Windows.  Viruses.  Laptops.  Internet.  Office.  Utilities.  Drivers

If your computer has little RAM (for example, only 4 GB), resource-intensive programs can quickly take up all of it and begin to slow down, reducing the performance of the computer as a whole. Playing video games won’t be much of an option either, since to access the necessary data that doesn’t fit in the RAM, the game or program will have to access the slow HDD.

What to do if upgrading an old system seems impractical to you (it’s more logical to save money to build a modern one), but you still want to improve performance? We will share with you some tricks that will help increase the performance of hardware, be it desktop computer or laptop.

1. Close unused programs

All programs save the data they need in RAM while running. How more programs works, the more space in RAM they take up. If you close apps you don't use this moment time - this will have a positive effect on performance. For example, before playing a game, close your browser and messenger.

2. Remove unnecessary software from startup

Programs that run with Windows also won't do you any good when you're running low on RAM. In Windows 10, open Task Manager, go to advanced display mode and click on the Startup tab. You will be surprised to find a bunch of software here that you don't need in your everyday life. For example, it is unlikely that you are going to reprogram your mouse every day. Then why do you need software that is always running to customize settings? But you shouldn’t touch system utilities so as not to harm your computer.

3. Manage background processes

Extra background processes can also be disabled in the same “Task Manager” on the corresponding “Processes” tab in the “Background...” section. Monitoring services for program updates, software for taking screenshots, etc. They only eat up precious megabytes of RAM. But be careful: do not accidentally disable system processes, otherwise this may negatively affect the operation of the computer.

4. Disable unused services

If you don't have an Xbox console, you probably don't need Xbox Game Monitoring. The same goes for other services. Antivirus reliably replaces " Windows Defender", and the Steam client can be launched on demand. Here the task before us is relatively simple: to understand which services we do not need, right-click on them and select the “Stop” menu item. The main thing is, as in the previous paragraph, to be careful and not disable anything necessary out of ignorance.

5. Check for viruses

Ordinary viruses can also cause a lack of RAM. Alternatively, a hidden miner, spyware, or worm may have been placed on your computer. The methods described above will not help here. Only antivirus software will help correct the situation, which requires a deep analysis of the entire PC. And even if the antivirus does not detect anything, but there is a suspicion of infection, you should not refuse additional check third-party antivirus utilities.

6. Clean RAM with specialized software

Those who are too lazy to manually optimize RAM can resort to the help of numerous utilities, such as Advanced System Care. This program is a real harvester for removing unnecessary data and minor repairs. The software is even capable of finding and neutralizing viruses, and it is very simple to operate. The interface will be intuitive even for a beginner, and regardless of the selected cleaning mode, SystemCare will effectively free the RAM from junk.

7. Clear RAM using a simple script

Or you don’t have to install any utilities at all. If you have a couple of minutes of free time, it will be easier and faster to write a small script with which you can free up the required amount of RAM at any time. To do this, create on the “Desktop” Text Document by right clicking the mouse. Name the file “Cleaning RAM”, for example, and enter the following data into it: MsgBox “Free up space in RAM?”,0, “Cleaning RAM”

FreeMem=Space (1024000000)

MsgBox “Space Freed”,0, “CleaningRAM” Now change the file extension from “.TXT” to “.VBS” and run the resulting script. After activation you will see text message“Do you want to free up space in RAM?” Click on the “OK” button and after completing the procedure, the script will notify you that “The space is free.” In our script, we set the value to 1 GB of RAM. If you need to free up more space, enter your byte value in parentheses. How much RAM is installed in your PC? 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB or more View results Loading... Read also: How much RAM do you need for computer games?

Selecting DDR4 RAM: 12 best kits for any budget

RAM is not recognized: what could be the reasons?

During prolonged operation of some programs, the memory becomes clogged and performance drops.
Tell me, please, how can I clean the RAM?

You've probably noticed that your computer starts to slow down while loading an application, and even stops responding to commands.
This happens because the RAM is full and needs to be cleared.

The operating system has its own RAM cleaning service built into it; unfortunately, it does not always work effectively and the user must reboot the computer to completely clear the RAM.

There are other ways, this is to use special utilities.
One of them is CleanMem, but unlike most similar programs it does not unload the contents of RAM onto the hard drive, but simply frees up space reserved by various programs but not used, which allows you to free up memory and not reduce performance.

The program informs how much memory is occupied and by which processes, and can work as in manual mode, so automatically, starting at a certain frequency, for example, once every 30 minutes.

