Windows.  Viruses.  Notebooks.  Internet.  office.  Utilities.  Drivers

Sometimes aviraspeedup.exe errors and others system errors EXE could be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the aviraspeedup.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (invalid) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path to the file may have been changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries looking up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), aviraspeedup.exe errors can occur. In addition, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with Avira System Speedup. Thus, these invalid EXE registry entries need to be repaired in order to fix the root of the problem.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid aviraspeedup.exe keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made while editing the registry can render your PC unusable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even a single comma in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting up!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any aviraspeedup.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner automates the process of finding invalid registry entries, missing file references (like the one causing your aviraspeedup.exe error), and broken links within the registry. A backup copy is automatically created before each scan, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors can drastically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we do NOT recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and demand reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse of Registry Editor can be resolved. You use the Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting a part of the registry related to aviraspeedup.exe (eg. Avira System Speedup):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DO NOT PRESS YET ENTER!
  3. Holding keys CTRL-Shift on the keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. An access dialog will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the aviraspeedup.exe-related key (eg. Avira System Speedup) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. Listed Save to select the folder where you want to save the Avira System Speedup key backup.
  11. In field File name enter a name for the backup file, for example "Avira System Speedup Backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export Range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with .reg extension.
  15. You now have a backup of your aviraspeedup.exe-related registry entry.

The next steps for manually editing the registry will not be covered in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information on editing the registry manually, please see the links below.

Many people know that the active use of the computer accumulates various garbage: cache, temporary files, cookies and others. Such files not only take up extra disk space, but also aggravate the performance of a personal computer.

The accumulation of unnecessary and temporary files has a decrease in processor performance and random access memory. Also, various kinds of errors often appear in the computer. A program called Avira System Speedup Pro can easily solve all these errors.

Password for all archives: 1progs

This program thoroughly checks and cleans junk files that are on disk. If necessary, the application can make adjustments for the operating system. Avira System Speedup is not just an ordinary cleaner, but a well-thought-out quality application for efficient use.

The main features of the program:

  • Reducing the load on the computer. The application contains a large set of tools that safely and quickly clean HDD from unnecessary files and documents. There is an opportunity to free up significant space on the disk.
  • Improving the protection of personal data. The application rids the computer of unnecessary and old files. It is also possible to block access to some files from an outsider. Users can be sure that deleted information cannot be recovered by anyone.
  • Optimization. The application effectively optimizes operating system, which allows the computer to work without freezing. The application reduces loading time and sets limits for running tasks on Windows OS.

Avira System Speedup is a one-stop solution for restoring and maintaining PC performance. This application distributed free of charge. Activating Avira System Speedup allows you to use the program without restrictions.

On our site you have the opportunity to download the Avira System Speedup key for free. This allows you to use functionality programs on an ongoing basis. The application has an intuitive interface that even novice users will understand.

Program analogues

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Hello everyone I don’t know what to tell you about Avira antivirus, I installed it to test it and you know what I can tell you? Well, I didn't like him. Firstly, when installing the antivirus, not only Avira itself is installed, but also a bunch of other components that can be safely called rubbish. Well, for example, some type of branded browser from Avira is installed, well, it seems to be for making some kind of safe financial transactions. You know, Avast has something similar called Avast Safe Browser. By the way, Avast and Avira have browsers based on Chrome. Invent your own? No, no, they haven’t heard it .. Yes, and it makes sense to file your browser with an antivirus, I agree, but damn it, there are more and more of these chrome browsers ...

No, I'm not calling for the removal of Avira! Maybe this antivirus is good, but it seems that the same ESET, Kaspersky or even Avast will be better ... I didn’t like Avira because after installation, a lot of processes began to hang in my computer and they are all from Avira. Yes, the processor is not particularly loaded, but I think that with some kind of scanning, the load can be ..

Look, I have shortcuts on my desktop for all the programs that come in addition to Avira:

I personally did not see any checkmark about the fact that this rubbish was not put! But maybe there is a tick somewhere? Maybe, but I didn't see it! I downloaded the Avira web installer from the official site, that is, the installer is real, not fake, so to speak!

