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In one of the lessons on editing APK Android applications, why and how to properly integrate applications and services into the operating system, in this lesson we will look at how to properly remove them from the system! Let's get started!

This lesson is a continuation of the Encyclopedia on editing apk.

What is necessary!

  1. Installed Root rights on an Android device
  2. File manager with write access to overwrite the SYSTEM and DATA sections (for example Root Browser)
  3. Apktool – (for beginners)
  4. SmartApkTool – (for beginners)
  5. Notepad++ – (for beginners)

What does it mean for beginners? If you have just started learning about Android and are taking your first steps in this direction, it is better to use these tools to understand the meaning of “how everything works.”

Should I or should I not remove the system application?

They remove the system application, only in order to replace it with a similar one, with a better one. convenient option. If you are deleting in order to increase memory in order to expand memory for installation, then you are very mistaken! The memory and partition for installation can be:

/data/app or /storage/sdcard1

While system applications are located in the section /system

If you have updated the system application, suppose Google Maps, then the update will be installed in /data/app, and the old version will remain in /system/app.

Therefore, think carefully, maybe you don’t need to delete the system application, maybe you need to manually embed it?

Theoretical information

System applications and services are located in the SYSTEM section:

/system/app/ name.apk

If the firmware is ODEX or its individual parts, then next to the system application there may be a file with a similar name, but with a different resolution:

/system/app/ name.odex

Some files contain additional libraries which are:


Various caches and databases system applications and services are located:

/data/data/ papka_prilogenia

If the firmware is DEODEX or its individual parts, then the files are located:

/data/dalwik-cache/ name.dex

/cache/dalvik-cache/ name.dex

Also, Samsung smartphones and tablets usually have a Preload section, which can contain applications and their odex files.

/preload/system/ name.apk

/preload/system/ name.odex

Plus, again, Samsung has so-called regional non-uninstallable applications that are installed every time if you do full reset data (wipe).

/system/usr/csc/ name-region

Where under name-region there can be the code name of your region, for Russia and the CIS - SER, for Ukraine and the CIS - SEK.

What can be removed from the system?

To this answer, you can find 1000 answers on the Internet that state what is possible and what is not! The correct answer will be your individual approach and preferences! As the line of the great Russian writer A. S. Pushkin says

“and experience, the son of difficult mistakes”

Everything is individual, until you make a couple of mistakes and gain experience, you will not understand what can be deleted and what cannot!

Naturally, there is a small set of rules that can be deleted; if you see a similar name, then there is no need to delete it:

  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • Launcher
  • Settings
  • Phone

Golden Rule

If you delete something, then you should think about how to replace the deleted application with a similar one.

Instructions for removing Android system applications

This instruction is larger than similar ones on the Internet, but it shows how to completely and correctly remove a system application (for beginners)


  1. Open the file manager and copy the application to the memory card, which later needs to be moved to the computer
  2. Open the decompiled application folder
  3. Open the AndroidManifest.xml file using Notepad++ - look for “project name” (package)

5. Please note that in the decompiled application there is a LIB folder, if there is one, pay attention to what files are there.

As you gain experience, these steps will no longer be necessary.

Uninstalling a system application

To make it clear, let's take an imaginary application 1.apk

  1. Delete the application in the /system/app/1.apk section
  2. Delete the ODEX application file if the firmware is coded /system/app/1.odex
  3. We delete libraries if the application had a LIB folder. Go to the /system/lib/ folder and delete the *.SO file(s) of the application
  4. Go to /data/data and delete the application folder (“project name”)
  5. If the firmware was DEODEX then find the DEX application file in /data/dalwik-cache or /cache/dalwik-cache, the application name will be similar to this type system@ This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Now all you have to do is reboot Android and you're done!

Smartphone manufacturers and operators mobile communications preinstall a bunch of applications on Android (Android) smartphones and tablets that cannot be removed through the application store Google Play. The manufacturer wants to have more control over the platform, imposes its ecosystem, and also receives advertising revenue from installing applications. When you try to remove such an application, Google Play offers to remove all updates for the system application, but the application itself remains.

In the presence of root access You can uninstall any application, but root access may prevent you from using banking and other applications. Therefore, we will delete pre-installed applications without getting root access. All you need is to connect to your computer and use simple ADB (Android Debug Bridge) commands in the terminal. ADB commands can also be executed when connected wirelessly, but for simplicity, we will only consider the option of connecting to a computer via a USB cable.

