Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

This instruction details what to do if, when installing Windows, you are told that it is impossible to install Windows on a disk partition, and in detail - “ Windows installation on this disk impossible. Your computer hardware may not support booting from this disk. Make sure that the controller for this drive is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu." Similar errors and how to fix them: If you still select this partition and click “Next” in the installer, you will see an error stating that we were unable to create a new or find an existing partition with a suggestion to view additional information in the installer log files . Below we will describe ways to fix such an error (which can occur in the installation programs of Windows 10 - Windows 7). As users' computers and laptops increasingly display a variety of partition tables on disks (GPT and MBR), modes HDD operation(AHCI and IDE) and boot types (EFI and Legacy), errors when installing Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 caused by these parameters are also becoming more frequent. The described case is just one of these errors. Note: if the message that installation to the disk is impossible is accompanied by error information 0x80300002 or the text “This disk may soon fail” - this may be caused by a poor connection of the disk or SATA cables , as well as damage to the drive itself or cables. This case is not considered in the current material.

Open Shell - installing the start menu from Windows 7 in Windows 10 and instead of Classic Shell

Fixing the “Installation on this disk cannot be installed” error using BIOS settings (UEFI)

More often specified error occurs when installing Windows 7 on old computers with BIOS and Legacy boot, in cases where AHCI mode (or any RAID, SCSI modes) is enabled in the BIOS in the operating parameters of SATA devices (i.e. hard drive).

The solution in this particular case is to go into the BIOS settings and change the mode work hard disk on IDE. As a rule, this is done somewhere in the Integrated Peripherals - SATA Mode section of the BIOS settings (several examples in the screenshot).

Activate Windows 10

But even if you don't have an "old" computer or laptop, this option can also work. If you are installing Windows 10 or 8, then instead enable IDE mode, I recommend:

  1. Enable EFI booting in UEFI (if supported).
  2. Boot from the installation drive (flash drive) and try the installation.

True, in this option you may encounter another type of error, the text of which will inform you that the selected disk contains an MBR partition table (correction instructions are mentioned at the beginning of this article).

No activation of Windows 10 / are there any restrictions

I myself don’t fully understand why this happens (after all, AHCI drivers are included in Windows images 7 and above). Moreover, I was able to reproduce the error for installing Windows 10 (the screenshots are from there) - simply by changing the disk controller from IDE to SCSI for virtual machine Hyper-V “first generation” (i.e. with BIOS).

Install the Windows 7 start menu in Windows 10

I couldn’t check whether the specified error will appear during EFI booting and installation on a disk running in IDE mode, but I assume it’s possible (in this case, we try to enable AHCI for SATA drives in UEFI).

Also, in the context of the situation described, the material may be useful.

» » Error “Windows cannot be installed on this disk”

Error "Windows cannot be installed on this drive"

Sometimes when installing Windows 7, 8 or 10 you may encounter a problem that when you try to install the system on HDD, the system issues a warning: “Windows cannot be installed on this disk. Perhaps the equipment of this computer does not support booting from this disk. Make sure the controller for this drive is enabled in the menu Computer BIOS".

The problem is usually typical for old computers and laptops, but occasionally appears on new hardware. This usually happens when BIOS settings computer in operating parameters hard drive mode enabled AHCI or any other other than IDE. So, let's go to BIOS computer and set the operating mode of our disk as IDE. Typically this setting is located in the section IntegratedPeripherals or Advanced, and she herself is usually called SATARAID/AHCIMode, SATAMode, SATAAHCIMode,ConfigureSATA or another name with a similar meaning.

I also came across this method of deactivating the mode:

  1. Switching the operating mode using the settings AHCI Mode Control to mode Manual.
  2. At the same time, we become available customization Native AHCI Mode, which we must switch to Disabled.

How to remove the "Make sure the controller for this disk is included in the menu" window computer bios" during Windows installation

During Windows installation, "Make sure that the controller for this disk is included in bios menu computer"

Sometimes it happens that during Windows installation, at the stage when you need to select the hard disk partition on which Windows will be installed, the error “Make sure that the controller of this disk is included in the computer’s bios menu” appears. Naturally, the installation does not proceed further.

Error text

In this article you will learn what this means and how to fix the problem with the hard drive controller.

Why does this error appear?

There are several options for the message “Make sure that the controller of this disk is enabled in the computer’s bios menu.”

One of the most likely is that it is incorrectly set in BIOS mode hard drive operation. There are two main modes - Achi and IDE, which we wrote about in the article.

Sometimes on new motherboards the UEFI/BIOS option contributes to the appearance of this error. boot mode.

Less often, but another situation also occurs. This is damage to the boot record of the hard drive and in this case it will need to be restored.

How to fix “Make sure the controller for this disk is enabled in the computer's bios menu”?

There are as many options for eliminating this problem as there are reasons.

First you need the operating mode of the hard drive. If it is IDE (Compatible)(Native Mode), then enable AHCI, and if it is AHCI, then switch to IDE (Compatible)(Native Mode).

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 1

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 6

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 5

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 4

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 3

Switching the hard drive operating mode - option 2

If this does not help, then you should check the UEFI/BIOS boot mode option. If it exists, then you should set it to “legacy” or “Legacy First”.

Switch boot mode to Legacy

After all changes in the BIOS, do not forget to save them with the F10 button.

The last option is to try checking and restoring the boot record of your hard drive.

To do this, press “shift” + “F10” when the error “Make sure that the controller of this disk is enabled in the computer’s bios menu” appears. This will launch the console.

Recovering the boot record via the console

During installation of the operating system, at the stage of formatting disks and creating partitions, the user may encounter the error “Windows cannot be installed on this disk. Your computer hardware may not support booting from this disk. Make sure that the controller for this drive is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."

Why does this error occur and how to fix it?

Ways to solve the problem

Often, an error where it is impossible to create a partition for installing a new operating system occurs on older PCs with Windows 7. However, others OS, from XP to Windows 10, are also not immune to this problem.

The following factors may be the cause of this error:

  • Incorrect SATA operating parameters settings;
  • Equipment specifics (availability of additional SSD and SCSI cards).

Method number 1. Through BIOS settings

To fix this error, you should boot into the BIOS and set the hard drive mode. IDE drive. To do this we do the following:

  • Reboot the PC and press “F8” several times to get into the BIOS.
  • Find the “Advanced” or “Integrated Peripherals” section and select the “SATA Mode” or “SATA Raid”, “SATA Configuration” item in it (the path to the settings depends on the model motherboard). We change the operating mode from AHCI or another to IDE.

  • Press “F10” and restart the PC. We repeat the installation of the system.

If your PC has new firmware BIOS, then instead of IDE mode you should enable EFI boot. To do this we do the following:

  • We boot into BOIS-UEFI and go to the “Boot” section. Find the item “UEFI/Legacy Boot” and set it to “Enabled”.

  • Save the changes and restart the PC.

It is worth noting that with this change it is possible that new error, which is associated with MBR or GTP partitions.

If you have an additional cached SSD or other drive installed on your PC or laptop, this may be causing the problem. To fix the problem, perform the following steps:

  • Determine the model and version of the device. We go to the developer’s website and download the drivers, which are sealed in an archive and not posted as a separate exe file.
  • Unpack the files onto the flash drive.
  • We start the Windows installation. At the volume selection stage, click on the “Download drivers” button.

  • A new window will open. Click the “Browse” button and specify the path to the drivers. Click “Ok” and “Next”.

  • We try again to select a volume to install the system.

Method No. 3. If the error is related to the GPT or MBR format

If during installation of Windows 7, 8 or 10 you receive the error “Windows cannot be installed on this drive. The selected disc has a style GPT partitions", it is worth changing the GPT format to MBR. To do this, perform the following steps.

  • We save all data from drive C, since it will be formatted. It also wouldn't hurt to save information from local disk D.
  • Opening command line with administrator rights and enter the following commands in order:
  1. diskpart;
  2. list disk;
  3. select disk No. (indicate the number of the disk on which you will install Windows and which one is causing problems);
  4. clean (the entire disk will be cleaned);
  5. convert mbr (format changed);
  6. exit.

After formatting the partition, you should restart the PC and try installing the OS again.

You can also perform the same steps over in a simple way. In the BIOS, in the “Boot” section, in the “UEFI/Legasy Boot” item, set Enabled, and in “ Secure Boot" - Disabled. After that, delete all partitions and create new ones. The format will be automatically changed.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter