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Microsoft is actively promoting smartphones with its operating system. Of course, there are some unpleasant moments in the form of a significant number of shortcomings. Windows Phone, but Microsoft specialists are working hard to eliminate them and are constantly developing various updates.

For example, they recently created a utility designed to bring the functionality of their devices somewhat closer to the capabilities of Android smartphones. Thanks to the Project Astoria simulator, you can now run many Android programs on Windows phones.

Below are instructions on how to install an Android emulator for Windows Phone, with detailed description all necessary actions.

Brief description of emulators for Windows Background

These applications simulate software environment Android, in order to be able to launch and operate its programs in the operating system of Windows Phone gadgets, can persuade a large number of people to make a positive decision on purchasing phones with Microsoft OS.

There are already many such simulators, and they are available in global network for downloading and subsequent installation in smartphones from Microsoft.

They allow you to achieve the following benefits:

  1. Increase the capabilities of Windows smartphones through simulating the Android environment;
  2. Ensures the operation of programs that are created for Android devices;
  3. You have access to a huge number of applications to run on Windows Phone.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to using emulators, for example, low performance and a significant number of crashes.

The best emulators

If the user owns a device with big screen, then it should definitely be noted high quality the Leapdroid application, which is one of the most reliable and provides the highest possible performance, which is why it is always popular among owners of Windows gadgets.

Also "Nox" App Player"has proven itself both in terms of operational stability and good performance.

In Windows Phone, a utility called “Project Astoria” copes well with its tasks, because it was developed directly by the Microsoft giant itself. At first it was planned to implement it in Windows 10, but for reasons unknown to us, the specialists of this IT giant decided to postpone the implementation for up to 1 year.

Installation procedure for Astoria

If the owner of a Windows 10 smartphone decides to use Android applications on his device, then “Project Astoria” is currently the best choice for porting programs.

The following actions must be taken:

Note: in the case when the computer is running on the “Tenth” OS, the system is almost in automatic mode will enter all the settings to ensure stable synchronization of the smartphone with the PC.

Note: It is not uncommon for problems to appear at this stage. In this case, the user is simply required to launch the “Task Manager” on the computer, in which to find a running process called “wsconnect.exe”, select it and click on “End”.

Disabling the process in most cases allows the synchronization process to continue unhindered.

  1. The OS will display a message requiring you to enter the phone’s “PIN code,” which must be completed. After specifying the correct code, the synchronization procedure will end.
  2. In the console, print the full address of the directory location with the Astoria distribution downloaded from the Internet, for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools";
  3. Click “Enter”;
  4. Next, type “adp install” and indicate the name of the Android program in “apk” format;

An important digression: the installed Android program files must be placed in the same directory.

  1. Click "Enter";
  2. Wait for the utility to install on your phone.
  3. Then, as soon as the process is completed, you need to open the “Recently Added” list on your smartphone, where the installed programs will already be available for the user to run.

Microsoft has recently been making great efforts to popularize its mobile platform, but, unfortunately, it cannot boast of any particular success. All the efforts of marketers and programmers are frustrated by the vicious circle in which Windows Phone finds itself: “users don’t come because of the meager selection of applications, and developers ignore them because of the small number of users.”

However, with Windows release 10, which, as we know, will be a universal system for all platforms, everything can change. Microsoft has come up with a radical way out of the trap in which their mobile devices find themselves. The Astoria project is a special tool for developers, which is designed to make it as easy as possible to port and run Android programs on mobile devices under Windows control.

The presentation of this project was scheduled for the fall of 2015 along with the final release of Windows 10 Mobile. However, something went wrong, and yesterday Project Astoria documentation and files leaked online. And this is some interesting information that has become public knowledge:

  • Project Astoria will allow Windows users 10 Mobile seamlessly install Android applications in the event that they do not use services in their work Google Play. Otherwise, developers will still need to perform a small modification.
  • Along with Windows, Project Astoria SDK will also be available for Mac, but at a later date.
  • To install the application apk file you will need Java JDK (1.7 or older), Android Studio and the ability to work with Android Debug Bridge (adb).
  • Currently, a limited list of devices is supported, but this will be expanded in the future. Here is the list: Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 925, Nokia Lumia 929 (icon), Nokia Lumia 830, Nokia Lumia 930, Nokia Lumia 1020, Nokia Lumia 1520, Nokia Lumia 635, Nokia Lumia 730, Nokia Lumia 820, Nokia Lumia 435, Nokia Lumia 928.

Some curious users have already tried out the tools posted online and installed Android applications on devices running Windows 10 Mobile. It turned out that this process is very simple and accessible to almost any advanced user. You will be able to see detailed step by step guide in the next video. Links to the necessary files are provided in the comments to this video on YouTube.

This news cannot but please all owners of mobile gadgets running operating system from Microsoft. Finally, they will be able to install any programs they need and stop envying the wealth of choice their competitors have. However, can this save the platform? Windows Mobile? We invite you to express your opinion in the comments.

Reasons why you want to install and run Android applications there may be a ton on Windows 10, we won’t go into them. But we will tell you how to run Android games and applications on Windows 10.

Launching and installing games and applications

The easiest way to run Android applications on Windows 10 is to download an emulator. Special utilities will pretend work environment Android and you will have the opportunity, as part of the regular program for Windows 10, to get a full-fledged Android OS.
  • Completely free;
  • Interface in Russian;
  • Ability to switch between different versions Android;
  • Detailed documentation;
With all this splendor, BlueStacks does not require any serious knowledge of computers, unlike next option how to play Android games on Windows.

Second OS

You can either fully install a second OS, or create virtual machine. The first option is a full OS installation, most often used in the case of tablets. It is not possible to install Android on all Windows 10 devices, but for some devices, such as older netbooks, Android may be an even more suitable OS than a dozen.

About Android installation for your device, it is better to read on specialized forums. If your laptop or tablet originally came with one OS, and it was Windows 10, then you will have to work hard to install Android. Nevertheless, this is a completely feasible operation that even a beginner can do. For those who understand English without, we recommend the following video instructions. In it you will learn how to install Android 5.1 on a computer with Windows 10:

Not all programs allow you to create a tablet or phone version of the OS. However, the latest version allows it. Therefore, select this utility and after installation ask Android options and you will get Android in windowed mode. Of course, this is not a completely full-fledged OS, but it will allow you to test games and run any applications.

Please note that some applications, especially older ones, may not work correctly on your device. For the most part, this concerns the display of images, because initially applications were not created for computers. There shouldn't be any issues with performance. Otherwise, you can follow the advice from the article. For most tasks, an emulator will be enough, and you won't have to install a second OS to run Android apps on Windows 10.

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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

This fall, Microsoft plans to introduce a tool called Project Astoria that will allow Android developers to easily port their applications to Windows 10 Mobile. If the application is not linked to Google services Play, the porting process does not require any modifications, but if there is a connection to services, then compatibility can be achieved using Astoria. Currently, the necessary programs for operation have been published on the Internet, with the help of which users can already install Android applications on their Lumia smartphones. The list of models that support installation includes:

  • Nokia Lumia 635 (with 1 GB RAM)
  • Nokia Lumia 730
  • Nokia Lumia 820
  • Nokia Lumia 920
  • Nokia Lumia 925
  • Nokia Lumia 928
  • Nokia Lumia 929 (icon)
  • Nokia Lumia 1520
These smartphones must run Windows 10 Mobile Build 10149 or higher.

The instructions consist of several steps, the first of which is downloading WConnect tool and ADB tool. Next you need:

1. Unpack the downloaded archives on your computer and run the files IpOverUsbInstaller.msi and vcredist_x86.exe in the folder wconnect.
2. On your smartphone, go to Settings -> Update and Security -> For Developers and activate developer mode and device discovery.

3. Go to the extracted wconnect folder and call command line(press Windows + X, open a command prompt window).
4. Connect your smartphone to your computer via USB and run the wconnect.exe usb command. A request for a pairing code will appear - you need to enter the code received in the second step.
5. Call the command line again and go to the ADB folder.
6. Write "ADB devices" and press "Enter" to see a list of connected devices.

7. Download the desired Android application and drop it into this folder (adb), then run the command “ADB install XXXXX.apk” (where XXXXX is replaced with the file name) to install the application on the connected smartphone.

Note that there is already a list of compatible applications on the Internet, but there is no guarantee that all of them work correctly. At least, we can say for sure that notifications from the “minimized” application will not arrive. If you are participating in the pre-apprenticeship program Windows testing Insider and have already installed something, share your impressions in the comments!

Ever since the announcement of the future update from Microsoft, the name of which was not yet known (we are talking about Windows 10 Mobile), there have been rumors on the Internet that users will be able to install Android applications on their Windows Phone devices, for which Microroft will release a special emulator . As time passed, various debates about this controversial possible solution grew, and this lasted until official details became known about Windows 10 Mobile, which does not have an emulator, but does have a developer program with which you can easily port your applications from competing platforms on Windows.
Today it became known that in the latest Windows build 10 Mobile contains all the tools for installing and launching APK files (Android applications have this permission), and at the same time instructions were written on how to install and use applications for the Google OS on your Lumia. Below you can see detailed instructions on this score.


All further actions What you do following our instructions, you do at your own peril and risk. We do not recommend committing these frauds due to the fact that the method is new and has not yet been fully studied, and preliminary Windows version 10 Mobile is not stable. But, due to the fact that among the readers of Trashbox there will probably be a large number of geeks, we simply have to publish this instruction.


To perform these methods, you will need a computer with Windows 8 or higher on board (although for some users these methods work on earlier OSes), a smartphone running Windows 10 Mobile latest versions. Also, the developer of this instruction says that on this moment only supported the following smartphones: Lumia 435, 635 (1 GB RAM), 730, 820, 830, 920, 925, 928, 929, 930 and 1520.

Method 1 - installation via the APKToWin10M program

The first method is much simpler than the second; you can install Android files in literally “2 clicks”.


  1. Download and install a program called APKToWin10M
  2. On your smartphone, go to the following sections: “Update and Security” -> “For Developers”, where you must check the box next to “Developer Mode”, and then activate “Device Detection”. Remember the pairing code that appears.
  3. Run the program downloaded in step 1, where in the second column select the connection type (via USB or Wi-Fi) and enter the code shown to you in the second step of the instructions.
  4. Downloaded file with .apk permission (this permission has setup files Android applications) drag the program into the third column, then click the “Install” button.

Method 2 - manual installation


Currently, there is no guarantee that absolutely any Android application will be compatible with your smartphone, what level of integration it will have with the system and notifications. We recommend, if you decide, to try installing Twitter. If you have any errors or incomprehensibility, then Possible Solution problems you can read

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