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Hello dear site visitors. In this lesson we will look at one very useful topic titled: How to delete temporary files in Windows 10.

What is this procedure? If you follow the steps described below, you will free your computer from various junk and temporary files, thereby increasing the amount of disk space.

This article will discuss a method for cleaning a computer without resorting to third-party software.

There are situations when you open " My computer"and you see that disk space overcrowded, this may be due to the fact that you have a lot of different garbage and temporary files on your computer that you don’t need!

Cleaning your computer from temporary files

To start cleaning disks, go to “ My computer» select the disk to clean (we’ll clean it as an example Local disk C:) click on it right click mouse and select " Properties»

In the " General"You can see the inscription: " Disk Cleanup» click on it

After this, the Disk Cleanup window will open. this moment the program scans files that need to be cleaned.

These files accumulate from running programs, surfing the Internet, that is, they are a bunch of unnecessary files that applications create.

When you use the Internet, view photos, videos, and the entire cache will often be saved in temporary files and, roughly speaking, take up unnecessary space

A window appears showing files that we can delete

Check the following boxes:

1) Downloaded program files
2) Temporary Internet files
3) Cart
4) Temporary files
5) Sketches

At your discretion, you can tick the “ User file history" - designed to save a copy of your previous files, if you do not need so-called backups of these files, then check the box

After we have set the settings, we can start deleting temporary files in Windows 10 by clicking “ Clear system files »

After this, the disk cleanup program begins its work and cleans everything that we have specified.

To confirm deletion, click " OK" then " Delete files»

Well, that's it, we've freed up some space on the disk, we'll clean up the rest manually

Let's move on to the next stage, open " My computer» ⇒ « Local drive C:» ⇒ « Windows» ⇒ « Temp» select all the files that are located in it and delete with the button Delete

Temporary files are OS objects that are created during the installation of programs, their use, or by the system itself to store intermediate results of work. Typically, such items are automatically deleted by the process that initiated their creation, but it also happens that these files remain and pile up on system disk, which ultimately leads to its overflow.

Method 1: CCleaner

is a popular utility that allows you to easily and safely get rid of temporary and unused items. To remove such objects using this program, you must follow these steps:

Method 2: Advanced Systemcare

is a program that is in no way inferior to CCleaner in terms of ease of use and functionality. You can also use it to get rid of temporary data. To do this, you just need to run the following commands.

Method 3: Standard Windows 10 Tools

You can clean your PC of unnecessary elements using standard Windows 10 OS tools, for example, "Vault" or . To remove such objects using "Vaults" follow the next set of steps.

Sequence of actions for deleting temporary files using the tool as follows.

Both the first two and the third method are quite simple and can be done by anyone, even an inexperienced PC user. In addition, the use of third-party CCleaner programs it is also safe, since the utility allows you to restore previously created backup copy systems after cleaning.

Before you start removing system temporary files (sometimes called junk) from Windows 10, you need to understand what they are. unnecessary files, how they arise and how to reduce their number so as not to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning your hard drive personal computer.

How do temporary files appear?

As you know, most personal computers, laptops and other gadgets run on operating system Microsoft company. IN in this case this is Windows 10. When the operating system starts Windows type many utility programs start, although the end and inexperienced user sees only one Windows program. These service modules and programs launched by the user work with data that is loaded from the hard drive into the computer's memory. The results of the programs are also recorded on the hard drive. As a result of sudden computer shutdowns, errors in programs, processing of large files (the system divides them into fragments) exceeding the amount of memory allocated for them, these files remain “dead weight” on the disk. Software for surfing the World Wide Web also leaves behind a lot of garbage on the disk. These processes are inevitable.

Is it possible to delete temporary files in Windows 10? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. If this is not done, the garbage will significantly slow down work over time and take up most of the hard drive. And this will not allow the system to work normally. Moreover, you can lose your necessary files. But rubber hard drives have not yet been invented.

How to delete temporary files in Windows 10 without consequences?

In Windows 10, without the risk of damaging the system and without losing your favorite photos, texts, films and all the other wealth acquired through backbreaking years of computer work? The safest way to do this cleaning in Windows 10 is by using standard operating system tools. useful program"Disk Cleanup". To launch it, you need to find the “This PC” shortcut on the desktop (or in the Start menu), click right key mouse on “Disk C” and open the “Properties” submenu.

In the window that opens, find and select the “Disk Cleanup” button. In the cleaning window, you need to carefully review and select all the items, click “Clean up system files” and confirm with the “OK” button. It is not recommended for novice users to clean the basket frequently. There you can find files deleted by mistake.

How to manually delete temporary files in Windows 10?

This option is a little more complicated and requires an understanding of the process. To clean up garbage, you can use the “Storage” section. To do this, click “Start”, “Settings”, “System”, “Storage”, select the system disk (the disk with the system is most often “C”). In the window that opens, the “Temporary files” item is interesting. In the list of temporary files, you need to select “Temporary files”, “Download folder” and, after assessing the risks, “Empty Trash”.

Before deleting, it is advisable to review the “download folder” for valuable files. After analyzing the data, we delete the selected ones.

For advanced users

The two described methods are safe for user data. Required files It is impossible to delete using such actions. For advanced users, we can recommend Windows Explorer 10 or any file manager like TotalCommander, it's easy and quick to manually delete temporary files. You need to find the folder “c:\Windows\Temp\” on the disk with the operating system and delete its contents (select all , delete bypassing the trash ). This must be done carefully and thoughtfully. You must first close all running programs!

In addition to the cleaning method using standard operating system tools, you can do the same operation using free third-party programs such as CCleaner. A similar module is available in antivirus programs: for example in 360 Total Security.

In conclusion, it should be noted that after completing all the procedures for cleaning the user’s computer from temporary files and other garbage using the methods described above, it will be absolutely useful for him to look at his accumulated and downloaded files. It is quite possible that among them there will be completely unnecessary and outdated information that deserves to be deleted. Since it is not difficult to delete temporary files in Windows 10, the developers recommend performing this operation weekly. After cleaning the hard drive (to speed up its operation), you should not forget about defragmenting the disk with standard using Windows 10 or third party programs. But that's another article.

Deleting temporary files is one of the the best ways to free up a significant amount of free space on your Windows operating system.

Majority Windows users 10 Probably Know How to Manually Delete Temporary Files Without Help third party utilities for PC cleaning such as CCleaner.

There is a simple and safe method to delete temporary files in Windows 10. You can use the application Windows Settings For safe removal all temporary files in Windows 10, without installing additional software. Here's how to use the Windows Settings app to safely delete temporary files in Windows 10.

Deleting temporary files in Windows 10

Step 1: Open the application Options by clicking the gear icon in the Start menu bar or pressing the Win + I key combination

Step 2: On home page applications " Options", click on the icon " System".

Step 3: Open section "Device memory". On the right side of the window, click on the drive where Windows 10 is installed. For convenience, on the page, the system displays the Windows logo on the drive where the OS is installed.

Step 4: After clicking on the system drive (Windows 10 OS disk), you will see the Memory Usage page. The page displays the disk space used by the system and reserved files, applications, games, documents, images, music, videos, Email, desktop, maps, OneDrive, temporary files and more.

Step 5: As you can see in the picture, opposite the inscription temporary files, the system displays the used disk space. On my computer, temporary files take up 17.8 GB. Note how Windows 10 calculates this figure - Downloads folder, Trash, Previous Windows versions"(Windows.old folder), and temporary files.

Step 6: Next, open the page "Temporary files", check the boxes for the desired items, and then click on the button Delete files" to delete all temporary files in Windows 10. If you see a confirmation window, click " Yes" or the " OK" to start deleting files.

Today we'll talk about one of the ways to free up free space on your hard drive. Deleting temporary files in Windows 10 is one of the methods to solve the problem under discussion. Typically, such data is deleted from the hard drive without outside intervention. But periodically, without a person, the machine itself cannot cope with this task.

The same can be said about Windows 7. When using this release, similar problems arise with the appearance and accumulation of temporary exe files. We will also provide below methods that allow you to delete temporary files in Windows 7.

Temporary files - what and why

In order to transfer a large array of data, the OS cannot place it entirely in operating memory, and it also happens that the volume of deleted data exceeds the resources of RAM (random access memory) on the PC. Then temporal binaries (binaries) are created. Windows generates files of this type and places them in the system Temp folder

More options for creating the described type of binaries:

  • Various programs for desktop computers for the purpose of their further editing by the user.
  • When placing a job in a print queue for further sending to the printer command environment.
  • Modern OS developers recommend saving 2 MB or more to create and store temporary data.

Thus, the temporary data storage in the system is its own folder for these purposes. The computer creates another one in the user profile backup folder. If there are several user profiles (when each has their own Account), then there will also be several such folders.

Working and deleting temporary files in Windows storage

operating room Windows system 10 has at its disposal such a tool as “Storage”. With its help, you can easily scan all disks and, after analyzing the contents, carry out a thorough and high-quality cleaning of your computer from “garbage”. The result of such actions will be increased speed speed of the machine.

To use this utility, you need to simultaneously press the Win+I buttons on your keyboard, immediately click the “System” button in the window that appears and go to the “Storage” tab.

Select the desired disk to clean and study the data about it. Find the parameter about temporal binaries and left-click on it.

In the window that opens, select “Temporary files”. Left click.

After the completed actions and the last mouse click, the window can be closed; this will not affect the execution of the program’s task.

Removal via the system Disk Cleanup utility

Accumulating on the hard drive, these binaries significantly reduce the amount of free space and must be removed periodically. It is safest to perform this procedure through system program"Disk Cleanup". You can launch it in Windows 10 using the following algorithm:

We execute the last two commands in the corresponding windows that open.

If you look carefully, when performing these actions you will see how much disk space will be freed up after the cleaning is completed. It is recommended to manually delete this kind of temporary Windows 10 files at least once a week.

When performing the described actions, only temporary binaries are deleted. At the same time, what was created by the computer user himself is not deleted by these actions.

The system is designed smartly, and it can only manage data that belongs to the operating system. The system does not delete user programs or anything created by the user without the user’s initiation of deletion.

Temporary files in Windows 8 are deleted using the algorithm described for Windows 10.

For the convenience of servicing a personal computer, users are provided with special program For automatic deletion temporary files in Windows 10 or 7. This helps to significantly increase the quality of cleaning the disk from debris and simplifies the actions of the PC user.

Sometimes it happens that deleting temporary files does not work in Windows 10. This situation can arise for a number of reasons. We list the most common of them:

  • If the binary file being erased is running or open at the time of deletion. You need to close it and try to delete it again.
  • If you do not have access rights to the volume executable file, which needs to be deleted. To overcome this reason, you should log in with rights
  • Administrator or under the name of the user who created this file.
  • If the name of the binary file contains invalid characters (symbols) or the path to it is too long. It is recommended to rename the binary to be deleted and run the uninstaller again.
  • If the program being deleted is damaged, it will also be impossible to remove it.
  • Serious problem, in the event of which the extirpation of temporal binaries will also become impossible - this is the resulting damage to the Windows system kernel. To solve this problem, it is recommended to check hard drive.
  • If the file to be extirpated is infected computer virus. In this case, this object will be deleted when the computer is scanned by an antivirus program.
  • Unable to remove system Windows object, which is installed on the computer. The operating system cannot delete itself and its own system data.

Here are the main reasons why temporary objects cannot be cleared. In any case, the extirpation of any files on a computer must be approached thoughtfully and carefully.

Deleting temporary files using CCleaner

Before you can use this program, you must install it correctly. To do this, download the distribution kit from the site:

After that:

Using this disk cleanup program you can not only significantly increase the amount of free space on your hard drive, but also speed up your computer without deleting necessary programs and documents.

Have a great day!

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