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| How to speed up Adobe Premiere and After Effects


current as of 12.2019

CUDA/OpenCL and Premiere:

Starting with version CS5, Adobe Premiere and After Effects use graphics card processing power. The availability of such support depends on the combination of graphics card version, driver version, program version and their settings.
The technical ability to use GPU acceleration does not mean that the program will start working on the GPU instead of the CPU. A number of computational tasks can be solved on the GPU. If such tasks do not appear during installation or export, then the GPU does not participate in the program.
This article describes: a) how to enable all available hardware resources, b) how to organize a workflow so that the maximum number of computing tasks are performed on the GPU.

Adobe Premiere directly supports the GPU acceleration capabilities of almost all video cards NVIDIA, with CUDA and at least 1 GB of memory. Chipsets AMD(ATI) supported by Premier via OpenCL since CS6 version for Mac (6750M, 6770M), actually since CC. From chipsets Intel support started with laptops Intel Iris 5100 and Iris Pro 5200 via OpenCL in Premiere CC 2014 (version 8.0). On Windows, current versions of Premiere support all current GPUs from these three manufacturers, on Mac current versions Metall is used, NVidia graphics cards do not work.

Plugins, for example Magic Bullet Looks, Elements3D is individual programs and they may or may not use the GPU, regardless of Adobe software settings.

What gives GPU acceleration

The work of Adobe Premiere can be simplified as the following pipeline: reading files from disk > decoding compressed video into the internal video format in memory > processing on the timeline > compressing the video with a codec > writing the file to disk. Read / write operations do not depend on the GPU and CPU, they depend on the speed of disks, the speeds of modern HDDs and SSDs are several times higher than the required value for video formats with compression, and are performed without the participation of a processor, i.e. their impact on performance is not noticeable. GPU graphics cards (GPU) during video editing can be used for the remaining three operations. These operations are performed sequentially and independently. Sequential means that the video frame goes through all stages of the pipeline from the beginning to the end, independently means that the speed of work at each stage does not depend on others. All together, this means that if at some stage the speed is low, then at others it will be idle from the word. The task of optimization is not to eliminate downtime, but to minimize delays.

To perform these operations, the GPU has independent hardware blocks that deal with: decoding common formats (nvdec/vce/qsv); image processing on universal computing cores gpu (shaders, CUDA); coding to common formats (nvenc/vce/qsv). If these blocks are not on the video card, or Premiere does not support them, then the operations are performed on the processor.

The biggest impact on performance is:
1) geometric transformations over video (resizing, rotation, field transformation, frame rate conversion), color space transformation, color correction, other image manipulations, which is supported by many filters, effects and plugins
2) hardware video encoding, which is topical for h.264, h.265 formats

This different ways use, with different effects. For example, with a simple editing of DV video end-to-end, without effects and subsequent encoding in h264, hardware acceleration according to the first method will not give any acceleration. the video remains unchanged. But if you use the second method (the plugin is installed voukoder, or Premiere with Intel hardware encoding enabled Quick Sync, etc., while the GPU of your video card or processor is supported by a hardware encoder), then the speed of the final render will increase significantly. Read more about hardware encoding.
Another example is editing 4K video with color correction, Warp Stabilizer, Neat Video noise reduction and then exporting to prores 1080p. In acceleration using the first Warp Stabilizer method, the difference will be hardly noticeable, Neat Video will speed up, and the GPU's contribution to resizing and color correction operations will speed up the overall result by several times; the second method will not give an effect due to the lack of hardware acceleration in the prores encoder.

All encoding and decoding units on video cards are high-speed and differ mainly in supported resolutions. The speed of shaders is directly proportional to their number and clock frequency, and the frequencies on video cards are approximately the same, while the number of cores varies greatly. It is important to note that the most productive Intel GPUs are about 20 times inferior in performance to the flagships of NVidia and AMD.

Material decoding

There remains a third way to use the GPU of a video card - this is the decoding of the source material. The effect will be when working on the timeline when CPU fails to decode. This will not speed up the work with heavy effects in any way, but it will be useful for cases when the processor does not have time to decompress heavy video - 4K, 1080p50 AVCHD/XAVC/HEVC video with a high bitrate (100+ mbps), owners of weak laptops will notice the acceleration best of all. This functionality has been added for Intel processors with QSV since 2015.3. Modern top processors, 6 and 8 core Intel and competing Ryzen, decode h264 video faster than QSV, so disabling decoding can speed up work in some cases, in other cases hardware decoding will offload the CPU.

Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration

For professional work, the speed with which the video is processed is fundamental. Shaders are responsible for all image manipulations. The counting speed on CUDA on such operations as transcoding from 4K to 1080p will increase by about 5-6 times. Color correction is also highly dependent on the GPU. The image quality in this case is much better than when working on the central processor. Thus, the video renderer must be Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration CUDA or OpenCL (enabled in File|Project settings|General).

