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Many smartphone / tablet users sometimes have the question “How to increase RAM on Android?

The fact is that in some cases a device with this operating system starts to slow down very much.

This usually starts after a fairly long time of use. Applications and files accumulate and this leads to the fact that the gadget's RAM simply does not have time to process all this. Therefore, there is a need to increase its volume.

There are three ways to complete this task.

The first one is the simplest and consists in properly managing the already available smartphone / tablet resources.

The meaning of the second is almost the same, but in this case we will deal with the removal of applications.

Finally, the third way is to use certain specialized programs. Those create a paging file and due to this they have the opportunity to increase the RAM. So let's get started!

Method 1: Optimizing Existing Applications

Everything is quite simple here - you need to take and disable those applications that you do not need on this moment. Yes, it would be nice to remove them, but the problem is that not every program can be simply removed from the device.

But you can turn off almost everything except the system ones. With the latter, unfortunately, nothing can be done. But even without them, the operating system will not work. Therefore, you just need to stop the execution of unnecessary applications.

To do this, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to settings and select "Applications" there. In OS Android0 and above, you additionally need to go to the "Application Manager". But you, in any case, do not get confused.
  2. In some versions of Android, you need to go to the "Memory Usage" item. In others, it is enough to open the aforementioned manager or just a list of applications. Next you will see the picture shown in Figure 1. In open window all will be displayed installed programs and the amount of memory each one occupies. Below you will see how much memory is used and how much is free.
  3. Then click on the application that you do not use and open its menu. It will have several buttons. If it can be deleted, there will be a corresponding button in the menu. If it's not, there will only be "Stop" and "Disable" buttons.

Rice. 1. List of applications on Android and the menu of one of them

  1. First stop and then disable the selected application. Do the same with other programs that you do not use.

Then the RAM will be slightly unloaded and the device will be ready for further loads. After such a procedure, the smartphone / tablet will immediately start working faster and be able to process large amounts of information.

Method 2: Remove programs

As we said above, in some cases it will be better to simply remove the applications. Then they will definitely not be able to create a load on the system. But some programs cannot be uninstalled. They are called systems.

These include a standard flashlight, programs from Microsoft, and the like. Of course, some of them are really better left uninstalled. But there are some that you can do without.

For example, every Android phone/tablet has a Gmail app. If you are not using email from Google, you don't need it, but you can't just delete it.

So, there are two ways to remove non-removable applications:

  1. Obtaining superuser rights, which make it possible to delete absolutely everything that is on the device and perform other operations with it all.
  2. Using special programs to uninstall applications on Android.

Superuser rights are also called root rights. The easiest way to get them is to use special programs. For example, there is KingRoot. This is one of the most popular rooting apps. To use it, do this:

  • download KingRoot from the official website of this program and install it;
  • start the application;
  • if everything is fine, the “Try to root” button will become available, click on it;
  • wait while the device is granted superuser rights.

Rice. 2. Using KingRoot on a smartphone

If you were unable to follow the instructions above, try using the same KingRoot, but on a computer. To do this, follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Go to the official KingRoot website again and download the program for your computer there. Install it.
  2. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer via a USB cable. Launch KingRoot. The program will automatically find the connected device. The search process looks as shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Search for connected devices in KingRoot on the computer

  1. When the device is found, a window will appear on it, prompting you to allow USB debugging. Click OK to complete this action. Without it, all further operations will be impossible.

Rice. 4. Allow USB debugging on your phone

  1. Now in the program on the computer, press the "ROOT" button to give the connected device root rights.

Rice. 5. Button for assigning root rights to the connected device

  1. Some devices will require a reboot. If this is the case in your case, a notification will appear on it. Click OK to reboot. If not, go to the next step.
  2. At the end, the “Finish” button will appear in the program window on the computer. Click on it to complete the process.

Rice. 6. The end of the assignment of root rights in KingRoot on the computer

After that, you will be able to work with superuser rights. Go back to the list of applications, open any and there will be a "Delete" button. Click on it to complete the removal.

In addition to KingRoot, also pay attention to the following applications that will help you complete the task of assigning root rights:

  • iRoot;
  • Universal Android;
  • Framaroot;
  • vroot;
  • kingroot;
  • kingoapp;
  • Towelroot;
  • Root Genius;
  • WeakSauce.

Most of them help to complete the task in one click.

Just. Is not it?

It is even easier to install special programs that allow you to uninstall other applications. For example, there is Super Cleaner. The application was created in 2017 by the Hawk App Studio development team. To use it, do the following:

  1. Download the app at Google Play(here is the link).
  2. Go to the "App Uninstall" menu.
  3. You will see a list installed applications that can be removed. It will also display those that cannot be uninstalled using the standard list of Android applications.
  4. Click on an application to remove it from your smartphone / tablet.

Rice. 7. List of applications to uninstall in Super Cleaner

All such programs have the same usage algorithm - you need to go to the list of applications and click on the one you want to delete. Here is a list of other application uninstallers:

  • Clean Master Lite;
  • D.U. Speed ​​Booster;
  • CCleaner;
  • clean my android.

Removal unnecessary programs will significantly increase the amount of available RAM. The use of paging files will also help with this.

Method 3: Using special programs

The principle here is the same as on computers. There is a swap file that takes on the load that the main memory of the device cannot take. So, there are many programs that allow you to create such files and add them to your smartphone / tablet. Consider the most convenient and popular of them.


Quite an interesting program created by ordinary geeks. It allows you to create swap files up to 2.5 GB. If you have, for example, 1 GB of standard RAM, then even 1 GB will be just a treasure. To use SWAPit RAM EXPANDER, do the following:

  1. Download the app. You can do this, for example, on the forum (here is the link).
  2. Run it. From the very beginning, you will need to select a language. Unfortunately, there is no Russian here. In principle, there is no principle in which language it will work this product, so you can leave the option "English" or check the box next to the inscription "Deutsch" and click "OK".

Rice. 8. Language selection in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. The program needs the superuser rights mentioned above. But you don't need to get them separately. SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will root your device on its own. To do this, you just need to click on the "Allow" button in the window that appears.
  1. Then you will be taken to the main menu of the program in question. In it, click the "Optimal" button. This will make it possible to go to the menu of functions responsible for achieving optimal parameters for the smartphone / tablet.

Rice. 10. "Optimal" button in the main menu of the program

  1. Next, check the box next to the inscription "Swap Aktiv". This will trigger a scan of the device's existing settings.

Rice. 11.Scan function

  1. The scan itself will start. It looks as shown in Figure 12. This process can be interrupted at any time by clicking on the "Bitte warten" button (if the German interface language is selected).

Rice. 12. The process of scanning the device in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. When the scan is over, the program will already know how much to add to the existing amount of RAM for optimal device performance. To be precise, SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will determine the optimal operating speed. Accordingly, from this it will be possible to understand how much the device lacks at the moment.

Rice. 13. Scan result in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. Press the "schliessen" or "close" button (depending on the language) to activate paging.


This program is paid and you will have to pay to download it on Google Play. If you're ready to take that step, do the following:

  • Download ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER (here is the link). Run this program.
  • In the field where it says "Swap file = [size]" there is a slider that allows you to set the size of the swap file. Use one.
  • Click on the "Activate Swap" button.


  • Wait until the program finishes its work.

Now, every time the system starts, the paging file will also be launched. As you can see, everything is very simple in ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER. But this program is paid. You can use the free SWAPit RAM EXPANDER option. Choose what is more convenient for you.

Good luck in job!

The video below shows another way to create a swap file on Android OS.

How to create a swap file correctly, and what is it

In the video I will talk about how to properly make a paging file on android phone. P.S. In the video, I forgot to say that in the Swapit Ram Expander (Ram Expander) program, you do not need to disable and delete the swap file! The program will disable the swap file itself when you connect USB!

RAMEXPANDER is powerful and very useful application for devices running low on RAM. It will allow you to create a Swap (swap file) which will solve this problem.

In other words, through the program, you can allocate up to 4GB of memory on the SD card for the paging file, thereby speeding up the device and getting the multitasking desired by many!

The program requires:

  1. Root rights ()
  2. SD card class 8 and above, if you have a card class below, then a large swap size will even slow down the device
  3. swap-compatible android kernel
  4. Installed
  5. Installed broken market, placed through

Instructions on how to use the roehsoft swapit ram expander program

Q: After creating a partition, it writes a write speed of 3 mb, and the recommended one is 6. Will this affect the work?
A: No, it won't. (Weak memory cards will be noticeable with a larger Swap size)

Q: If I re-flash the phone, will the swap remain or not?
A: If you now have a kernel that supports swap, and the kernel is not replaced during firmware or is replaced by a kernel that supports this function, then the swap will remain. In other cases, no.

Q: Is it okay that I chose internal / external memory?
O: Nothing. You can select any directory.

Q: Should USB debugging be enabled?
O: Doesn't matter.

Q: Do I need to split the sd card into sections?
A: Not necessarily.

Q: When using the program for a long time, the read / write speed of the card has decreased. How to restore initial speed?
A: Format the SD card through the computer using "full format" and not "quick"

Q: Writes that the kernel does not support swap. What to do?
A: Flash a custom kernel with swap support.

Q: Where can I find custom kernel/firmware?
A: in the open spaces, or via Google using the query "custom firmware for *your device model*

Q: The program works, but in the task manager how much RAM was left, so much is left
A: The task manager does not display the swap. To view All memory, use special programs

Q: Is the memory card formatted when creating a swap file (not a partition)
Oh no

Q: If you use the built-in memory of the device, and not a flash drive, will there be any consequences? Does the program just create a swap file of the selected size? Will the rest of the memory be available?
O: That's right. For example, if at first there were 500 megabytes of free memory, then after creating a 200 megabyte swap in internal memory there will be 500-200=300 megabytes free.

Q: On startup it gives "swapfile.swp: Invalid argument"
ABOUT: This error indicates that the swap size limit for a particular kernel has been exceeded. You need to choose a size less than 500 MB.

Q: How can I start without the Internet?
A: For the first time with the Internet turned on, specify the path to the swap, and grant SU permissions. Bring the widget to the screen. Next, you can turn off the Internet. Swap will turn on and off through the widget. The program itself does not start.

This program will allow you to create SWAP files (swap files). They are located on the microSD card of your mobile device and improve its performance.


The amount of RAM is one of the main parameters that is responsible for the speed of a smartphone or tablet, for the number of simultaneously opened tasks, for the speed of switching between background processes, for the ability to play three-dimensional games and run large applications.

However, if your device has little “RAM”, this is not a reason to put an end to it. With this utility, you can create a so-called swap file, which will allow you to increase the amount of RAM memory in your mobile smartphone or tablet with a memory card.


The SWAP file creation app allows you to increase the amount of RAM, ensure stable multitasking and run large applications. With the help of the utility, you can expand the RAM up to 2.5 GB through MicroSD.

Of the mandatory requirements, it is worth noting: the presence of root rights, a BusyBox working package and a memory card with a class of Class 4+. Moreover, the higher the class of the memory card, the faster your device will work.

SWAPit RAM EXPANDER also provides flexible settings to improve performance and ability, and for beginners the "Auto-Tuning" feature. You will not know the problems with the lack of RAM if you add it to the application in autorun.

You can download the SWAPit RAM EXPANDER application in Russian for the Android platform for free on our website.

An application that allows you to virtually expand the amount of RAM in portable device on the base operating system Android. The principle of the program is that it makes it possible to use part of the free space on the SD card as RAM. Of course, such an imaginary increase in the amount of "RAM" is unlikely to affect the performance of the device. But thanks to this program, you can run games and programs that require more RAM than you have on your device. Of course, the stable operation of such programs is not guaranteed, but you can definitely run them.

In order for you to add and disable "virtual" memory at any time, you can use a special widget for the desktop. At the moment, the maximum amount of RAM that the program can emulate is 2.5 GB. In the future, the developers plan to increase this figure. Among other features of the program, one can note the launch at the start of the operating system, the ability to independently choose the place that will be used as "RAM", as well as a very simple and intuitive graphical interface.

Attention! Samsung devices use their own kernels and therefore this application will not be able to use the swap file. If you want to use it, flash an alternative kernel. For example CyanogenMod! This app requires admin rights!


  • Virtual expansion of RAM up to 2.5 GB using Swap on linux technology (The usual "Swap file").
  • Free use of SD memory cards as RAM (Class4 or higher)
  • Settings allow you to control the speed and stability of your Android device
  • PNP Widget
  • Detailed information about the analysis
  • Auto-run function
  • Custom swap kernel
  • Easy handling
  • Support for all Android devices with Tung (root access and Kernelswap support)
  • Significant increase in multitasking

Important! If, after any manipulations (deleting, installing the program "on top of each other", tambourines with Lucky Patcher, etc.), the program writes at startup that there is not enough free memory, cleaning the Dalvick Cache helps in 80 percent, as well as clearing tails in data/app!
How can I run without internet? - For the first time with the Internet turned on, specify the path to the swap, and grant SU permissions. Bring the widget to the screen. Next, you can turn off the Internet. Swap will turn on and off through the widget. The program itself does not start.

Description of items Roehsoft Swapit Ram Expander

  • Turn on- enable/disable the swap file.
  • autostart- automatic launch of the program after turning on the device.
  • Notification Icon- show / do not show the program icon in the notification bar.
  • swap size- swap file size. Options 1-2500 (in megabytes). The value cannot be changed while the paging file is activated. To change the value, turn off the swap file, and then change the value.
  • Usage- how many percent of the processes will be transferred to the swap file (better not to set more than 70). Options 1-100. The value can be changed while the paging file is activated.
  • MinFreeKb- number of available physical memory(in megabytes). The value can be changed while the paging file is activated.
  • ErrorKernel- This item is intended to detect and warn the maximum size of the allowed Swap for your kernel. (Otherwise - The ability of the program to determine the allowable size limit of Swap in the ratio "kernel-RAM-memory card").
  • Accelerated Core - Dash and Brake Effect
  • Drop Cache(Buffer drop) - The function of auto-clearing the cache directly in the Swap file itself
  • drivebuffer- The indicator of the "clipboard" with your memory card. It is set automatically after selecting the storage for the Swap file. (The size is set based on the write-read speed.

Roehsoft Swapit Ram Expander manual for version 3 and higher

  1. Make sure you have root law, updated BusyBox and a kernel supporting swap. You can check if the kernel supports swap with MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check + Instructions.
  2. Launch RamExpander
  3. Select the language "(Convenient to you)" (In Version 3+, the language can be selected automatically - by default of the system!):
  4. Click "Optimal Value"/"Optimal value":

5. Press the hardware button "Menu", select "Select a folder for the Swap File" (here the creators of the program have a translation error, we do not create any folder, but only indicate the path to the memory card) and select the desired memory card or enter the path to it manually (here we, if we want, we can create a folder for the Swap file, then click "specify the path manually", this is an item for two options, either if your map is not displayed in the general list, or if you want to hide Swap in a folder so that your eyes are not mazolil) by clicking "Action 3 (This is an example)", on the desired directory with your memory card (Removable!):

6. Set the size of the Swap file manually, in the amount from 256 to 812 MB (for this, click on the number in the line "Swap file =" Or move the slider in the same line), there is no point above, the device will start to "fail ", the program will not be stable! (Because it will take more time to "read-write" inside the Swap file (Short-intelligible))

7. Check the box next to "Run at startup", and move the "Enable Swap" slider from left to right. Swap file creation will begin!

Do not rush to buy a new gadget, because SWAPit RAM EXPANDER can easily solve these problems.


SWAPit RAM EXPANDER allows you to virtually expand the device's RAM, thereby increasing its multitasking. The developers report that at the moment the application can increase the gadget's RAM up to 2.5 GB using a memory card, however, with future updates, the program's capabilities will increase.

For the program to work you will need:

  • Root user rights;
  • SD card, class above 4.
  • BusyBox.

Also, the program will not start if the gadget's kernel does not support swap memory.

Cons and pros

The program allows you to significantly increase the multitasking of the device. That is, it gives the user the ability to open many applications at the same time. The program is easy to use. Even not the most experienced user can cope with an intuitive interface, which, among other things, can take advantage of automatic settings. The flexibility of the settings of this application will pleasantly surprise you, in turn, experienced users, which will be able to achieve maximum multitasking, stability, performance, set up the automatic launch function.

If the speed of the memory card is low (up to 10), the overall speed of the device and the stability of its operation will decrease.

Below you can download the RAM EXPANDER application in Russian on your Android

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