Okay, let me show you how to uninstall Avira, you know, before deleting the program, I got used to turning off the program, well, in short, exit it. I also wanted to close Avira, I pressed right click on the Avira tray icon, and there I thought there would be an Exit or Exit item, but it’s funny, there is no such item, but there is an Entry:

That is, we cannot leave Avira, right? Well, okay, okay, then we'll try to delete it. Hold down the Win + R buttons, the Run window will appear, paste this command there:

Then a window will open with all the programs that are on your computer. Here, in general, all the programs, you can even see Windows updates, but to see them, you need to click View installed updates, it is in the upper left corner. So, I digress, in general, we are looking for Avira here. Hmm, I found Avira here, yes, but I found something more in the literal sense, there is Avira and all her friends:

Well, now what to do? In addition to taking and deleting everything in turn, other than that, no options come to mind. Well, damn you, Avira already shook me, why did you put your progs in Windows so much, well, you give Avira! Okay, what should we do, we'll have to take and delete one at a time, well, damn it. I'll start with the antivirus here, right-click on Avira Antivirus and choose Delete:

Well, it's just sudden, and here we are also warned that if we remove Avira, there will be a high level of security threat, so scary! I understand everything, but I am confident in my actions, so I click here Uninstall a program. Well, then the process of uninstalling Avira has already begun:

During the uninstall, Windows sniffed out what I was doing and immediately told me that the Avira program was disabled:

So what's next? And then the removal wizard told me that everything was fine, Avira left the computer safely, but in order to delete folders and files, you need to restart the computer. It’s better not to postpone this matter, so I immediately clicked Yes:

Damn, here comes the reboot, right? And I forgot that we just removed the Avira antivirus, and there were still components, damn it, I don’t like this approach so much. How to install Avira, so everything is in one fell swoop, but how to remove it, then remove the pancake one program at a time! Failed!

Okay, the antivirus was removed, by the way, after loading Windows, the icon still hung:

But don't worry, it's not a glitch, it's just the Avira Connect program. Of course, it also needs to be removed. So, I hold down the Win + R buttons again, then paste the appwiz.cpl command, click OK, and in the Programs and Features window I already delete Avira Connect:

Then such a window popped up, here we can either reinstall the program or delete it, well, of course, I'm interested in the second:

But then a nasty surprise awaited me:

You know, I took a deep breath. Because it's not a glitch, it's just my jamb. But most importantly, you know what? That there is no such quirk that often happens, you want to delete some kind of program, but it is not deleted for some stupid reason! It's good that this is NOT THE CASE (just not to jinx it). So in this window I click OK, then I clicked the cross in the window and confirmed the cancellation of the deletion. Now I will uninstall Avira Software Updater:

Then the following message popped up, I then clicked Yes:

Everything, then such a small window hung a little:

It hung for ten seconds and then it disappeared, and the program was deleted. Well, great gentlemen! Now I tried to uninstall Avira System Speedup, I also right-clicked, selected Uninstall, then clicked Yes, it started to uninstall:

And then the Deletion Options window popped up, where there was a checkmark for deletion backups and settings, and a tick about deleting license data, I check both checkboxes and click OK:

Everything, then she quickly left and said this in the form of a message. Well, everything is excellent in short! Now you need to delete the Avira Scout browser, right-clicked on it, chose Delete, then there was a message with a checkmark for deleting work data, I ticked it and clicked Delete:

Everything then retired quietly, and the browser icon near the Start menu disappeared. There is no crap and that's great. The time has come to remove Avira Phantom VPN, I did everything by myself, the same actions, as a result everything was removed wonderfully:

Here we guys removed everything except the last component, you can even name the most important one, this is Avira Connect, we delete it:

Well, then it was written Done, which means everything was deleted successfully and it remains to click OK:

Another interesting point is a beautiful icon that shimmers in green, here it is:

That icon on the taskbar, you get the idea, right? I agree this is a complete trifle, but I have not often seen such a thing

Guys, the removal stage was completed successfully, we removed everything, there were no jokes in the removal, the task was completed perfectly

I am personally tired of malecha, and you? Probably too. But there are such guys that we deleted something, but traces of Avira remained in the system .. You can not delete them, especially if you have a powerful computer, they are unlikely to affect performance .. But here I am a strange person, because I deleted the program and its remnants in Windows, I also have to delete! This is my usual way of doing it.. And this time I will do the same, are you with me? Well, if you want, I'll show you how to remove the leftovers, and you watch ..

So, to remove it, we need ... Yes, we don’t need anything, we have everything! Direct hands and patience! Let's start, first we will look for trash among the files of the computer, here's how to stir it up, hold down the Win + E buttons, the explorer window will appear, there is a text field in the upper right corner, write the word avira there and wait:

Well, now we are waiting until something is found there, it can be searched for a long time, it all depends on how many files you have on your computer. Here's how much trash I found:

There are files and folders that are related to Avira and which for some reason were not deleted .. I would like to ask the developers, well, who made Avira, who should clean it all up? The program created the file, so please be kind and delete it, right? Not only did I delete Avira, but now I also have to clean the garbage after it! It's just FAIL. Okay, what can you do in this window? You need to select all the files and then right-click on them, then select Delete:

Then you will be asked to confirm this operation, click Yes:

But then FAILURE awaited me, because it was written that this element could not be found, apparently it had already somehow left! Well, excellent, then in this window I also check the box below and press the Skip button:

As a result, the window disappeared, but I still had three items in the results:

But there is no need to get upset, this is actually only a trace in the literal sense, in fact, these elements are no longer there, well, we can say that this is such a glitch! For if you open a new explorer window (Win + E) and try the search again, then you will not find anything, here's a joke:

So if you, like me, cleaned Windows of Avira's garbage, and if everything is almost the same as I did, then I congratulate you, your computer is clean and does not contain Avira antivirus file traces

You probably ask, you already hesitated, is that all? And I will answer that no, I will shake you a little more. We then cleared the file garbage, but there is still garbage in the registry! No, I'm not sure that he is there, but something intuition tells me that he is still there! So, we hold down the Win + R buttons, in the Run window we specify this command:

Clicked OK, the Registry Editor appeared. This editor is already a cloud of years, he was generally in ancient Windows. This registry stores all the settings of what is possible. Previously, in the time of the dinosaurs, the program settings were stored in ini-files, but then the dinosaurs died out and began to store the settings in the registry. This type is more convenient, but today some programs still store settings in ini, especially portable ones. So it goes

In this registry editor, we will look for garbage. But how? Yes, everything is simple, don’t worry, look, hold down the Ctrl + F buttons, a window will appear, write the word avira there and, on the contrary, press the Find Next button:

During the search in the registry, the following window will be displayed:

So now I will tell you about what needs to be done here in this registry. Everything that is in the registry, it will be located one at a time, and as it was found, the search will stop, and what was found will be highlighted in blue. Twisted a little, sorry. And you right-click on this selection, select Delete and then confirm the action. There can be two types of elements, these are sections and parameters (they are also called keys). Here guys, I found the Avira partition, right-click on it and select Delete:

Well, I'm a dunce! I forgot to say that TO CONTINUE THE SEARCH, YOU NEED TO PRESS THE F3 BUTTON ONCE (on the keyboard). And so I pressed it and wait again .. Here it was found again, now the key, I delete it in the same way:

And then again you need to press the F3 button. This way you will be able to comb through the entire registry and remove any remnants of Avira. The only thing, see what exactly you are deleting, so that you do not accidentally delete THAT, in the name of which there is the word avira. Well, in short, be careful and everything will be normal

That's how I got you guys today, I'm sure I tired and generally loaded .. Or maybe you didn’t read everything at all and did the right thing, I wrote a bit too much here .. But the main thing, for which I will hope that this info was at least a little useful to you. That's it, everyone pokedova and good luck


Reading time: 37 min

Avira System Speedup belongs to the niche of programs that are designed to speed up the computer by optimizing or removing certain files and elements that are not relevant in use. Thus, allowing you to return the system speed to approximately the same as after installing Windows.

Optimization Windows performance should be carried out regularly, keeping the system in good condition and maintaining the speed of work. Of course, if you have a lot of programs installed, they all load the system and, accordingly, worsen its speed, but the maximum possible program will still perform the procedure.

Now, in order not to bother how to set up Windows 10 and older versions, you only need to run a powerful utility and it will do everything for you. The functionality of the program is quite voluminous and allows you to influence everything system partitions that require timely care.

How to set up Windows with Avira System Speedup?

Let's briefly consider the principle of working with the program, then we will go deeper into the main functionality contained inside. To perform the optimization procedure, you need:

  • Download the app ;
  • Start the installation process, it won't take long;
  • The main window will be quite telling, here are 3 speedometer pictures showing the speed, privacy and disk. Just click "Scan" to start the process;

  • After a short search, you will see those problems that you managed to find and can be removed, click on the corresponding "Fix" button;
See also: JetClean - computer cleaning software

  • Windows optimization will be performed automatically and the result of the work will be shown.

It should be borne in mind that the program is still commercial and for full-fledged work it must be paid for, but there is also a free demo version, the functionality is limited.

Avira System Speedup - functionality

Setting up Windows is a whole art that requires some skill and time, but it’s not at all necessary to do it yourself because Avira is a whole range of solutions where Windows 7 optimization is brought to a professional level.

In the application itself, there are many functions that allow you to configure Windows on your computer for maximum efficiency. There is a basic scanning functionality described above and other auxiliary features to perform individual procedures.

See also: How to speed up your computer with SpeedUpMyPC?

So, the program for optimizing Windows can:

1.Basic optimization functionality, it includes: checking useless files, fixing bugs in the registry and the so-called "Confidential data". In paid mode, fragmented data is additionally available;

2. On the left there is a menu and its second item, which will also help us answer the question of how to set up Windows on a computer - this is the “Startup Optimization Wizard”. It performs the corresponding function and shows all the programs that are in autorun. This menu more extensive than standard in Windows;

3. “Power Modes”, in order for the Windows optimization setting to be complete, you need to refer here as well, because there are many useful modes. There is an economical option, relevant for laptops, a balanced one is a more versatile option, suitable for most users and maximum, consumption is not taken into account, but more power is achieved. Interested in how to set up Windows on a laptop? - Then you need to use the other properties "Energy Saver" and "Power Boost", select the desired option that suits your requirements and run it. The last two features are available in paid mode;

4. A fairly extensive "Tools" menu, which helps you figure out how to set up Windows 7, but is only available in Pro mode, here you can:

  • Perform multiple file manipulations: search for duplicates / empty elements, the ability to encrypt, copy protected or running files and their complete removal;

  • Optimization Windows computer 7 will not be complete without a disk procedure, there is: disk defragmentation, shredder, disk check and analysis of the entire hard drive in order to identify problems;
  • System - system optimization functions are collected here, for the most part they are also present in standard Windows features, but the parameters are more extended;
  • Network - Helps you set up a network or Internet browser explorer. "Fix network (LSP)" is a useful opportunity to analyze the connection. The IE manager is, in my opinion, a useless feature. Network Manager is a rather interesting window where you can see how much and which program consumes Internet speed;
  • Backup - there are no surprises here and you can both configure Windows using a backup and restore it.
See also: How to optimize the system using Wise Care 365?

Using these multiple settings, you can extend the life of the system for a long time and increase the comfort of its use. Use the functions based on your preferences and tasks.

There are also programs for optimizing the operation of a Windows computer from other manufacturers, and being objective, it should be noted that they all perform almost identical tasks. They have few differences, and if you are not satisfied with the Avira program, you can use other solutions that were previously discussed on our website.

Tired of brakes and computer glitches? – refer to the optimization program Avira System Speedup, which will help you forget about these phenomena in your PC.

If you have any questions about "Configuring and Windows optimization using Avira System Speedup", you can ask them in the comments

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