Caution: Removing system applications may cause unstable work device, it reboots or freezes! It is important to understand which applications you are deleting and why! The author does not bear any responsibility for your smartphone or tablet. When following the steps in the instructions below, you do so at your own peril and risk. If you don’t have a shamanic tambourine and/or you don’t know how to dance with it correctly, do not under any circumstances remove system junk applications from Android.

How to remove junk Android system apps using ADB shell without root access
Please note that not all system apps can be safely removed. If you get rid of some applications, your phone may stop loading, constantly reboot, or lose certain functionality. So you need to understand what you are deleting and why. Fortunately, the application is not completely removed, but only for a specific user. To restore functionality, you need to reset the settings to factory settings (this will return all applications).

On the one hand, it’s great that you won’t do much damage to the device. But on the other hand, we get an incomplete deletion, in which the cache and application data remain (the “-k” switch is responsible for this). And when updates are received over the air, applications removed in this way are still updated. If you omit “-k --user 0” from the command, it will simply not be executed. To remove the application, all users need root access.

Using this method You can also get rid of Amazon advertising apps on Amazon devices that have ads.

I tested this method on Sony Xperia XZS, which deleted Spotify, Facebook, Amazon Shopping, Google Play Movies & TV, Google Play Music, Google Duo, Sony Playstation App, Sony NewsSuite, Sony What's New, Sony Xperia Lounge:
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.katana
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.system
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.appmanager
pm uninstall -k --user 0

pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.scee.psxandroid
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sonymobile.entrance
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sonyericsson.xhs

On LG G Flex2 (LS996) I deleted more applications: weather forecast, cloud service Box, a bunch Google applications(including maps), as well as many useless Sprint and LG Electronics applications:
pm uninstall -k --user 0 mobi.infolife.ezweather
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sprint.voicemail
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sprint.extension
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sprint.ce.updater
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sprint.dsa
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.sprint.w.prefact
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.sprintextension

pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.qmemoplus
pm uninstall -k --user 0
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.mtalk.voicecommand
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.bnr
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.lifetracker
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.qvoiceplus

If you are in doubt whether you should delete an application or not, then it is better not to delete it. Otherwise, problems may arise with the functioning of Android, which will have to be resolved by resetting to factory settings.

Instead of deleting the application, you can disable it, although this requires root access:
pm disable --user 0 app_id

To enable it back, just run pm enable:
pm enable --user 0 app_id

To view the list of disabled applications, run:
pm list packages --user 0 -d

To view the list of enabled applications, run:
pm list packages --user 0 -e

You can also hide the application (root access is not needed):
pm hide --user 0 app_id

And then unhide:
pm unhide --user 0 app_id

If an application needs to be deleted, disabled, or hidden for another user, you can find its ID by running the following command:
pm list users

After that, in the commands pm uninstall, pm disable, pm hide, use --user user_id

For example:
$pm list users
UserInfo(0:Misha:13) running
UserInfo(11:Masha:18) running

$pm disable --user 11 com.cyanogenmod.filemanager
Package com.cyanogenmod.filemanager new state: disabled-user

If working with the ADB shell in the terminal is too difficult for you, then you can use the free Debloater program (Windows, Mac OS) to block/unblock Android applications. USB debugging on your smartphone/tablet will also have to be enabled. And to block an application, you just need to tick it and click on the “Apply” button. The beauty of Debloater is that it allows you to export/import a list of blocked/unblocked applications (so you can save the list and use it next time). But it is certainly safer not to install an extra one free program, especially if she source not available.

Android smartphones have unnecessary system applications. You can safely remove them if you don't use them. You can also install it yourself different programs, which over time you no longer need. You want to remove them, but you can’t. In this article, we'll look at how to remove any app from your phone - even those that won't uninstall.

How to remove system (standard) applications in Android

Standard or system applications are programs that were originally installed when you purchased your phone. These tools most often cannot be removed using conventional methods, and uninstalling them will save space for new games and programs. You should be careful when deleting programs such as launcher, maps, mail, YouTube and others. This may disrupt the functionality of the system. For example, if you delete the standard browser and do not install a new one, you will not be able to access the Internet - the OS will throw an error.

Before uninstalling an application, make sure that it will not harm your system. Read the hints when uninstalling - this will help you avoid mistakes. You can also simply deactivate the application. This will allow you to check whether the software is important and how the smartphone will work after it is removed.

Delete standard programs from your phone and Android tablet Can different ways- with help third party utilities or standard tools. In almost all cases, you will need to obtain Root rights. These are administrator privileges that allow you to work with firmware files. Methods for obtaining root rights differ for different models smartphones and Android OS versions. Most often, you can get rights through the KingRoot application.

How to remove a pre-installed application from your phone?

If you try to remove a pre-installed program using the standard method, but nothing works, use help third party programs. Some of them are simple and suitable for beginners. Here are the 10 most effective ways that will help you remove unnecessary utility irrevocably.

Method No. 1 - “KingRoot”

The “KingRoot” application will help you obtain superuser rights quickly and without problems. To obtain root rights using of this instrument do the following:

  • Download and install the KingRoot utility on your smartphone or tablet. The service detects the device model automatically, after which you will receive superuser rights.
  • For superuser rights, click on the “Try to root” icon and wait for the process to complete. The device may reboot - this is normal.
  • After receiving administrator rights, the user can remove unnecessary applications, even if they were originally installed in the firmware.
  • Before removing unnecessary software, it is better to activate data backup through the Titanium Backup tool. This will help avoid problems associated with improper removal of programs.
  • When uninstalling software, select “Uninstall programs”. In it you can see 2 tabs - “Built-in” and “Custom”. The first contains applications that were originally present in the firmware, and the second contains programs downloaded and installed by the user himself.

Method No. 2 - “Root Explorer”

This method involves uninstalling applications through a third-party explorer. Root Explorer is a popular and handy tool to obtain superuser rights and uninstall software. To work with the application, follow these steps:

  • Download the Root Explorer service from our website or Google service Play. Install the program on your phone or tablet.
  • Open the /system/app folder. It stores all installed programs.
  • Check the programs you want to remove.
  • At the bottom of the screen, tap the trash can icon.
  • Confirm the action, wait for the process to complete and reboot the device.

Ready! Now unnecessary applications will be deleted permanently, and the freed up memory can be occupied by more necessary and useful things.

Method No. 3 - “Titanium Backup”

Uninstall programs that cannot be removed in a standard way, you can use a useful and effective tool – “Titanium Backup”. The service has excellent functionality and automatically backs up data. With its help, you can quickly remove useless or annoying applications from your Android smartphone or tablet.

To remove a program using this software, use the following method:

  • Download the service from the link or visit the Google Play store. Install the application on your device.
  • Open the “Backups” menu section.
  • Select all unnecessary applications by tapping on them.
  • A menu will appear in front of you where you need to select “Delete”.
  • Confirm the action. When the process is completed, unnecessary applications will disappear from your device's memory.

If a system configuration notification appears after opening the Titanium Backup application, follow the system prompts and disable USB Debugging. After that do everything further actions according to the instructions.

Method No. 4 - “ES Explorer”

On many smartphones and tablets, this file manager is installed natively, which means you do not need to download software from third-party resources. If you do not have such an application, download it from our website. To uninstall useless software from your device, you need to do the following:

  • Open and run the program. If ES Explorer is not installed, download it.
  • In the upper right corner, find the APPs item and tap on it.
  • A window will appear in front of you. Select the “Installed on device” section.
  • In the corner on the left, click on the “Menu” item.
  • Move the “Root Explorer” slider to the right.
  • Allow administrator rights by selecting the appropriate section.
  • Open the list of programs and highlight the ones you want to remove.
  • A window will open in front of you. Select the “Uninstall” action. Confirm the specified action.
  • After a few seconds, all unnecessary programs will be deleted forever.

Method No. 5 - “Root App Deleter”

If games and programs cannot be removed using standard tools, but you need to free up memory, the Root App Deleter service will help you. The program is compact and easy to use. To perform this action, follow these steps:

  • Download, install and open the program. The application is available for download on our website.
  • Find the “System Applications” item in the menu.
  • Select “Pro” mode for further actions.
  • A list of applications will open in front of you. Select software to remove.
  • Allow activation of superuser rights.
  • Confirm the removal of unnecessary programs.

In the case of Root App Delete, you also need to make a backup copy in order to erase unnecessary programs from memory. This will help solve the problem if the system malfunctions due to the removal of important applications.

Method number 6 - “Root Uninstaller Pro”

Another useful development will help eliminate useless software - the Root service. Uninstaller Pro. The program is easy to use and is installed via a file manager. You can remove applications that are not needed and take up a lot of memory using the following steps:

  • Download the software from our website or the Android app store, install it on your smartphone or tablet, and then open the program.
  • Click on the “Accept” button to confirm the license agreement.
  • Select useless programs from the list and tap on them.
  • A window will open asking you to provide administrator rights. Confirm the action.
  • Select the “Uninstall” action and wait until the uninstallation is completed.

Before starting uninstallation Root program Uninstaller Pro will prompt you to make a backup. Confirm this action– it will help restore programs if something goes wrong.

Method No. 7 - “Removing system applications”

A special development called “Removing system applications” will help you quickly get rid of unnecessary programs. There is nothing complicated about this:

  • Download the application, wait for the installation to complete and launch it.
  • IN open window Confirm granting administrator rights.
  • Select unnecessary programs from the list by checking them.
  • Tap the big red “Delete” button.
  • Wait a few minutes - all selected applications will disappear from your device.

You can download the “Uninstall system applications” program from our website on your Android phone or tablet. The program is available in Russian, so there will be no problems using it.

Method No. 8 - “Easy Uninstaller Pro”

One of the most simple programs, with which you can remove unnecessary software. The main difference between this service and its analogues is that there is no need for administrator rights, which is why the entire process is carried out in two clicks. Remove programs from using Easy Uninstaller Pro can be done like this:

  • Download and open the application on your desktop. If you downloaded the apk, install it through the file manager first.
  • A list of programs will open in the menu. Tap on those that are to be deleted.
  • Click on the green “Delete” icon.
  • Wait for the process to complete. There is no need to reboot the device.

Method number 9 - “CCleaner”

One of the most famous programs for working with applications - “CCleaner”. You can remove unnecessary software using this tool by performing the following algorithm of actions:

  • Download the application from Google Play or Apk from our website, install it on your device and click on the program icon on your desktop.
  • In the upper left corner, select “Application Manager”.
  • Select the “System” tab.
  • Check the boxes next to the programs to uninstall and select “Delete”.
  • Allow administrator rights and wait for the device to reboot.
  • Ready! Extra programs deleted forever.

Before using CCleaner, activate backup - this will protect against the removal of important programs and maintain stable system operation.

Method No. 10 - “Debloater”

This method is considered one of the most difficult, but effective. To use it, you will need not only a smartphone, but also a PC or laptop. You should use Debloater when all the above methods do not help. The service is compatible with Android OS 4+, but for older devices it is better not to use it.

  • Download and install the Debloater application on your computer.
  • Find and install ADB drivers to your computer for your device model. Without this, the PC will not be able to recognize the device.
  • Open the settings section on your device and find the “For Developers” item.
  • Enable USB debugging mode.
  • Open the KingRoot application on your smartphone (you need to download it if necessary).
  • Click the “Manage Root Rights” icon.
  • Near the “ADB Program” icon you need to select the “Request” item.
  • Select “Allow” from the drop-down menu.

All of the above actions are carried out on mobile device. In the Debloater application on PC, you need to do the following:

  • Open the application. It should successfully recognize the mobile device.
  • In the corner on the left, select “Read Device Packages” and wait until the action is completed.
  • A window will appear on the PC screen where all installed mobile applications. Select those to be deleted.
  • Select the “Remove” action and confirm with the “Apply” button. Now the unnecessary software will be uninstalled.

How to remove installed applications?

You can find many games and applications on Google Play and third-party resources. However, the device’s memory is not unlimited, and many programs may become boring or irrelevant over time. Even when inactive, programs that are turned off load the system and consume the battery faster. It also happens that users download programs that are not compatible with the device, so such files simply do not run. How to remove applications installed by the user? There are several simple methods, helping to uninstall unnecessary software.

Uninstall via main menu

The fastest and easiest method of removing programs is using the main menu. To do this, you do not need to activate administrator rights or download additional software. Uninstalling programs through the main menu requires the following actions:

  • Open the tablet or phone menu.
  • Select an icon unnecessary program, press it and hold your finger for a few seconds.
  • A small menu will appear at the top of the screen. It should have a “Delete” item in the form of a trash can.
  • Pull the application icon, without releasing it, towards the trash can.
  • Confirm the removal of the program and release the icon. The application will be removed from your device.

After uninstalling applications from Android OS, be sure to use a system cleanup program to remove unnecessary files. The most effective tool for this is Clean Master.

Uninstalling via Application Manager

You can eliminate unnecessary software using the program manager. To do this, do the following:

  • Open the smartphone menu and select the settings section.
  • Find the “Program Manager” item.
  • Select the “Downloaded” tab. It should display all the applications that you have downloaded previously.
  • Find the application you don't need and click on it.
  • Select “Delete” and wait for uninstallation.
  • Carry out similar actions with other applications to be removed.

If you need to free up your smartphone's internal memory without deleting programs, you can move applications to an SD card. To do this, open the program manager, select the list of installed applications and instead of “Uninstall” click “To SD card”.

Removal via PlayMarket

If you have unnecessary games and programs on your smartphone, you can get rid of them not only standard methods, but also through the software store for Android Google Play. This can be done this way:

  1. Find the Google Play icon on your desktop and tap on it.
  2. In the store, find the “Games and Applications” menu section.
  3. Select the “My games and applications” subsection. Here you can find a list of all the programs that you have previously downloaded to your device.
  4. Find the applications you want to get rid of in the list and click the “Delete” button.
  5. Confirm the action and wait until the applications are completely uninstalled.

Removal via file manager

You can erase unnecessary and annoying programs that you have installed from your memory using a file manager service. The most famous standard tool of this type is “ES Explorer”. In most cases, there is no need to download it - the program is installed in the basic firmware of the Android device. To remove third-party programs, start the service and start doing the following:

  • Open File Explorer and swipe right on the screen.
  • Find the “Tools” section.
  • Tap on the “Root Explorer” item.
  • Grant administrator rights to remove programs.
  • Tap on “Root Explorer” and hold the icon for a few seconds.
  • A menu will appear on the screen in which you need to select the “Connect as R/W” section and check the boxes next to all RW items.
  • Open section internal memory and find the folder called “/system/app”.
  • Select the program file to remove. The permission must be apk.
  • It will open before you context menu. In it you need to select the “Delete” section.
  • Besides APK file also erase all files with the .ordex extension.
  • After uninstalling, you need to go to the folder called /data/app to erase all updates for unnecessary programs.
  • To remove unnecessary processes associated with remote software, open the /data/data folder.

Note! In Android 5.0 Lollipop, all kinds of system developments are scattered across different folders. To delete in this case, you need to open and select files in each folder. The file manager is equally effective for standard applications and for those programs that users have installed themselves.

Even if applications on Android are not removed using standard methods, you can always use the help of third-party tools. Of all the above methods, you are sure to find one that suits you. Before deleting applications, take care of the backup, and you can also simply deactivate the game or program to see how the device will work without this software. Before downloading the tools, read the reviews on the forums, and also watch thematic videos if necessary.

Unnecessary utilities on your smartphone could not only be installed manually, but they could also already be present at the time of purchase, installed during the factory assembly. Google Chrome is not a system file, and therefore its uninstallation should not be difficult.

To uninstall, go to your device's settings, find the "Settings" section, select and click on "Applications". With a hand gesture to the side (by swiping left or right across the display of your gadget), find “Building”. In the specified section, you should find the list space that occupies. In our case it could be a browser.

Click on the desired utility icon as soon as you find it.

  • First, stop your browser.
  • Secondly, by clicking on the corresponding icon, erase the data and clear the cache.

After Google Chrome is erased from your device, garbage may remain in the system in the form of unnecessary folders and files that will take up space and load the smartphone system. Completely erase it by clicking on “Delete” and confirm the selected action.

Uninstall using the Play Market application

The second method of removing interfering installations from your smartphone is uninstallation using Play Store A. This is an online store, a service from Google, from which you can download add-ons and games for your device.

To remove using this method, open the Play Store and follow these steps:

Usually, this method Works on any version of Android. However, you should remember that you can also remove any programs, extensions or add-ons using various utilities that have special functions and are designed for this: freezing processes, making backups, etc. It is not necessary to clean your smartphone of programs that clog it yourself, although this is a guarantee of complete cleaning of unnecessary utilities.

System applications on the Android platform

Each Android device is purchased with certain system programs. They are usually standard. However, not every utility already installed on a smartphone will be necessary for future use. Every phone has software that consists of various installed files.

Some of them are strictly not recommended to be touched, but there are some that are large space memory, load the system, which is why the smartphone’s operation ceases to be stable and its performance drops - they should be removed, and for this it would not even be a pity to reflash the flagship.

It is not necessary to remove programs you do not need; stopping them will suffice. To do this, go to your phone's settings, just like you would when deleting non-system apps on Android. By opening the corresponding section and selecting the icon, stop its operation.

To get rid of unnecessary system applications, use special uninstallation modules.

However, remember that deleting system files may damage your device and destabilize its operation.

If this happens and the operation of the smartphone is disrupted (it turns off and does not turn on or works very slowly, without folders, without working parts of the screen), it should be immediately taken to a workshop, where the technician will restore its performance to the previous level.

  1. Next, select the application you want to disable.
  1. If this program supports the shutdown function, you will see the corresponding button. Just press it.
  1. Next, select the item marked in the screenshot from the pop-up menu.
  1. Programs disabled in this way are not deleted: they simply stop until you run them yourself.

Attention! When you disable the standard software using the described method, the updates that were installed on it will be automatically deleted.

Program "Remove system applications"

Next we move on to using a third-party software. The first application on our list will be “Uninstall system applications”. You can download it from the Play Market, which is what we will do now.

  1. Go to the Android application store and write to search bar the name of the program. As soon as the desired result appears in the results, click on it.
  1. Install the program by tapping the button marked in the screenshot.
  1. We allow access to location, multimedia, Wi-Fi and other functions.
  1. The download of the program we need will begin. Since its size is small, it will not take much time.
  1. So, the download is complete, so let’s proceed directly to working with the application.
  1. At the first launch, we will need to provide the same Root rights that were mentioned in the introductory part of the article. Click the button marked in the screenshot.
  1. A list of all applications, including system ones, will open. We check the boxes that we want to delete and press the button marked “2”.
  1. We will be warned that we have identified applications that are important for the operation of the system. Think twice if you see such a message. In our case, everything is correct, so click “Yes”.
  1. The removal process will be completed in a matter of moments.

Ready. The program will disappear from your smartphone at the same moment.

Let's consider another option, which, if it differs in some way from the first, is only appearance. We will also download the program from the Play Market.

  1. We begin to write the name of the utility in the search bar of the Google store and, as soon as our program appears in search results, tap on it.
  1. Next, press the familiar green button.
  1. Allow Easy Uninstaller all required permissions.
  1. We are waiting for 5 MB to be downloaded from the network and installed on our Android.
  1. We go to the home screen and see a new shortcut in the form of a trash can. This is exactly what we need.
  1. In the list of programs available for removal, mark one or more items and press the button marked “2”.
  1. Once again we confirm our intentions by clicking on “OK”.

That's all. The application or applications will silently disappear so that they no longer burden our phone.


Here's another interesting option. Surely, few of you knew that the well-known program for cleaning the disk and phone storage is capable of removing pre-installed applications. Nevertheless, it is true. Below we will show how it works.

  1. In the same way as in previous cases, we are looking for the application in the Play Market.
  1. We install it by pressing the familiar button.
  1. We are waiting for the download of all the files necessary for CCleaner to complete.
  1. Let's launch our cleaner. Today it will act as an uninstaller.
  1. So, when the program opens, go to its main menu. To do this, click the button with the image of three horizontal stripes (marked in the screenshot below).
  1. In the menu that slides out from the left side, click on the “Application Manager” item.
  1. A list of installed and system software will open. To begin the removal procedure, click on the icon with the image of a trash can.
  1. And again we are warned that if we thoughtlessly “demolish” the standard software, we can easily “kill” our operating system, which, unlike a computer, is not so easy to repair. If you understand this, you can continue. Click the button circled in the picture.
  1. Mark the programs or games that need to be uninstalled and tap on the “Delete” button (marked with the number “2”).

After this, the program, game or their combination will be removed from Android.

Via file manager

This option for removing unnecessary applications from Android differs from the above. Here we will do everything ourselves, while the previously described uninstaller programs worked in automatic mode. So let's get started.

  1. We will use one of the best file managers. This is ES Explorer. Let's download it using Google Play.
  1. Click the button labeled “Install”.
  1. We allow the application all types of access that it needs to function properly.
  1. The program is downloading. Since it “weighs” a little more than 10 MB, it will not take up much of your time.

The application is installed and ready to use. Next, we will look at how to remove standard programs. Launch the tool.

  1. Open the main menu of ES Explorer. We have marked it in the picture below.
  1. Now we need to allow our file manager work with components operating system. To do this, enable the “Root Explorer” function using the trigger marked in the screenshot.
  1. Naturally, in this case we will need to provide the program with Root rights.
  1. When access to the firmware files is allowed, we return to main screen ES Explorer and go to the menu.
  1. Next, we need to go to the “Device” directory. This is ours file system, and not the file system of the drive, but system disk or firmware.
  1. So, to uninstall the same application, you need to erase files from several places. Let's visit the first one first. Go to the “system” directory.
  1. Then open the “app” folder.
  1. In Android 5 and above, you will see application folders. They contain APK files. In more earlier versions operating system they will be located here without directories. One way or another, we need to delete the selected application with or without a folder. To do this, click on the object and hold it until the button marked “2” appears.

We confirm our action by tapping “OK”.

So, we have cleared the first path, let's move on to the second.

  1. We return to the root directory of the firmware and go to “data”.
  1. Then we open the “app” directory and “remove” all traces of the unnecessary program.
  1. Go to “data” again.
  1. We go to the directory marked in the picture below and delete the data of the unnecessary program from here.

That's all. The method is one of the most complex and dangerous for the OS. We recommend using it only for people who are well versed in the topic.

We are gradually moving on to another option for removing pre-installed Android applications. This time it will be another utility called Root Uninstaller. Let's look at how to work with it.

  1. In the old fashioned way, go to the Play Store and enter the name of the tool in the search bar. When the desired object appears in the search results, tap on its icon.
  1. Click the button marked in the screenshot.
  1. We wait for the installation of all the necessary files to complete.
  1. Go to the home screen or menu and select the application you just downloaded.
  1. As in other cases, we will need to provide access to the operating system files. Otherwise, nothing will work.
  1. When the program opens, we will see a list of all third-party and standard applications, as well as, if any, games. Tap on the one that needs to be removed.
  1. An additional menu will open with several options.

Identification of the various buttons:

  • Freezing. An application or game is blocked: it does not occupy RAM and do not load the processor. However, the occupied disk space is not freed and the program is not removed;
  • Delete. The application is completely removed from Android;
  • Backup. Created backup copy, which, in case of failures, will help correct the situation and restore what you deleted;
  • Reset. The software is cleared of all updates and data received during operation.

There is also a number additional functions not particularly important to us.

  1. As soon as we click the delete button, a warning will follow in which we will need to confirm the action taken. In order to do this, click “OK”.

Attention! To ensure data safety and guarantee stable operation of the system, be sure to use the tools before deleting each program Reserve copy!

From the name of this program it is clear that it requires superuser privileges to operate, although they are required for our entire list. So, let's look at how to work with Root App Deleter in more detail.

  1. The first thing we will need to do is download the application to our phone. To do this, we will use the Google Play store. Enter the name of the program in the search field and select the desired result from the results.
  1. On the Root App Deleter home page, click the familiar button labeled “Install”.
  1. The program “weighs” only 700 kilobytes. This is very little, especially compared to competitors.
  1. So, the list of uninstallers has been replenished with a red icon, click on it.
  1. There are several tiles in the main menu of our application. We will work with the uninstaller. Click on the item marked in the screenshot.
  1. Next, we will be asked to select one of the program removal modes. This could be a newbie that automatically creates a backup copy of the existing software before uninstalling it. There is also an expert mode in which programs are deleted immediately and irrevocably. Choose the algorithm that suits you.
  1. As a result, a list of programs available for removal will appear. We will uninstall the most unnecessary of them. At least in our opinion. Click on the application name.
  1. Since this is beginner mode, there is no delete button, but there is a disable button. This way we can test the operation of the system and, if everything is fine, we will remove the software completely in expert mode.
  1. As in other cases, you cannot do without Root rights. Tap on “Provide”.

Ready. The program is disabled and no longer consumes phone resources.

Titanium Backup

Next up is the famous backup app. Among other things, the tool can remove any software, and if SuperUser is present, even system software. So let's figure out how to work with it.

  1. So, go to Google Play and look for Titanium Backup there. The main thing is to find the Root version. Otherwise, nothing will work. See screenshot attached below.

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