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The need to access the Internet from anywhere from the Phone has long been a part of every person’s daily life. And if there are no problems with calls, then in the case of 4 g mobile Internet you need to find which operator is better.

Before answering this question, we need to explain why one is better than the other. The difference lies primarily in speed; in the second case, images and maps load faster, and HD videos can be viewed online. The first one is more limited in terms of speed, so it is difficult to watch HD videos with it, and loading pictures is slower. However, so far the coverage of the first is higher than the second, and yet this is the network of the future, which is more technologically advanced and will be present in all cities of our country in the future.

So, mobile 4g ​​Internet: which operator is better?

Operator Comparison


Its main advantages:

  • within the city limits there are difficulties with access to Mobile Internet can not be;
  • Currently, Megafon is finding a solution to the problem outside the city - even sparsely populated areas are being equipped with special base stations;
  • high speed, regardless of location.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the cost is not the lowest.


Choose if you plan to use mobile Internet within the city or at a short distance from it. But the plus is that its cost is cheaper than Megafon and the speed within the city is good.


The main advantage of MTS is its variety of tariffs. In terms of speed, it is no better than others. But the downsides should be noted:

  • high price - this is the most expensive option today;
  • low speed in sparsely populated areas.

Tele 2

The main disadvantage of Tele2: it has the least base stations in the country, which leads to interruptions and interference when using mobile Internet. But the advantages include:

  • high speed;
  • low cost.

Thus, if you choose which operator with a given mobile Internet is better, then Megafon should be called the leader. MTS will be on the bottom line.

The best smartphones, modem, router

Having decided on the operator that is more suitable, you need to find. The modern gadget market is characterized by a wealth and variety of choices. Today there are 6 leading smartphones in the list: LG, Huawei, Samsung, Meizu, ZTE, Nokia.

The question also arises: with 4g mobile Internet, which operator’s modem would be better to choose? This modem is significantly different from the one that supports 3G. MTS has 3 variants of devices supporting 4 G, Megafon has big choice, just like Beeline. Choice best solution depends on the operator's coverage in a particular city. The cost for all is approximately the same. A model without reference to them is more expensive.

Almost every phone owner uses the mobile Internet these days. Most people want to determine which operator is best for mobile Internet. This is becoming increasingly difficult to do as each mobile operator tries to attract a large number of new clients by improving their services specifically in terms of the quality and cost of the Internet.

Criteria for choosing mobile Internet

Before you settle on any operator, there are a few things to consider that can help you make the right choice. These include the following criteria:

  • speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • price.

Cost has recently played a very minor role, since the price of mobile Internet for each operator is approximately the same, and even the cheapest tariff is quite a bit less expensive than the most expensive.

Particular attention must be paid to the speed and number of gigabytes provided. When choosing the Internet for a mobile device, you need to take into account how the owner of the smartphone will use the traffic. If you plan to watch movies on your phone, then the minimum connection speed should be at least 1 Mbit/sec. For video calls via Skype you need from 512 Kbps, and for online games – 128–256 Kbps. The volume of traffic also depends on the purposes for which the Internet will be used for the phone.

MTS is one of the most popular operators throughout Russia and neighboring countries. The provider's tariffs are distinguished by great variety, flexibility and differentiated offers for owners of different mobile devices. In competition everything mobile operators are trying to improve their services, and MTS is no exception.

The company offers its customers a choice of the following tariff plans for smartphone:

  1. "Internet Maxi".
  2. "Internet Mini".
  3. "Internet VIP".

The difference between the three tariffs is the cost and the number of megabytes provided per month. So, in Internet Mini, the client receives 3 GB of traffic for daily use and pays 350 rubles. Thus, the cost of 1 GB is 116 rubles 67 kopecks. “Internet Mini” provides 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day for 700 rubles. This means that for 1 MB you will have to pay less than 6 kopecks, and for 1 GB – 58 rubles. "Internet VIP" allows unlimited use, and day traffic is 30 GB at a price of 1,200 rubles – 40 rubles/GB. If a subscriber has the opportunity to pay 1,200 rubles per month, then the “Internet-VIP” package will be the most optimal solution.

The company also provides the opportunity to use it on smartphones and tablets. To do this you need, the cost of which is 12.90 rubles per day in almost all regions except Moscow and the Moscow region, where from the second month MTS subscribers will have to pay 19 rubles per day.

This operator cellular communication It is worth highlighting four service packages:

  1. 600 minutes + 300 SMS.
  2. 1,100 minutes + 500 SMS.
  3. 2,200 minutes + 1,000 SMS.
  4. 3,300 minutes + 3,000 SMS.

The cost of each package is respectively 500, 800, 1,200 and 1,800 rubles per month. Each of them provides connectivity unlimited internet. Thus, the subscriber has a chance to use unlimited mobile Internet for 500 rubles per month. In addition, the user must have 500 rubles in his account. This amount will initially be frozen and will eventually be returned to the owner.


When choosing mobile Internet, it is very difficult to say which operator is better. In any case, Megafon is on the list of the best. The company offers its customers fast, but relatively expensive Internet for smartphones in its “All Inclusive” line:

  1. VIP – 2,700 rubles.
  2. L, XL – 950-1,350 rubles.
  3. M – 810 rubles.
  4. S – 570 rubles.

The price is indicated taking into account the subscription fee and payment for unlimited connection. This is not to say that it is the cheapest, but unlike Beeline, the process of paying for the service on Megafon is much simpler. The first connection is free, and each subsequent connection will cost 100 rubles. Based on how the subscriber uses other options, the most favorable tariff may be any of the above.

Internet from Tele2

This is another operator that needs to be mentioned. Tele2 offers its subscribers three tariffs:

  1. 7 GB for 299 rub.
  2. 15 GB for 599 rub.
  3. 30 GB for 899 rub.

Thus, the price of 1 GB in these tariffs is 42.71 rubles, 40 rubles. and 30 rub. This is also a good offer. Of course, mobile Internet from Tele2 is not the most profitable, but the cost of 1 GB is cheaper than in tariffs from MTS.


The latest provider that provides its subscribers with unlimited mobile Internet is an operator called Yota. In addition to traffic, Yota offers unlimited messages and calls within the network, as well as 100, 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 minutes to numbers of other operators.

The not best thing is that a phone with a Yota card cannot be fully used as a modem. If you do this, 3G will not function fully. The speed will be limited to 128 Kbps, but for tasks that do not require a high-speed connection, it will be enough to ensure good performance.

Many believe that the quality of communication on Yota is not the best among all others, however, the services of this operator are available in all regions where Megafon has a connection.

A large number of subscribers are wondering which operator to choose to connect to the Internet via a modem. First on the list is . This is one of the most favorable tariffs for the modem. To connect it, you need to purchase a modem from MTS. Any other company's device will not work. Data transfer speed is approximately 21 Mb/s. The activation cost is 699 rubles. After this, the subscriber must pay 600 rubles for each month.

Good internet for the modem is provided by Beeline and Megafon. The cost can be up to 1,000 rubles. depending on the region. Also, these two operators give their clients access to entertainment content (exchangers, game servers) without traffic charges.

We need to look where better communication. Depending on the region of residence, the quality of communication from the same operator may differ. It is also necessary to take into account additional features provided by the tariff plan. For example, if you need a package of free minutes or test messages, then you can pay attention to the package of services from Beeline for 1,800 rubles. In the case when you only need the Internet, the same Beeline offers unlimited access inexpensively - for only 500 rubles. per month. For about the same amount you can connect to the most unlimited service from Megafon, having overpaid some 70 rubles.

In cases where unlimited is not an urgent need, you can connect a Mini from MTS for 350 rubles. and get the ability to download and upload 3 GB of data.

Based on the above material, we can conclude that the cheapest package is from Beeline for 500 rubles, which allows you to use unlimited traffic. The downside of the tariff is postpayment. For 570 rub. You can activate “All Inclusive” from Megafon, but you must take into account that there may be additional costs associated with calls and sending text messages.

Each operator offers a wide variety of tariff plans, so any user will find one that suits them. When choosing, you should not be guided by which tariff is the cheapest, but you should take into account the entire model of using the smartphone. Some people only need traffic, while others need minutes and SMS.

Imagine a modern person without mobile device is no longer possible, and most of them have a built-in Internet connection option. Many people really need the cellular communication function to access the Internet - this includes routing, communication and sending multimedia messages in instant messengers, watching online videos and much more. Without these mobile internet features, our life would be very boring.

Many companies specializing in providing services mobile communications, offer their subscribers not only voice call services, but also special lines of tariff plans. They are perfectly optimized for the smartphone so that the client can optimize their costs as much as possible and receive a reliable high-speed connection. But there is also a large selection of special Internet lines for the tablet, that is, almost only with dedicated Internet traffic.

But which operator should you choose so that, as they say, everyone can get what was intended - the minimum cost and good quality connections?

When choosing one or another line of tariff plans offered by a provider, you should pay attention to several important parameters at once, so as not to wait for hours for videos or other content to load:

  • To understand and understand the question of which operator is better for the Internet, you should understand that if a signal speed of up to 1 MB is provided, then online services TV views will not be available to you.
  • If video communication on Skype is expected, then the speed parameter should be more than 500 KB per second.
  • If you are a fan of browser games, then you need a speed of more than 256 MB.

In addition, the signal transmission speed for the mobile Internet to work well may also depend on physical parameters - the distance of the device from the cellular operator’s equipment.

You should choose the best offer that is on the market mobile transmission data, following these tips:

  1. You should choose the optimal tariff plan from all the operators’ offers, find a good tariff that best suits your needs. For example, available daily or monthly traffic quota.
  2. Open the Internet on your desktop computer and view the coverage map of each selected operator to determine the best option for yourself.
  3. You can test each operator in practice, but to do this you will have to first purchase sim cards s and do speed testing online. You can determine for yourself whether the offer suits you or not.

Review of offers on the Russian market

Nowadays, when using the mobile Internet, many users abandon their usual smartphones in favor of tablets, so they are interested in current offers specifically for tablets. But we will consider options for both smartphones and tablet computers.

So, what attractive offers do different operators boast?

From MTS

This provider is very popular both in the Russian segment of the market and in neighboring countries, flexible tariff plans and many special offers for tablets and smartphones attract users. And the current competitive struggle for its clients has only spurred the company to develop and improve its telecommunications network.

Packages offered by MTS for the tablet:

  • The tariff is called “For a tablet”. It includes not only Internet traffic, but also a special television application from MTS, through which you can connect to the network anywhere. However, in the regions of the Far East there are restrictions for it, since the signal transmission speed does not exceed 129 Kilobits per second, and a quota of only 3 GB is allocated for 30 days. Connection price – 400 rub.
  • If you purchase the “MTS Kit for Tablet”, the user can return up to 20% of the funds already paid to his mobile account, although it also has speed restrictions and cannot work fully everywhere.
  • Tariffs "BIT" and "SUPERBIT" may also be suitable for a mobile device. The first offer includes only 50 MB of traffic for 149 rubles, and the second 100, but for 299 rubles.
  • Connect from MTS - this line is purchased only when purchasing a modem of the same name, but the speed indicator reaches up to 21.6 MB per second, and immediately after activation 699 rubles will be debited from the account, but after that the client will have to pay 600 rubles. monthly.

From Beeline

The networks of one of the largest operators operate in many countries of the former Soviet Union, and many of them have already mastered the new generation of 4G data transmission.

Beeline offers a whole line of favorable tariffs from the Highway series:

  • With a dedicated 3 GB of traffic for 350 rubles/m.
  • 7 GB will cost 550 rubles.
  • 15 – already 850.
  • Well, for the most active ones, 30 GB is offered for 1150 rubles.

At the end of the allocated limit, the user will not be blocked; up to 20 MB of traffic will be connected to him for the amount of 200 rubles. But you can not connect a significant monthly package, but use daily tariffs, for example, the company will allocate 100 MB of traffic for 19 rubles per day, or 500 for 29 rubles. You can switch absolutely free, but canceling the service will cost the user 45 rubles.

From TELE2

The rapidly growing company offers its customers probably the most profitable option for using SIM cards for tablet mobile devices:

  • The “BLACK” tariff includes 2 GB of high-speed Internet for only 200 rubles.
  • “VERY BLACK” includes 10 GB for RUB 399.
  • “THE BLACKEST” - 10 GB + free TV for 599 RUR.
  • “SUPER BLACK” for 1099 RUR. provides 15 GB of traffic at the highest speed.


It should be noted right away that the company uses only American or European equipment, so the rates are a little high, but this is compensated by an excellent signal even in the most remote regions of the country:

  • Tariff marked “S” for 390 rubles. will provide 2 GB, minutes for calls and SMS.
  • Under the “M” marker you will receive for 690 rubles. 6 GB.
  • “L” provides the opportunity to get 20 GB at a price of 990 rubles, while the traffic is divided into night and daytime.
  • The most expensive, but most voluminous package called “XL” will cost 1290 rubles. The subscriber receives 20 GB of traffic day and night, that is, 40 GB per day.


The operator has decided to exclude voice communications from Internet packages for tablet computers. The company positions them as completely unlimited, so the line of offers is based only on the amount of data reception limit in gigabytes:

  • For 400 rubles the client will receive up to 512 KB.
  • 700 rubles will allow you to download data at a speed of 1.7 MB.
  • For 900 – 5.0 MB.

The scale is progressive, how much traffic the user used, so much he will be required to pay, but in general we can state:

  • For the day you go online, the price will be 50 rubles.
  • For 30 days – 590 rub.
  • Per month – 4,500 rubles for completely unlimited use of high-speed traffic.


Megafon gets reception almost everywhere, Beeline and MTS have problems, for TELE2 the device must support the technologies of the new generation of networks, and YOTA so far copes well with its tasks only in the Moscow region.

When making your choice, we recommend checking the coverage area to be sure of receiving a signal from a particular mobile Internet operator. We also advise you to decide how much traffic you need per month, and based on this you can make a choice, automatically weeding out offers with an unnecessary limit for you.

In less than a year - from December last year to November this year - the speed of mobile Internet in Moscow increased by 35-40%, according to the Telecom Daily report. Leader in speed in the capital and Moscow region 3G networks – Tele2, mobile communications fourth generation(LTE) – « Megaphone"(see chart).

A year ago, Telecom Daily also recorded the highest average data download speed - just over 7 Mbit/s in the Moscow Tele2 network. The best result on the LTE network (just over 19 Mbit/s) was then achieved by MTS. From the materials of Telecom Daily it follows that the access speed in the Tele2 3G network increased most noticeably (by more than 70%) over the year, and the least (by about 38%) in Megafon’s third generation network. The average speed on the LTE network increased the most at Megafon (by 52%), the smallest increase was at MTS (12.5%).

A year earlier, the average access speed in Moscow networks decreased by 15%, says Denis Kuskov, CEO of Telecom Daily. This was due to a sharp increase in smartphones and tablets among subscribers, he notes. However, a similar trend was typical for all of Russia. According to Telecom Daily, the average data transfer speed in LTE networks in Russian cities with a population of over a million decreased from December 2014 to May–June 2016 by 10–12%.

But in Moscow, by the end of 2016, the situation was turned around due to the construction of new base stations, Kuskov believes. The gradual introduction by operators of more high speed technology LTE-advanced (LTE-A) data transmission, he notes.

A representative of Tele2 says that over the year the number of base stations in the Moscow network has increased from approximately 7,000 to 10,000. His colleague from MTS Dmitry Solodovnikov does not name the increase, but indicates that there are approximately 30,000 stations in the operator’s network. Megafon has 28,000 stations, of which about 7,000 support LTE, says operator representative Yulia Dorokhina. " VimpelCom"This indicator is not disclosed. A company representative only says that the operator is carrying out a large-scale modernization of the network - its capacity and data transfer speed are increasing.

Evgeny Novoselov, director of infrastructure for the capital branch of Megafon, generally agrees with the conclusions of Telecom Daily.

Megafon is the best in voice quality, as well as in data transfer speeds in LTE and LTE-A in Moscow and the region, he claims, citing research data. In 2016, Megafon's capital expenditures in Moscow generally remained at the 2015 level, he notes. According to him, Megafon is increasing access speeds by mastering the 1800 MHz frequency range. Despite the fact that it historically has the widest frequency band in Moscow in the LTE range of 2.6 GHz, he recalls.

The results of Telecom Daily's research are puzzling: MTS's capital costs are higher than those of any of its competitors, but at the same time, MTS's results in Telecom Daily's research are consistently a third lower than real ones, Solodovnikov is indignant. In addition, the agency does not examine coverage, he claims. Leadership in mobile Internet speeds is meaningless if the operator covers only part of the territory. These data have no practical significance, Solodovnikov is sure.

What is important to subscribers is not test data, but their own user experience, says Alexander Galchenkov, head of the quality and technical audit department at VimpelCom.

Based on the research methodology presented by Telecom Daily, the conclusions are trustworthy, says iKS-Consulting consultant Maxim Savvatin. According to him, now the speed of mobile access in Moscow is at the level of the largest cities in the world, at least in Europe. According to Savvatin, the speed of mobile access in Moscow will continue to grow due to the spread of LTE-A, based on the aggregation of frequencies in different ranges (mainly 1800 MHz and 2.6 GHz). The development of this technology is currently hampered by the fact that relatively few smartphones support it, but as their fleet is updated, the problem will be solved, Savvatin is convinced.

In the coming years, the speed of mobile Internet is unlikely to grow significantly: the number of LTE users will increase, along with the load on networks, and no major technological changes are expected on operator networks, says TMT Consulting CEO Konstantin Ankilov. According to him, the situation will change in 2020, when in Russia, as well as throughout the world, there will be cellular networks fifth generation (5G). Equipment manufacturers promise that access will be two orders of magnitude faster than current LTE networks, he says.

On my trip, I took with me only USB modems from the Big Three operators, since only they provide truly high-speed mobile Internet, that is, 3G.

To the point. In megacities Russian Federation All three operators work well. But when moving away from million-plus cities, the most interesting thing begins, namely, a real test of the mobile 3G Internet. The best option for use when traveling across the expanses of our vast country is mobile Internet from, since it has shown itself to be the best in terms of speed. It was the strip operator that had the highest data transfer speeds in all the towns where BeeLine provided 3G! It’s just a pity that BeeLine’s 3G network coverage itself turned out to be the worst! At the same time, if you travel around cities and large towns, then, as a rule, BeeLine works there in 3G and you are guaranteed the fastest mobile Internet! It is better to inquire about the coverage area in advance on the operator’s website.

The second the best option I will put. The speed of connection to the network of MTS far from big cities, although slower than that of BeeLine, is still quite decent for all basic tasks! But the 3G coverage of the red operator is much better than that of the striped one. But the tariffs are the most expensive. Again, tolerant if the Internet is really needed.

And I'll give third place, which really disappointed me! The green operator has the best network coverage, but the speeds are very slow. MegaFon receives 3G even in small towns and villages (although not in all), but on the Internet you won’t be able to talk or look at photos on Skype, and even checking your email can be unrealistic! I did not expect that the Internet from MegaFon would barely “crawl” away from large cities. Before the trip, I pinned all my hopes on MegaFon, I was sure that it would have the best 3G Internet, but in practice it turned out to be exactly the opposite. I passed on the information about too low speeds in 3G to MegaFon specialists, I hope that they will take it into account and correct the situation in the future. Well, today, that is, at the beginning of 2013, BeeLine is in the lead!!

Moreover, 3G Internet from BeeLine turned out to be not only the fastest, but also the cheapest throughout Russia!! I really want to believe that specialists in the development and optimization of the BeeLine network will expand network coverage in the near future, since BeeLine has no other shortcomings other than weak coverage!

What can you say about 3G mobile Internet? Share your experience in the comments, very interesting!

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