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It's more appropriate than ever to think about the health of your smartphone's battery.

We will tell you about 4 ways to check the battery status of your iPhone.

Don't waste time on apps

First of all, don't waste your time searching for and checking apps that promise to tell you everything about your battery. In iOS 10 and newer than Apple restricted access to battery information for third-party applications. Therefore, all these applications are simply pointless.

Check the battery in Settings

The easiest way to check the battery status is Settings > Battery, where there may be a message indicating that the battery needs servicing.

If this message is not present, your battery is fine.

Use the Console program

More information can be obtained from standard program Console on Mac.

Just open Console, connect your smartphone to your computer and enter in the search batteryhealth(iPhone must be unlocked).

This way you will learn more details about the battery of your device. For example, the battery percentage at this moment, power supply type, etc.

But for most users, the fact that their battery is simply in good condition will be enough.

Use coconutBattery program

If you need even more information, download free program coconutBattery. It is usually used for Mac, but you can also find out information about the battery of an iOS device.

Open the program and connect your iPhone. You will see data such as maximum battery power, initial battery power, number of charge cycles, etc.

This is very convenient program, but it has limitations. The data is displayed accurately only if you have not restored your device. After recovery, the number of cycles and maximum power are not displayed correctly.

Gold standard for battery testing

Most The best way Get a full report on your battery - Contact Apple to have the company diagnose your device. This can be done in Apple Store or by contacting Apple Support.

The iPhone battery is its heart, without it even the most new smartphone Apple is just a useless piece of metal and glass. In this article we will talk about what kind of battery is installed in the iPhone, how to assess its condition and how to charge it correctly.

In contact with

What type of batteries are installed in the iPhone?

Every iPhone comes with a lithium-ion battery. They have enough advantages over “traditional” batteries: they charge faster, work longer, and weigh less.

Battery charging consists of two phases. During the first - from 0 to 80% - the battery is replenished with energy quickly (the exact charging time depends on whether the device is in use, settings and other factors). The second - from 80 to 100% - is called compensatory, it “weaken” electricity and thus allows you to extend the life of the iPhone battery.

What is a “recharge cycle” and why is it important?

One cycle is when you discharge your iPhone from 100% to zero. This can be done either at one time or several times. Example: within a day the battery was discharged by 75%. You charged it to 100% and continued using it. One charging cycle will end when you have used up another 25% of the charge (“yesterday’s 75% + today’s 25%).

What are we talking about? U iPhone battery, of course, there is a resource. After 500 full charging cycles, the battery capacity of an Apple smartphone will decrease by 15-20%. In practice, 500 charging cycles is 1.5-2 years of smartphone operation. After about 3-4 years, the battery capacity will correspondingly decrease by 50% of the value that the iPhone had out of the box. That’s when it makes sense to think about replacing the battery - after all, you will probably notice that your iPhone, for example, no longer “survives” until the evening and lets you down at the most necessary moment.

How to find out the number of iPhone recharge cycles completed directly on your iOS device?

Download at iPhone free Battery Life program. Open it and go to the tab Battery, where the value Cycles and will indicate the number of recharge cycles the iPhone has completed.

Unfortunately, section Cycles in the application Battery Life available only users of devices with iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9. Users of iOS 10 and later can get information about the battery status in percentage indicating the general characteristics:

Perfect— battery of the new iPhone.
good- slight loss of capacity.
Fine— the battery has lost the permissible amount of capacity.
Bad- significant loss of capacity.
Terrible- it's time to think about replacing the battery.
Almost died- The battery needs to be changed urgently!

How can I find out the number of charge cycles my iPhone has completed on a Mac or Windows computer?

Use the program. After installation, connect your iPhone, select it in the Devices, click on the inscription More Information and look at the number opposite the inscription CycleCount- this is the number of recharge cycles already completed.

Below you will also find another useful information about the battery of your iPhone - capacity according to the passport ( DesignCapacity), actual capacity after fully charged (FullChargeCapacity), battery wear level ( BatteryCurrentCapacity).

Not long ago, Apple representatives allocated iOS opportunity control battery consumption. Some smartphones are now slowing down to counteract the possibility of unexpected shutdowns. This is directly related to the wear and tear of the device’s battery, its capacity and the charge-discharge cycles of the Apple device.

A short digression: Why and why worn-out batteries “Slow down iPhones”

The tool appeared in iOS 10.2.1 for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE, as well as in iOS 11.2 for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus (a significant part of devices)

Apple explained that this remedy works taking into account the temperature of the device, charge, level of wear and internal resistance of the battery. Thus, your device will only slow down if the presented characteristics require it. If the condition of your battery has deteriorated, and the indicators described above have not been affected, then the device will not slow down.

You can check the condition of the battery using the following four methods, which we describe in detail below in the article. We advise you to think about protection iPhone display 6 Plus by choosing a protective glass that suits your requirements.

Method 1. coconutBattery app and Mac

    Step 1: Connect your smartphone to your Mac. Use lightning cable MFI;

    Step 2. Download and install the coconutBattery application on your iPhone;

According to the information on the official website, there is also an application for iOS. However, we could not find it in App Store. That's why we used Mac.

    Step 3. Check the condition and wear of the iPhone battery

Click on the iPhone icon. You will immediately see a lot of interesting information regarding your device: the actual battery capacity, the design capacity of the battery, the number of on-off cycles, etc. The percentages under the design capacity (highlighted in the photo in red) demonstrate the condition of your battery. This is the percentage ratio between the actual (full charge capacity) and design capacities.

It is important to point out that, according to reports from some users, coconutBattery shows correct data on the level of battery wear until the device is restored. We can conclude that this is due to a factory reset.

Method 2. Use third-party applications to analyze iPhone battery parameters

By the way, there you will also find other applications of this kind. You can get the application for free using this iTunes link.

    Step 2: Launch Battery Life

On home page You will immediately see the battery wear level in percentage as shown in the image.

The battery capacity of my iPhone 7 Plus, which I bought about a year ago (important: I stopped using it when I upgraded to the iPhone 8 Plus), has decreased by 10%. As for my iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, the program showed that the condition of their batteries and the level of wear are ideal.

    Step 3: Check Raw Data

Click on the hamburger menu at the top and then on Raw Data. This way you will know the capacity of your battery.

In the screenshot below, you can see that my iPhone 7 Plus battery capacity is 2,600 mAh, which is just under 90% of the original capacity (which is 2,900 mAh).

Some iPhone users claim that the application shows the capacity with errors. It is possible that in such a situation, as in the case of coconutBattery, the main culprit is the recent restoration of your iPhone.

Method 3: Console App

    Step 1: Connect iPhone to Mac

    Step 2: Launch the Console app on Mac

    Step 3: Check the battery status

Make sure that your iPhone is unlocked and that it is trusted for your computer.

In the Console app search box, type “batteryhealth.” In the left column, click on your iPhone. You will immediately see the status of your battery. The app shows that my iPhone X's battery health is good (BatteryHealth = Good).

Console app works inconsistently. I had no trouble finding out the iPhone X's battery status, but I couldn't perform the same procedure on the iPhone 7 Plus.

Method 4. Settings App – Explore iPhone settings

Beginning with iOS versions 10.2.1, Apple, in the section showing the battery status, issues notifications that the operating system should carry out diagnostics.

Launch the Settings app and then explore the Battery section. You will find out if the battery needs to be replaced.

Apple representatives also announced that the company will present an update at the beginning of 2018 software. This will make checking the battery condition much easier. iPhone users will see whether the battery is affecting the performance of the entire device.

If your iPhone's battery condition is below 80% and you are experiencing problems with the device's performance, then you may want to think about replacing the part. By the way, Apple has reduced the cost of battery replacement to $29.

iPhone and iPad have decent running times battery life, but their batteries, unfortunately, do not last forever. After some time, they lose their capacity and subsequently require replacement. operating room iOS system continuously monitors the condition of the standard battery, so owners of smartphones and tablets can always determine the degree of battery wear and the need to replace it.

Any modern batteries have a limited number of full discharge cycles. After this, they begin to lose the capacity declared by the manufacturer. A full cycle is considered to be the process of discharging a device from 100% to 0%.

The iPhone battery loses up to 20% of its capacity after 500 similar discharge cycles, the battery Apple Watch and iPad - after 1000 full charging cycles. The iPod battery provides up to 80% of its original capacity after 400 full cycles.

How to check the battery status of iPhone and iPad

If your iPhone and iPad were purchased on the secondary market, then assessing the condition of the battery is quite problematic. For such cases it will be useful third party application. Useful program called Battery Life. On the main screen, it shows the degree of battery wear and gives a rating: Perfect, Good, Bad and Very Bad. If you go to the Raw Data menu in the main section, then in the Cycles line you can see the number of battery charging cycles.

You can also find out the level of battery wear on your iPhone and iPad using the iBackupbot desktop application. After launching the program, you need to connect your iOS device to your computer and in the Devices section you need to select the gadget. On the right side of the window will appear Technical information. Here you need to click the “More Information” button, where the number of battery charge cycles – CycleCount – will be shown.

How to Extend iPhone and iPad Battery Life

To extend battery life mobile device, you should try to keep the charge level at two-thirds, or more precisely between 80% and 40%. It is not recommended to keep the device charged to 100%, this significantly reduces its service life.

No need to charge new iPhone or iPad for 72 hours before use so it “remembers” what it feels like to be fully charged. It is a myth. This advice is valid when working with nickel batteries, but in the case of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in the iPhone and iPad, it is completely untenable.

Charging the battery too often can cause minor damage. One complete discharge/charge cycle should still be carried out approximately once a month.

Experts also advise not to expose the device to extremely low/high temperatures. The recommended storage temperature is 15°C (59°F), and the maximum safe temperature generally ranges from 40°C to 50°C. At an average temperature of 25 °C lithium ion battery will lose 20% of its maximum capacity Every year. At 40 °C its capacity will drop by 35% annually.

Greetings! There can be a lot of reasons for the need to check information about how much capacity is left in the battery of an iPhone or iPad. Such a need may arise from simple curiosity: for example, I was wondering whether I need to go change the battery on my old iPhone 5S? Or is she not so bad yet?

Also, such a procedure becomes of great importance when purchasing a used device. After all, the seller can simply deceive - say that his battery holds exactly that much. And even show usage statistics (you can easily cheat them), but in fact, half of the capacity has already been lost. How to find out the truth about the condition of the battery - is it bad or not? No one will wait several hours for a check! There are easier and faster ways - let's talk about them, let's go!

Important note. We receive all data about the battery free of charge, without hacking the device or other jailbreaking. Cool? Not that word!

Now we're definitely starting. Forward!:)

How to check the battery life of an iPhone or iPad using a computer?

There are a lot of programs that can give us all the necessary information about the battery. These include the famous iTools, iFunBox and many others. However, they are loaded with various functions (sometimes very unnecessary), but we only need battery statistics! Therefore, in in this case, I recommend using iBackupBot - the function you are looking for is also not the main one, but the minimal size of the program and simple interface speak in its favor.

You can download it from the developer’s website; there are versions for Windows and Mac OS. Please note that iTunes must be installed to use the program.

Since all the inscriptions on English language, I will give a short transcript of the received data:

  • CycleCount – the number of complete battery recharges.
  • DesignCapacity is the capacity that the new gadget originally had.
  • FullChargeCapacity – current capacity.
  • Status: Success – general characteristics batteries at the moment.

As you can see, in 2.5 years the capacity of my iPhone 5S has dropped by only 150 mAh and this is a very good result! In fact, it's almost new. How did he manage to achieve such indicators? I just know how to do it, try it too – there’s nothing complicated there.

Applications that tell you everything about the battery status of your iPhone or iPad

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the situation when a computer is not at hand, and you need to check the battery life of your iOS device here and now. Various applications from the App Store can help us with this. The best part is that you don’t need to hack your device or install a jailbreak – everything happens without it.

While writing this article, a huge number of programs (about 15-20) were installed on my iPhone in one way or another related to the battery. And only in one of them all data (charge cycles, actual capacity, etc.) were shown for free, immediately after installation and without any additional purchases.

Meet Battery Life. Download link in the App Store. Install and launch. Click in the upper left corner - the settings open, we are interested in the menu item - Raw Data. And we clearly see all the information (also displayed in real time!).

A few points:

  • Battery Charge - the indicator shows how much the battery is currently charged and how much it can charge maximum.
  • Capacity – current\standard battery capacity.
  • Cycles – number of recharge cycles.

The attentive reader will notice that the data for my device is slightly different when various checks(using a computer and an application). How so?!

Firstly, this difference is really small - an error of 3-5%. And secondly, this is completely normal - since different programs use different algorithms. And besides, the battery of my iPhone 5S has been working for quite a long time - almost 2.5 years, and it is quite difficult to analyze its use over such a period.

In any case, the check can be carried out using any option presented in the article, and the overall picture of the battery life of your iPhone or iPad will be clear. To get the most plausible values, use both methods and choose the average of what you get.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter