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Questions and answers

Please see the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If you haven't found the answer to your question, please ask our support team.

What is MyOffice?

MyOffice is a platform consisting of a set office applications for joint editing and storage of documents, email system, corporate messenger for all popular operating systems and mobile platforms: Windows, starting with Windows XP, Linux, Android, iOS, Tizen.

Applications included in the MyOffice platform: Documents, Text, Table, Presentation, Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Storage and Logos.

What are the advantages of MyOffice products?

Key Features our product is:
the ability to collaborate in real time;
the ability to deploy the platform in both private and public clouds;
uniform display of documents on all platforms;
work on all popular platforms, including mobile (Android, iOS, Tizen);
support for operating systems included in the domestic software registry, such as Astra Linux and Alt Linux;
certificates of conformity FSTEC and FSB.

How to buy MyOffice products?

1. Deploy the MyOffice platform on your own servers or partner servers.
2. Buy MyOffice applications for workstations on Windows and Linux OS from.
3. Purchase access to MyOffice applications via a subscription model (SaaS) from.
4. Download free apps For mobile devices possible in .

Are there special conditions for educational organizations?

What's happened free product"MyOffice Education"?

This is a new product intended for use in educational organizations. It is developed on the basis of MyOffice Standard and is aimed primarily at use in schools. Products will be supplied to educational organizations (state secondary schools) free of charge.

Is it possible to purchase MyOffice products from you directly?

MyOffice products are distributed exclusively through the Affiliate Network.

What types and levels of cooperation are presented in the Affiliate Program?

We strive to make our Affiliate Program the most effective and attractive. We currently offer the following options cooperation:
- Reseller
- Integrator
- OEM partner
- Service provider
More details can be found in the section.

Can I find out more about the Affiliate program and its conditions?

All relationships with partners are built through distributors, who undertake the operational activities of selling MyOffice products and are responsible for organizing and maintaining deliveries to partners. Details Affiliate program available after completing the registration procedure and fulfilling a number of legal conditions.

Which system requirements to work with products?

For workstation
Computer and Processor: 32-bit or 64-bit processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz or higher with support for the SSE2 instruction set.
RAM: 2 GB.
Required disk space: 3.0 GB.
Display: screen resolution 1024 x 768.
Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Astra Linux Special Edition version"Smolensk", Alt Linux, macOS, OS X (El Capitan).
Supported Browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Satellite.

For server
Minimum HDD configuration: 500GB, RAM: 20, CORE: 10.
Recommended HDD configuration: 2.6 TB, RAM: 96, CORE: 42.

What file formats do your products support?

MyOffice applications work correctly with documents in DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, RTF, TXT, ODT, ODS, ODP formats and support saving in PDF format.

Do you use encryption of communication channels?

Yes, MyOffice uses encryption of communication channels. Currently this is TLS 1.2 using the most common and strong cryptographic algorithms supported by most modern browsers.

Do you have an electronic signature?

Currently being implemented into various MyOffice Support products electronic signature and encryption of both email messages and office documents. Technologically, MyOffice products work with the most common certified cryptographic information tool (CICI) on the Russian market, produced by the company CryptoPro. Software products can also be modified to function with any other certified CIPF in accordance with the customer’s needs.

How secure is your solution in terms of data storage?

MyOffice platform products were initially designed to work in a corporate environment with the highest security requirements, which is confirmed by an external audit of the system and received FSTEC certificates and FSB. In addition, the platform provides role-based data access control and logging of user operations.
The system architecture is designed and implemented in such a way that there is no single point of failure, including 3-fold redundancy in terms of data storage.
MyOffice provides the ability to expand server part solutions both in the public cloud and in the closed circuit of the customer or his chosen partner - thus the information will not leave the organization.

An office program is one of the main tools in the work of company employees and students. Quite often you have to write various papers, make presentations, and so on. Now office standards software there is an office suite from Microsoft, which, unfortunately, does not have a version for the operating system Linux systems. Of course there are some alternative solutions, like LibreOffice and WPS Office. They are quite functional and have many capabilities, but still cannot replace the original everywhere.

One of the clearest examples is the situation when you need to do work and then take it to a computer with Microsoft Office. Even between Microsoft versions Office may have differences and incompatibilities, but between LibreOffice and Microsoft Office these differences are very noticeable. Styles, markup, and text formatting go wrong, and as a result we get a completely incorrect document.

Therefore, sometimes you need to have the original Microsoft Office package on Linux at hand. This instruction will cover installing Microsoft Office Linux using wine.

On this moment the most a new version office suite from Microsoft - 2016. But it is impossible to install Microsoft Office 2016 linux, wine does not yet support all the necessary technologies. Many have already tried to install version 2013, the guys from CodeWears tried and made this work in Wine, but it works extremely unstable and has many shortcomings. Therefore, we will consider installing the most stable version of ms office linux at the moment - 2010.

Installing Microsoft Office 2010 on Ubutnu

This article will discuss installing Microsoft Office under Linux in two ways - under pure wine and using a new utility - WineWizard.

Let's start with the usual way using Wine. In fact, we don't need many components for normal operation programs. The developers of wine tried hard enough to make everything work more or less acceptable.

By tradition, we will create a new prefix for installation so that nothing interferes with our program:

mkdir ~/.msoffice
$ export WINEPREFIX=~/msoffice

It is best to install the program with a 32-bit architecture, since the 64-bit version may have more bugs and shortcomings, so we will install the architecture and set the prefix:

export WINEARCH=win32

$ chmod +x winetricks

Now install the necessary components:

./winetricks corefonts allfonts

These were the fonts msxml is needed to open xml documents such as xls and ppt:

./winetricks msxml3 msxml4 msxml6

There are still a few libraries left:

./winetricks vcrun2005 gdiplus riched30

That's all, now you can launch the program installer. Just note that it is best to use the original installer, because it is not known how the recreated installer will behave.

wine ~/Downloads/MicrosoftOffice/setup.exe

After the installation is complete, you can run the program with the command:

wine ~/.msoffice/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/winword.exe

Or for Excel:

wine ~/.msoffice/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/exel.exe

For screenshots of the installer and settings after installation, see below, in the second method.

Installing Microsoft Office Linux using WineWizard

After the program is installed, launch it through the main menu or terminal, then select Install Application:

In the next window, select the installer:

Select the solution for Microsoft Office 2010 Linux and click OK:

Then select the version, 32 bit:

Then start installing microsoft office under linux:

Once the installation is complete, you can run microsoft word linux. To start, open the main menu of the program:

As you can see, everything works, or almost:

The installation of Microsoft Office Linux is complete, but in order for everything to work correctly, it still needs to be configured a little.

Setting up Microsoft Office 2010 Linux after installation

When you first start the ms program office ubuntu will open full screen. Minimize it to a regular window, if you see that you cannot move the window around the screen, then close the program, we will have to adjust several parameters in winecfg.

You can start winecfg by simply running the command:

But if you installed ms office linux using WineWizard, then to run this utility you need to use the program itself:

Here on the tab Graphic arts uncheck the box Allow window manager to decorate windows:

If you have Ubuntu as your main system, but you still haven’t been able to master the Open or Libre Office, or you can’t work in them for other reasons, then you’re probably looking for a way to install the familiar Microsoft Office on this OS. I hasten to please you - there are three ways! More precisely, there are a little more of them, but this article will describe the three most convenient and unlike each other (the rest, as a rule, are special cases of these). Let's start with the simplest.

Method one: online office

Actually, you can’t call it an installation, but this method the simplest and most convenient (provided you have the Internet). The official Microsoft Office suite, which is absolutely free, is available at All you need to do is follow this link and start using the full package. Moreover, you can edit documents or tables together with someone else. And for more convenient access, you can install shortcuts using the installer " Linux Web Apps" for quick launch application data.

The advantage of this approach is that you will have access to the latest version of the office at any time, from any computer. Also, you will not need to download various installers, configure Wine, etc.

The only disadvantage of this approach is the inability to use the package without an Internet connection (and access must be stable and at least 1 Mbit/s, for more or less comfortable work).

Method two: PlayOnLinux

This method will already require some body movements and some preparation from you. First, you must have downloaded the Office 2010 or 2007 package, and it must be official, clean, without service packs. You must also have access to the Internet (this is only for the installation period, then the Internet will not be needed).

So, first we install the PlayOnLinux package. To do this, enter the following commands into the terminal:

  • wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add - sudo wget .list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install playonlinux

That's it, now the PlayOnLinux program is installed on your system and you can start installing the office package.

We launch the program (from the shortcut or write in the playonlinux terminal) Click “Next” several times in the initial setup wizard. Now we see the main program window. Go to the Office tab and select Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 and click “Install”. We wait until the program prepares the environment for installation. Next you will see a window where you can specify the source Microsoft installations Office - you can specify how iso image, so exe file. That’s all, then we install the office as you would do it in Windows. After the installation is complete, you will have a full-fledged office on Linux.

It is also worth noting that in addition to Office, you can install other programs and games that are available in the main program window. Their installation is almost identical to the office installation, although there may be some differences.

On the plus side, it is worth noting that now you can open Microsoft files Office by double click, and a full-fledged office will be installed on your system. But there are also disadvantages - updating it will be quite problematic, and they can often appear various errors, besides, it is not yet possible to install Office 2013, but in general this option has the right to life.

Method three: virtual machine

We will use VirtualBox as a virtual machine. This software for virtualization of almost any operating systems. Here short list its capabilities:

  • Cross-platform;
  • Modularity;
  • USB 2.0 support;
  • Support for 64-bit guest systems, even if the main system is 32-bit;
  • SMP support in the guest system;
  • Built-in RDP server;
  • Support 3B hardware acceleration;
  • Support for hard drive images;
  • Audio device virtualization support;
  • Networking support;
  • Shared Folders support for easy file sharing between host and guest systems (for guest Windows systems 2000 and later, Linux and Solaris);
  • Support for desktop integration (seamless mode) of host and guest OS;
  • OVF/OVA format support;
  • It is possible to select the interface language (Russian-language interface is also supported).

That is, it will be like a second computer working in your PC. To install VirtualBox, you can go to the developer’s official website and download the installation package, but you can also use the terminal. To do this, enter:

  • wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –
  • sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb $(lsb_release -sc) contrib” >> /etc/apt/sources.list’
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install virtualbox

That's all - the program is installed, now you can run it. But before starting, you need to add your user to a special group:

  • sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a UserName

After running this command, you need to restart your computer. Now we need to download Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. go to the official website of the program and in the “Download” section download the required version of the package. After it is downloaded, double-click on it to install.

Now, in fact, we can move on to Windows installation. Open the program and click on the create button. Enter any name, select a type Microsoft Windows and the version depending on the one you want to install. The following is all intuitive:

After we have a new virtual machine, click on the configure button and go to the media tab. Here we select the image of the system that we want to install (you need to download it in advance). Now let's launch virtual machine. Next, just install Windows as usual.

Well, that's all, now you have a full-fledged Windows in which you can install Microsoft Office of any version and work quietly. For more convenient work, you can also install add-ons for the guest OS and “share” several folders in the main OS.

Instead of conclusions

Now you know the whole way to install Microsoft Office on Ubuntu OS. Choose the one closest to you and use it, although no one forbids you to combine all three.

An office software package usually includes several different applications; word processor, spreadsheet processor, and presentation tool. Some kits also include a database or notes application.

Most distributions, even ones like Damn Small Linux, come with an office suite that provides the same tools. You don't have to install the entire office suite if all you're interested in is a word processor. In such situations, you can also install standalone applications such as Abiword for word processing and Gnumeric for spreadsheets.

Analogues of Office for Linux

We tested the latest version of all applications on Ubuntu. WPS Office and OnlyOffice provide, you will also find latest versions LibreOffice and Calligra are in the repositories of many distributions. But if your distribution's repositories do not have latest version Calligra, we strongly caution you against attempting to install it manually. Compilation takes too long and only results in insurmountable errors.

We tested three common components office suites, but are equally interested in other components offered, if any. Another important factor is the support for various formats, including ODF and even the proprietary Microsoft Office format, and the way the files are handled.

The extensibility of functionality with plugins and the availability of documentation to help new users get comfortable with the proposed tools are also significant criteria for our evaluation.

Google Docs

This offer is different in that in our review of the best analogues of Microsoft Office for Linux, this is the only office suite that works online. (But let's be fair; OnlyOffice also provides a cloud solution.) Initially, this suite worked best in Chrome browser, but using it on some alternative, for example, Firefox, you will not run into problems with performance or lack of functions.

Main advantage Google Docs- a huge number of templates for each of the component applications. Easy integration with Google to perform searches and integrate results or share files with other users with one click is also a bonus. If you often collaborate with someone or, when you go on the road, cannot afford to put off urgent files, use Google Drive as a storage unit it provides considerable comfort - after all, you can access your work from anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection.

Calligra Suite

Calligra itself is generally okay, but its esoteric workflow is a struggle. For example, you cannot insert any of the standard geometric shapes into a presentation or document without access to the Add Shapes docker. In fact, the entire process of switching between docker to access elements and functions in alternative bundles that are easily accessible from the toolbar itself is inexplicable and unintuitive.

Calligra Word text editor repository

As a general rule, we don't judge a style of work just because it's different from ours, but for applications like this, documentation becomes very important. But despite the abundance of documentation for some applications, such as Sheets and Stage, it is not accessible from the application itself.

But, if you are willing to spend time learning of this style work or at your place old computer, you'll appreciate Calligra's ability to run on low-power systems.


It is one of the most complete packages available, and each of the component applications contains detailed documentation accessible from within the application itself. In version 6.0, the project also introduced a ribbon interface very similar to Microsoft Office, although it is not enabled by default. If you like the ribbon interface, the implementation in WPS Office is quite nice; but, unfortunately, you can’t say that about it.

As easy as it is to use, our only complaint about LibreOffice is how poorly it handles most DOCX files. The other notable issue is that it's a resource hog, and if you're forced to work on a low-power machine with only about 2GB of RAM, you'll probably be better off with one of the alternatives.

But LibreOffice makes up for these shortcomings by offering hundreds of extensions that enrich it functionality, and in this regard has no equal.


Here we tested OnlyOffice Desktop Editors, a standalone version of the office suite. This version does not provide many useful functions, for example, collaboration. If you want to experience the full range of functions, you can try different cloud installations on a free 30-day trial trial version. While these options may be suitable for businesses or even home office setups, they are too expensive and cumbersome for home users.

Unlike other Office alternatives for Linux, OnlyOffice provides a single interface. You can decide at any time whether you want to work with a presentation, a spreadsheet, a document, or all three that open on separate tabs in the interface.

For average home users, however, OnlyOffice provides most of the standard features expected from the three most common production applications.

WPS Office

Both OnlyOffice and WPS Office offer only spreadsheets, word processing and presentation programs, while other suites also provide a drawing application or a database management tool. Of the two, we like OnlyOffice better because compared to WPS Office, the project is more mature, having been lucky enough to have a Linux release.

With a small team working on the Linux edition, we are also unsure whether the project will still be available in the future. It's also unknown if it will ever introduce some of its best features, such as collaboration, which are currently limited to the Windows version.

The lack of ODF support is also disappointing and may turn off many open source purists. But its ribbon implementation is impressive, and we would even suggest that even LibreOffice itself could learn from WPS Office.

Word Processing

The word processor in Calligra Suite is called Words. However, unlike other text editors, it has a sidebar on the right that is used to configure various document formatting options: inserting comments, headers, footers, etc.

Unbreakable sidebar of the word processor Calligra Words

Besides this default unkillable sidebar, the app also provides a bunch of different elements called dockers. They include statistics on the document, add shapes, etc. and take up a lot of space on the screen, leaving almost no area for the document itself. Despite being forced and constantly resizing various dockers and closing redundant ones, you barely have any room left to even access the comment field! Due to its atypical design, this tool is not the easiest to use, especially if you already have experience with a text editor.

Google Docs allows you to search for topics on the Internet and drag and drop results into a document, automatically formatting citations: this is its feature, in addition to the fact that it is on the Web.

AND LibreOffice Writer, and Calligra Words boast built-in support for a variety of formats, including open document formats and proprietary Microsoft formats Office. Unfortunately, when working with DOC files or DOCX, both of these applications tend to distort the appearance of the document somewhat. LibreOffice Writer quite often and woefully fails to detect text formatting and displays the document completely differently than the original: but Calligra Words works much better. However, even Calligra Words sometimes has problems with displaying numbered lists or fields get corrupted.

Of all the applications presented in our review, OnlyOffice provides best support Microsoft Office formats and opened every file we tested flawlessly. Unlike other tools, comments added to a document appear on the left, but otherwise the interface is very similar to the ribbon style in Microsoft Office.

The biggest drawback of WPS Writer is the lack of Open Document Format (ODF) support. The FAQ itself explains that developers may consider adding ODF functionality once they grow their team or accumulate enough users to justify the time and effort required to implement ODF support. But for now ODF is on WPS Writer's waiting list.


Spreadsheet applications in different office suites offer almost the same functionality. At a minimum, each provides a number of functions for creating formulas and performing complex calculations. In addition to performing basic mathematical functions, all spreadsheet applications have built-in functionality for common financial and statistical operations. One of the best features of these modern replacements for pencil and paper tables is the so-called. “what if” analysis where you change one data field and see how the tools automatically change the values ​​of related fields.

LibreOffice Calc and WPS Spreadsheets are superior in ease of use. Additionally, Calc boasts a variety of wizards to help you master its advanced features. It will be easy to retrieve data from databases and collaborate with other users, which is ideal for most office setups. Google Spreadsheets isn't that far behind, and like everyone else Google apps Docs provides a ton of different templates to choose from. The documentation is in place and offers very good help. All programs support many formats and allow you to export data in the form PDF file or CSV, and by default (except Calc and Sheets) - in XLSX format. The apps also look pretty similar, with the only exception being Calligra Sheets. Again, relying on docker to provide different functionality makes using Calligra far from intuitive, despite having the same functionality as other applications such as LibreOffice Calc.

User interaction

Production applications is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit these days. Until the 1980s The world still had to make do with typewriters or pen and paper, but with the advent of office suites, even the oldest of these applications changed the way we used computers at home and at work. It is therefore not surprising that there are very few jobs left in the world today that do not require basic skills in working with office software.

While all office suites provide similar functionality in one or two of their component applications, they are quite different in their workflows and switching between them may require a bit of a learning curve before you can use them comfortably in your day-to-day work.

If you're only interested in one office component - say, a spreadsheet or text editor text - then refer to the "Consider Also" section at the end of the review.

Help and support

Judging by the nature of the work these programs do, it is easy to think that they are quite easy to use. While this is mostly true, especially for Google Docs' straightforward offerings, other apps may require some assistance - like when you're trying to figure out how to install plugins on WPS Writer, or if there are any at all!

While all the apps are cross-platform, the Linux version of WPS Writer doesn't get the same attention as its Microsoft counterpart. That's why in the official documentation you can find solutions to problems unrelated to Linux versions. For example, the official help will tell you how to use the Mail Merge feature, but there is no such feature in Linux.

There's not a lot of documentation on the OnlyOffice website, but you'll find a lot more in the program itself useful information. Click File -> Help and a categorized list will appear depending on the application you're using: there's also a search bar if you're looking for something specific.

Unlike others, Calligra has no documentation at all. When you launch the reference book from within the program, you are taken to a KDE reference page that also doesn't exist. Luckily, you can knock on the door of the user community and get advice and help on the official forums.

Ask LibreOffice: LibreOffice question and answer site

LibreOffice boasts detailed user guides available from every component of the application. Besides detailed guides According to the documentation, the project also has a question and answer site called .

Other tools

A word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation application are the three most commonly used tools in the office suite. Our selection of bundles for this review includes other applications.

Forms from Google Docs can be used to quickly create the most common forms, such as contact, RSVP, and party invitation. Templates provide a wide selection of the most commonly used ones in different categories such as Personal, Word (job application, event reviews) and Education. You can also use Google Drawings to create flowcharts and mind maps, but not for artwork.

Calligra brings you Karbon, the drawing app vector graphics, but the tool is no longer supported. If you are interested in a graphical database application, you can try your hand at Kexi. Calligra Plan is a project management tool suitable for even moderately large projects.

Like Calligra's Kexi, LibreOffice Base - graphic application for database management, similar to Microsoft Access. Base boasts a variety of wizards to help new and experienced users create tables, queries, forms, and reports. It also offers pre-built spreadsheets to track assets, customers, sales orders, and invoices to make it easier fast deployment. Provides native support for most commonly used database engines such as MySQL, MS Access, PostgreSQL, etc. In comparison, Calligra's Kexi does not support MS Access and is less mature than Base.

Unlike other tools, WPS Office and OnlyOffice only have three main components, and there's no word on whether they'll ever provide a drawing app or a database.


The main factor behind the popularity of online office suites is that they allow multiple users to collaborate and work on the same document at the same time. And while standalone office suites continue to gain traction, the space is naturally dominated by connected office suites like the ubiquitous Google Docs.

Google Docs enables real-time, character-by-character interaction across Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Drawings. When multiple people are working on the same document at the same time, they can all see the changes made by others. These collaboration options work in conjunction with the public access, allowing you to set file access levels so you can control who sees and edits your files. As with other functions, you can use another Google service, Google Groups to share a document with a group of people with one click.

LibreOffice Calc allows you to share documents with simultaneous access to record for several users. If each user has added their name on the LibreOffice User Data page under Tools -> Options, it is quite easy to track the contributions made by different users.

Calligra Suite has not yet implemented such a feature, and there is no mention of its implementation in future versions. There's no roadmap for future releases on the project's website, so there's no way to predict when or if this feature will be implemented.

Tab " Collaboration» in the OnlyOffice word processor

With OnlyOffice, you get a visual cue informing you of the passages your employees are working on, and you can talk to them to discuss ideas. But this feature is not available in the offline editor and you need to access the cloud feature to access it.


As with word processors, Calligra Stage presentation software takes some getting used to. Various formatting options, say defining animations and transitions, are pushed to a separate docker on the right side of the screen. Adding shapes is similarly limited by the Add Shapes docker.

Google Slides offers a choice of several templates to help you get started. You can add images, shapes, and charts to each slide and customize transition effects. You can also choose different color schemes and themes for creating dynamic slides. Offered a large number of add-ons, which mean you can add even more content to your slide. For example, you can embed free HD photos into your slides using the Unslpash addon. The add-ons are divided into categories - Education, Business Tools and Productivity.

OnlyOffice allows you to choose your background design. You can enter figures, graphs, text images and drawings, and also add transitions to slides. A unique feature of the editor is the built-in photo editor. It can be used to control the brightness, contrast, and sharpness of any image inserted into a slide. You can also add a frame to the image, crop it, change the size or orientation, and make many other edits. The photo editor is slower than dedicated tools like GIMP.

But it gets the job done, and the convenience of editing images from within the tool itself cannot be overstated. You can also insert a YouTube video into your slide by clicking the YouTube tab under Plugins and entering the video URL. However, when you start the slideshow, the video doesn't work and all you see is an image of it, with no button or any option to start playing.

WPS Presentation and LibreOffice offer all the functionality expected of a presentation tool, such as adding animations, transitions, designs, etc. Both WP Presentation and Calligra Stage allow you to choose the slide size (either a standard 4:3 screen or a 16 widescreen option: 9).

Consider also

Other kits with open source code, except for the participants in our Comparison, there is no one in the world. If none of these work for you, check out Apache OpenOffice. LibreOffice is based on it, but it continues to innovate, but OpenOffice has stagnated in recent years. Another free kit- FreeOffice is based on Softmaker Office 2018, but like WPS Office and OnlyOffice, it only contains a spreadsheet, word processor and presentation tool.

Do you need a cloud alternative? Besides Google Docs, there are several, including the proprietary Zoho Office Suite or the open source Tiki for self-deployment. Another viable option is Feng Office Community Edition, licensed under AGPLv3. And if you don't like any of them, contact individual applications: Gnumeric or Pyspread-pnn spreadsheets. Abiword and Sozi are for word processing and presentation creation respectively.


Choosing the best Office for Linux analogue led us to the conclusion that it may not be possible to satisfy all your needs with one application. This was true for graphics and office suites, and office suites were no exception. If you have enough resources, you can prepare presentations in one application and rely on other programs for your spreadsheets.

Excluding those that made it onto the pedestal, the remaining office suites both charmed and disappointed us in equal measure. WPS Office is a strong performer and we'd optimistically advise users to give it a chance, but the lack of ODF support, not to mention not knowing when it will be available, sealed its fate in this review. Don't be fooled by the fact that he's fast, responsive, and fun to work with. The absence of many useful functions in the Linux edition seriously discredits it.

Calligra Office, despite its strong performance and impressive feature set, was also disappointing, but mainly because of its interface. If you can master its esoteric workflow and don't mind finding your own way through trial and error, there's nothing wrong with it. But if you're planning on running Calligra on a small screen, say a 14-inch laptop, you'll barely have enough space to work on a document or slides, so it doesn't have much to do on a pedestal either.

Although OnlyOffice and LibreOffice support proprietary Microsoft Office formats. OnlyOffice does a much better job of displaying documents. However, unlike other suites, it does not have a database or drawing application, and is only capable of providing a spreadsheet, word processor, and presentation application. In addition, an offline version for desktop computers does not have all the features that are offered in the cloud options, and this is also disappointing. However, within the limited set of applications on offer, OnlyOffice performs quite well and is less resource intensive than LibreOffice. If you don't have to worry about collaborating with colleagues, we recommend that you definitely give it a try.

Google Docs and LibreOffice differ very little, except for the fact that the former requires an Internet connection in some cases, while the latter is a desktop solution.

So, after all that has been written, let’s summarize our top:

1st place LibreOffice
License: MPL 2.0 and other free ones
This mature office suite excels in almost every way. The best analog office for Linux.

2 Google place Docs
License: Proprietary
Makes collaboration a breeze.

3rd place OnlyOffice
License: AGPLv3
Impressive support for proprietary formats, and works as promised.

4th place Calligra Suite
License: GPL
As feature-rich as LibreOffice, but its interface is very cumbersome.

5th place WPS Office
License: Proprietary
Purists won't like the proprietary license and lack of ODF support.

The performance is without a doubt very important parameter operating system, which can make the platform one of the best. But an equally important factor is the availability of applications. If everything is done correctly, the enterprise’s transition to a new OS will be completed very quickly and efficiently.

Today, Linux is certainly a full-fledged and viable alternative to Windows both in the segment of ordinary users and in business.

The exosystem of any platform, that is, the applications available for it, largely determines its success. We can clearly see this with FirefoxOS and SaififshOS, which are alternatives to Android and iOS. They did not gain much popularity, despite their advantages, they did not have a large application base to attract the attention of users.

Previously, Linux also had much more problems with the availability of the necessary software. But over the years, we have a huge number of apps tailored to different user needs and newbie-friendly.

But when we start talking about applications in the commercial sphere, the first thing that comes to mind is the office suite, and more specifically, the product from Microsoft - Microsoft Office. Linux has a worthy replacement - LibreOffice, and besides, this is not the only office suite for Linux.

In this article we have collected the best analogues of Microsoft Office Linux. Some of the sixteen solutions are cross-platform, which automatically makes them alternatives to Microsoft Office for Windows and MacOS. Let's move on to the list.

This office suite is the most popular among other office suites for Linux. It can be said to be the best replacement for Microsoft Office Linux. It supports most MS Office formats including doc, xlsx, etc. Many are also supported open formats eg odf.

LibreOffice is a cross-platform solution, and it includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, etc. LibreOffice supports various icon sets and extension of functionality using plugins.

2. Apache OpenOffice

OpenOffice is very similar to LibreOffice, given that initially they had the same source code. Currently, OpenOffice development is a little behind LibreOffice, especially due to its slow development cycle. This is what became main reason why LibreOffice split from this project. But until now, OpenOffice remains a viable alternative to Microsoft Office Linux with extensive functionality.

OpenOffice is also cross-platform, like LibreOffice, and is available for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

3.Calligra Suite

Calligra is one of the oldest office suites for Linux. It has been developing for 15 years. It was formerly known as KOffice.

The package is based on Qt and is intended primarily for the KDE desktop, but it is also available for other platforms.

Calligra is suitable for all types of documents. In addition to standard tools for working with documents, this office suite includes the popular image editor Krita. Package contents:

  • Calligra Words - word processor
  • Calligra Sheets - spreadsheet
  • Calligra Stage - presentations
  • Calligra Author - a tool for working with Epub
  • Calligra Plan - project planner
  • Krita - drawing
  • Calligra Flow - drawing block diagrams
  • Karbon - vector graphics
  • Braindump - mental maps
  • Kexi - database manager

4. WPS Office

WPS office (word processor and spreadsheet) has become one of the most commonly used in a very short time. This was mainly due to its modernized appearance and accessibility for both desktop platforms and mobile devices. Since it is very similar to Microsoft Office, WPS will be one of the first candidates to install in the list of microsoft office alternatives for Linux.

Previously WPS was called Kingsoft Office and started in July 2013. The program code is proprietary, but there are both free and paid versions. The premium version includes more than 230 fonts, the ability to simultaneously work on documents, and document encryption.

The free version also has enough features for a comfortable experience, as well as a user interface very similar to Microsoft Office. WPS Office is used as the default office program in Linux Deepin.

The program supports all Microsoft product formats, as well as several proprietary formats.

5. GNOME Office

This is another open source office suite, but unlike Calligra, it is designed for Gnome. It is developed for Gnome and based on the GTK library.

It supports all exactly the same formats as the above mentioned packages. Gnome Office is only available for the Linux platform and contains the following programs:

  • AbiWord- word processor
  • Gnumeric- spreadsheets
  • Ease- presentations
  • Inkscape- drawing
  • Glom- database manager
  • GnuCash- Financial Manager
  • Evolution- Email and RSS manager
  • Evince- PDF viewer
  • gLabels- creation of business cards
  • Dia- diagram designer

6. Softmaker Office

Softmaker is a closed-source, Microsoft Office-compatible office suite with both free and premium versions. The free version is called Softmaker FreeOffice, and Softmaker is the premium version containing all the features.

Like WPS, Softmaker is available on multiple platforms and includes the following applications:

  • Textmaker- word processor
  • PlanMaker- tables
  • SoftMaker Presentations- presentations
  • BasicMaker- programming in VisualBasic
  • eM Client- Email client

7. Oxygen Office

It is a continuation of OpenOffice, supporting all the features and formats of Apache Office and LibreOffice but containing notable differences in the GUI, as well as an expanded code base.

All necessary applications are supported, text editing, tables, chart creation, as well as a calculator.

8.Yozo Office

This is one of the lesser-known office suites that also supports a wide range of features, including most Microsoft Office formats. The package includes word processing applications, spreadsheets, a PDF viewer, and presentations.

Yozo is proprietary, but free and cross-platform. But if you want more features, then you will have to upgrade to the premium version. It also has its own file format - .eio.

9. Google Docs

Analogues of Microsoft Office linux are not only regular programs, but also online applications. Google Docs is a cloud-based office suite that takes a completely different approach to document creation and is very powerful, free and cross-platform.

It is used by millions of people around the world and has native applications for two of the most popular mobile operating systems Android systems and iOS. Written in JavaScript, it can work both online and offline, without access to the Internet. It is the choice of thousands of schools and businesses around the world.

Google Docs include:

  • Text editor
  • Steets- spreadsheets
  • Drawing- diagrams and block diagrams
  • Forms- polls
  • Slides- presentations

10. Zoho Docs

This is another web-based office suite, similar in functionality to Google Docs, but aimed at the business market. Although there is a free version. But unlike Google Docs, features such as collaborative editing and offline work are available only in the premium version.

The program has its own application for Android, as well as clients for desktop systems Windows, Linux, MacOs.

This is another analogue of Microsoft Office Linux with a wide range of functions such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and database management. All programs are written in Java.

Joeoffice is open source and has a completely modern interface.

12. Siag Office

Another little-known office suite that supports all known Microsoft Office formats and quite a few components:

  • Spreadsheet Siag - spreadsheets
  • Pathetic writer - word processor
  • Egon - working with animation
  • XedPlus - text editor
  • Xfiler - file manager
  • Gvu - viewer

Siag is available for Linux, Mac, OpenBSD. The only negative is the outdated user interface.

13. EuroOffice

EuroOffice is another open source Microsoft office Linux replacement that aims to be better by combining the best of OpenOffice and LibreOffice. It provides additional features compatibility and extensibility.

There is both a free and professional version. However, the free version includes most, if not all, of the features found in office suites. The professional version contains additional tools.

14.ThinkFree Office

ThinkFree is another proprietary office suite that aims to look and function just like Microsoft's. It is written in Java and Ajax, the program is cross-platform, and includes the following applications:

  • Write- word processor
  • Calc- spreadsheets
  • Show- presentation
  • Note- block editor
  • WYSIWYG- HTML editor

This is only a premium office suite and it does not have free version. Eat trial period within 30 days.

15. Hancom Office

Hancom is a closed source office suite popular in Asia (especially South Korea). The program is cross-platform. The program supports all the most commonly used Microsoft formats.

This office suite comes pre-installed on a range of Android devices running Samsung.

16. Office 365

This is Microsoft's own office suite. Office in the cloud is a stripped down version regular Microsoft Office and it lacks many features.

You will be limited to only basic functionality, although in most cases you will be able to do everything you need. Among the advantages are full integration with OneDrive and the ability to jointly edit documents.


It was full list office packages for Linux. If anything was missed, write in the comments!

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