From the Start menu, launch the CleanMem Mini Monitor.
An icon will appear in the system tray that will show in real time how much RAM is used as a percentage, and an information panel will also appear.

To get more detailed information about the memory status, select “Show Memory Info” from the CleanMem menu by right-clicking on the CleanMem tray icon, and “Show Process Info” to view processes.
The utility will display detailed information about cache memory load and running processes.

To start cleaning the memory and file cache manually, select “Clean Memory Now” and “Clean File Cache Now” in the CleanMem menu.

In order to configure automatic cleaning of RAM, select the “Monitor Setting” item in the CleanMem menu and in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced Monitor” tab, check the checkboxes and set the check interval, for example, to 30 minutes.

Now the utility will check the RAM every 30 minutes and clear it if the load is 75%.
In addition, the memory will be cleared even if during the next scan the program detects that the file cache size exceeds 50 MB.

CleanMem is quite easy to use, installs quickly and launches instantly.

There is also a professional version of the program, but the paid version differs only in that it has a number of additional settings, which real professionals can appreciate, and for most users it will be quite enough free version.

RAM is the most important component of any computer or laptop. To a greater extent, it determines the speed of the device and, accordingly, the more RAM is installed on the computer, the better and easier it will work. You can increase the performance of your computer by increasing the physical amount of memory, but in Windows 7 the same result can be achieved in slightly different ways, for example, by cleaning it.

What is RAM, physical and video memory

All operations with information are carried out CPU computer, and it does this only with the one contained in the random access memory device. A lot of different information is loaded here, including intermediate results of various calculations and current data. Literally all operations that a computer performs involve accessing RAM and its subsequent use. Thus, we can draw a simple conclusion - everything you do on the computer, one way or another, can consume RAM resources.

This makes it clear why computers with little RAM perform much worse than other devices with more resources.

If you look at the system indicators that display the amount of RAM, you will probably be surprised, because it will show a slightly smaller amount than you installed. The system automatically reserves a certain amount of RAM for the operation of the central processor. As a rule, this volume is not very large, but it is mandatory for the functioning of the “brain” of a personal computer. This part is called the physical memory of the device.

Each video adapter has its own memory. Essentially it's the same RAM, only installed on separate component computer, which performs the function of transmitting images to the monitor. Unlike traditional RAM strips, each of which the PC owner can independently replace (add, remove some, or replace them), video memory is non-removable. As a result, you can increase the amount of such memory only by replacing the old video adapter with a new one or purchasing an additional video card.

How to see what the RAM is doing

The Windows 7 operating system can show the user information about what is currently occupied by the computer's RAM.

All this can be viewed independently, without additional tools, using the system’s built-in capabilities. The Task Manager will help users with this. You can open it in two ways: Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard and select the “Task Manager” application in the menu that appears. Right-click on the “Taskbar” and select “Task Manager” there. By default, the program automatically opens the “Performance” tab to the user. Here you can look at the load on the central processor at the current moment in time, how much it is used running programs

, and also look at the chronology of physical memory usage. In some cases this may be necessary. However, only the loading graph of individual system elements is presented here, and users can find more accurate and detailed information in the “Processes” tab. “Processes” indicates all information about running applications on the computer, including even those processes that appeared as a result of failures. In the leftmost column you can see the name of the process, in the penultimate column the amount of RAM occupied by a particular process, and in the rightmost column -. This way you can look at the table and sort all processes, for example, by the amount of resources consumed and terminate them if necessary.

How to free up computer RAM

RAM is often a scarce resource for many applications. The user launches some of them quite consciously, while others begin to work at the “will” of the system or because of startup. We should not forget that there are applications that deliberately harm the device and can consume a significant portion of system resources - malicious software. Be that as it may, they all consume RAM, so the user needs to clean up the RAM regularly.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

The easiest way to clear RAM is to disable various programs and applications.

This way you can free up some of the physical memory. The Windows 7 operating system displays all active programs and applications in the form of special icons located at the bottom of the screen on the “Taskbar”. Thanks to the new Aero interface, which appeared in the OS Windows Vista, the user can easily view the working view of the windows. This way you can understand which windows contain important, unsaved information. All those applications that you do not need now, you can disable and increase performance, free up computer memory, and to do this, just click on the cross located at the top of the active window.

Separate mention should be made about the operation of web browsers. The fact is that each new tab that you open in the browser represents a separate process for the system. Thus, if the number of such tabs is large, and the amount of RAM, on the contrary, is small, then the performance of your computer will significantly deteriorate. If you don’t need your browser at all right now, then close it completely. If you only need some separate tabs, then leave them and remove the rest. For example, it often happens that users enter a query into a search engine and leave this tab open. It will also use system resources, so make sure that all those tabs that you don't need are disabled.

If necessary, users can use the Task Manager to disable active applications. To do this you will need:

All active tasks will be displayed here, including those that cannot be closed by simply clicking on the “cross” in the upper right corner of the window (frozen applications). Try to use this method only when some programs on your computer are frozen and do not respond to actions.

Remember that it is better not to abuse this method of disabling applications. In this case, this is an emergency shutdown of the program and, naturally, some data may not be saved. In addition, this method of disabling may cause problems when the application is launched later.

Closing background processes and services

Some types of programs and applications run in the so-called background and consume RAM. As a rule, they do not have an active window. Their entire interface is either minimized to tray or is not noticeable at all. However, this does not mean that they do not consume system resources. Often they become the reason for a decrease in the speed of a personal computer and a deterioration in its performance. Therefore, it is recommended to check all processes at least occasionally. To do this you should:

All active processes will be displayed here. Be careful not to disable system processes, as this may lead to problems with the computer. If you have no idea what exactly can be disabled and what cannot, then take a look at the name of the process itself. Typically, it is identical or very similar to the application name. You will see friends unnecessary processes, then feel free to turn them off.

PC users rarely pay attention to running services. They, along with other applications and processes, consume resources, namely, they occupy the physical memory of the computer. Some of the services are system ones, which can cause problems when disabled, but there are also those that can be disabled without problems.

You can view a list of all services running on your computer as follows: As soon as you click on “Services”, a special window will open where complete information about a particular service on the computer will be displayed. You can definitely disable the following types of services: "IP Auxiliary Service", as it is simply useless on and has no practical value. “Secondary login” - it is advisable to disable it for security reasons. “Changed Link Tracking Client” is a service that the average user will not need at all. “SSDP detection” - needs to be enabled only if you have devices connected to the computer using the SSDP protocol. " Windows Search(Windows Search)" - the service is needed only if you use computer search too actively. “Fax” - the service can be left active only if you use your computer as a fax machine.

Cleaning startup options

Autoload occurs immediately after startup graphical shell. In this case, all programs and applications included in the startup list will be loaded according to the list into the computer’s RAM. Typically, various anti-virus applications are prescribed here to ensure user safety while working on the network, email applications

(messengers), browsers, as well as malware, provided that they are on the computer and have not been recognized by any anti-virus software. If the user does not regularly check the Startup settings, then over time many unnecessary applications may accumulate there, which will partially consume RAM resources. Most effective method

Cleaning startup involves changing the system configuration. To launch it you should: All programs and applications that start automatically from your device will be displayed here. operating system

. You can disable all unfamiliar names without any problems.

Please note that “Startup” may contain system utilities, the disabling of which can lead to failures while the computer is running. Therefore, be careful.

Restarting Windows Explorer You can free up a small part of RAM by restarting the process. Windows Explorer

It is nothing more than the user interface (start menu, windows, etc.). First you will have to disable it, and then re-register it in a special line and launch it. This way you will free up some RAM. To do this you will need to do the following:

All icons and the interface will immediately return to their place, and at the same time some of your computer’s RAM will be freed up.

regedit command

You can free up a small part of the memory using the regedit - cleanup command system registry. To do this you will need:

A special registry editor window will appear, where you have to navigate through it and find:

All of these directories contain shortcuts to software that starts automatically, without user intervention. They are located in the section on the right.

Be careful, as changing data in the registry requires certain qualifications and caution. Removing important system components may cause your computer to malfunction.

Removing malware

It was already said a little higher that some varieties malware can exclusively consume system resources.

Other, less dangerous ones simply use RAM for their work. In any case, it is necessary to combat these misfortunes in order to return the computer to its previous state. You can detect and remove malicious software using antivirus software. Fortunately, today developers provide free versions with limited functionality, but even so they are fully capable of protecting your computer from external threats. To scan and remove viruses, all you need to do is:

Cleaning your computer hard drive The computer hard drive often has a hard time. It can store a huge amount of data, including data that is not used by any program or application. All this can lead to deterioration in computer performance over time. In addition, it is on the hard drive that a certain volume is blocked in advance for storing the paging file, which is otherwise called virtual memory. The system resorts to using it when RAM resources are no longer sufficient. Then the information is written to virtual memory and subsequently everything necessary is taken from there, but for efficient work it is necessary that the hard disk has sufficient free space . This is why experts recommend regularly deleting unused programs, emptying the trash can, and getting rid of outdated files. It is also recommended to defragment. It will arrange all the necessary files and folders into specific sections on the hard drive, which will allow the system to find them much faster and easier in the future, without loading RAM or virtual memory. You can do this as follows:

Video: how to unload RAM

Special programs for cleaning RAM

If for some reason you are worried that you may harm your computer, for example, delete some necessary files or close system processes, you can use the software.

Advanced System Care

It has all the necessary functionality to clean and unload RAM. This application is a whole set of settings for working with the operating system. With its help, users can clear the computer's RAM of unnecessary data. The developers provide this program in two variations - paid and free. In the first case, the functionality will be somewhat richer, but in the second you will get the same ability to offload RAM, and completely free of charge. It should be noted that the free version contains not the most pleasant “surprises” in the form of additionally installed programs. Therefore, during installation you should specify “ Custom installation

» and remove everything unnecessary so as not to clutter up your computer even more. If you are an inexperienced user, you can change the interface to “Simplified”. In the “Expert” mode, you can specify all the data that will be subjected to thorough verification. Change the parameters as you wish and click on the “Check” button. After this procedure is completed, click “Fix” and you will get the result you wanted. It should be noted that no matter what mode you perform the test, unnecessary information

from RAM will still be deleted by the program and you will free up a significant part of the RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer Wise Memory Optimizer - not the same anymore professional program , but still allows you to produce everything necessary manipulations over RAM. It is free and has Russian localization, so anyone can download and install it on their computer without any problems.. You do not need any special knowledge or skills to work with this utility. You can download a portable version of the program, which does not require installation, but performs all the same functions. To clean and unload RAM, just launch the application and click on the “Optimize” button. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to restart your personal computer, and you will immediately notice how much faster and better it works.


This free application, along with others, allows the PC owner to optimize own device, and not only by freeing up RAM. It can remove temporary and unnecessary files that are not used by any applications, delete data from the registry and clear information in RAM. To clear the RAM, just select the “Find Junk” item, click on the “Analyze” button and wait for the procedure to complete.


This is one of the most simple utilities, allowing you to clear RAM. It does not have any third-party functions, so it takes up minimal space on your hard drive. In the application settings, the user can change the parameters for displaying processes, the program tray icon, and change other minor parameters. Perhaps the most important feature of the program is that it will work in automatic mode. You don't have to regularly run a RAM check yourself. It will insert itself into RAM every thirty minutes, search for hidden and reserved data and unload it, and all this will happen automatically after installation.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner is an analogue of the previous utility. This is also a small and simple application, used purely for cleaning and unloading RAM. After launching the utility, you will receive information about the maximum amount of RAM on the computer and the one currently in use. Click on the Clean System Memory button, and you will immediately get the desired result after finishing the cleaning procedure. You can perform the procedure yourself or specify an acceptable time interval in the settings, after which the program will automatically re-analyze the system.


The program, like the others, has a simple interface, does not take up too much space on the hard drive and allows you to unload RAM. After starting, you just need to click on the Start button, the verification and cleaning procedure will begin. The results and history of checks can be viewed in the corresponding tab. The utility shows up-to-date information on the amount of RAM, the amount used and the amount cleared.

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer

The same easy-to-use, small program that is suitable for every user. After installation and launch, a window will appear showing actual information by consumed system resources at the current time. Despite the apparent simplicity of the utility, it allows you to free up not only RAM, but also the central processor. To do this, just click on the Start Optimizer button. You can minimize the application to the tray and not end the process, then the utility will systematically integrate into the device’s RAM and regularly free it of unnecessary information.

How not to clog up your computer's RAM

To avoid cluttering up your computer's RAM, it is enough to regularly monitor what programs you have open. If you don’t need any running application right now, then feel free to close it. Do not forget that each web browser tab also consumes RAM, so while surfing the web, try to remove those sites that you no longer need. Often, users forget to restart their computer, and such a simple procedure greatly helps to relieve RAM. The last thing to mention in this case is to use an antivirus to prevent malware from entering your computer. Many viruses and worms consume a lot of RAM, which will have a negative impact on the performance of your PC.

Video memory, due to its specificity, does not require any specialized cleaning. The user will only need to restart the computer or reinstall the drivers for the graphics adapter.

How to clear virtual memory

Virtual memory is no less important than RAM. The device usually resorts to using it when RAM resources are no longer sufficient. Therefore, users are advised to clean it regularly. This can be done in two ways: using the “Control Panel” or the “Editor” group policy».

In the first case you will need:

Up-to-date information about the computer's virtual data will be displayed here. Change the paging file parameters using the “Set” button and specify the optimal value.

Remember that it should be no more than 50% of the amount of RAM.

In the second case:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard;
  2. In the line that appears, enter the name of the application gpedit.msc;
  3. Go to the “Computer Configuration” tab;
  4. Open "Windows Configuration" and select "Security Options" on the right;
  5. In folder " Local policies» go to the “Security Settings” directory;
  6. In the list you need to find the option “Shut down: clear the virtual memory page file” and run the parameters;
  7. The last step is to change the switch to the “On” position and confirm the changes.

Video: how to work with virtual memory

Manually or with the help of additional utilities, each user can free up a significant part of RAM and increase the performance of their own computer, optimize it and continue to work without crashes and freezes. Regular cleaning and unloading of RAM will bring excellent results.

What takes up computer memory and how to clear it

If you remember, not so long ago I published a blog post in which I talked about CPU usage. So, here I would like to draw a parallel, since applications that load the CPU also occupy RAM.

This means that we will use the same tools to identify resource-intensive processes. This is good, because people are lazy by nature and do not always want to learn something new.

We should start, of course, with the Task Manager we already know. We press the magic combination CTRL+ALT+DEL on the keyboard and begin to figure it out. Oh yeah, that's interesting.

We immediately sort the “Memory” column in descending order and see the programs that consume resources the most. The simplest thing you can do is to right-click an additional menu and complete the process.

But again I want to warn you. Watch what you're covering. System processes Windows should not be touched without a clue. And you can find out that the system uses it using the “Details” function or using an Internet search. The picture above shows an example of such a (systemic) process.

Don't spawn browser tabs

We all love to surf the Internet. Well, what would it be like without him in our time? It often happens that a user has a whole pool of tabs open in his browser. Of course, many people manage to read the news and chat on social media at the same time. network and, for example, check email. Prodigies!

Each such tab is located in the computer's RAM. Imagine how easy it is to load it to capacity. Hence the conclusion: do not keep pages you don’t need open. Why, guys? Used it and closed it. It's so simple.

The following example shows that for each such page, Yandex.Browser launches a separate process. And just imagine if the amount of RAM on the computer is already enough. There's a lot to think about.

Look at startup and services

I think everything is clear here. We go to the section of the same name in the Task Manager and see if everything from the list above is really needed to work in the background.

Quite often on the Internet, in cases of acute memory shortage, it is advised to disable services that are not directly related to Microsoft, that is, system ones. As for me, the measure is not entirely popular, but it has the right to life.

This is done as follows: Windows example 10. In the search bar, enter the combination indicated under the figure below and go to the “Services” section.

Of course, after dealing with startup and services, it is advisable to restart the computer. Well, how did it turn on for you? So you did everything right. And at this point I caught myself thinking that the post smoothly moved on to the topic of how to clear RAM. 😉

Let's summarize. Now you know how to analyze busy memory computer. If all of the above manipulations did not help you, perhaps it’s time to think about increasing its volume. What do you think about this? Write in the comments.

Random access memory or RAM Access Memory) is one of the most important components of a computer, which largely determines the speed of its operation. Increasing the physical size or speed of memory helps improve performance, but in Windows 7 you can achieve the same goal in less expensive ways. Often, rational spending, cleaning and professional care will bring more benefits than buying new sticks of RAM.

What are the differences between types of memory: RAM, physical, video memory

The computer's central processor performs its operations with data stored only in RAM. The executable module is loaded into it, and current data and intermediate calculation results are also stored here. Almost every operation performed by a computer involves accessing RAM. It is for this reason that an insufficient amount of free RAM space leads to a slowdown, or even a complete stop, of the system.

There are several approaches to classifying storage devices used in a computer. RAM got its name due to its high operating speed and dependence on external energy sources. Any power failure leads to a reset of the RAM data, so for long-term storage of information, ROM (read-only memory) is used - non-volatile, but slower. With the development of technology, this division is becoming largely arbitrary, since the speed of modern ROM, for example, solid-state drives, is comparable to the speed of RAM. In addition, for more economical consumption of operational Windows memory 7 uses a reserved portion of the hard drive called virtual memory.

Part of the RAM is constantly used to display images on the monitor. These are resource-intensive and similar operations, so manufacturers considered it justified to physically allocate part of the RAM for these purposes. Unlike traditional RAM sticks, which can be replaced with others, the dedicated part is non-removable, and therefore received its own name: “video memory”.

The term "physical memory" is sometimes used to refer to RAM used "by profile", that is, not video memory or virtual memory. The presence of this particular part of RAM unoccupied is critical for the operation of the central processor.

How to see what the RAM is doing

Windows 7 provides detailed information about what RAM is using thanks to the Task Manager tool. This program can be called by various methods, one of which is the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

The “Task Manager” utility by default opens the “Performance” tab, where you can immediately see the load and free amount of physical memory, as well as the number of running processes consuming it. More detailed information can be found in the “Processes” tab.

The system, applications launched by the user, background programs, and even malfunctions generate processes that consume some of the RAM (second column from the right). The rightmost column gives short description the corresponding process, although it is not always clear.

How to clean your computer's RAM

RAM is a scarce and coveted resource for many applications. Some of them are launched by the user deliberately, others enter at the request of the system or are included in startup, others penetrate against the owner’s wishes, and some, like viruses, deliberately harm him. Therefore, it is necessary to restore order in this matter by sequentially clearing each category.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

The easiest and most painless way to free up some physical memory is to close applications that are not currently in use. Windows 7 shows all open programs in the form of icons on the bottom panel of the screen, and the proprietary Aero interface allows you to quickly view the appearance of their working windows. It is better to close everything that is not needed during the current work session to increase performance.

You should also pay attention to browsers. As a rule, their interface is built in the form of a set of tabs, each of which is perceived by the system as a separate process that requires the consumption of resources. By closing unused tabs, we free up some memory.

Task Manager also contains a list running applications, which is located in the corresponding tab.

In this window you can also shut down any program, but this should not be abused. Crashing the application may result in the loss of unsaved data, as well as some problems the next time you launch it. In addition, Windows 7 cannot always correctly recognize all dependent processes; some may remain in RAM, wasting computer resources unnecessarily. However, shutting down an application using Task Manager becomes the best tool when the program freezes and does not respond to user actions. In this case, you should use the “End task” option without any doubt.

Stop background processes and services

Some programs (for example, torrents) intentionally leave part of their processes in memory, consuming computer resources in the background. Therefore, after closing them, it is better to check the “Processes” tab of the Windows “Task Manager” again and delete everything unnecessary.

Not all active Windows 7 services are needed by the user, so some of the physical memory can be freed by stopping some of them.

Table: list of services that can be stopped

Service Why can I remove it?
KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator
Offline files
IPSec Policy Agent
Adaptive brightness controlUseful for saving battery only if you have a light sensor.
Windows Firewall
Computer browserNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
IP Ancillary ServiceUseless on a home computer.
Secondary loginMust be disabled for security reasons.
Print ManagerThe service is only needed if you have a printer.
Access to HID devicesThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via USB ports.
Windows DefenderCan be removed if antivirus is installed.
Changed Link Tracking Client
IPsec key modules for Internet key exchange and IP authentication
NetBIOS Support ModuleNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
SSDP DiscoveryThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via the SSDP protocol. It's better to turn it off for security reasons.
Basic TPM servicesThe service is only needed if you have control devices based on TMP or BitLocker chips.
Windows SearchNeeded only for very active searches on the computer.
Parental ControlUseless service.
ServerNetwork service is not needed in the absence of a network.
Tablet PC input serviceOnly needed if you have handwriting input devices.
Windows Image Upload (WIA) serviceThe service is only needed when used digital cameras and scanners.
Bluetooth supportOnly needed when connecting devices via Bluetooth.
Error Logging ServiceThe service is not needed by the average user.
Smart cardOnly needed if you have smart card-based control devices.
Remote registryThe service is not needed by the average user. It is better to remove it for security reasons.
FaxThe service is only needed when using a computer as a fax.

Windows "Task Manager" shows all available system services in the tab of the same name. To stop, you need to find the desired name in the list, and then use right button mouse and go to the “Stop service” option in the window that appears.

Stopping a specific utility only affects the current session. A reboot will allow the system to restart all services stopped in this way.

Cleaning Startup

An effective way to remove unnecessary programs from the “Startup” list is editing “System Configuration”. Press the “Win” combination (the button with the brand name Windows icon) and R. In the “Open” line of the “Run” window that appears, write the msconfig command, and then click screen button"OK".

We remove unnecessary programs from the list by unchecking the checkbox in the left column. The changes will take effect only after a reboot, so after finishing editing, click “Apply”, “OK” and reboot the computer.

Restarting Windows Explorer

Another way to free up some of the RAM is to restart user interface Windows systems Explorer. To do this, you first need to disable it using the Manager Windows tasks" Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc, in the pop-up window go to the “Processes” tab and look for explorer.exe.

Click the “End process” on-screen button. The taskbar and desktop icons should disappear. Now you need to run the utility again. To do this, go to the “Task Manager” to another tab – “Applications” and click the “New task” button located in the lower right corner. In the small “Create a new task” window that appears, in the “Open” input area, type explorer.exe.

Click “OK” to re-launch the application. The desktop icons and taskbar return, and some of the RAM remains unused.

regedit command

You can unload startup by editing the registry. First, we call the editor, for which we press “Win” + R, and in the “Open” input area - the regedit command, and then press “OK”.

The Registry Editor window is organized as a section tree. Moving through it, we consistently find:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

Each of them contains shortcuts to programs that launch automatically. To remove an application from the Startup list, remove its shortcut from these sections.

Editing the registry requires certain user qualifications and caution, since careless removal of important components can disrupt the operation of the system.

The changes made will take effect immediately after the computer is restarted, and applications removed from Startup will no longer appear in RAM without an invitation.

Removing viruses

Physical memory shortages can be caused by malware. You need to install a good one on your computer antivirus program with a fresh signature database. Free virus scanners that can be downloaded from manufacturers' websites may also help for a while. For example, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Cleaning the hard drive

Some of the hard drive space is used by Windows 7 to store the page file, otherwise known as virtual memory. Applications loaded into RAM but not running for some time are unloaded and written to this file. This frees up additional physical memory. In order for this method to work effectively, you must have sufficient free space on your hard drive. Therefore, you need to regularly delete unnecessary files, empty the recycle bin and uninstall unused applications. If the computer has a magnetic rather than a solid state HDD, you should regularly carry out defragmentation, which more conveniently organizes the storage of blocks of information and consolidates unallocated space.

Special programs for cleaning RAM

Advanced System Care

Advanced SystemCare App is a flexible tool designed to customize Windows operation, including by putting things in order with RAM. The program is distributed in several configurations, including a free one, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. As in many free applications, V Full installation There are several promotional “gifts” included, so it’s better to select “Custom installation” and remove all unnecessary things.

The application interface is made in an unusual “magic” style, which can be changed if desired, but everything is presented in an accessible and convenient way.

Advanced SystemCare can do everything on its own if the user does not want to delve into the details, for which the “Simplified Mode” is provided. More fine tuning available in "Expert Mode".

Before starting work, you need to check it by first marking (in “Expert Mode”) the parameters being studied.

The “Quick Settings” tab also serves to customize the operation of the application and once again demonstrates the advantages of the paid version, which has much more features.

Having set all the switches to the desired position, click “Apply”, and then start the test. The application shows interim reports for the user's entertainment.

The results are presented a little dramatically, in red tones, but also very informative. Fortunately, to fix all the problems found, just click big button"To correct".

The green color of the final screen indicates that the system is free of the problems found.

Advanced SystemCare has many additional utilities, one of which (Smart RAM) is designed to manage RAM.

However, regular user can work in simplified mode, this will significantly improve the performance of the computer and clear the RAM. There is also a modification of the Advanced SystemCare Ultimate package, which contains a built-in antivirus.

Mini-programs to optimize RAM performance

from RAM will still be deleted by the program and you will free up a significant part of the RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer is another free program that specializes in RAM management. It is aimed at novice users and has a simple and intuitive interface. There is also portable version, which does not require installation.


nCleaner is also free and takes up very little space. However, the application claims almost a hundred cleaning options and tools, resource monitoring, download settings, management of major browsers, office applications and communicators.

The program deletes temporary files, scans and fixes the registry, and also makes it possible to monitor and manage the state of RAM. An option is the ability to delete files from the hard drive without the possibility of recovery, which is important for secret or personal information.


The CleanMem utility is also designed to optimize RAM operation, but it operates according to a special algorithm. The program accesses RAM every half hour, finds blocks that are reserved but not used by other applications, and unloads them. CleanMem is also free and takes up very little space.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner is a miniature free program, specially designed for cleaning RAM. In automatic or manual mode, the application finds blocks of memory previously used by other programs that the system considers reserved and frees them.


MemoryCleaner is a little more functional, but also a very small memory cleaning program. Allows you to choose one of four optimization levels, has a memory status monitor, and can also run automatically.

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer is a small program whose manufacturers also promise to instantly free up RAM with all the positive consequences.

Video: how to unload RAM through Windows optimization (Mz RAM Booster program)

How not to clog up your computer's RAM

To avoid clogging up your RAM, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Close unnecessary applications on a computer or laptop. Windows 7 lets you quickly switch from one task to another, but unused applications take up a significant portion of your memory.
  • Close unnecessary windows in browsers. Browsers willingly open additional windows for the user, but sometimes their number becomes overwhelming for the system. It’s better to close the extra ones.
  • Reboot regularly. Such a simple action can remove frozen or “hidden” programs from RAM. In addition, restarting sometimes has a positive effect on application performance.
  • Use an antivirus. Excessive activity of malware in RAM can be stopped by an up-to-date antivirus application.
  • Video memory, due to its specificity, does not require special cleaning procedures. Problems that arise can be resolved by rebooting and updating the video card driver.

    How to clear virtual memory

    Virtual memory is of great importance for stable system operation. However, for various reasons, errors can accumulate in it, which creates the need for cleaning. Technically, this means deleting the page file and creating it again manually or every time you restart Windows.

    Using the Control Panel

    Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” in the right column.

    In the “All Control Panel Elements” window, look for the “System” line and go to it.

    On the left side of the window that appears is the “Advanced system settings” button we need.

    The System Properties window is organized into several tabs. We need “Advanced”, or more precisely, one of the “Options” on-screen buttons related to the “Performance” part. Let's select it.

    In the next “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab. The current total size of the paging file is indicated here. Click “Change...”

    The “Virtual Memory” window provides a more detailed description of the paging file parameters.

    We remove the checkbox from the item “Automatically select the size of the paging file”, then in front of all disks set the switch “Without paging file” and click “Set”.

    All that remains is to click the “OK” button and then reboot. The swap file will be deleted by the system. Now you need to do the same steps, but in the last window return the marks and restore the creation of the file.

    Using Group Policy Editor

    This method can force Windows to clean up virtual memory itself during the session termination procedure. The paging file will be deleted regularly, but for the same reason the computer will take a little longer to turn off.

    Press “Win” + R, in the input position of the “Run” window, type gpedit.msc, then click on the “OK” on-screen button.

    Call "Group Policy Editor"

    In the “Local Group Policy Editor” window that appears, go to the “Computer Configuration” tab in the left third, then select “Windows Configuration”.

    Go to the “Windows Configuration” folder

    Select the “Local Policies” directory.

    Go to the folder, also named “Security Settings”.

    We're there. In the central third of the window there is a long list in which we look for “Shutdown: clearing the virtual memory paging file”, then activate the pop-up menu by pressing the right mouse button. Since we don’t need “Help” now, we’ll stop at “Properties”.

    In the window with the same name, move the switch to “Enabled” and select “OK”, saving the entered data.

    From now on, Windows will automatically clean up virtual memory when the system shuts down.

    Using Registry Editor

    This method is faster, but requires some experience, since Windows registry 7 is a very important element and should be handled carefully.

    We call “Registry Editor” using the already known “Run” window, but now we type regedit.exe in the input position.

    The registry is presented in the form of subfolders, moving along the tree of which you can get to the desired parameter. We need ClearPageFileAtShutdown, which is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management.

    After we select the desired directory, the window will display a list of parameters stored in it. Select ClearPageFileAtShutdown and right-click to open the pop-up menu.

    Click on the “Change...” option, after which a small window “Change DWORD value (32 bits)” opens. The parameter must be changed from “0” to “1”.

    All that remains is to click “OK”. Now the paging file will be cleaned by the system every time you finish work.

    Video: increasing RAM using a flash drive on a computer or laptop

    After editing the Startup list, the easiest way to clear RAM is to reboot the system. Appropriate registry settings and Windows services will also add free RAM space. If these measures are not enough, you can try to correct the situation using specialized programs or expand the memory using external drives.

    If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter