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Sometimes users complain - the login-password is correct, the Internet is available, iTunes is updated to latest version, and go to yours to download applications from App Store or to listen to  Music does not come out. What is the problem?

Most likely the issue is with your provider. Users of state-owned Internet providers using ADSL technology (Rostelecom in Russia, Beltelecom in Belarus, etc.) periodically report that Apple blocks their IP address and does not “allow” them into the world of content.

Can't connect to the iTunes Store. An unknown error has occurred. How to fix?

It's easy to fix the problem if you have an iPhone or other smartphone with the ability to distribute the Internet (enable Modem Mode) to your computer. On iPhone:

1 . Go to Settings -> cellular;
2 . Turn on first Mobile Internet (Cellular data), and then Modem mode. If there is no Modem Mode section, then try to fix it using.
3 . Connect to the newly created network from your computer via

a) Wi-Fi (if your device is equipped with a module wireless network), or;

b) via Bluetooth (turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone and computer, create a pair on iPhone, enter the code from the PC screen, then connect to iPhone from your computer) or

c) via USB cable (connect your iPhone to your PC or Mac and select the USB option on your smartphone).

Just log in to your Apple ID (an EDGE connection is enough for this). After this, you can save yourself from the slow Internet and switch to your usual high-speed connection.

Done - you are logged into your account and now you know how to solve this problem in the future!

At the beginning of the month, I received a notification on my iPad that it was time to update the software to the latest version - iOS 6.0. Among the things that were updated in the software were Passbook, a watch, the ability to upload photos through a browser and other goodies ( It’s amazing, of course, that the iPad still didn’t have such functions as downloading images and an alarm clock). I decided to upgrade. The whole process was successful and I, one might say, did not even notice any mistakes, if the other day one of the applications installed on my tablet did not need to be updated. As expected in in this case, next to the AppStore icon a number appeared in a red circle, indicating the exact number of applications that can no longer be updated. So I click on this icon, but I get the following message: “Can’t connect to iTunes Store"(in English version "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"). So what's the problem?

I thought that these were some problems with Apple (it happened once before that I couldn’t open the AppStore for several hours, but later everything went away on its own), but it’s unlikely that they would have continued for a week. Today I was already tired of this wait for something unknown and I decided to look on foreign forums for ways to solve this problem. There were offers to roll back the firmware, but I have no idea how to do this, so I decided not to get involved - I have no plans to buy a new tablet yet, unless the film on the screen could use replacing, otherwise it already looks like a kitchen cutting board. And here it is: the most seemingly delusional proposal one could come up with. But it works. I'm serious.

So, the solution:
Closing everything open applications(for some reason, nothing worked for me with Safari open, although they write on the forum that other applications do not affect this matter in any way), after which we open the settings and go to the date and time settings. I had it on automatic detection time. I turned it off and added two more years to the date (i.e. I set it to 2014). Exit the settings and launch the AppStore. We get it, after which we again close all the applications that we managed to open, go to the settings and turn on automatic time detection. We launch the AppStore again and, lo and behold, a page appears before us offering to update applications. I have no idea how time settings affect the AppStore, but there is definitely some connection between them.

P.S. By the way, I didn’t experience any Passbook problems after updating to iOS 6.0.

UPD: The solution, of course, is not bad, but it’s a one-time solution, unfortunately: the AppStore works fine only until it is closed - after that the same problem occurs. I found a more radical solution to this problem, but it requires a computer with iTunes installed.

Please note that during recovery this way, all installed applications, photos, books in iBooks and all that stuff, so you first need to synchronize using an application on your computer, while marking all those sections that we need to save. Then, using the same application, we begin the process iPad recovery by clicking the "Restore" button. After clicking on it, 800MB of firmware files will be downloaded via the computer and iOS 6 will be reinstalled. After successful installation of the firmware, you will be asked to continue setting up the device as new or restore from backup copy. We select the installation again, and when everything is ready, we synchronize with the computer again.

