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It's obvious that active use Computer maintenance necessarily involves installing new antiviruses that are of interest to the user. But when the antivirus does not want to be removed from the computer, this cannot but upset. Therefore I answer frequently asked question users, how to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from a computer if it cannot be removed.

Before deletion

To delete Kaspersky standard using Windows , you can try deleting it through your account, if that doesn’t work, go into safe mode and try deleting it from there. Next, find the antivirus icon in the tray, click on it right click mouse and select “Exit” (as in the screenshot below).

After this, you can remove the antivirus.

Above I told you how to remove Kaspersky anti-virus without any programs. But if you can’t remove the antivirus in a simple way: in your account or under safe mode, then read the article further.

Remember that the antivirus has registered itself in system registry, go to the registry editor by pressing the key combination “Win ​​+ R” or “Start” - “Run”, then typing “regedit” and pressing “Enter”.

We run a search throughout the entire computer, carefully review the contents of the disks, find files associated with the product to be removed and get rid of them.

Removal using KavRemover utility

For those cases when the antivirus does not want to be removed, there is a special utility KavRemover, which was developed by the Kaspersky Lab campaign. To start using it, let's first download it from the official website. Like all utilities of this type, it does not require installation, as it is needed only once.

So, we downloaded the program and entered safe mode. Did you succeed? If everything is ok, then we move on. We launch the downloaded utility, agree to the license, click “I agree.”

After a few seconds, the program will scan the system for software products Kaspersky. If your system does not have an antivirus from Kaspersky or the utility could not find the antivirus, then you need to independently indicate which software product you want to remove.

Next step, enter the code from the picture and click “Delete”. We must be patient and wait for the message to appear. successful completion removal procedures, reboot the computer.

By the way, I only recently learned that the program is capable of removing an antivirus, even if its removal is protected by a password. So take it on board, because there are times when it is absolutely necessary.

After removal, we analyze a kind of log generated in the folder from where the utility was launched.

Uninstalling Kaspersky using special programs

How to remove Kaspersky if the methods described above did not help you? To remove mono use special utilities. It should be noted that there are plenty of such programs created, although they are used less often, because there is a utility that was created by the developers themselves. Of course, it is better to use those that have already been tested and received positive reviews. The main advantage of such programs is that, unlike standard means Operating System, relieve the user from the need to search and manually “clean up” the remnants of uninstalled software products, including anti-virus ones. Since such programs are easy to use, friendly and clear interface, you shouldn't have any problems with deletion.

There is an article on the blog in which he talked about one of these programs: “”.

And one more point to which I would like to draw your attention. A standard antivirus installed on a computer may well identify an antivirus removal program as potentially dangerous and threatening the security of the computer. There is no need to be afraid of this. After all, this is a completely normal reaction to the detection of a program that, in the process of its operation, forcibly closes the antivirus, and also performs other suspicious and dangerous actions, from the point of view of the antivirus. In addition, to prevent the antivirus from triggering regularly, you can add this program as a trusted application, thereby telling the antivirus that we know what we are doing.

Thus, from all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion - correct removal of antivirus programs is a completely doable task, although it may not be entirely simple.

We have figured out how to remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus, now we are determining how you can remove the anti-virus.

You can see how to remove other antiviruses in the following articles:

See you soon!

Puzzles of the 10th round. Just a little bit left and the prizes are in your pocket 😉

Many owners of computers or laptops install trial versions antiviruses subsequently want to remove them and, as luck would have it, they won’t succeed (it doesn’t work).

There are reasons for this. The creators do everything possible to ensure that their antivirus programs cannot not only remove, but even temporarily disable the viruses themselves - the result affects users.

So how can you completely remove antivirus from your computer? There are several options for this, maybe three. I'll start with the simplest and end with the most effective.

The easiest and fastest way to remove antivirus

To remove PC Defender, you must disable it. This used to be as simple as using the task manager and killing the process.

This won’t work with modern ones; you can’t just disable the antivirus, much less remove it. Even if you go to Control Panel in the “Programs and Features” category, you won’t be able to do this (all other programs can).

If you don’t want to download additional uninstallers, then log into Windows in safe mode (disconnect the network without turning off the computer - after turning it on, the line “log in in safe mode” will appear).

After this, you can safely remove any antivirus, but the tails will definitely remain in the registry, although it will no longer work. To avoid this there is a more advanced way.

Removing antivirus using special software. programs

There are special programs for deleting files that cannot be deleted, including antivirus programs. My favorite is the “revo unistaller”.

You can download it and read the instructions. After downloading and installing, you will see all the programs in the “revo uninstaller” window located on your computer.

Select your “defender” and click delete at the top. Also note that a tab with three modes will appear in front of you.

Choose (advanced/professional) and don’t worry, the program creates a restore point and you can fix everything at any time (restore it to how it was before).

Some people may not be able to remove the antivirus this way, then there is another option.

What to do if you can’t remove your antivirus

It happens, and this happens, the antivirus is not removed and that’s it. What to do then? In this case, download a small file from here.

There you will find an individual program for each antivirus that will remove it with any remains (from the registry).

You just need to find it and download it. Since they are all free, it is not difficult. I specifically do not write links, since they are constantly updated.

In order not to search for a long time, you can download free program in Russian “AV.Uninstall.Tools.Pack”. There are all the utilities for removing all antiviruses, it weighs about 100 MB. That's all. Good luck.

In the letters that I receive from site visitors, quite often there are questions, the meaning of which boils down to the following:

- I want to change the antivirus, but it doesn’t work.

- The antivirus installation program requires you to remove the old antivirus, but it is not removed.

- I removed the old antivirus, but I can’t install the new one. A message appears that the old antivirus has not been removed. What to do?

Having answered letters with similar questions several times, I realized that this topic is of interest to many, and therefore I decided to release a lesson for all site visitors.

The reason for problems of this kind lies in the fact that almost any antivirus program, when installed, “penetrates” very deeply into the operating system, and subsequently finding and removing these “roots” is not always possible using conventional removal methods.

If you have ever tried to install two antiviruses at the same time, then you probably know how it ends. In 99% of cases, the computer is incredibly “buggy” and it is simply impossible to work.

And therefore, when installing most antiviruses, they require you to remove all the “tails” of the antivirus programs that were installed before.

This is where the problem arises - the old antivirus cannot be completely removed, and the new one does not want to be installed, because... “sees” the remnants of the previous one.

Hence the conclusion: in order for the problem to disappear, you need to learn how to completely (along with the “tails”) remove the antivirus. What are we going to do now?

Let's study this issue, moving from simple to complex!

1. First of all, try to remove the antivirus in the usual way. How this is done is described in the lesson “How to properly install and remove programs,” so I will not repeat myself.

In addition to the methods described in this lesson, you can try running the installation file (setup.exe or install.exe) with which you installed your antivirus. Many antiviruses have built-in tools for removing themselves, so when you run the installation, you will most likely see next to the item "install" and point "uninstall program".

This is the easiest removal method, which, unfortunately, almost always leaves “tails”.

In addition, on the websites of antivirus creators (or on their forums) you can find and download utilities (programs) that are made specifically for removing your own antiviruses. The name of the site can be found from the antivirus program itself by selecting in the menu item "Reference" (Help) line "About the program" (About).

They are definitely worth looking for, but, unfortunately, such utilities do not exist for all antiviruses. Therefore, after you have done all this (or were unable to do it), and there is no effect, you need to find and remove all obvious (visible) remnants of the antivirus.

2. We are looking for obvious “tails”.

To do this, first delete all folders with files in which this antivirus is located. After that, run a search: Start – Search, and in the left part of the window that appears, select the item "Files and folders":

When the search is completed, delete everything related to your antivirus from all folders, and especially from the Program Files folder.

Read more about searching for files.

3. Sometimes, to remove some of these files it is necessary disable services that are created by antiviruses.

To find out if there are such services, you need to click Start - Run and type from the keyboard services.msc

If you don't want to do more deep cleaning then after this step you can try to install new antivirus, because often this is already enough for the installation to be successful. However, not always.

4. An even more serious step towards removing all unnecessary “tails” remaining from the old antivirus would be registry cleaning.

To clean the registry, you can use special programs: NBG Clean Regisrty, RegCleaner, jv16 PowerTools or CCleaner, which can be downloaded.

After cleaning any of these programs, most often the problem disappears completely, but again not always.

Therefore, if all of the above does not help, you can do the following...

5. Manual registry cleaning.

Run the program to edit the registry: Start - Run– type from the keyboard regedit :

When the program starts, select the menu item “Edit” - “Find”:

In the window that appears, enter the name of your antivirus. Make sure all the checkboxes are checked and click the button "Find Next":

When the program finds any registry entry similar to the entered name, it will stop waiting for your actions. Your task here is to make sure that this entry is actually associated with the antivirus, and delete it if so. To do this, move the mouse cursor to this entry, right-click and select "Delete":

To continue the search after this, press the key F3, and when the program finds the next entry, delete it and press again F3. And so on until the search and removal of all unnecessary registry entries is completed. Pay special attention to this registry branch:


But be careful not to accidentally delete anything unrelated to what you're looking for.

(By the way, this cleaning method is also good for removing “tails” from some programs that have a limited period of use (usually 30 days), after which they cannot be installed again).

After all the above steps, reboot and if you did everything correctly and carefully, feel free to start installing the desired program.

6. Well, if this doesn’t help, then there’s always this universal method How complete reinstallation of Windows.

After complete Windows reinstallation any problem of this kind disappears 100%.

Most PC users do not even realize that incorrect removal of an antivirus program can lead to problems with the installation of similar software. Let's look at how to remove antivirus correctly, which will help avoid problems in the future.

The easiest way is to remove it using the Windows system itself. Open “Control Panel” → “Programs” → “Programs and Features”, find the one you need in the list of applications and uninstall it. A more complicated option is to uninstall the antivirus program using third-party software. Download and install “Your” on your computer Uninstaller PRO “- it’s good if you do this for your own safety via torrent. Instructions, as well as a list of the largest torrent trackers, will help you. Launch Uninstaller, select the antivirus icon in the cleaner’s working window and activate the “Delete” button in the “Details” section. That's not all. Antiviruses tend to penetrate quite deeply into system folders

Many users encounter problems when uninstalling Avast antivirus from their computer, so we decided to write detailed instructions How to remove Avast antivirus from your computer completely and correctly. Many users who installed Avast to protect their PC from malware software Over time, you have to abandon its functionality for a number of reasons.

It’s not possible to simply get rid of an antivirus program; the developers have provided for attempts to disable and even remove their product by malware and inexperienced users. Let's delve into the topic and get acquainted with all the ways to safely and correctly uninstall an application in any operating system Windows system, starting with "seven".

Why is it important to get rid of Avast correctly?

The main reason why users want to completely remove Avast from their computer is to replace the defender with similar program, perhaps more powerful. The fact is that remnants of the application may prevent the installation of other programs to provide your computer with the proper level of security.

For example, Avast residual files do not allow you to install Kaspersky anti-virus, giving an error message stating that another anti-virus protection is installed.

We will look at how to remove Avast from a computer running Windows control 7 completely, for Windows 8 (there are some features, we’ll talk about them later) and Windows 10 the process will look identical.

Preparing for removal - Disabling self-defense

Before you have the opportunity to delete Avast antivirus from your computer, you should disable the self-defense module (SD). It was created to resist advanced viruses that can do this in automatic mode by disabling and uninstalling critical components and editing entries in the system registry.

Because of this function, which increases the degree of protection of the program, many users cannot remove Avast from Windows 7 - 10. Let's talk about how to disable self-defense antivirus application, before deleting.

1 Expand the user interface through the program launch shortcut or context menu tray icons (near the clock).

2 Click "Settings" bottom left.

Rice. 1 – Call “Settings” of the program

3 Go to the tab "Trouble-shooting".

Rice. 2 – Go to the “Troubleshooting” tab

4 Uncheck the box next to the option “Enable self-defense module”.

Rice. 3 – Disabling self-defense

5 We read the alert that appears, which says that if you disable the self-defense function, the risk of PC infection increases, and click "OK".

Rice. 4 – Save the settings

Self-defense is turned off, you can now remove the program using the standard Avast uninstaller, special programs or Avast removal utilities.

Uninstalling antivirus using standard Windows tools

The developers did not provide shortcuts for removing Avast using the Start utility built into the installer, so the element will help us remove the unnecessary security tool "Control Panels", which is called "Programs and Features".

1 Open the “Control Panel” and call this component if the icons are visualized as large icons.

Rice. 5 – Calling the Control Panel element

If they are grouped, click "Uninstall a program".

Rice. 6 – Alternative method

2 Listed installed applications choose Avast Free Antivirus or Premier, right-click on the icon and select "Delete". Or select a program from the list and click "Delete" above.

Rice. 7 – Uninstall Avast

3 The next stage is waiting. The installer makes all the preparations, after which you can remove Avast from your computer.

4 When the window for installing and solving problems with the Avast distribution of your version opens, select "Delete".

Rice. 8 – Click “Delete”

5 The waiting process will take a long time, since the program will take much longer to uninstall than it took to install. Let's be patient.

Rice. 9 – Removal process

Be sure to restart your PC. Once you restart your computer, Avast will be completely erased from your system.

We use third-party removal programs

Usually this method does a good job of getting rid of all the defender components. But it also has disadvantages. The most striking of them:

  • Some Avast-related files remain on the disk;
  • not all registry keys are deleted.

To demolish a folder Avast Software in Program Files and all entries in the system registry, you must resort to using third-party applications. First, let's look at how to remove an antivirus, if it is not removed, with all residual data through CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller, and then using a utility created by the antivirus developers themselves.

Using an example, we will show how to remove free Avast Premier (Free), instructions for getting rid of Internet Security will be similar.

It is better to download all offered products from official websites. We provide download links from developer sites to avoid other problems.

ADVICE. Try to download software from trusted sources and official program websites. This way you will protect yourself from virus infections and installation of third-party software without your consent.


The procedure for removing Avast antivirus in CCleaner is not much different from the process of erasing it using operating system Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10.

2 Launch the utility for removing garbage and software from your computer and go to the section "Service".

Rice. 10 – CCleaner Interface

Rice. 11 – Removing Avast

IMPORTANT! Do not click “Delete” under any circumstances. This function will erase the registry section that contains information about uninstalling the selected object.

Rice. 12 – Confirmation

4 In the installation window, do what is in the first instructions, starting from the 4th step.

5 When finished, go to the tab "Registry" and press "Search" problems.

Rice. 13 – Cleaning the registry

CCleaner will allow you to find and erase all registry keys related to Avast.

6 Click "Correct marked" and close the program.

Rice. 14 – Removing garbage from the registry

Revo Uninstaller

Let's touch on another great way to remove Avast antivirus.

1 Download and install Revo Uninstaller from the program’s official website:

2 In the program, select our object and call the command through the context menu "Delete". You can also use the Delete button at the top of the program panel.

Rice. 15 – Uninstalling Avast using Revo Uninstaller

3 The built-in uninstaller will launch. We do everything in the first instruction, starting from the 4th iteration.

It's better not to change anything, leaving "Moderate" search for keys.

Rice. 16 – Method of searching for garbage

5 Mark all partitions and erase them from the registry by pressing the button "Further".

Rice. 17 – Getting rid of the remaining keys

6 A list of remaining files will be downloaded. Also click "Delete" and close Uninstaller with the button "Ready".

Rice. 18 – Erase folders that the uninstaller could not remove

System files are not affected, rest assured, only the files of the program being removed.


Now let's look at another option, using the official Avast removal utility, you can download it from the official website:

1 By right-clicking, call up the context menu, where we click "Run with administrator rights".

Rice. 19 – Running with elevated privileges

2 We agree to restart the PC in safe mode.

Rice. 20 – Click “Yes”

FOR YOUR INFORMATION. This antivirus program is not intended for Windows 8 and constantly conflicts with it: after turning on the system and starting the antivirus, the OS freezes tightly, and many users cannot get rid of the application.

In such cases, you need to start in safe mode and carry out the procedure using any of the methods shown, but using the AvastClear utility would be preferable.

Safe mode in Windows 8 it starts like this:

1 Reboot the PC and immediately press the key combination Shift + F8.

2 In the window that appears, select "Diagnostics".

Rice. 24 – Specify directories and delete the program

6 Wait for the process to complete and close the window with the button "To restart a computer" to complete the uninstallation procedure.

The utility is the best remedy, which allows you to safely and completely remove Avast in Windows 7 – 10.

Remove Avast from PC - Easy!

We have discussed how to properly remove Avast antivirus to install another application in Windows 7 and 10, or simply get rid of it. We also drew attention to the subtleties of the process in Windows 8 and showed how to do this using the operating system and third-party utilities, including the specially created AvastClear.

We looked at how to clear the registry of debris remaining during the uninstallation of the antivirus. We hope the information was useful.

Thematic video:

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