At the moment, the program automatically detects the presence of a suitable video card. However, there are nuances: Adobe is gradually phasing out support for old models of video cards (on the one hand, this means that new versions of programs are simply not tested on old cards, on the other hand, video card manufacturers stop supporting old models in new drivers, and the new Premier needs new drivers); there is a version of Premiere that came out earlier than the video card, and he does not know this; For one reason or another, older versions of Premiere might not detect or enable acceleration. You can try to prompt the Premier manually.
If your NVidia video card is not defined as having GPU acceleration, and only Mercury Playback Engine Software Only is available in the Project Settings panel instead of GPU Acceleration:

then you need to write it in the file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS6\cuda_supported_cards.txt. The list of officially supported ATI (Radeon) video cards is in the file opencl_supported_cards.txt and can be added manually in the same way. In Premiere CC, Adobe allowed support for all CUDA and OpenCL chipsets, it was enough to go into this settings panel at the first start and turn on the GPU manually. Theoretically, it is not required to register manually, but in practice, if Premiere CC does not see your video card, you will need to create this file yourself and enter your video card into it (example file NVidia CUDA, Radeon OpenCL).

You can easily check the reason by calling the console (Ctrl + F12) and running the GPUsniffer command in it. In the text output there will be a reason: * Not chosen because of insufficient video memory- little memory on the video card, * Not chosen because of old driver- old video card driver, etc.

If you have an old video card that is not supported by new drivers, then you will have to work on more old version Premiere. Also, CC2015 and 2017 may not see Kepler video cards after the first launch of the program after loading, you need to exit the premiere and start it again. WITH AMD drivers Radeon Crimson will not have GPU acceleration on older AMD Radeon HD 7xxx and earlier cards.

Adobe Premiere CS3, CS4 do not support CUDA/OpenCL hardware acceleration and it makes no sense to prescribe a video card in them.

Effects have their own peculiarity: if among the effects applied to the clip there is one that does not support GPU acceleration, then all other effects also switch to CPU mode. Adjustment layer this applies to the fullest.

this picture shows how GPU accelerated effects are marked in Premiere

The following are not recommendations for buying a video card, but general information about the relationship between the performance of the central processor and its ability to load all the cores on the video card:
AMD FX 6 or 8 core - 384 or more
Intel dual core - 96 or more
Intel core quad - 192 or more
Intel I7 first generation - 384
Intel I7 Ivy Bridge - 1344
Intel I7 Coffee Lake/6 - 2944

The GPU may have fewer cores, but then editing will slow down.
If you have old computer, for example quad core at 2.0 GHz with 4 gigabytes of memory, it makes no sense to buy a GTX-1060. For such a system, it is better to add memory and use a video card with about 300 cuda cores. If you have a very weak Core Duo, then on the market (Chinese, eBay) there is an opportunity to buy a used xeon cut for your socket for cheap.


For hardware encoding h.264 has the following options:
1. Install plugin voukoder(NVidia/AMD) - the plugin encodes the video card in h264/h265 format, the speed is not lower than realtime.
2. If you have an Intel processor with Quick Sync and Premiere 2017.1+, use hardware encoding in the standard Premiere export.

3. Use external hardware encoders through the Advanced Frame Server plugin.
4. For Premiere CS 5.x, 6.x install the package Rovi Total Code 6.03 including h.264 codec with CUDA support (does not work with Kepler and newer video cards, i.e. 6xx and more fresh series graphics cards are not supported).
For export in mpeg, prores and other formats, Premiere does not have hardware encoding.

Premiere versions and performance

As new features emerge and evolve, they show better performance.
So if the speed of basic work with h264 (loading, viewing, butt-cutting on the timeline) has not changed in any way since CS6, then we test CC 7.2 vs CC 2015 9.1 on the Lumetri effect by loading one 1 LUT .cube. Lumetri in Premiere CC, unlike CC 2015, does not yet use GPU acceleration, but it is interesting that in pure software mode CC 2015 is faster:
cc7.2 GPU ON, 3.4fps CPU 35%
cc7.2 GPU OFF 2.9fps CPU 45%
cc9.1 GPU ON, 25 fps CPU 22% GPU 8%
cc9.1 GPU OFF 3.2 fps CPU 43%.

The downside of new versions may be higher resource requirements. This can manifest itself as various failures in the work on the project and when exporting on weak configurations.
Program changes are not always good for performance. Before version CC 2014 Multicam worked fine, but from this version there were serious problems with a drop in productivity when editing material with interframe compression with a project length of more than 5-10 minutes. In CC 2019, with the introduction of GPU color format conversion in the ImporterMPEG module, the load on the GPU and the consumption of GPU memory have increased.

Premiere and Memory:

It would seem that Premiere is not so critical to the size of the memory, however, in some situations, the lack of memory can paralyze the work. When memory is low, let's say 4 GB, Adobe programs can use a maximum of 2.5 GB for their work. That is, if only Premiere is running, without After Effects and Photoshop, then at best 2.5 GB of memory is at its disposal. This is enough for simple DSLR video editing, but if the project becomes more complicated, for example, AVCHD 1080p50 with Warp Stabilizer, Neat Video noise reduction, Lumetri color correction, h.264 encoding, then the computer starts to freeze seriously, so much so that the mouse slows down. If you look at such moments in the task manager, it becomes clear that the system goes into a deep swap, although there may be 1 GB of memory free.

The way out in such a situation may be the following: Edit / Preferences / Memory - Optimize rendering for: Memory. When editing without processing, you can try turning off the Maximum bit depth option (when working on the GPU, this option is always enabled, regardless of the user's choice. When working on the CPU, turning it off negatively affects the quality of any color correction).

You can export when there is not enough memory through Adobe Media Encoder (Queue button), after which you can close Premiere.

You can also disable the Superfetch system service, which is engaged in advanced caching, which is pointless and harmful when there is a shortage of memory.

Premiere versions since 2017 have low volume physical memory can be a problem, there have often been complaints that "Premiere crashes in the middle of export". In such a situation, a significant increase in the paging file can help. Since extensive use of the swap file cannot improve performance, we avoid it. First, you can try to optimize the effects, calculate them, try to make intermediate encoding into a simpler codec.

The number of processor cores and hyperthreading do not affect memory requirements, which can be easily seen by disabling cores from the Adobe Premier Pro.exe process in Task Manager. If you have a lot system memory, do not give it all to adobe programs: during operation, disk operations are actively cached, and the presence of free system memory will speed up work - if the system does not have enough memory, then windows starts to actively use the swap (paging file), and this is a severe blow to performance.

Adobe Media Encoder

In a programme MediaEncoder, CUDA acceleration has appeared since update 7.1 for Media Encoder CC from 10/31/2013. For it to work, the appropriate renderer must be selected.

If your NVidia video card has CUDA, but it is not possible to select the Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration renderer, then you need to manually create a file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014\cuda_supported_cards.txt and register your video card there. The situation with Radeons is similar.

You need to understand that transcoding video files in MediaEncoder and exporting a project from Premiere/AfterEffects are different operations. When converting video files from one format to another, render engine AME turns on GPU acceleration when resizing / frame rate of the video, and if conversion is done to another codec, then nothing is accelerated. The Premiere/AfterFX project is calculated in a different way: for this, AME loads the premiere/afterfx core into memory and GPU acceleration when calculating all effects and transformations within the project does not depend on the Media Encoder, but on the Premiere settings in the project. So that when rendering in MediaEncoder, GPU acceleration works on all Premiere Effects, you need the Import sequences natively option to be off.

At correct setting export speed from Premiere and AME will be the same.

How to control the operation of the GPU

You can check how the graphics card chipset (GPU) is actually used by the GPU-Z program. GPU-Z shows with checkmarks whether your NVidia video card has CUDA, or your Radeon OpenCL, and during rendering it is clearly visible how the GPU of your video card is loaded (GPU Load). Please note that other programs running on the system, as well as plug-ins (for example, Magic Bullet Looks) can load the GPU on their own and regardless of the settings of Adobe programs, and this will also be displayed.
The line Video Engine Load during export (encoding) shows the load of the nvenc block, while working on the timeline (decoding) the load of the block responsible for decoding.

CUDA and After Effects Acceleration:

When working in After Effects, the program can use graphics card resources in the following ways:
- acceleration of the 2D interface of the program - works on all video cards;
- OpenGL - available on almost all video cards, accelerated preview (Fast Draft), OpenGL plugins (for example, Element 3D);
- an alternative core for rendering 3D layers (with a camera, light sources) called Ray-traced 3D - only for NVidia video cards.
Starting with AE 14.0, another renderer for 3D layers appeared - the built-in Cinema 4D core.
Gradually, GPU acceleration appears for built-in effects: in version 14, these are Lumetri, Fast Blur, Brightness and Contrast, Find Edges, Hue / Saturation, Mosaic, Glow, Tint and Invert.

When exporting, After Effects works in the following order: first, a frame on the timeline is rendered (all layers with all effects one by one, from bottom to top), then the rendered frame is compressed (encoded) into the output file format. At the first stage, AE uses the available accelerations of the video card described above, at the second stage the situation depends entirely on codecs and is described in the section on Premiere.

Anyway, After Effects needs a fast CPU and a lot of memory(16 GB or better 32 or more), without this, the presence of a powerful video card will not have any effect, in addition, many heavy plugins simply do not use CUDA and work only on the central processor or on the universal OpenGL acceleration. Unlike Premiere, the presence of GPU acceleration on the video card will speed up work in fewer projects.

Difference between OpenGL and CUDA
Hardware acceleration of video cards is provided by special units on the GPU chip: Render output units (ROP), Texture mapping units (TMU), Unified shaders (CUDA cores). There are two technologies for using the GPU of video cards: OpenGL and CUDA (for video cards from ATI and Intel, the analogue of CUDA is called OpenCL).
describes the entire 3D scene, and this description is in no way dependent on the video card, but it cannot perform all the functions of After Effects by means of it. OpenGL performance primarily depends on the number and power of ROPs and TMUs involved in 3D rendering. OpenGL is also responsible for 2D graphics in the system - for acceleration user interface(Hardware BlitPipe), video mode control, video memory operations. The OpenGL-powered Fast Draft mode of the Composition window is optimized for very fast draft quality previews.
From an AE point of view, the OpenGL features are not enough to use it in the final render, but for plugins that use it, its performance is very important.
CUDA means direct programming of the GPU cores, this is direct full access to the processing power of the video card. To put it simply, many CUDA cores quickly process a lot of numbers, but they do not work with an image as with a 2D or 3D scene. Some kind of OpenGL functionality for CUDA is made by NVidia through the OptiX library, where the main program running on the CPU performs mathematical calculations on CUDA shaders. Rendering through this library in After Effects is called Ray-traced 3D. Ray-traced 3D doesn't support all After Effects features, but with the right compositions, it can outperform a CPU render many times over. Whether you win or not is best determined by test-rendering your working project.
From the point of view of working in AE, on compositions with 3D layers, this can give a good increase in speed, and CUDA and OpenCL can be directly used by plugins.

Does the graphics card support OpenGL and CUDA
OpenGL is supported by all NVidia, AMD, Intel graphics accelerators. Fast Draft requires OpenGL versions 2.0 or higher, and Shader Model 4.0 or higher. As a rule, there are no problems with this. CUDA driver version must be 4.0 or higher (CC requires version 5.0+). Versions can be checked in EDIT/Preferences/Preview/GPU Information.

If the versions are lower, then you need to update the drivers from the NVidia website. If it doesn't help, then it's time to buy a new video card. If your video card has CUDA, but GPU acceleration is not available, and only software mode is possible, then you can manually add your video card to the file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\raytracer_supported_cards.txt. For After Effects CC and newer, it may be sufficient to check the Enable untested GPU... checkbox in the EDIT/Preferences/Preview/GPU Information panel

Ray traced 3D
3d ray tracing render Ray traced 3D appeared since CS 6 (version 11.0.2 and newer), it calculates 3D layers, camera, light sources on the video card in the composition in which it is selected by render. Only CUDA GPUs of NVidia video cards are supported. There are features of work: the final render can become many times faster, or it can turn out to be slower than the classic CPU render, depending on the composition and video card. Also, when the Ray-traced 3D graphics core is enabled, the display in the Composition window is accelerated in parallel when editing a project.
There are limitations: the GPU renderer does not support a number of program functions related to blending modes, track matte, and a number of effects, such as the Pin Tool, i.e. not suitable for all compositions.
Versions prior to CC 2015.1 do not support Maxwell chipsets - GeForce GTX 750Ti, all 9x0 series. Pascal chipsets are not supported in 2017.2. Apparently Adobe does not have time to update the license for someone else's library, but nothing prevents us from doing it manually by replacing optix.1.dll (download OptiX 3.9) in the Adobe After Effects CC 20xx/Support Files folder.
As an alternative to Ray-traced 3D, you can use Video Copilot Element 3d, Zaxwerks 3d Invigorator, Mettle ShapeShifter plugins in projects, which are faster and more powerful than Ray-traced 3D. Version 14 introduced a built-in Cinema 4D renderer.

To enable Ray-traced 3D you need:
1. Turn it on in AE by going to the menu EDIT/Preferences/Preview/GPU Information (picture above)
2. Specify it for each composition in which you decide to use it:

IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND!!!- CUDA (Ray-traced 3D) in AfterEffects only processes 3D layers in a composition that is rendered as Ray-traced 3D. 2D layers are rendered in Classic 3D anyway. If CPU is selected in the EDIT/Preferences/Preview/GPU Information panel, then regardless of the renderer specified in the composition, Classic 3D will be enabled.
The use of CUDA does not guarantee total acceleration: if you turn a 2D layer into 3D and turn on Ray-traced 3D, then CUDA will turn on, but the speed will drop, because Classic 3D turns out to be faster on transforming simple elements in space. But if you complicate the scene: add lights, shadows and depth of field, then the performance of Classic 3D drops sharply and Ray-traced 3D becomes confidently faster. Thus, Ray-traced 3D should be set only for those compositions of the project where it gives acceleration, if the wrong choice is made, the render will slow down. If a composition has a layer with another Ray-traced 3D composition nested, the render selection for them is independent.
Understand how it works better by doing Ray-traced 3D/Classic 3D test renders. Before the test, do not forget to clear the caches - Edit/Purge/All Memory & Disk Cache. Time and monitor CUDA load. You can control the GPU load in the GPU-Z program (GPU Load value).
All this is convenient and correct - in the project you need to combine 3D elements optimized for video card accelerators with 2D and 3D elements that use the entire functionality of After Effects.

Speed ​​up editing. Enabling OpenGL

In order to use the raytraced 3D core working through Cuda when editing a project, you need to select the GPU in the EDIT/Preferences/Preview/GPU Information panel.

It is also possible to use GPU resources through OpenGL, that is, to use the capabilities AMD graphics cards(ATI), Intel HD Graphics and the same NVidia via software interface 3d OpenGL accelerators. This speeds up work when editing a project: used when rendering previews, for rendering the AE interface when editing a project, and for some effects (Cartoon, Magic Bullet Looks and Colorista effects use OpenGL for both editing and exporting).

OpenGL for display in the Composition window when editing and for previews is enabled by the Fast Preview / Fast Draft button in the Composition window. Due to limitations of the OpenGL standard, not all After Effects features work, so Fast Draft is not applicable to all projects.

Another option to speed up your work in editing: enable Hardware Accelerate Composition(if you have CC 2015, then you need version 13.6+): In the Edit / Preferences menu, select Display, and enable Hardware Accelerate Composition. This option is responsible for hardware combining layers and drawing interface elements in the Composition window (Hardware BlitPipe).

Multiprocessing: speeding up the final rendering

After Effects has a long history of development, going back to the time when the program was called CoSa AfterFX and the computer had one processor with one core. Accordingly, not all program functions, and not all external plug-ins can parallelize their work on several cores. This problem is removed with each new version, but for older versions or the use of old plugins it may be relevant.

More memory makes it possible to use the option Multiprocessing. To enable it, select Memory & Multiprocessing from the Edit / Preferences menu. In the middle of the window that appears, turn on Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously (render multiple frames at the same time). After that, it will be possible to set the amount of memory available for each processor core for rendering. Optionally, select a value based on the installed amount of memory and the number of CPU cores. If there is not enough memory, After FX will automatically reduce the number of cores involved. Note that as of Media Encoder and AE CC 2015.0 this option is disabled.

In some cases, this option allows speed up rendering, but at the cost of more memory. On the final render, additional copies of After Effects will be launched in addition to the existing copy of After Effects in memory, according to the number of CPU cores involved, only without the user interface. That is, for 4 nuclear processor with Hyper-threading, there will be 9 copies of After Effects in memory. You need to understand that AE will not work 8 times faster from this: if some effect can parallelize its work on several cores by calculating one frame, then there will be no acceleration from Multiprocessing, because in order to process 8 frames at the same time, you need to prepare in 8 times more information, send 8 times more information from memory and manage 8 processing threads in a coordinated manner, for example, about 1 GB of memory is reserved for processing a 17 megapixel photo, therefore, 8 GB is needed for eight threads. This is an extra overhead. If, when calculating the effect, only one core is involved, and the rest are idle, then giving each core a frame to calculate will certainly be effective. The actual effectiveness of this method depends on many conditions and it is best to check empirically by monitoring the processor load in the Task Manager (Task Manager). Adobe recommends running 4-6 threads with 8 cores.

network render
After Effects allows you to set up rendering over a network, on multiple computers. Before you do this, remember that the fonts/codecs used in the project must be installed on all machines involved in the rendering.

Export to h264 and After Effects CC
Starting with the CC version, export to h264, WMV and MPEG is disabled by default. And since the SS 2014 version, it has been completely disabled. This was done due to the fundamental impossibility of using two-pass codecs in After Effects. For these formats, developers recommend exporting via Adobe Media Encoder. In real work, it is most practical to directly export to some format without interframe compression, for example, avi UT video codec, qt Cineform codec, PNG; and then re-encode to h.264.

For the After Effects CC version, the possibility of single-pass h.264 encoding remains, for which you need to enable direct export to h264 in the settings, and manually configure the Output Module in the render queue:

It remains possible to directly export to h264 via Quicktime, unfortunately the h264 codec in QT is of poor quality. You can also install external AfterCodecs codecs based on ffmpeg.

Adobe Media Encoder
Adobe Media Encoder does not support Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously - an option in AE to speed up rendering, but it supports many export formats, and you can also connect hardware-accelerated codecs in it.
In reality, AME's biggest drawback is that it doesn't support Ray-traced 3D, and worst of all, when encoding a frame with inter-frame compression codecs, Media Encoder makes AE constantly recalculate all previous frames in the group.
In summary, before exporting via AME, try exporting a few frames directly and keep track of the time. If the speed drops when exporting via AME, then it is more practical to export directly (for example, TIFF sequense, avi / UT video, mov / Cineform) and then convert your video to the desired format.

Simultaneous work of AE with other Adobe programs
After Effects tends to cache all preview rendering results, and uses all available memory, no matter how small. Such caching significantly speeds up editing in AE, but the lack of memory leads to various crashes and crashes at the most inopportune moment. To minimize this, when switching between AE and Photoshop or Premiere, simply free up memory: Edit/Purge/All Memory.


Video card memory
You need at least 1 GB of memory on the video card, and it is better if it is DDR5. DDR3 memory is usable, but if you're buying a new graphics card, DDR5 makes more sense. For full HD work, formally with a large margin, 2 GB is enough, however, when one frame is composed of several source frames (picture in picture) or effects are used that simultaneously process several frames (noise reduction, etc.), memory consumption increases many times over. If GPU acceleration is used, then all this memory must be on the video card. Therefore, 2 GB is a reasonable choice, while 4 GB is better and a must for UHD/4K video.

OpenGL in Premiere
OpenGL Premier does not use OpenGL, some plugins use it. OpenGL support is provided at the system level. If you install a video card, OpenGL acceleration is added along with its drivers. Performance settings are made from the utilities installed with the video card drivers. All this is well known to gamers.

The only reason to use Quadro video cards in video editing is in the case of 10-bit material and a 10-bit monitor, such as HP Dreamcolor. Otherwise, Quadros aren't fast enough or too expensive.

NVIDIA GeForce cards draw between 200 and 700 watts at full load (paired or SLI).
It should be remembered that other components of the system also consume energy. The second in terms of power consumption is the central processor, for the quad core Q9650 it is 65 W, in this case a 300 W power supply is sufficient. Or the I7-930 draws up to 130W, and a 500W PSU might not be enough.

simple, W CUDA cores
GTX 460 80 160 336
GTX 660 80 275 1152
GTX 660 Ti 80 320 1344
GTX 670 80 340 1344
GTX 680 85 390 1536
GTX 690 100 510 2х1536
GTX 730 10 38 96
GTX 760 95 300 1152
GTX Titan 109 335 2688
GTX 960 105 270 1024
GTX 980 110 390 2048

It is necessary to control the operating temperature of the video card. There are several programs that allow you to do this. For example, the same GPU-Z or HWMonitor (you can download from If necessary, additional cooling is provided. Also monitor the temperature of the CPU.

Regardless of the measures taken, at least once every half a year it is necessary to clean the radiators and the fan from dust.

Working with multiple GPUs
Graphics cards like the GTX 690, Titan are essentially dual graphics cards already. Premiere CC works with them, and, moreover, it works if there are several video cards in the system, and SLI mode is not required, which means that video cards of different series can be used. This mode of operation is also known as MultipleGPU. The performance gain here is not unambiguous and depends on the balance of the computer configuration.
Additional opportunities for maneuver are given by the use of the GPU by third-party plugins. In this case, you can assign the CUDA acceleration of one video card to the Premier, and assign the OpenGL acceleration of another video card (for example, Radeon) to the plug-in (for example, the Magic Bullet series works through OpenGL). In addition, there are more and more plug-ins that directly use MultipleGPU - Neat Video 4, Beauty Box 4, Twixtor, DE:Noise, ReelSmart Motion Blur.

Disk Optimization
It is necessary to prevent fragmentation of working disks, control it and, if necessary, perform defragmentation. For Premiere, place the Media Cache on a dedicated rapid HDD, and better SSD. For Adobe After Effects enable Disc Cache in Preferences/Media & Disc Cache and place it on a dedicated rapid disk, ideally an SSD; also enable Disc Cache = Current Settings in the Render Settings of the Render Queue.

If you upload photos of ~20 megapixels to the project, and then work with them, for example, reducing them to 25%, then it is better to reduce them in Photoshop first. Thus, each such operation with this photo in Premiere, each effect will be performed 4 times faster.
In addition, there is a limitation of GPU acceleration in Premiere: ((width*height)/16,384) megabytes of memory on the video card is reserved for frame processing. If the value received exceeds the amount of available memory, Premiere's rendering switches to the CPU. This means that on this frame GPU acceleration will not work on any effect. For example, the image size from the Canon 550D is 5184×3456 pixels. As a result of the calculation, we get 1,094MB, which is physically more than 1GB of memory on the Quadro FX 3800.

This process is part of Adobe's new approach to interfaces: responsible for the operation of the Library panel (access to cloud media resources) and for the new Premiere launch window; every 5 seconds climbs into the cloud and on processors without HT can take 30% of performance. Adobe offers patches to treat crooked AngularJS code. We believe that the code that stupidly polls I / O in a multitasking system is not acceptable in principle, and we demolish the CEPHtmlEngine folder located in c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015\

Approximately every 30 seconds, a process named AdobeIPCBroker.exe sends 1 to 1.5 kb encrypted data to Adobe servers. Since we need to work, and not be constantly connected to the cloud, the file c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\IPC\AdobeIPCBroker.exe can be replaced with this .

Lumetri Scopes
If the timeline playback is not fast enough, then keep in mind that the displayed Lumetri Scopes panel requires a lot of resources.

Aero runs on GPU acceleration and consumes resources. So it can be turned off - system requirements

Hi all! Today we will activate the CUDA GPU (if your graphics card has one). IN new version programs Adobe package, according to the manufacturer, it is written a large number of supported video chipsets, but in practice this turned out not to be the case, but this is a trifle, since you can do everything yourself.


CUDA is NVIDIA's parallel computing architecture that dramatically increases computing performance through the use of GPUs (graphic processing units). To date, CUDA processors have sold millions and developers software, scientists and researchers are widely using CUDA in various fields, including video and image processing, computational biology and chemistry, fluid dynamics modeling, computed tomography image reconstruction, seismic analysis, ray tracing, and more.

So what do we need?

1. Go to the Nvidia website and download latest version drivers for your mac CUDA drivers:

2. Open the terminal and type in the following command

3. /Applications/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ CC/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\

4. Find our video card model (for example: GeForce GTX 580)

5. sudo nano /Applications/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ CC/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\

6. Adding the name of your card to the list

7. Save :

8. For After Effects*sudo nano /Applications/Adobe\ After\ Effects\ CC/Adobe\ After\ Effects\

9. Scroll to the very bottom and insert the name of your video card

10. Save : Control+X, then Y apply changes

11. We select in CUDA programs and enjoy the resulting acceleration during installation

You can see the activation in the video below.

I love Nvidia because their cards support a lot of cool stuff like PhysX and of course CUDA. Suddenly, the question arose about converting video, and, of course, I decided not to strain my Core i7 with these matters, let it drive the system, and I already have two shameless gf110 chips from GTX780 video cards in stock. But the converters suddenly began to show off that they did not find CUDA-enabled devices from me! I searched on the Internet and found out that nvidia turned off support for CUDA officially updated the API for CUDA and now the dlls are in the Deprecated state, starting with the driver 340.52 and the next.

Update 1

It turns out that nvidia updated the API for CUDA and therefore none of the programs work at the moment. It remains only to wait until everyone updates the programs in support of the new API, for now you can use the hacks below. You can read the thread about it.


  • Install old driver 337.88
  • Unzip this archive to C:\Windows (x64 only)
  • Download modified driver 344.11 from Cyris


P.S.S (01/09/2017): The post is old. Perhaps all of the above will no longer help, so just update the converter program. Most of them already know how to work with the new CUDA interface, so all these shenanigans are no longer required.

Strangely enough, most of the questions are about the cheapest video cards. Of course it's better to buy an Adobe certified video card, as their engineer wrote in his blog, the choice of video cards is limited, as they did not want to inundate the support team with questions about video cards, as they do with After Effects. Of course, it is more logical to support professional cards with a reference design. But as you can see, the list is expanding and in addition to the G200 and Fermi chipsets, the G92 chipset (Quadro FX 3700M and Quadro FX 3800M) is officially supported for laptops. Since, starting with the Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 5.0.2 update, the Mercury Playback Engine (MPE) is being optimized for video cards with the Fermi architecture, it was decided to buy the cheapest video card in the nearest store with only two requirements: Fermi 2.0 and more on-board memory 768MB. The choice fell on a video card: worth a little more than 4 thousand rubles.

Video card specifications Gainward GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1024MB (NE5X55T0HD09-1061F):
40nm GF116 chipset (GeForce GTX 550 Ti), 1.17 billion transistors. DirectX 11 GPU with Shader Model 5.0 support built for ultra-high performance when using the new graphics capability API - GPU-accelerated mosaic creation.
The core and shader unit operate at frequencies: 900/1800 MHz.
192 stream processors and 8 polymorph engines.
32 texture units. Blending blocks: 24.
384KB unified L2 cache.
Texture fill rate (billion texels/sec): 28.8.
Performance: 691 GFLOPS.

1024MB GDDR5 memory, clocked at 4100MHz. 6x chips Hynix H5GQ1H24AFR T2C with an access time of 0.8 ns, and a frequency of 5 GHz. Available memory: 953MB.
192-bit memory bus (three 64-bit memory controllers are used).
Memory bandwidth: 98.4Gb/s.
Interface: PCI Express 2.0x16.
Chipset heat dissipation: 116W.
Maximum GPU temperature: 100 degrees.
Support for 2-way SLI configuration.
Outputs: DVI-I, VGA, HDMI.
HDMI 1.4a support, including support for GPU-accelerated Blu-ray 3D, x.v.Color, HDMI Deep Color and 7.1 channel digital surround sound.
Support: OpenGL 4.1, DirectX 11 and Shader Model 5.0, NVIDIA PureVideo HD.
Designed to work with monitors with a resolution of 1680x1050 or less.
Dual slot active system cooling with a primitive aluminum radiator with fins (clickable photo).

And 92mm 11x blade fan :

OS support: Windows 7 32/64bit, Windows Vista 32/64bit, Windows XP 32/64bit.
The dimensions of the video card are very compact: 188 x 112 mm.
The GPU is powered by a four-phase converter controlled by an NCP 5395T controller.
The required power of the power supply is 400W or more, the current through the +12V bus must be at least 24A. The power supply must be equipped with one 6-pin power connector. On a video card, the additional PCIe power connector is located on top of the video card, and not on the side, which is much more convenient when mounted in a case:

The map has been added to the old system unit with dual core Intel processor Core 2 Duo E6400 + Asus P5B Deluxe (Intel P965 Express with PCI Express x16 bus of the first revision with a bandwidth of 8Gb / s) and a standard power supply unit GPS-500AB-A (500W, three 12V lines give out: 16 + 18 + 18A, 2x 6pin PCIe connector) that was loaded with the Chieftec UNI BA-02B-B-SL case. Those. buying a more voracious card could lead to buying a more powerful power supply. Our goal is to find out what will give us, a simple replacement of the video card with a more modern one that will support GPU acceleration in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and CS5.5. The screwless fastening of the expansion slots of the Chieftec UNI BA-02B-B-SL case cannot work with this video card, since its two-slot cooling system, namely the decorative plastic casing, interferes with the fastening. I had to fix the video card with screws in the old fashioned way.

Install the following drivers (*work only with WHQL drivers, after installing them, restart your PC):

Launch Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and select Project Settings: Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.

Choose a preset for the sequence: DSLR 1080p25. We make a clip according to the length of the sound composition:

The clip consists of sources: Canon 550D, 5D, PNG sequence, M-JPEG footage and JPEG photo. The following effects have been applied: Track Matte Key, Ultra Key, Time Remapping, Gaussian Blur, Fast Color Corrector and Black & White. The following functions were also used: Scale to Frame Size, Frame Blend, changing the PAR of the PNG sequence and the Color Dodge blending mode.
Next, three export options: H.264 Blu-Ray, Match Source Attributes (High Quality), ie. this option does not change the resolution and frame rate. The second option: Mpeg2-DVD, PAL Widescreen High Quality, the standard scaler is also involved here, which lowers the resolution to 720x576. And the third option, the same as the second, but with the checkbox turned on: Use Maximum Render Quality.

All other tests will pass using the GPU. But first you need to enable video card support. Go to the directory: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 run the application GPUSniffer.exe and remember the name of the map.

Next, in the same directory, open Text Document: cuda_supported_cards.txt and enter the name of the video card there (if the card is not visible to the program, then we read about connection errors). Further, the tests were carried out on the Premiere Pro CS5.0.3 version (to see how Fermi optimization works). It is worth considering that after the update, when loading the project, an inscription will appear:

So for each version of the program participating in the test:

It is necessary to rewrite the text document: cuda_supported_cards.txt.

And accordingly check in Project > Project Settings > General which engine is selected:

Once we select: Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration the bar above the timeline will change color from red to yellow.

For rendering the clip, not used Adobe program media encoder. Here is the final table with the results:

Even a budget video card can significantly speed up a number of operations on a slow PC. It is also worth noting that with each update, the GPU of the video card is being used more and more efficiently. Since one of the advantages of the program is good scalability, the results on powerful PCs will be completely different.
*In addition to the standard 1GB on-board memory, GeForce GTX 550 Ti chipset-based graphics cards can be shipped with the following memory sizes: 1.5GB, 2GB, 3GB, and 4GB.
* For those who like to save money: in fact, the video card is an overclocked version of the even more budgetary GeForce GTS 450 (GF106) video card, the GeForce GTX 550 Ti has increased clock speeds, the 128-bit memory bus has been increased to 192-bit (due to the inclusion of a third controller) and the number of ROP blocks has been increased from 16 to 24. That's it. Advantages of the GeForce GTS 450: much lower price and consumption, only 106W (i.e. even less power supply requirement).
The GeForce GTX 460 (GF104) 768 MB video card is not suitable for us, since part of the memory is occupied by a "server" and, as a result, the available memory does not meet the requirements of the Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration. Although it is faster than the GeForce GTX 550 Ti.
*Whoever has the opportunity to pay a little extra is better to pay attention to the GeForce GTX 560 Ti (GF114), it is slightly ahead of the performance of the "gluttonous" GTX 470 and much faster than the GeForce GTX 460 768MB, GeForce GTX 460 SE and even more so the GeForce GTX 550 Ti, and can serve as that golden mean. The GTX 560 Ti differs from the GTX 560 in that it includes an eighth polymorphic engine (multiprocessor) with an additional 48 stream processors (there are 7 in the 560), 8 additional texture units and raster units and increased power by 20W, almost at the same price.
Outside the brackets were completely budget solutions, for example, a resource actively promotes the use of the budget solution GT 240 (GT215 core) for not very powerful systems (this video card is positioned by the manufacturer as a budget CUDA accelerator for the home). But even here there are nuances, since budget solutions have several options for video cards under one code name. So, when using a GT 240 1GB GDDR5 video card, we will get a 45% increase in speed in Premiere Pro CS5.5 compared to using a GT 240 1GB DDR3. It's all about bandwidth memory, with a 128-bit memory bus and GDDR5 operating at a frequency of 3.4 GHz, we get a memory bandwidth of 54.4 GB/s. When using a 128-bit access bus and DDR3 memory running at 1.58GHz, we get the memory bandwidth = 25.28Gb/s (calculated using the formula: 128 x 1580/8).
The GeForce GTX 550 Ti is also recommended for UltraScope, DeckLink, Multibridge and Intensity capture cards from Blackmagic Design. The list includes graphics cards: nVidia GeForce GTX 285, nVidia GeForce GTX 550Ti, nVidia GeForce GTX 570 and nVidia GeForce GTX 580. Minimum requirements: OpenGL 2.1 support and Texture Fill Rate over 22,000 MT/s.
We read about the comparative testing of the GeForce GTX 550 Ti video card with the GeForce GTX 650, but about the comparison with the GeForce GTX 650 Ti.
*On a more powerful system, you can see a big difference between video cards of different classes. Therefore, it makes no sense, for example, to use a bunch: a dual-core processor and a video card of the GeForce GTX 580 class.
!!! Be careful, in retail there are video cards MSI GeForce GTX 550 Ti 1024MB GDDR5 () with declared frequencies of 900/3800 MHz (against 900/4100 for the reference, which should already be a wake-up call). In reality, everything is much sadder: under the guise of a GeForce GTX 550 Ti (built on GF116 / Fermi 2.0), a relabeled MSI N450GTS-M2D1GD5(built on GF106 / Fermi 1.0) with 783MHz core clock and 1GB GDDR5 memory clocked at either 3608 or 3200MHz. 128-bit memory bus instead of 192-bit. And 144 stream processors instead of 192.

The video card overclocks to 900/4000 MHz, but a 128-bit bus against a 192-bit one is a significant minus.

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