the class of professional or semi-professional equipment. They usually work more accurately, but they also cost several times more. It is also worth noting that some models (in particular BOSCH DMF 10 Zoom) require pre-configuration. Before using it for its intended purpose, it must be turned on and held pressed against the wall for a while. Moreover, there should be no voids, metal or other irregularities in the wall. After this setup, the device identifies everything very well, but if you use it immediately after turning it on, it shows nonsense.

Features and Disadvantages

There are several points common to all devices for searching hidden wiring. They just manifest themselves to different degrees - cheaper models have more, expensive models have less. So here are the problems:

As already mentioned, the higher the class of the device, the less these phenomena are. So when working, always remember that mistakes can happen and work carefully and certainly with the power turned off.

What to look for when purchasing

First you need to decide on the set of functions that you need. If you just need to find the wiring, an inexpensive detector will do the job. If you also have to define frames or pipelines, you will need a more serious device.

Scan depth

When purchasing, pay attention to what materials can be identified this model, at what depth these materials can be located. Cheap models are usually looked for at a depth of 20 mm, which is clearly not enough - the layer of plaster is usually larger - about 30-40 mm. In general, it is advisable to “see” the device for detecting hidden wiring as deeply as possible. True, such models are more expensive.

Scanning depth is one of the key characteristics

Indication type

You will need to decide on the type of notification. It comes in three types:

In general, you need to get used to any detector - learn what signals it gives when approaching each type of “find.” To do this, you must first check the reaction on open wires, fittings, wood, and then try to find something hidden in the wall or floor. In addition, before starting work, it is advisable to do the incredible - read the operating instructions. This usually helps you learn how to use the device faster.

Test in store

Test the model you choose before purchasing. Any wire leading to an electrical appliance can be used as an object. See if the stated scanning depth corresponds to the real one - try to “find” the wire on at different distances from it, cover it with a board, piece of plastic, etc., try again. If all tests pass normally, you can buy.

Before purchasing, check how the device works

Best options

In this section, we tried to collect the most successful models of hidden wiring detectors, based on reviews. As usual, there are sometimes conflicting reviews for the same model. We tried to select those whose number of positive reviews significantly exceeds negative ones.

Woodpecker Wiring Detector

This device is produced in Ukraine and costs relatively little, $25-30. Received three times more positive ratings than negative ones. Can be used to locate live conductors. When working, do not turn off the light, but it is advisable to load the network with something (for example, turn on a lamp). It detects live wires successfully, but if the conductor is laid in a plastic pipe, it does not see it.

Woodpecker - device for detecting hidden wiring

The Woodpecker device for detecting hidden wiring has four sensitivity modes:

  1. determines the location of the conductor with an accuracy of 10 mm;
  2. up to 100 mm;
  3. up to 300 mm;
  4. up to 700 mm.

That is, you need to start working by turning on the 4th mode. When approaching the conductor, the LED begins to blink and a squeak is heard. The closer you are to the conductor, the faster the blinking and the louder the sound. Having found out the boundary of the most intense signals, we put a mark on the wall. We repeat the operation on the other side. Next, we switch the mode and start the search from the already designated boundaries. So, gradually, we find the location of the conductor with an accuracy of 1 cm in both directions.

Bosch DMF 10 Zoom

This device has a liquid crystal monitor and two operating modes: detection of metal (magnetic and non-magnetic), wood and wiring. There is a Zoom mode to increase the sensitivity of the device. But turning it on leads to the fact that the detector begins to react not only to wiring, for example, but also to metal racks or fittings located nearby.

When approaching the desired object, the sound and light indication turn on. A scale lights up on the device screen, by which you can determine how close the device is to the conductor - the closer, the more shaded stripes on the scale.

The display also displays graphic images of the found materials:

  • a crossed out magnet means a non-magnetic metal (aluminium, for example);
  • lightning with divisions - live wiring;

In order to be able to find objects normally, it is necessary to study the operating instructions. There are many nuances described there that will allow you to correctly interpret various situations and not make mistakes when working.

Determine hidden wiring Bosch GMS-120

Another detector from a famous company. In addition to wiring and metals, he searches for wood. There are three operating modes:

It has good reviews; it differs from the previous version in the absence of the Zoom function. But in the middle of the case there is a hole through which you can mark on the wall the place where the conductor passes or, conversely, a place free of all metal - for safe drilling in the wall, ceiling or floor.

From all the reviews, several practical recommendations can be drawn:

  • if the device “rings” all over the wall, touch the wall with your second hand (remove interference), it will work normally;
  • If you don’t understand the indications, read the instructions, everything is described there clearly - in which cases to use which modes.

In general, with some experience, you can quite accurately determine where the wiring is located.

Device POSP 1

The good thing about a domestically produced product is that it allows you to not only detect live wiring. It can even find a broken wire in the wall. To do this, the switched on device must be guided along the conductor. As long as the wire is intact, the light indication is on. In the place where the indicator goes out and there is a break. To be sure, carry out a similar operation on the other side (you can repeat the test twice).

Costs this device a little - $20-25, but its popularity is not very high, there were no reviews.

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