Any Iphone owner or other mobile device Apple may stumble upon this problem. Here, as in the joke about aliens, the chance is 50 to 50. It can occur in any user at any time, regardless of generation or type of device. It can occur on any Macintosh product. If the error appears on a mobile device, do not worry, much less do full reset. Even if you first save important data, after this operation you will have to reinstall everything again third party applications, but this will not solve the problem. So, let's start breathing more evenly and read on? The error may look like the message “Connection to the App Store failed,” or the “Cannot connect to the App Store” window. Some Icloud suffer from the same disease. iTunes and Image.

Why does the connection to the App Store fail?

Usually the problem occurs when you try to download a new application or update an already installed one. There are several possibilities for its occurrence, and in most cases the reason lies in a failure on the device itself.

For example:

  • The date and time are incorrectly configured. It is important that the correct time zone is specified.
  • Is hidden serial number devices. The “About Device” data must contain a serial number. At hidden number serial device, or displaying the OS X version or build number instead, the server will simply refuse authentication to the device. After updating the operating system, just such a replacement of numbers may occur.
  • Incorrect settings networks. When connecting via Wi-Fi access some or even all resources may be limited. The network administrator may have changed the settings, or Wi-Fi access is limited to only a few allowed servers or domains. In general, there must be Internet!
  • Invalid or expired certificates for the device. With an expired security certificate, the server will refuse to allow the device through. This point concerns, first of all, desktop computers. It can be treated by deleting crlcache.db and ocspcache.db from the folder with certificates /var/db/crls/ and then rebooting the system. There are options for setting up certificates and modifying the Keychain containing passwords and certificates manually, but, firstly, the user may not have enough privileges to modify the certificates, and then you will have to reinstall OS X, and secondly, there are more simple ways solutions. For example, calling Apple support.

What to do if the connection to the App Store fails on your mobile device

The first step is to check if the Internet is available. Perhaps the router needs to be restarted, or maybe the mobile traffic has run out. If there is internet, then something is wrong with the settings in the device.

There is a fairly simple method available to any iPhone or iPad user. It allows you not to spend a long time delving into the settings and solves the problem in most cases. This method consists of two stages:

  • Log out of your Apple ID in the device settings.
  • We go back to our Apple ID.

To be sure, you can reboot the device between these two stages. All is ready! No reinstallations, no settings, you can go to the App Store.

Can't connect to iTunes store

The error message may look very different, but ultimately the situation is the same. For mobile device users, the solution is the same - check if the Internet is available, re-login to your ID.

I can't connect to iTunes via Apple TV. Here everything is somewhat more complicated. We check the availability of the Internet, updates for TV and date settings. We correct errors manually and get access to iTunes. If you can’t log in through a Macbook or desktop Mac, you should pay attention to several points in addition to those listed above:

  • Make sure you have the latest versions of Safari and iTunes on your computer.
  • If a firewall is activated on the system, make sure that it allows connecting to iTunes. This, of course, applies when logging into this system for the first time, or if the firewall has recently been installed (activated).

If the problem occurs when you try to access iTunes via a PC, then check again whether it responds to technical support. iTunes requirements, update the OS to the latest version, do not use the proxies built into the system to connect to iTunes.

In addition to this, other problems may arise. The most common is conflict between iTunes and software that monitors traffic on a computer. It may look like “Blank” iTunes or be accompanied by a message with the number 0x80090318. This means that some software components on your PC use LSP technology. In some ways, this message may even be a good sign. Perhaps the firewall is again to blame, or perhaps Apple has just discovered a Trojan on your system. In the first case, we solve the issue with firewall permissions, and in the second, we urgently need to clean the system.

Perhaps these are all cases when there may be a problem connecting to the App Store. In most of them, the refusal is accompanied by a more or less informative message, and in the vast majority, regardless of the content of this message, re-logging into the Apple ID will solve the problem. The main thing is not to fuss, but to check everything in order if a problem arises. Otherwise, rash actions can lead to much worse results. The likelihood of this and other problems occurring is reduced by preventative measures. Keep the software on your devices updated to the latest versions whenever possible, and use a reliable antivirus.

Articles and Lifehacks

Similar complaints are increasingly coming from owners of iOS devices. Holders tablet computers, players and smartphones, it is often noted that they Can't connect to iTunes Store regardless of whether they can and what version operating system they use it.

Reasons similar problem there can be quite a lot - just like there are ways to troubleshoot problems. Sometimes simply rebooting the mobile device or updating the platform version helps. In other cases, change DNS settings Wi-Fi networks. Let's look at the two most common ways to solve this problem.

What should we do if we can't connect to the iTunes Store?

Owners of all Apple mobile devices, regardless of operating system version, can try the first method. We go to the main settings and look for an item called “Reset”, and in it there is an option responsible for resetting all settings. Let us add that if the device password was initially set, the system will definitely require it.

The above actions will not affect the contents of the device in any way. Only the settings will be reset, but the content will remain in place.
Another way is to change the date and time zone. It is quite difficult to explain exactly how this works, but in practice it turns out to be very effective. So, let's go to the main settings and look for the menu responsible for the time and date. Uncheck the “Automatic” box. Set an arbitrary locality and change the year to 2038.

Next, we load the App Store, select the “Updates” section and see that we cannot connect to the iTunes store. We return again to the time and date settings, after which we change them to the original values. Now we wait for a while and reboot the device. Sometimes after this it can already connect to the iTunes Store.

Can't connect to the iTunes Store: Solution from Apple Support

What does the support service offer if you iOS device Is there no access to the store at all? First, let's make sure that the latest versions are installed on the device. software, and where they are supposed to; the same applies to the PC from which they are trying to log in. The operating system should not be outdated, and the computer must meet the minimum system requirements, which are necessary for iTunes to work correctly.

If we use a Mac, we select "Software Update" from the Apple menu and see if any updates are available on this moment. As for Windows, visit the Microsoft Update Center web page.

Now regarding the mobile device. We check the date and time, the availability of the latest version of the operating system and software updates (through the main settings). You can also try connecting your iOS device to iTunes and selecting the “Update” command (you can find it on the “Browse” page).
We need to make sure that we are within range of a Wi-Fi network. If there is no Internet connection, we try to see if other equipment can connect to Wi-Fi. Checking activation cellular communications through the main settings of the mobile device.

What should I do if I still can't connect to the iTunes Store? Sometimes problems can occur on the computer itself. For example, Mac users are aware of cases of software or provider conflicts, as a result of which access is blocked. In this case, you need to update your Safafi browser, as well as iTunes program up to the latest version. Sometimes resetting the keychain helps, or contacting your Internet provider.

Windows users It is also suggested to update iTunes. Setting your firewall to allow access may help. Problems are also possible due to proxy servers (it is better not to use them). If the problem still cannot be solved, contact the provider.

When engineers and programmers Apple take a well-deserved vacation, progress is driven by PR specialists and marketers. I was unable to find any other justification for the frequent appearance of various flaws in the operation of “fruit” OSes. Moreover, the claims are sometimes true for both desktop and mobile systems. This time we will talk about ways to eliminate them in relation to iTunes and the App Store.

Let someone who has never encountered the annoying “Can’t connect to the iTunes Store” notification throw an iPhone at me. This signature tends to appear at any time, being completely unrelated to connection problems. In any case, getting rid of it is much easier than you thought.

Despite the obvious software nature of the problem, we strongly recommend that you make sure that your personal account is topped up and that your Wi-Fi router is operating normally. After making sure that everything is in order with the Internet, go to “Settings” - “General” - “Date and time”, where you set the time to automatically adjust. Recently, iOS has been experiencing a clear dependence on the owner’s punctuality.

The relevance of the firmware plays no less a role in the stable operation of iOS and its services than a high-quality Internet connection or time zones. The gurus from Cupertino tirelessly tell us about this, literally imposing the next update that “corrects all(!) errors.” Of course, we won’t play believe it or not, but install a fresh one iOS version still follows. Keep an eye on this in the "Settings" - "General" - "Software Update" application.

If everything is in order here, the main reason for blocking access to iTunes and the App Store may be an artificial restriction imposed by the operation of the VPN service. Go to “Settings” and, counting the sixth line from the left with the mark of the same name, move the activation slider to the “off” position. Valid only for devices with an LTE module.

However, it happens that iTunes and the App Store do not work due to objective reasons. This is possible during preventive maintenance. In order to check the status of the company’s servers, just visit a special page on the official website. There you will get all the necessary information about the activity or inactivity of the desired service.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter