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A modern telephone is a rather complex and sometimes capricious technical device, which may fail, for example, stop turning on, when the user least expects it.

Before you start panicking and looking for the nearest repair shop, it’s worth finding out why your phone won’t turn on. Very often, the owner of a gadget can fix mobile phone problems on his own, without turning to specialists.

Common causes of problems turning on a smartphone

The phone may stop working and turn on when its battery life is completely exhausted. As a rule, this problem is relevant for older models. It is possible to recognize it in advance: before the device finally stops turning on and responding to pressing any buttons, its battery begins to drain quickly, and charging takes a lot of time.

Possible problems with turning on also arise when the phone battery oxidizes. If this is really the cause of the breakdown, the most The best decision– get rid of the mobile phone as quickly as possible (there is a possibility that the battery will catch fire). An oxidized and swollen battery is often noticeable from the outside, from under the phone body.

Often the phone cannot turn on due to hardware problems, which are not always easy to solve, and it is not a fact that the user can cope with this at home. The reasons given above require recycling the battery and replacing it with a new one. All other problems are subject to correction.

Mobile won't turn on

So, the main reasons for cell phone failure, due to which it may not turn on:

  • worn out or faulty battery;
  • charging problems;
  • faulty power button;
  • software errors;
  • moisture entering the device;
  • virus in the system;
  • various mechanical damages.

Faulty battery and checking it

If the device does not respond at all when pressing the power button, the first thing the user can do is check if the battery is working.

With battery mobile phone Usually one of three problems occurs:

  • insufficient charge level;
  • swelling, oxidation or other damage;
  • banal wear and tear.

For example, if the owner of a cell phone is wondering why the phone does not turn on completely, the answer may be simple: its battery is dead. Depending on the charge level, the device may either not respond to user actions at all, or do so weakly. The problem can be solved by connecting the phone to the charger.

Dead battery

You need to know that some cell phone models, after being completely discharged and then connected to charging, may not turn on instantly. In such a situation, you just need to leave them charging, and within one or two hours the functionality will be restored.

If charging does not help, you should open back cover and see what condition the battery is in. A swollen battery must be disposed of immediately and replaced.

Swollen battery

Another common problem is battery wear, however, in this case the phone usually turns on, but then runs out very quickly. There are two possible verification options:

  • measuring voltage and current in the battery;
  • installing a battery in another similar device, if it works in it, the reason lies somewhere else.

Charging problems

If the phone is already connected to the network, but does not charge or turn on, it may not be the battery that is to blame, but the charger.

What to do to fix charging problems:

  • measure the voltage in the outlet;
  • change the device cable;
  • use another charger.

First of all, you should understand whether there is current in the outlet to which the charger is connected. This is a fairly common problem when charging mobile devices. The question of whether the user has verified that there is voltage in the outlet is the first question asked by the service center employees of any large company.

The charger cable may also be damaged, for example, if it has been used rather carelessly or if pets have access to it. This is an easily fixable problem since almost everything modern gadgets are charged through the – or – connectors, and the cable in this case can be replaced separately from the adapter.

Damaged charger cable

Important! You can find out if charging is working by trying to charge your phone from a computer. If after this the device begins to charge and turn on, the problem is in the adapter and requires replacement.

Problems with the charging socket

It is too common problem, especially for devices that are used for a long time. Sometimes it can be detected in advance, before the device finally stops turning on, for example, if it is set to charge, but the process does not proceed, or it does, but slowly and jerkily.

The reason may be a build-up of debris in the phone's charging socket. It is carefully removed from there using cotton pads and swabs (they should not be wet - this can lead to a short circuit and complete breakdown of the gadget).

Cleaning the charging port

Faulty power button

If the user finds that his mobile phone does not turn on, the power button may be broken. Typically, such a malfunction occurs on devices that are actively used for a long time (an exception may be a phone that was initially defective).

The user in this situation has two options:

  1. Persistently trying to turn on the phone. Sometimes it works and after two or three tries it starts to function. The disadvantage of this method: if similar problem was before, gradually the number of attempts will increase
  2. Take the phone to a service center. A broken power button is not a significant problem; it can be fixed quickly and inexpensively (especially when the device is still under warranty).

Power button repair

If you identify the described problems, do not delay visiting the service center. The fact that the power button does not work very well is also evidenced by the fact that it is not possible to turn on sleep mode on the phone immediately, but only after several attempts. If the button gets stuck or damaged, it is better to take the device to a specialist without waiting until it stops turning on and working properly.

Software glitches and problems after updating

Software glitches can also cause a mobile phone to refuse to turn on. The first thing you need to do is an emergency reboot, and this process can be carried out in one of two ways (depending on the phone model and its parameters):

  • Remove the battery. An easy method - you just need to remove the back cover of the cell phone, take out the battery, and then put it back in place. For phones with removable batteries, the process is almost identical. Any person can handle this.

Removing the battery

  • You should act differently if you remove the battery from specific model telephone is not provided. Under no circumstances should you disassemble the one-piece body of the device yourself - you still won’t be able to remove the battery, and the functionality will be impaired. For such cases, manufacturers leave a hole in the device body into which a small knitting needle or needle, usually included in the kit, is stuck.

Emergency reset hole

In the second situation, you should also carefully read the instructions that came with the smartphone - it should describe this process in detail.

Important! As a rule, the hole with which you can perform an emergency reboot of the phone is located either on the top or bottom side of the case. It is also often covered with a removable plate.

Updates are released to fix problems with smartphones, but sometimes the consequences of their installation are unexpected. If the user wants to install updates himself, he must be aware of all possible risks. For example, phones running Android OS may begin to quickly consume battery power after a system update.

Android firmware update

Sometimes an update causes the device to stop turning on. The last time we encountered this en masse Android users in 2015, deciding to update the OS to the latest version.

How to solve problems with turning on the phone that arose after the update:

  • roll back updates or OS version;
  • install another version;
  • restore your phone using a special mode.

If it is impossible to use at least one of the above options, you must take the device to a service center.

A virus has entered the system

It is rare that a virus that has entered the system completely disables the phone, but it is also possible. There are samples that prevent the device from turning on, and in this case the user must understand the following: after restoration by resetting the settings, all personal data will be lost. It is impossible to avoid such a procedure, since without this it will not be possible to turn on the cell phone normally.

How to proceed:

  1. Press the power button and volume button simultaneously. Depending on the specific phone model, it is determined which volume key should be pressed - upper or lower. Such information is usually displayed in the instructions.
  2. Keep pressing the buttons until the phone starts to respond. The display will open Recovery menu. Here you select the “Wipe data/factory reset” item.

It is no secret to any mobile phone owner how to turn on the device and start working with it. But how can you turn on the phone if the device’s power button is broken? The first thing you need to do is find out the reason why it does not turn on, which may include:

The phone is completely discharged;
. the phone is simply switched off;
. The button to turn the device on and off is broken.

If the power button does not work Nokia phones, then everything is incredibly simple here. Often the button in phones from this company is located at the top of the device. It may stop working, fly out, or be pushed inward. In any of the above cases, it stops working, and this is already a problem. And any problem must be eliminated.

In order to solve the problem yourself, you will need:

Thin screwdriver;
. soldering iron with a fine tip;
. needle and tweezers;
. soldering flux;
. not insulated thin wiring;
. magnifying glass and lighting device.

If the button is stuck inside the phone, it must be removed from there using tweezers or some other sharp object. Required using lighting fixture look inside the case and find 2 pairs of contracts there that are responsible for the normal operation of the button. After this, carefully place the contacts next to each other and close them one from each pair. After this, the phone will not be able to be fully charged or turned off.

If it is not possible or there is no way to remove the buttons, then use a thin screwdriver to open the phone case, lift the panel and pull it out. Using a soldering iron, you need to solder the contacts to the button, but do not overheat them.

If the button on your iPhone does not work, then troubleshooting and turning on the phone will be a little more difficult. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a service center, but if this is not possible, then you just need to change the cable that goes to the button. Moreover, the part must fit and it must also be skillfully connected. Otherwise, you will need to change not only the button, but also other elements.

You can take an alternative route, just find an item in the phone settings that allows universal access to other buttons, after which you need to open the Assistive touch mode and connect the utility. After that, go to the menu where the power button is duplicated and display it on the screen. By holding your finger on the unit button, you can turn off the device. In order to turn it on, you need to connect it via a computer or put it on charge, after which it turns on on its own.

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For example, the power button on your smartphone does not work. It crashed, broke, etc. And now the question arises, how to turn on the smartphone without this very button?

Old and new, expensive and cheap, on Android or iOS, fashionable and not so fashionable - all smartphones and tablets can break.

Not in the sense of glitching and freezing, but rather, failing, as a rule, as a result of sudden mechanical and other unfavorable influences. Sometimes - but more often with less tragic consequences, one of which is a mechanical breakdown due to which the power button does not work.

It's a shame, a shame. It turns out that the device didn’t seem to have suffered much damage, but it suddenly became much less useful.

In fact, if you are “lucky”, say, to drop your smartphone (or tablet) so delicately that it was the power button that got the most damage, then further this adventure, as practice shows, can develop for you in two ways storylines: The smartphone remains turned on, but you cannot unlock it, or it has turned off completely, and now it is unclear how to turn it on, since the power button does not work.

Actually, the conditions of the tasks are formulated. Now you can try to solve them. So:

how to turn on a smartphone if it is turned off and the power button does not work

The current situation, of course, is not encouraging, but there is still hope. However, success is not guaranteed, since it will depend on the brand and model of a particular device.

First of all (and this is option No. Time ) we try to connect the smartphone to a standard charger. This is in case it does not turn on due to a low battery. Some models may already turn on automatically at this stage (although, unfortunately, the likelihood of such quick solution problems are extremely low). We connect to the charger and hold down the volume button for a while, suddenly the boot menu appears on the smartphone screen.

Option No. 2 . If the battery is not completely discharged (at least 5%, and preferably more, the charge indicator is displayed even if the smartphone is turned off), disconnect the device from the mains charger and connect it to the computer or laptop via . Our Motorola Moto G then turned on instantly without any buttons.

If yours doesn't turn on, there is still option No. 3 . To be fair, let's call it a chance. Since it can only work if, before turning off the smartphone, you activated the USB debugging mode on it, and now you can try to turn on the device through the computer command line. In general, if the conditions match, then install ADB on your computer and open a command line window. After this, we connect the smartphone via USB, in command line we write adb reboot and click Enter.

how to turn on your smartphone if the screen is locked and the power button does not work

As they say, I was so lucky. If the power button stops working, but the smartphone does not turn off, then everything is somewhat simpler. But you still have to be quick and turn off the device’s screen so as not to waste the battery charge in vain (just in case).

Owners Samsung Galaxy and iPhones don’t have to be too nervous at all, because even with the power button smashed to smithereens, they can then unlock their smartphones and . In addition, many modern models, including those with Home button not provided for by the design, you can wake up by double tapping on the screen (of course, if this option active).

It’s another matter when there is no Home, and the screen does not want to turn on (or cannot). Then you need to either connect the smartphone to the charger, or ask someone to call it. Also. If the power button does not work, you can press the physical camera key, if there is one, thus launch the corresponding application, and then simply exit this program to the main menu. This is not very convenient, but then you can download a suitable program to quickly unlock the screen, which will significantly simplify the problem for a while. The main thing is not to forget in all this fuss about the battery level.

For example, the application Power button to Volume Button allows you to emergency transfer the function of the power button to the volume control button; With Gravity Screen The smartphone automatically turns off if you put it on a flat surface or in your pocket, and turns on if you take it in your hand; Shake Screen On Off - the screen can be turned on/off by simply shaking the smartphone lightly if the power button does not work. This should be enough until you get to the nearest service center.

The smartphone may not turn on for several reasons. You can try to find a solution to this problem yourself, but you do not need to try to disassemble the body of the device itself. This procedure is carried out in the most extreme cases, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

First, you should look outside for the cause of the phone breakdown. The first place to look for the cause of the breakdown is the battery. Under intense load, it is spent a large number of

battery energy. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules that are always on drain the device's battery quite quickly. The owner of the smartphone may regard this as a breakdown without noticing the rapid discharge of the battery. If there is not enough energy in the battery, the smartphone will immediately turn off after turning on. To make your phone work again, you just need to recharge it. If, after connecting to the power supply within 30 minutes, the problem is not solved, then it may well be that you received a zero discharge. Because of this, the battery may not charge; in this case, you need to put the phone on low-amp charging for 2 hours, and then connect to high-amp charging and be sure to wait until the charge is 100%. After zero discharge, it is better to do 3-5 cycles of discharging and charging the battery - charging to 100%, discharging to 10%, so 3-5 cycles. It may also be that the battery’s expiration date has simply expired (its service life is approximately 2 - 2.5 years), and it needs to be replaced.

It is worth mentioning one more point that is worth paying attention to. If the smartphone charging indicator blinks when connected to the mains, and the gadget does not turn on, then you need to pay attention to the temperature of the charger. A high temperature indicates that the battery is not receiving power due to overheating. No need to use non-native ones chargers, since cheap low-quality analogues can cause short circuit. Also, if you use charging with a lower amperage, there may be problems with the battery in the future.

The third reason why your smartphone won’t turn on may be the device’s power button. If the button is faulty, the phone will blink, but will not turn on or will not turn on at all. In this case, the new smartphone can be exchanged in the store or sent to a workshop for warranty repair. If the phone is not new, then problems with the power button may arise after an impact, water ingress, or contact wear. Here an experienced master will be able to name the exact reason.

The fourth problem with inclusion may be the Flash card. Usually a memory card is purchased separately from a smartphone. Because over time, the internal memory of the device begins to run out. The card allows you to solve the lack of memory capacity for storing data. But some Flash cards may not be compatible with certain smartphone models. Therefore, if you install a flash drive into an incompatible model, problems with the operation of the device may occur. It happens that the phone freezes and turns off.

To eliminate this problem, it is worth purchasing flash cards from reliable, reputable manufacturers. The fifth thing that may cause reluctance to turn on is installing updates. Updating some software

  • phone may turn off the device or, conversely, prevent it from turning off. In addition, if after the update the smartphone’s memory is full, this will prevent the device from working normally until it turns on. It happens that strange messages appear on the screen. To resolve this type of failure, you need to perform a number of actions:
  • remove the battery;
  • insert the battery and turn on the smartphone;

perform a factory reset. True, such an algorithm of actions will not be able to cope with serious malfunctions in the software. In case of serious damage to the software, it would be appropriate to use a hardware reset (). This reset will restore all factory settings of the smartphone, but it will delete all personal data (phone numbers, SMS, programs). The data that was on the SIM card and flash drive will remain in place.

The sixth reason is mechanical damage. Most often, such damage occurs from the phone falling from a height or from strong pressure. In these cases, the device will have to be taken to a service center for repairs. It happens that after a fall or impact there is no visible damage to the smartphone case, but it does not turn on. Here it is necessary to prevent the contacts from moving away and the parts moving. To do this, you need to remove the battery, SIM and flash cards, and reinstall them. If these manipulations could not solve the problem, then you can safely take your smartphone for repair.

The seventh reason is an old SIM card. Sometimes after inserting an old SIM card into new smartphone it doesn’t turn on, everything is clear here, move the SIM card or remove it.

The eighth reason is water. If you wet your smartphone in any way, be sure to immediately remove the battery from it and dry the smart phone; it is advisable to do normal drying for 2 days, until it is completely dry. Otherwise, your smartphone will begin to oxidize and quickly fail without the possibility of repair.

I hope I sorted everything out possible cases in which your smartphone may not turn on. If you have other ideas, write them in the comments or share your ways to save your smartphone.

Telephone – despite the continuously evolving information system, these small funds for telephone communication continue to remain at the peak of their popularity. Thousands of residents cannot imagine how their life would change, what direction it would turn in, if they did not have this small but irreplaceable assistant at their disposal, like a telephone or smartphone. Many will agree that this is not even a communication device, but an extension of the hand, whose malfunction can cause serious discomfort. Many people cannot afford to be left without a phone for a minute. What if at this very second an important message or call arrives on the device, which will radically change the course of events in the life of the phone owner. And extreme panic can begin the second the owner of the smartphone realizes that there are some problems with the device. It’s okay if the music file doesn’t open, or the pictures on your phone have become more blurry and inaccurate. But what if the phone turns off and then doesn’t turn on at all? What to do in such a situation? Start ringing the bells and turn on all your friends who may also have had this situation, or find an experienced specialist who can correctly understand the “whims” of the phone and return its owner to the usual rhythm of life as quickly as possible. After all, some people have absolutely no idea how they can sleep, watch TV, or go to an important meeting without such a faithful telephone, which is already integral to the human essence. It’s good if the phone has faithfully served its owner for many years and he can afford to be capricious, but if a failure occurs in a brand new smartphone, then the nerves and peace of mind of the smartphone owner are in big question.

Don't harm yourself!
The first thing to do if your phone turns off and won’t turn back on is not to panic. At such moments, there is a high probability of taking actions that will further aggravate the situation.
What do almost everyone whose smartphone won’t turn on do? Everyone opens the cover of the phone and begins to look and find out what is going on with the phone? What part could fail? And to clarify these questions, everyone starts pulling wires and nuts. You shouldn’t do this if you want to leave even the slightest chance of restoring your phone. The fact is that a person who is not familiar with the secrets of a smartphone is unlikely to be able to independently find the cause of the breakdown. It may be a small thing, but excessive curiosity quickly turns a minor problem into a bigger nuisance. Who knows, maybe the only reason is that the battery suddenly ran out and the device itself just needs to be charged. Experts identify a number of reasons that can lead to such a problem as the phone not turning on. Let's talk about this.
1. Check the battery.
Just a couple of minutes ago, the phone was working correctly, and there was no sign of trouble to come; this is how those smartphone owners who have already encountered this problem can characterize the situation.
The charger on the phone showed almost full battery, you could forget about recharging the device for the whole day. However, it is worth considering the fact that modern mobile devices, equipped with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth options can consume many times more energy. The thing is that the phone is constantly looking for a new one. available network, which would allow the owner to access the Internet. This uses a lot of battery energy. Of course, these functions are indispensable for modern user, but you can turn them off and turn them on only at those moments when this service is needed. Otherwise, the phone's battery is discharged in a matter of seconds, and is completely impossible to manipulate, which would allow the phone to turn on again. In this situation, the only thing that can solve the problem is to put the phone on charge! In some cases, the battery will only need half an hour before it can return the phone to working condition, and some smartphones take about a day to charge and only then turn on again. It all depends on the condition of the battery itself.
2. Check your charger!
If the smartphone does not turn on again, even after being charged for more than a day, then in this case it is necessary to inspect the charger itself. Who knows, maybe some wire in it has become disconnected, or some contact has come loose? The problem may also lie in the phone socket. Indeed, in modern devices it has only one hole, which performs many functions - charging, headphones, connecting to a computer, etc. The only option to check the functionality of the charger is to charge the phone using a frog battery. If your phone starts working fine, get a new charger.
Other people's chargers can also damage your phone. Many cases have been identified where expensive mobile devices have become unusable due to the fact that they came into contact with someone else’s chargers that were not suitable for their type. This can lead to a more serious problem, which can only be resolved by flashing the smartphone.
3. On/off button
Another reason that may explain why the phone does not turn on is a malfunction of the button responsible for turning the mobile device on and off. There could be a lot of reasons for this. In the case of a new device, all responsibility lies with the manufacturing company, which could have made a mistake and a defect occurred during production, leading to the inoperability of the button. The owner must contact directly the store where he purchased his device. There they may offer him new phone, or they will suggest contacting a service center, where they will try to find out the cause of the breakdown and try to fix it.
In the case of an older model, when you can be more confident about the condition of the buttons, such unpleasant incidents can also happen. It only very often happens that if one button fails, then the entire keyboard may not work. A number of cases can lead to this: the phone was dropped, which caused the keyboard to move, or moisture got into the device, which has a more detrimental effect on the device. Regardless of the reason, you need to contact a specialist who can identify the cause of the button’s inability. You may be offered several options in the future:
replace the keyboard panel;
perform a complete cleaning of the mobile device;
partially or completely replace the keyboard controller.
Even the most ordinary flash drive can be the reason why your phone is not working. In many cases, mobile devices are released without a memory card and the buyer must purchase additional memory for his device. Often the selected model and manufacturer turns out to be incompatible with the telephone device. You should buy flash drives only in trusted stores that sell original products from reputable manufacturers. It is also necessary to check the compatibility of these two systems in the store. Place the flash drive in your phone and try to turn it on. If the phone immediately begins to freeze or does not see the device itself at all, then you can safely return the selected flash drive to the seller. If the smartphone refuses to work with any type of flash drive, even with minimal memory, then you will have to contact a service where they will reflash the device.
4. Installing updates.
Who doesn't love downloading new updates to their phone? Especially if you have full access to the Internet, and there is certainly something interesting to download to your device. But not all updates can benefit a smartphone; some updates are incompatible with the features of the mobile phone system, which leads to device failures. If this is the case, then the phone immediately begins to send signals that the new application is not in contact with the phone. The device just starts to glitch. Inscriptions are periodically displayed on the monitor, the phone can turn on and off on its own. What should you do in this situation? Turn off the phone, remove the battery, wait a couple of minutes, then turn it on again and quickly delete new applications and settings that have been made recently. Even if you did everything correctly, the device will take time to return to its previous functionality.
If the phone is not restored, then you will have to take more serious measures to wipe the phone - a function that removes all phone settings and returns the previous factory settings. This function does not affect the content of the SIM and memory card, and everything else is updated.
5.The cause of the problem may be mechanical damage.
When presenting a new smartphone model, each manufacturer praises their products, but call them invulnerable modern phones It's also not worth it. Many people often put their phone in the back pocket of their jeans. It’s worth bending down or sitting down, the phone will fall and may break. It’s good if the phone just doesn’t turn on yet, but this can still cause a lot of troubles that will have to be addressed to a service center.
At first glance, smartphone owners do not find any damage to the device and cannot themselves explain why their phone failed. Maybe you lent your phone to someone, but it was dropped and they didn’t tell you? Anything can happen. It may even be that the co-owner of the phone did not notice how he sat down and damaged his smartphone.
First you need to restart the phone, remove the battery, put it back in place and try to turn on the phone. If these measures do not lead to the desired result, the phone does not turn on, then you need to urgently contact a specialist; perhaps the contact has come loose and the phone can be easily repaired. In many cases in service center they offer to flash the phone, arguing that this is the only way restore your phone. In some cases this is true. There is no need to be afraid of flashing the firmware; the device will work as before, maybe even better.

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