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Despite the obvious advantages of the “deja vu” format and the DjVu Reader program for reading it, many users remain more familiar with the pdf format. Almost every smartphone user is familiar with it (by default Adobe Reader is available on most phones and tablets). Despite the general visual similarity of these two formats, they still have significant differences (see comparison of djvu with pdf). Therefore, sometimes there is a need to convert one format to another. A special converter successfully copes with this task. You can download the Djvu to PDF converter on our website.

How to convert

The file conversion process itself is quite simple and will not take much of your time. To convert Djvu to PDF, just select the file you want to convert, in the dialog box that opens, in the “File” menu, select the “Export” button.

Another dialog box will open, asking you to choose whether to convert the entire document or just part of it ( individual pages). Next, select the conversion format (we use pdf) and where to save the result.

After a few minutes, the progress bar will notify you that the conversion is complete, and you can use the document in the new format.

Djvu to PDF Converter is fast and convenient way converting files into the format you need.

Hello! Congratulations to everyone on the beginning of the new school year. This may seem like a completely sad event to some, but I think that learning is great. This is the only way to achieve something more. It is the fact that we know a little more than others that sets us apart from most lazy people, and the desire to constantly learn something new turns a simple worker into an irreplaceable specialist. In general, friends, knowledge and practice are real power!

Now I propose to find out how you can convert .djvu format to .pdf format. I came across this problem the other day and found the following solutions. Of course, they are not the only ones, but these are the ones I used, and everything worked out for me.

First, a little theory, and those who are not interested can immediately move on to the practical part.

Why did anyone come up with so many different formats? Maybe they aren’t needed?

Still needed! If you look at it, these formats are very convenient for storing documents with graphics, manuals, and scanned documents. For example, it is very convenient to store scans of your passport on your computer. Copies of all pages are stored in one document, and not in 20 jpeg images, and if necessary, we simply print the entire document or its individual pages. They are also convenient to use for digitizing books. Despite the fact that the purposes of using formats are similar, there are still differences between them there are significant differences.

For example, format pdf displays symbols using fonts, that is, when the document is significantly enlarged, the quality of the symbols is not lost (provided that it is not a picture, but text). Format djvu does not use fonts, but this can significantly reduce the output file size. Djvu good as a compact document storage format, provided that the loss of quality is not so important.

Despite the compact size of djvu files, it has gained wide popularity pdf. Most companies use this format for storing user manuals and contracts, since it allows the data to be sufficiently compressed and at the same time not lose much in quality, which is important when printing business documents.

In addition, the format pdf quite functional in security settings. It allows you to prohibit text editing, copying, etc. Of course, there are ways to circumvent this ban. About how to unlock pdf file can be read Here.

Despite the great popularity of pdf, there are quite a lot of necessary documents in djvu format. And while a reader for the Adobe format is available on almost every computer, djvu viewers are not so popular. This is where a converter can come in handy.

Convert djvu to pdf

First way

The easiest way I've found is this program DJView. Simply open the document with this program and select the menu item “ File» - « Export". Then in the window that appears, select the format to export and the path to save the document.

The whole process, including installation of the program, took no more than 5 minutes.

Second way

This universal method, since it allows you to convert almost anything into pdf format, even web page in the browser.

So, if we need to convert the djvu format to pdf, we need a virtual printer novaPDF. Download latest version programs can be found on the official website -

After installation, another printer appears on the system. Actually, all we have to do is open the djvu document and print it on new printer. I used WinDjView to open the document.

After this, we need to select the path to save the file. I didn't change any settings and just clicked the print button. The process of converting 230 pages took about 20 minutes.

Third way

This time I suggest using online service DocsPal. As is already clear, we do not have to install any programs. This service is very versatile and allows you to convert a huge number of formats, including the djvu we need.

The page has an intuitive clear interface, and the whole process is divided into 3 steps. First we need to select the source file on the computer or paste url file address in the appropriate field. Then we select the source file format and indicate which format it needs to be converted to. However, as soon as we add a file, the service automatically selects the required formats, and all we have to do is check.

Press the button " Convert" and wait for some time (in my case about 5 minutes). Upon completion of the process, save the document and check the result. By the way, my output was a rather large file (85 MB).

I hope these solutions help you and everyone chooses what they like best. Write in the comments what other methods you know. Good luck to all!

How to convert a DjVu file to a PDF file using a program? Users often encounter this problem when they need to get a PDF file from a DjVu file.

A file saved in the DjVu format (“deja vu”), in contrast to a similar file in PDF format, is significantly smaller in size. Therefore, technical literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc., and other documents containing many images, diagrams, and photographs are often saved in the DjVu format. Book pages are saved in good quality, and the file itself will be significantly smaller size than the same file in PDF format.

Why is there a need to convert DjVu to PDF? The point is that there is no a large number of programs created for viewing files in DjVu format. You can read about the most popular DjVu viewers in the “Text” section on my website.

Second important point, problem viewing DjVu format files on different devices. If there are no problems with viewing “déjà vu” on a computer, then on mobile devices it is more difficult. Even if there are appropriate applications, there may be problems with formatting, etc.

The advantage of the PDF format is its versatility; there are no problems with viewing. An important advantage is that a PDF document looks the same on all devices and computers.

Therefore, a DjVu to PDF converter is needed. In order to convert DjVu to PDF, we use free programs for viewing DjVu format files (WinDjView, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF) having a print function.

Additionally, you will need to install a virtual printer on your computer. Virtual printer allows you to save a document in PDF format from a window open program, so this program will not be superfluous on your computer.

The Microsoft Print to PDF virtual printer is installed in the Windows 10 operating system, so users on this OS may not install such a program. On computers with operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 you need to install a free virtual printer, for example, BullZip PDF Printer, PrimoPDF, CutePDF Writer, doPDF.

Just install a virtual printer on your computer. You will use a virtual printer when necessary to save PDF files on your computer, instead of printing documents on a regular printer.

To convert DjVu to PDF online there are special services, which I will talk about in another article.

Convert DjVu to PDF in WinDjView

The free program is designed to view files in DjVu format. With this program you can convert a DjVu file to PDF format directly from the program window.

Open a book or any other document in DjVu format in WinDjView. Next, click on the “Print” button (image of the printer).

In the Print window that opens, select a virtual printer. I have a Microsoft Print to PDF virtual printer installed on my Windows 10 computer, so I chose this printer to convert to PDF.

If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (Windows 8), then select the virtual printer installed on your computer (you must first install a virtual printer on your computer).

In the Explorer window that opens, select a location to save the file, give a name the file being created. After this, the process of converting the file from DjVu format to PDF format will begin, which will take some time.

Once the process is complete, you can open a new PDF file using a program for opening files of this type.

In this image, the PDF file is open in the viewer.

How to convert DjVu to PDF in STDU Viewer

Using a free program, you can convert DjVu to PDF from the program window. Open the DjVu file in STDU Viewer.

In the "Print" window, select the virtual printer, and then click on the "Print" button.

Give the new PDF file a name and choose a location to save it. Once the conversion process is completed, the converted PDF file is ready for use.

How to convert DjVu to PDF in Sumatra PDF program

The free program supports viewing files in DjVu format. In Sumatra PDF, you can convert DjVu to PDF in a similar way as in previous programs.

After opening the DjVu file in the Sumatra PDF program, click on the “Print” button.

In the “Print” window, in the “General” tab, select a virtual printer, and then click on the “Print” button.

In the window that opens, give the file to be saved in PDF format a name and select a location to save the file.

Conclusions of the article

By using free programs WinDjView, STDU Viewer, Sumatra PDF, which are designed to view files in the DjVu format, you can convert DjVu to PDF using the print function using a virtual printer installed on your computer.

With the development of electronic document management and the increase in the number of office users, enterprises often face the question of standardizing the formats used in the institution. It is especially difficult in this sense for various kinds of universities and colleges, in which a lot of scanned scientific literature is stored in the form of DJVU.

Of course, this format was specially created for these purposes, but its prevalence leaves much to be desired. In any case, it would be better to convert DJVU to PDF. This will allow you to use in everyday work much simpler and more common programs that are already installed on the computers of most users.

What format is this?

In order for you to understand the need for such conversion, it is worth learning a little about the format itself, which is the “stumbling block”. As mentioned above, it was created for the digitization of books and scientific aids. Its advantage is its impressive compactness.

But there is one caveat here: all this applies only to those cases where the quality of the output document is not particularly important. For example, you can easily digitize and use in the future those manuals that contain a lot of images and high-quality tables.

What causes poor quality?

But much more often you see digitized documents of terrible quality, in which it is almost impossible to make out anything. What is this connected with? The thing is that in the DJVU format there are no fonts in the documents. In fact, such a document is a kind of “advanced” image.

So converting DJVU to PDF will allow you to at least somehow improve the readability of books that have been half-heartedly transferred to digital format.

How to convert?

A universal, simple and extremely compact program - DjView. It will allow you to convert even a large document in just a few minutes. The downside is that you can't select PDF specifications. What specific type of format is used for conversion at any given moment is unknown.

Virtual printer

This method will allow you not only to convert DJVU to PDF, but also to save even a web page in the format you require. How to convert in this case? First, you should install novaPDF or a similar program. To directly open the document we will use the WinDjView utility.

Once installed and configured, you can open DJVU books. PDF is obtained after you send them for “printing”. Unlike the previous case, you will be able to configure all parameters of the output document. Conversion time depends entirely on the characteristics of your computer, but about a hundred pages are converted in 10 minutes.


This application should be well known to domestic users, since for a long time it was the only option for quality. Today the program is already in its twelfth version, and its functionality has been radically expanded.

To convert DJVU to PDF, you must first launch the application. A main window will appear in which you should select the “Image file to PDF” option. Will open special utility, where the program needs to specify the path to the file that needs to be converted into a format more familiar to you.

But there is one problem. Firstly, the application is paid. Secondly, its performance drops with the release of each new version. If your computer does not shine with performance, then the DJVU book of 200-300 pages can “hang” it tightly.

Therefore, on weak machines and if the document is relatively small, it is better to use the utility included in the same FineReader. It's about about Screenshot Reader. The principle of its operation is to recognize text from page snapshots that the program takes independently. It consumes a minimum of resources, and the results are excellent.

STDU Converter

This utility will easily convert DJVU to PDF without spending a lot of time on this process. Its advantage over competitors is not only that it is free, but also that it has functionality that is quite comparable to them. Yes, you can convert to required format not the entire document, but only some fragment of it, by marking the corresponding pages with checkboxes.

The simplest option

The downside to all of the above applications is the fact that they are quite complex, and therefore may not be so easy for beginners to understand. The Boxoft application may be a way out of this situation. Its interface is as simple as possible. To convert, simply drag the document icon into the main program window, after which a similar file will appear in the same folder, but in PDF format.

When should you not convert?

We have already said what the advantage of DJVU is. If the document is of acceptable quality and you intend to use it for mobile device or through cloud service, there is no reason to redo it.

The DJVU format is designed for storing scanned documents, books, magazines, etc., which contain a large number of different drawings, diagrams or formulas. The DJVU format compresses scanned information very well and at the same time saves high quality images.

Using this online converter you can convert any DJVU document to PDF format. Since DJVU documents are usually quite large, the conversion may take some time, please wait until it is completed.

The advantages that the converter provides for converting DJVU documents to PDF format:

  • The service is absolutely free and has no size restrictions. convertible document
  • Document conversion occurs online, there is no need to download and install additional applications
  • Your device's resources are not used during the conversion process

What we should know about the DJVU format

Why convert from DJVU to PDF?

The first and main reason is that data and information in general in PDF are seriously protected. Specification PDF format protects your data from changes, hacking and even theft. Another reason is that the format data in a DJVU document may be unique, contain fonts that cannot be read on other computers, or be very large in size, given the specific nature of the DJVU media data. But with PDF, the fonts and information are encapsulated in the document format itself remains unchanged - completely identical to the original DJVU document.

Converting the document together

Below are the steps to successfully convert your documents from DJVU to PDF:

  • Visit our portal
  • Select the option to convert from DJVU to PDF
  • Upload the document you would like to convert from yours local disk or specify the document’s address on the Internet, or drag the document into the area marked “Drag the document to this area”
  • The converter will start autonomously
  • Upon completion of the conversion process, PDF document will automatically download to your local disk

Because DJVU documents are heavy in size, the conversion may take some time, so be patient and wait for the conversion to finish so as not to affect the quality of the converter.

Advantages of our online DJVU to PDF converter

Service Free

The service is free and has no restrictions on the size of the converted document, so your document can be very large, but we, in turn, will have no restrictions on processing speed and calculation delays.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter